tv The 360 View RT February 17, 2023 7:30am-8:00am EST
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american and coalition forces are in the early stages of military operations to disarm iraq, to free its people. and to defend the world from great danger. with food and medicines, and supplies and freedom with ah, human trafficking has been a long standing global problem. though data is limited by trafficking that
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clandestine nature, the international labor organization. almost 25000000 people were victims of human trafficking worldwide in the previous year, as well as the previous 5 years. on this edition of $360.00 view, we're going to look at how the continued increase in sex trafficking worldwide, despite greater awareness and what countries are doing to take the right and the wrong steps to eliminate. let's get started. ah, thanks for joining. i'm scared of hughes and sex trafficking is a problem across the globe. we are joined by international correspond roxana solano, to discuss which areas are hot spots for this dangerous crime. roxanna, scotty, sex trafficking, east mother and they slavery. 6 traffickers will use manipulation,
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violence and threats to trap their victims. only 100 people scape 6 traffic in a life the countries with the most sex trafficking r, bella ruth, china, iran, north korea, russia, sudan, syria, and the new way, la china has about 3200000 victims of sex trafficking in asia. 36 percent of traffic, big things are children. traffic growth in iran, target girls between the ages of 13 and 17, for trade abroad, kidnappers will grab the girls young and then once they deem them all the enough, they use them for 6 trafficking. north korean, for example, trying to flee the country, become vulnerable to human trafficking, study 6, so they add to that numbers in china. ironically, those who do escape not returned back to north korea, face huge consequences for deeming often labor camps or even death. in sudan law
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enforcement agents are often involving prosper rings. in syria, i says, requires a girls to so me to virginia to test, then sell them to the highest speed or what is being called slay bus horse. in venezuela 26 per cent of sex traffic in big teams. our young girls, some countries, governments like venezuela, as we do very little to protect victims or punish those who run these 6 trafficking rings. 6 traffic in in thailand is a $12000000000.00 industry. this makes the country more money than drug trade. my grants are most at risk of becoming 6 traffic. this is probably because why texas is a state in america with the most sex traffic in cases where the border state, the rising social media has made it easier for captures to lori mean big things.
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some with the promise of high paying jobs or a romantic relationship to wisdom away from a trouble life. it is important to talk with your children about how to avoid being taken roxanna. so let me know 436 of you back to use god. those are devastating numbers are trying to thank you for sharing with us. so joining me 1st to discuss the current situation regarding sex trafficking and why it seems the problem is only getting worse is advocate again 6 trafficking and founder of lin warriors. lin shaw, thank you so much for joining us. thank you. scottie and i want to give you a great big hug for always being such a great media ally and really wanting to cover this critical and crucial subject matter because human trafficking, we really have to call it human brain because more people are enslaved today in the united states and around the globe. so what are we going to do about it? let's talk about it. well, that's exactly it and that's with more people being aware of it. this is something
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that's happening in our backyards and then across the globe. it's not just, this is truly an international problem. people just think it's always in another neighborhood. it's not, it's in your own neighborhood and that neighborhood as well. so i want to talk about is it more or less common for traffickers to keep their victims in their country of origin or to move them to another country? typically they move them to another country or within the country, they keep moving them around to disorient them. but in all of this talk about trafficking, i want everybody to realize trafficking all around the globe is happening at your kitchen table or in your child's bedroom. or you know, at the dining table, wherever, because the internet is fueling. all of this, there is no accountability with big tech. there's nobody raining it in. so the predators are easily able to get to more people. and again, we have a lot of studies that are showing this is right up there with the drug tree. a lot of law enforcement we work with tells us this is bigger than the drug trade. so
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although we have a lot of hope, the warriors, because there's a lot of good, a lot of good things are happening right now. we have to talk about what i call the nuts and bolts of was actually going on and provide, provide information. so a parent or guardian can understand what are they going to do? how are they going to intervene? how are they going to prevent, or what happens if they see somebody do they know who to call or what resources are available? so that's what we want to get out. what do people do? what's interesting, bring that up even for the research for the show. we went, there's obviously a national number if you're in the united states or individual countries have a number that they can contact. but there is not actually one international number that someone can call, especially like you said, these traffickers move them around, multiple places to keep them disoriented. and that's a big issue because you look at countries like pakistan, indonesia, china, india, and bangladesh are all in the top 10 for countries known for the sex and human trafficking network. considering how long and extensive these networks are. is it
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realistic to think anything could actually done to reduce that problem, lynn? and what do you see that to be? first of all, if we put all of our media attention and awareness, we've been talking about a balloon forever. we've been talking about climate change. if we could switch the mindset and get not only the public on board, if we had the media, which the public is listening to around the globe, talking about all these issues that would help tremendously. and yes, there is hope and there is help. we have a lot of international organizations behind the scenes right now working together to bring this all into one focal point. you are very correct when you say the biggest problem right now. there is not one main place for everybody to come together. i also want to point out, scottie, that countries such as china, these are very well oiled, organized crime machines with their labor camps with their sex trafficking, everything. so we have to really get more at that one spot where everybody can come
