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tv   News  RT  February 15, 2023 8:00am-8:31am EST

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a went to plenty of copper, completing that deals to fish i ah, the russian diplomacy has intensified its work in those areas where the processes of multiple charity are gaining strength. brushes strengthens ties with partners in bricks and other organizations that as multi polarity is apparently on the rise. that's according to bushes for minister who made the comments during a speech of the nation state do backup with china expressions its support of iran in protecting its sovereignty. and resisting unilateralism and bullying. washington is encouraging beijing to take a different stance more similar to its own. and in a new episode of the whistle blowers, a former british army officer,
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shared experience, be investigated after reviewing documents to legislate, australian war crimes in afghanistan. and watch this on r c. throughout the day. you as to say, you gotta make an example of this guy because this guy gets a chance 210. that's right. we need, we need to crush these guys when you just sort of put it on the polls outside before with coming to your life from our headquarters here in the russian capital you're watching are see international monies peter scott's here, the top stories this our multiple dorothy is gaining strength, those are the words of russia's foreign minister said gala rav during a speech of the nation state duma. the diplomat says that russia's developing ties with his partners in the framework of such alliances as breaks and the shanghai
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corporation organization. luther for this is the diploma to russian diplomacy has intensified its work in those areas where the processes of multiple charity are gaining strength shall where our partners are ready for honesty and mutually beneficial corporation. together with our chinese france, we are working on strengthening our bilateral strategic partnership viewers. we are steadily developing our special and privileged strategic partnership with india were strengthening ties with brazil. iran, the u. e. egypt jerky saudi arabia, south africa, and many other friendly countries. we highly appreciate the diverse cooperation with latin american countries and their integrated associations. the shanghai corporation organization, along with bricks, holds a special place in the scale of our foreign policy priorities, lexus. we considered this organization's examples of multi polar modern diplomacy. today, an increasing number of states are striving to establish ties with the s c o and
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bricks to become full member states will also continuing to use economic diplomacy levers to the fullest abroad. in the face of the lawlessness grated by the west, we promote the expansion of trade and investment ties with friendly nations. switching to trade in national currencies, as well as the formation of alternative financial and logistics mechanisms to western once in beijing has expressed is supports of iran in protecting is sovereignty unresisting, unilateralism and bullying. those are its words as the 2nd day of the reading. president's visit continues, however, the u. s. has called on china to follow washington's lead when dealing with iran. we've engaged with the p. r. c and other global stakeholders on to encourage in this case the p. r c, to take steps to counter iran policies that stabilize the region and threaten our partners and our allies, a runs nuclear program,
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it's ballistic missile program. it's other malign activities and influence are profoundly destabilizing in the region. that is of concern, not only to us, it should also be of concern to the c plus cross live now to you and say, shall see g t n correspondent, unit fate. thanks very much for joining us this afternoon. now the u. s. i was labeled iran's activity as destabilizing wasn't china's position. regard me loving nation. well, thank you for having me, peter. i mean if what for, for china would never do something that putting pressure on a one country with sacrifices the benefit of the local people. so clearly the so called the stabilizing activity is certainly sacrifice is the benefit of the local people. and during the talk of the 2 leaders, presidency didn't being said that china supports iran and safeguarding and sovereignty independence, territorial integrity and national dick
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d. t. that basement basement of the relationship diplomatic relationship and china has long been building a role as a keeper of the world t thinking junior of the global development. the chinese president said that china will continue to take part in any of the negotiations around resuming the nuclear deal. and it was support iran to safeguard the just mean right and interest and work towards a poor prompt and proper statement of the radio nuclear issue. what, what do you think the u. s. appears to be so concerned of a growing iran, china relations. i think it's just the mentality of the us mentality of getting alliance, which china never to seek kind of small group alliance, but rather looking for an open cooperation and during their conversation, trying to support the run in resisting, resisting unilateralism and bullying. as you mentioned. and poses external forces
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interfering in international affairs and mining at security and stability. so the statement by presidencies all really also echoed by rice, the present icy. with that that both countries are firmly opposed to the unilateralism and had germany them. one of the main goals of this trip, what are the both countries and the 2 leaders hope to achieve during this visit and the discussion of that having now, the basic idea is seeking peace and security because peace and security can promote global economic development. and china is run a very hands, really a long term, comprehensive cooperation in a range of fields that can dade back to the, you know, ation times. so the to president how witness be assigning of the number of bilateral documents yesterday. and it really covers multiple fields including agriculture, wait, a tourism, environmental protection, health, disaster relief, culture, sports, and many other fields as well. now it's no secret you can say that the u. s. has
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imposed many thanks. sions, many crippling sanctions on iran? do you think that this would prevent spacing from cooperating with iran in certain space? absolutely not because of aging. it's those kind of outcomes. cooperation is really some kind of a de facto outcome of the comprehensive strategic partnership between aging. and to ron, it's also a move that protects the true multilateralism and safeguards the common interest of the both developing countries. so bating signal is quite clear that the cooperation between the 2 countries does not target any 3rd party in china, says kind of friendly cooperation is conductive to the well being of both peoples as well as to pieces. the ability in the middle east. and finally, jones, i just wanna get your thoughts on this. it started concerned its soul, or that it would still be sanctioned by the us for cooperating with iran.
