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tv   News  RT  February 17, 2023 7:00am-7:30am EST

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i don't, we, one of them came home. basically, we want to make sure that certain weapons that are just too dangerous or regular civilian should be in the hands of those people who are and say that i take no way to start with the headlines without the internet as new daily says in the is the state of democracy, it's under threat. why george saw ross because the hungarian american businessman a quote in the program we speak with richard ambassador to india. now he says, despite westman sanctions, the 2 countries ties a reeking new level, the sanctions war against russia has in fact a headache to not and accelerated in russia. india is trading also in the program,
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american political commentator jimmy or says, but conflict in ukraine was provoked by watch them powers. and the key of itself, which has been shelling civilians in gaunt bass since the 24th. they don't know the history of what's happened. they don't know, needle is an offensive force nato, for both this invasion, few gradients of their own citizens. you bring government was killing and bombing them, people. and you'll notice they don't know the history with pushing back on the mainstream narrative and giving you both sides of today's top stories. welcome to them. it's starting to national by the way, quote, an economic war criminal wants to break india's democracy. that's the warning from the indian minister of unions who say that george soros is plotting to intervene in that country. the man who broke the bank of england a
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man who is known and designated so by a nation. as an economic war, criminal has now pronounced his desire to break the indian democracy. by more about this right now, crossing live to see is india correspondence. this is rhonda and sharma joining us this afternoon for the friday program from moscow region. george source is amanda. so many people love to hate. i mean, he is accused mind you have having numerous skeletons in the closet. nevertheless, what, what is prompted this response from india to lay it back about mr. stores his desires, i mean, are they the various and the government is angry. they've hid back saying that soros is trying to target in del democracy. we hard the indian municipal smithy on the was really angry there who held a press conference just
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a while back. no source has said to be the fees behind the regime change attempts in india. and remember, next year, 2004, india is due for a general election now source. the 92 year old american given billionaire has questioned indian prime minister in more these silence. while the dani control was c post the hindenberg report hindenberg, which is a us base investment research group that had basically a ledge that a donnie group is involved in a number of accounting frauds is also stock. when you police should know a donnie is one of the richest man, he is also said to have close ties with nobody in the movie. what sort of thing is that mr. moore? the need to do some on sitting in the it's an interesting case. it's democracy but is leave the mobility is no democrat malady and business.
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a downy ha, close allies to have faith is in to try and more the sign then under sub rear. but he will have to answer questions from foreign investors and in parliament. but who is george soros? he's arguably one of the most controversial figures in the world. he's known as a financial good, who by some by boas. he's known for his malicious influenza billionaire who is known to move markets. really. he's also called the man who broke the bank of england. he's in fact, the master of manipulation of global mazda, as he's known by many now india, of course, is extremely angry, and they're saying that they're all going to listen to any lecturing bite this. now . no doubt is laundrin sharma. thank you. i do believe it was in fact roger and
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sharma who was speaking with a russian ambassador to india in an exclusive interview by the way in which he says that western sanctions of boosted bilateral ties is a preview of the full interview airing all day. today on our t international, the sanctions war against russia has in fact it has had in fe to not present the fact and accelerated for the russia, india trade. as you know, last year it grew almost 3 and a half times and they reached reached about 35000000000 u. s. c. u s. t. a record record level. for the lion's share belongs to oil and coal, and fertilizers,
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and the metal supplies from russia. indian exports are still far behind. that is true. we're working in 10 in 10 sleet to balance it. it's important that there is a wide spread interest from private sector, a regional business, a small and medium scale business is getting more active. the tourists flow to india shows promising dynamics, and there's increasing ok. so the, the scope of opportunities for india to expand its presence in the russian market has increased dramatically in almost all segments of industry. and it would be wise for the indian business to make use of them. meanwhile, at western sanctions have led moscow to look east relations between russia and
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china are on the rise as gas exports to beijing, more than doubled last year, up to nearly $4000000000.00. ultimately keeping moscow right at the top of the list of china's energy partners. now, the new prospects for the russian energy sector is something that president putin underlined in a speech just a short time ago today. but it will do over the past 30 years, global gas consumption has almost doubled. and in the next 20 years, experts forecast that it will increase another 20 percent, maybe even more. during the so called transition period, the demand will be colossal, more than half of this growth will come from countries in the asia pacific region. primarily china considering the growth rate of its economy, the development of the colossal gas industrial complex already existing in eastern russia is becoming truly strategically important for our country.
