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tv   News  RT  February 10, 2023 8:00am-8:30am EST

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there's no support from the united nation. i mention that initially don't care about checklist and people. the headlines on asi, international with disturbing images as russia has slammed international organizations on the west for that silence over alleged war crime. has more footage measures online showing the execution of russian soldiers by ukrainian trying to kill, including a 6 year old child as a car flowed into a bus station in jerusalem. ready? police calling at a tara, but we will go and live there shortly. india has discovered a record amount of lithium deposits, giving hope to boosting the production of electronic vehicles in that country. and un peacekeeping forces kill 8 civilians and wounded nearly 30 other than the democratic republic of congo. the protesters spend outraged about the lack of
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progress in combating regional territory. the i'm bringing you both sides of today's top stories about into your news, nazi international. and yet another video showing executed a russian prisoners of war has emerged on line. just a day off, the other footage appeared showing ukrainian troops shooting a captured russian soldier in the head multiple times. a warning, the following images are disturbing. the new footage appears to show the aftermath of the 1st video, a several bed russian soldiers captured by ukrainians lying on the ground. it's worth noting that all of them have severe head wounds that seem to show they were shot, an execution style, a point blank range. that would be a war crime in violation of the geneva conventions. something the us itself as voice concerns about the 1000 without his romance caution ref. so the 1st video,
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evidence of the execution of the unarmed russian soldier, the surface just a couple of days ago, it showed the ukrainian soldier shooting the man point blank. while he was on the ground with his hands up, the nationalist was shouting the nazi slogan, glory to ukraine when he was killing the prisoner. now another piece of evidence of the war crime appeared on the internet's. on friday, it showed several unarmed dead russian soldiers with lethal head wounds, all apparently killed execution style. now the disturbing footage also shows the ukrainians ravaging through the belongings of the men that they have just executed russia. foreign ministry has issued a statement saying that they have repeatedly drawn the attention of the international community to the war. crimes of give and to have stated that the ukraine and authorities do not comply with the international humanitarian law. the
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latest execution of russian prisoners of war as largely on the conscience of the western characters of kiev who created this nazi regime, raising a generation of ukrainians. obsessed with the idea of hatred and national superiority. a shameful fact is the silence of the international structures that have a shoot professionalism and objectivity for the desire to curry favor with the united states and other western countries. now this is not the 1st so i am that ukrainians have proudly distributed videos of the executions of russian prisoners of war. russia's investigative committee has launched multiple criminal inquiries regarding these atrocities by ukrainians. the new video has become yet another piece of evidence of the war crimes. boy, they key of a regime rush investigators are certain that the crimes will not go unpunished and the criminals will eventually face justice. meanwhile, ukrainian officials have been reporting a missile strikes and several regions. the attacks have been reported in the capital, keith hud cough, the major southern ford, odessa,
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and more than 10 other cities. local officials or the energy infrastructure areas were being targeted. now ablaze or portly erupt at a hydro electric power station in the city of audrey. this is a unverified forties, supposedly of that incident. a thermal power plot was also said to have been heavily damaged in the central city of triple a. rog, ukrainian authorities say that emergency power shut down to being conducted in a number of regions. i was early, numerous drone strikes were reported in eastern parts of ukraine. electricity outages have also been reported in the ukrainian health city of apology, which is in the recently ratified russian territories to jerusalem. now whereas we understand a 6 year old child and one man has been killed along with several injured after a car rammed into a crowded bus station. israeli police say the driver was neutralized, local officials say it was a terror attack. well,
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let's cross live now to his middle east correspondent maria phenomenal, standing by in jerusalem, or it's not just about a bypass 3 in the afternoon. the maria. what do we know so far? yes. hi rory, a very dramatic bloody incident here in jerusalem. indeed, early on friday, a car ran into a crowd at a bus stop at that intersection in the northern part of the city as a result. for now we hear that at least 2 people have been confirmed that included a 6 year old boy who was killed on the sport and a 20 year old man who died later from injuries many other people were injured. we hear from the medics that at least 5 people have been taken to jerusalem hospitals, including one in critical condition and 2 in very serious condition. 2 among those injured are also children. no surprise. the incident happened just couple of hours before the beginning of when jewish families with their children
