tv The Cost of Everything RT February 12, 2023 3:30pm-4:01pm EST
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and these estimates also take into account spending on failed trials of other drug candidates that didn't reach approval. the scientific challenges and drug discovery are another reason why drugs are so expensive. the are in the phase of drug creating a drug can range between $900000000.00 to $2000000000.00 and pharma companies spend about 25 percent of their revenues on r and d. afterwards, drugs undergo clinical trials that allow for the approval of new drugs. these trials can take months even years, and they include testing for efficacy, dosage and side effects. the trials have a median cost of $900000000.00 with an approval rate for drugs entering clinical development of less than 12 percent. then finally, there's the cost of marketing. this new drug pharma companies spend around $30000000000.00 on medical marketing each year. and now there's a cost of manufacturing where the costs per treatment can range from
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a couple cents to a couple dollars. cost a manufacturing is typically very low once the formula has been dollars in so ball the buy gilliard. this new hepatitis c drug received a lot of criticism when i hit the market since the cost of manufacturing was only a $150.00. but gillian charged $84000.00. but as you can see, the cost manufacturing is not the whole story. it didn't take into account the years and millions spent on r n d. so the matter is very complex. on the one hand expansion, drugs are unaffordable for most people throughout the globe. on the other hand, pharmaceutical companies, they can't develop break through drugs, allow poor millions into developing them. from their perspective, it's only fair to charge a price that will allow them to recoup their outlay and help them to continue researching and developing better drugs. and for more, let's bring in the ne chris then national field organizer center for popular
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democracy. so christian, and while pharma companies need to recover their r and d costs, many life saving drugs are simply on affordable sa pharma companies justified in their pricing with the existing model. or does something need to be changed? know their pricing is definitely not justified that these are companies that value profit over people. they're motivated by how much money they can make, not on what is best in terms of health care outcomes and the care that people need . and we've definitely seen this with covert right. kind of on a grand scale, you would think it's a global crisis that when we develop these lifesaving vaccines that we'd want to share that with as many people as possible, we want to share with their countries. certainly during a pandemic with the understanding that you can't and a global pandemic with a single state solution, right? cobit existing other countries means more variance going to come to our shores. and it's also just the moral sensible,
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responsible thing and to show this technology. but that's not what's happened, pfizer and minturn, i have ordered their technology and refuse to, to give it away to other countries and teach them how to manufacture their vaccines . and as a result of that were entry year 3, i guess, 2 and a half years now, this pandemic shows no particular signs of stopping. and it reminds me of, when jonah thought said after he entered the polio vaccine, i think it was edward r murrow who asked him, you know, what the patent status of the polio vaccine. and he said like, well there is no patent like it belongs to people. like you said, like rhetoric, like can you patent the son? because it was inexplicable for him to think that people would hoard that technology. of course, if you develop less medication, you should share it with the world. but again, that's not what's happened. pfizer has used this crisis to increase their wealth and they've done that very, very effectively. in 2021, 5 revenue was $81300000000.00,
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which was double what it was the year before. and that's the only continue to increase. and i think they have like over 70 percent of the market on vaccines right now. and actually found out earlier this morning that because demand is waning a bit and governments are buying less axioms visor is now looking to get into the private market place and they're suggesting possible quadrupling the price of their vaccine. so future boosters and vaccines will no longer be free for us. again, this is in the covert round with kind of extreme mass level example, but this is happening across the board on all sorts of medications, right? it's happening on influence happening on cancer medications. it's not certainly, it's not unique to cope it, i should say. and as a result of that, when these companies are producing these dr. if they have been operated on them, they can pretty much pay per much charged whatever much they want. and i put, you know, us people who depend on the job survive in positions where we have to choose between medications and food, or medications, and rents,
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or medications and housing. one of our members, a friend of mine, when we organize with she needed a dental procedure, dental surgery, but her daughter needed medication and medication. her daughter couldn't survive and she had to choose between the 2. so she just did not get the dental surgery which she badly needed in order to care for her daughter. and i like to think in the wealthiest country in the world, but no one should have to make those choices. that's what's happening all across the country right now. and we hear those stories all the time. what people organized, they had to go back to your question like no, it's the bad faith system built on maximizing profit, not on improving health outcomes. prescription drugs in the us on average cost around $2.00 times more than those same drugs and other western countries. why is that? well, other countries have a different value system. they see the medications as being
