tv The Cost of Everything RT February 2, 2023 9:30pm-10:01pm EST
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noon. oh, what is the met averse, and what does it cost to build the metaphor? well, the meta versus the loosely defined term. now as companies try to stake their claim and define this new frontier, it encompasses using the web to meld the manufacturing and work an overlap with many aspects of facebook parent company meadows vision. right now it is a complete mess of virtual world and a piece alternate and all mental realities and gaming concepts. i'm christy i and you're watching the cost of everything we're today will be taking a closer look at the metaphors and breaking down the players and the cost to develop a new virtual frontier. ah the met averse consists of 3 general platforms. now the 1st leverage is an,
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a t's and crypto currencies to create block chain based metaphors. startups. people can by virtual lands, create individualized settings on the central land and the sandbox. the 2nd one though, refers to a virtual world where people meet for business or pleasure users can trade and tease or spend crypto to buy and sell goods. for example, users have now earned money on roadblocks by charging other users for access to their games. and the 3rd group that consists of companies like mehta, which creates centralized platforms through things like the alkalis arm. but the big difference here is centralized versus a previous to which are decentralized, metallic booter, and the founder of a theory him has expressed doubts and said that he doesn't believe the metaphors will happen in the ways that venture capitalists are currently funding. he says that it's still too early to know what people actually want. so anything that met crates now will misfire. but the real power, the met diverse is in organic community building. it is currently anticipated to
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grow to a market size of 800000000000 by 2024, making the biggest breakthrough technology in the past decade. now let's bring an ian con of met averse, expert futurist an author. so ian, what is the biggest hurdle and defining the met averse? how would you describe what the purpose of the metaphors is? so the mirrors can be defined in many different ways, but in essence, the matter worse is a collection of different platforms that have been created by many different companies. for example, microsoft, the central land, the sandbox, all these companies have put into resources to create works will worlds, essentially platforms where you can do many different things, such as play games, a meet other people, or do something productive. and all these are collectively called the metaphors. the metal worst is not just one platform or it's not just one world,
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but everything put together as just as the internet is many different things come together. and so is the metaphors. and now who and what are the big companies that are the big players and investors in the met averse today. and what are they hoping to accomplish? who are the biggest investors in the matter worse, the med reverse today is a collection of different worlds. and these worlds are being created by private companies in, in, in the general a sense of industry out there. you have microsoft that's building something very specific. ah, for it's all hollow lens, a product you have facebook, which is creating horizon world to support its quest headsets. you also have companies that came from the gaming world. for example, you have sandbox, the central land, some namespace and countless other companies is in fact more than a 160 companies to they are developing something on the metaphors. epic games comes
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to mind an epic games is a very successful gaming company that's focused on developing some part of its gaming on to the metaphors in the world world. that'll be available to virtual reality glasses. in this collection of a $160.00 plus companies that are building the met over some are focused on the gaming side of the members. so they're building new games, new forms of engagement, tour entertainment. some are, are focused on the workplace on enabling remote work and helping organizations and enterprises build the next iteration of a communication channel. and there are others who are, who are doing a blend of other things. for example, the central land and some name space that are selling land to people who want to buy them so that they can develop workable properties on them and then get their clients and their audiences engaged. so there's a lot happening on the members to day in terms of development this,
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there's hundreds of organizations that are interested in and up tons of different venture firms, or they're putting their money in. but some of the ones are that i mentioned are facebook, microsoft epic games, decenter land, the sandbox, omni him space, and many others. and now what kinds of businesses are operating in the metaphors as of now and how do you see this ecosystem evolving? so today, there are many different types of industries that are on the matter worse. and in fact we're at a very initial stage of the metaphors being called as fully developed. we're nowhere near where we can fully know the value of what the matter versus imagined. the internet in the late 19 eighty's or the early 90 ninety's, right. the, the one thing that we did was check email and maybe watch a video on youtube and we didn't know the, the scale of what the internet could help us do to need the, the met averse is at that very stage. we're trying to experiment with the gaming