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any coercive sanctions? those people who got sacrifices are the people who in the country who got sanctioned also the people who the country that imposed sanctions. so course extensions are something that really not the strategy of resolving any disputes or confrontations in any of the dispute. i mean, china has been promoting negotiation and dialogue and in the framework, let's say the ultimate initiative as janet cooperation or breaks or any frameworks that's also mentioned by the both of 2 sites. so dialogue negotiation again is the thing that resolve any disputes. are you phase out c, g, t and correspond jonah's live from beijing by say, much today for your thoughts on those relations between china and iran. thank you.
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moving on now. the head of the wagner private ministry group in guinea, pig goes in, claims that he founded the so called bush in full forms, which allegedly, and severed in the 2016 us presidential elections. that comes as the russian business been continues to be wanted by the f b i on charges of conspiracy to defraud the u. s. r t. don't culture brings us more . the notorious internet research agency, which the west has long claims to be a russian troll farm that helps donald trump. back in the 2016 us presidential elections, was apparently the brain child of guinea precaution, the head of the wagner, private military company. at least that's what progression himself admitted after accusations that he was financing the agency. now whether or not he was being serious is another question. but progression did make one thing clear that when western leads feel that they're in danger, they need to find a russian scape goat. the population of western countries considers the ideology that you are promoting as wrong. therefore, they willingly support the thesis that are thrown in the little portions into your
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information in vitamin by the russians. therefore, if you are in deep, it's stupid to deny that some russian trolls are making your thing. so that makes a lot of sense considering what we know from the release of the twitter files last month. they said that there was no evidence that there were russian trolls spreading disinformation on twitter. despite the fact that the mainstream media was creating hysteria around that back in 2016, the also makes a lot of sense considering a recent study by the new york university center for social media and politics. which said that there was that russian accounts essentially had no measurable impact on voting preferences in the united states. it also said that one percent of all twitter accounts were exposed to 70 percent of these accounts that were labeled russian trolls. so back in 2016, it was donald trump and the russians in 2020 was the hunter biden laptop scandal. now with new presidential elections coming up in 2024,
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we're going to have to see what the mainstream media is cutting up next. australian whistleblower david mcbride talks about his experiences in the latest episode of the whistleblowers when the former british army officer found himself under investigation after disclosing documents repeating a legit, australian military crimes and stuff quite clearly i became the problem and that is one of the things i guess it was the last song. if you with what you're recording is really bad. the old i see you're according to probably already knew. and i don't boil what you've done is reveal yourself as a problem. and i became a 100. and that was, i guess it wasn't surprising because i knew the leadership were involved. i knew the leadership, this could not have happened without the general's least having some idea of what
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was going on. and i had to make my internal complaint to those very same generals who had some idea of what was going on. so i had a feeling it would go well. but i still as a lawyer, i knew that i had my internal complaint. otherwise, they would, you know, i really would be, i could go straight to gyle. a series of documents revealed by the media showed australian troops allegedly killed 39 anom civilians including children in afghanistan more than a decade ago. the documents also alleged commanders had upstarts at the cost of the investigation. the bride supplied the documents to the ministry of defense to carry out the investigation. but his request fell on deaf. if you can find out more about the story on the latest episode on the whistle, blowers posted by john kitty aka. throughout the day on nazi there is another quick preview. no, was really prosecuted for sanchez revelations. and so they can't really,
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it's not really a matter of a range, it's, it's a matter of weekly channel for this to happen in the future because everybody finds out how we do a message trace. we are in trouble and i see it's because now the us controls try certainly for national security matters. and the u. s. to sign, you got to make an example of this god, it goes to this guy gets off more that a. so what about, what about a sounds 210, that's right. we need to, we need to crush these guys when you just sort of put a song on poles outside dea, before this to say do not cross sauce. he doesn't matter. when do you think you're right? you will lose? no, yeah, he said these are all things about your hike, right? national security, blah blah, blah blah blah blah. so we need to know when they sacrifice these guys because
