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tv   News  RT  February 17, 2023 1:00am-1:31am EST

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states and elsewhere in lodge obs companies would lose millions and millions or is business and business is good. and that is the reality of what we're facing, which is fashion with $101.00 character to russia. so it is return from you could in captivity. and then a to do is change of prisons via mosca, teeth all teeth. these were the brushes. i'm foster the in the an exclusive interview in which he can dev, nathan by the aid saying the west dementia lyons is trying to destroy unity in the age of stating its defensive nature, a friendship actions against russia. on the 17th of february, the day of you to laterally that independence. so there we have been people who
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share this appointment and this may 15 years with community that was the status day of my life. losing a part of my country. peace is not present. this day and every corner we have coastal police spring fear a welcome to international broke off in life for more serious just past the hour. and as always, it's great to have you with us. i'm right mommy. let's take a look at the top choice. this our most here says 101 russian, most few prisoners have returned from cleaning captivity in the late this walk with russia defend smith. he said this service man had faced mortal danger in captivity
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. he claimed go back with the exact same number of his captain. so does the reef russian troops have been taken to moscow were they'll receive medical al psychological evaluations and any necessary treatment is the 2nd such prison swap this month. the previous one was mediated by the united arab emirates on thesis. so in nunez reports and you prisoner exchange round between russia and ukraine was conducted on thursday, bringing 101 brush and servicemen home russian air force plane with the former p o w. s. on board, lend at the near port here moscow from where they will be transported to a military hospital in the capital for medical and psychological rehabilitation. the russian defense minister stated that this man were at risk of death while held captive in ukraine. after spending, arguably the darkest hours over their lives as p o w in prisoner camps, they finally walk free. the feeling must be unbelievable. shirts of europe sierra
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my heart is beating. i'm glad that i'm finally at home on my land. at 1st i did not believe it, but then i had some kind of incomprehensible feeling as if i had fallen in love for the 1st time. so screw wallace, when we were being held captive, they didn't explain anything to us. so i didn't really believe it. you never know where you'll be sent, but when i found out, but i was delighted. my whole family is happy. every one is waiting for me at home . i promised to return, but we're going back home, watched her, or she knew she, i have great feelings. so we returned to our homeland, although we have been waiting for this moment for a long time. it finally happened when we kept up our hopes and believed that this day would come and it has come to day. when you maria, i have incredible emotions. i cannot believe this. now i want to go home, go fishing with my dad, see my family and celebrate all the holidays with them. meanwhile, one of the highest ranking us diplomats in washington under secretary of state
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newland present kids forces are justified if they attack rush and the state infrastructure in crimea. ukraine is not going to be say in less crimea is at a minima. at a minimum, demilitarized, there are a mass military installations, it and crimea that russia has turned into essential logistics. and back of the state codes for this, for those are legitimate targets. ukraine is heading them and we are supporting that the soviet union assign crime is ukraine in the 1950s with in laws, the ethnic russian toes reverted to join russia in 2014, following a to in cave that victorian newland supported the western assistance fleet quinn has spa condemnation, remember all of the european parliament alongside criticism for ukrainian leaders
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and as his please formal weaponry. instead of seeking a peace deal, soleski has been making the rounds, begging for more weapons, without one word to say about peace. how many of his own people was the conscript and feed into the carriage before he sits down to negotiations. and many of the people of europe was lose our jobs and our homes before natal with allowed these no graces negotiations to happen. last the what i'd like to know what has happened to germany, the jewel of europe. george told us that would be no peace in russia, but no peace in europe without russia forced to sentiments. now you're 7 times to kill russians have numerous full. so the courteous being violently contained on the streets and in the homes to be said on the front lines of kids forces, or believe the massive losses in recent fighting in dom bus. we heard from the
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international tourney, klein preston says, the crane covert is big business for many western official. and that's what's making them want to prolong the conflict as much as possible. you know, i've heard tale of conscription now of 15 and 16 year old boy's people were drafted in the service it go to the market to buy food and you know, people reinforce in the service and it's reminiscent, frankly, of the last days germany in 1945, when that, that country was failing and losing the war. the western countries had ignored common sense and prudent thought in the support they've given to ukraine to this date. and i don't see this change in now because of, you know, the, the current construct, conscription laws and practices in the ukraine. you know,
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it's business. so in a way, it's just a way to, to propagate this more because a lot of people in the west are making a lot of money. i mean, look at, congress looked at the number of people in our congress that own shares and right the on and united technologies and northrop grumman. they're all making money. and so sadly, there's a small percentage of the people when united states and great britain and other western countries that are, are making big money on this conflict was he had an exclusive interview with the russian ambassador to india in which he said, but nick did expansion possesses a direct threat to russian and asian. pacific security is a preview. you can watch the full interview throughout the day. nato's negative role is evident. despite russia's objections, are, the block continued its expansion. eastwards creating day,
