tv News RT February 5, 2023 12:00pm-12:31pm EST
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pages in the history of mankind, a a washington fishing thing down what it called a chinese where the balloon that drifted over the us despite numerous assurances but it did not pose a threat. as well as former prime minister attempts to broke a piece fill between russia and ukraine last year with by the us and its allies also ahead less than a teaspoon of dry anthrax. a little bit about this amount. this is just about the amount of a teaspoon. we have 1st and description of biological weapons factories on wheels and on rails. 4 thirds that have claimed the lives of hundreds of thousands of
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innocent iraqis, 20 years since the us push the invasion of iraq, the u. n, we re camp how the legacy were kept. the legacy of the devastating bull, wilma chief, un weapons inspector to a wrong question. washington with united states government had no intention of allowing the inspectors to do their job. the united states was going to go to war with iraq regard. regardless, it doesn't matter what the truth was, and the more successful we inspectors became disarming. iraq, the more threat we posed to the american policy with a very welcome, you're watching the weekly on the international bringing you belated world news updates, along with a round up of the stories that shaped the week's good to happy with us. now top story, beijing has condemned the u. s. a. talk on a chinese balloon that had been drifting over the us for several days. that's
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despite its previous claim. so the balloon was not capable of surveillance and did not pose a threat. china is strongly dissatisfied with the u. s. attack on a chinese on monday ship invoices it's protest. we have repeatedly informed the u. s. side that the balloons design purely for civilian use, an accidental across the u. s. borders. in such circumstances, the u. s. use of force is an obvious overreaction and a violation of international practice. finally, after days of deliberation and let us find 2 jets of short time, what they claim is a chinese spy bloom by aging, of course, denies this. it says that it was a web, whether observation balloon, although there is some confusion over whose recommendation it was to, to shoot down the balloon and listen to what us president joe biden told you in this area. successfully took it down and i want to comment on our aviators or did it, and we'll have more to report on a little later. thank you. by the way,
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the recommendation from you was funding. that's why your whole been through the down or wednesday. i was recommended to me that way to look take this place to do it some already asking questions over the timing of the incident. it came just ahead of a time visit by the u. s. equity estate, the blink and to china, now that was subsequently cancelled. it was, he says, indefinitely postpone. but by using a set now is the time for co heads and it continues to insist on diplomacy. some politicians and media in the us have hiked it up to attack in smith, china. the chinese side is firmly opposed to that. one of the tasks, of a diplomatic teams on both sides is to properly manage bilateral relations, particularly to manage some on expected situations in a cool headed and prudent manner. well, i think just in another statement, since a blink and cancel his visit page in his head, china is never violate to the territory and space of another sovereign country. but of course, the u. s. and western media has wasted no time in ratcheting up the anti china
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rhetoric and the supposed threat posed by beijing in a twist. now, the pentagon is now claiming that chinese spy balloons flew over u. s. territory on at least 3 occasion occasions under the trump administration. now, our former u. s. defense sexy more casper said he was surprised by this statement from the pentagon and he said he was never informed of such incidents during his time in, in office. but we now have a form of u. s. defense and military officials have described the latest incident as embarrassing, especially given that the u. s. is the world's leading military power and opposition. republican party members have now they've got on the offensive, and they've accused biden of not acting decisively enough. and they say that he's fail to protect american national security. let's have a listen to what they've said. i friend robert o'brien, former national security adviser. why aren't we taking action to deal with this? and why did we know about it?
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robert o'brien, larry, this is one of those embarrassing things i've ever seen. and in american diplomacy, we sped trillions and trillions of dollars on hardware and soldiers on airmen, on sailors. and we can't do anything about it. why was this allowed to go clear across the country? for so many days, if you look at this national security is one of these things that any country can do. it is a core function of government. we see that the biden administration knew about this sir balloon days ago. and it seems that there was an opportunity when it was coming over islands in alaska that we could have taken it down now, cause china denies that the balloon was carrying out term surveillance. and the u. s. navy is currently searching for the wreckage of the balloon. we can expect to hear more from that over the coming coming hours. but the m, the, or the, the claims of the threat posed by china are something of double standards. let's not forget that was just last summer that the us house of representatives speak. and nancy pelosi inflamed tensions with a provocative visit to taiwan witcher,
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beijing said was in breach of the one china policy, which of course is supported by washington, which has also flooded the island with billions of dollars in arms. i think reco spending levels and bite and himself has threatened military action to defend taiwan from china and the u. s. has continue to say, oh, battle ships down the south china sea. and is it cues itself of undermining regional stability with the signing of the o? because packed with the security packed with britain, australia, when 2021 which is containing china's military power. but of course, this latest incident is a new blow to the already tense us china relations. earlier we spoke with nelson wong, the vice chairman of the shanghai center for win pack and international studies. he say it's china doesn't need balloons, despite on america. they say is apparently not a pleasant incident,
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but i don't believe it is. why is for anybody to make a big fuss up there because the chinese government has confirmed in the 1st place that this below all this ship or exactly what you call it, is from china. and china feels regret for its intended entry into u. s. s. space china has enough satellites already in china wants to do any surveillance. why should they use the pollutants, which are so big and so obvious? no, i don't think this connection makes any sense. so let's see. i mean, we're all have to watch and see. but whatever the case, i think the wisdom of both countries, leaders and i've all depressed and now protest test.
