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tv   News  RT  February 13, 2023 4:00pm-4:31pm EST

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ah, ah ah, what they think i should do is use his name and good jail. it's amazing to me. that's how they fall. my seymour hersh, the american journalist behind an investigation into the us role in the north stream pipeline glass reveal that pressure he's facing for mainstream media to divulge his thoughts with k f, restrict pavilion and media access to the embattled city. a volunteer long. why be known as bach moods, as russian forces advanced and entrenched ukrainian positions? and india big is to aerospace show kicks off showcasing the country, the latest military defense products with dignitaries from around the globe. and
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ah, this is on the international with the latest world news headlines, a very we're welcome to you know, our top story best, our government's a good at tracking down people who talk. and that's the message from seymour hersh . the journalists behind the bombshell node stream blast investigation which concluded that the us was behind the attacks in september earlier, ortiz marina calls are ever unsure thomas discussed how her she's now standing strong to protect his sources. despite overwhelming media pressure, i think with the newspapers, particularly the german newspaper, married, asked me in new york times and the washer most just an army. what they want to really what they think i should do is, you know, use his name and jail. it's amazing to me that how they, for my,
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my colleagues, they into the new york times. they do that. the one thing that governments good is striking. don't people seem or herse was very nonchalant and this podcast interview and he said that this is something that was out there all along and but it wasn't very hard to find. and all you had to do was a little bit of digging and he did just that, which is how he found his source. once again with direct operational knowledge into how the us did it, how it planned these attacks and how got rid of notes from one end notes into the pipelines. and he says that even though we're making a big deal out of this, he says, yes, it is a big deal. but in terms of finding out the information, all you have to do will search for it. it was out there. and now of course, he's under a lot of pressure to reveal his source even jokes at one point saying that this is his 1st and perhaps his last interview since writing that article because he doesn't know what will happen. and if perhaps there will be some pressure on him,
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we've seen that radio silence, no pun intended. regarding a headlines from me, the media, there has been barely anything when we do see mainstream media talking about the revelations in the bombshell article that you've rose. we're seeing that twisted in a way, russia wants answers now regarding america's involvement and blowing up the blowing up the pipelines. and again, this is not the rasa wanting answers. it should be the world wants answers, the world needs to know what happens or for example, one of the articles they say once celebrates a journalist, seymour hersh, in a way, trying to defame him. but let's see what see more hers himself had to say regarding who the source was. it's not even a hard story to understand. the president of the united states and the under secretary of state, both said they were going to do it. i did it. there's something called the pipeline industry is a see that makes people make american companies involved. they bill pipelines
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around the world. you need to me. yes. yes. you know what happened? see my hurst, of course, talking about the fact that joe, by them spoke about it openly, but for a newland spoke about it openly. that pipelines get rid of them if need be. and that's what he's saying. and they did just that. and regarding he gave us seems to be give us a little hands about the pipeline industries. and also in that interview says it doesn't necessarily, his source doesn't necessarily have to be american. let's don't forget that nato countries were involved in that even energy companies knew that this was the implant. they just couldn't talk about it. marina, you know, about north stream. i know about nurturing. we've been hearing about it for years, covering it here for years. but many people don't really know the full story, the background. can you tell us a little bit more about the background of the north stream projects and the revelations and how they've been handled since they've come out? of course, north soon gas pipelines were used to deliver cheap russian gas to germany and see europe in general. and germany was receiving a substantial amount. nordstrom to,