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together. have a main phone number or website and it is being worked on. and that's why when i say i have hope, i have great hope. a lot of things are being done behind the scenes that are coming forth was it, is it, it feels like you have to just every time you get over a little bit of a hurdle, you obviously had a nother wall. and one, i think the biggest issues is actually the destination. you start off by saying we talk about sex trafficking, but there's also labor trafficking and human trafficking. so what are some of the signs to look for in regards to human and labor trafficking? ok, so labor trafficking is much more difficult to actually recognize because for instance, let me give you an example. we have all the migrants coming over the border. they very happily want to work and make some money, a large group of them. they don't identify as a labor trafficking victim, so they will come forward and, and actually law enforcement seize people working so they don't consider them trafficking. we also have to have better indicators and training for law
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enforcement. what constitutes a trafficking victim? well, it's interesting because you watched today, and i feel like today more than ever 1st, if you go through a lot of the streaming services, movies and tv at the very least, are talking about trafficking as a subject. i mean, there's lots of movies right now. they're focusing it, but does that actually hurt the idea that this is actually something reality? this isn't just something made up for entertainment purposes and fiction, but this is actually real life that is happening. you know, i have thoughts on that, scotty and my thoughts are, anytime we can bring up the words human trafficking or we have a piece of entertainment or literary that talks about it. let's switch it over and leverage it for good. let's not get caught in sort of this, you know, translation 6 trafficking because there's a lot of that going on. but let's look at the entertainment and let it open up conversation. you know what this movie is about, this book is about with our kids, with ourselves, with our communities and provide facts and truths because more than anything,
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we need the real information out there. what is actually happening? not just a lot of people who jump on board online, criticize put out the wrong information. we have a lot of that going on. we want the facts. and one fact i want to point out is whatever numbers from here. as far as stats and studies in percentages, you can almost bet that they are much, much higher than what's reported on. i think that's a part of it is trying to identify because like you said, it's hard to identify some of these research when it comes to labor. you know, another industry that has come up and is now starting to be shown is very closely tied. but i know you've got probably a lot more fax that i do. how connected is the porn industry, with sakes trafficking? sadly, scotty, we have studied such se over 90 percent of people involved in the porn industry are actually trafficked. now you might say, how can i be, you know, maybe they're doing this a free will. absolutely not. they are vulnerable people to start with. they may have addictions, they may think it's a love a romance situation. they are eventually put into this business. and we have to,
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you know, people say to me, why don't they just walk away? why don't they can't, they are psychologically and mentally beaten down. where are they going to go when they have this psychological grip on them? and they have no money or any place to go. so one thing i want to point out about this is the biggest categories right now in porn online have to do with children. and we don't call a child porn. most of the media will always say child porn, we have renamed at c, sam, child sexual abuse material that is a much more descriptive words to and capture what that is. so we have to go after the porn industry, not only to help people, you know, exit and have exit strategies for them. where are we going to put them? but also the industry itself for sponsoring this type of child sexual abuse material. anything with a myer is a legal and it's a very big problem. thank you. when i saw for joining us and you can find out more about lynn's work by visiting liz warriors dot com. now, when we come back, one state in the u. s. is proposing
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a new law to help curb trafficking falling a young girl hiding her trans, a gender identity from her mother and the school actually allowing it? don't go away. ah, well, ah, this presentation of the ukraine complex is always been muddled and confusing. remember the phrase, as long as it takes that is not a strategic goal. now are presented with as long as it takes pertains to the amount of conflict. it doesn't pertain the amount of assistance you understand what that means.
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in 1834 france invaded algeria, and straight away the french started inhabiting it to strengthen their position. the colonists, known as the aiden from day one, the local population was put into an unequal position and was brutally exploited. this gauze mazda is content, the people of algeria began their long term fight for independence. in 1954, the banner of freedom was raised by the national liberation front. a guerrilla war against the occupants broke out. the french tried to suppress to rebellion using cruel measures. full villages were wiped out acts of georgia and executions of civil people, including pregnant women, children and old people took place more than 2000000 people were put into concentration camps. however, these punitive measures didn't help the algerian patriots managed to induce france
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to start these negotiations. in 1962 evian records were signed, voting algeria and the barrier by rights is considered to be a country of martyrs. according to the calculations of historians, the french colonists are responsible for the deaths of one and a half 1000000 algerians. ah, welcome back. we want to now focus on a story of a young girl from the united states who has sex, trafficked not once, but twice. a young, a 14 girl named sage, began to identify as a boy at school and was brutally bullied. but the school did not tell her parents. so one day as she ran away with someone, she met a line and a trans gender chat group. here is her mother describing the horrific experience.
