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tv   News  RT  February 8, 2023 1:00am-1:31am EST

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ah, a ukrainian troops have reportedly resumed artillery. shelling of the city are done meth and destroyed and here by gas pipeline. meanwhile, in our 2 news crew is observed a russian training camp. we're a local don. ross forces our top is skills of modern warfare. also ahead, we have a good relationship with the soviet union. those rugs over, you know, with we will buy with me as well. minister tells our tea that his country will continue to buy russian fuel as much as it wants. that is just by demands from western countries to cut off imports from russia with the death toll from the
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devastating earthquakes in turkey and syria surpasses. 7000 people with many victims believed to still be trapped among the rubble of collapse, buildings, russia, emergency workers have been providing assistance in the search and rescue efforts. and b, o, p. c, w has renewed accusations of the syrian military has been using chemical weapons in the southern city of duma or russia represented it to the organization contested those findings saying the new evidence was apparently allowed because it supports western narrative, despite violating internal guidelines with when the western curator, somebody organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons are not interested in applying this rule. the practically give up on it with
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coming to you live from the russian capital. this is our international. i'm rachel blevins here with the top stories of the our welcome to the program. we begin with the conflict in don bass, ukrainian force at sab, reportedly resumed artillery shelling of civilian areas and the regional capital city of done that me. sounds of explosions have been reported in the city center. the details are currently being clarified. reports say nearby natural gas pipeline was hit, causing a massively slaves to rock. at least 6 civilians are said to have been wounded by ukrainian shelling, routed on this republic over the past 24 hours. meanwhile, archie visited a russian military training camp in the don't. that's the republic. local forces, there have been learning how to effectively defend their homeland through modern
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warfare. ortiz, roman coast reports, thousands of soldiers have already graduated from this trading sensor. not only operators offer huh aerial vehicles, but sir, gun operators as well. ah, from here they move different ports of the front to both the here in the nest republic and a little gas republic as well. and in other areas to ah, with us with the normal idea video system will revert to sorts of our guys want to go to the front line. they want to fight. they are risking their lives. of course, i can't see into any one soul, but what i can see is that our guys are determined to fulfill their combat missions
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. the sensor also include sir, 1st aid training and extreme situations, full military personnel for all the forces. offer russia right now, the going to show us one of the elements that's very useful on the battlefield. another bri, manage improves even if there is no need to use improvised means. we live in the modern world. we have affordable, effective, and statistically proven tools. improvised means like bandages, from tampons and rubber bands are ineffective. sports are trading sensor was born right here in the next people's republic. each is a neat for high tech warfare initially. it was a school for drone operators, lotion center you any modern would require a lot of attention to unmanned trans systems on these lines. and that's definitely not all. we are constantly exchanging information with people on the front lines.
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so some people who are using the drones. so giving us feedback right now, it's a much bigger sensor had colors tactical medicine. it covers sir machine, gun operators as well to date. it has taught soldiers from a different divisions, are from different platoons over the next people's republic, her army and legacy, people's republic armies as well. and just to say it's one of the most important schools here are among cos, riff r t, the nest people's republic. intense fighting as underway in the outskirts of the city of art here mosque also known as backbone, and archie cruet managed to capture this footage from a drone there. the strategically important city in the donna's republic has been a fierce battle ground for both sides. over the last months, russian troops have been advancing and ukrainian held areas there. heading off supply routes for p. s. forces fighters of the russian private military company.