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the direct from threats to the russian security. stating its defensive nature or nato chose of offensive actions against russia. so similarly, it's attempts to spread its influence. here to the asia pacific should not mislead anyone. with russia and china as the 2 of vis adversary's. there are less obvious targets as well. like the unity of the region at large. in our perception, it's going to divide, the region will japanese it's unified agenda and equilla and the undivided security architecture. a nation centered
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architecture. there will be more alienation lines and the instability and the it certainly doesn't suit early interests of any of the nations. they are included india and china. this friday wrong. so 30 i versus the coffers a declaration of independence from serbia back when no referenda was hell was served, living and processing the decision and belgrade denouncing it as illegal. but the declaration asset will move quickly. game why support from western powers is how people who live through those events describe their feelings when they learn. their homeland was divided into our community. that was the saddest day of my life . losing a part of my country even to this day, regardless of them, call it and then the banner kassawa. i see it is an integral part of the republic
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of serbia. i think it's all one big propaganda campaign from the west. knowing that this land is very rich in minerals and or, i think it's all about just grabbing what they need. peace is not present at this day, nor do i think we will have it until corso was recognized as serbian territory. life has changed for the worse. i don't feel safe at all. in every corner we have coursework, police spraying fear, and sir, ah, panting, put the wind in the penis was announced who felt unsafe, wearing far with safety and the safety of how the children. i believed it was their goal to separate course when mental health from so bear and to have it for themselves. it hasn't brought peace for ourselves for sure. i don't know how it will gone further, but i don't think it will be any better, at least for us subs and far with children. we don't want them to grow up in the circumstances. we don't feel safe. the cause of the separatist movement
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gained prominence during the yugoslav walls in the $900.00 ninety's, the west claim that new, those lovely, the middle of which was engaged in ethnic cleansing, and that bombing would prevent a refugee crisis. so need to decide it's intervene. m. bomb service for 70 days. belgrade still in says customer is a part of serbia, announcing the braithwaite province is unilateral declaration of independence as a violation of international law. more than 100, you and countries of the was security council members, russia and china. i refused to recognize the self proclaimed states. we heard from managed new boys or a serbian american journalist and historian, who says the cost of an issue has always been a wave. the west to precious customers always been away for to where the pressure serbia they used to pretend to offer something in return, you know,
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your membership or, or be a prospect of a possible eventual theoretical you membership or investments or, you know, some kind of carrot. so to speak, and ever since last year, when the conflict in ukraine escalated, they've been offering nothing but the stick. they're basically at this point saying, unless you recognize goes into everything we tell you and keep doing everything we tell you. we're just going to beat you with a stick until you do this. and presently this involves economic sanctions, blockade freezing investments, abolishing visa, all basically all of these little perks that they've doled out to serve over the years in hopes of sweetening to deal. but that if failed so far to result in, in their desired outcome, i think just about everybody is preparing for another war. but i think also that the current conflict in ukraine and the absolute carnage that they can see coming
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out of there is, is sobering up some people and making them realize that the violence has been 1990 s. while horrible was orders of magnitude smaller in comparison to what might ensue i believe the war war rhetoric is more of i would say it's something that people that local people irresponsibly engage in, hoping that their external sponsors would have their back. but they don't actually aspire to fight themselves because even day at this point, realize that this would not be a walk in the park. and now the african continent ethiopians. coney hosting the african union summit to discuss top issues on the continents leaders from throughout the ones that are supposed to focus on a 5 thing in the d. c. it was security problems in molly guinea and
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sudan. a local just told us see what has already been spoken about the sidelines about the sidelines of the summit in the opening passion of the chair, mano copy, can yonah and commission with him by expressing she's grieve of a disaster in turkey and syria. he laughed or spoke about african working on held in the military should keep task for the union for their more top part it in her vision in the continent. conflict with all the worse and problem. he mentioned that the applicant union commission played unimportant turns were all in negotiation, and the discussions to deal with iris installed on the democratic republic of congo, libya, guinea b sa. so molly molly and the booking of fossil the chairman comparement that will want to continue until security problems. and i believe based on principle of focusing on african issues,
