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tv   News  RT  February 8, 2023 5:00am-5:31am EST

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ah, with ukrainian troops have reserved artillery shelling of the city of don desk and destroyed a nearby gas pipeline. meanwhile, and archie crew observed a russian training camp. we're a local don about sports is, are taught the skills of modern warfare. also ahead we have a longstanding relationship with the soviet union and i was right over here with a broadway. we will buy a pool as well. minister tells our teeth that his country will continue to buy russian fuel as much as it wants. that is just by demands from western countries to
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cut off imports from russia. the death toll from devastating earthquakes, inter kia and syria surpasses 7000 people with many victims believe to still be trapped among the rubble of collapse. building russian emergency workers have been providing assistance in the search and rescue efforts. ah, coming to you live from the russian capital. this is r t international. i'm rachel levitz here with the top stories of be our welcome to the program. we began with the conflict and on bass. ukrainian forces have reportedly resume the artillery shelling of civilian areas and the regional capital city of done that the sounds of explosion have been reported in the city center. the details are currently being clarified,
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reports say a nearby natural gas pipeline was hit, causing a massive blaze to a rock. at least 6 civilians are said to have been wounded by ukrainian shelling throughout the donna's republic over the past 24 hours. meanwhile, archie visited a russian military training camp in the dawn. this republic local forces, there have been learning how to effectively defend their homeland through modern warfare or choose roman coast reports. thousands of soldiers have already graduated from this trading center. not only operators offer ha, pearl vehicles, but sir gun operators as well. ah, from here they moved different ports of the front to both the here in done escrow public and elegance republic as well. and in other areas to ah, with it. but i thought
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i had no idea video systems will revert to sort some our guys want to go to the front line. they want to fight. they are risking their lives. of course, i can't see into any one soul, but what i can see is that our guys are determined to fulfill their combat missions . the sensor also includes a 1st aid training and extreme situations, full military personnel for all the forces. offer russia right now, the going to show us one of the elements that is very useful on the battlefield. you know, the premium improves even if there is no need to use improvised means. we live in the modern world. we have affordable, effective, and statistically proven tools. improvised means like bandages, from tampons and rubber bands are ineffective. sports trading sensor was born right
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here in the next people's republic uses a neat for high tech warfare. initially it was a school for drone operators, lush and simply you any modern would require a lot of attention to a man drink systems and his legs. and that's definitely not all. we are constantly exchanging information with people on the front line. so some people who are using the truen, so giving us feedback right now, it's a much bigger sensor had covers tactical medicine. it covers sir machine, gun operators as well to date. it has taught soldiers from a different divisions or from different platoons of that the nest people's republic army and legacy people's republic armies as well. and just to say it's one of the most important schools here are among coster, f, r t, the nest people's republic. intense fighting as underway in the outskirts of the
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city of archdale mosque, also known as back note, and archie cru managed to capture this footage from a drone there. the strategically important city and the don ask republic has been a fierce battle ground for both sides. in recent months, russian troops have been advancing in ukrainian hauled areas. they're cutting off supply routes for cabs forces fighters of the russian private military company. the wagner group are at the forefront of the operation. we heard from some of them. so we've just captured some nazis and mobilized ukrainian guys. the latter are just 18 and 19 years old, and they're in shock. they don't want to fight, so the mercenaries put them out in front and run away themselves. i'm going to georgian italian american mercenaries. they usually don't get involved in combat very much. they try to retreat because they are paid more alive than dead. and you slum new smallest hours,
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there are fewer and fewer ukrainian fighters less so we're facing more foreign is on the front line. but soon they will end and it will be even easier. the main thing is to move forward without stopping. our spirit is strong and there's only one path forward. we simply russia top diplomat is currently in the northwest african nation of martini, as he tours the continent to strengthen bilateral ties. previously he visited the west african country of molly, where he plunged russian assistance for fighting against extremist groups in the region. for more info on this less cross live now to our youth who rabo la la who joined us from johannesburg. garago, it's good to see you. now, what more can you tell us about the russian foreign ministers, latest developments on his tour of africa? well, as you know, this is peggy lover of 2nd, visit the continent in 10 days. certainty one cannot say that we realized or