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one of the highest ranking us diplomats in washington under secretary of state victoria newland has said that key f force is a justified if they attack russian state infrastructure in crime. the ukraine is not going to be say in less crimea is at a minima. at a minimum, demilitarized, there are mass military installations in on crimea, that russia has turned into essential logistics and back office depots for this. for those are legitimate targets. ukraine is hitting them and we are supporting that the soviet union assigned to crimea to ukraine, back in the 1950. but the largely ethnic russian territory did a vote to join russia in 2014 and a big referendum followed a coo and kia victoria newland was openly supporting. i mean, she was even there, handing out freedom cookies on kiev might on square during the coo though the west
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and assistance for ukraine has spot condemnation from at least one member of the european parliament. alongside criticism for zalinski as well. instead of as, as the european parliament and was said, lensky should be asking for peace and not more weapons. soleski has been making the rounds, begging for more weapons, without one word to say about peace. how many of his own people was the conscript and feed into the carriage before he sits down to negotiations. and many of the people of europe was lose our jobs and our, our homes before natal with allowed these no grades is not, or she asians to happen. and lastly, what i'd like to know what has happened to germany de june of europe. should've told us that to be no peace in russia, but no apiece in europe without russia forced to st. had moves. now you're sound tanks to kill russians. well, me time to have been on numerous reports and countless online videos of ukrainians
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being typically violently detained on the streets or even inside their homes to be sent off to the front line. that's as he has forces of believe to have suffered enormous losses in recent fighting. and we heard from international attorney kline preston, besides the ukraine conflict is an officials. and that's at least why the reason we're trying to prolong the conflict. you know, i've heard tale of conscription now of 15 and 16 year old boy's people were drafted in the service to go to the market, to buy food. and, you know, people reinforce in the service and it's reminiscent, frankly, of the last days of germany in 1945. when that, that country was failing and losing the war. the western countries had ignored common sense and prudent thought in the support they've given to ukraine to this date. and i don't see this change in now because of, you know, the,
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the current construct, conscription laws and practices in the ukraine. you know, it's business. so in a way, it's just a way to, to propagate this more because a lot of people in the west are making a lot of money. i mean, look at congress, look at the number of people in our congress that own shares and right the on and united technologies and northrop grumman. they're all making money. and so sadly, there's a small percentage of the people in the united states and great britain and other western countries that are, are making big money on this conflict with the latest episode of going underground with action returns. so you really might want to watch it after discussing with american political commentary, jimmy door, a number of subjects, but most importantly, perhaps that of the roots of the conflict in ukraine and mister door. he says the coffee was provoked by nato as well as by kiev, which has long been shelling civilian areas and bon bass going back at least 2014.
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you can watch or the full interview or the saturday here when i see for now a small preview. what they're doing, so they're unwittingly using the american the, the people of ukraine has cannon fodder and a proxy and economic proxy war. what we did was provoke this invasion, and the german chancellor just admitted that we provoked this invasion in 2014 the united states over through the democratically elected government are view brain. why did they do that? the people who say that i'm aiding russia somehow, i've been propagandized, they don't know the history of what's happened. they don't know. nieto is an offensive course natal, provoke this invasion ukrainians, their own citizens, ukraine government was killing and bombing them. people don't know this. they don't know the history because when the corporate meeting in the united states still tells the story of ukraine, they started from invasion. they don't know why to invaded. they don't know that the you gradient government was bombing those people for 8 straight years and
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slaughtering them. they don't know that there have been with nazis literal nazis and people have no idea that that's what happened. so you can call me anything you want. there's only one way to end this war. it, everyone knows that the ukraine war is going to end with the negotiation. so we have to get people at the negotiating table right now. nato doesn't want joe biden, doesn't want to negotiate, and he wants to keep this going on. he wants to keep people being killed and you brain, so we can bleed russia economically and that plan isn't working. what we're doing is russia is now becoming closer and closer with china, and they're going to become the new center of economics in the world. i don't understand why the people will wake up to this because, but the reason why they will wake up to this is because they don't get to see shows like this, or hear voices like me. they only heard voices from the parole or military industrial complex bought media. ah. so western powers might have indeed turned a blind eye. ukraine's years of shelling of the breakaway provinces of don boss now,
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but have nevertheless supported the independence of another region. perhaps a bit closer to their intro tests this friday, marking. 15 years since the break away serbian province of kosovo, unilaterally declared independence with staunch support by western powers. that is by vast opposition by you and member states including russia and china, are the cause of a separatist movement gain prominence during the yugoslav wars of the 19 ninety's, the west claim that yugoslav leader my loss of it was engaged in ethnic cleansing. and that bombing would prevent a refugee crisis. so nato bomb, so b a for 78 days belgrade still insists possible. it was a part of serbia and has denounced the breaker. a provinces unilateral declaration as a violation of international law, nearly 100 new and countries including un security council members, russia and china refused to recognize the self proclaimed state. and here's how
