tv News RT February 2, 2023 6:00pm-6:31pm EST
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[000:00:00;00] a along the range of the weapons are being bring to you and why the key, if regime these we will have to push them further away from the territories that are part of our country. russia for a minute to save moscow has the own. it needs to complete it the military operation and is pushing to secure its own territory from ukrainian attack. iran acute this well of a drone attack on a minute. terry, facilitating the central city of a fun to rom, just to respond thing that is, well, the action violates the international law. south africans protest against the country's largest utility company,
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accusing it of failing to provide reliable power despite recent energy bill height, and then a prime. co veteran u. s. foreign policy whole john volta and warns european allies big games negotiating with russia as a made constant western claims, as most goes on willingness to talk with . very welcome to you. this is dorothy international with the latest world news uptake. it's good to have you with us. now, russia's foreign minister says moscow has all it needs to complete its military operation in ukraine and an interview with sputnik news agency. so a lot of stated that western supplies of long range weapons to key if means russia has to push back ukrainian force is further away from its borders. we still mm hm. so the units right now,
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we're trying to push the crane an armed forces and their artillery. so a distance that would not create a threat to our territories. so the longer range of the weapons being procured by the key regime means we will have to push them further away from the territories that are a part of our country. we will now have all the capabilities to complete our special military operation. russia is in the middle of a front line. geopolitical battle where they hawaii is trying to maintain its dominant position, as it's seen that it's a so called superiority is fading. and it's trying to do whatever i can at any cost to make sure it stays on top. even again, as we're seen, employing dirty tactics and use in democracy to make sure that it sees its values in all the other countries because it wants to retain that lead and position. and once again, we've seen that happen for ukraine, and what we're seeing in ukraine, according to sir gal admiral, is a proxy war aimed at we can in russia, c, u,
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the united states and all the western countries that are subjugated by the u. s. and that have lost all the signs of independence. it is well known that they are big democrats, that they understand democracy as being their right to impose on everybody else their understanding of democracy. when you talk to them about the need for democratic approaches, international affairs, they show no enthusiasm. so they act in a totalitarian way. when that is true. oh though the young charter doesn't mentioned the word democracy. maybe that's for the best because it mentions the main principle that is the most democratic principle. oh, the us things that it's exceptional, which is why assert gillibrand says that we're seeing one set of rules for them. and they expect the rest to follow different rules because once again, it's only their opinion that matters. and they want to make sure that their views on the world, whatever they say, this is how it has to happen. they want to be able to dictate the united states wants to dictate to the rest of the world who they did business with, who they can talk to,
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and what rules they should follow. and now the west is also trying to get to roches long term allies, trying to get them to switch to their side, to support them. developing nations, for example, that been quite neutral so far and were seen once again with them. they're trying to get them to, to go basically to follow the us is leads and sometimes even resorts and says france is the zillow issue. who course there are already enough. people who want to scare us with china. every one is trying to prevent us from cooperating and coordinating together either in the economy or in international affairs. we have no doubt that the plants signed between us and china made the interests of both washing china. they do not define the role of russia as a kind of subordinate. everything is mutually beneficial to us, not only energy supplies to china, but also the spheres of space and nuclear energy. not only these, but many other high tech areas of cooperation. i want to remind you that the west has declared russia and china ultra kits,
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their main threats. russia supposedly needs to be stopped and china needs to be fought with in the long term. the west doesn't want china to help us militarily. so as we can see, there seems to be only one possible outcome for the west, not as not a peace deal or a peace agreement with russia. they want to make sure that russia is defeated because a frosh, a winds, that means they lose, and they're afraid for their beloved status, of course, that they will lose their sense of superiority and their ability to dictates the rest of the world. how things should be done. so basically what were seen as ukraine really is a means to an end. iran has blamed israel for a drone attack on a military factory. no central, a sfa. hon. which took place saturday night to ron has pledged to respond and has sent a letter to the united nations saying televi lockson's or a violation of international law. they haven't been in the official reaction to your friends accusation from these railey side. that usually has