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deprived of attention from russia, but yes, the top diplomat from russia is visiting mauretania. a 1st visit working visit to that country, even though by bilateral relations, where stablished in 1964. now the thing is that mister love was coming here directly from bunker miley, where he landed in new quote in mauritania and used you to meet the president 100 because one as well. busy as the countries foreign minister, there will be special attention being placed on the bilateral between the countries and emphasis of detail exchanges between the countries with regards to international and regional issues, as you know, on the international fund mauritania, voted just like many african states and chose to have seen that during the, the march vote in the u. s. last year. and they have a special relationship with russia in terms of marine fishing. and the movie tamia
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has a special economy zone that, that mr. love will be trying to speak to the right then favorable conditions for russians who are working in that economy zone. and they'll be looking to explore what economic issues of interest both countries can explode. but the, the north african region as a whole is a bit of a hot bed considering the disputed, the ongoing long going disputed rights of the people to self declare in western sahara and motor. tina is just below that country and it becomes an important cog in a sense of trying to reach all the situation permanently. mauritania is just like algae area enjoys very warm relations with moscow. and but one can say that
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about the relations between moscow and, but which is morocco, it's consistently been a thorn in this issue. and i think this will be among the most touchy points of mr . love to visit here in terms of what is the way forward when it comes to the ongoing dispute about width and height. i wish morocco is illegally claimed as, as part of its kingdom. and it's a claim that has been disputed by not only wild, but many international quads, including the un, but be subsequently received the support from the united states during donald trans presidency in that claim. so it will be part of, of how do we move forward from regional perspective into some of the things that we're seeing. but there will also be talks about the middle east as a whole. as you know, the middle east is a very big factor when it comes to opec issues,
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which russia has very much involved in. and they have been some of the countries there have been on the pressure by the us administration to try and civil ties with more school, something that has not really been heated to by the country. they've determined that they have the right to determine who they partner with and who they do business with. but that is something that will not necessarily be easing from the, from the, from the side of the united states, at least. but the visit comes among the many visits that the top russian diplomat, mr. love has been taking on the continent and really trying to re said russia has influence on the continent. and also how it can help these conflict thread and areas in the continent and how they can move lost some of the temporary issues, one might say. but mister lover of what was well, was well received and expected to have a great day with a long standing diplomatic,
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putnam are only a lot to look forward to as we continue to fall, live robs tour our tooth corolla, thought la, thank you so much for that update india's oil minister has affirmed in an interview with archie that his country will continue to by russian oil supplies. despite the western sanctions against moscow. he emphasized that india is a sovereign state that makes decisions based on its own needs not on external pressure. let me be very clear. i've heard these words, but i said he was, i've never felt any pressure as an, as the minister, as the representative of a southern country will buy from wherever we buy. people said, don't buy, don't buy. but just tell me india or not to buy from russia. and let's say india was to buy only from the previous country when the prices go up and go down. so i think it stands to reason. we have a long standing relationship with the soviet union as well. so with union,
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with progression, we will buy for women or whatever we have to as far as russian nation regulations concerned, we ended the 31st march 20220.2 percent import of crude from russia to dana shies. i got december because i show a lot of flat in between, it began then it, we're going to look the country which has to meet the consumption demands of a large population will always source from wherever they can get this thing and the right price delivery and so on the policy more so now mr. body, it's a, it's a fiercely independent, been dictated by a national interest, india 1st policy the interview took place during india's energy week forum with top ration industry executives and attendant signaling a boost and energy ties between those countries. companies from around 50 nations and more than 30 senior government officials from around the world have been taking