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which was finally completed, was going to double the amounts of cheap russian gas flowing to germany. and of course, to europe and america apparently wanted to put an end to it and they needed to get rid of those pipelines. so as early as 2020 wong joe biden authorized as national security advisor to come up with a theme and find a way we can russia to defeat boots. and as i mentioned in that article, and what happened was that jake sullivan, the national security advisor, put together a team that involved the joint chiefs of staff, the cia, the state and treasury department. they had lots of top secret meetings right next to the white house. and lisa, some of the details that seymour hersh mentions in the article, that's what makes us think that this source is legitimate because there's some things that you wouldn't find unless you know that this is somewhat as he says, with direct knowledge of the operational planning. so top secret meetings and they find a way to do it. so u. s. navy divers, or to be used. but when,
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and how do you do it? norway gives them the idea. hey, you can do it during the annual nato drills that we have every june. so u. s. navy divers, supposedly all go down under and put the, the bombs and then they decide to detonator at a later date using planes that drop a bowie. and that's how it sets off who's in our frequency radio frequency, the sound, and it's done. a german lead investigation into the nord stream, sabotage to so far failed to turn up any evidence. berlin has declined to disclose any details while russia has still not been allowed to take part in the probe of his pipelines to germany. for magellan m p told us that the country's establishment isn't interested in letting the truth out as it would expose the american involvement german, me just controlled by the same forces like german government,
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this, the american state. so all the pricing on earth, pressing on drama, media, pressing one german government, not to be real. the truth is for me the last prove that the story is true. when i was n p, a wrote a book about steering germany from behind from to the united states, not only by us here also why of the organization, slight atlantic bridge council for relations, all the stuff. and in my personal view, mr. shoals, the whole government are as much in the iron grip, visa, american organizations, that is why they don't really reveal anything. that is why they work against german interest. that is why they will not speak out never. and that is why i call i call them. i accuse them of treatment from any official or official name. remember, you will never hear anything about the revelation what someone who has done he's
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if he's relations prove true, true. this can be the end of american general many over the law kids 4th is are facing increasing pressure as russian troops had bonds towards the strategic city of our him all schools. and in his bach moods, a ukrainian field commander has announced that civilian and media access to the embattled area is not restricted for mr. suvan street fighting continues in the suburbs of the eastern and southern parts of the city. the access of civilian st apartment will officially be closed, will at least so they promised it should have been done earlier, so as not to endanger people. receivable, ukraine currently controls the only rows. lincoln gets troops in art, him av squid, the rest of the army, that's according to media reports earlier, the head of rushes, welcoming group confirmed at his fight as have taken the village of class, naya gola a keith, ahold of the north,
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just one kilometers from archer mask control of this system and potentially paves the way for further advancements in the tanya ask republic. as the situation on the battlefield intensifies on verified footage circulating on line shows the ukrainian soldier quoting on tier to withdraw its trips from the embattled area we. we didn't get the boys out of bark, most of it will be a repeat of ours or stole it. but bring out the boys. they have already made many appeals. why aren't you listening to like it? when our boys die? take your son a wife to the positions and bach mode was let them take a stand there. you are murderous. alleged put conan editor in chief of and the neat media news says the battle for the city is a key factor in the ukraine. conflicts bought east a key, do very dig into the region o doors. people republic, this lobby asked to cromwell doors where everything started in 2040. of course,
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this is the main battle. what we see now, 2014, when these of civil war in chris started and especially dear ago, went a claim of go russian attack. what happened was that 250000 nationalists was getting ready with the late to support to attack and they started . week later russia made an intervention again to help us here. we have lived a clever year and we haven't seen the truth in the western media at all. liberation of dawn. it is an important step forward because that the whole region of will are to most bottom would oh, slow vs drama. doors they are all reaches rich walton for independence which molded against the western bucket group in gary, 2014. so this is a very mutual, very important decisive moment for the russian world. ukrainian war didn't change night, so we were prepared thus according to the alliance in secretary general during
