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tv   News  RT  February 8, 2023 11:00am-11:31am EST

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[000:00:00;00] ah ah, why is the west so determined to continue its ukraine proxy war against russia? how does such a position benefit ukraine instead of considering possible peace agreements? the west led by washington seems to see war is the only option. why can't there be
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security for all? a headlines on aussie international award winning journalist from america reveals a u. s. no wage and operation to attack russian gas pipelines using nato's naval drills and the baltic sea that cover that tracks all of this month. and the soft of the terrorist attack and sabotage of the know, extreme pipeline with russia is top different about, took it out for all, said that russia and more tamia agree to strengthen the cooperation and improve trade and industrial relations during his visit today in mauritania. the syrian arrow but red crescent, the size of sanctions imposed on syria preventing vital ab deliveries from coming to the country. often devastating earthquakes leave at least 1600 people dead interior
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with as we walk away into the evening hours here at moscow. we are very glad to have you with us some big revelations in the program today. we do start this our now with breaking news for you. an american award winning journalist seymour hersh reveals a u. s. norwegian operation to attack russian gas pipelines while planning the attack for 9 months all the way back since 2021. just a bit early here at r t. i spoke with marina calls, however, about the details of the seymour hush investigation by does decision to sabotage the pipelines came up to more than 9 months of highly secret back and forth debate inside washington's national security community. about how to best achieve that goal. for much of that time, the issue wasn't whether to do the mission, but how to get it done with no overt clue as to who was responsible. how did the
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usa do it? according to seymour hersh again, so they use the u. s. has navies diving and salvage center, so they use highly skilled, deep water divers, who are then assigned on to military assignments. and the reason they did that was because if they use the navy according to seymour hersh than they don't wanna have to report it to congress, they dont have to inform other officials. so they can keep this in a really hush hush operation. so they really, what they wanted to do is make sure that there is no, they wanted to get hold on to their western dominance that in one, russia deliver. and she gas to germany, they didn't want germany to feel like it depends on russia and with nordstrom to germany would receive even more gas and there would be cheaper gas, so they wanted that eliminated. so they were discussing how to do that. and joe biden, according to sema hers actually authorized jape, sullivan, the national secretary advisor,
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all the united states to create an inch agency group that would find a way how to eliminate those pipelines. so that group would meet up and there are details there. of course the ma hers, he says that he spoke to as source with direct knowledge of the operational planning. so i assume this is someone who was in those meetings and some of the details we have are incredible. like for example, where that we're meeting where these top secret places meetings will take place. so all these extra extra information does make us think that this is legitimate. aside from the fact that he from a her says which we'll get into in a minute. but again, how did they do it? they use a high skilled, ever so from the sensor, they didn't have to report it to congress. they agreed that they would blow them up . but how to do it. and it's interesting because you read about some of the options that they had. and for example, the air force discusses dropping bombs with delayed fuses that could be set off
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remotely. apparently the c, i a argue that whatever was done, it had to be covert. so be careful because everyone understood that if this comes out, this means war. there were even down. some people within the cia said guys, well, we're worried according to seymour hersh. if this gets out, we will be in trouble here. but nonetheless, it continued, and then we have in early 2020 to the c i, a working group reported back to sullivan's interagency group. and i said, we have a way to blow up a blow up the pipelines dinner. wiggins had a solution to the crucial question of when the operations should take place. every june, for the past 21 years, the american 6 fleet whose flagship is based in gaiety, easily south of rome, has sponsored a major nato exercise in the baltic sea in rome. scores of allied sheeps throughout the region. the current exercise held in june would be known as baltic operations,
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$22.00 than their wages proposed. these would be the ideal cover to plant the mines, victoria newland, and basically said in one way or another. these pipelines will be stopped in an, an unblinking called a tremendous opportunity. biden has also, he had similar things to say that they were grateful in the wake of the sabotage or the north stream pipeline. i want to be clear with you today. if russia invades ukraine, one way or another nord stream to will not move forward. these pipelines that is more stream monitors from to what we're not pumping gas into europe at this time. more stream to never became operational knew that offers tremendous strategic opportunity for um, for the years to come. after that, they heard that and said, what are you doing afterwards? i obviously, after we blow it up, it will be a little bit harder for us to then say, well, it wasn't us when you're out there discussing this box. but the inter agency group