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part in the event in the backdrop. western states have been briefing themselves for new price count on russian oil. the indian fuel minister also underlined the importance of investing and more environmentally friendly renewable resources. we have opened up an international bio fuse alliance for signature. i'm in the united states, brazil in india, already them. and i'm sure other countries are join because, you know, even if you out a major producer, all i drill gob of you still would have an interest in biofuels. you could do it both simultaneously in economic growth model, india, the 3rd largest consumer of oil is expected to use. it's g. 20 presidency is a platform to set up international biofuel alliances. and y'all saves it's proposed bio fuel lines. could draw interests from countries such as russia, brazil,
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amongst others, and this maybe could be a new road ahead in the a no g sector as the oil diplomacy and or, or do in the world is foss changing courtesy, western sanctions against russia. and that price caps that was imposed on russian crewed by the g 7. some things are abundantly clear. who are the lucel's are and who the beneficiaries off. right now, we're still balanced to surplus because china has still yet to fully rebound. are we going to run out of spare production capacity? potentially by 2024? you start to have a serious problem. and also, let's look at a big loop point here. if a russian petroleum product is processed in a 3rd country that it's no longer considered old russian origin, and the russian price gap then does not apply. now, in this entire process, the biggest dana's countries such as india and china, if a russian petroleum product is processed by being blended in a 3rd country, other than russia, with a product from another 3rd country origin, resulting in
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a different product than the russian petroleum product will no longer be considered of russia origin in the price cap will no longer apply. no, as you and the west keeps a straight face. as time passes, it's becoming more and more clear that these sanctions really are a big question mark and that the global market may actually not be able to so live without russian oil. a minor earthquake has it israel and recent hours with residents reporting trump and several cities across the country. this comes and after shocks from a devastating series of earthquakes that rip through turkey and syria in recent days, claiming more than 7000 lives. one of those earthquakes was recorded at a magnitude of 7.8, the region strongest and almost a century and the most effected areas. in syria, many people still remain trapped under the rubble of collapse. the buildings survivors are being pulled from the debrief even after more than 36 hours from the
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initial earthquake voices can be heard coming from beneath the debris. as a desperate search for survivors continues more than 5000 buildings have collapsed inter kia and there are massive search and rescue operations for finding potential survivors. russian emergency team have been providing assistance in those efforts working on the ground in a disaster zone. we heard from an earth sciences professor at a turkish university who warned that even more devastating after shock could soon occur. as we know, room major earth case once major k butcher shops will continue or moms if not several years. so initially, the activity will be very in pounds. by the time it will diminish, so we would expect it. the shouts magnet is reaching up to
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6 to explain why brain, as a matter of fact, bite out the major. we had 3 major opposite shops with magnitude greater than one of them being 6 plains. and these we continue per month at least 10 turkish provinces were impacted and tremors could be felt hundreds of kilometers away. among the countries mostly affected neighboring syria, already crippled by years of war, suffered mass devastation when seismic shock spread engine, northern parts of the country. let's take a closer look at the deadly aftermath. now, so far more than 6000 deaths have been confirmed inter kia with over 37000 people injured syrian authority have reported more than 1000 killed and 2000 and injured. for more details on this, let's cross live now to our teeth. peter scott,
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who is currently in one of the areas most affected by the earthquakes, inter kia peter is good to see you. now, what are the latest update on what's happening there on the ground right now will raise. so we landed here a couple of our goes in the city of the deer bucker under, according to unofficial figures, around 132 people were killed in this earthquake and 909 people and i've been left injured. of course, those are unofficial figures and unfortunately are expected to rise as we entered day 3 since those devastating earthquakes rot this city. and of course, the cold temperatures overnight to read a hampering rescue efforts to some of which you can actually see going on behind me . now, those centers have somewhat written today which people are grateful for. now what you can see behind me is one of the largest residential complexes in the city. it's originally comprised 4 buildings. the 1st one which was raised to the ground by
