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tv   Cross Talk  RT  February 14, 2023 10:00pm-10:31pm EST

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[000:00:00;00] ah, the news. hello in welcome to cross top where all things are considered. i'm peter lavelle, is nato when a state of panic, the west is losing its ukraine proxy war on russia. the more the west helps ukraine, the smaller ukraine becomes all the wes money, sanctions and military 8 appear to change nothing. this is why this situation is now so very dangerous.
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the cross sucking nato's war. i'm joined by my guess, daniel mcadams, in lake jackson. he's the executive director of the ron paul institute for peace and prosperity in london. we cross adria and santa he is the founder of a consulting and a foreign affairs analyst. and in st. petersburg, we cross the alexandria tom. he is a senior lecture at st. petersburg state institute of technology. i tell me, costs are rules and effect. that means you can jump anytime you want, and i would appreciate, daniel, let me go to you 1st year. i started off, the thing is nato in a state of panic because that's the only conclusion i can draw. reading all the headlines. obviously, you know, or whatever it takes. we hear that all the time. and then in the, in the post of the last washington post last new cycle, a senior by the ministration official apparently said, quote, we will continue to try to impress upon them the ukrainians that we can't do anything and everything for ever. so what, what is the matter? the ammo is running out there,
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going to jack up production 500 percent over the next couple of years years. is that going to be in play in years from now? what i'm, what is the message here? because delta berg is leaving, he's probably very happy to be leaving his position at nato because it's all caving in on them right now. daniel, your thoughts? it's been a mountain of lives from the very beginning. and the problem is when you start believing your own lives, which they've done, that's when you don't make good foreign policy decisions. and that's what we've seen throughout this entire time. yes, i think desperation is taking hold. we thought with a tank debacle, where all our shorts, who does not have a backbone whatsoever, says, well, i'm not going to give any liberal dues until the americans give some, some tanks as well, and the american said ok, we'll give them. and then she said ok, then we'll give ours as well. and he said yeah, but in the future. and now they're getting some crappy leopard, one tanks. they're not very good. they're there from the 1950s or sixties, other throwing everything they can and
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a last desperate move. they want to throw fighters into the mix. it takes 36 months to train a fighter pilot. i don't think we're going to be talking about this war in 36 months from the way things appear to be going right now. desperation, but i'm glad you use the word dangerous in your opening. because in the desperation situation, that's when these guys become dangerous. because they don't know the meaning of an off ramp of an exit ramp. they don't know the meaning of reverse. going to know it soon. but i says, i suspect between now and then there will be a lot of danger. you know, your, your thoughts as well, because i'm glad that daniel picked up on it because this is the most dangerous time because the west is basically empty. it's, it's pockets, it's arsenals. it obviously has no ideas that are worth listening to. and that's when had gemini kicks in because they're not going to give up on an easy and this mantra going from academia, timothy snyder, and the rest of them, you know, they, i mean, they're talking about the breakup of russia when they're losing nato is losing its
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war against ukraine. they're going into unicorn land there, go. they're turning into fanatics. go ahead and read london. wo i have a serving problem with, with these assumption that, you know, the, the main problem with gemini, is, you know, the united states has plenty of stakeholders, especially in the baltics and eastern europe, who are very antagonistic and towards russia. and they are using a declining empire by holding is by its bulls, literally, and saying that we are, you know, dad to go off to russia. i mean, in poland there's, there's a bill in which is sold in the, in the parliament where, you know, the, the, the law makers are proposing get abolition for the military soldiers going to ukraine, funding in ukraine. so i have this problem with that. you know, this promise is made by the empire that the empire will punish russia in the name
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of the eastern european countries, likely twin, poland, and about the states. so i don't quite understand how the united states can retreat. although we've seen this where i've got to stand for example, but i think up the empire will full tremendously. and it was then that the conflict between the eastern european and especially ukrainian people dislocated among many, many countries in europe and the united states as well. it will last full full for many, many, many years and it will influence the politics as well. so i have this, this, this problem with, you know, just pulling back after 6 months or one year saying that, ok, we are not pumping this money to, to ukraine. and the visiting sky will seat and have a cease fire. we not from the very beginning of the amino agreements where we know
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this. so i'm not sure whether people who were planning in 2014 to prepare this school machine against russia will somehow, you know, retreat also at the same time, we had this conversation before about the balloons, which are distraction. the empire is starting another wall or are not starting to antagonize another super old great poet like china. we know what is happening in a room. so i think that, that, that the empire, i mean, went from greece and is a very close to 2. does us? yeah. and then it's good alexander in st. petersburg here. we had a guest on recently scott ritter and he is a former un weapons inspector and he likes to continue to use to phrase military math. so all the p, all the blankenburg and all the victorian new and shake cell and they can say whatever they want, but they don't talk in terms of military math. again,