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took this and actually said, well, joe biden said, well, if russia invades will, then we'll find a way to get rid of annoyed, soon after that was publicized, apparently they said, well, does that mean the entry and the group said, does that mean that we'll get the go ahead and the cia director at the time of who is it was a former ambassador to russia by the way. bill burns, according to seymour hersh, he's the one that said yes, let's do it. marina, let's, let's just for a moment here. this is all big stuff and it's one revelation after another. but who is this seymour hersh? the man who's come out with all of this. now, seymour hersh is a former new york times writer. he's a pulitzer prize winning journalist. he's a legendary journalist, really, who, who's always had contempt for the american media in general. when that, when the official u. s. government narrative came out about the death of osama bin laden, seymour hersh called b. s. he said,
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that's one big lie. regarding osama bin loudon on the 2003 american invasion of iraq. seymour hersh called b. s on the whole w. m. d sadam hussein threat the bush junior kept flagging on and on and on again. so this guy, seymour hersh, he typically goes against the mainstream narratives. but in this situation, considering all the geo politics in the world, the moving and shaking marina, do we think seymour hersh can be trusted? his track record definitely indicates that he has someone that should be trusted, especially from what was seen from his work before. but here again, these are not his words. once again, he says that he's quoting as source that was familiar and with then the o promotional organization of this and the amount of details he provides. and again, when they met how they met the options they discussed, he was saying want, and how it's, it's becoming a harder to say that this does sound legitimate and the aftermath and the
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consequences that will come from that. like i said before, that the cia said it reportedly itself, guys, if this comes out we'll be in a lot of trouble. but that didn't stop them from going ahead and fulfilling their plan. time to dive deeper here, we're not here to national kit clara's bug via you would you k editor for the gray zone? joining us? you're a naughty international. great to see you kit or appreciate you on the show me you are someone who specializes in reporting revelations. so just off the top of the head here, i mean, do you, do you believe these revelations from seymour hersh? is it possible in your view that the u. s. administration could have been behind the attack, the sabotage, or is putin called it the terrorist attack on the node stream pipelines? certainly possible, but far better for me to see. she was the best to legend my works, we had spirit,
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which i mean is this scenario of the sketches by it implies far too many people big into live implies a potentially massive paper trial being created. there's too, too much room for error, too much risk. speak out, i mean animals are convenient. this get the cia off. you know that i mean this agency which is which is compunction about engaging in criminology of the, of the, of the most extravagant and bio tie in the world. the decade was already that this might lead to an escalation really doesn't make sense to me, nor speak comes, crossed my mind as a highly of a time in which very few people were you know, one of the things that the speech to that i think is lack of a pre arranged narrative. so in the jobs there was some people kind of accident, others on the basis, nothing playing russia, but there were certain individuals including the format opposed,
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foreign minister slash the course, keith and paul massaro as a sub and advocate murderous will crime. happy. georgia who were praising the us to do these tweets and sub lease it back to be someone how to work. you know, i, it was just, it would be too messy. so kit, just done, just just so i understand you're saying you're actually you're saying you don't buy it, you're not believing the investigation of home because you're saying there will be a vast paper trail left in its way. can too many people conspiratorial li involve. so the end of the day, you're not buying what seymour hersh is selling and what am i correct and understanding that yes, precisely. i mean, you know, i would say that would be a paper trail created by this, but this is not as presented in the article is based on a source for sources within the national security and nor intelligence community. i mean, yet the people lloyd lane post trails, but i was going to ask you because kid, i thought you said you few moments ago,
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you know, you work for the grades and you, you specialize in digging up the for the mainstream. media loves to brush under the rug, but you know, when it comes to the investigation of see more done by him. you know, i guess one question is, what sources could he of use to compile the report as an investigative journalist yourself kit you are familiar with the process that you have to engage to produce a piece like this, you know, at what point where and when kid is one finally accept and trust, best sources to provide a foundation to an investigation. you know, a lot of this is so called anonymous sources. it does create some concern, correct? yes, absolutely. and i think there will be studies where the, the intelligence isn't that lexical masters would engage in such sensitive operations that you might have to write. but again, that's not the picture of this operation which are imitators be planned that many
