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tv   News  RT  February 13, 2023 1:00pm-1:31pm EST

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a want to put on your scope with deal with the issue with the think i should do is, you know, use his name and good jail. it's amazing to me that how, how they far my single host, the american journalist behind an investigation into the us role in the north stream pipeline blossoms reveals the pressure he's facing from mainstream media to divulge his thoughts with here, restrict pavilion on media access to the embattled city of austin most widely known as back loops as russian forces advanced and entrenched ukrainian positions that lead forward moves to position all the russian forces inside the
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village of modern cub talking follows russian troops. if they advance in a battle for one of the key ukrainian strongholds outside don, yes. ah, very well welcome. it's 9 pm here in the russian capital, missus, auntie international with the latest wealth news update is good to have you with us this out. now government saw good at tracking down, people who talk, that's the message from seymour hersh. the journalists behind the bombshell node stream blast investigation which concluded that the u. s. was behind the attacks in september earlier, marina caused a river on sean thomas discussed how high she is now, something strong to protect his sources, despite overwhelming media pressure. i think with the newspapers, particularly the german newspaper nurse asked me and, and you know,
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the are times in the washer most just army what they want to really what they think i should do is, you know, use his name and jail. it's amazing to me that how, how they fall on my and my colleagues, they into new york times. they do that. the one thing that governments good is tracking, don't people who seem, or herse was very nonchalant and this podcast interview. and he said that this is something that was out there all along and that it wasn't very hard to find. and all you had to do was a little bit of digging. and he did just that, which is how he found his source. once again with direct operational knowledge into how the us did it, how it planned these attacks and how got rid of no, it's 31 and north some through the pipelines. and he says that even though we're making a big deal out of this, he says, yes, it is a big deal. but in terms of finding out the information, all you had to do will search for it. it was out there. and now of course,
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he's under a lot of pressure to reveal his source even jokes at one point saying that this is his 1st and perhaps his last interview since writing that article because he doesn't know what will happen. and if perhaps there will be some pressure on him, we've seen that radio silence, no pun intended. regarding a headlines from mesa media, there has been barely anything. and when we do see mainstream media talking about the revelations in that bombshell article that you wrote were seen, it twisted in a way, russia wants answers now regarding america's involvement and blowing up the blowing up the pipelines. and again, this is not the rasa one to 9 says it should be the world wants answers. the world needs to know what happens. or for example, one of the articles they say, once celebrates a journalist, seymour hersh, in a way, trying to defame him. but let's see what seymour hersh himself had to say regarding who the source was. it's not even
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a hard story to understand. the president of the united states and the under secretary of state, both said they were going to do it. i did it. there's something called the pipeline industry. it's an industry that makes people make american companies involved. they build pipelines around the world. you need to me. yes. yeah. you know what happened? see my hurst, of course, talking about the fact that joe, by them folk about it openly books for a newland spoke about it openly, that pipelines get rid of them if need be. and that's what he's saying. and they did just that. and regarding he gave us seems to be give us a little hands about the pipeline industries. and also in that interview says it doesn't necessarily, his source doesn't necessarily have to be american. let's don't forget that nato countries were involved in that even energy companies knew that this was the implant. they just couldn't talk about it. marina, you know, about no stream. i know about north stream. we've been hearing about it for years, covering it here for years. but many people don't really know the full story, the background. can you tell us a little bit more about the background of the north stream projects and the
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revelations and how they've been handled since they've come out? of course, north seen gas pipelines were used to deliver cheap russian gas to germany and see europe in general. and germany was receiving a substantial amount. nordstrom to, which was finally completed, was going to double the amount of cheap ross and gas flowing to germany. and of course, europe and america wanted to put an end to it and they needed to get rid of those pipelines. so as early as 2020 long joe biden authorized as national security advisor to come up with a theme and find a way to we can russia to defeat boots. and as i mentioned in that article, and what happened was that jake sullivan, the national security advisor, put together a team that involved the joint chiefs of staff, the cia, the states and treasury department that had lots of top secret meetings right next to the white house and lisa, some of the details that seymour hersh mentions in the article,
