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tv   News  RT  February 19, 2023 4:00am-4:31am EST

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the other day that was, i don't or that, and now it's about russia and it's about, yes, we have to fight to russia. russia has to be taken off the map with a hit from the apartment building in central to mom. also had a new weapons. now you can be 100 percent sure, we will destroy these leverage ahead of the russian product management company involved in a group says his insight on leaving help with on bus be completely surrounded by russian troops. also,
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now, too far, so financially mishandling or 4 or 3 should be deck stuff thing they did do some documentation of that we've received from india's ruling political part of the b b. c. offices in the country rated on suspicion of track and china. so you're good up his theory about the recent balloon incident in all those defect attention away from them. it concerns particularly a massive chemical spill an exclusion. oh, higher with hello. i was alive from the hour and i was always, it's great to have you with us. i'm. we're on a take a look at the tories this hour and the ones that shaped louis. welcome to the
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weekly the saw program was the nicest is soon official say at least 5 people were killed at 50, others wounded and is ready miss. i'll strike on damascus. a or the say in a probability it will stop in a central neighborhood in the syrian capital. officials say that most of the incoming missiles were intercepted, some managed to hit a number of points inside and outside of the city. that's a look at the off of the residential building was directly hit by a missile, a number of other nearby mill buildings with damaged emergency personnel. quickly arrived at the scene, an evacuation survivors and media reports, and the apartment building was close to a heavy guy. this food complex, jason's iranian facilities is ready. officials haven't yet commented on the
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situation. it was the 1st major attack on syria since a series of dead. the earthquakes devastated all of them all over the country. in recently, israel is alleged to have committed hundreds of attacks on iraq with stations in syria over the past 12 years. that's cross alive to lou who, journalist mohammed ali, while most, thanks so much for joining us here in our home. it. what, what do we know certain about these missile strikes? well, we've been getting, get, and if it's a military for the statement that what happened was that about. so when you to a am local time, there has, there was an israeli aggression, brady fighter, that carried out the right targeting areas and around the syrian capital le, damascus, happened from the direction of the occupied, the golan. and as a result of this attack,
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at least 5 people were killed. one of them is that military personnel and 15 others . and 3rd, now for most of those are civilians. you can see just behind me, there was a building in an area called in the heart of the capital. and i guess and this is a very big hole that was caused by the israeli macau, that plan right over here at the infants of this residential building. now despite the fact that this quarter yet includes a government establishment like the ministry of interior, the prime minister's office. yes, this area in particular is only area that i'm from one where i'm standing. there are several lorenzo buildings and part of damascus. and the people will come hearing, of course, they didn't know 1st is that an earthquake? it's a terrorist. the fact that it's actually realized that well, 22 a m, what was actually happening windows ro, most of the balconies of those residential building collapse who were building that
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up as a terrifying situation for those civilians who have been living here for a long time. now, according to the so called the battery for human rights 15 people have been killed . now there is no comment from the side yet on what actually happened, what was actually targeted, but several locations have been yes. probably going to in the capital going up. my mom and i mean we've heard some western media rubles saying that these is ready, forces could be targeting it, rainy miss the city. i mean, is there anything, i mean, that looks clearly residential way you are there? is there anything, i mean, what would you make of these claims? and even so, i mean, there shouldn't be any attacks on syrian so from, from anyone. but do you think the, the main target was this a really interested in? is that one there?
