tv News RT February 1, 2023 12:00pm-12:31pm EST
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ah, ah, local authority, you say russian troop of in circle the ukrainian health city of r. kim, off in the done yes. republic that comes just the day after rushes, military cut off a major supply route for key forces also head on the program. today pakistan's national currency plummets to a storage load against the u. s. dollars the i m f. demands the removal of exchange rate controls and then says pocket spending pay higher taxes. we hear from locals who say the u. n's financial agency is making not as though i think the i m f is
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just creating a drama when actually the i'm happy job. he's meant to be to help stabilize economies if they need financial help. but here's the i'm up is driving us to a default on direct words from our wants help advisor to former british pm parish johnson who claims the u. k. government is controlled by a quote, the dates that states on the idiots who are elected don't decide with from moscow to the world. this is our to a great to help you with today. my name's you know, neil. we start with the latest updates from dawn bus local authority, say the ukrainian health city of r kimball's, also known as back moot, is becoming increasingly encircled by russian forces. it comes as russia's defense ministry said on tuesday about the village of black. go that noise in the for
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public has come under moscow's control by taking it. russian forces have cut off a main ukrainian army supply route to the key city of arch and mosque. there's been intense fighting in the uria in recent months with western media reporting that ukrainian forces have suffered heavy losses or senior correspondent morocco the followed. some of the troops on the frontlines whose task it is to target combatants from long distances. a pair of combinations plough the ground on route to that positions the enemy is far away as safe until they start firing upon it from a productivity from a pro. this is a to s one. was dk self propelled howard surfacing good for enemy troops? vehicles fortifications its biggest plus is its mobility. we can fire and be gone before the enemy reacts more than $10000.00 of these were built. it is fully
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amphibious and can sail with very little preparation. that's quick, reliable, and packs a punch. this target enemy infantry on the move. the crews are veterans of the 2nd army. cool. they are lugens glucose and many have fought here the nationalists since the beginning. almost a decade. yelton. yep, no. so no, i'm not sired. i understand that we have to do this. i have my children, family, and parents. we only have one path look forward to victory until about the middle of november, the initiative. he was firmly on ukraine side,
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but was able to stop your grades offensive as launched several of its own. and now artillery is and firing and defense. but rather in offense, russian forces have broken ukrainian lines around the cities of back moistened, ugly daughter fighting there. he's ferocious but smaller limited assaults are underway elsewhere. ukraine's military reserves are stretched thin losses. evidently, our enormous service aged men around the country are being kidnapped and forcefully sent to the front lines. don't i? no opposition or resistance is tolerated. any one who speaks out publicly against this is branded a russian agent to collaborator, to the cent, is crushing hundreds,
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even thousands of civilians are mobilized every day. corner that work in the streets and even at home. and handed a one way ticket to a battle ground from hell more. i'd gazda of r t from le ganske fraud, extortion and sexual harassment maps the wide scandal about the us base private military grip. most our towns been swept off in the groups funder and re milburn, has been accused by the organizations financial director of those miss deeds and more in fact, a 26 point lawsuits house alleged mister milburn of taking bribes from private businesses and persuading the ukrainian military to protect specific private assets . he's also been accused of having a relationship with a ukrainian woman who is getting paid $90000.00 us dollars per year to be a personal assistant. that number is reportedly 4 times the amount of the company's
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average compensation for a similar employee. the most r c o has rejected the accusations. now instead claim the financial director of the company who filed the lawsuit. wanted to quote, cell mozart to the telephone. now laundry melbourne also said the group is at least the name dawn with on we'll re brand with the same people still involved today was the last day for the mortar group, the motor group. and today the name and entity had become the subject of litigation . and distraction from our core mission, training, ukrainian soldiers and briskly and civilians. but the mission and the people continue. well, it's not the 1st time that mister milburn, how spar controversy. previously he gained attention by revealing he's not a fan of ukraine's government. they'd say corrupt society, the let you know, so i'm not, i'm not a big fan of ukraine. it's not about ukraine. we're not like,
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i have to have, you know, you ukraine flank tied to my bag, but i'm not, oh my god, ukraine. so awesome. no, because it's i understand that plenty of people running ukraine need cranium in violation of the hey convention. they're filming of a number of things that they're doing with p o. w 's is fine. i think laura don laura vom conflict what earlier we spoke to independent journalists option, return to you who interviewed melbourne a number of days ago option outlined where he believes the real focus should be hey, who cares about any allegations against the ceo, the mozart group, the allegations are not about identity politics, sexual harassment, however, seriously, allegations may be the allegations are that are a former senior colonel in the u. s. marine corps has been aiding groups in ukraine