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a public good. and because of that, they have regulatory agencies whose job is to negotiate lower prices. and that doesn't really exist here until recently. doesn't really exist here at all. it's the pharmaceutical companies who are deciding how much to, how much 2 costs for their medications. and unless there is a cheaper alternative, unless there's a generic alternative, they can pretty much charge whatever they want. and that's why they just drive a prices as much as they can and they try to get as much profit as possible. and that's their motivation. and recently we did get like a huge victory on this front, which is important to mention. and the recent inflation reduction act that just passed. we were able to get medicare, the power to negotiate lower drug prices on behalf of everyone who's on medicare, which is a lot of people. and that's a huge victory. that's not a small thing. people in the health care worlds have been working towards that for a very long time. and like here at the center for popular democracy, we've been working on that for like over, over
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a year because it started as build back better. and we eventually ended up with the ira, but we did like for a dogging and so with the beat in the lobby visits and all kinds of rallies. and if you remember, we went on kayaks and like surrounded sender mentions. yup. and like asked him, you know, to vote to protect art and spend our health care. so that was a huge win for us. and we'd like to go further. but yeah, we took a big chunk of farmers power away from them, but they still have way too much power, which is a particular problem in this country. and yeah, that's why it's, it's just getting worse. and now the study has found that the launch prices of new drugs rose on average by 11 percent every year from 2008 to 2021. what do you think is driving this? i think it's, i mean what's driving that is agreed mostly, particularly in time of crisis is last couple of years to recover as we've talked
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about with pfizer and during the crisis to dr. profit. and we see that housing, we see that happening in housing and real estate. it's going to continue to happen as cobra continues. other pandemic come as climate crisis come. these companies are just doing whatever they can to drive profit. and another way we've tried to stop that mission, patient reduction act. we also got a victory there. and that now, once this goes into effect, for medicare companies won't be able to raise the price of their drug, which they're doing, as you mentioned, every year, they won't be able to do it higher than the rate that inflation is rising. and if they do raise their prices more than inflation is rising, they have to pay and medicare, a rebate. sir, we are working on that. but it kind of just really comes down to the american value system, which is the rug and interval individualistic competitive atmosphere. where people are trying to maximize profit. and so unless we take action is going to continue to get worse and worse every year. there's no reason for them to stop unless we stop
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them, which is why we're like organizing people directly impacted people who have these health care stories. and we've got some big victories recently, but a lot of those victories aren't going to take effect for a couple of years to have to keep at it. but as under the status quo, there's no reason for not to discontinue to maximize their profit. so we're going to see that trying to continue unless we stop it. and now the big pharma has always been an industry riddled with scandal, with the latest being the part they played in the opium crisis. so are there any restrictions placed on big pharma about how they market their products and negotiate kickbacks with doctors? the short answer is not really like not restrictions be like the f. d. a cannot limit the amount of money that companies are spending on, on advertising, and they can't really ban advertising for drugs that have serious health risks to us. so as a result of that, you get this like huge, sprawling, multi $1000000000.00 advertising industry around health care,
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right. and in the same way that coca cola wants us to drink their soda and the nfl wants us to watch their football games on sundays is companies want us to use their drugs. and it doesn't particularly matter to them if there's a cheaper drug or a drug safer or like that works better for us. they just want us to consume their product and it's just, you know, that business model to maximize profit. and that's not how the health care should be. run health care should be run by doctors interacting with their patients and acting the best interests of those patients. that's not really what it is. and i think i remember correctly. it's america, new zealand, maybe a few other countries. but other than that, no one else is allowed to market these drugs directly to consumers. but in america you can because it's all deregulated. and yeah, but also drives the cost is just the business model. this huge industry to create these ads, and i don't think, you know, advertisers and people working in social media accounts for these stroke companies should be deciding what's best for my health care, my family's health care,