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that 1st massive earthquake in the early hours of the morning when unfortunately people were sleeping there are still bleats, were on 70 people trapped in the rubble. the 2nd of the 4 buildings was not down in the 2nd earthquake, but fortunately of one had already evacuated by this time. so no one thankfully was injured in that quake. now the situation, as i described, is very dire, but people haven't lost her. we did manage to speak to some of them earlier. one person was also pulled out alive, reportedly earlier today. and from time to time, we are asked to be completely silent as the specialist at the site use equipment to listen for sounds of survivors in that global. now just going back to the city in general, more than half of his population, which is $500000.00 people, have evacuated the city and they've gone to the surrounding areas to villages, to friends and relatives with low rise buildings, just to take shelter. that still left around 200000 people in the city. and they
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are currently taking shelter in schools. mosques, dorms, tense in parks, basically anywhere where they can get a shelter over their head to get out of the cold. now has also been told not to warden certain streets here because some of the buildings are unsafe and there's a risk that they could still fall down. and no one is currently allowed back in the building in their home until city officials and engineers have checked that it's safe to do. so i'm and obviously that process, it did start today, but obviously it will take some time because there are more than a 1000000 residences to go through. but hopefully at some point people can start building their lives, at least some slight semblance of normality returns them. surely a tragic situation. there are tears peter scott, thank you for that report. we look forward to your continuing coverage and stay safe out there. thanks roger. rush and emergency workers have been helping rescue people in the syrian city of
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a lotto. one of the areas most are fact it. russians defense ministry says they have managed to save more than 40 people from under the rubble of collapse. buildings among those rescued was a man who spent several days without water and food as he was trapped amid heavy degrees. meanwhile, western sanction, particularly from the u. s. have been blocking vital aid from getting into syria after the disaster. so to go further in depth on this, let's cross live now to syrian journalist potter con ahmad. thank you so much for joining us on the program today. now let's start out with will you tell us what is the situation like in the country at the moment? well, the situation in still an emergency situation and still bad. of course. in l. a poem and in the north west of syria, the teams are still trying to get out the people under, under the ruins. and of course, today we got some news that today, 2 buildings have been actuated from people in limbo because there was the danger
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of been destroyed today, of course, the effect of the air quick. it doesn't mean that it's, it's finished. it's a lot of buildings maybe will be destroyed today or maybe in the next day. so maybe in the next weeks, because this as quick was the soon as the biggest disaster for syria. and of course in turkey 2, and then the total number in all syria reached to me. 2542 people died in this and this s quakes. and of course, in the after show, it's after the quick, of course the one that people reached to more than 46054 people. people of course, are regarding to, to, to support them supplies to syria. today we have got you is that a miraculous plane from danya, india and armenia do arrive to the masters international airport for
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supporting the people because many people now they are still in in straits, in other places. of course, many people that they were already a refugee in these buildings and now they have been moved again from the house has been destroyed. of course, the people who stay the life from this destruction know they need an emergency help and for them. because of course, we know that this week was so heavy for the people that guarding the weather and it's still snowing. it's still raining. and of course many families still in, in outside other places. yeah, this appears to be just another level of devastation, especially for those war torn the cities that have already lived through so much in recent years. now there have been reports that the ongoing sanctions from the west are preventing aid from getting in. how much of an impact have those sanctions had? and especially right now, are you continuing to see that impact when it comes to the recovery efforts in
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syria? so i didn't hear you when it comes to the recovery efforts. have the ongoing sanctions impacted those or made them impossible in any way when it comes to recovering from this devastation. of course the, the situation is it's still hard because because syria hasn't, hasn't seen this kind of disaster in the region. it was the 1st time. and of course day there were no pay cash or procedures or measures for, for avoiding this kind of cases or this, this kind of quakes. and of course, there were, there are not enough teams to, to help these people we, we can, we have seen them for, is that the people, the normal people are trying to, to get out the people or the families under, or the children stock under this,