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to monitor russians. that is the serious allegation. no other allegation is of any importance. real question is, why are private tra mercenaries like the black water template being used to fight and kill russians and perhaps ukrainians and don bass after the british secret services. and the american special forces were sent in after 2014 there. and now people from these european union countries and the united states and britain in the conflict, actively supporting nazi linked forces to kill russian soldiers. it, sir, it's a sad fact that i suppose that many will die, and many would perhaps even understand what they were fighting for. who knows what the truth is between these private groups. all we do know is the amount of money circulating around ukraine, or whether it be the alleged corruption of zalinski in kiev,
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and the how many up knows how much is being recycled through u. s. weapons companies. northrop grumman, raytheon, lockheed martin, and boeing have $66000000.00, was a congressional approval last october, $55000000000.00 center in the past 12 months. so who is getting the money? where is the money going? is the money really going to the united states weapons makers and some well placed people in the key of zalinski regime and kev key as security services have conducted a wave of rates on the number of ukrainian officials and the oligarchy in the country. it comes after several others in the government resigned from office last week. let's go through some of this because large steel embezzlement schemes were apparently uncovered into and partly ukrainian energy companies worth or on $1000000000.00 during another raid up the head of kiev tax department. huge sums of
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cash refined, the leader of the department was discovered to be part of a number of multi $1000000.00 illegal enrichment ventures. several ukrainian defense ministry officials were also found to be involved in cases worth millions in local currency. it all comes out of the us treasury department spoke out saying there are no evidence signs that funds from washington helping misuse in ukraine. we have no indication that us funds have been misused in ukraine. we welcome the ongoing efforts by the ukranian authorities to work with us to ensure appropriate, safe guards are in place, so that us assistance reaches those for whom it is intended. a reminder of our port from last year, n b. c. news find approximately 30 percent only of the weapons sent by the west to key if actually makes it to the front lines with no real information on where the rest is going. the investigation suggested getting the arms to the troops involved,
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not getting a network of coat at power lords, all the guards on political players. europe will also say some of those weapons have ended up in the hands of organized crime groups across the journalist on funder of don bos. inside are chris deloney off the leaves. the raids and ukraine are an attempt by key to show it's trying to do something about it's high levels of corruption. i think there's a lot of pressure from the width on will be measured in he to clean at least a little beat. the people who are around him, i mean, it's a radio long time that you know that the circle around corrupted lensky himself. he's corrupt c. e was mentioned independent of papers, and they are a lot of information indicating that you felt between reach during the on the special operation. so i think joe biden has to give some illusion that
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doing something about this problem because of course, when you get the inflammation that only 50 percent of the weapons reach the from ordinary people can get us. but so it means 70 percent of my taxes are going to the rubbish being to enrich some people in ukraine and it's a big scandal. so i think it's so way for joe biden to think we should be this problem by giving some warranties about that. not wrapping our pace. trip to the west bank, the u. s. secretary of state. how's reaffirm washington's commitment to a 2 state solution to the palestine is really conflict while speaking in jerusalem . anthony blank and also emphasized washington's iron clad support for israel security. that statement sparked anger, unclaimed of american pro is really bias a statement by the palestinian president also claimed atrocities. curry died by the
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israeli army are being overlooked. yes, this gum swell is really is being overlooked. and without being held accountable for its unilateral actions, including settlements, actual annexations of lance generous settlers storming palistine territories murdering displacing and demolishing the houses. boast dns g days in jerusalem. desecration of oxen mosque season fonts, long with ethnic, lansing, and apart sight. well, yesterday tooth, a protest broke out on the streets of the west bank and gaza. over mister lincoln's meeting with top is really and palestine in officials. some of the locals accused the u. s. of on justifiably citing with israel and earlier when pressed by a reporter, a u. s. state department spokesperson refused to acknowledge the west bank as a palestinian territory. occupied by is really forces what kind of ignition you
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give them to give to the west bank. they reside in the territories, resigned and totally independent as if it were a different planet idea. occupy plans, you do subscribe to the fact that they are going to be the 3 occupation side technical question and occupation. so let me say a couple of things to the point, i believe i think i may not occupy. what is the status that you get the 1000 units right? this moment, what kind of static did they said? the recent period? i seen a strong recent. i am saying about legally, how do you know that the past and the way back what invest? yes. so i understand the question you're asking, and as we've said previously, it is vital for both sides to take action to prevent even greater loss. and we
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condemn any violence escalation or propagation. well, i'm not to say we can cross live to the very journalist, the involved in that he did extra inside our account from the out could newspaper bureau chief in washington d. c. thanks for taking the time to speak to us today. just all not exchange 1st or did you expect any other response? thank you for having that here. yes i did. yes i did because a u. s. position official position, at least on the past, was said that the west bank is jerusalem. the gong hides were occupied territories were under occupation. they now stacy the signatory to the 242 and 3380 a united nations security council resolution and 967 and many, many other revolution that clearly indicate that this area is occupied. now we understand that would be where with the trombone ministration,