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this is why it's becoming so very dangerous. alexander in st. petersburg, go ahead. i think the main issue isn't so much a panicking, it's probably more that the leads in nato and in washington dc, at least some portion of them are beginning to realize that this war isn't going to, at the very least go as easily as they thought. and that worst for them, they won't achieve any of their objectives. so i think that there is, of course, to be a leads who are looking at their strategy and realizing, finally after about a year, that they're not going to get what they want. so what they're instead trying to do it seems, as was mentioned just now about the chinese balloons, there's balloons everywhere over the us, all of a sudden and it's suddenly become a huge national crisis that they all have to be shot down. and it's a grave threat to national security from china. so this is all very clearly
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manufactured hype on the part of the u. s. media. so you have to ask, who is pushing that? why would they be pushing that? and so the conclusion is that part of these people, a group of these people want to pivot away from ukraine and pivot towards more aggressive actions against china. china is now the leading world power in a certain sense, their economy and their strategic situation is allowing them to have a huge amount of influence on global trade. and without some support or at least the acquiescence of china, russia would not be able to successfully be defending its interest in ukraine. so i think the strategist in washington d. c. are beginning to notice that. and you saw that with the recent rand corporation. yeah. article that came out, so there is at least a push from some of them. i don't think all of them are on board with giving up in
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ukraine. that's pretty clear because you also have the contradictory statements where sometimes the administration will come out and say, okay, we're going to send even more money even more weapons. and then you have the other side where some of these strategists are saying, well. busy we maybe shouldn't be sending this much. we may be shouldn't be investing this much because we have these other objectives that we want to look at . okay, well that's our gender brings up really good points are obviously within the, in the white house with the administration there is a growing debate that's becoming quite obvious to all of us watching here. but, but daniel, it doesn't delay the fact that they've got themselves into a trap. so the whole thing was they trapped, they trapped the really what made the russians walk into a trap, but that same crap is a trap against them. how to get out. and there is no way for them to do it, mostly because of losing faith. but one thing is clear, and i think a lot of people forget this is that the u. s. has achieved a major strategic victory here and corralling all of europe and having the e,
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you take orders from nato. that is, washington is one on that one. daniel, you know, it's like when an old sixty's band would get back together after 20 years, you know, and they just really didn't have the same stuff. they used to have. this is blinking in newland and sullivan. they're getting the old gang back together again . the old band back together again, they're trying to get in shape for a new tour. they already screwed up ukraine in 2014 and they cut, they came back in to try to fix things and finished what they started. we saw from see more hers. these are driving powers behind the blowing up the pipeline. we know the u. s. b was behind it. we just didn't know how until hers helped us, although he is a conspiracy theorist and no one should listen to him, of course. and he's never got a story right if in the past. but you know, victoria newland warren, she said if, if, if the, if the attack starts, the pipeline is going to be blown up. the attack started, the pipeline was blown up and she went before congress and said, we're sure happy that this pipeline was blown up. but then they said over,
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don't look at us, we didn't do anything, but you're right. i mean, europe has been neat, kept in, have a generation of weak leaders morally yet intellectually. they have no popular support. people are in the streets in france and germany, to the extent they can't. and that's despite, despite the propaganda machine, which is extremely heavy, you talk about the intelligence preparation of battlefield. we've had this for 4 years. we had it for the entire trump administration for years of russia. zapping our vital blood bodily fluid. yeah, yeah. people wouldn't be surprised. all the bastards, we took our bodily fluids of now invade ukraine. they're never going to stop, you know, and so we have all of this coming, but reality has a way of kicking in the door. and i think that's what we're seeing. right? yeah. and it's, i'm glad you made that comment about european leads. they're all interchangeable. it doesn't really matter who is the chancellor of germany, doesn't matter. who is the prime minister of sonya? you can switch them around, they're all the same because they're all driven by the same ideology. it's very and
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they never think about really geo politics. i gentlemen, i'm going to jump here. we're going to go to a hard break. and after that hard break, we'll continue our discussion on nato's war. stay with our team. ah, ah, ah! ah! awe every spring and summer, the melting optic snow reveals abandoned machinery millions of rusty barrels and the detritus left by human expansion into this most inaccessible of territories.