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that's what makes us think that this source is legitimate because there's some things that you wouldn't find unless you know that this is somewhat as he says, with direct knowledge of the operational planning. so top secret meetings and they find a way to do it. so u. s. navy divers, or to be used. but when, and how do you do it? norway gives them the idea. hey, you can do it during the annual nato drills that we have every june. so u. s. navy divers, supposedly go down under and put the, the bombs and then they decide to detonator at a later date using planes that drop a buoy. and that's how it sets off who's in our frequency radio frequency, the sound, and it's done. a german led investigation into the nord stream, sabotage and so far, failed to turn up any evidence. berlin has declined to disclose any details while russia has still not been allowed to take part in the probe of his pipelines to
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germany. a former german m e p. a and p were rather told is that the countries establishment isn't interested in letting the truth out as it would expose the american involvement german, me just controlled by the same forces like german government, this, the american state. so all the pressing on earth, pressing on drama, media, pressing one german government, not to the real. the truth is for me the last prove that the story through when i was and p wrote a book, a bolt steering germany from behind from to the united states. not only why, as he also why of the organization, slight atlantic bridge council for relations, all the stuff. and in my personal view, mister shows the whole government are as much in the iron grip, visa, american organizations. that is why they don't really reveal anything. that is why
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they work against german interest. that is why they will not speak out never. and that is why i call i call them. i accuse them of treatment from any official or official name. remember, you will never hear anything about the revelation what someone who has done he's, if he's relations prove true. true. this can be the end of the american general. many over the law can force is facing increasing pressure as russian troops advanced towards the strategic city of arthur moscow open and his mom moved with the ukranian field commander, announcing the access for civilians and press to be embattled area would be restricted. starting from monday for the mr. suvan street fighting continues in the suburbs of the eastern and southern parts of the city. the access of civilians department will officially be closed will at least so they promised it should have been done earlier,
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so as not to endanger people receive the booking. so he crane currently controls the only road linking troops in our to mosque with the rest of the army. according to media reports earlier, the head of the wagner group confirmed his fight is to control the village of class niagara. a key foothold in the north. just 9 kilometers from osteo mosque control of this system and potentially paved the way for further advancements in the don. yes, republic. as the situation on the battlefield intensifies and verified footage circulating on line shows that a ukrainian soldier calling the key of to withdraw its troops from the embattled area. we're ready to get the boys out of bach moot. it will be a repeat of us off stall, but bring out the boys. they have already made many appeals. why aren't you listening to like it? when our boys die? take your son a wife to the positions and bach mode. let them take a stand there. you are murderous. janish pitt county editor in chief of and the
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media news thinks the battle for back mute is a key factor in the ukraine conflict. bought east a key due to where it dig into the region. oh, don't ask people republic to dis lobby asked to cromwell doors where everything started in 2040. of course, this is the main battle, what we see now, 2014 when this civil war in chris started and especially dear ago, went a claim of the russian attack. what happened was that 250000 nationalists was getting ready with the later support to attack and they started. week later russia made an intervention again to help us here. we have lived every year and we haven't seen the truth in the western media at all. liberation of dawn . it is an important step forward because that the whole region of will far to most bottom would are slow vs grammar doors. they are all reaches which molded for
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independence, which bordered against the western bucket grouping, gearing 2014. so this is a very mutual, very important decisive moment for the russian world. the ukranian war didn't change nato. we were prepared to bounce according to the alliance as a secretary general during a speech ahead of a meeting of defense ministers in stockton. but noted that the conference has underlines the importance of the organizations reinforcements back in 24 same it has not changed natal. it's us just demonstrated the importance of mental ah, under how important it has been that the actually since 2014 nato hassan implemented the biggest reinforcements or collected defense in the generation, recalls the war did start in february last year. it started in 2014. this week, our expect our lawyers will agree to establish