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we need the team flyer and everyone needs to be in the same plan. we don't want people saying we actual we done. flo essex. ah, we can watch the latest episode of the whistle. blowers are not channel throughout the day. all head of it's all websites ot dot com for even more. israel's national security minister has ordered new harsh conditions to be implemented on its palestinian prison population politician, an inmate rice defender cadon, ferries, says that such move is absurd on ones of serious consequences. despite the seriousness of the repercussions of this measure on the prisoners, in terms of hygiene in the spread of disease, it also reflects the level of degradation and absurdity that been greer has. it will be the cause of an explosion over conditions inside israeli prisons. since taken office last year, ben gray has pushed his hard line reforms on the country even calling for the death
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penalty for palestinians who is really secure services, hud labeled as terrorists and promising to make prison conditions even harsher for inmates. according to the ultimate prisoner support and human rights association, israel has over $4000.00 palestinians and incarceration, including women and children, were many of them held without charge or trial. while these really official has said that he's glad of the conditions that palestinians are in. i came to nasa prison yesterday to ensure that the murderers of jews are not getting better conditions as a result of the construction of new cells. and i was glad to see that the israel prison service does not intend to improve their holding conditions. live now to international advocacy office. melina, on, sorry for more on this thanks for joining us. molina. first of all, i just wanted to get your thoughts on this latest proposal by ben to to soften the conditions for palestinian prisoners. thank you. and this is,
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1st of all i and i do have to note and acknowledge that ben veer's new and policies against palestinian political prisoners is only a continuation to how the israeli occupation deals with palestinian political prisoners. we have seen since bank via has there taken his new stand as them the national security and minister there has been a lot of implementation that aren't, as you mentioned, degrading and do not meet the requirement of adequate living standards. even inside presence. the new government is there is slowly trying to argue that the rights of palestinian prisoners inside prisons are some sort of a privilege to them. and they should be trying to take these privileges back from palestinian prisoners. we have seen the forcible transfers of a loan and bid number palestinian prisoners in january, moving from one prison to another and from one prison section and to another. these
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forcible transfers were very brutal in nature where each prisoner underwent m a stripped search. i can a complete strip search and they were not m m at the given the permission to take any of their belongings with them. so we are seeing more restrictions and more collective one punishment on the entirety of the $4780.00 palestinian prisoners. it started with and limiting the water supply were palestinian prisoners cancelling all the bakery shops inside israel present services. but it is even broader than that bank veers new measures even call for what thing and hanging the is are at the israeli flag on each prison cell where palestinian political prisoners are held in war over that such measures also include limiting the free time or they are time for all the palestinian political prisoners to one hour if they and we can only understand why these collective punishments are being implemented against the
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palestinians. it is it under israel justification to the tear the palestinian political prisoners? but in reality, it is mainly to implement more harsh restrictions on the palestinians that even their daily lives inside prison is controlling and dominated by misery. what's what effect, do you think this will have on the palestinian prisoners? the overseer mentioned. some of these restrictions limits in the shower usage limits and the access to freshly baked bread. among other things that they all seem to be very punitive. what, what effect do you think they will have on walk in only one can only imagine is the already low morale of the prisoners. the i can tell you what the old truth an honest fee we are eating from our prison visits that the prisoners are ready and willing to take a political measures even inside the prison, to protest for their basic and fundamental human rights. and these measures have already been implemented by the palestinian political prisoners, for example,
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in not have prison. they have recently started and to refuse to stand or the regular town where the services into each prison and enforce the prisoners who needs the send. in order to do a head count for each prison and the prisoners are just using, stand in the headcount more over. we are seeing the prisoner movement hold for collective and open hunger strike. starting in mid march. and the 1st day of summer on this escalation, open open, hunger strike is very clear. the prisoner movement is saying as long as these restrictive measures will be implemented and the israel occupation, it's so strict with the very, very harsh stance towards the prisoners. there will be a collective and open hunger strike that will include the entire of the $4780.00 prisoners. and as you mentioned,