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outside to go into synagogues and it was a bus stop. so public transportation to use it very often so many now i would say that it was a deliberate attack, but i have to say that the police chief is currently on the ground at the scene and the investigation is currently undergoing. we hear that indeed the card driver was neutralized and we hear reports that he was a 30 year old resident of eastern jerusalem israeli id valley student nationality. and i have to say that so far, officially, police did not call this incident and tara tag, but the way these rarely authorities respond to it indicates that it is being treated as one israeli prime minister. benjamin netanyahu ordered. we now here to sue and seminar, meaning this troy level, the house of the attacker. we only see these happening when the reason incidents
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that is classified as a terror attack. i have to say that this incident came at a very turbulent time for israel and palestine authorities, the reason dramatic escalation here on the ground. this incident came just 2 weeks after a deadly terror attack in one of their religious neighborhoods in east, in jerusalem. when a group of jews, worshippers was attacked, it took the lives of 7 civilians to worst attack since 2008 here in the c t. so we are following what's going on and what the reaction of the authorities will be right onto murray phenomena. thank you. the indian ministry of mine says announced the discovery of a huge reserve of lithium in the kashmir region, roughly very close to something like 6000000 tons. we just got some details a moment ago from archie runjun charlotte. india has discovered nearly 6000000 tons
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or will leave them in the state of john moore and meet in a district called reality. and this is the 1st big find a relief in for india in the past as well in 2011 in the i have found lithium in the state of canada. but it didn't really work out for 2 reasons because it wasn't a big quantity. and b, because it wasn't commercially wible at this discovery is a big deal for india. and i'll tell you why, because for india, electronic medical policy formulation of that is very, very important at this stage, given the fact that and also dealing with it, but usually crises, many metro have seen bad quality levels including new delhi where i am right now for example, which is the world's worst, will you to the capital city? now formulation of an electronic vehicle policy with the discovery of lead them is
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possible why? because each item is used for making electronic re good batteries or mobile phones, laptops, but electronic very good batteries. making them and then penetrating ease into the main stream on 2 roads is going to be a priority for india. and now india does in board a lot of them and in the past few years and has been wanting to cut down on these boards constituting the policy also really has been to be self reliant in every sector in every area. and therefore, this discovery you lead them for india is a magical one on a very, very significant one. the us will not impose sanctions on india for importing russian energy. suggesting washington will offer an exemption as it focuses on cooperation. we're not looking to sanction india. our partnership with india is one of the most consequential relationships or india has
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become among the biggest importers of russian crude oil. as russia continues, deliveries imports from russia rose further and december 2022, crossing a 1000000 barrels per day. for the 1st time, already in january this year, this figure increase to $1700000.00 barrels a day. this represents a huge increase from when russia made up for just 0.2 percent of all the crude oil that india import. in the last financial year. a business consultant managed child re says that the end of the day, certain western players want to benefit from not sanctioning india the west, especially the u. s. does not want to look. it says like it is important in russia . so they don't want to do that to so this is just a way to cut the or we didn't wire the know that they can do it from russia, so they could come renting it to india. so it isn't a privilege, it's more to do with their own benefit. without our group, they are not,
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they will not to be able to sustain the demand they have in their own country before the videos. what so that actually the signing is great from the us data actually showing that the rest of the world that, that actually not importing it from russia because of the economic sanctions with the west has imposed on them. but in directly gaining a lot of while you, me a lot of traction in the videos from india. so it is a very smart play from the u. s. un peacekeepers kill 8 civilians and wooded 28. others in the democratic republic of congo was protested with venting fury over a lack of progress in combating terrorists in the region. there has been rising anti us sentiment in the central african country locals. believe the peacekeepers