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the wagner group are at the forefront of the operation. we heard from some of that we've just captured some nazis and mobilized ukrainian guys. the latter are just 18 and 19 years old, and they're in shock. they don't want to fight, so the mercenaries put them out in front and run away themselves. to georgian italian american mercenaries, they usually don't get involved in combat very much. they try to retreat because they are paid more alive than dead. i knew slovenly, smallest hours, there are fewer and fewer ukrainian fighters, less so with facing more foreign is on the front line. but soon they will end and it will be even easier. the main thing is to move forward without stopping. our spirit is strong and there's only one path forward. with the u. s. media outlets. cbs news has air to report denouncing the wagner group. it showed in the ledge, wagner fighter and ukrainian custody,
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saying he was told to go fight neo nazis in the country. that ukrainian security agent appears in that very broadcast wearing a reputed neo nazi symbol. it's a block sun symbol which originated in nazi germany. it consists of 12 radio rooms, similar to symbols used by the s, as in the logo. this emblem often appears on extreme publications associated with the new nazi groups. we heard from journalist and other daniel lazar who says that symbols rooted in new naziism have come to be associated with the ukrainian military. us mass media is completely immune to the truth. these symbols are, are you bic with us in the ukranian military? in fact, it often seems that it's hard to find a ukrainian tank that does not have some kind of nazis symbol on it. so you would think that the military would want to stop soldiers from wearing these kinds of symbols to the military. can't. the top military commander valerie shall allusion
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a has himself been photographed in front of a portrait of step on ban dera with bus of step on ban dera on his desk. so this kind of band are right. influence, permeates the entire ukrainian military. and that is shocking and shocking that the entire liberal west is lining up behind the ukraine without asking a single question. and it's equally shocking that the press is swallowing this propaganda whole without raising any questions of its own. you as president joe biden has asserted that the country along with the nato military alliance is moving the world towards peace while supporting ukraine and the conflict against russia. he made those comments during his state of the union address shortly after nato states approve sending a hunt. hundreds of battle things to ukraine. together. we did when america always
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does our best. we lead were united nato. we build a global coalition. we stood against prudence, aggression, restorative ukrainian people. our nation is working for more freedom, more dignity, more, more peace, not just in europe and everywhere. you just heard him there saying that the united states is standing for peace, but the facts are the united states is piling new weapons in prolonging this conflict, increasing the number of gap. now there are tanks added to the battlefield in ukraine, and this is doing anything but creating p. now, what's also important to note is that a large number of the american people are increasingly not with jo. by on this issue, this point we've got more than half of republicans saying that they basically field united states is doing too much around ukraine. now that was only 18 percent back in april, but now it's more than a half. furthermore,
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we've got 63 percent of republicans, according to one poll coming forward and saying that they are opposed to providing more funding for ukraine and 32 percent only 32 percent of republicans want more funding for ukraine. but it's not only republicans, the rival political party that are opposing joe. by that this point we have a situation where 60 percent of americans feel that the country is moving in the wrong direction. 60 percent 70 percent of americans describe the state of affairs in the country as being poor. and let's also add that only one in 5 americans said that their economic situation improved over the course of the last year. however, if you listen to joe biden, you would believe that the day is just doing amazingly, the economy is great, everything is grand, he painted white different picture, and his arc now he was forced to talk about the issue of inflation. and when joe
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biden addressed the issue of inflation, what did he do when he blamed it on russian president vladimir? he said that it was the fault of the russian president, that the us facing inflation. well, the facts beg to differ. the reality is that the were the result of the united states that it's economic warfare against russia, it's barricading of russia, preventing roger from exporting fertilizer than we then grain and oil and natural gas and pushing rush off the world market. that's what's causing these issues. and in addition to that, there were already issues of inflation before the cold and damage had even started . so, blaming it on the russian president is just outrageous. furthermore, joe biden used the speech to make some interesting comments about shining. here's what he's that we see competition, not conflict today, where the strongest position and decades to compete with china or anyone else in the world make no mistake about it. as we made clear last week of china threatens