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yet on the move. so take up much of a sudden, but he lowered it the pacific as an issue. oftentimes from clean arctic travel to heis island home to the biggest polar station on the french, joseph land archipelago. via the reaction you put a lot and bosom were yet to the should so immediately and will you be eval, aimlessly. nasa, monthly. and i'm but somebody with a some stay on the or staff with so much. you feel like you are a, mary from a serial number of zamiah's membership when you to her of capillary bomb, cyril know boys the premium abuse, chico me of that of the arctic pioneers main objective was to explore and conquer these harsh lands. they had no time to think about waste management now and legacy could remain for centuries. get my choice of thought movies in maryland. it's pretty at the call. she system was going to plenty of corporate templates. you
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could have deal to fish here. ah, welcome act across stock where all things are considered. i'm peter, let's remind you. we're discussing nato's war with it's go back to london. i'd really i said in my introduction, this is a very dangerous time. because nato is facing absolute, utter humiliation. they will not achieve their goals, and this is where this is where the box themselves, and they don't know a way out. i guess they can throw zalinski under the bus. he'll be under the bus eventually one way or another, most likely by its own people. but, you know, nato is, is that it was never designed to do this. okay. it was basically designed as a dinner club. and then they believe their own propaganda. the they, none of the military's in nature were designed to provide a conventional war against appear, power, russia. that's why it's turning into
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a catastrophe. they believe their own propaganda. go ahead and ro, that's very true. i mean, any, any same person would agree that after the war or so, park was dismantled, nato should follow the suit and also be dismantled. but nevertheless, they, you know, somehow sustained the purposes of, you know, for, for still being in, i mean, still existing body of meddling in the east, in europe and, and somehow persuading or pushing russia to, to notify you crate. because we know that they were meddling the boulder with russia, and this was, you know, pre planned. but at the same time, i think that they are mad enough to a not go easily to sleep. because we've seen and heard from mr. fulton,
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burke and other g 7 members that they are not getting to asia. we know that in contact in contact with south korea and japan. i mean, i think that, you know, we should, we should see whether the politicians in asia are crazy enough to, to create another ukraine in asia. because from what i've heard from my contacts in indonesia and in hong kong, they are calling a taiwan and you ukraine of asia. yeah, and i'm very much worried about the fact that the current prime minister in japan, although that he's very low in the poles and, and, and he's very unpopular not for the previous of them that prime minister and also the former prime minister, a saying that japan is making agreement state when it comes to supporting ukraine. at the same time, we know japan wants to have a peace with, with russia. they're, you know, trying to, i mean,
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to know how to turn to to united states and allow the united states to place their missiles to, to strike russia. this is very complex. i mean, that chilling ski is just a symptom. we know that it's actually skis, but you know, push on the deposit and usually ski will emerged. so it's not the case of shanaski is the case of the madness of the people in the western hemisphere, a lunatics in the united states. if this is the problem alley alexander, you know, one of the things i think that's mentioned a lot now coming out of the gun current administration is that give the ukrainians enough arms to another offensive to claw back as much land as possible. so they can sit down and make some kind of deal. it's kind of, it's kind of hazy, it's very inaccurate, but it doesn't address the real problem here. and it's something i have to keep bringing up on this program isn't, you know,
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russia is not interested in geography. it's interested in security and only one. the west starts talking to them about security guarantees that were demanded before the conflict started publicly known around the world. we're not going to get anywhere, you know, calling back this district. this village here is not going to make a difference. that's why. again, it's very dangerous because they can only see their own interest as they define them. nobody else has an interest here. that's what makes it dangerous. alexander, you know, the bite and administration doesn't have any very clearly articulated goals aside from, well, ukraine should control all of its internationally recognized territory, but clearly not going to happen. they don't have that capability. they never had that capability and how they're somehow supposed to retake territory that they already lost is not entirely clear to me or really to anyone. i think. so. you know, we have these people who are saying, okay we, we continue sending more weapons. we continue to send more arms,