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a speech chat of a meeting of defense ministers and stoves and bag noted that the conflict has on the lines the importance of the organizations. reinforcements i think 2014 it has not changed natal. it's us just demonstrated the importance on natal. ah, under how important her it has been the actually since 2014 nate to her son implemented the biggest reinforcement or collected defense in the generation. recalls the war did start in february last year. it started in 2014 this week or expect our lawyers will agree to establish a new virtual network of national and commercial satellites. this will improve our intelligence on surveillance and support 9 commissions and operations. the new satellite network is aimed at helping to facilitate the delivery and deployments of nato heavy weapons to ukraine. last week. officials in care of admitted that they
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relied directly on us intelligence when picking targets for american supplied artillery systems. human rights attorney, martin dozer, told us that nato is pursuing its own interests in the conflict. so if you look at it, clearly we can see that the wall really started in that time when the post that they don't want the interference of the government of the my don't cool. and that they want to deborah law as some kind of come to know similar inside of a government which was not wanted to move quickly. and since that time, the inside of nature will cost different interests. but all the interference and the impact on your crane by nature, and by their own interest that you go interest against russia and to get ukraine
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into their own sphere of influence. they wanted to bring that follow ups that already in the queue in the queue. there was a militant forces, especially forces safe or provided with weapons by the u. s. and by a natural states. so we can think that from that point on the late summer was that conflict kids champs and getting their hands dirty and ukraine so that americans don't have to. that's a scandalous claim for, for me us defense secretary mom s but he spilled the beans during a frank cole as before. he was talking to ukraine's a former president, petro poor shanker. but he was actually the latest to my russian pranks is known as the lexus i've argued back here in united states to, you know, the, the break ukrainian people work are doing the dirty work of what we never want to do here in our state. which is why we should continue to support you with everything we can are doing the circle, dirty work in ukraine has
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a half day price target. washington has approved its latest aid package for key of worth $2500000000.00. the total military assistance from the bind in administration to ukraine now stands at an estimated $27500000000.00. new york based journalist on dorothy daniel lazar says washington's pushed to keep aman kias comes at the expense of both americans and ukrainians. this is a very dangerous self destructive imperial operation which will wind up hurting america, americans, ordinary americans. most of all, this is money that america can't, can't afford to waste on this kind of a funeral. military gesture for us feels that can expand at will ukrainian lives look, ukrainian blood in order to fight this proxy war. and that's what it is doing. it is using the ukraine to a to advance western interests. in,
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in this all important border zone, the u. s. is fighting this war for very hard, cold, political reasons, and that is, it wants to, it was a rollback russian power and eliminate, and russia as a significant military force for decades to come. that has been clear from, from the beginning. and it's willing to use all kinds of forces including neo nazi forces in order to achieve that goal. the un relief chief has admitted the organization failure to provide aid to northwestern syria with people that said to be feeling abandoned. now says the strongest earthquakes in decades left at least 4300 dead in the area that's according to the u. n. at the turkey as syria border today, we have so far failed the people in northwest syria. they rightly feel abandoned
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looking for international help that hasn't arrived. my duty and our obligation is to correct this failure as fast as we can. that's my focus. now. the u. n's, adolph essays relief efforts were being hampered by the hardest militancy occupied northwest in syria. the hyatt to rear schon group is reported the blocking age from coming in from the syrian governments. the group has been labeled as terrorists by countries including russia, the us, and turkey. this comes as millions of civilians and northwest and syria said to be in dire need if she want to have relief. that's not discussing developments with sarah flounders, co director of the international action center many thanks for joining us on the program this evening. and i'd like to know your reaction to the un official statement on failing to help people northwest and syria. well, there is a real failure to help people and northwestern syria, the victims of this terrible earthquake, an aide is not getting through. and the u. s. is trying to put conditions on that