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industry. our graphics companies are working on on, on, on creating the better graphics. more of the visually appealing, graphics of companies like epic games are creating technology that can realistically show us better, a rendering off of different things within. but entreaty, you also have companies that are experimenting with healthcare as an example with the hollow lens of wood, snapchat, glasses with facebook. i would medicine quest had said there are many applications that are currently being tested. i wouldn't say any of them is fully being developed and utilized in a commercial manner, but there's great interest in the next few years can be very interesting as there's a convergence of different industries coming together as maybe some organizations go on the metaphors and start building their businesses on the metaphors may be selling products on the matter worse. so a lot of that is a, is coming up in the next few years. so what does it cost to be part of the med
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averse for most businesses and individuals? so if you want to be a part of a matter worse, you want to, ah, be part of any of the metaphors platforms. you could think about a, let's say buying a piece of virtual real estate on the matter verse. and some of the real estate is available on a sandbox the central land and other platforms in order to purchase a land parcel. and you will have to go to a platform website where those parcels are sold. for example, you can go on the central land and buy that land parcel there, or on, on sandbox, or an open sea, which is one of the world's largest trading platforms for non fungible tokens. in order to buy a platform, you'll have to up spend your actual money, their actual dollars converted into the currency required online, and by that parcel of land. now, the question arises, what are you going to do with that parcel of land? well, as an organization, you can create
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a place of venue for which will audiences people and who are enjoying virtual reality and playing games or engaging with it in some way. you can make them a part of your audience and create something attractive so that they can visit you, and you can start your process of acquiring a new audience. that's what an organization can do. you can also use it as a tool for p r and you can use it as a tool for engagement, delivering information, and essentially using it as a channel, just like you're using the internet today. to do many, many different things. it's up to you how creative you are, are in order for individuals to be part of the metaphors. you can of course, buy a parcel of land and do whatever you like with it. but you can also just be a participant and visit different places. for example, you can visit the central and you can visit a gucci. you can visit at the stores off many different brands, such as nike, adidas on vans and many other balance yoga,
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and just have that experience of visiting a store visiting an experience on the meadow verse and you can play games, you can go there. virtually video friends and, and enjoy your time, i say, and how are ordinary people generate income in the metaphors and what kinds of businesses are they putting up to rival that of the bigger, more stablish brands. so the movers is an interesting place and it's developing at a, at a good rate up the, the opportunity for a common people to find a, to find an opportunity to, let's say, a work or the metaphors or to have a business on the metaphors. there's many options to do that, and these options are increasing exponentially every single day. for example, if you are a digital creator, you can create non refundable tokens or entities. and you can sell those other people can buy those as part of their process off of making their avatars look better or just buying these digital assets. you can support the building off the
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metaphors. you can support creating different dom venues within the metaphors. if you are, but then at the digital creation side of things, as, as a person who's not on the digital, the side of things, you can perhaps use the metaphors as an opportunity to promote your product, to meet other people, to sell your product. but in the actual physical world, there are many use cases right now for the matter worse up, you can, if you are learning company, you can have a med reverse learning option or where you can teach others who are already on the metaphors and who want to use that channel for learning to use the metaphors as a channel for learning of really right now. think about using the metaphors as a channel using the metaphors as another option to connect to an audience which is out there on the matter worse, which is using what your reality i and, and users who are already liking that medium and channel. how would your, in this,
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or your organization connected those? ah, if you had the opportunities. and so these are some of the use cases that are emerging apart from this, our mattress education will continue to grow products and services on the matter worse. we'll continue to growth, digital products and services will continue to grow consulting services to be able to build oh metaphors platforms and to build your presence on the matter verse will grow in the future. who knows? you'll have met diverse personal consultants who will help you create your image on the matters and, and give you all the insights that you need to have. the future is, is still not here yet. it's all evolving very fast. and why are so many companies investing in the metaphors today? is it just another social platform to flash their ads on? so the mirrors is interesting for a number of different organizations today. and one of the reasons for this is that it's a very different and a new way off, just doing things right. if you look at the internet,
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the internet is 2 dimensional. we have a computer screen, your phone, a tv, and everything is in 2 dimensions. the in the metaphors, on the other hand, is a very immersive experience powered by virtual reality, augmented reality, mixed reality. where you're actually stepping into the world of 3 dimensions. you can view things, touch things were actually, and so the experienced part of that is very, very different. now up, but stats are available and they see that many younger generation people are on the met averse to using the metaphors. in fact, more than traditional television, younger generation audiences are more on the meadow verse. and so in order to really leverage that market, tap into that audience and, and in a starting gauging with them, maybe build your up support for your products and services in the future. many organizations are banking on demand averse to say, hey, we will be able to tap into this new audience that is out there,