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a new virtual network of national and commercial satellites. this will improve our intelligence on surveillance and support 9 commissions and abrasions. the new satellite network is aimed at helping to facilitate new deliveries and deployments of nato heavy weapons to ukraine last week. officials and t of admitted that they rely directly on us intelligence when pitting targets for american supplied artillery systems. human rights attorney martin does a told us that nato is pursuing its own interests in the conflict. so if you look at that, clearly we can see that the wiring started in that time or when they've gone yet and look at the public. they're both clear that they don't want the interference of the government of the might on to and that they. ready want to deborah law as some kind of council. no similar inside. you create a government which was not to democrats to be and since that time we're inside
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automation will cost different interests. but all of all the interference and the impact on ukraine by nato. and by their own interest that you will go against russia and to get ukraine into their own sphere of influence. they wanted to bring that follow ups and already in the queue in the queue. that was militant forces, especially forces faith or provided with weapons by the us and by the nature of a naval states. so we can think that from that point on the nature of some was that conflict me while i defend systems have shot down the ukrainian torch k, u ballistic missile over the don. yes, republic, city of marielle. paul, as, according to russian media site in the city commander's office following an explosion reported earlier, and is fighting wages across the region. the russian defense ministry published
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a video of its power, troopers incumbent on the front lines, as they so say more than 250 ukranian soldiers have been killed in the latest battles near don. yes, russian troops continued a storm, a native ukrainian, strong caught on the outskirts of the city, a correspondent, the english don. uh, is that so right now we are entering the small village of martin just outside of the nets. we have to do it at night because it is simply too dangerous to take this road during the day. in fact, ukrainian forces are so close already. we can see the flashes of their artillery firing towards the russian positions. under the cover of darkness we had towards the troops living quarters on the front line, we wake up to a surreal landscape and the pit to me to desolation and death. while this is marian car and with the 1st rays of sunshine, the extent of the damage dealt to this little village. while it becomes obvious and
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it is close to a 100 percent. you can see that all around us so far. we haven't seen a single building that comes to even close as to being intact or more or less intact. the fighting continued throughout the night, although it's intensity did die down, did receive a little bit compared to what happens here during the day. while marin county is also a graveyard for nato made machines and vehicles like this, a p. c, that was supply to ukraine by her st. leo. size is unchanging here. shibel building frames, scaffolding and breaks from torn apart houses. so this is the forward most position, all the russian forces inside the village of marine car, basically between us. great. in forces,
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there's only about 3 to 400 me into the soldiers. in this particular position of this machine, gun to the left of me is meant to stop any sort of advancement that reagan might attempt both day and night. recently to give you an idea as to how close quarters the fighting here is the former building of the local library is right now occupied by both russians and ukrainians. one section is under the russian control, and the other one is out of ukrainian ha. now both sides have drawn reinforcements to duke it out and see who remains. in control of this building, we hear the roar of 2 engines, a few 100 meters away, a russian tank and an infantry fighting vehicle. they open fire at a point blank range or washing seats console,
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about 2 thirds of the village cave had 8 years to prepare defences here and wasted no time cooperated by the density of battles is heavy. ukraine is pulling up reserves and we're grinding them down with artillery. the enemy has taken massive losses and a lot of them are refusing to fight. as far as i've heard, there's a crack in national battalion behind them. the enemy is well prepared, their holding fortified positions. ukraine staunch resistance here is not driven by principle by cold military tactics. losing this seemingly anonymous village means that russian forces will flank caves, other frontline garrisons to the north. but there's no doubt among soldiers here soon. velma, john, i'm a good done of reporting from the dumbass r t o. controversy strikes the u. k of bbc chairman, which had shop, has been accused of failing to declare his role in arranging 800000 pounds worth of