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when trump came in to a ruling and become president and then under pale as secretary of state, united states said that these were not really occupied, attended. now i disputed them soon enough the united, the bite and administration indicated that they are occupied, although it does not come out clearly and say it is time for them to say whether they are occupied or not occupied. palestinian and israeli wrote the government lincoln concluded the end of his visit to the middle east saying that washington remains committed to the 2 state solution. we've heard those words, of course, many times before, but i put it to you. it's never looked further away. how's it never, i agree with you. it has never looked for either way. it was good. never really an option because as long as israel is intent on colonizing the west bank, there's not going to be any room for
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a house in state. let's face it. i mean the way that israel bisected and dissected the west bank was wall olson jewish, one of the roads and checkpoints, 750 checkpoints, all this makes it almost impossible to have an independent palestinian state. what we have today here, one state, one state where a group one group has supremacy and rules, the land. takes it whenever it wants to control the resources, controls the rules. and another group that completely denied of any human rights. totally, the human being. constantly an attack, brutalized by a military occupation. lincoln's visit prompted to protest. we've just been looking to break out in the west bank, particularly with locals, accusing us of being responsible for the plight they have ended up in high fer is that type of accusation. is washington totally at fault here,
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or does some of that lie with the players, the actors on the ground to then i say, is complicit and the reality of the palestinians on the ground. there is no 2 ways about it. then i say said provides israel with the arms in which it wages, it's aggression against the palestinian day in and day out. and i say provided with funds, then i'd state to provide you with a diplomatic cover and i've nation for isn't a security council and making it impossible to have a israel held accountable to any of its abuse of human rights. and so and so then i says more than just that it is the responsible party for what is going on as, as far as the palestinians be denied their human rights, their national rights and their own land. just a small note on the new netanyahu government, if we can. it's widely seen as one of if perhaps the most hard line in recent is
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really history. do you think lincoln's visit was designed to try and rein them in some water? and if so, will it work? well, that is not the case at all. i mean, you know, the, the net anyhow, government is perceived and does it designated as such a by international media by, thanks here in washington, maybe by the administration itself. but as far as the palestinians are concerned, really, it is no different than past governments 1st. and after all, nathan, yahoo was prime minister until, you know will after the attack and 2021. so he has not been away from the scene for a very long time. last year was the bloodiest bloodiest a year for palestinian innocent palestinian since 2002 and the west bank. and that was done largely under the lead government. so as far as the policy is concerned, there's really no difference between one government and another. now what probably
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a sort of stir is a great deal of concern and washington is the fact that this is a new government, this rifle and government as it is, you know, clearly able it's trying to undo many laws and introduce new laws. and so, and that will make the lives and the belongings of american jewish americans, for instance, harder and more difficult. it is a writing the law. it is exposing itself as being an appetite state. and that does not sit well and there are many good or is of power in washington. we're seeing just uh, you're speaking are clear frustration on the streets and bigger crowds and without headlines about a potential 3rd intifada happening. what is your sense all that and be what would that really achieve in the past?
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only more palestinian. that's what's your feeling about that? well the palestinians are under occupation, so they have a legal right to resist the occupation. i mean with no, no, with no on the horizon where they expected to do. just roll over and play dead, they can do that. so the past is will resist. i mean, this is their land, this is their home. they have no way to go. there is no way you sense that a 3rd and to father could be ahead. well, i tell you what, i mean, it depends on how we define them to father. i think that the custodians have been in a continuous in the for some 70 years. i mean it goes into different stages and flow and but the palestinian intifada is a form of resistance and the power adapter resisting all this time. i mean, are we going to see something that we saw in 1987 for instance, that is not going to happen because in a way and has, you know, separated the west bank from glass up. for instance,
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the israel has introduce the panel 40. they have divided the west bank by. busy was the movement of palestinian had been far more restricted, much of the land has been stolen. 700000 settlers have and now reside in the west bank. and so it's all me, all these things will not allow for a situation similar to what we saw and 1987. now the 2nd intifada here allow me just explain a little bit at the 2nd, the father was actually in an armed resistance between the palestinian authority and as a security forces. and i read out your ration force. and now what we see today is that a lot of individual acts by palestinian. thank you so much for coming. the program, we're just to right out of time, but we do appreciate it. our account of the hour could newspaper live. i'll are too many. thanks until law western back policies are a source of discontent in asia,
