tv News RT February 9, 2023 5:00am-5:31am EST
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alarm and mcclure has hosting with a serving video appears online, reportedly showing a ukrainian soldier murdering a captured russian p o w. and he had another instant the ledge war crimes committed by ts forces. also ahead, right now we are just outside the town that it outside of the city of a whole special forces unit offer in close to a keen cranium. stronghold isn't done this for public as the russian army. and so it's offensive in the area with russia says new revelations about us involvement
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and the north stream explosions were no secret as washington had previously been open about its intention to take out the key russian pipeline in europe. and russia is foreign minister survey law is conducting talks with the leadership of the north african nation of sudan. it's the last stop on his latest tour of the continent as russia works with african nations to strengthen their ties. in view of new economical rises with coming to you live from the russian capital. this is our international. i'm rachel blevins. here with the top stories of the our welcome to the program. we began was shocking for that reportedly recorded by ukrainian soldiers as they allegedly killed the russian prisoners of war. and just a warning you may find the following images gravely disturbing. the doors
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the robot are you good? the g o, g, g, u, i, in these and verify the images ukrainian soldier allegedly shot a russian serviceman in the head. you can see one of the captured soldiers wearing a white patch typically worn by the russian troops. there have been numerous other accusations of ukrainian soldiers killing russian prisoners of war. the us has documented several of those cases and called for a thorough investigation. meanwhile, a massive barrage of ukrainian artillery shelling in the dawn escrow public on wednesday killed 2 civilians and wounded for others, including several children, local authorities, se ukrainian forces fired more than $100.00 artillery rounds and civilian areas in the region. a number of apartment buildings and a shopping center were damaged in the assault and a massive blazer wrapped it in the center of the regional capital russians defense
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ministry reported that about 75 ukrainian soldiers were killed. new city of euclid are in the don nets region. within the last 24 hours, several ukrainian armored vehicles were also destroyed as russian forces have been conducting inoffensive in the area. r t z got it on up observed or russian special forces unit there hears his report. right now we are just outside the small town of you that it is outside of the city of the next. it is a major ukrainian stronghold. and right now we're following in the footsteps of a russian special forces unit. and basically what they're doing, they're going to be launching a heavy pansy tank message, but they won't be targeting any machinery nor tanks. rather, they will be working on hitting command centers in side o'clock
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again, the major ukrainian stronghold which will most fail just a couple of weeks ago, has come on. they managed to reach reinforcement and right now be in army as a hard time has a hard time getting hold of it. but i'm being told that it's just a matter of time until this small but difficult stronghold force ah, with
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ah, this spots are watching the project i'll being carefully guided towards its target . and when it connects, he doesn't hold back emotions with just local them. rushing, ukrainian armies operate at a collision course. here q forces positions have been reduced to slow batch over parkland, blong buildings on a hill top. it's a dominating a height yet the ukrainians are trying to expand their zone of control. the russians on the other hands for no effort throwing plenty of their resources into the battle. this infantry tanks, every kind of artillery piece, as combat helicopters, brain fire from above. julia does it get deleted blood the enemy is detected and destroyed every day by the forces of our
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intelligence and dots. hillary is the same everywhere. attempts by the ukrainian army to counter attack were repulsed up to a company of soldiers and heavy equipment were destroyed. so special anti tank units don't suffer from a shortage of targets. and as nato's leopards challenges and abrams tanks bound for ukraine get a fresh coat of paint. they wait, wait patiently for the hitler's to get even longer. i'm a gosh done of reposing from the dumbass ot see in the neighboring zapper or she reject russian authorities say they had prevented an assassination attempt on the head of the city of bird yachts. let's take a look at the footage from the law enforcement operation. these images of the raid were provided by local security forces, members of an organized criminal group have been arrested there bully job, been involved them a series of killings of local officials, as well as several attempted. murders rush has foreign
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ministry. he says new revelations about u. s. a tax on the north stream pipeline system works are expected. as the u. s. leadership had blatantly threatened to get rid of the key rush and gas supply route in europe. we have repeatedly voiced russia's position on the evolvement of the u. s. and nato. nothing that they did not hide this boasting to the whole world. bad the intention to destroy the civilian infrastructure through which you are perceived russian energy resources. we also regularly noted the reluctance of denmark, germany, and sweden, to conduct an open investigation and opposition to russia's participation in it. and this, despite the fact that our country has incurred huge costs, those revelations were made by award winning investigative journalist seymour hersh, who sent the attack on russia's north stream system was carried out by the u. s. with norwegian involvement after months of diligent planning. but as decision to
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sabotage the pipelines came after more than 9 months of highly secret back and forth debate inside washington's national security community about how to best achieve that goal. for much of that time, the issue wasn't whether to do the mission with how to get it done with no overt clue as to who was responsible you as husband quick to deny any involvement in the covert attacks on the north stream pipelines but and as they whistle war, edward snowden is unconvinced. he said it's not the 1st time for washington referencing his own experience a decade ago. when evidence of the u. s. government's buying on its own citizens was rejected by top intelligence officials testifying before congress. the united states was not involved in the nord stream explosion. can you think of any examples from history of a secret operation that the white house was responsible for, but strongly denied? besides, you know that little mass surveillance kerfuffle a pulitzer prize winning,