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loan guarantees of britons than prime minister. i came to us weeks before morris johnson recommended him for the role as, according to a recent report published by the nations parliament. richard sharps decisions firstly to become involved in the facilitation of a loan to the then prime minister. while at the same time applying for jobs that was in that same person's gift and then to fail to disclose this material relationship were significant errors of judgment, which undermine confidence in the public appointments process. and could deter qualified individuals from applying for such posts. according to the parliament, which it shot was involved in financial talks with boris jones and back in 2020. later in january 2021 shop was named as the government's preferred candidate for the baby c chairmanship. he's denied his role in helping arrange a guarantee on the loan, but has admitted bringing canadian millionaire some blind on board who wanted to help boris johnson wallace cross live now to on guess martin j award winning
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journalist mosque. many thanks for joining us on the program. this evening, so what are your thoughts on these claims? did a route reporting violation occur and in your opinion, was it just a simple oversight of reporting violation occurred? i think this story is some is so typical of or a strong legacy. it's like pulling it on your, you know, the more you look into his period, the more you come across the trail of havoc, of corruption asleep stories. and so this is just one of many, it's become a media sensation this week. but you know, this, this really does, this really is about some the inherent corruptions from we have in the u. k. u k has become more and more americanized in the last 20 years. and johnson's period and office was marked by corruption sleep. so i think in many respects we shouldn't be too surprised about this. on the details of the story are really interesting. this particular individual didn't only squeeze a job out of her purse. johnson,
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i'm for helping with the loans. previously when it was a number 10 lines, he also managed to get a 600000 grant for cancer research company that he was a 6 percent shareholder in. so you know, it's some jobs for the boys and a nepotism of corruption. u. k. ltd. how likely is it that no one at the b, b, c, had any knowledge of this? say, cash favor? alleged cash favor? this is very hard to say. i mean, perhaps the high risk, the higher echelons there were people who knew about what was going on. you know, the bbc is we shouldn't forget and an organization is almost a political entity in itself and have his own corruption problem. just in recent years, people remember the scandal of jimmy subtle, the peter file where the rules scan of that story was the cover up of, of so many facts that were glaring. bbc produces, and executives in the eyes that must have cover up i think is, is, is,
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is typical. and perhaps the same thing is happening again with this particular case . the last a, the blog and the u. k. and post band on r t, this channel describing it to the point began the how fair and balanced do you think the british media has been presenting this story of that and chairman's alleged corrupt actions? well, i mean, is that the interesting thing from a journalist point of view is the story was not broken by journalist. you know, there are so few decent journalists left in britain, a very few investigative journalist at writing or reporting on corruption. this story was broken by an out of activists who runs a website on benefits a guy called nicholas wilson. and so i think that's a testament indictment to just how poor british media is. it would have been different if what if we could have said this story was, was broken by the full to state, but it was another the, the representation of it now is very much from the left is very much the guardian
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newspaper which is playing in the drum, but i think the next few days we'll see more of this from, from the conservative thought. his own me to the telegraph or the cheese into it. and i'm, i'm actually a search of that. this is just one of many corruption and sleep stories that burst . johnson has gotten himself entangled. this is one of the most infamous prime ministers we've ever had in the british contemporary political history in terms of corruption asleep allegations. and i'm sure there's more to come. do you say this particular situation affecting the public trust in the british news? giants, bbc, definitely, and i mean, the bbc is suffering from a, from a certain lack of competence. people are getting tired of the corruption stories. they're getting tired of the left wing work agenda, which is taken over and tired of paying for it. frankly, you know, let the license fees is not particularly cheap. so this, this, i think, would be another name on the coffin or be another opportunity for people to, to, to say, look, we should start paying this fee. we should, you know,
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we need to actually look at the pbc and it's funding in a completely different life and maybe make it completely commercialized as you go one of the modal to the existing months. i think it will certainly have an impact. lawson, j many thanks for joining us on the program this evening. really appreciate your thoughts that's most enjoy award winning journalist. so moving on, a pressure glitch on the rush of space. cargo ship progress as 21 occurred after another space. froth progress, m. s 22 docked at the international space station that's according to the head of the russian space agency was cause most unexplained. the losses of pressure with us reported 2 days ago and june is at russian mission control near moscow. identify the de pressurization on temporarily close to the hatches connecting the spacecraft to the station. despite the malfunction, there was no immediate threat to the crew which will continue their mission according to plan progress. m. s 21 is scheduled to different ball from the international space station. on february,