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my friends, health care, or anyone my can be in my anyone in my community that's what's happening right now . and i think you also asked about these companies and for emphasizing doctors decisions and that's happening. also. there isn't really anything to stop these companies from sending money in terms of gifts, perks trips to doctors, to get them to prescribe certain drugs. and they're often driving the prescription of these huge brand name drugs. when there are generics available that are cheaper and the patient might not get that information. so yeah, pretty much at every, every level here. you have profit as a motivator, right? because you have these companies who are, you know, insisting that we buy their drugs. you have insurance companies who are trying to get out of it and only allow the care that's cheapest. you have doctors who are influenced by pharmacy companies. so like none of those motivators are health based, right. it's all just profit based. and that's pretty much at every level and the
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result is the system we have right now. thank you so much. benet christ, standby and sites. and when we come back, groups like doctors without borders are asking government to, we're lo, patton's granted to pharmaceutical companies, especially in africa. our patents, the problem to access affordable vaccines and medication will have more after the break with ah, ah, in the lease to come to the russian state full narrative time on the most. i'm steve with within the 55 with the speed anyone else with will ban in the european
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union. the kremlin community up machine, the state on to rush up to date and r t spoke back given our video agency, roughly all brand on youtube with the joggers archipelago, homer that she go san diego garcia, the largest island in the archipelago, is now the location of a very large u. s. military base. you could go and met d, i to the u. s. government to make a military base and just deported all of the checklist and people from their country. so they called returned back on the island. no, never,
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but we are fighting. that's what we'll fighting for the right. so, oh i, we do not consider the right to self determination actually applies to the trickle . since i don't the question, no self determination of the legal advice we've received is actually the trickle. since we're not at all, not a people for me, it's done to move on and see what we can do. a full the struggle should. can we do to return back home? there is no support from the admissions commissioner. united nish, i don't care about chugs, shouldn't people with today one forest of the world's population like access to essential medicines,
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primarily in the poorest parts of africa. and asia, because of this groups like doctors without borders and the people's health movement, their calling on the south african government to revoke patents granted to pharmaceutical companies. eli lilly and madonna for its coven, 19 medicine, and m. r. ne vaccine. they argue that these patents will undermine people's access to life saving treatment, and will prolong the pandemic for everyone. for example, treatments like barrister to know for coven 19 which generic manufacturers in india and bangladesh charged only $7.00 per 14 day treatment. but in south africa, the same treatment goes for $270.00 per 14 days. due to the pads blocking the production of generics and south africa. global inequality and access to medicines has been shoved into the spotlight. now with the cova pandemic, south africa is looking to push patton reform laws so that patten's no longer block
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generic producers from entering the market to produce and supply more affordable medical tools. according to the f, b, a generic medications can cost on average 80 to 85 percent less than the brand name equivalence. india has emerge as a global leader in producing pharmaceuticals, although it's still relies heavily on china for the active pharmaceutical ingredients. and now to dive deeper on this issue, let's bring in the ne christian national field organizer of the center for popular democracy. so chris then patton's, obviously play a very important role in the pharma industry. how long do these patents typically last before generic can start producing lower cost bio similar? well that's, that's, that's actually something we're working on right now. we're a part of this campaign called make medicines affordable. and we don't want to wait for congressional action on this issue. we want president biden to actually use an
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executive power to lift patents. he has brought authority to lift patents on pretty much anything, not just health care around, but pretty much on any kind of product. and we're hoping that he will lift patents on certain drugs and allow for the generic production of those drugs. and we're, we did or inaction outside the building and d. c recently where we had directly impacted people telling their stories and asking president biden, you know, like the reduction act with a huge victory. like thank you for doing you did get medicare, drug pricing, but we actually want you to use executive power to go much further analyst patents on those drugs. and in terms of the international scope of things, i think probate again, as a good example, because pfizer and maternal own those patents on their vaccines. you have like countries all across the world to haven't even had gotten their 1st dose yet. meanwhile, here like restrictions are lifting and people are talking about a post coban era, which does not exist for very much still in this era. so again,