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these numbers include 29000000 and 160 palestinian children. so the measures will be implemented indiscriminately, regardless of age, gender, or even has condition which in pinions the brutality of such collective measure. it all feeds into more restrictions, more fallacy towards prisoners. as you mentioned, when you look at the prisoners as those who murdered you, what i can tell you that there are 917 palestinian hand in prison without charge or trial based on secret information. so the, the definition of ids and even under israel law or is the narrative, it's extremely big and broad in nature where a lot of political prisoners will be and has accountable for things they have not done. or the, or only for the ornament mentality of this new israeli government. and having very
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restrictive measures against the prisoners. we aren't even seeing ben via calling not only for the collective punishment, but for re walking the citizenship and residency of palestinian prisoners from the occupied 4 to 8 territories and from the eastern parts of occupied jerusalem. if they apologise for instructor and d, we definitely covered that before. just want us to unlock one last question. i'm afraid we are running out of time thousands of people or falls apart, students on, on hunger strike. certainly quite the number. do you think that it will have any effect? do you think that the, these really, governments will, i'm not introduce these measures and if in the international community will step in continue based on experience regarding hunger strikes. and because this is an open and collect the hunger strike your prison services, i believe when think twice a keys or once before going through and implementing these measures. and this is
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exactly why we need the support and assistance of the international community. because with pressure from the palestinian movement inside israel, occupation prison and with pressure from state that new value, human rights and, and protection. this can change the path of railey government and this is what we're hoping for. we definitely don't want the 4504700 prisoners to go on a hunger strike because there is a policy of deliberate medical neglect inside prison. so we are gravely concerned about the hunger striking detainees has conditions at that time where the prison services will only isolate an implement hutcher policy against. and so basically the way i see it if the palestinian prison, their movements protest these measures and the international community stands buying palestinian prisoners to understand that they're asking for their basically they're not asking for privilege or hot water or more show we're time. it's
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basically one dement of nice that the occupying power is there and should by law and buying randy fee provide for the palestinian prisoners. so it's a collective effort in order to find these measures, we need collective efforts from the palestinian prisoners movement and the international community needs to stop its impunity or the israeli occupation. we are seeing believe, statements by been new and these statements should not be taken lightly because they are being implemented on grounds. they're not just threats. they are actually em loads and practices that are being implemented. and we hope internationally the international community, european countries do stand against this. obviously the system very aggressive and hostile. we'll have to wait and see what comes of that hunger strike. and hopefully we'll have to come to the malayna. i'm sorry you made your thoughts very clear today. international advocacy officer later on. sorry,
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thanks again for your time. in other news, news of unidentified flying objects in u. s. a. space has caused a major stir without let's even speculating on the extra terrestrial origin. the white house, the 1st person was forced to call for com, as journalist amended answers on the recent incidents. you have always been shot down of the us and canada. you do want to make sure that the americans, american, people understand that there's no need to panic. the president took this action as i mentioned earlier, because the objects were indeed flying at low lower elevation and they were in civilian air space. and we wanted to make sure that we protected that airspace, but again, i, you know, we want to also make sure that the americans are not do not panic during this time . oh, us, after numerous media outlets have heights help the alien invasion theory in recent days. what do they come in? peace, that's what many americans are now asking after washington studies miniature has