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as well as pakistan's national occurrence gets plummeted to a historic low against the u. s. dollar. in recent days, after the washington based international monetary fund pushed islamabad to lift exchange rate controls, also raise taxes in the country. we heard from locals, you say b i m f demands have worsened pakistan. his economic crisis, but through got up in the past. life was good. but you know, the recent price hikes unbearable bill in the past we were surviving. but now it looks hard. no labor, no wark, everything is expansive. it's very hard to and brad for the family. if prices go up, we would have no work. i did i, i think the i m f is just create an a drama. when actually the i m f job is meant to be to help stabilize economies. if they need financial help, but here's the i'm of his driving us to a default. if the golden claims they are signing a new program with the i m f and everything will be fine. i don't believe this for
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many decades. we have seen that the i m f programs have done nothing to better our economy. actually, they've destabilized our economy. i think the i'm of can play a positive role. the i m f program is not how can the poor but it's very useful for our rulers. this political system is for them not for the people. well, this all comes other representative from the global lender arrived in the slum about on tuesday talks will continue for several days as the countries seeking to unlock a $6000000000.00 plus bailout loan from the m. f. in anticipation of the visit. packets sounds, government res, gasoline prices over the weekend, fulfilling one of the lenders conditions and their demand is reducing fuel subsidies. that's the majority of pakistan. these rely heavily on not help from the government. the countries industry is also dependent on them to reduce the effects of rising energy prices and inflation. that's risen to $24.00 and
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a half percent. well, we heard from dr. ash fuck has son come from the national university of sciences, tech knology and pakistan. he said that if the country's economy hasn't improved under the previous 22 i m f programs. it's a sign that if i'm about should refuse the 23rd. you been with i'm to goes to the i miss. that is no such thing as that. something good is happening to the, to the economy. design of the policies of the i m f is such that damage is economy. i think years of dependency of the country on the international financial industry. this is what we have been seeing since 19 for the last 34 years. we have been under the i program. this is the 22nd program are
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together. so easy. you can only count doesn't improve in break it to program. so the ivr, it means that it will never improve as long as we continue to be under the program . and that is why i'm saying that i'm doing 22 to 3. that is in the next 4 to 5 months. when this program is going to add the most, as edition desired, the noble, i'm not program, that it will be the only savior. now, the former chief advisor to x british p. m, boris johnson, has claimed that the u. k. government is heavily influenced by a so called deep state in which accountability to its voters is not a primary consideration. there are kind of deeply entrenched institutions which actually practically control huge amounts of watkins with 0 to
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very little democratic insight or even a knowledge and understanding the deep state israel. the deep state actually controls vast majority of government, and most of the elected people have no understanding or involvement and what's going on. that's just a fact because a lot of what's happening right, that is really get screw, shoot, shoot, confusing, or difficult. often what's happening is very good, sensible intelligent officials with genuine public service. you actually understand what the hell's going on fall better than the idiots who are elected archie trying to stop. did you chew or be elected, doing terrible things and oxford university graduate, who's been working in back rooms as a strategist for the past couple of decades. serving more recently a strategist for the pro brags campaign, and then as chief strategist for former british prime minister morris johnson. what cummings is clearly suggesting is that democratic elections are just window dressing. it's all just a big charade. the former top 8 explains how these deep state actors hid behind
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anonymity and made decisions on things like coven related locked downs, travel restrictions, and anti cove. a job mandates. clearly they weren't worried about having to answer to the public coming, talks about the systemic, undermining of democracy with all the no sales of ordering up a pizza. and around the same time that cummings was musing about the deep state, a whistleblower came forward in the british press to disclose that the british army spied on coven lockdown critics, including high profile journalists, work i'm is doing should never have happened. this domestic monitoring of citizens seem not to be driven by desire to address the public's concerns, but to identify leverage for compliance with controversial government policies. fact that this political monitoring happened under the guise of contrary misinformation highlights how without serious safeguards,
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the concept wrong information is open to abuse and has become a blank check. the government use this in an attempt to control narratives on line . contrary to their stated aims, these government truth units are secretive and harmful to our democracy. so is this what cummings was talking about, sending the military to spy on those who oppose the narrative and rules crafted by the faceless, deep state actors. he spoke of. who danny? used that information to craft responses that the 1st battalion of idiots and morons, otherwise known as elected officials, who go back out to the front lines and defend, in part by branding anything else that contravenes or contradicts the official narrative dis, information. how exactly do they manage to square all that with the image of britain as a free democratic and transparent system to which other countries should aspire? sometimes under the threat of sanctions,
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sounds like perhaps the u. k. should 1st try holding itself to that standard and see how it goes. rachel morrison, and that is our lot for now, but do stay with us. because next we were turned to a largely forgotten shelter in the west of the bosnian war. thought of the thousands of serbs executed on killed by jehovah, a gruesome story from the mid 19 ninety's conflict, his re told right ahead, stay with us for them. ah ah ah .
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