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says i for his mining industry has this struggling with corruption and administrative barriers. and the lack of new exploration limiting is development. as she's kind of boom lifts up la reports. it is the bedrock on which modern day life in 1000 tip of africa is built faith with the discovery of diamonds. later, gold, and then platinum, mineral discoveries has made johannesburg. how think providence crucial to south africa was economy so much so that to this very day, john is big is still known as the city of gold. the mineral council of south africa says that the industry's direct contribution to g. d. p grew by 36 percent in 2021 to nearly $27000000000.00. about $7000000000.00 more than it
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did in 2020. but despite these numbers, there are few for the future due to problems with exploration, to incredibly long term love that you need. and the fact that a long time last week has been short considerably because of the political uncertainty and policy uncertainty. the good of also the corruption that's involved in dealing with the whole money licensing and exploration. because the factors, the ruling party wants to sit themselves in all the deals that's made south africa, very unattractive place to actually expend buddy flu exploration for the purpose of money. there are 2 types of mineral exploration, brownfields and greenfield. brown seals exploration means the searching of additional deposits in no, when or currently mine sites. while greenfield is about searching for new
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minerals and that is where south africa week sport is. net investment in greenfield exploration is slowly shrinking. yet the department of minerals and energy is settled with thousands of. i'm processed requests for exploration, right. president obama was again called on mining companies to build schools, role clinics and provide electricity to communities where they operate. as part of a social peg. but as we all know, money is like water. it flows in the path of least resistance makes you know, that's the state job. that's why monica mistake kicks so. so while you loading up your mining companies with huge amounts of additional costs, they're going to say no thinking, we rather go somewhere else. it's more trick. kelly has the largest known reserves
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of lithium in the world. yet, australia is the minerals leading global supplier. if africa was to reach is target of attracting 5 percent of the. busy worlds, investment in mineral exploration spend. it will have to give incentive, or soon there might be very little mining left in the south africa. got a lot of tea, and just russia is launching an appeal of the you. i went to international restoration to the summertime, the nose pliers. last off, the recent article wire, pulitzer prize winning journalist seymour hersh, said the u. s. bomb, the pipeline system on orders from the bonded ministration. now the u. s. says it's not going to conduct an investigation into those new surface revelations. these
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blast did not occur on us soil. i would leave it to our partners on whose territory, on whose soil as it were on these plastic urge speak to the appropriate investigated mechanisms. and now the party line, as you've heard there, is that the nord stream explosion is a european matter and has nothing to do with america. by the way, the same state department spokesman there and, and price was already tweeting way back in march of 2021. so 2 years ago that quote, the nord stream to pipeline is a russian geopolitical project intended to divide europe and weaken european energy security. it's a bad deal for all involved. so net price sure had a lot to say about nord stream back then, but now that it's been blown up and it's no longer a concern to washington apparently. and by the way, since when did washington adopt the position that events happening outside of the u
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. s. that don't directly involve it park now? none of its business. that's a new one. and americans aren't the only ones asking some questions. german politicians are wondering why they're so much silence around the issue from berlin to onto them, uses you missouri bus to clarify attacks on the north stream pipeline that you do not consider important. we just heard that for almost half a year, we have been asking the same question over and over again here in parliament during the government interrogation. so who attacked the gas pipelines in the baltic seat? this is the most serious terrorist attack against critical infrastructure since world war 2. your deafening silence exposes you by now, remember, the german chancellor, olaf schultz was standing at a podium right beside us. president joe biden on february 7th, 2022. when biden said that if russia goes into ukraine, washington will put an end to nord stream. biden was talking about germany's main
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source of energy. and so i just stood there saying nothing. i don't know if he's daydreaming or just admiring that the core, but that's kind of an interesting question. why didn't you say something about that? and hers is reporting alleges that schultz was on the same wavelength as washington and biden, despite being initially quote wobbly about germany's economic. busy life blood and europe's economic engine. so before even the conflict in ukraine popped off, that was an issue. and jeffrey sachs, a prominent american economist now a professor at colombian iep columbia university. sax is, again speaking out, calling hirsch's account of the nordstrom explosions, pretty much a no brainer. frankly, it's been obvious from the start. this was not an easy operation to carry out of the kind of operation that day, the cia and other
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a covert parts of the u. s. government do carry out rather routinely by the way, yet they blow up lots of infrastructure over time. i try to keep it to him, but it was hard to keep this one hidden because the united states was basically the only country with the motive. that means and rather remarkably having announced beforehand that the intention was to end nord stream. yeah. and also go figure that the 2 nations accused of the nord stream, sabotaged in hurst, his report, the u. s. and norway also just happened to be the 2 countries that have now replaced russian gas sales to europe. and our caching in big time. her said that norway helped washington to find the right place for these c 4 explosives along its coast and also ran interference with neighboring sweden and denmark. so they wouldn't get suspicious if they happen to spot some divers where they shouldn't
