tv The Modus Operandi RT February 16, 2023 11:30am-12:01pm EST
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and then european countries like italy, germany and poland. so if the intent is truly to feed the hungry rather than just benefit europe's economy, the current ukrainian brain, steam is really missing the mark. now this comes on multiple african countries face food insecurity. somalia, for example, was recently hit by consecutive droughts and is now approaching more on some describes as one of the worst humanitarian crises in recent history. with over 7 100000 people already facing food shortages and several 1000000 in need of humanitarian assistance. meanwhile, organizations like international rescue committee and action against hungry hunger excuse me, wanted that almost 1000000 more somalian saw on the brink of famine. the great exports, controversy comes and strengthening relations between russia and africa, which also cover various fields with bright development prospects. but that's at least is the view of the director of the institute for african studies of the russian academy of sciences. and that's in her recent exclusive interview to archie
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. as always, you can watch the full version throughout the day on the channel. but here's a quick preview. interestingly, in terms of technology, russia is particularly competent in areas that africa needs most energy, water, purification, agriculture, medicine space technology. i t smart cities. course, these are all a priority areas for africa. suing them, russia can offer africa, los you, valuable engineering solutions to give you one example. we've created a certain type of fertilizer that when placed in the soil, stores moisture for up to 3 months seen. you can you imagine how vital this is for african countries and most of which are located in the arid zone metrics. you put the fertilizer in the soil, and you don't need to irrigate for 3 months. so when it comes to energy and food security to developmental issues or the processing of mineral resources, that's something that africa has huge reserves of our geologists now are mining
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companies our equipment buying, all that could really help them out with whether that so on the one hand, this opens up prospects for russia not for our own development international. and on the other hand, by capitalizing on our technology, africa would be able to move to a new level of development. but instead of remaining a resource colleges within the wider western system. now, not looking well, that's all from me peter scott's, but ortiz and nick aaron will be taken over to take you through all the top stories as we head into the evening this thursday, thank you very much for watching. ah, ah ah ah ah, hello,
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i'm manila chan. you are tuned into modus operandi this week. nato's expansionist dreams may have a rude awakening after altercations outside of the turkish embassy and sweden are taken as hate speech. so is the 2 for one sweetheart deal between sweden and finland expired? we'll discuss. all right, let's get into the m l. me . sir. kia was an early adopter of nato, joining the block way back in 1952. within the alliance, the turks have the 2nd largest military only behind the united states. as you can see here, their location is one of utmost importance, at least as seen by the us, straddling europe and asia to its east and west russia just a few hours north, the african continent, just
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a few hours south. its no wonder turkey has leadership has had to play their geopolitical cards carefully for decades. and no surprise as to why when the nato block was formed by the us that the americans wanted to keep this country within its orbit. turkey is inserted like and connie air bases have proven keyed some of nato's most recent operations across the region. but in recent months, following russia's military intervention and ukraine to new members sought to join the block, finland, and sweden, their accession would mark the 15th and 16th times. the alliance has expanded since the fall of the soviet union. but membership requires a unanimous vote by existing member states as now turkey stands in their way. so joining us to discuss why are key as refusing to go along with the program is
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geopolitical expert and editor at large at t r t world. mister use of aram. now 1st use of can you address for us president are the ones exchange with the swedish p, where he said and quote, if you want nato accession, you have to extradite these terrorists. we gave them a list of $120.00 people without extra guiding these terrorists. it won't happen and quote, now the swedes have repeatedly said they won't turn over anyone to turkey. or what does that mean then for their nato application? ok, well 1st of all, inside the memorandum of understanding that was signed that the madrid summit last year, nato's important gathering of all 30 member states. there was an agreement between sweden, ed to get that open the door for the accession process to begin. now as part of that memorandum of understanding, part of it was speaking about extradition,
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that sweden will take a look at the extradition requests and according to their laws, and according to the evidence provided by to get extra the necessary individuals that were at large. and now the search president has requested the extra addition of $120.00 individuals. and it seemed that sweden is saying that none of these individuals will be extradited out without giving it a fair look, without even sitting down in swedish courts. looking at the evidence provided by to get telling you that none of these individuals are going to be expedited, it definitely doesn't look like there's any due process being done. looking into the criminal activities of these individuals that you're alleging that are basically corresponds with the crime of terrorism. so the turkish president wants to see these individuals extradited their individuals that have broken search laws
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of the church. justice system has provided the necessary evidence to sweden, and this is one of the red lines for it to give regarding sweden nieto at nieto accession. now do all $120.00 of these individuals need to be extra aided while in the past and circus prided. i said that if some of the conditions in the memorandum of understanding are met. but if sweeting shows good wills and sincerity in the accession process, he said that certain things could be overlooked. so i don't think that we should get hung up on the number 120, but i think we should look closely and observe the sincerity and the effort that sweetens putting into process these request. i think 0 out of 120. that's definitely not sincerity. that stuff is not going to win any type of favor or understanding with entre at all. so if it continues to go like this, there's already been tensions regarding the protests, up the p, k, k u. s e o,