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a policy or rather not commented on particular incident, but i have to say that iran pointing finger as a israel following the drone attack on a military facility. the central city of han did not come as a surprise even before the un less. are they happy? numerous publications in these rally media indicating but israel with the you asked support might have been behind the attack. it isn't no surprise that the 2 countries see each other as bitter enemies. israel has long said it is willing to strike around and targets if diplomacy fails to deter the countries nuclear and missile programs. israel also has repeatedly calls on those national community to have no mercy when it comes to iran. the illusion of distance can no longer hold. nato must take the strongest possible stance against the iranian regime, including through economic, legal, and political sanctions and credible military deterrence. these operational plans
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extend from route to lee through strike and iran that will be on related to the nuclear issue, to take him out of the ran in nuclear installation and auxilary sites in the project. and if the situation eventually escalates into a full fledged campaign than these plants also include the dog, a single fields recites and other acids, the relations between the 2 have never been easy. but recently tensions around a ron and israel have really been boiling in the last 3 months. they happening to massive israel and military drills, imitating stripes against the iranian military facility. had his meeting here in jerusalem, boise, you asked secretary of state israeli prime minister hassling again, pushing very hard against iran, with america saying all options are on the table regarding the reading threat, including military. when benjamin netanyahu was asked about these the 100 attack, he gave an evasive answer. i never talk about specific operations,
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and every time some explosion takes place in the middle east. israel is blamed or given responsibility. sometimes we are, sometimes we're not commenting on that. iran condemned israel's numerous and repeated threats of using force and urged the un to pay attention to that in his latter, to the united nations. they ran an ambassador also mentioned another provocative and unjustified statement that followed these, the hon. drone attack for on a ukraine, an official explosive nights in a run drone and miss how production oil refineries. ukraine did warn you. ukraine has repeatedly warned iran, the consequences of supporting aggression against ukraine will be much larger than the benefits of cooperation with russia. iran called it a violation of international law and urged the un to condemn them to stop tolerated men again. it asks the international organization to make israel be finally held accountable for the attack. and for these collation,
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the us is increasing get some military cooperation with the philippines following an announcement. the washington would be stationing more military equipment on facilities in new areas across the south, east and asian nation. the plans will reveal steering the us defense secretary visits to manila on thursday. washington now has access to for new strategic sites in the philippines. bringing the total to 9. the white house has already invested $82000000.00 in existing sites on a 2014 agreement u. s. military bases or facilities. it has access to now spawn across. china is east and borders posing a potential threat to beijing, which explains the chinese reaction to washington's latest activities. me financially out of self interest in with a 0 sum mentality. and the u. s. side is constantly strengthening its military deployment in the region, aggravating regional tensions and endangering regional peace and stability. regional countries should be vigilant against death and avoid being blackmailed and
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exploited by the united states. the united states is definitely a cause instability, and also for our camaro in this part of the world. therefore, china views the increased the military presence of the united states in this part of the world, with great suspicion, and with great alarm and charlies urging all countries in this region to be vigilant about the states created by the united states. because eventually, if we do not gov against such expansion this and the war mongering adventures by the united states, our region made rules, peace and stability, and plunge into chaos. this is exactly the danger that all of us need to be guarding against. earlier a u. s. military general, who commands washington's forces in japan? said they've been preparing for war in ukraine since 2014 and now they plan to do
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the same. but in asia, why have we achieved the level of success we've achieved in ukraine? a big part of that has been because after russian aggression in 20142015, we earnestly began preparing for a future conflict training the ukrainians. pre positioning supplies, the identification of sites from which we could operate, support from an sustain operations. we call that setting the theater, and we are setting the theater in japan, the philippines, and in other locations. full, walked a wall for huge sacrifices of human lives for destruction, of peace and stability for alienating people from another people. this is the tragedy that we will witness in ukraine if the that his face had not gotten it fingers very much plunged in, in the situation in ukraine. i believe there will be no more breaking out. and i believe there will be continued a peace and stability in ukraine. therefore,