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former foreign correspondent for the new york times, says us denials of the pipeline attack have little to no significance. that is something that we've seen in the past. not only with seymour hersh, his reporting, but other investigative look at looks at our investigation into activities that the government wants to keep secret. i think that's the standard response. i didn't surprise any of us and i think they had to respond quickly because they couldn't let it just lie out. there was some kind of a without a denial, but not denial. again. doesn't mean much. we look at how these things play out. eventually more information comes out that supports this initial reporting until it becomes very hard for them to deny. that's usually what happens
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. our cheese. marina closer brings us the timeline of the events. it's 2021 that you are, and nato are already irritated by the north stream one gas pipeline because they see it as a threat to western dominance. and now north soon too was nearing completion, which would double the amount of cheap russian gas flow into germany. something had to be done, and this is how it went down according to a source with direct knowledge of the operational planning. so, joe biden authorized as his national security advisor to create a group. so come up with a plan to get rid of the pipelines by the end of the year, jake sullivan convenes the meaning of a new task force. men and women from the joint chiefs of staff, the cia and the state and treasury departments. they hold several top secret meetings in the building right next to the white house and during their brainstorming sessions. the navy, for example, proposal using
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a newly commissioned submarine, sir sold to the pipeline directly. the air force discusses dropping bombs that could be set off remotely. and the cia just argued that whatever was done had to be done covertly. the cia director at the time william burns authorizes an agency working group. so craft applying for a covert operation that would use deep sea divers to trigger an explosion along the pipeline. early 2001 see to the c a working group reports back to sullivan's inter agency group. we have a way to blow up the pipelines. meanwhile, a few slip ups with regard to nordstrom too. we continue to have a very strong and clear conversations with our german allies. and i want to be clear with you today. if russia engage ukraine, one way or another nord stream to will not move forward. if russian rage
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at meas turned to truth crossing the a border, you chris again then no, there will be we there will be no longer a nor stream to we will bring it under the cover surprise of a biden's, a newland scent discussions and are wondering what it means for their mission. the cia is william burns, apparently said to it, but how and when? well that's when nor way answers the picture in march as you members of the american seam fly there. so meets with norwegian, secret service and navy. the norwegian navy finds the right spot for the explosives and awaits a camouflaged them so the russian navy doesn't spot them. norway apparently also suggests the ideal cover to plant the mines. during the annual nato exercises in the baltic sea, which take place in june,
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june swine seats wency to the nato exercises begin and their minds are planted. the white house starts having doubts about its genius plant and asks if the mines can be detonated at a later date. so it doesn't look obvious that they did it. the americans in norway now have a new problem. they have to find a way to do it. the explosives could be triggered by a so no bully, chopped by a plane at short notice. it would have met a sequence of unique low frequencies, tonal sounds that would be recognized by the timing device and trigger the explosives on september 26th, 2022, and a which a navy, ph surveillance plane makes a seemingly a routine flight and drops us so on our bowie. a few hours later, the high powered sea for explosives are triggered, and the rest is history. i would say it was the u. s. cindy, so 2018 are from what i've heard from you as counterparts. it
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was all about making sure that no string to which was then still under construction would never become operative saw then all the obstacles that had been created, whether it was about their pipeline that you are laying our ship to that, that was sanctioned as the construction took much longer than envisaged with the pipeline destroyed. oh, dear us can be sure that it will not become operating for, for the foreseeable future. so i believe the u. s. has gained the most rational foreign minister survey laboratory is currently in the north african nation of sudan for talks with top officials as the final stop on his tour of the continent. his visit. com. there's media report, say us and european officials were to me with that. and north african countries
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leadership around the same time. la rob's tour of the continent has been widely considered a success for the countries he visited with numerous high level meetings, exploring new horizons for russia's economic ties with the continent. our tooth corolla has the details. while the long serving russian diplomat visits a sudan with the country very much in the midst of internal and external conflict. as you know, the in the middle of a political dialogue which will, which should at least deliver a, a technocratic government before delivery of a, a civilian government. and mister lovegrove is there to meet with his counterpart in the south d g. and they will be talking about the areas of investment and trade and how to strengthen those. and particularly because sudan if, if way is situated, it finds itself as a very g o, v o,
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strategically important location. of course these visits advisor, gay love, have not gone unnoticed. and some, some might say that they've, they've been actively encountered by the west. because they see mr. lover of vincent here as a, as a rather shift in politics and a potential threat to their dominance with regards to the african agenda we've heard. although with unconfirmed media reports that many of the top deep release and diplomats of western countries are also looking to visit the continent, but particularly visiting sudan. i find that very peculiar that he has almost been preceded or rather succeeded in some cases by different european countries. who also prevent their foreign affairs ministers to come and