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have not been doing enough to defend the civilians from the n 23 insurgent group near the rwandan border. un mission says his troops opened fire only to protect their own convoy. as the protest did devolve into violence, the convoy was attacked by demonstrators who had previously barricaded the road with large stones forcing the convoy to stop. the civilians died, while peacekeepers tried to protect the convoy for the class shopping around a 10 kilometers from the major eastern city of goma. while the u. n. convoy was returning from a re supply mission. or the un mission in the d asi has around 18000 personal. it's mandate includes supporting the congolese governments effort to stabilize the region embattled by attacks from m. 23 and surgeons. a local residents say that dissatisfied with the un troops. the conflict with emma 23 is still ongoing, with thousands of people forced to flee. we all flee the m 20 to
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3 war. as you have heard about the situation in all villages, we need help when he tats, but above all, we need the return of peace. how buddy, aka, but the situation is very complicated. at the moment in kemati we came from there under a hail of bullets. when they arrived in kemati, we decided to leave. we were scared of the bullets and the bombs that fell. there are many people who have been injured a. busy the m 23 started fighting the day before yesterday, crashes continue in the area. and that is why we're leaving our villages in kinky, we're looking for where we're going to rest. but we have no idea. we ask our government to do everything to displace the m 23 rebels. so we can return to our villages so that we don't die of other diseases or of hunger in the camps. france is withdrawing troops from the west african country of but kina faso that is made arising anti french sentiment in the region with local saying french forces
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have failed to prevent terrorist attacks. the latest deputy deadly incident happened in his northern province. this week with 25 people were killed among them . 3 police officers now, but a can of hossa has been under constant attack from various she had. his groups are linked to al qaeda. for example, the government has now asked for help from the wagner russian private military group to deal with the threat. and one local journalist explains how but in a fossil is bethany against terrorists with the help of the wagner group. as lookin' a fossil, his face fiddle a, pass for 8 years now, the situation is still not getting any better. government officials simply decided to expel refresh. military con patient which have been present in the country seems 2018, while more than 40 percent of the country is under the control of till his group. the decision was welcomed by visited here, who have called for new partners,
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especially will russian profit military group, wagner aleck, more by their fossil nigeria. in my opinion, we have waited long enough with france. we've suffered for too long. they were here for a long time and we did not see any results while they killed many of our soldiers and many of our family members. and in just 4 months, captain abraham came and we already can see change in with the health of the wagner group in our soldiers. we know that things will get better brought us. why, if i truly believe that the wagner group will do far, much better than france for the last 20 years, they did nothing. they had all the power to change things around here. but nothing change will be what we need, someone who will bring concrete solutions, someone who listens to the people of burkina and can achieve our common goals. with that in mind, the wagner group is more than welcome and i will kill a is also called for the di pepto, fresh ambassador in december as compelling to naming new diplomats in what god local. last month,
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ali kept in abraham towering. diagnosed the military cooperation agreement. we phrase the head, the prison. so 400 placed hoops in bull killer fossil. this comes is the new authorities and will killer, have improved coalition with russia since october 2022. the corporation has increased the cup abilities of it will kill abbey army, but clarity in control of its f space now will kill out is able to be more reactive to telescope's attack. last month, 6 major teresa tact received a swift with pulls from the army which use don's emily captors in a counter attack. however, at the same time, the tories have changed tactics by systematically killing civilian. they come into contact with a former mayor of a city in lawful bull killer and former political advisory captain to my son, kara,
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his the only survivor of the military called but killed some cutter and 12 other 40 years ago. his opinion is clear about wagner, group of the planted animals. we cannot eternally be submissive. i do not understand how france cannot understand that france who claims to be the leader of freedom in the country of human rights. it does not recognize any thing for france . we are slaves, we refuse to be slaves. france liberated itself from the old regime. let us do the same and be free from france. the french troops failed. that is for sure. our people will succeed to remember history, and more importantly, learn from mistakes, is a cardinal rule that those in money and will, can a fossil asset to embrace, as the countries have moved away from me. colonial pos to a future of partners with the lulu assay, wondered meanwhile,