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and designate their group and sweden, the crime. burning was the icing on the cake. and if none of these terrorists are extradited, the ones that turkey is alleging our tires, if none of these are expedited to face, start is just the saw. i don't see any would shape way, shape or form out sweet. i'm going to become a member of nato. alright, so not too much good faith effort shown on their part. so previously the finish and the swedish have said they were to, for one offer, that one would not go to nato without the other. now that turkey has made their requirements clear to the swedes. where does this leave the fins? well, unfortunately, it seems like finland, it's becoming collateral damage in the tensions between sweden and to get out about 2 to 2 months ago, i had an opportunity to interview the swedish prime minister and i had actually asked him the question, do you feel
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a responsibility to stanley with your own countries, nato progress, basically stalling or almost becoming stagnant. and it said that the same thing that it's a 2 for one deal that there's tremendous solidarity between both countries. in that day, i've had each other's backs for a very long time, but lazy. we're seeing the swedish needle accession process. habit 0 to swim chance of success at least this year. and we have recently the finish foreign minister say that i've been that needs to consider the possibility that sweden might not be approved any time in the near future by today . so this was kind of a signal that the finished foreign ministry might be entertaining. a solo nato session that now the day after that comment, the turkish turkish president said that i just sent
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a message regarding vinland that sweden with the shock. now reading between the lines. this is basically saying that it would most likely be approving finland's bid. that if it came solo to turkish parliament, the turkish foreign minister, the very next day, reiterated with the turkish president sentence, said that it unjust that finland needs to wait for its own nato membership because of sweden not being able to meet the conditions required in the memorandum of understanding the day after that the finished foreign minister is original comments about considering sweden not being able to become a native member. i kind of walk that back a little, but it also had a meeting with nato secretary general. yes, dalton berg, i believe thursday or friday, or i believe later this week i should say, i don't know the exact day that the fish and sweetest prime ministers are going to be meeting. so that's going to be an important meeting. and as we can see that
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there is, there is a lot of dialogue behind the scenes. and i think it's going to come to a point where the really need to consider their own self interest, their own national security. and they're probably going to have to walk this road alone because it doesn't look like sweden is going to become a nato member. any thanks to now, many in the west are throwing around the idea of kicking kia out of nato. so let's be clear about a couple of things here. there are only 14 articles in the nato charter. article 10 requires all sitting members to be unanimous in accession of a new member, article 13 states that only the member state can choose to exit the alliance. there is no article to boot a member but, but could this be a double edged sword where they can add a new article to support expulsion of a member state? i mean, does president or one worry about this?
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first of all, the whole argument, the whole narrative, the whole, say, take 2 out of nato. it's ridiculous, it's a logical, it completely goes against the understanding, the essence of what nato is, is not a possibility. and i think seeing that there is no mechanism to kick to outside of nato. i think that's the simplest dancer i think there's much better answer. the better explain why it's not a possibility. now, 1st of all, we have to look at what nato is. nato is a security lines. more importantly, it's more about the governance of nato. nato is a consensus decision making. apparatus is governed by consensus decision making. there is never a boat inside of nato because there is always consultations. consensus is reached and any nato resolution. any nato statement represents the collective will of all
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members, unless everyone agrees, nato does not release a statement. that's why there's no voting inside nato. there is vito's inside nato . there needs to be unanimous union and maybe inside of nato, but anything that you hear coming from a nato summit, a needle meeting means that every single member has agreed upon every single word in that statement. now, let's say for example, a mechanism is created to kick a member outside of nato. first of all, a we pack it that mechanism. you would have to had nobody fetal, it, it would have to be a unanimous decision to create a mechanism to kick someone out. and then let's say that mechanism is created, let's say inside of that mechanism is a 2nd mechanism saying, the country that is going to be kicked out doesn't get a vote. that would still required all 29 other states to unanimously agree. i'm
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taking that other member state out. so as you can see a, the probability, the possibility of all this happening is 0 to none. and if it does happen, the essence of nato being a consensus building. a consensus decision making alliance is defeated and nato ceases to be nato. it's now something different. one of the reasons why nato is so attractive as an alliance is that every member feels secure, that it's concerns regarding the decision in nato will become part of that collective well, nobody can be overlooked when a statement is being made, nobody can be overlooked. when a decision is made being made, it's always unanimous. it's always collective. and that's the understanding. that's the us, is that what makes nato nato? that's why you can't kick church outside of nato. that's why you can't get another country outside are made up. because everything always needs to be unanimous,
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that's why only someone can lead. because if someone wants sleep, that is their own free will to leave. and again, as i'm say, there being no mechanism is only the simplest answer. i believe this is a much more deeper understanding that shows what the essence of nato is and how the whole understanding of even being able to check. so an act, even the process of trying to kick someone out is the most anti nato. think the most 80 nato thought, ah, one can, one can come up with, ah, coming up next pressure mounts on nato members to arm ukraine. will president or no one came into western pressure will have more with use of era when we return them out. we'll be right back. ah, ah.