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ah, former israeli prime minister nastily bennett, has detailed his role in attempting to broker at p. still in the 1st weeks of the ukraine conflicts last year. bennett says his efforts were alternately shot down by washington and its allies and he was sock all, i was just a mediator. if i turn to america for guidance, i didn't do as i pleased anything i did was coordinated down to the last detail with the u. s, germany and france, the block to the west wanted to keep the pressure on putin rather than negotiating . there were several rounds of negotiations between moscow and k of in the 1st weeks of the conflict and late march. after a summit in istanbul, russia agreed to de escalate and pulled its trips out of north and ukraine. however, k as and his west and back as if since refused to talk peace and calling for victory over russia on the battlefield. and israeli journalist says negotiations won't happen any time soon because the us wants to keep the war going. i think i
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said the west is not playing here. a clean game. they don't really interested. and one just piece in ukraine, they want to gain from that and it's not on the political game so. so i mean it's area and say no, me call geo political and many other insurance, not the west that hasn't these, that area and ukrainian people, they are the ones that are suffering the most from this situation. unfortunately, on the west will understand us. it is, it's are to do this piece that agreement with the ra shock. it wouldn't happen because the real grades are and the real bullets and the one who, taking the decision is far away. and that is located in washington
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d. c. so this is the location where this decision will be made and done by ukraine and even by europe. ukraine agreed to the minister accords in part to buy time to re arm the admission by ex ukrainian president petra pershing. co. an interview to the bbc. do you know what the success of the miss a grimace is, emmy, though russia has not fulfilled any of their points? this document gave you quite a few years to build an army and economy and the global pro ukrainian on type booting coalition. lost all the agreements that minsk 2 was signed in february 2015, following nearly a year of bloody conflict in the dumbass. the initial agreement involved more autonomy provided for people have don't yet to angela ganske republics and to complete these fire. however, none of those conditions were destined to be implemented as both sides disagreed on the order of actions after the agreement was reached. in february. 2 2022 ukraine's
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foreign minister demitria labor opened. he stated that the implementation of the agreements was impossible. under the conditions. vladimir putin then said they no longer exist. a number of leaders involved in drawing up the agreements admitted that they also intended to help ukraine by time and bolster its military to 2014 minsk agreement was an attempt to give you a crane time. you can use this time to become stronger as you can see today. the ukraine of 20142015 is not the ukraine of today. since 2014, ukraine has strengthened its military posture. it is the merit of the minsk agreements to have given the ukrainian army this opportunity. thus the time the pudding thought was an asset for him, turned out to be in fact, an opportunity for the ukrainians, political commons. i to anthony web that thinks that future piece talks may be undermined by these admissions regarding the misc agreements. it shows also deepest,
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etc. i makes one not have confidence in the future. agreements are not that sort a good thing for the point of view of a future. soft bunch of the you creating conflicts. we have got a real problem may got people are francois household items, and i'm sure a molecule of sort of saying very, very act she didn't have the best of intentions with the midst of agreements. and of course, we know that some is the breaking of the beats agreement, primarily by trying which is boss about the, the current conflicts. so it really means that there's only one way forward for russia. i'm matches to a to have also much victory because they, they can't go by any circle piece agreement because it appears to be
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a bi did for i oh promise is our free and fair elections in nigeria by the country fitting president have been put to the test as violence of what's in his se, in region where our local election office and police station were bombed, leaving a 16 year old boy dead and destroying schools of those materials. despite the attacks, the national electoral commission spokesperson has said the upcoming res, we'll go. we'll go ahead as plans, march areas, federal fire service also states as prepared to respond to any acts of anson elections are scheduled to take place on february 25th. meantime, the people of nigeria have called for more security in order to cost that, that i strongly believe if issues dope, i think that should be the best option for ala force than bought into. i'm the cautious. so i think this was thought, you know, the selection time on you see so many of this happening but issue to stop the
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election there. but in north america it's, it's, it's nogood to very wrong in the cities in a grew citizen got more rise against his government at his job is number one, then day let on is approaching on the bottom of my leg, my neck offices. you say wrong turn body, i next should find a way of providing more security rush, as they said, still being denied access to the site of last year's node stream pipeline bombings, which moscow blamed on the u. k. and what london denies any involvement the west has been trying to accuse russia of orchestrating the attack by the japanese. prosecutor general now says there is nothing to implicate moscow at the moment. there is no evidence the investigation on colon. we're currently volume and all of this forensically, what i can say is that the suspicion that this was the foreign sabotaged action has not yet been substantiated. according to some reports, berlin seems to be open to theories that the western states could have carried out