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the head of the wagner group says his company has stopped recruiting from russian correctional facilities. however, replying to a c, n request on what could be the reason for that. he said they received many applications from the united states. after we released the wagner pmc advertisement for the american audience, we received more than 10000000 applications from us citizens wishing to join us to fight against nato. at the moment we are considering about 1000000 american citizens for employment. therefore, we temporarily suspended the recruitment of volunteers from russian prisons. however, if there is a corresponding request from the us state department, we will recruit from american once. the bargaining group remains on the don bath front lines, its military gains and the conflict. the volcanic group has been branded a criminal organization by the united states. and we had a chance to speak to a wagner pfeifer who just recently completed his contract with the group is our correspondent, steve sweeney, russian private minutes. he company wagner has sought
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a global promise partly due to his road in the conflict in ukraine. it's 4th, it played a crucial role in k minute feel for it is a theme russian 40 take control of many town it. so does have been deploy is syria in libya and many african companies where they have been welcomed of heroes. but in the west volga is controversial, is accused of war crimes. another authority, according to western rhetoric. this is connie because the policy of recruitment from russian prism population were in st. petersburg, where we met with spartak, i wagner, commander and former convict, who says that he joined not to be pohden, but to fight for his country. and almost there wasn't many of i didn't think i would end up in wagner. i signed the papers to go in here, i am. the boss came to our prison. he just made an offer and told everything how it
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was. the war was brutal. it's not the chechen war. some decided to go and some didn't. so i decided instantly if i wasn't even thinking about the amnesty, yes, of course. honest he's great and my term as long as i had other motives, my relatives died there and i was ready to serve the motherland if needed at any time. we asked him about his previous crimes and if he feels that serving involved is an opportunity for comics to redeem themselves for us also of sheesh, i 1st went to serve in a security force in chechnya in 2002. there were many issues to deal with in the motherland. i served until 2005 and was wounded in a special operation. but after that, i worked here and there, studied to become a construction worker to be honest. so i didn't manage to find myself. i began to break the law and got locked up after the war. i was young, may be mentally unstable. maybe i didn't understand something in my own reality. i
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didn't make any further plans for the time after the contract. i was thinking about the guys i was thinking about the performance of the salt group. we thought about the job and served as faithfully as we could. we tried to be useful. so i personally saw death 10 to 15 times in front of my eyes. there it was, i left the trench for a 2nd and my friend was killed. i believe i ever deemed myself when it was thought cold as how he joined a private minifie company on about the equipment and supplies on the battlefield. along with the relations with the group leader describing wagner as a brotherhood. thus, a thumb after the head of wagner came to us and told us everything. the federal penal service speaks to us whether we want to go. if we're ready, if we understand what we're getting into it, and in 2 to 3 days, he comes back and then begins all the paperwork, all the bureaucratic issues. i don't know the details. i haven't delved into a too deeply liberal. we talked to and he took me away as he promised he said he'd
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come and he did, and we flew there by plane than by helicopter. and then we arrived at the training base. we're given 2 pairs of the best uniform rations we have good timely deliveries. wagner. this is my family, my brothers. i can call them sit down to talk, drink tea, go somewhere and help out if needed. they have their own brotherhood. a main thing is for them to do their job. i'm proud in general that i served that i met the boss . i'm proud that i shook his hand. he taught me a lot thought like, is convinced that russia will win, despite fighting against foreign mercenary. i'm western because of the care of regime captured, ukrainian soldiers have been brainwashed. he tells us the thermal, if silly will leave a lot of propaganda there. they think that they will soon take moscow. but the refrain of wagner, i kept this one ukrainian and he told me all sorts of nonsense. i think many guys
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are ready to serve with us because they start seeing the reality. even though there is information on the internet. they're still heavily zombified. we had our 1st battle, there were mercenaries in their swedes, norwegians polls, and many others. we fought with dignity, we shot everyone, the task was completed in full, and then we left as rushing advances on the battlefield continues. so to the west sloan doesn't live an indication perhaps, that the new frame is slipping through. so more than now, 20000 people have lost their lives in the wake of these are devastating earthquakes that ripped through turkey and syria. this week a rescue team some all around the world of come to assist. and what are disaster relief efforts? are russian emergency services have joined forces with local teams on the scene? if they search for survivors in the rebel or this footage, a glimmer of hope as several people are pulled from the deborah motor shop for days