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at the end of the 18th century, britain began the illegal opium trade in china. these hard drugs causing addiction and literally destroying the human body became a gold mine for business men from the foggy elvia. however, the ruling chinese jing dynasty tried to resist and to stop the illegal trade, which provoked the wrath of the london business community. in 1840 without a declaration of war, the english fleet began to seize and plunder chinese coastal fords. the poorly armed and morally drain, janie's army was unable to provide adequate resistance. the ging empire was forced to hand hong kong over to england and open its sports for trading the lethal goods . in 1856, france and the united states joined in the robbery of china. the anglo french
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troops defeated the chinese occupied beijing, and committed an unprecedented robbery. destroyed and blundered the wealth of the un mean you and palace. the defeat of the jing dynasty in the do opium wars lead to the transformation of the celestial empire into a semi colony of european states and started it's age of humiliation. and the sale of opium took on colossal proportions and led to the horrible death of millions of ordinary chinese. ah, ah, welcome back to the m o. i'm manila chan. now many in the west are calling to keep the spoiler in sweden and finland joining nato. meanwhile,
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many turks are lashing out at swedish protesters who burned a koran outside of their embassy labeling. this hate speech and use of aram is back with us. so use of. currently us, lead nato is under pressure to present a united front against moscow. there was a stalemate among e, you, nations, of who would supply what to key of washington broke that deadlock when president biden announced the u. s. would give key of 31 of these m one abrams tanks. so as a result, germany said they would send some leopard to a 6 tanks. they approved poland request to send care of some of their stock of leopards as well. france so far has tabled the idea of sending any main battle tanks to kiya. they haven't ruled it out, but so far it sounds unlikely, based on the conditions that they've laid out, the checks flat out. no. where does turkey us stand on that can you foresee or to one caving into western pressure to further arm kiya?
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well, when we look at turkish foreign policy in turkey's policy towards both russia and ukraine since february 24th thirty's main policy is to continue the relationship as it was before the war ever started to get was supplying drones to ukraine before the war started. is continuing to supply drones during the war 2 is in doing business with russia before the war started bought, as for hundreds, discontinuing its projects such as the nuclear power plant in korea and several other partnerships and gauge with its continuing them while the wards while the worst can ongoing, so as, as i said, it's continuous business as if there is no war. is bilateral relationships with each country now supplying a tank, supplying a fighter jet to ukraine,
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defeats that understanding that that's a, that's something that it was not supplying to ukraine before the war started. so that would, that would change the balance, i think, change the understanding and change to gets position towards each of the actors. i think elkins continue to sell drones, but i don't think that it would supply tanks. i don't think they would supply that 6 teams. i don't think that would supply at boards or any other fighter jets and it's weak because this is not military sale or not a military dialogue that it had with ukraine before the war started. it would show that this was done out of necessity of the war in that 2 days now taking a position now breaking the balance that is in holding. so i think that position is something that the turkish present great, the values i think that he has seen much benefit whether it be the black sea green initiative being broken because of that position. the prisoner swap being broker at
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the lateral between who labor lab, rob, and till we show the non and most likely future meetings that we're going to see as well. so i highly doubt that it will change its position on the type of weapons that it has supplied ukraine. i don't think that we'll see any made battle tanks or fighter jets being supplied from the turkey side. now, recently, there were protests outside of the turkish embassy and sweden. we saw a controversial burning of the koran. there some even burnt effigies of president are one. what is the sentiment that group is trying to project here? is it one that's anti turk is an anti muslim? is that just anger over nato? i mean, how did you read these protests? first of all, i think what's being express very simply is hate. we're seeing a perfect storm up. anti church kit ain't the turkish physicians turco. phobia,
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zen oppo, b islam of phobia. these are all obstacles against nato. i. i always tell my swedish counterparts that is not the one placing an obstacle in front of nato. it's the p g. a protest that are placing the obstacle in front of nato for swedish succession. and at the end of the day, what we hear the argument coming back is, this is freedom of expression. while, when we look at freedom of expression, i think the best way this test is to say what is being express what's being expressed when you're burning across what's being express, besides intolerance and hey, there are swedish laws, i believe it's chapter 16, article 8. if you have time google it, it's very complex and it took me very long time to sit down and understand sweden's understanding of freedom of expression. it's very, very, actually actually a very different than the american understanding. i see the american understanding