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a to make it even harsher, more difficult to get through. and the real problem are both the terrorist groups who are supported by the u. s. and the complete sanctions that blockades, syria, that stops any form of international aid from actually getting through to the government. that is the big problem here. and the u. s. knows this very well, the us knows that very well. and instead they're trying to use this as an opportunity to open more roads to the terrorists forces. and to pull aid away from the sovereign government of syria. the un say it's your hardest shockey pine northwest and syria hampering be relief efforts. so why do you think that he wasn't decided to take responsibility for failing to resolve that situation? well, there's a lot of double speak going on and different un agencies also that see the terrible
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problem and know that that there's like a double game that's being played and has been played all along. i want to say on, on my own pass visits to syria, you could see the problem and that is that the government is on every level blocked and the u. s. right openly steals the oil and the gas from syria burns, the crops syria was at one time, a grain exporter of bread, basket, an exporter of energy, and had an export or a pharmaceutical goods. they no longer are able to do any of this. and it's because of the u. s. sponsored war on syria and the sanctions, the terrible sanctions that are blocking aid to syria right now. even with an earthquake, even with tens and tens of thousands of people made homeless still this blocking
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of aid there. 74 countries sending aid into turkey, but not into syria. this is a un failure, that it's, that the u. s. isn't being called out for it's criminal wall in imposing sanctions during this terrible moment of hardship. i just might be to hardest role in this crime if the syrian government has been accused of by some critics of playing political games with relief efforts in northwestern, syria. what's your response to that? well, the real political games are being played by the united states and also by all different un agencies that know exactly what's going on. and that know that every penny of aid and equipment and earth movers and all kinds of equipment are being blocked, to syria. every one knows this and knows, and there's
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a you are sanctions that don't allow anything to go through. so as i said, there's a great deal of hypocrisy on this agencies wringing their hands, claiming they want to do more. and at the same time, they're looking for ways to open up new avenues to the terrorist forces. and new ways of blocking the syrian government from helping its own people are. one would think that this situation gives western countries a perfect opportunity to show how much they really care about the syrian civilians . but does it look like they're doing enough to help they're not doing anything to help. as a matter of fact, by continuing to enforce the sanctions are doing everything possible to actually strangle the government and people who are just really left defenseless in the cold and freezing rain. it's winter time. so much could be done. it is
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a really criminally failed relief effort because sanctions at a time like this and sanctions in the whole region because of the countries that are rushing to help or themselves sanctioned by the u. s. government are blocked, and this is everyone from a we're fan, a rack, lebanon on washer. these are all current china. these are all countries that are blocked by us sanctions, but why merrily the sanctions one, syria on the government of syria, or it's this moment the biggest competitor because there are some of the strictest sanctions in the world. i think it was about 5 days after the disaster, the us did decide to temporarily, sanctions on syria, in an effort to speed up the deliveries to the countries northwest. do you think this 180 day exemption will really help especially considering the years of western sanctions of actually contributed to the crisis that syria now find itself in?
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well, they claim they were going to ease sanctions. now i know organisations here that are trying desperately to figure out how and what legally is able to be sent. and that's a pretty hard challenge to, to deal with because there's just layers and layers of sanctions on syria. the u. s. claims that they may be lifting some on emergency supplies, but it's not very clear what they have lifted, nor is it allowing really substantial aid to get through sarah, florida really oh sanctions should be ended immediately. that is the crime and, and really seeing that as the crime as the impediment i think is important date sir . as long as co director of the international actions and so many thanks for joining the program. really appreciate your thoughts. thank you. thank you.