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when we see war breaking out, you craig, we need to really ask philosophical questions about why should there be a war because nato kept expanding. try to bring your cry into natal freight work and in our part of the world, nato is really popular was countries like japan and the republic of korea. they talk about war in your cray, on the one hand. and they also talk about you lighting their forces to deter china . this is setting the stage all the theatre for wall, and we don't want to have war. we want to have peace and development in south africa, hundreds of rally against the country's largest utility company. i was failure to prevent wide spread pro blackouts, even despite a recent energy bill hike. ortiz africa correspondent caribella hotline is that it has come to this, believe it or not,
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south africa's they own the electricity company eskimo was one, is voted as the best power company in the world by the financial ties 22 years later. it is easily south africa's most reviled most frustrating, reliably, unreliable at keeping the lights on. and this energy struggle has been going on for the last 16 years. and what these people yet, who represent the feelings of millions of south africans, they quite literally cannot see the light and the end of the low shading tunnel and scroll minutes on the head they can get from the citizens. so when we provide solutions is because we have got whole that it can be resolved. currently, we understand what the management issue that is called. why should we not ahead? was management to measure that is the sort of a come report. so the 300 south africa has
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a shut fall of 18000 megawatts of energy. and this, by building to new coal fired power plants, they continue to perform well below expectation and allegations of sabotage. continue to pin as come down. 2022 was the worst year since power cuts begin the country and doing well over $200.00 days of blackouts. and since the new year begin, not a single day has passed without the power cuts and displayed the best efforts to clean up the ramp and corruption and escal little funds was set aside to do housekeeping on the same problems under spending and ask them as been privatized to was buying diesel, as well as buying love. i p. piece in de, independent papa judah, electricity. so there are no technician maintaining the problem has not been top
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priority. and money has been moved away from maintenance management as well. one of the plant to was buying out electricity from independent suppliers, so that we got is also in a tug of war as one of the big 20 pollutants in the world. the country is intent on reducing its carbon emissions, but it is also well endowed with fossil fuels like coal, and uranium, which makes the park had a bit of a slab across the face. but settle them up with us government if intent on prioritizing renewable energy. and the country was the 1st to enter into the just energy transition partnership with the governments of the west for $8500000000.00. but renewables would not be able to contend with the countries high voltage credits, and that means that they would not be able to feel the energy should fall and avert this power crisis. and some commentators fear that the declaration of the national
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theme of the vast that would mean an end to state own power generation, as well as the use of fossil fuels. we've got massive unemployment. we've got many challenges in this country. and so energy is a necessity and therefore we have to try and balance, you know, fossil fuel use as well as renewables. also from a cost point of view, we want to make sure that whatever form of energy we're using is affordable to our people. look, i think renewable energy will probably be the way to go, but at this point we just went an interested and very green person. so yes, but at the moment we've got no power. no sun, no am coal. it's going to just let us down competing as a whole, as a country. and so we pretty stack to add salt to a gaping wound any. the regulator knows that recently granted as calm an 18 point.
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6 percent tariff increase on electricity prices and the res goes power to the people. but what of the people when there is no power? the severity and frequency of the power plans breakdown as many in the country wondering if government is interested in fixing the problem at all. that is reality is that these targets are going to be with south africans for months to come. if not, yes, got it out of our v. join his work. rushes president has joined celebrations in vulgar grad, formerly stalingrad, marking the 80th anniversary of victory and one of the most decisive battles of world war 2. stalingrad saw the armies of invading nancy, germany stops and thrown back with the red army going all the way to berlin from their delivering a speech. at the ceremony, vladimir putin said it's shocking that german tanks are being sent back to ukraine after all this time. neither i, yes, you are, i yup, no,
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no fucked. it's hard to believe him, but it's a fact that we are once again threatened by german tanks. this time, leopards with crosses on them. once again coming to fight russia in ukraine by the hands of hitler's followers. the been terrified those who drag european countries, including germany into a new war with russia and expect a beat rush on the battlefield. apparently failed to understand that the modern war with russia will be completely different for them. we are not sending our tanks to their borders, but we do have something to respond with. and the use of armored vehicles will not be the end of it. the speech of the russian president vladimir putin, it could not admit the current conflict that russia is engulfed in. of course, i'm talking about the conflict in ukraine. moscow largely sees this as be new as the 21st century battle of naziism and the well basically the bids that you just heard of vladimir putin saying that well,