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have been there supposed to be a so called independent commission involving journey sweden and denmark into this whole affair. but they all seem to just wanna move. i'm like there's nothing to see here and it's really conspicuous silence. and in our shed, those who have kind of developed an o marita around all this who don't really want to talk about it. really be the ones to be doing an investigation. normally when a country or a person or whatever is implicated in something, whether it's her, she's in her, she's report otherwise. normally they are the ones overseeing the investigation. well, russ newsome, executive 5 present of the u ranger center thing says the attacks on the mill stream pipeline severely harmed european energy security i and could not have been a come push without us. but as a patient us is the benefit of the citric beneficiary. the situation,
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let's face it, the a germans, definitely not. it's a, it's going to impact the germans economically empty. and the rest of europe, to some degree, to the germ germans the most, i may even lead to their de industrialization. they would, their energy prices will go up to the point that they'll not beat. they will not be competitive on the open market. they and l. c. i could see factories closing. i could see them relocating outside the countries where energy prices are cheaper and more efficient. but in this case we've got a terrorist attack against not just germany, but yet to think about this. this is a, this is against europe in general. this is the major infrastructure, providing you know what? upwards dirt on a 20 to 40 percent of the natural gas to a, to europe. it's a,
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this is the terrorist, it's a state sponsored terrorist attack. and unfortunately, it, it definitely appears ah, that the u. s. has got very heavy hand in it somewhere. laser versa, going on the ground of shin ross and the seats with american camida amphlett who compensated julie door are a number of subjects including the no stream pipeline blasts. though says washington never hade intentions and use similar methods employed in iraq and syria . you watch the full interview this saturday here on our tea. but here's a sneak peak just on nord stream, sy hersh the great report to expose the my lai massacre, the abu ghraib. so many different stories. people could look up his interview on going underground on our rumble channel. you, you said there was a back to, for sabotage that somehow if you agree with hersh biden was very clear about the
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north stream pipeline. the energy reserves for the european union, the word destroyed. and i should say, mainstream nato media claimed it could be russia destroying their own pipeline debate and said it was a deliberate act of sabotage. the russians are pumping out this information lies. and at the appropriate moment, when things come down, we are going to be sending divers down to find exactly what happened. isn't that the problem? people think you're a putin puppet. you're the one spreading out russian. this information here joe, by himself said they were going to stop the north st pipeline. i didn't make that up, he said, and now sy hearst is reveal exactly in a detailed way exactly how they did it. we all knew they did it. russia, that's a cash cow for russia that pipelines, why would they blow up their own cash cow? of course it makes no sense. and of course, you know, i'm old enough to remember the iraq war, and that was sold to you. american people on a pack of lies and anybody who pushed up against it and said that saddam hussein was not a threat to the united states. saddam hussein didn't do 911. and saddam hussein
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doesn't have any weapons of mass destruction. you were called us it out. you recall apologise for saddam was saying they're doing this. it's the same thing over and over with fire home, the libyan war. they said the same thing about the syrian war. they called me in the scientist. i was right about the gas attacks i was right about libya was right about iraq. and of course it's not. he doesn't take a genius to see what's going on. a danish media outlets has shown that you couldn't, inc, wanda, why harris insignia and a story about troops during an interview about what his unit needs an officer identify. this curve is seen where the dies on patch. the say one used by the turtle and i was ation in the middle east. this russian and turn statement to have said age 5 is all being trained as a us base in syria to conduct
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a fax in russia and of the posts of countries. this comes often numerous similar examples when the quaint troops was seen when new knots in senior, the german army allegedly even have to issue a special warning before you printing cadets. county training to operate the soon to be supplied. leopard tanks, not central, not symbols of vehicles. deer trainees from ukraine in germany, there is a penalty of up to 3 years imprisonment or heavy for and for the display of swastikas or other symbols associated with fashion assess insignia. be warned. just on dial is also as long as it's in washington interests, the us will continue supporting famous forces or the world. the u. s. government
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has allied with these far right forces and the co over the course of its various imperial adventures and the case ukraine and allied with neo nazis. and now it appears that it's aligned with, with supporters of this as well. the u. s. is willing to work with anybody as long as they would help help them in their struggle against the soviet union. and now it's doing the same thing with regard to the russian federation. ukrainian parliament also passed a resolution pledging allegiance to step on ban dare as teachings and the, the, the, they quoted him as saying that the ukranian nationalism will not be fulfilled until the russian empire is destroy. so that's the political character of the government that the u. s is so closely allied with wow,
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so this is alan peter val is on cross talk next time. we'll be here in the studio with
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