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months. yeah, i mean, i mean that seems to me, yes of the site, but what, what, what kind of solar kit, i'm so sorry, maybe what kind of sources do you think seymour hersh was reportedly using when you're an insider in this kind of thing. what do you think where we're getting it from? well actually, i mean, i mean i was about to get to this, but i mean, he said he left off the massive. they were apparently warning about this and saying yes, this will lead to well, 3. so i mean to, they've been people with ca, my, they've been responsible. are they trying to throw a pencil on the bus? you know, i mean, they are afraid that is, will be. and they want to shift the blame onto another entity and watch through the kid was ok. why do you think than in the wake of the destruction of what the lot of my food called a terror attack on the stream pipelines? why do you think western countries were so fast to accuse russia of blowing up its own pipelines? well, i mean,
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this is quite because there were none of them is sufficient. speaking for me to numerous west to me saying that they thought that this was absolutely the teaching . and this was a, an attempt to demonstrate to europe that he meant business most engaged, willing to engage and even cell tommy, you know, that didn't really ever make any sense brussels, but pipeline gas. it. ready one of the last remaining financial economic ties between russia, europe makes any sense. and the bazaar in december, i believe it was the more posts published article based on interviews, anonymous officials and diplomatic sources. you said that's no way this was the russian. it doesn't make sense, they wouldn't do this and the in the country that didn't play russia, took the right part. so, i mean, again, i mean maybe there was a sense of buys. maybe there was a sense of okay, we're into deep or maybe they were sending
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a secret message to the child. culprits that yes, you don't fall this time will allow you to be chat with teacher. but kidding. okay . what about that? somebody ask you this? well, i've still got you on the program and it's so good to have you with us right here. i mean, at the end of the day, so it's pretty easy to agree. russia didn't bomb its own pipelines. all i had to do was turn off the speaker, as you said, there were billions involved and it wasn't just russia's pipeline and they were austrian french, german. many european countries are involved in the construction of the north stream pipelines. but if you're not buying, seymour hersh is selling, then tell me this kid who stood to benefit from the destruction of the pipeline. because that is one thing is confirmed. we do know that the pipelines were demolish, they were attacked, they was sabotaged. who stood the benefit from this? well, i mean in terms of direct benefit us and tools,
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which is trying to support roger is your primary energy supply almost at that point? sanctions all alone. interesting. but, but also, i mean, another less obvious hope would be britain. now, i mean, we know, based on the great, but also anonymous precincts to the media in britain has been pushing since day one for huge escalation from the us. they have trust, by quote unquote, portion and reticence to go all out against russia in you train as a proxy. so you're a good way of doing it would be a trying to provoke a massive russian, a retaliation to the attacker. node st. now, in the media streams, disruptions that were british vessels, primarily submarines were destroyed in the black sea and the mediterranean sea and north sea. perhaps they were planning a respectful and massive russian navy,
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which is what happens. this would also be another, could meet all demonstrate the russian pain tiger, which has been their argument for installation is based on the fact that russians will eventually back down if we show enough force by demonstrating they didn't know what st. bostic presentations to point to the american say look, that are going to strike back to us where, okay, you know, i mean that's, i think this is, this is wishful thinking. well that clara v a u k editor of the grades and it's, i mean you and i've spoken before and i really appreciate your work. and i just want to say it's great to get your side of the story on this. thank you very much for joining us, gets much better, richard, and i thank you. thank you, bye bye bye. and while other usaa is refuting any involvement in the attack on the north stream, pipelines and investigation into the incident conducted by some european states does continue. although, of course, russia essentially being blocked by all of it, less course live now to contribute
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a rachel marston to get some more details on this or rachel. what do we know about the role, the fear, ethically, perhaps role the alligator role of norway in this investigation? it's difficult to get a clear picture, but i fear you know more than i do. well, hershey report suggests that all this planning of the sabotaged predates the conflict in ukraine popping off at the end of last february. it also refers to german chancellor, olaf schultz, his visit to washington, to see joe biden on february 7th, 2022, saying that this plan was discussed with schultz and that he was on board with the american plan, despite being initially quote, wobbly. and now norway is also looking like a firefighter who was moonlighting as an arsonist, like the country was interested in creating an opportunity for itself by involving itself at these pipeline explosions. ran that just a few days ago,