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german tanks are once again fighting russian tanks and german tanks are marked with crosses and that they are well operated by a cruise that are following in the footsteps over hitler. that was the very strong statement made by the russian president. and in general, this decision of germany and other european nations to supply tanks, to a to supply tanks, to ukraine that has been given a mixed response to say, well, to say the least. in fact, a bunch of retired german generals. they have heavily criticized this decision. germany is entering a new phase of participation in the war against russia. germany not only prolongs the death of people in ukraine, but also becomes a party to the conflict. the slogan, no more war was considered an unwritten law in germany. hatred and militaristic cry should not prevail in germany. again, i am infuriated when i know in a per box the minister of foreign this and the high ranking diplomats of our
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country shouts that we will turn brush into ruins with a devotion of a german vessel. with faithfully follow the militaristic policy of the united states army in trans atlantic ally aimed at world hegemony. in general, it has been a couple of days that the locals here have been celebrating this. well, very, very emotional date for so, so many of them because so many of them have relatives, have grandfathers and somebody in fathers fort took part in this world very bloody and hard fought battle. that ended up with the soviet troops from soviet soldiers taking the city back from nazi germany, from the troops of they're marked. and basically, this is just one of the venues where the people, the locals can come and world celebrate and see what the local authorities have prepared for this big, big day. and of course, with the russian president coming here on this was significant. a date on this anniversary just adds to the symbolism. and of course,
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we could see and hear the russian leader while drawing parallels between that date and that battle, and that fight that fight during the 2nd world war against nazi germany and would russia sees it is doing right now in ukraine. there was also a re enactment depicting the last days of the battle, highlighting the nazi surrender docility to which last day to to 100 days where the bloodiest of the entire war and decisive event contributing to the success of soviet traipse. we heard from a world war to match when he shared his account of defeating the germans. gregor. yet you have but actually claim rather when the germans were approaching stalingrad and we were sent out to meet them the 1st time we fought them on the river shoe, we did not have enough manpower, but we fought back the enemy pressed on and we retreated to vulgar itself, it was very sad that we retreated at ish,
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but we did not have the strength. we had to retreat better if we had a system. when using the cannon. 8 people, 6 engaging and firing us to bringing the shells. slipper, also the shells weighed. have 60 kilograms each that when i 1st arrived at the unit, i could only just managed to lift it. i did not have the necessary skills and strength. the germans pressed us back to the volga. will our army entrenched itself on the banks of the vulgar? we resisted as best as we could. our army was already receiving help from the opposite bank of the vulgar. it was very hard. she. there were not enough shells. the germans, who were there, they ro, letters home. we learned the contents only after the victory. the contents, how strong these russians are. we bombed them and shall them with artillery. they don't give up. they come out from various positions and attack that other and made the war in yemen, which is being filled by western weapon supplies to saudi arabia. i,
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british governments lawyer has argued in favor of opposing arm sells to react, while being gro, did the u. k. hi, cause the barrison says it's hard for the saudi military to avoid committing war crimes. but it's blaine did only jamini rebels who sit tactics made it difficult for saudi arabia to operate within the principles of international humanitarian law . they were no uniform, haven't any differentiation in their vehicles and deliberately you surveillance and civilian infrastructure as shields the bar. i spoke in court and made an ongoing case after a u. k based a n g o the campaign against arms trade, legal action against the country, the government, which lucrative arm sells to saudi arabia. we ask the military has been accused of committing multiple war crimes during get to a 2 year intervention in yemen. civil war. however, london and this, the defendants insist, the u. k is not a party to the conflict since 2015. the u. k is license the lease to
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a 1000000000 pounds worth of military 8 to saudi arabia for use indiana. and some estimates say the real sum is much higher and the whole additional licenses are taken into account. the real number could be close to to 23000000000. the british weapons include military aircraft and devastating bombs which had been used against cities held by the who's the rebels. some 9000 civilians are said to have been killed by the sound. the lead coalition political alex, alexander my case is the war is another example of person. so i think it so the interest via proxy conflict. the british government claims that is not a party to the conflicts. it stops as laughable as their other claim, which is that not a party to the conflicts in ukraine, either without british government support in terms of om sales and also in terms of the operations of the saudi apples which operate under a heavy advice and coordination from british and american offices,