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. it's been a race against time for them. and for those still not found to be russian energy, john ross item has meantime sent fire fighters and staff to provide services in order to restore infrastructure so far in 30 a alone more than $19000.00 death tapping confirmed over $71000.00 injured, the se, in city of the yemen is one of the most affected areas. it's where he's peter scott . now reports from is in 4 days since the massive earthquakes that shook the city of other yemen. the sun provides little warm and absolutely no comfort to those who have lost friends and family. in this tragedy. the temperatures still drop well below 0 at night, and that provide their own set of challenges to those who don't have a home. the sites are buried, families struggling to contain their grief is all too common on the streets about a young man. the government estimated the number of death here to be 900 on tuesday
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with 5000 wounded residence though. say the figures are much higher. we spoke to one man standing next to the body of a young boy, wrapped in a blanket, took by them. yes, this is the son of my younger brother lying here recovered the body of my brother this morning. and now we've received the body of my 10 year old nephew. we are now waiting for your body, shall the 2 daughters of my brother to be recovered, or for them to be rescued a life. ah, many of the people we spoke to here said that help was slow to arrive in the days after the earthquakes hit turkey, his precedence. edward himself admitted that there had been shortcomings. but the relief effort now appears to be gathering pace and especially steam from algeria, reportedly restaurant to children on wednesday. there was apparently no sign of their relatives. people here angry that for days on and rescue team still haven't managed to reach many homes. woman told us it was the poor here suffering the most . many of the buildings on the streets have been completely destroyed without it
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has taught the people he was live there still gathering around desperate, very news of their friends and relatives with the hours march on the theories. this is turning into more of a recovery operation than a rescue. 17 bodies have just been found in this building and they're about to be removed. humanitarian aid is starting to get through to the city with people cuing to get badly needed food, water, and clothing. as soon as the earthquake struck, thousands of volunteers flocked to the airport in the stumble, to join the search and rescue efforts in to area model the him, he stumbled. i'm a lawyer originally from a donna. but now i live in his temple. i came here to rescue people from the class building st, unless any of us could have found ourselves inside one of these buildings. there were 34 families living in this building before the earthquakes. hope is fading fast, but every now and again, still some one is found alive against the odds. a little girl called elidah owes her life to volunteers like nish met in july to is now doing well and recovering in
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a hospital. but unfortunately, we have recovered many bodies of the people who lived here. this in this building has been completely destroyed and had dinner on one of the highways leading to adiana. and there's a stream of ambulances, trucks carrying excavators and vans filled with volunteers and aid. the sound of sirens fills the air as a long road ahead for this city and others lie kids. and it's hard to imagine when his residence will be able to return foot. when the dust eventually settles. many of the people here will have questions about how this disaster was handled. of course, not just schumann, so suffering from this disaster search teams and volunteers have been working hard to save every life, including pet. she got trapped under the rubble or of otherwise been injured. and we spoke to one rescuer with his hands full to but maybe
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you will get maybe a nice note in a good name. my wife is a notion this is nice me and my low serious president busha taught, has visited the affected areas in this country. he says the situation is catastrophic. in response to the escalating humanitarian crisis, russia has provided aid to both 30 and syria rushing service to helping clear away rebel and rushing firefighting across or extinguishing fire that are routed into the after the disaster. there are also distributing medical supplies and other a were affected areas just south of the border in syria. many will do tell us to get on that story if you like it r t dot com. but if you need more readily available updates
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r t is all across telegram for the meantime. you can join us with ah water westerly, i'm a bit, i don't. i mean, i had a major was how your ship with a hair dresser, a bus driver, a sales person, anyone could become a victim, that sal private negotiators 1st appeared. think we'll do that as he steal, remove. what am i'm focusing mr. less with a level,
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i'm not really not a necessity, but then use more, you'll will be up, but i am on that. on the global dilemma, it is only be 3. see 4 miss shannon from the yet debbie studies boys took over the serious me cooper, venus. yeah. these with this request was in the window was to 2nd ah museums are important for preserving our.


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