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that's engaging in 3 d. and so being able to acquire these audiences and users is a very good a, let's say advantage for any organization that's looking tapping into new markets. and i think that's one of the things that's driving everybody to the mattress or the mattress is also supported and powered by crypto currencies, non fungible tokens. and all of these things are coming together right now. and so the support for each other is growing within these are these technologies and it's making the hall metaphors are era and more important metaphors technology really, really interesting for any organization to tap into. thank you so much and com for your insights. no matter over the centers around connectivity and interactive platforms, things like the central land sandbox, metal, the other side, etc. but the cost to develop these platforms is enormous. the meta vers demands lightning fast connection speeds. computing power needs to be optimized and faster
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networks need to be optimized in order to access the metal verse. then there is security. people are going to want to make sure they're digital assets are under lock and key, and that their identity cannot be stolen or tinker with. finally, there is power. the energy requirements of the met averse are growing exponentially and all that data is going to have to be stored somewhere. and once you have these 3 components, you'd then need manpower and content. content is always key and very similar to the early days of the internet and youtube. you need content for people to interact and consume. the cost of developing a platform on the med averse can vary from $300000.00 upwards. and meta has very high ambitions for the met averse and has invested up to $10000000000.00 in the metaphors in 2021 already. but there are other costs to the met averse that don't hurt your pocket book. how about time, for example, worldwide,
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the average person spends just under 7 hours a day looking at screens. and that amount was even higher during the pandemic. and it's predicted to grow as the younger generations become more and more tech savvy and dependent on the internet. and while the true met, averse is still 10 to 15 years out. companies like ro, blacks for night, you tube and others. they're creating products for the next generations digital future. and this means the next generations will be prime users of the med reverse . but at what social and psychological costs, as they increasingly live in a virtual world. and when we come back after the break, developing nations are ahead of the metaphors, technology developments which countries are leading. the parallel universe will have more when we come back. ah,
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a with simple block. it's, is it a voicemail, but i am in the disclosures. now i say yes, one way at the suggesting is up with a look forward to talking to you all that technology should work for people. a robot must obey the orders given by human beings, except where such short or conflict with the 1st law show your identification. we
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ah, ah, welcome back to the cost of everything where today we analyze the cost of developing countries. developing the meta vers. developing countries are extremely interested in new technologies, especially the metaphors, china, india, saudi arabia and colombia are 4 countries surveyed where people are the most interested in applications of the metaphors. china is currently the country where the people are the most interested at 78 percent. india was
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a close 2nd at 75 percent. meanwhile, higher income countries like canada, france, germany, and belgium. they surveyed only at around 30 percent. issues like inflation and currency to valuation or the main driving forces behind the use of and familiarity with their currencies and the metaphors in developing countries. instead, in countries with a higher standard of living, people have fewer inflation worries and have less of a need to learn about and own crypto currencies. and from why, let's bring in once again in con meadow verse, expert futurists, an author. so in one makes the metaphors in particular, so appealing to developing countries and the lower income population. so for developing countries and lower income of populations, the meta worst right now is, is just, is just an interesting technology development. of course, there's a,
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there's a bit of a, a stepping stone to, to have virtual reality product products, hardware that you can use to jump on the mentors. however, economies developing economies have a huge talent base that can be used as talent to develop the metaphors to create jobs, to provide more opportunities. and so for developing countries that's really, really important for populations that are, that are not doing so well. i think it is up to others how they can create the matters to be a platform, to create change, to put a platform for spreading knowledge and, and ensuring that everybody has access to this medium. where literally the future will live and will do many other things on a daily basis for, let's say on, on, on the matter worse. so all use cases are still evolving and, and we have the huge woke of opportunity in front of us to find out what the metaphors can be for everybody on, on the planet. and now the manifest like that,