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norway said that you sanctions prevented from helping with the investigation into the nordstrom explosions. last october, sweden, denmark and norway obstructed examination of the damage of the pipelines. and now this is further confirmation that russia really was not involved in blowing up its own infrastructure. just as the c e o of nord stream previously said. he also hinted at who the perpetrator could be. wording says he doesn't believe that russia is responsible for the attack. the russians know who else a nato country warning note silently, england is all speculation, but think about it. so hearse is, report alleges that norway was washington's partner in blowing up nord stream, one and to norway. its secret services selected the placement of the explosives. according to this report, norway hated russia and wired to sell it so gas to europe at ledges and russian gas prevented that. now,
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western press reports have been pointing out since at least last fall, exactly how much cash norway has been raking in. since the russian gas was cut off from europe, or europe was cut off from russia gas now its revenues last year and were estimated to be a about a $109000000.00. so a jump from $27000000000.20. and the polish prime minister has accused norway of war, profiteering over that windfall. and the u. s. has expanded its military presence in norway over the last while, and it had a listing radar into russia based in norway and get this norway, it's parliament even voted last november to give the us legal system jurisdiction in some parts of norway over or whatever us soldiers might get up to in the way of crimes when they're off base with in norway. so norway allegedly also ran interference according to her,
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shes report for washington with neighboring sweden and denmark. and they did that. so these countries wouldn't get suspicious if they saw a divers in the area, place him the explosives. and apparently they norway was not supposed to tell sweden and denmark exactly what the divers were doing there. just if they happen to see divers not to be concerned that you know they be there and don't worry about it . so now really it just kind of remains to be seen exactly how the you will respond to this report of its very best friend and ally, washington allegedly colluding with one of its very old number states, norway to blow up a critical economic lifeline. rachel, it's been nearly 6 months since the top of the north stream pipelines and only now it seems bit by bit. the truth is starting to slowly come out arctic contributor
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rachel moss and thank you appreciate your company for this program as well. now iran this week unveiled it's brand new air base is located entirely on the ground. that's according to state media are the basis. so to be set deep inside the diagram, mountain range, it's able to host fighter jets as well as drones, as well as having all the necessary facilities the traditional air base can offer such as high as maintenance side. so this one is out of the sight of prying eyes and shielded by rock. the compound was visited by terrans top military commanders who claim it can withstand an attack from iran, potential enemies. but all contributors in tehran use of july li has more on the capabilities of this new base and connection to recent geo politics currently playing out across it's the 4th and 4th anniversary of the islamic revolution and iran usually unveiled slade as domestically built equipment from military equipment
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to other industries as well. and this comes to mark of course, the 44th anniversary of the victory of these women devolution. this saw major air base called off chad, a char on the person for eagles 40 for it. one has build this a several 100 meters under and mountain, an unknown, of course area inside the country withstanding any threats by the time of the regime or by the united states of america. this comes also against the backdrop of that we send joy military exercise conducted by israel and america where they use their so called bunker buster missiles, which they claim can penetrate and break through even concrete buildings. so iran also on build this to send a signal to the where to send a signal to israel that it's recently developed. it's recently built in air base can also withstand those bunker buster missiles among the fighter jets
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that are present inside that on the ground air base is mostly they're mostly russian made and russian supplied meg and so forth. fire just including some of chinese f 7. so this attached to the developing ties, military ties between one in russia, between one and china. the syrian arab red crescent has to moderate sanctions being lifted off, syria. it says the hampering vital humanitarian aid being sent to the country and the aftermath of the devastating earthquakes that have so far taken the lives of at least 1600 people in syria. heel as if they come extensions, impose in our country is the main obstacle to get a needed equipment. with this, we demand for the legion of economic sanctions and the siege in order to allow a deliveries and humanitarian actions to be implemented well about some of gala political analysts from syria says the big us is playing political games with aid