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the noun, stream bombings, with the aim of blame me. it's all on russia. the later statement from the german prosecutor general is somewhat at odds with what some other european officials have said about the incident. sweden was quick to state that the underwater bombing was clearly a deliberate attack without going into any details. despite the fact that rushes gallons from is the main stakeholder of the pipeline, european states refused to let russian representatives take part in the investigation. or some us officials had previously threatened to take down the russian gas pipelines to germany. is russia, ukraine? one way or another nord stream to will not move forward. there will be no longer a north stream to we will bring it into these pipelines that is more streamlined towards from to what we're not pumping gas into europe at this time. more 3 to never became operational knew that offers tremendous strategic opportunity for,
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for the years to come. german opposition, politician ralph, and i, my essays, berlin is allegedly suppressing some very sensitive facts, all of its ongoing investigation. well, one has to ask actually, what kind of investigation do they really want to find out the truth or not? we do know for sure that the swedish have started an investigation that led some to some findings that they probably didn't share with the german government as well. but the german government put a cap on information industry got they don't want to have to russians get knowledge about who exactly did it. but my take on it is for the political logic and that it was probably shots or mr. hatchback, who rang up in washington and said, we got a problem here. and as the intro said, mr. bivens clearly says, at the beginning of the year, to mister shows a, we have ways to stop and they seem to be less interested than they actually should
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be. i mean, it is our lifeline, our economic lifeline that got bomb there. and as i said, it's the largest bombing of german infrastructure since 1945. we should be more interested in finding out to real causes or the government already knows, or is being told by the partners that they should not investigate in us further questions. bose would be frightened to think it's been 20 years since the us invasion of iraq. and here it was. he would continue our special coverage of the anniversary examining the devastation and the stabilization that will cost throughout the middle east. at this hour, american and coalition forces are in the early stages of military operations to disarm iraq, to free its people, and to defend the world from grayed. a
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green food and freedom with oh today. oh, i marks it 20 years since the been us secretary of state to push to military action in iraq had been un security council. and episode, well known phase display of alliance in an attempt to prove allegations of the existence of weapons of mass destruction in iraq. that claim later proved to be false. one of the most worrisome things that emerges from the thick intelligence
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file we have on racks. biological weapons is the existence of mobile production facilities used to make biological agents. we have 1st hand descriptions of biological weapons, factories on wheels and on rails. it's not like justifying an invasion of iraq to the world. mattered that much to the u. s. though, after all, then president george w bush already had plans to invade the sovereign middle east or nation claims that baghdad. 9 was stock piling, illegal weapons and developing its nuclear program war plenty, and the catch fear, phrase, weapons of mass destruction had already been popularized. evidence however, was either lacking or in paolo's case fabricated like a vile of white powder. he so confidently waved in the world's face as he accused saddam hussein of having a mast titanic reserves of chemical weapons when a rack finally admitted. having these weapons in 1995,
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the quantities were vast. less than a teaspoon of dry anthrax, a little bit about this amount. this is just about the amount of a teaspoon. less than a teaspoonful of dry anthrax in an envelope shut down the united states senate in the fall of 2001. this forced several 100 people to undergo emergency medical treatment and killed 2 postal workers. powell pointed the finger at faulty intelligence. after it became clear that there was no merits to america's accusations. he said he was very disappointed. i'm very concerned when i made that presentation in february 2003. it was based on the best information that the central intelligence agency made available to me. but it turned out that the sourcing was inaccurate in wrong and in some cases, deliberately misleading. and for that, i am disappointed and i regret it. oh, how quickly the u. s. is closest ally jumped into the blood bath at washington's command, but when all was said and done,
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former british prime minister tony blair said it was all in good faith since the west needed to bring down evil saddam. after trying to deflect blame. though blair also said he was very sorry, i did not mislead this country. i made a decision in good faith on the information i had at the time. and i believe that it is better that we took that decision and a nation whose people we wanted to set free and secure from the evil of sedan, became instead victim to sectarian terrorism. for all of this, i express more sorrow, regret, and apology, that you may have no. we'll can believe other world leaders sensed something foul from the get go, which is why powell sought fit to give his speech. in the 1st place, france, germany and russia all decided they would vote against the u. s. as hawkish