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people who lived through those events describe their feelings when they learned their homeland was being divided into or for me to that was the said, his day of my life. losing a part of my country even to this day, regardless of them colon and then abandoned kassawa. i see it is an integral part of the republic of serbia. i think it's soul one big propaganda campaign from the west. knowing that this land is very rich in minerals and or, i think it's all about just grabbing what they need. peace is not present at this day, nor do i think we will have it until corso is recognized as serpent territory. life has changed for the worse. i don't feel safe at all. and every corner we have coursework, police spraying fear and sir panting. but when the independence was announced, who felt unsafe, wearing fall was safe, san to say to fall the children. i believe that with their goal to separate course when middle have from sober and to have it for themselves. it hasn't brought peace
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for serbs for sure. i don't know how, which will going further, but i don't think it will be any better, at least for us soaps and fall the children. we don't want them to grow up in the circumstances. we don't feel safe. this last year i seen a spike and tensions between bell grade and the brake way. republic, of course, about the crisis has affected thousands of ethnic serbs living there who express outrage recently clashed with cause of on authorities and political analyst. alexander to papa. she says there's a similarity between western meddling and so be a cause of our ties. i knew crane and donald bess up on this. well, in both cases on the west armed and supported the belligerent side. i meaning in serbia that was the, the separatists. and course of all and got him in the case of ukraine. it was the
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people who made the overthrow to legally us elected governments and carry in february of 2014 or so in both cases it was western modeling that caused instability by get on to one hand and in ukraine they supported. they actually organized the coo and in the capital. and the people that came out of the cool land aggressively went after a don bus. those, they were way to support it. in serbia, they supported separate, armed them up locally, supported them, and supported him with actually military force in 1999, which is fab. frantically what they're doing and,
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and ukraine right now as well in all, but name you as president joe biden has insisted that the last 3 an identified aircraft shot down over north american spades were probably civilian balloons. not related to any so called espionage program from china. nothing right now suggest they were related to china's fire balloon program. or there were surveillance vehicles from other any other country intelligence communities. current assessment is that these 3 objects for most likely balloons tied to private companies, recreation or research institutions studying whether or conducting other scientific research. after the initial incident happened early this month, the suppose a chinese spy balloon story made headlines in america. there was a lot of rhetoric about alleged threats coming from china and it's surveillance missions. but now more questions have arisen, and biden abruptly fled off to being asked by reporters about his apparent business
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ties with china. i am a president and his son and his family make so much money from their chinese business operations. you know, the sad thing in the united states right now is, is they have created the bogeyman of russia in the book, the man of china, and are creating enemies when we should be finding bridges of prosperity and friendship. i think the way the mainstream media in the u. s. covered the balloon story. it was really a hodgepodge mess of what the biden stories were in the mainstream media. a little bit confused in the process. at the end of the day, i think it's proved to be a distraction from other more serious issues. like the open border, the fentenol drug crisis that is being created crime in our cities, the economic downturn, inflation still hurting americans in their wallets and the continued funding of
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hundreds of billions of dollars for ukraine when americans are hurting here at home . so i think the by the administration wants distractions like a balloon story, even if it's harmful to their credibility, because it distracts from the real issues they're failing to handle. it is good to have you with us today. so south africa's mining industry has been playing with corruption, administrative barriers, and overall lack of new exploration. ultimately limiting is development. is are africa corresponding catabolic type? it is the bedrock on which one day life in 1000 tip of africa is built faith with a discovery of diamonds. later, gold, and then platinum, mineral discoveries has made johannesburg. how thing province crucial to south africa was economy so much. so that to this very day, john is big is still known as the city of gold. the mineral council of south africa
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says that the industries direct contribution to g. d. p, grew by 36 percent in 2021 to nearly $27000000000.00. about $7000000000.00 more than it did in 2020. but despite these numbers, there are few for the future due to problems with exploration, to incredibly long term love that you need. and the fact that a long time, le, south africa has been short considerably because of the political uncertainty and policy uncertainty. the good of also the corruption that's involved in dealing with the whole biling, licensing and exploration. because the factors, the ruling body, wants to sit in all the deals that's made stuff ethical, very unattractive place to actually expend buddy for exploration,