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our sovereignty, we will act to protect our country and we did now. joe biden spoke of china as if he wanted friendly competition if he simply wanted to compete. but yet, at the same time, there were some rather threatening heated words, exchanged, the tone was not exactly one of friendship. and we see how the united states has tried to push china out of the computer chips market. they've tried to taunt china around the issue of taiwan with nancy pelosi, a recent trip. so the polls indicate 2 thirds of americans would prefer an easing of tension de escalation with china. that's not exactly the tone we're hearing from biden and ministration. one point he was pounding the stage and saying, you know, he couldn't think of any world leader would want to trade places the season. bang. people are trying to understand exactly what he meant by those comments about the chinese president. it wasn't really clear, but it was said with a lot of bluster and anger as he was speaking. and this point polls show the
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american people are just not where joe biden is. that joe biden painted a picture of united states and if economy doing really, really well, the united states getting over the deep seated political divisions. those divisions were certainly apparent in the hall. there was certainly a fair amount of booing and tackling from jo biden's opponents. but if you listen to jo biden's word, you would believe that the country is moving in a good direction. that's not what americans believe. we heard from radio host and political commentator, steve gill, who asserts that pretty much nothing of what us president joe biden says is actually in line with the truth. he's promoting peace the same way that he's promoting unity in the united states when he get another partisan devices speech here. nothing that he says is consistent with the truth. and i think again, whether it's the u. s. as a protector of world peace divided ministration, providing unity bipartisanship. but you know, when he continues to show the other side to just go to the polls,
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we can look to the actual numbers, and inflation is still significantly higher than when joe biden took office. he can't blame it on, it's his policies that they just started seeing a inflation spike. but he claimed when the prices went up that he had nothing to do with that. but when they come down, he tries to claim credit for it. and then when they go back up again, it's kind of like the balloon that was flying over the united states, up and down, over across by tries to distract from what's actually going on. and i think the american people see through it when they go to the grocery store, things cost more, they go to the gas pump, things cost more, their paychecks are going. not as far as they used to. so what the president said last night simply doesn't connect with what americans are feeling and experiencing in years. well, minister has a found in an interview with r t that his country will continue to buy russian oil supplies just by the western sanctions against moscow. he emphasized that india is
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a sovereign state that makes decisions based on its own needs, not on external pressure. let me be very clear. i've heard these words, but i said he was, i've never felt any pressure as an, as the minister, as the representative of a southern country will buy from wherever we buy. people said, don't buy, don't buy. but just tell me india or not to buy from russia. and let's say india to buy only from the previous country. would the price go up and go down? so i think it stands to reason. we have a long standing relationship with the soviet union as well. so with the union, with frustration, we will bite with whatever we have to as far as nation regulations concern we ended 31st march 2022 with 0.2 percent import of crude. from russia to dana shies, i got december because i show a lot of that in between it began,
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then we're going to look at country which has to meet the consumption demands of a large population will always source from wherever they can get this thing. and the right price delivery and so on as well as him also and mr. bodie. it's a, it's a fiercely independent and dictated by a national interest. india 1st policy the interview took place during india's energy week forum with top ration industry executives and attendance signaling a boost and energy ties between those countries. companies from about 50 nations and more than 30 senior government officials from around the world have been taking part in the event and the backdrop western states have been bracing themselves for a new price cap on russian oil. the indian fuel minister also underline the importance of investing and more environmentally friendly renewable resources. real opened up on international bio fuels alliance was signature of the united states,
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brazilian india already then. i'm sure other countries will join because you don't even if you are a major producer of hydrocarbon, you still would have an interest in biofuels. you can do it both simultaneously in a conglomerate on manner. india. the 3rd largest consumer of oil is expected to use . it's g 20 presidency is a platform to set up international biofuel alliances. and you'll see that proposed biofuel lines could draw interests from countries such as russia, brazil, amongst others in this me could be a new road ahead in the a no g sector as the oil diplomacy in order in the world is foss, changing courtesy. western sanctions against russia, and that are price gap that has imposed on russian crewed by the g 7, something lar, abundantly clear, or the lucel's are and who the beneficiaries off. right now,