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like intellectual property rights should not stand in the way of public health. and also often it does. so we're exploring mechanisms where we can lift those patents, both for patients here in america, but also in the global context when we talk about global pandemic. so there are obviously 2 sides to the argument. yes, medicines are expensive and the patterns make it inaccessible for many of the poor nations. but on the other hand, if it wasn't price high, then pharma companies wouldn't invest so heavily into r and d. so how do we solve this problem? i think oftentimes when you hear that argument, it's often coming in bad faith because a lot of times the research and development is driven by taxpayer money. and you think about mon turner so much of their resources come from the american government, which comes from tax bears. and even in those instances, when it's like us paying for the faxing and then we're facing all these barriers to
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actually accept that. so i think that's often a bad faith argument. there certainly is truth to it and that we want people to continue to innovate and invest in research and development and creating new medicines, acknowledges and vaccines. so i'm sure they're like, you know, regulations and compromises that we can implement there. but like we're so far outside the realm of any sort of reasonable discussion. i mean, you know how to do that because people are acting in good faith or just driving up profits to the tune of billions and billions of dollars as you know, estimates very some folks are saying like, 6000000 people have died globally as some books are saying 15000000 have died globally because it's such an undercount. so i think we're like, we're far away from a good faith discussion, how to balance innovation. and you know what's good for the public because that's, it's not really in their interests right now. and now all of this revolves around having new policy in place to rein by drug makers. but is that really possible when
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big pharma is so influential with its donations and lobbyists, that it basically has he policy makers in his back pocket to protect the industry? that's a great question, that's something i wrestle with all the time. i think everyone working in public health, we wrestle with that, whether it's actually possible to change the system. i like to believe that it is, i think if we're, you know, seeking these like minor tweaks here, or there are these minor forms here, or there. that's not really going to get the job done. and sometimes those, my reforms actually for their, legitimize the system that is illegitimate. so i'm pushing for something far more radical, southern part of our transformative. we should be universal health care in this country, like we believe that the senate republic mocker c and our affiliates. and i certainly believe that health care is the human rights and patents shouldn't stand in the way of health care profits. and then in the way of health care, which is nice to say, but how do you actually get to there? which is i think the root every question. and we're figuring it out like we believe
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that its people who have the power and there are many ways that we can flex the power. if you think about, you know, if we could decouple health care from employment, then that would give strength to the labor movement because then people would be able to, like engage in strikes and slow down. so that worrying, i'm going to lose their insurance. right. and then if be flex, capitalists, if flex our capital power against the capitalist, with concrete demands like who knows what we can accomplish. so we're organizing people who are like, directly impacted bringing them to their legislators over and over again. and we found over time if you do that through just like conversations and bird dogging and lobby visits and protests like you definitely can enact terrific and change. give you an example. like if you remember 2017, the republicans were trying to repeal the affordable care act. and this was like early on in the trans game. and we were told like, well, there's no way you're going to stop this. there is no way going to get there for 8 years and still have the affordable care act. and so we brought people, you know,
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just people from across the country who were directly impacts that we sent them to town halls to tell health care stories. we brought them to d. c. i mean cation civil disobedience in the senate offices. and that's where people with disabilities, people with illnesses, just telling her story is using people power. and we convince 3 republican senators to vote, to protect the sd. and you would think that would be like nearly impossible to do. you think these are people who wouldn't wanna do that, but we were able to do that and that was the height of the trump era. so i'm encouraged by that. i think it's possible. i just think we need to amass that people power. i think lots of people, you know, want to change these things, but don't feel like they have agency. so i like to think it's my job isn't organizer to convince them that they do and actually organize them, mobilize them. so i think that's the way to do it and empower people to actually make that change. and how can countries in africa, expand manufacturing capacity for generic drugs?
