tv The Modus Operandi RT February 2, 2023 11:30am-12:01pm EST
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the u. s also made a mistake by not quote, punishing russia for the 1st attack on ukraine. he's actually talking about the unrest of 2014, during which his neo crime state department pal, victoria newland, was spotted handing out cookies and caught blabbing on the phone about which ukrainian opposition members would make up the new government both and also claim to regret not bringing ukraine and ga, into nato on a fast track back in 2008, which europe rejected. but nato expansion equals peace in bolton's world. because of course, it does. if the entire world belongs to nato and answers to washington, then there's no descent, no opposing interests or agendas. and therefore no one left overthrow bulletin also reveals that he tried to work his seductive magic on belarus and steal away the russian neighbor. how on earth did president alexander lucas jenko ever managed to resist this? the reason that i wanted to see blue book is shank. i was to see if we could pull
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him away from moscow. and i really, i really felt that this was nato had created this problem in many respects by stopping its expansion and leaving a grey zone was moldova bell rues ukraine for the russians to make trouble. and so we had a lot of missed opportunities. there's no doubt about it. bolton didn't have anything nice to say about former president donald trump, who hired him as an advisor. they seem to have a bit of a difference in world views just the other day. trump, who has recently been advocating for a quick peace deal for ukraine and immediate negotiations wrote on social media quote. i found john bolden to be one of the dumbest people in government, a total unhinged war monger, one of those stupid voices that got us into the middle east quicksand. bolton is hardly alone in advocating for more weapons as a path to peace. as nato secretary general young stilton berg said this week, if we really want ukraine to prevail as a sovereign independent nation in europe than we need to support them now. military
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support to day makes it possible to reach a peace agreement tomorrow. but as long as president putin believes he can win on the battlefield, he will not sit down and engage in good faith. so the paradox is that actually military support ukraine is the best way to achieve a peaceful, negotiated solution in the war or for the war. sure, and stuffing your face and then all you can eat. buffet is also the key to weight loss, right. bolton has now added yet another crusade to his list. by the way, he's been running around talking about kicking turkey out of nato because turkish president, reject air to one is resisting sweden's integration into the alliance. when i swedish public tv a few days ago, bolton called or to want a thug and a quote, mussolini in waiting, showing off his finely holland diplomatic skills. bowling regrets that more weapons haven't been sent to ukraine. president joe biden has drawn the line at supplies fighter jets, which is a relief because i mean,
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come on how many more items further down zalinski wishlist from fighter jets are things like news by maybe by then we'll find a loophole in his own promise and just allow other countries to send their own f sixteens to ukraine as a senior pentagon official is told the western press recently. neil con interventionists like bolton, and military industrial complex stakeholders would certainly appreciate that effort . muscle from me peter scott, with all these nicky are and will be here at the top of the hour to take you through all the latest news and views as we head into the evening. thanks. bye. much via company. ah ah. hello, i'm manila chan. you are tuned into modus operandi the show that explores the methods and patterns of foreign policy all around the world and the history that reverberates in our lives today. first,
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we will examine the multi decade conflict between israel and palestine. that has led to huge disparities in quality of life in this contested land. on one side, israel backed by the u. s. has grown into a thriving metropolis with a world class tech industry on the other palestine reduced to patches of its historic territories. that some of described as open air prison, the united nations carving out new state, and the u. s. accused of aiding oppression. we'll discuss that coming up. all right, let's get into the m o me very simply. not enough time to get into a nearly 75 year old land dispute, it's actual borders still younger than many who witnessed its creation. the territory we now recognise on the map as israel, a state drawn up by the un in 1947 and rejected by the arab world. a year later is
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home to the world, 3 major religions, judaism islam, and christianity. these historic land then called palestine derived from the greek word for elisia, and the people who lived there as the philistines dating back to the 12th century bes feet. the now defunct league of nations gave the british the territorial control after world war one and the fall of the ottoman empire and $918.00. now, after some 20 plus years of british authority, a plan was devised to establish a jewish national homeland within palestine. thus carving up the land into a jewish state and an arab state with both parties objecting to the other getting jerusalem. and that's just one crux of this multi pronged,
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the birth of israel in 1947. and since continued territorial expansion into gaza in the south and the west bank along the jordan river, 2 major wars, 948900. 67 displaced hundreds of thousands of palestinian arabs. those who remained in the territorial homeland say, they live in an apartheid state. and here to weigh in is huda amori. she's the co founder of the direct action network for palestine. she's joining us from the u. k. product is israel and apartheid state. i mean, would you compare it to south africa between 1948, and 991. so i would describe all of her tonia state as practices out apartheid, apartheid. the word apartheid. isn't africans, words which make means separateness. and to put it simply means