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we're still balance to surplus because china has still yet to fully rebound. are we going to run out of spare production capacity? potentially by 2024? you start to have a serious problem. and also, let's look at a big new point here. if a russian petroleum product is processed in a 3rd country, then it's no longer considered old russian origin, and the russian price gap then does not apply. now in this entire process, the biggest gain is that countries such as india and china if a russian petroleum product is processed by being blended in a 3rd country, other than russia with a product from another 3rd country origin, resulting in a different product than the russian petroleum product will no longer be considered of russia. origin in the price cap will no longer apply. no, as you and the west keeps a straight face. as time passes, it's becoming more and more clear as these sanctions really are a big question mark and that the gillman market may actually not be able to so live
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without russian oil. a minor earthquake has it israel in recent hours with residents reporting tremors and several cities across the country. that camps emit aftershocks from a devastating series of earthquakes that ripped through turkey and syria and recent days, claiming more than 7000 lives. one of those earthquakes was recorded at a magnitude of 7.8, the region strongest and almost a century, and the most affected areas, inter kia and syria. many people still remain trapped under the rubble of collapse . buildings survivors are being pulled from the degrees even after more than 36 hours from the initial earthquake. voices can be heard coming from beneath the degrees. as the desperate search for survivors continues. turkey is still in ruins . more than 5000 buildings and the country have collapsed. as the search for survivors continues. russian emergency teams have been working on the ground and
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the disasters out ration crews are reported to have rescued more than 40 people. so far. we heard from the local reporter with the latest details. homeowners, mac is the, the nuclear, one of the areas most affected by the carrier, mon mirage. earthquake is the city of kasi on temple media. there are ongoing search and rescue operations and collapse. buildings are being dismantled as we go, but we are now standing outside a former apartment complex. this was a 5 story buildings set up. as you can see, there was a rescue operation underway to find people who may be still trapped under the rubble. because as i mentioned earlier in the se, in city of ghazi and tap is one of the most affected cities from 6 or 581 buildings were destroyed. here the 481 people died and another 3750 were injured. at least 10 turkish provinces were impacted and tremors could be felt hundreds of kilometers away. among the countries mostly affected, neighboring syria, already crippled by years of war,
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suffered mass devastation when seismic shock spread and northern parts of the country. so let's take a closer look at the deadly aftermath. so far, nearly 6000 deaths have been confirmed inter kia with over 34000 people injured syrian authority, fab reported more than 1000 killed and 2000 injured. this area and city of aleppo near the turkish border was one of the area's most effected. residents were forced to flee their homes and have been gathering at shelters where they are provided with necessary accommodations. meanwhile, western sanctions, particularly from the us, have been blocking a from getting into syria after the disaster. media outlets have reported the transport companies are hesitant to make final deliveries to the country due to a risk of punishment from washington. archie correspondence fought and how's the details? baba mcgee is the search and rescue operations in syria are ongoing. the rubble is
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being cleared and victims bodies are being extracted. these operations are being conducted in the backyard job lay aleppo and it live. there is no final number of victims yet as the information is being a faded from time to time, it is known that the total number of killed in the earthquake in all regions of syria has surpassed a 1000 people. the number of injured, of course, is much higher here in la backyard, all government services responsible for eliminating the earthquakes aftermath. our working day and night. the rescue teams are made up of various forces, the military police, security services, the health ministry, and local governments. they are making every possible effort within their capabilities. however, as the mission head of the international red cross in syria, no to that a press conference due to the western sanctions, syria does not have enough resources to overcome this catastrophe and need support
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equipment. amberlynn says and much more to overcome this humanitarian catastrophe. rescue teams and groups from allied countries and arab nations have begun to arrive in syria to assist in dealing with this humanitarian catastrophe. rescue teams from russia, iraq and algeria have already arrived in syria, as well as planes with the humanitarian aid at rescue team has already been formed in lebanon, which will go to syria to provide assistance. in addition, many arab countries have already declared their readiness to provide assistance and support to syria, united against sanctions vast the message from the southern african nation of zimbabwe. as it partners with iran in a stand against what they describe as unjustified restrictions imposed on them by western powers. our 2 countries are resolutely united against unilateralism,
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illegal sanctions and other unjust unilateral measures that have been imposed on us by some western countries. at the end of last week, a memorandum of understanding was signed between the countries during a meeting of the joint economic committee in the iranian capital, they agreed to strengthen cooperation in a number of sectors including trade, mining and tourism. tehran and her already expressed that there are also ready to further expand those economic ties. all this comes amid us sanctions imposed on both countries and recent decades. the u. s. accuses in, baldwin government of being a threat following the reelection of the president at the time. robert mcgarvey. bob white has denied all the accusations and described the sanctions as a coordinated attack. the u. s. has imposed sanctions against iran due to its nuclear program, claiming it was trying to make a nuclear bomb,