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but even as you mentioned, even if they do make some progress, it doesn't change the status quo. it doesn't change the territorial integrity of ukraine having been changed. and so they're not going to win anything. it's really an ideological campaign at this point. you can't really be connected with any real strategic exactly. is exactly that is so spot on because that's the problem. they believe they're the elite in the west believe their own propaganda. daniel. one of the, another issue that is not being talked about enough is that ukraine is turning into a failed state or is a failed state right now. and that is not good for anyone, particularly the ukrainians here. that it, you know, and then using ukrainian troops as cannon fodder is just unconscionable. but here we are. daniel. well peter, they're picking guys up the age of you and i've been, while i've been watching the i've been watching the video is daniel,
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i've been watching the video here. it's or read. just keep going. my friend, you know, i tried to go to the gym, but i'm certainly not ready to fight russia and be honest with you at my age. it isn't. it is absolutely incredible and you're right, a field state. i think there gdp shrunk by 35 percent, and i think that's only the beginning, this past year. there's no what, there's literally no one left to fight. and i think it shows a deep cynicism of the u. s. and it's western allies that they would again, as we said from beginning fight russia down to the last ukranian. and that appears to be happening. we see the graveyards everywhere in eastern ukraine, and they continue to grow. there will be no ukraine left. and in desperation, we see the west winking to ukraine. we're going to give you some long range missiles to hit crimea, because the russians haven't responded to this point. well, we're just going to guess that they won't respond. and i think i legitimate a good point. i think there is some conflict between the pentagon and the white
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house. i think there still are people at the pentagon that know a little bit about war and understand a little bit about russia. and i think they are panicking because they realize scott ritter, who was in our conference once said that the white house is writing checks that it cannot cash. and that's what we're seeing happen. i don't know what the end game is . as you said, there's a pivot toward china. we cut our butts kicked by russia. so let's take on china. that sounds like a good idea. the military industrial complex, however, is quite happy about this and they're happy to continue with the gravy train. you know, i don't know, you said earlier on the previous appearance on cross talk about the the after effect. what's when the on the complet comes to an end. we have so many refugees right now, failed stayed in ukraine, and those problems are not going to go away very for very long. depending on the outcome of the complex ukraine may have the lowest, you know, lowest interest for people who invest in, i mean,
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the long term future of ukraine. whatever size of it is, is bleak. a drill. yes. but we also have to look at this from the demographic point of view and economic point of view that a g d, p of poland is increasing because of the fact that many ukrainians are working in poland and korea. i mean, the population of, of poland grew because of the fact that they incorporated people who, you know, flew the war in ukraine of the same time. we have to bear in mind that germany come, economy is based on immigration and they need skillful immigrants. and it's, it's, it's very clear, most of the ukrainian people are students well educated and they are young. so they will just, you know, be, incorporate that in germany or in poland in order to increase several articles and research articles in the economy. john journal saying that because of the war and ukraine,
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germany and poland will be the main victim of this will because they will. but what about the, what about ukraine? what about ukraine? ukraine doesn't matter. we know that they are not fighting full sovereignty of this people well being of this people. they just need numbers. they need people who be sustaining their economies. they are not, you know, they don't care about human rights. we know that human rights is just a flashy talk full for the neo liberals in the west. they don't care about this people. they are being, this is the propaganda language in order to somehow manage to consent among the populace. if you go to the t, v all to the newspaper, say we need to increase the, the digital johan country. so that's why we need this war and ukraine. most of the people you know, just you know, astonish with despite but when you somehow portrayed us will as
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a waterfall between democracy and i'll talk chrissy and you will portray russia and president bonnie but the me put in as a matter many wants to recreate. and the russian empire, dan, most of the millennials and the gens these will be like, oh yes, we need to be on board and we support this. and they will never go to to war. and they will never pick up any fight because they are incapable. all they've seen is the netflix and x box. so they never seen a real wool of most of the people. what cheering for, for, for war, those type of people being capable to, to, to, to manage the suffering of ordinary people. you know, alexander, if i go to you in st. petersburg here, no matter what the outcome is, if it's for some reason some miracle ukraine prevails of sanctions on russia won't come to an end. and i tend to believe almost in a 100 percentile that russian will prevail and get what it wants. but the sanctions will remain. this is a huge breach. that is not going to be overcome for generations. alexander?