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9 days later, the f. b, i found her in baltimore. my baby had been lured online sex traffic by dc than maryland. she was locked in a room, drugged, gang raped and brutalized by come was an, it was night, the f. b. i told us to pick her up in maryland. the next morning. we packed our cars with blankets and stuffed animals and under in arrived by 8 am. but we were told we couldn't see her and were summoned before judge robert kershaw late that afternoon. they didn't even tell sage that we came for her. we finally entered the courtroom in sage appears on a huge them screen from a prison cell. she looks tiny and broken and i cry out. i love you, sage said response. i love you to nina, but attorney at nisa con, rebukes us. she is a he and his name is draco, not sage. we were floored, but said his mother's michelle said they didn't care. sage wanted to go by draco.
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they just wanted their child home. but the judge decided to charge them with abuse for miss gendering and sage was sent to a boy's juvenile detention facility and sort of back into the arms of a caring and loving parents. they told me she was the only girl and repeatedly assaulted. she was given st drugs by the other kids. the lawyers never gave said any letters written by her mother and told her her mother didn't want her anymore. the lawyer even asked age to lie and say her parents were hitting her. instead, she ran again. said ran from the children's home and disappeared for months. they told me she might already be gone forever. but i couldn't give up. and i finally found a tip on her social media that led the marshals to her in texas. she had been drugged, raped, be in and exploited. this time i was able to be with her for the traumatic rape
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exam. the judge ordered for sage to go to a mental facility where they affirmed her as a boy. now the therapist tried to convince her to cut off her perfectly healthy breast and stage, secretly told her mother she want to girls clothes and to be a girl. finally, michelle got a lawyer all to bring her home. after almost a year, sage was finally home, safe alive, sages receiving professional trauma care. the 1st trafficker has already been convicted stages, nightmares, panic attacks, rape related medical issues. but there's hope and told her she's not broke and she's just guard. and part of that hope is there encourages the sharing her story. others will be saved. sage said she doesn't know who she was back then. she wasn't a boy. she just wanted to have friends. but her school, the judge, the attorney, and the doctor,
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were all blinded by their ideology. the consequences for sage were unspeakable. we are joined now by law brian to discuss this sex trafficking case. laura, you were in richmond, virginia, fighting for sage's law, which was inspired by a child who wanted to transition, becoming a sex traffic before we get into what the law entails. tell us a little bit about how you got involved with sage a story currently in fairfax and according to the former governors policy, children can secretly transition to school have an entire team of so called experts to help them transition secretly at school. and potentially parents might not know it for years. if the child requests that the parents not know. so this is a problem on many, many frances, it was for sage is what led to her. it was the 1st domino in a set of a whole sequence that, that fell,
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and the worst possible outcomes happened to stage. so i realized immediately the connection of see just story to these policies and the bottles of battles of policy in our schools. and i contacted the person who was circulating the story and billboard, chris, actually he's a very active dad who travels around the u. s. and he put me in touch with the site parents of inconvenient truth about trans p i t t, which is a terrific website to parents support website of stories of kids that have gotten caught in this. and they put me in touch with michelle. i asked if she would be willing to, to talk to me, and i've done some writing for the federalist search as a national platform. and i was, i talked to michelle, i thought, you know, if this story checks out, this could be the story that helps shift national perception on this issue. because this poor child st experience,
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her story ties into her writhing stories of families just across the u. s. the sex trafficking piece is definitely related to these issues. so, so are so many of the others, she had every part on most of the terrible things that happen to families across the us because of this ideology happened to her, this one child, this one family. now the law would require 3 things. one schools must notify parents if a child asserts a different gender identity. a school to counselors must notify and involve parents in anything dealing with a child's gender and congruence at school and 3, raising a child according to his or her biological sex, including making decisions about his or her health may not be construed as abuse. so where does stages law stand right now? so see just law, i'll just give you a really quick summary of what it does. it has 3 components. it, me, it requires the parents to be notified if there are questions of gender transition
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at school. it requires that counselors have to and the school have to include parents in any plan to deal with this gender dysphoria, gender and concurrence at school. so if you're going to use bathrooms, if you're going to change names or pronouns, if there's any counseling, any of that has to happen with the consent and awareness of the parents. and it also states that you cannot construe abuse, so called miss gender and your child. so if you decide to raise your child, your girl, as a girl or your boy as a boy, you should have full discretion to do that. if you believe that's in the child's best interest. so see just law past week through the house. and it's saying that it's even a close vote. but every democrat in the house voted against it, which is not going to bode well for their electoral interest. because virginia voters do not like, do not like either of these issues by a large majority. pulls even show the parents think that voters think that parents