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or ron has repeatedly rejected those allegations. political communications for foster at taylor on university foot wide is already believed that the u. s. tries to isolate sanction countries and run their economies. the united states, as you know, once to isolate, is on. so whenever the opportunity is fully on to find new partners, new friends, to increase cooperation with other countries, that's an opportunity that union officials will take. it will take advantage of aim of american sanctions against involvement is to cause economic difficulties for that country. and iran is able to help symbol way to make sure that the u. s. policy against the people of them always struggling to succeed. what when understand from american foreign policy, is that no matter what you do, i'm in the hands would never be satisfied with it as long as it considered
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a country an enemy country. they continued to engage in pressure, illegal activities against the country. ah, the western back to o. p c, w has you're new to accusations of the syrian military has been using chemical weapons. this time in the southern city of duma, a russian representative to the organization has contested those findings saying the new evidence was apparently allowed because it supports western narrative. this, by, by elaine internal guidelines, a position to restore the organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons has a strict rule about the sequence of actions to ensure the safety of physical evidence received. according to this rule, the evidence must be collected directly by o, p. c, w inspectors. the rest should in theory be swept to side or there are some other conditions applying in that regard with you,
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but it would not be an exaggeration to say that o p. c. w. officials have a rather loose approach to this rule. our genius donald corridor brings us the details about the investigation process and the apparently hypocritical western approaches to the issue. another report, another dubious western attempt to back up its accusations that the syrian government used chemical weapons against civilians in duma back in 2018. this time though, p c w's claiming it has new information, indicating that there was a high concentration of chlorine gas, where the attack supposedly took place. something that for some reason wasn't included in the fact finding mission report in 2019, all of the sudden 4 years later, they decide to tell us schuessler stilton is alert smoke in particular, they are referring to the fact that some new sample has appeared collected by a 3rd party. what is this 3rd party? nothing has been said about it. they just say, take our word for it. meanwhile,
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the sample or evidence that appear just now in the investigation and identification teams report was not in the official report of the international criminal court special mission, which was presented to the participating states in the spring of 2019. that is, this sample did not exist at that time, and now it has suddenly appeared somehow no explanations have been given at all. and it is clear why that is in the interests of this trio of aggressors, the u. s. france and britain. it is also important for them to avoid international responsibility. even more bizarre is that the o, p. c. w did not even collect that information, but credits some clandestine 3rd party with the find a 2nd supplementary sample collected by a 3rd party at location to in duma, on the 8th of april 2018, and whose chain of custody the i t was able to reconstruct between the data was
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collected and the date it was 1st received and analyzed by no p. c. w. designated laboratory on the 24th of july 2018 was analyzed by 3rd p c. w. designated laboratory. by the way, that's in blatant violation of the p. c. w's own rules. in case of the integrity of a psalm police, questionable, for example, when the sample was not under o, p. c, w, custody. such a sample will not be accepted for o, p. c, w verification purposes. but as is often the case, the west seems to have decided it's got its own set of rules to play by result submission, which do organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons has a strict rule about the sequence of actions to ensure the safety of physical evidence received according to this rule, the evidence must be collected directly by o, p c w inspectors. the rest should in theory be swept to side or there are some other conditions applying in that regard. it would not be an
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exaggeration to say that o p c, w officials have a rather loose approach to this rule. this no report fails to mention though that the chemical substance it sites as an indication of the use of chlorine gas was also found in areas unrelated to the alleged attack in question. the 2019 reports specifically mentions the alleged chemical substance was present underneath a field hospital in duma, the same hospital where the al qaeda linked, white helmets, films, their choreographed emergency response to aid. the apparent victims of what they said was a chemical attack. the same attack, which is now widely believed to have been staged. we were in the basement. my mother told me that we had run out of food and wouldn't have anything to eat until tomorrow. i heard noise outside, somebody was shouting that we had to go to the hospital, so we went there. when i can mean some people grabbed me.


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