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through and then of course, we know the serial suffering and economy situation since more than 10 years because of the war. and this is affecting the work for rescuing these people. and of course, in this situation that many countries they need to give to support the supplies for these people. not thinking in the political way or not thinking to to for the relations. of course, maybe there are many relations, many, many countries. they are not in contact with the government, but for this humanity 60 ration they need to find a way for give in the support and the supplies to the, to the people. we are so that we so that there was a call between the president of egypt and the president of syria. and this, this was the 1st call since 2012 after the relation has been stopped between these 2 countries. for this mental mentor and situation, all the countries need to give the support for the city and people. so this is not
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related about policy. this is not there and it's about the military. this is not related about anything else. it's more related about the lives of any of these people. if they don't get the support in a short time, of course, this will affect the increasing the number of people who die and every day. and of course, these number is these numbers increasing our by our day by day. certainly a lot of day care theory and journalists bought or con mod. thank you so much for that update us president joe by that has asserted that the country, along with the nato military alliance is moving the world towards peace while also supporting ukraine and the conflict against russia. he made those comments during his state of the union address shortly after nato member states approve sending 100 battle thanks to together. we did on america always does it our best we lead were united nato. we build a global coalition. we stood against prudence,
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aggression, restorative ukrainian, people, our nations working for more freedom, more dignity, more more peace, not just in europe and everywhere. you just heard him there saying that the united states standing for peace, but the facts are the united states is piling new weapons in the kia pro, longing this conflict, increasing the number of gaps. now there are tanks added to the battlefield in ukraine, and this is doing anything but creating peace. now, what's also important to note is that a large number of the american people are increasingly not with jo by on this issue . at this point we've got more than half of republicans saying that they basically feel the state is doing too much around ukraine. now that was only 18 percent back in april, but now it's more than a half. furthermore. ready got 63 percent of republicans,
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according to one poll coming forward and saying that they are opposed to providing more funding for ukraine and 32 percent only 32 percent of republicans want more funding for ukraine. but it's not only republicans, the rival political party that are opposing joe. by that this point we have a situation where 60 percent of americans feel that the country is moving in the wrong direction. 60 percent 70 percent of americans describe the state of affairs in the country as being poor. and let's also add that only one in 5 americans said that their economic situation improved over the course of the last year. however, if you listen to joe biden, you would believe that the united states is just doing amazingly, the economy is great, everything is grand, he painted white different picture in his room arc. now he was forced to talk about the issue of inflation, and when joe biden addressed the issue of inflation,
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what did he do? while he blamed it on russian president vladimir, he said that it was the fault of the russian president, that the us facing inflation. well, the facts beg to differ. the reality is that the were the result of the united states and its economic warfare against russia. it's barricading of russia, preventing a roger from exporting fertilizer than we, than grain and oil, and natural gas and pushing rush off the world market. that's what's causing these issues. and in addition to that, there were already issues with inflation before the cobit and damage had even started. so, blaming it on the russian president is just outrageous. furthermore, joe, by he used the speech to make some interesting comments about shining. here's what he's that we see competition, not conflict today, where the strongest position and decades to compete with china or anyone else in the world make no mistake about it. as we made clear last week of china threatens our sovereignty, we will act to protect our country and we did now. joe biden spoke of china as if
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he wanted friendly competition if he simply wanted to compete. but yet, at the same time, there were some rather threatening heated words, exchanged, the tone was not exactly one of friendship. and we see how the united states has tried to push china out of the computer chips market. they've tried to taunt china around the issue of taiwan with nancy closed his recent trip. so the polls indicate 2 thirds of americans would prefer an easing attention and a de escalation with china. that's not exactly the tone we're hearing from by the ministration. one point he was pounding the stage and saying, you know, he couldn't think of any world leader would want to trade places rescission, bang. people are trying to understand exactly what he meant by those comments about the chinese for that it wasn't really clear, but it was said with a lot of bluster and anger as he was speaking. and at this point told, show the american people.


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