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yeah, that's a great question. i think a lot of that is the same kind of, you know, people power centered organizing, discussed earlier. but a lot of the inch in terms of international scope. a lot of it goes the world trade organization. and like we've been supporting what's called a trips waiver, which would temporarily wave intellectual property rights on vaccines test and treatments and really get it out to the rest of the world. and that's part of like an international coalition of organizers. this does not just here, like i'm in new york, is folks around our country and folks you know, all across the world tour pushing for that trips waiver. and there's a lot of international solidarity around that international organizing. and i mean, i think if we work, trust our borders and build our people power, we could do good work in a w t o we actually a lot of it does depend on kind of more powerful, wealthier nations to play ball, so to speak. and we did get prison binding to commit to waving that waiver, actually hasn't done it yet. but i think countries working together in those areas
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where they have influenced the w t o and really building power. there can be a way to do it. but again, it's an order for actually, for that's actually happened. i think you will, you will need that broad scale, like mass organizing on a level that maybe we haven't really seen before. because this isn't really the crisis we've ever seen before. and as bad as this particular crisis is, and i mean cobra when i say that the climate crises to come will actually be worse and will be facing different and i mix and health care challenges that risk clearly not prepared for. so i do think these are not problems that can be solved in a single country or a single state, or a single city. we're going to have to build broad international colas coalition to organize properly on this. thank you so much, renee, because then for your time and insight, while the winner here is obviously big farm out, we have to talk about the losers who are really paying the price. while patents are necessary to protect a company's proprietary, re search for
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a period of time. pharmaceutical companies have now gained the system to their advantage. drug makers are able to extend the patterns on their drugs, keeping generics off the market through a process known as ever greening. they do this by making small little adjustments to drugs which then sustained their monopolies for several years. drug companies on average file more than a $140.00 patent applications per drug to extend their monopolies and prolonged their profits while hiking up their prices. once the drug becomes familiar to people. while the practice of ever grinning isn't necessarily illegal, it is unethical and shows that the patent system is being manipulated to big farmers advantage. this cost citizens upwards of a $1000.00 annually on prescription medication. that would otherwise be a fraction if manufacturer generically. so in the end it is the poor nation and citizens that gets propped in a cycle. poverty at the cost of medication remains inaccessible. i'm christy,
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. ecologist? yes, yeah, hold on. just a salute medium. i didn't know what mine actually spoke up. did it when you are still visual with a quick missed issue with jenny who should move you lou, do go to just us. oh boy. at the tone please. yeah, it's no worries. no we do. but as it hopefully you can lose the smile today still to, with the clear, with the counter. i know she's there. how can i those numbers of national garza, she article and the post cookie bit slow all night from the water neutral tissue,
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them yet facia, especially by the missile failures with today. and this is new and never done before. we trigger the general cape club. that means national government can pump into the economy as much as a, i don't know because i'm not a bad. i'm not there yet. it to us on to that at all. with my son, he got a hold of me, your staff, and he started on monday. the financial due to to this is a for me, i need to turn this this and he said, i mean for the preset joan um phone go out from lam. i'm not sure who to lee should,
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but i'll agree to give you a lot of up with this will be to on i want to probably much of a block they model christie, but not a final push. that was what i would give them the dawn last last you know, ah, that last has got some kind of a bombing. they're all good perception that day even a and he'll get they are putting a little and bringing him in every ever seattle for life. but they are giving him the opportunity to share his meal is not only important and summit, but also in the universities add to the young people are making
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a president a 1000000, but that is definitely not the case. and the, you know, that he understand what is good for damnation, which is good by its people. ah, ah, the head of russia wagner, group slave fighters have taken the don't yet. republic village. a key foothold now also also known as block route, which the ukrainians have been 50 defending 830002 confirm that the off campus because quakes had turkey and syria, the death toll continues to rise. both countries won't go to cope with the fall without they bomb shell report fine award winning. american journalist alleges the u. s. and norway sabotaged the.
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