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now shot down 3 mysterious flying objects or seas. steve sweeney investigates. america has turned into a real life version of the x files, seeming to be in the collective meltdown or to shooting down a number of unidentified flying objects from its skies over the past week is even had to down play phase of an imminent alien invasion. i just wanted make sure we addressed this from the white house. we know there's been questions and concerns about this, but there is no again, no indication of aliens or extra terrestrial activity. with these recent take downs, washington did it for days before shooting down a chinese weather balloon. yet it now seems to be trigger happy as it bloss any object it sees as a potential threat. but the timing has arouse suspicion coming soon off to pulitzer prize. winning journalist seymour hersh alleged us blew up the new old string to pipeline a form. a u. s. intelligence whistleblower suggests that u. f. o sightings are often used as a distraction. it's not aliens. i wish it were aliens,
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but it's not aliens. it's just the old engineered panic, an attractive nuisance ensuring national security reporters get assigned to investigate balloon ball rather than budgets or bombings. a la nord stream until next time. and the developments had been greeted with mockery and skepticism. don't worry just some alien friends of mine stopping by while a former f b. i agent with top level security clearance insist that the latest sightings could be part of a false flag. alien invasion, military officials are working with the law because they really need to get the fear to get back on the map with this frank hearing invasion that we're going to see a lot more politicians start supporting the attacks and the you a piece hush has predictably been dismissed as a crank on the story of fantasy, but he is just that latest evidence. the toys, the finger of suspicion at washington, including comments from senior us officials and the president himself. if for,
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if russian rage, that means tanks from troops crossing the on the border of ukraine again, then there will be we, there will be no longer a nor stream to like here i am. and i think the administration is very gratified to know that north street q is now, as you like to say, a hunk of metal at the bottom of the sea during the 19 fifties and 19 sixty's. in spite of you, if i was, was spotted over the u. s. leading to conspiracy theories about an eminent invasion . roswell became a haven for conspiracy theories and crimes. convinced that aliens were being experimented on there with a trove of articles and mysterious footage cert, connecting hundreds of hollywood movies were made in part to keep the u. s. public fearful of the soviet union. with the u. f. o phenomenon, a deeply rooted in anti communism. most infamously panic ensued offer 1938 radio broadcast of h g. wells is war of the worlds. ladies and gentlemen, i have
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a grave announcement to make incredible as it may seem, both the observations of science and the evidence of our eyes lead to the and it's capable of something that those things being landed in the jersey family life. but it later transpired that there was a simplex nation for many of the unexplained phenomena. the pentagon was conducting cover experiments with new military technology. i'm spy planes. and let's see how you mated to planting fake stories to make people believe that they were u. f. o 's, over half of all u. f o reports from the late 1900 fifties, through the 1900 sixty's were accounted for by mand reconnaissance flights. this led the air force to make misleading and deceptive statements to the public in order to allay public fears, and to protect an extraordinarily sensitive national security project. 12, and this claims that the latest you a photo sca is a cycle and softening up public support for increased military spending as possible, new cold war against china and russia, the u. f. o stories all over corporate media are being pushed heavily by the u. s
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military and spy agencies. looking back at history, this looks like a psychological operations to hide new experimental technology and or manufacture consent for increased military budgets and a new arms race with china. russia, it is known that the u. s. has invested in with then us president donald trump space fleet widely marked at the time the pentagon has admitted that is expand the get space program with the united states space force officially becoming the 6th balance of the us military and december, 2019. in other words, spying, but now the focus has payment to china. washington's new global rival, similar tactics are being deployed to scan the public and convince them that by using as a threat to the american way of life. if i could communicate one thing to the american people from this unique vantage point, it is that the people's republic of china poses the greatest threat to america today and the greatest threat to democracy and freedom worldwide. since world war 2
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is also gaining traction amongst gung ho republicans who belong baited us, isn't joe biden. i'm the democrat. so been a week on china. some of them are predicting even perhaps hoping for a war with china, which is of course, surrounded by hundreds of u. s. military bases. as for the u. f o's, well as modern, scotty would say, the truth is out there somewhere. not in a galaxy far, far away, but closer to home. with us all for this, our money's peter scott's on the back with more in 30 minutes time. thanks for watching. ah ah, is nato in a state of panic? the west is losing its ukraine proxy war on russia. the more the west helps ukraine, the smaller ukraine becomes, all the west money sanctions and mill.


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