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of freedom of expression is much more logical, more implementable, more understanding towards minorities, especially religious or regarding race. but i see many times sweet saying why it's freedom of expression. there's nothing we can do about. of course, there's something you can do about it. if someone's burning a holy book. and that is depending 2000000000 people across the and we're talking about 25 percent the global population. i think there's something i think there's some freedoms that some people can do without, and i think that's far from expressing anything of value it's expressing hey, this is how the turks understand it. there is most recent polls show a 92 per cent negative sent to me now towards sweden's nato accession bid. i think that's a tremendous, overwhelming amount of the turkish populations showing a negative sentiment towards sweden succession. but it, this is a quite unprecedented because normally we would never see this many everyday turks
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care about another country's nato accession bit, but at the end, the day 92 percent. that's an astounding number. turkish parliament should not ratify something that 92 percent of the public does not want the turkish president to not push something through parliament that 92 percent of his public does not want to get a democracy. 92 percent of the people, if they don't want it in any democracy that will not pass that will not pass and to get that will not pass in sweden that will not pass in any nato member countries. so i don't know why people are trying, expecting turkey to be able to push this through. for the record, sweden has previously punish someone for mis gendering a trans person on line calling that hate speech. so by comparison, it's hard not to agree that the koran burning isn't also a form of hate. examining the u. s. trickier relationship. a few years
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back we saw some scuffles outside of the turkish embassy right here in washington, d. c. turkey has requested that the u. s. extradite for tele glenn and the u. s. has refused. we saw tensions are over, took care buying russian made as 400 air defense systems or in syria where the u. s . was banking the y p g, which is the syrian arm at the p. k. k, which turkey has designated a terror organization. there seems to be some fundamental differences between this coupling. where do you see this relationship going in the next few years? right now, i think the relationships going to be on hold for a little while. and when i mean on old is it seems that divided administration is waiting for church selections to be completed until at any series diplomacy is going to be undertaken. and the sad part is after turkish elections, whoever is in government, whoever is in power, will probably wait for the us elections to finish before they undertake some series
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diplomacy as well. so we're probably going to lose a year with both countries waiting and seeing who's going to be in power. come 202420232024. so we're going to lose a little time. but right now, the major issues as sixteen's 2 has been waiting a very long time for a sale that should normally be a formality between the united states in any major nato member country. we're seeing a lot of pressure inside congress holding up this deal. frankly, i don't think it's a do or die sale for to get if turkey doesn't get the 16th, it's probably a blessing in disguise. i think there's very good at other options that you could look at. i think that tradition begin looking at your biter typhoons talking more to the bridge. there's a couple other options down on the market as well. to do is also developing its own fighter aircraft that's going to be ready towards the end of this decade. so it's going to need
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a stop gap for its aging air bleed now is made some modernization kits for at 16, so it can modernize some of its up aging fleet. so it's not the end of the world if it happen is great. if it doesn't happen, it's just another nail in the copy of the u. s. relationship. it's the relationship that wants to save. i think the united states see the value in the relationship still regardless. but these flashpoints, they're just getting more freak when they're getting bigger. and frank, be right now, we need to see cooler heads prevail in the u. s. turkey front. i don't know how that's going to happen. i don't know how these flash points are going to be solved because many of them are very engraved, ending american support for the y p g really require a complete overhaul of us engagement in syria, which is so late in the game. i don't know how they're going to do it. they just fell into a complete y p g. swamp. right now i don't even think the americans know their
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strategy right now in syria. i think if you ask 10 american officials about what their and game isn't, sir, i think you'd probably get 10 different answers because they don't know jazz are very specific and, and game and syria. it's creating a 30 mile. but presuming they're 25 miles of prison, that has a very specific strategy on what it wants to do in the region as well. but again, is america shipping to the pacific? is it going to continue the same level of engagement in the middle east? we're seeing different statements, different actions. we're seeing a lot of double standards against you. again, as long as narratives are prevailing in congress without some type of strategic direction. regarding the, i don't think the relationships going to get better anytime soon. use of aram. appreciate your time and analysis. thank you so much for that. and that's going to do it for this weeks episode of modus operandi, to show that dig deep into foreign policy. i'm your host manila chan. thank you for
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tuning in. we'll see you again next week to figure out the m o a l look forward to talking to you all. that technology should work for people. a robot must obey the orders given by human beings, except where such order that conflict with the 1st law show your identification. we should be very careful about artificial intelligence. the point obviously is to great truck rather than fear a very job with artificial intelligence. real summoning with a robot most protective own existence with
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ah ah, china and iran strongly oppose what they call political manipulation under the pretext safeguarding human rights. i'm democracy. iranian president, wrapped up his 1st official visit with the dash completed on the evidence with the phone with thanks to a former, maybe in minnesota, who's the 4th and those 2 to make too many pay reparations to the descendants of colonial era genocide.
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