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tell whatever mister lovegrove has been building. i. e, how he went to my lead to strengthen the ties in the country following the insurgency that has been rep, that country for, for numerous months now. little of africa visit, all in all, i guess has been somewhat of a, a celebration. he was welcomed with the owner, hence open, and he has, he has yet to see a closed all in south africa, which was his 1st job was very strategic because it was, it was big south africa. if an important part named the southern region, the south african development region, and it was pretty much the same when he went to s one teeny minister lover of found himself being asked to stay a bit longer. and that's how much his company and his visit has been valued here on the continent. and the song carried on and on from bomber call to know, shut in, in montana just the other day. mr. mr love is very much how well come here
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and he seen as a comrades and most african countries are looking into diversification. looking at how the, the multi paula world is manifesting right in front of their eyes. and they also want to take advantage of that is more than 13000 people have been killed in a devastating series of earthquakes that rip through turkey and syria. in recent days, numerous people have lost their entire families. with so many people trapped under the rubble of collapse, buildings seen the total devastation around the epicenter, inter kia are appalling. former high rise apartment blocks had been reduced to nothing but heaps of concrete. where science people trapped under the rubble getting more difficult to do. tact, nevertheless, the search for survivors goes on. international rescue teams, including russian ones, continue to arrive to affected areas to provide assistance to those. in those efforts,
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russian airborne forces have been involved in extinguishing fires. that erupted as buildings collapsed amid the earthquake. this but it shows your russian here, 250 is plain gal sing playing. blazes in a focus city on the mediterranean, post the lateral disaster as debilitated. he has a transport infrastructure in the southern region and in various aircraft, able to land on the water or a good option for tackling the issues. there are t correspondent peter scott, has heard from local residents in another affected city. they expressed desperation about loved ones who have been lost amid the rebel. now what you can see behind me is a residential building that was once 8 stories high and is now been reduced to rubble . as you can see here, there are people that once lived in that building and then now waiting for news of their relatives who in many cases are still stuck under the rubble. i want to wait here because my son, his wife and guests,
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and 6 of my relatives were in the building when the earthquake struck. my grandson, heron is 4 years old. he was also in the building. i haven't received any word from the family. anesha isn't alone. as of wednesday evening, the death toll india bucket stood at 144 people with almost 1000 wounded. as the sun begins to fade 3 days after the earthquakes, so does hope. the survivors will be rescued from the rubble. that doesn't stop relatives anxiously gathering around destroyed homes desperate for any news of their loved ones. i can't say that i've completely lost hope, but it's been free days now. and his game difficult to remain optimistic that my oldest sister and had 2 children will be found a life. i would like to send all my blessings to those people who lost their lives in this disaster. i would also like to wish that those who were injured will get well soon. understandably, with progress slow going frustration mounts with each passing hour. many of the
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people i spoke to india back here were angry that more support from the government or the international community hadn't yet reached the city. 3 days after the quakes . i am, we want more support for the rescue teams. we can't go back home because it's not safe, and there is no peace for us there. some waiting here for news about my 6 cousins. in other parts of d a back here. you could almost be forgiven for thinking that life goes on as normal as city may have got off relatively lightly. but that's of little consolation to residence, waiting for news of their relatives who are trapped or those who are forced to sleep on the streets or seek shelter elsewhere. while government engineers go through the daunting process of is showing the thousands of homes here are safe to live in once again. peter scott, the backyard turkey r t firmware unless was cross live now to divert emory, a volunteer at rescuers without borders. thanks so much for joining us on the
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program today. now will you start out by telling us about the situation on the ground inter kia at the moment? what effect have you seen so far from this disaster? hi, thank you for having me. we arrive on the 20 hour after there's happened and so we came so fast. and once we landed the east and bull date, the turkish police took us to the man because to say we need your do your team in the id. yeah. me and we started to dig up there 3 for a very, very complicated our we succeed to find some people. then the police ask us to come to one of the hospital here and to help because. ready what we found the hospital and the our doctor in the and now there are many extent there's a lot of people that can, with us actually took over the emergency room here. we are still cold at night
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and we're here in the hospital right now. you can see in the soldiers here and they and other people that they are moving and coming and all the time. and rick missed him. second, steel steel every tuesday. the 2nd the ambulance cam. people bring people yesterday night 72 hour after everything happened. we still had 4 live people on the hospital that we need our best and god to succeed, to save their life. wow. and not work that you're doing is incredibly important. now will you tell me a little bit about your role as a volunteer rescue worker? what are your primary tasks? you know, i'm in a real state israeli guy in the real state, but me as well, a building, but they plan the real estate bus. in the 2nd they heard me say disaster happened.