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a domination of one racial group over another and to understand in the context of palestine. and we have some, some the formation of the apartheid state which began. and 948. and what we call the max was translates into english as the great catastrophe. and this was when zionist militia boxed by western governments, both of make spells more than half of the indigenous population of palestine. i could show it over 500 towns and villages and fullest palestinians into the corners of palestine which relate to occupied by the zionist state in this post that they also killed many families and commit many atrocities against the indigenous population of palestine. and 967, my own family was forcibly remains from palestine. and what we see now is that the system of ethnic cleansing pulsing policies out this racial domination and over
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them continues to this day. if anything it gets worse as time goes on. so for example, in the west bank, palestinians are constantly on the threats of losing their homes. and this is normally in order to make way for the efforts, funding, illegal, israeli shown in settlements. i'm out of this works. it basically means that any paula, any palestinian who is exiled from palestine, which is over $6000000.00 policy in refugees, including millions in refugee camps. 11 johnson do not have the right to return to their homes. they don't have the right to attend to palestine, but any jewish person across the world has the right bye as well to come and live in one of the settlements on top of the rubble of a policy and home. and often about this process. and policy is, may be given a 30 day notice by is whether it's holds that they have to demolish their own home in this timeframe. or they have all of pay the cost to the occupier,
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delicate them to demolish that home. and if they don't do this, then they will use a procedure which often involves both of those as which are bought by western clint and companies like caterpillar and j. c, b and westernize, a news to demolish policy and communities. and this isn't just in case homes, it's schools and they as soon as types, water pipes, basic infrastructure for policy has to be able to live on top of this. polishing is live on a different set of laws than yours is very late. so this policy in the civilian law, valium oper, sorry, paula thing, his name on the military law where they live on say, on disability and law. i want this news and practice is that the policy is also detained without charge, which is
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a heavy practice which is committed against them. but when they do go to call that facing the israeli military courts which have over 99 percent conviction, right. what are living conditions like in israeli occupied regions such as the bid do enclave communities near northwest jerusalem, where israeli authorities have basically cordoned off the area with a wall that some of likened to the berlin wall. now israel has basically separated this little area from the rest of jerusalem and the west bank. i understand palestinians have to commute through a tunnel controlled by israel. can you describe these conditions for us that these communities live in yet? definitely, so often paleface communities and i mean literally they all would use terrible whenever these homes are demolished. and the fact that they cannot be, bells often means, you know, there's a stark contrast between where you may see in
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a jewish very neighbourhood to a policy in community neighborhood. because i deny these basic ability to be able to build. busy build and develop as this includes the sewage system, which means that you know, for palestinians, they are not able to adequately survive a built into shape because best systems are often destroyed and the wants of part systems often destroyed. well, on top of this, what you see is a rebellion by palestinians by they are using water tanks at to collect rate for water to try and build that self sufficiency away from relying on on the occupy. but also for palestinians living on the occupation. they are subjects to checkpoints on a daily basis if they want to get from a to bay, they have to go through checkpoints, israeli soldiers or bass. i'm also people are harassed on the checkpoints and
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sometimes killed on the checkpoints or forced to wait for hours on end just to sometimes get to get to the local shop or get to school or get to your place of what as well as this constant humiliation upon the palestinians, even women have been forced to get the best on the checkpoints because the soldiers would refuse to allow them to go through to go to the hospitals. on the other side of those of those checkpoints, palestinian territories are among the poorest in the world, 80 percent of the population relies on foreign aid to survive. according to the world bank, the nominal g. d. p of palestinian areas are about $4000000.00 us dollars. while the real nominal g d p, or an astounding $161000000.00 us dollars. what are the main drivers of this economic disparity in main drivers of this is that they can design
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a state carries out not only a policy of trying to keep palestinians captive in the lines. but also by keeping that economy and completely captive, rather than say, deliberately to mala xing infrastructure that policy is need to bills that industries and destroying often, businesses, schools, hospitals are the things that people need and it's bells and economy. these are deliberately trust by design a state and but on top of this, the policy and economy for electricity and water is all makes it so that they are relying on the occupy to be able to gain access to electricity and towards that. so they have to pay the cost to that occupier, to that quote, in either in a to, to gain these basic services which are often much lower quality than more serious use ratings will enjoy. and the same is for the telecommunications industry, for example,
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where policy and service providers are just basically be distributing. and that from the bally says survivors. so policy is end up in a situation where they're paying that double the price for a much lower quality. and we know, for example and gaza that they had, you know, that, but used to about 4 hours of electricity a day. but on top of this, we see examples of things when palestinians are attempting to bel self sufficiency and build their own economy about having to rely on the occupy. and any attempts to do this on trusts. for example, solar panels that are built that will be destroyed by israeli soldiers, but also donations from european countries based on belgium. i believe what they did to solar panels to try and help policy and be self sufficient rather than deny them access, they completely destroy them. to ensure that they could not and but they were hired