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the 18th to ron is strengthening gets economic ties with bank despite us. sanctions is exposed to iraq are expected to sit past 10000000000 dollars this year. according to iran, the wrong the wrong main purchases from iran include electricity and natural gas, which bank that has required was required to get a waiver full by washington in order to receive and exchange the us. these did grip on toronto economy by allowing the nation to import a central medicines and goods wrong still remains one of the most sanctioned countries in the world, especially from america which has imposed various restrictions since 979. in the meantime, washington is taking a different approach when it comes to bagdad from invading for within the past, the us now proclaims is interesting. the country's future and economic development . that's according to the us secretary of state to during the recent visit to buy
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or rocks foreign minister to washington state that the baghdad should be energy independent and the washington would offer its support to achieve that goal. according to siad, i'll metalli be an independent politician from bank. the washington is using iraq is a staging point for attacking iran. there is a large deb trade between iraq and iran, partially divided between the private sector and the government sector. the americans are not happy with that of the americas wishes that the iraq stop importing gas from iran. but then the gas turbines are produced. j tricity and iraq will, will cease to function as there is no alternative for the arabian gas pi that leads into iraq. the americans did not assist iraq and producing electricity in the 1015 years that they were present in iraq and had great influence
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on them this year for tricity and other departments off iraq. so we don't see that the americans are serious in helping iraq in the energy sector. unfortunately, the united states are using the iraq, you soil, or iraq, a sovereign country, as a staging point for attacking urine and the jewish part of jerusalem, tens of thousands of rally, downside parliament against the government plan to reform to give you the will make as all 40 over the supreme court demonstrate to say the move is an attack on israel's democracy and system of checks and balances. the nation has been rocked by process for months since benjamin netanyahu was relayed to this prime minister in november and began pushing for the unpopular reform. the changes would allow parliament to overrule israel's supreme court, which has previously been the country's highest own. dorothy,
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a former advisor to the israeli prime minister, told us that locals are against changing the balance of power. first of all, it is one of the biggest demonstrations the country ever experienced. and they protest because they fear that the changes in the balance between the system and these really parliament will be changed. and in other words, the apartment is already connected would be way stronger than any other institution . and that might lead to a kind of dictatorship resembles other countries. last, the democracy thing is the more internally people. and these are puzzled or afraid of concerns about the these are forms because they say that if the government is strong, stronger than any other system, there's lack of good qualities related dictatorship and just quote, what said the mayor of jerusalem. he said that when he want to go bear from
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dictatorship to democracy, you will have bloodshed. this is what he said today. so they can, they can keep it on our website on a dot com. we'll be back here with overlay for 30 minutes. see then, ah, ah ah ah lisa canter, russian state little narrative. i've stayed on the no santini div asking him then i'll stand up for a coup in the 55 with
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we will ban in the european union. the kremlin. yup. machine. restate on russia for date and split our t spoke neck. even our video agency, roughly all bands on youtube and pinterest and pushing with me. ah ah, ah hello
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and welcome to cross stock. were all things are considered. i'm peter lebeau. we were told it was one of those mysteries of the ages. this is how the west describe the destruction of the north stream pipelines. then came along betral investigative journalist, seymour hersh. he tells us differently and in great detail. indeed, the biden ministration led the way destroying this civilian infrastructure. ah, discussed these issues and more, i'm joined by my guest, these and in our slow he is a professor at the university of southeastern norway as well as the author of the book, great power politics in the 4th industrial revolution. and in merrick ashley cross to martin james, he is an award winning journalist, an commentator for gentlemen cross girls and effects, that means you can jump in anytime you want. and i always appreciate.


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