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i just left everything behind and they came and the deal just for the rescue with border to come and volunteer and help this week to the turkish people's a softer and now when you tell me about what difficulties you're facing when it comes to the search and rescue crews. there what difficulties are you up against in your efforts? if i don't difficult situation, you know you're going to plan, you don't know what you're going to see. how to look like what you're going to do, where you're going to sleep laughing in just a backpack and all our equipment, of course, and you go and a lot of the connection here and did police, you said to where you need it, but all the time you don't know what's going on, what's going to happen and the next day and morrow. and the way that's working and
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we practice it to do the best that we can do now. yeah. and certainly that help is incredibly needed. now how has it been coordinating with so many rescuers from other countries? what has been like i can tell you the risk of the border a team, the land in eastern bull came to the place here and all the time. the question of coordination with a lot of people, different language and different culture. very, very complicated, a bus in the end of the day when you come to save the life, people succeed to work together and talk at the connect and everything. everybody you very, very helpful and try to work together and helpful one each other and even overlapping . sometimes it doesn't matter. people understand the patient and look to
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get certainly a devastating situation. and those rescue efforts are needed more now than ever. debris demarie, a volunteer at rescuers without borders. thank you so much for your time and inside . davy, thank you. and one of those earthquakes recorded at the magnitude of 7.8 was the most powerful in the region. in almost a century, walter, kia and syria were the most effected. the tremors were felt as far away as egypt and even the central asian nation of conflicts done so far in turkey, alone, more than 12000 deaths have been confirmed and over 62000 people injured in theory at the earthquake left more than $1000.00 people dead as about $300.00 buildings have collapsed the northern city of aleppo, you're the turkish border is one of the areas most effective residents were forced to flee their homes and have been gathering shelters where they are provided with necessary accommodations. meanwhile, western sanctions, particularly from the u. s,
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have been blocking vital aid from getting into syria are after the disaster. as you can see in this map, major air carriers have been avoiding syrian territory. china has demanded that the us remove is sanctions against syria. beijing says the us embargo on syria has disrupted aid supplies and made the humanitarian crisis in the middle eastern country. even worse. the us has long been engaged and the syrian crisis is frequent motor strikes and hush. economic sanctions have caused huge civilian casualties and taken away serious means for subsistence. in the wake of the catastrophe, the us should put aside joe boyd's gl obsessions and immediately lived a unilateral sanctions and syria to unlock the doors for humanitarian aid to syria . for humanitarian aid, these sections should be listed there is, you know, speaker of the u. s. department, he lives many times in our because that he said that the united
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states is not preventing any kind of a ministerial assistance to our area. why is this to ation? it's not like that. so not only sanctions united states imposing on people at united 5th l u. s. army is this healing 120000 barrels of oil every every day. and as the same time, they are stealing the wheat cotton and occupying the very important part of the north east of us because of the sanctions because of the war. and he lost the government, 50000 machine in all kinds of mice, which could be housed in this situation, enjoying it where we are. so now i think we should divide between your bullet bulletproof colored position towards the city and state or the syrian or whatever
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you want to, to name it. and between the humanitarian situation, which in international low i think we are obliged to help each other as if people as a human being good. ah, you as president joe by that has admitted that the world will still need oil for quite some time. despite his efforts to push for a global transition to more eco friendly and sustainable energy sources, in particular, african nations have not been very keen on making that switch despite those western demands. so we're going to need oil for alicia not a decade. and i can actually, oh, we're a new leave it to us present, joe biden, to say the quiet part out loud yet again. go figure that the most lucid remark that bitin major in his state of the union speech was when he wasn't just reading
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verbatim from what some establishment speech writers gave him to read. all this high about the need for green energy to save the planet from climate change. and now biden's like, well actually the future is fossil fuels for another decade and beyond. and big oil which went from being the ugly step child to being propped up on a unicorn expected to be the white knight now. isn't too happy with all the mix messaging. the present is right that americans on the world will continue to need affordable, reliable energy for decades to come. so why attack the industry or can day and night to provide it by didn't, has been using big oil as a scapegoat for bad government policy as in now don't blame biden's, anti russian sanctions, or covey restrictions and mandates that totally deregulated energy market and spiked inflation or don't blame is green agenda, the kill domestic fossil fuel.
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