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ero india 2023. the biggest areas they show in asia kicks off on monday. the 5 day eventual cases, military defense products from india and foreign manufacturers. so if you to defense ministers from around the globe as well as a flu of private defense contractors are expected to be in attendance. ortiz, india corresponded wound, and sharma has the house read pretty well. in fact, the prime minister over the country. now in the movie inaugurated the event earlier in the day, and india is a 5 day event which is taking place in of a sudden part of the country. bengal, lew, essentially, the region of rent is for the country to move from being making india to make for the walls. now there are $800.00 companies from around 100 countries and $98.00 to be precise that are participating in this event and no points for
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guessing that russia is amongst those countries. in fact, needless to see that the defense partnership between new deleon more score is a very important one, a strong want dates back to the cold war really. so we are looking at a, some product sell possibly that could be manufactured in india with a chance for technology from a russian company is now for instance, the t $66.00 out to, to fix in fact helicopters and something that has been in consideration to be manufactured in india, also remember the joint when sure between india and russia is now manufacturing e k 203. in fact, in the country in the for the me t. all. so at the end of the summer, there could be more contracts that we could, i'll see sign between the 2 countries. and when we are talking about arrow in down
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when we're talking about the culmination of this event, remember it's a 5 day event. we're talking about assigning over around $250.00 agreements and the investment of that is expected to be over millions of dollars between india and all the foreign defense companies. so really a big, big event in the sense in the off season. it really is a wrong way to a 1000000000 opportunities for india and rest of the world in the s p 's. the u. s. is recruiting islamic state and arcade affiliated militants to conduct terror attacks inside russia and neighboring states. that's according to russia's foreign intelligence service which faced the militants being trained as an american base in syria. also has requested a response to these allegations from the pentagon, but has not yet received
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a reply. ok, donald quarter has more details. the u. s. is apparently trying specifically to attract militants and separatists from central asia as well as the caucuses. and just last month, 60 of these terrorists, with fighting experience in the middle east, were selected for training. according to the intelligence report they've been going through an expedited training program on the all toms u. s. military base in syria where they're learning how to create and deploy, improvised explosive devices as well as carry out sabotaged operations. so, based on this new information, russia's foreign intelligence service has said that washington is on par with terrorist organizations. we see the us security forces losing all moral principles, being obsessed with the insane idea of bleeding russia dry. washington strategies consider appropriate to direct use of terrorists. so she, they're dirty goals. such actions plays watching the on pair was the largest international terrorist groups. this report also says that these terrorists are
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planning to enter russia and other former soviet states in small groups. they're apparently being tasked with carrying out terrorist attacks against diplomats government workers, police officers, and the military. so this is no doubt startling, new information that could risk further escalation of already hi tensions between moscow and washington. for my c, i a analyst on c o. berg associates, larry johnson told us that washington has a long history of using radical proxies to project its power in other countries. this is really nothing new for the united states. let's go back to the end of world war 2, where the united states was recruiting, employing and using nazi's. the united states has done this kind of thing over the years. so i think the west may and fact the contemplating some sort of broader military action than simply isolated terrorist attacks. if they do resort to terrorism, it's important to remember that terrorist attacks usually are the signs of
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a weakened power psychologist. call it projection, where you accuse other people of doing the very thing that you are doing. the fact that russia made efforts to try to help the united states fight the radical islamic who were attacking us. but typically with the recall, the sorry of brothers came out of chechnya and wound up during the bombing of the boston marathon. and the russian warning was ignored. so where the united states is getting desperate and has to start basically calling other countries names. it's a sign of weakness and strength. putting out this morning now is laying down a marker to the west that we know what you're doing. we know where you're doing it and we're putting you on notice it is incumbent on the west to back away to iran. is strengthening, good, see, can all make ties with baghdad, despite us sanctions, as exposed to a rock, a project that use the past 10000000000 dollars this year. according to iran,
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iraq's main purchases from iran include electricity and natural gas which baghdad was required to get away before by washington in order to receive and exchange the u. s. eastern grip on 2 wrongs. economy by allowing the nation to import essential medicines and goods wrong still remains one of the most sanctioned countries in the world, especially for america, which is imposed various restrictions since 1979. in the meantime, washington is taking a different approach when it comes to bagdad from an invading force in the past. the us now proclaimed this interest in the country's future, and they can amik developments of according to the us secretary of state who during the recent visit by a rocks foreign minister to washington, stated that bad, that should be energy independence. and that motion to would offer support to achieve that goal according to say it out and literally be an independent politician from baghdad that washington is. you think it was a staging point for
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a talking iran? there is a large amber trade between iraq and iran, partially and divided between the private sector and the government sector. the americans are not happy with that, and the markers wishes that the iraq stop importing gas from iran. but then the gas turbines are producing tricity in iraq will, will cease to function as there is no alternative for the arabian gas pi that leads into iraq are the americans did not assist iraq and producing electricity in the 1015 years that they were present in iraq and that had great influence on them this year for extra city and other departments are off iraq. so we don't see that the americans are serious in helping iraq in the energy.


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