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initiatives at the united nations. the world is close to war. my question was in still us, is the threat coming from the iraqi dictator justify war? a war which will kill thousands of children, women, and men. my answer is no calculus. what is your hostess no matter what the circumstances will vote no, because we consider at this time that there is no place for going to ward to achieve the object of that. we all want at the moment, which is a disarmament of iraq violent accept. roaches, europe, military action against the rock is a huge political mistake. already sat about the humanitarian side of the she just go on top of that. the you ends, former chief weapons inspectors who iraq, scott ritter said rocks capability to have weapons of mass destruction had been eliminated by december of 1998. it's no wonder writer saw paolo's, accusations against baghdad as relying only on circumstantial evidence. powell just
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keeps hitting. you with circumstantial evidence and he confuses people and he lied . he lied to people. he misled people. fabricating evidence, lying killing, hundreds of thousands of people. another stark reminder of the lengths washington is willing to go to the success of its foreign policy agenda is at stake. why 20 years on? we asked scott ritter what was behind power claims at the un security council. the full night chief un weapons inspector, is who iraq believes washington never had any intention to let the experts do that job as a rock disarmament was apparently, the last thing the u. s. one said, i was brought in to help create an intelligence organization that would assist the special commission and evaluating the accuracy of the iraqi declarations about what weapons of mass destruction they had. you see, i thought that the mission of the special commission was to disarm. i rec, and am, and we worked in
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a very assiduous manner to carry out that mission. but it turned out that the disarmament of iraq was the last thing the united states wanted. the united states was going to go to war with iraq regardless. regardless, it doesn't matter what the truth was. so i addressed the iraqi parliament. i gave a speech up there wasn't pre screened. and as a speech, a said, if you don't let weapons inspectors back in your country will be destroyed. you have to let them back in without any pre conditions said, something's going to let weapons inspectors back in. i want, i succeeded. and so when i came out, this exact opposite feels like inspectors are going to be lab back in. i said, yes, you can't talk about going to war with iraq unless you allow the inspectors to complete their job. if i rec, kicks inspectors out again. if a rec doesn't cooperate, then you have justification to accuse iraq of bad stuff. but you must let the inspectors do their job. maybe i was a little naive. maybe the iraqis were because the united states government had no intention allowing the inspectors to do their job. the bottom line is america's policy wasn't disarmament. but regime change and the more successful we inspectors
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became in disarming iraq, the more threat we posed to the american policy of regime change. and so when weapons inspection teams left iraq in 1098, the world was blind. which means that when colon pal gave his presentation to the united nations security council in february of 2003, it wasn't just misleading. it was deliberately misleading. he knew what he was saying was false. and as a result, we went to war. well, these are just some of the stories from the decade, slung conflict with bringing you more throughout the next 2 months in our special coverage of the 20th anniversary of one of america's longest. i when you, thanks for your company here in our see international there. sunday will be back in 30 minutes
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with ah. at the end of the 18th century, britain began the illegal opium trade in china. this har, drug causing addiction and literally destroying the human body, became a gold mine for business men from the foggy albion. however, the ruling chinese jean dynasty tried to resist and to stop the illegal trade, which provoked the wrath of the london business community. in 1840 without
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a declaration of war, the english fleet began to seize and plunder chinese coastal boards. the barley, armed and morally drained chinese army, was unable to provide adequate resistance. the ging empire was forced to hand hong kong over to england and open its boards for trading the lethal good. in 1856, france and the united states joined in the robbery of china. the anglo french troops defeated the chinese occupied beijing and committed an unprecedented robbery . destroyed and blundered the wealth of the un, ming, you and palace. the defeat of the jing dynasty in the do opium wars lead to the transformation of the celestial empire into a semi colony of european states and started its age of humiliation. and the sale of opium took on colossal proportions and led to the horrible death of millions of
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ordinary chinese at this hour, american and coalition forces are in the early stages of military operations to disarm iraq, to free its people, and to defend the world from grave danger ah, we will bring to the iraqi food and medicine can supplies and sleep with is your media a reflection of reality?
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in the world transformed what will make you feel safer? isolation, whole community. are you going the right way? where are you being led somewhere? which direction what is true, what is faith in the world corrupted. you need to descend a. ready join us in the depths or remain in the shallows. i is the aggressor today. i'm authorized with additional strong sanctions. today russia is the country with the most sanctions imposed against it. a number
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that's constantly growing, but i figure which of the problem was the question as we speak on the bill in your senior mostly mind the we're, we're, we're banding all in ports of russian oil and gas, new g. i g with info. what we're given joe biden, imposing these sanctions on russia has destroyed the american economy. so there's your boomerang nations may be able to turn a blind eye to atrocities and other countries. united states of america is different, whereby people long to be free. they will find a friend in the united states ah, with
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