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their currencies had this underlying ethos that they can use technology to lift people out of poverty. how can the maneuvers accomplish that exactly? to the we have a lot of different technologies that are evolving, that are going to their ups and downs crypto currency being one met reverse, left, 3, many amazing credible technology. opportunities exist today. it's hard to really pinpoint and say that a crypto currency has fully created the value. it can rate, i mean there are of billions of the unbalanced people out there that still need access are to, to funds to do many other things and crypto to some extent, i can fix that. but we haven't been able to do that 100 percent. but there's definitely hope that what time we'll have those use cases and solve those problems . oh, with the metaphors access to the metaphors is a bit of
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a challenge purely because off the of the hardware requirements, the high resolution devices needed the absolute computing power that is needed right now to be on the matters and to do things. so for that reason, there's definitely a challenge for the next few years until virtual reality technology were to reality hardware as a price point where everybody can afford it, where every to common average people can afford it until then it's going to be a bit tough. are to give everybody access to it, but i thing in the next few years, prices are dropping. ah hardware's becoming much more affordable and is going to open a whole new world of opportunity for people who are looking to do better people who are looking to create businesses. i'll learn from institutions and universities world wide or to meet other people across the world to share ideas. and so some of those things are still in the process of evolution and the next few years will tell us how that will happen. yes, but then are there any tint,
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don't approve of them at a verse and think it's just a fad and not a long term movement or something that needs to be, monitor, needs, oversight, et cetera. so a lot of different groups are, are supporting things of their, their, their, you know, not supporting. so when the members, it's the same, you have many people who are not sold on the idea of the metaphors. in fact, recently apple c e o, tim cook said that he doesn't believe the metaphors is, is something that, that, that, that has a long term potential. but he really believes that argument had reality. mixed reality is going to go big. we really have to think about the bigger picture and not get swayed by the opinions of individuals rate. today, if you have someone saying a particular comment about a technology area, we really have to understand where that's coming from. having said that, the metaphors is not all r roses. there's major challenges for metaphors,
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the metaphors in general to be available to the world wide population or to everybody in the world. and it's not a technology that is helpful for everything. it's not a solution for everything that we need to do in the world. it definitely has its place. and we're still figuring that out and building that. but in general, the matter worse is not a technology that can help us all, every crises and every issue in the world are some of the things we can do. how're our promising? ah, there are definitely stink tanks. who believe that the metaphors could be the next greatest opportunity to create a small business and to power enterprise organizations? and there are many other we're talking about the dangers of the metaphors and how we need to be careful with privacy information rights and so on. there's both groups out there and i believe we need to collectively move together and find out what the future holds. thank you so much for your time. income is all
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unclear a true met, a verse will look like and there are big questions around who will lead it or how they'll bring us there. and it's very much like the early days, the internet all over again. and as for winners and losers, it's too early to say, but it will be a clash between the enterprise multiverse with participants such as met microsoft, amazon versus the decentralized participants like the dows are the decentralized autonomy organizations. but in either case, consumers need to be careful with the amount of data they're freely handing over to these platforms. harvard research has shown that after only 5 minutes of playing time on a v r headset, you could be identified through the subtlety of your gestures and movements. over 2000000 data points are recorded for every 20 minute session. so while the metaphors provide found this opportunity for the future, users should still be cautious of the repetition of a more interconnected world. i'm christy,
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i. thanks for watching. i won't be back here next time on the cost of everything i i use i'm extension and i'm here to plead with you whatever you do, you do not watch my new show. why watch something that's so different. opinions that you won't get anywhere else. book of it please, did you have the state department of weapons makers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations, choose your facts for you. go ahead, change and whatever you do. don't watch my show, stay mainstream because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called direct impact, but i guess we don't want to watch it because it might just change and the way you think the
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in the world transformed what will make you feel safe? isolation, whole community, are you going the right way or are you being led somewhere? direct. what is true? what is great? in the world corrupted, you need to descend a join us in the depths or remain in the shallows. oh when i was showing wrong, when i just don't know, i mean you have to figure out this thing becomes the advocate and engagement. it was the trail when so many find themselves will support. we
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choose to look for common ground. ah ah hello and welcome to cross stock. were all things considered? i'm peter labelle for over a century and a half. the german question has been hotly debated during that time. germany was at the center of 2 world wars and the cold war. now it appears berlin and its abandoning its post hitler policy of pacifism and non intervention. and again, russia is the enemy. ah.
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