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to be reliant on and on design as they may be this deliberately in order to control the palestinians and be able to carry out the system of trying to drive them out of their homes and keep that here she's a lady, i was the dominant and i said domino, race and in historic palestine. but i think that's why she was one of these big. the most disturbing examples of this is when we see gaza and we'll see that god has been kind of brutal blockades lives and c blockades over 15 years. that denied that the denies that feed me men. so people cannot leave. i cannot answer only on very rare occasions and same goes for basic guts. so i'm on top of this tough being one of the most densely populated areas where 80 percent of refugees and the majority of children. they are routinely bombarded and assaulted by is out. i,
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they often and these attacks they've destroyed hospitals, clinics and ambulances, the only functional power plants in gaza, businesses, homes, and schools on many occasions, as well as every time this happens. not only are they destroying the ability for policies to have an economy and develop their own appointments, the also disjoint people's lives and taking lives. on top of this. companies like albert systems is i've largest dance firm, use these opportunities as a way of testing thou. athens and they literally market them is bottled tested by proven, and this gives them an advantage in the landscape. and it means that they can sell on these drones weapons missiles and times that they use against the palestinians to other countries. so they can develop that own economy and that arm straight on
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the back of destroying palestine. hota, maury, thank you so much for your time today. then coming up next, we'll take a look at the current political situation in the disputed and occupied territories across israel. and palestine critic say the palestinian authority share in the blame. we'll discuss it when we return. sit tight, the ammo will be right back. i ah, ah, need to come to russian state to little. never. i've stayed as on the northland steve, with within the 50 babel did. okay, so mine is too bad. i'm speaking with. we
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will van in the european union, the kremlin. yup. machine. the state aunt rush up to date and r t spoke neck, given our video agency, roughly all band on youtube with mobile is this the best of bulk issued by for the mobile one using annual g d. p per capita is about $4000.00 euros. the la garza, we've got drugs falling in a mold or mildew with a wash wash. the sheer,
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probably our primary cost is sealed from corpus really injured. totally new, please new fish, restoring them all belong to come out. see, nature laborious thought they would have thought of unemployment is off the chance holder was territorial integrity and sovereignty. are we respect of the country which enjoys financial support from the u. s. envy you is constantly roth by political and corruption scandals. oh. but old didn't over obtaining your candidate status in 2022 in these days in the us be accepted conflation of anti semitism and anti zionism movements like b b s which is boycott divest and sanction the power of the purse
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here in the states being labeled as racist, and anti semitic, or even anti jewish state governments banning such practices in an apparent move to restrict choice by the public. now after a multitude of failed external government interventions between israel and palestine. can any ally shift the type? here to discuss is adam shapiro. he is the director of advocacy for dawn, which stands for democracy for the arab world. now he has expertise in israel and palestine. adam 1st to give the viewers a little bit of background as to who you are. is it fair to describe you as a jewish american, native new yorker activist for peace between israel and palestine, and even having lived in the west bank for some time to some extent. i don't know
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if i would just found myself as a jewish american. ready or into a jewish family but i. ready i don't consider myself to be jewish in the sense of the city or nationality or any sort of identity. and i do consider my brooklyn, it's one point somebody. and then finally, just i, i think my activism in my work is not so much about t. ringback as much as justice and i do believe the only way to to get to. ringback ready i think it's an important distinction to make that being anti zionist or anti israeli government is different right, than being anti semitic. i mean, is that fair and how might you expand on that distinction? the, the issue of this is images today has been some weaponized to target activists piece. ready ready piece and basically all palestinians who
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challenge. ready legitimacy of the occupation legitimacy are currently exists and operates in many c as a fully oh, colonial state as well as i'd say. and all of those. ready things that i've described are all. ready violations of international law or human rights law and have nothing to do. ready with, you know, an id ology of zionist ideology. if this idea was distinct, it was distinct from in nation building settlement. the process of the state of israel zionism is effectively the political. ready ideology of the state of israel with whatever israel does with may have been a time in the past where there was a distinction in israel for those. ready who are more interested in the settler