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and in a coordinating center that operates in, inside saudi arabia. the saudi air force would not have been able to carry out the operations that he has done. and that's a fact that's been revealed evening, very mainstream sources in britain, the guardian. so britain is an integral part of this war and has been for many years now. the british government wants to continue as well, because not only is it targeted against the yemeni movement, which he dedicated to fully restoring the sovereignty of the country. but the british in the u. s. government also see this other war by proxy against iran, as well. the profitable nature of the british arms trade, the saudi arabia is there for all to see if you just look at the she had numbers involved. but more than that, this is about the british government using an alliance with the saudis, to maintain the influence over these regions, which they can't directly occupy anymore. and this is why the sales will continue that in the, you know, the normal amount of money being made. and it's why they won't back off this war
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and you haven't. so it say, what is actually going on here is a very brutal, cynical calculation of britain still operating as an imperial power in the region. western states shouldn't initiate pace dialogues with moscow, according to formerly us national security advisor, john bolton, and a phone call with famous russian pranks to vote in lexus. super tend to, to talk on behalf of an ex ukrainian president. to me, the, the important thing is to continue to course the russians militarily. i think, i think this is a winnable war and to, to stop efforts by whether it's the french or the germans or whatever it might be to try and negotiate with the rush or craw has said publicly, several times since february the 24th. we have to find a deal, it's acceptable to the russians. and that's,
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that's why i worry that potent thanks. he can break western resolve and i think good, he really hopes to win politically what he can't win militarily on the battlefield . that's where the real testers and i think we are vulnerable. they're just so nice to see john bolton taking a break from flying to overthrow governance. the refuse to kish watson's backside to kick back with an old friend, former ukranian president, petra, for sango and lament. all the wasted regime, change opportunities at washington and nato passed up, you know, just her average band or between dude's between buddies, a guy bolton though, so well that a couple of russian pranksters, vaughn and lexis were able to successfully impersonate him by sounding pretty much exactly like they did every other time they prank the other high profile. western officials in the best and brightest brigade, fulton told the fake poor a shinkel that meant agreements were terrible because they let europe pretend that the attacks on russell phones and the don bass were achieves responsibility except that they were. and even if they weren't,
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when unrest broke out in syria due to isis and western back syrian rebels. bolton and his neo con buddies argued that president bashar al assad needed to step down simply because he had lost control of the country through not his own fault. the former un ambassador and national security adviser to former u. s. president donald trump said that the u. s. also made a mistake by not quote, punishing russia for the 1st attack on ukraine. he's actually talking about the unrest of 2014, during which his neocons state department pal, victoria newland, was spotted handing out cookies and caught blabbing on the phone about which ukrainian opposition members would make up the new government both and also claim to regret not bringing ukraine and ga, into nato, on a fast track back in 2008, which europe rejected. but nato expansion equals peace in bolton's world. because of course, it does. if the entire world belongs to nato and answers to washington, then there's no descent,
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no opposing interests or agendas. and therefore no one left overthrow bulletin also reveals that he tried to work his seductive magic on belarus and steal away the russian neighbor. how on earth did president alexander la gus jenko ever managed to resist this? the reason that i wanted to see who, who could shanker was to see if we could pull him away from moscow. and i really, i really felt that this was nato had created this problem in many respects by stopping its expansion and leaving a grey zone was moldova bell rues ukraine for the russians to make trouble. and so we had a lot of missed opportunities. there's no doubt about it. bolton didn't have anything nice to say about former president donald trump, who hired him as an adviser. they seem to have a bit of a difference in world views just the other day. trump, who has recently been advocating for a quick peace deal for ukraine, an immediate negotiations wrote on social media quote. i found john bolton to be
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one of the dumbest people in government, a total unhinged war monger, one of those stupid voices that got us into the middle east quicksand. bolton is hardly alone in advocating for more weapons as a path to peace. as nato secretary general young stilton berg said this week, if we really want ukraine to prevail as a sovereign independent nation in europe than we need to support them now. military support to day makes it possible to re peace agreements tomorrow. but as long as president putin believes he can win on the battlefield, he will not sit down and engage in good faith. so the paradox is that actually military support ukraine is the best way to achieve a peaceful, negotiated solution in the war, or for the war. sure, and stuffing her face and then all you can eat. buffet is also the key to weight loss right. bulletin has now added yet another crusade to his list. by the way, he's been running around talking about kicking turkey out of nato because turkish
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