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well, i'd like to add to the previous comment about generations, e and younger millennials. i think that the propaganda, if you look at the propaganda that's pro ukraine on social media, you tube tick tock. it's a, it's exactly geared towards those younger generations. they show these goofy little images of like these characters from video games beating up on each other. and the character getting beat up the most is, is russia or you have cat videos where caps are taking little swings at each other . and the bad cat is russia, and this kind of, you know, it's just propaganda nonsense. it's quite entertaining, but it obviously creates a totally false view of what this. ready war is what it's about and what's actually happening on the ground. but it's extremely effective with young people, so you have generations in the west and even in russia to some extent. so young
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people are seeing this completely, you know, information list propaganda. and then they support the ukraine and they support the nato intervention there. and it's turning light, like i mentioned before, this is an ideological war. so it makes it very difficult for some actors in the u . s. to put the brakes on this because you've already got this machine moving forward being pushed by the democratic party, you have all of these blue checks on twitter with their ukraine flag. i know a lot about that. i get my day a dose of hate mail. ok. i know that very well all the time we have, i want to thank my guests and les jackson, london, and in st. petersburg. and i want to thank our viewers for watching us here at r t c. you next time? remember cross
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in i rick sanchez and i'm here to plead with you. whatever you do, you do not watch my new shell seriously. why watch something that's so different. my little opinion that you won't get anywhere else work of it. please do have the state department, the c i a weapons makers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead. i change and whatever you do. don't watch my show stay mainstream because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called direct impact, but again, you probably don't want to watch it because it might just changing dwayne thing ah, luis, the counter russian state total narrative. i'd tied as i'm phone and ignore santini div,
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asking him the american house southland and up with within the 50000 feet. okay, so that is the final speed anyone else with we will van in the european union the kremlin. yup. machine. the state on russia for date and school r t spoke neck. even our video agency, roughly all bands on youtube with oh, i know you. every spring and summer, the melting optic snow reveals abandoned machinery,
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millions of rusty barrels and the detritus left by human expansion into this most inaccessible of territories. my choice of thought will give him lightening. it's the pretty uh, the course of some of the more to plenty of corporate company to include that with the artificial the arctic pioneers main objective was to explore and conquer these harsh lands. they had no time to think about waste management. now their legacy could remain for centuries in these frozen conditions, decomposition is a much slower process than usual. it supposed to be showing as any shibel at asa bodies, cumulative field genius, ne squan, he normally started showing unions such that the 2nd or ah montez from clean optic, travels to heis island home to the biggest polar station on the french,
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joseph land archipelago. how was your sneak expedia, her chief species, she static to care now forced, refused. there was there for answer. was for years and years to tour a may summer. steven zamiah's membership. juanita, i've got all the dogs here. no boys to play middle, at least to join me at that of the prompts and the whole national pharmacy. just groggily filled care. i didn't buy sure. didn't look at bill with me. the id is still them, he's got me just get euler. he's got to them. what would you repeat for the 1st, whether you smoke, why it's even use that that was text and you'd symbol at which it lina at this point, i miss it. so what i'm gonna do with that i missed that than you prosper. i was tired, she was so a july played slaves. i bought a fight cookie for music. if the gene i had the video of that much to where would


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