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moving versus those who are more interested in the different kind of movement. and there was a debate within them as to what would be the future of them. but today we have defacto 9. ready that is effectively and manifestly expanding apartheid control and. ready overpowers so today to be effectively to be anti occupations. the anti part in really government is today the entity that is carrying that out against the fact. ready your anti zionist, you're lining yourself up against what. ringback ready is doing it's learned about the 6 essential existing and is really politician or another is really it's about policy when it comes fancy. ready submitted however, this is a very real tangible form of racism that is directed not just against jews but against anyone. ready who are from or submit it to. ready that is the root of language. now it's common to me and discrimination against juice because of its use
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of deployment in the last and in particular by those who are supportive of israeli policies. so the distinction between what is who is doing it, deploying. ready we're complaining about that they send the semitism and those who are complaining or organizing against anti israel or activism. ready those people are trying to eliminate the distinction between. ready ready or more in. ready ready ready as well as some of them, but those of us who are trying to stand up for comments and you know, it's often find us often having to also articulate and having to. ringback also articulating and sending so dirty with those were victims of. ready including jews around the world who suffer. so for instance i. ready call when. ready ready the tree of life synagogue in pittsburgh was attacked and what was indeed very clearly an. ready attack by a right wing immigrant minded person here and i said many people from. ready
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the new american news organized to help support because they saw this as an act of racism. ringback regardless of a legal and inactive. ready discrimination had nothing to do with israel or israel was doing what israel is doing is practicing a form of discrimination and violence. and. ready racism against other people and other people by the way, for submitted. so it's, it's almost there on it. if it was a. ready service this year, there was outraged over the deliberate killing of a renowned palestinian american journalist, sharina oakley, by the idea of the state department has effectively accepted this as a fact. it's true after a very vague and tacit admission by israeli authorities. however, despite her holding a u. s. passport the state department has stopped short of issuing any sort of rebuke or punishment. why do you think that is?
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well let's, let's make was been clear to start with what the demand has been from assembly and still is the message from the. ready family as well as an increasing number of american congress. people, senators, is it the demand that the united states government. ready fund. ready or the white house authorize an f b i investigation. so even before we get to the. ready point of view in condemnation, the family is still insisting that there be an investigation which if you think about it, there's already been a number of investigations library, credible sources, living media outlets, and washington post. ready times united nations like mission for human rights in office. there islam has conducted investigation and submitted similar findings, israeli organizations that sell him and now most recently forensic architecture of all basically come to the same. and yet, despite all of that,
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despite all of the investigation that has been gone, gone on already, evidence collected the family still asking for an american investigation. so asking for the f. b, i to go into that one and they're not saying go and find this person guilty or go and find that person guilty there. go there saying please go find out what happened to our sister, to our, to our daughter asleep, her family member. and this is what post the news your call is for also in an investigation. and this is what is it perhaps the motion of the united states has gotten to the point where it. ready offering the demand offer view in the us for the loss. this is. ready off simply going and sending it seem to. ready see what happens that's in some ways more down and chosen level. i would. ready cowardice even if we imagine the best case scenario from a justice standpoint, if we were to imagine the f b i would conduct. ready ready determine that as the others have determined that
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she was deliberately targeted that there is a soldier who is. ready possible for that perhaps there was a commander ordered the shots we fired. that's possible. so let's say in the quote unquote best case scenario to. ready soldiers where. ready the sniper and his command. ready were arrested brussel accountant or perhaps even extradited united states and put on trial. do we really think that that would change or alter the overall policy. ready convenience of dollars. ready that would be flow is to is absolutely not i can't believe that use the same congress people. ready vote every year's year after year to year to maintain this relationship with is off to send the american taxpayer money overseas in this way. ready all of a sudden abandoned that over time of one person as much as i'd like to think. so from a justice standpoint, the rhea,
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i think this is what makes it even the all the more creative. ready that the killing of even one person making their accountability for that is so dangerous. ready and risky the united states, the act, it makes this country. ready absolutely, it shows where the real power is not sitting in washington. ready it's sitting adam shapiro, appreciate your time with us today. thank you. this disputed land now called israel is not only desired territory, fought over by israelis or palestinians. this swath of land is far over by external powers in the west and the east, the west proving to be the kingmaker in the region. that's going to do it for me. i'm manilla chan. thank you for being with us as we explore the ammo in. ah
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ah, a longer range of the weapons being procured by the key regime means we will have to push them further away from the territories that are part of our country, russia, foreign ministers, they will still have the old if need to complete. the military operation is pushing to secure its own territory from ukraine. u. s. a q this. well, if a drone attack on a military facility near the central, i could be wrong just to respond saying, but as well as actually violate international move, south africans protest against the country law.
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