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should be notified of what's going on in schools. and they also are against this idea of parents of kids being taken away from their parents and put into state custody, which is exactly what happened to sage and shot absolutely disastrous consequences . so it has just passed the house. there was some real contention on the house floor accusations that it was transfer big that kids would be test on the streets if this happened, which is not true and an inflated claim, but very much so. but it did pass the house and we're now shifting over to the senate. so the senate is the real uphill battle. we're basically to voice votes short of the law. but i'm hopeful because we have this is an election year and i don't think it's an impossible proposition. and of course we have a governor who is supportive, so we'll see. and so if these laws had been in place, it may have prevented sage from ever being sex trafficked the 1st time. so does the
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transgender community face the same problems regarding sex or human trafficking, as a heterosexual or homosexual community? yeah, it very much does. actually, i mean, it's a, it's a, it's an issue as you know, i'm sure you've covered this, me with some of the other cases you've talked with about with to, but there's, there's a vulnerability there, 2 kids that get drawn into the, these communities, the transgender community, often people like stage twice was lured online and these kids are often online because they're looking for validation and friends online. it's a hard time, they're not sure about what they're going, what's going on in their lives at school. they may be struggling to have friends, and predators are excellent at picking out the kids who are vulnerable. so
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they, and in fact i referenced in my article, i don't know if that's been said, but there's the, the longer story and the tie ins to all the policies are in my article in the federalist about sage. but the one of the mothers that i work with on these questions and that has helped and see just case her own daughter had identified as trans for awhile. and when she later went in and looked at her social media as soon as her daughter put that notation on her social media female to male, which means you're transitioning from being a girl to a boy immediately several suspicious quote unquote sugar daddy accounts popped up and started contacting this 13 year old child me, she's even 12 at the time and sending pornography and sending all kinds of links. and this she's, and this is not the only case that that's happened in. so basically what happens is there are, these predators use, active predators on line. and that notation that transgender notation, if
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a kid puts out on their social media, that is a, that is like bait to a bull. i mean, it is maybe not the right metaphor, but it's a red flag to a bowl. they just it's, it's a real no, a sign that this is a potential victim. and that would be true for the boys to. i've heard horrifying stories of you know, boys being track, lord, online groomed like that and then traffic. so it's not just girls, it's young boys. and it's, it's a real problem. and the real connection in stages case and in the law that we're trying to pass. obviously, not every, hopefully, not every childhood, not that reach out and you know, there's not every child who begins to identify a school even secretly will be sex traffic. there's not a link in the sense of, you know, it's direct causation. what is the link is the secrecy by schools. and when you have that secrecy you do, you, you protect, you, you're,
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you're essentially protecting access by predators instead of protecting the child. because the child's greatest protection is their parents. and transparency and knowing what's going on with your child is the greatest protection you have to be able to, to recognize as an adult, what the child might not. thank you are so when a child is born, most parents look into their eyes and promise they will do everything they can to provide and protect them from the evils of the world. sadly, sometimes at that evil still wins and praise upon the most innocent. that the hardest thing about sex trafficking in human traffic is that it sees it, no boundaries are no perimeters. it cannot evade from the wealthiest neighborhoods to the poor slums. the victims of sex tracking can go years if not decades before identified and given aid to safety travelers identify and leverage their victim
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vulnerabilities all in order to create dependency and even after their escape. permanent, mental and physical damage has already been done. now sadly, despite this being a global problem, the global community has not taken much action. the united nations does talk a lot about sex trafficking, hold forms, and even have a very flashy website. but the increased number globally shows the rise steps are not being taken at both from a global perspective, as well as by individual countries and governments. which means once again, it is up to us as an individual to open our eyes, educate ourselves on the signs of sex and human trafficking, and know there are multiple resources available in your country to help if you feel like someone is being traffic, are involved in sex trafficking, it's kind of he's and this has been your 360 view. thank you for watching. ah huh.
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ah, without top headlines right here. and i think it's a national, as a nato plans to create a fleet of spy satellites, to provide for the props military mission, russia. those, as you've used them as a law full target, if indeed they use to help you frame on the battlefield. also ahead for corporate meeting in the united states, still tell the story of your brain. they started from invasion. they don't know why don't invade. if they don't know that the ukranian government was bombing those people for 3 years and slaughtering them. they don't know the during been with nazis literal nazis and people have no idea that that's what happened.
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