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for the purpose of money. they are 2 types of mineral exploration, brownfields, and greenfield. brownfield exploration means the searching of additional deposits in know when or currently mine sites, while greenfields is about searching for new minerals. and that is where south africa's weak sport is. net investment in greenfield exploration is slowly shrinking. yet the department of minerals and energy is settled with thousands of i'm process to request for exploration. right. president drama was again called on mining companies to build schools, role clinics and provide electricity to communities where they operate as part of a social pay. but as we all know, money is like water,
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it flows in the path of least resistance makes you know, that's the state job. that's why monica takes so. so while you're loading up your mining companies with huge amounts of additional costs, they're going to say no, think you'd rather go somewhere else. it's more trick. kelly has the largest known reserves of lithium in the world. yet, australia is the minerals leading global supplier. if south africa was to reach his target of attracting 5 percent of the. busy worlds investment in mineral exploration spend. it will have to give an incentive, or soon there might be very little mining left in south africa. got a bill is out of a lot of t and jonathan. the top western medical professionals have urged israel to the end. it's blockade of gaza. they said in a joint letter that the restrictions on imports of jeopardizing the lives of
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palestinian and the western powers at the end of the day continue to turn a blind eye to the ongoing crisis. ok, pined power, controlling policy and life. israel continues to flowed it subrogation for international humanitarian law is really imputed continues to be bolstered by the shameful inaction of the international community. in this situation, israel impose the blockade on the gaza strip by land air and see more than a decade ago. the air is divided by fences and walls and well people are regularly shot in skirmishes in the borderlines, the locals on both the israeli and palestinian sides of the border, have both express outrage over the conflict and they want to try and build better bridges of their own and one r t crew has visited an exhibition by jewish and the palestinian painters, demonstrating that desire for peace. on the garza board, they leave just one kilometer apart but have never met. they capture the exact same
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landscape with cameras from different sides of the fence that separates them. between us is the name of an exhibition by 2 photographers leaving an opposite size of these railey guys, a boulder, a jewish lady, and a young palestinian man doing us. we have a friend, but there is a lot of things that we have to gerbil. and then this is the main idea that i want to show you. but she has partner, hardy, she's identity for security reasons. she's the only one who knows his real name, but not his exact whereabouts. they exchange text messages, never video of voice. this is what he sent for the opening of the band. i hope that with the help of my photos, the israel, as society and the whole world will know that the gulf strip is not only a place of raucous missiles, but a place worth living in. in gather, the people are simple, love life, and not fighters and terrorists. now they ruled by the hammer. milton group considered a terrorist by israel. every time israel does or says something,
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how much doesn't like the group far as may cells and a through responds and kind. the night before we met battier, besides exchanged rockets again, people living near the border high and a high risk area. and to may saw bankers, us get it all over every house his so called security room, 45 to survive, a rocket attack. but you won't see any of that in the pictures displayed here. as both are just say, what's the point? we said a lot of time to live seal, it's a 95 percent of heaven. in 5 percent of hill, we try to lift the hill and more of the haven. it's not always with our end, but we try to to make it a chosen told us like this after israel captured,
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gathered him the 6 day war in 967. it was relatively open until 20 years later, when the violent palestinian uprising known as the 2nd intifada and the mounting cross border violence, made israel erect multi level protection along the frontier. hope is something battier and her partner hoping to plunge or strengthen through their works. in the 1st week, 1500 people visited the exhibition and share it pretty similar feelings can be a cooperation between us and the other side. there is there. they're also good people that think about peace and not they just say i want to fight and who knows? maybe maybe we'll see more exhibitions like this that we, we, we overcome in the halls of the, of the war that we, we fighting, gone to time when we are expecting that the governments of both sides will
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realize that we can, we can live together because the people, god and the people love to live together and to build a new future and spied by her 1st success. but you're seems ready to think about the next step. armed with her phone. she walks along the border with a mission to build a bridge across what may look like an obese from this israel and community called keyboards. you can clearly see garza very close, but the 2 are separated by an intricate series of fences, trenches, barbed wire, and walls. litter is from both sides, one to make sure they are properly divided from one another. despite these obstacles, projects like between us, give voice to the ordinary people from both sides and the message is simple enough . they have more in common than what meets the eye. and most important of all they
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want to live in peace. river ocean are t reporting from gas border. well meanwhile, the former us secretary of state mike pompei o claims that israel has a biblical right to palestinian land and the palestinian president mahmoud abbas is a known terrorist. made those comments in the past 24 hours. probably not going to help matters, not part of the mean time your program returns the top of the ah ah ah
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ah ah ah ah ah ah a ah.


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