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to damascus. there is no u u. n. sanctions against syria. there is u. s. united states and e u sanctions against this is fair. everyone would know that for humanitarian aid, these such and should be listed in spite of that the united states still lying yesterday. mister, please can of our representative of u. s. department, samantha bower, the director of us a say that we will, we will a held that ne us here. yeah. either in that you're trying to divide the city and people to divide you graphically. well. meantime, russian emergency workers have been helping rescue people in the syrian city of atlanta. one of the areas most effective russians defense ministry said managed to save more than 40 people from under the rubble of collapse. building. the urgent
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search for survivors in turkey is intensified. it's more than 9000 deaths have been confirmed up to 53000 people injured russian emergency teams are on the ground for help. it's estimated around 5000 building the lapse, the moscow as it plans now to send even more emergency personnel to help. we had a chance to speak with some of the rescue is that arrived from russia and some locals as well in turkey, a, a little from the plane. we immediately went to work and began searching the rubble for survivors. in total we arrived as part of $67.00 rescuers among us a dog handlers and psychologists. there's a lot of work to be done on my middle now akin garden mom li sale 2 days ago i was in my house, my friend lives here. so i came to her, but there was no one here. no organizations,
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no equipment. people on the road initiative found and brought equipment to rescue operations. here everything is very bad. there is simply no city left night where just alone, our city was left alone. we need help. we need people, we've been waiting for so long. i've been here for so long doing something, and there's nothing to help us hanging over now to our teeth. peter scott here has this report from the devastated region. according to unofficial figures around 132 people were killed in this earthquake and 909 people and i've been left injured. of course, those are unofficial figures and unfortunately are expected to rise as we entered day 3 since those devastating earthquakes rocked this city. and of course the cold temperatures overnights are really hampering rescue efforts to some of which you can actually see going on behind me. now are those centers have it somewhat written today, which people are grateful for?
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now what you can see behind me is one of the largest residential complexes in the city. it's originally comprised 4 buildings. the 1st one which was raised to the ground by that 1st massive earthquake in the early hours of the morning when unfortunately people were sleeping there are still bleats, were on 70 people trapped in the rubble. the 2nd of the 4 buildings or was not down in the 2nd earthquake, but fortunately, one had already evacuated by this time. so no one thankfully was injured in that quake. now the situation as i described, is very dire, but people haven't lost her. we did manage to speak to some of them earlier. one person was also pulled out alive, reportedly earlier today. and from time to time, we are asked to be completely silent as a specialist there at the site use equipment to listen for sounds of survivors in that global. now just going back to the city in general, more than half of his population, which is $500000.00 people, have evacuated the city and they've gone to the surrounding areas to villages,
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to friends and relatives with low rise buildings, just to take shelter. there still left around $200000.00 people in the city and they are currently taking shelter in schools. mos dorms tents in parks, basically anywhere where they can get a shelter of their head to get out of the cold. no, we've also been told not to walk down certain seats here because some of the buildings are saves news of this that they could still fall down. and no one is currently allowed. but in their build in their home until city officials and engineers have checked that it's safe to do so. um and obviously that process, it did start today, but obviously it will take some time because there are more than a 1000000 residences to go through. but hopefully at some point, people can start the building their lives, at least some slight semblance of normality with sentiment.
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russia plans to increase cooperation with mauretania, a foreign minister, so gay love her off is visiting the african state and said efforts will be made to diversify trade and ties between the 2 countries. it is a, one of his numerous stops across the african continent in the past 2 weeks with all the details. now his art isa. getting off on the 3rd stage of suppression, diplomatic liberals toward the middle east and africa. the foreign affairs arriving not shall 1st visit, but it had a question to promise it to martini establishment of diplomatic relations at night . or in figure liberals meditating on deposits. hon. it would resume, as well as the head of state of the subsequent public mohammed shake. i guess what has that hearing. today's talks with my friend ministers, her glover of us, we discussed in detail all the aspects of our by own literal relations. we
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touched upon certain issues in the bilateral relations that we have some avenues


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