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but to be honest, yes, close to this area. there is an iranian cultural center, but it has not been damaged or affected, nor talk directly by the, the aggression behind me. it's completely a residential area. and this is why we have to wait and see if there will be any details coming out from the radio side to tell the world why did they attack this sign up? let's think that these really always use 3 tech attacking iranian targets in syria and a bit to try to justify it for the international community. it's a violation of this province attack that builds the 1000000000 the military personnel in there yet. but at the end of the day when we go to area hit every time, it's either at 3 an army post or it's the civilian area. so this is just, just, you know, claims by 5 years will be made that there are getting iranian, or iranian, or so at the end of the day it's not a secret that yes,
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there are radian military advisors. interesting, the theory, an army, and the war on terror. this is a request of the syrian government army. it's not a secret, it's a legitimate right for the 3 and 5 to ask for help from its allies. but what is illegal? what is against international law? what is against the sovereignty is attacking its conference. they attacking a country that had just come out from a massive earthquake. people are suffering already and just, just as they're suffering in the law, me and i mean this is really is devastating. has there been any response from this the syrian government? no response yet i we only heard of a, an official statement from an official military force last night, shortly after the attack happened. getting some of those details that happened, as i told you from the director of the occupied don't i spoke with you? most of the enemy sounds were saw down by your differences,
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but no details were disposed on where other on other particular location that is pretty aggressive targeted. and mom had a local dentist. thank you so much for joining us. there are 2 possibilities that i'm going to be fine. now, 2 other important developments now. let's take our attention to the dumb boss front lines this week. russian troops with wagner, group 5 is leading this so, so closer to a significant financial pasco, v f car on saturday. and they may just city of our to mosque are you crazy? in al city, also known as box one, is located in the republic. one of the don bus territories that recently voted to join the russian federation. the latest of august, why russian food has come pri is the remaining ukrainian minute suppliers for kids garrison them. it also pays the way for new russian offences in the area
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you creating to have been taking heavy casualties in our to most with concerns, opening voice by wilson officials and mainstream media outlets. a warning. these are disturbing images i had now this on verify video shows scores of dead ukrainian soldiers in wooden coffee coffins ready to be sent back to the finance side. meanwhile, a wagner fights is advancing. lives head says on the most could be completely surrounded with in the coming in my see business, florida. they're about 90 battalions inside or around by mood. that's about 40 up to 50000 people. the enemy draws up a new reserves every day. we're going to circle back, move in march or april, but let's not get ahead of ourselves. they are getting you weapons. now you can be
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100 percent. sure. we will destroy these leopards. i'll call swanton egos, donal what a rare opportunity to speak to the head of the wagner group in person. he gave us his take all the situation on the front line and describe how his finances leads the way in combat operations. the few years ago this group was more mythical than real. now we stand in a large warehouse greeted by the head of the wagner company himself. the occasion is solemn, commemorating the self sacrifice of 2 hero pilots. the no man left behind principle in case of the wagner group had applies not just to personnel, but to symbolic relics of war like the remains of this russian bama jet. it was shut down by the ukrainian forces during the fighting for the city of berkeley mood
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. when the pilots realised that while they were doomed, they directed the burning machine towards the enemy, towards their military column dying heroically themselves well taking a bunch of foes with them. ukraine had already returned with honors the bodies of the pilots. the jets debris though could only be retrieved now, as the wagner group is closing in on our chops. one moment for commercial ones, this is flight 48. the guys are fuel to fulfill their desk. having cries to blame the enemy, territory rowing their military convoy, it's now time to commemorate what they have done in our term of score back moot. it's wagner versus the entirety of ukraine's military might. no man knows the situation on the ground better than the groups chieftain preggers in. look afraid of buttons, astro, by mood. why is it important? it's leads to paralyze the korean army and it's already paralyzed. the enemy is
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deploy reserve troops, but were advancing in different directions every day, some where it's 50 meters and somewhere it's 100. we are fighting for each house. for each square meter, there is a fortified area in every yard. then we see another familiar face. a fighter who start in was believed to be a ukrainian propaganda video. the footage purported to show him being brutally executed, bludgeon to death. alive well and back in the ranks, he himself debunked the fake. when i was captured, they beat me. i was tortured and pressed into saying what they wanted me to say. i got many threats. they threatened to kill me and dismember my body and paused to footage on line from my family to see where the lou. oh yes, sure. decorated wagner commanders also mingle in the room. they all are
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very aware of the new batch of heavy western weapons, though soon have to face on the battlefield. wagner's commander of artillery with the smoke, hence his men, have plenty of experience. count for cruise using ne, to made weapons to recover. this is not the 1st time we have encountered nato artillery. so we came here prepared, thanks to lessons from previous experience against other nato artillery. i'm not going to say which one, but we met more than once and we met some more powerful artillery than the ones here on this front. i'm not going to share the details, but that experience has taught us a lot unusual. based on that we have developed, well, your life itself has forced us to develop new tactics for conducting artillery combat operations. no one here showed any disrespect or disregard to the fo skill. yet no one doubts. wagner will come out victorious. i'm again done of reporting
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from the dorm bus r t n is the government has accused the b, b, c of tank surveyed him say in the british state book also failed to pay sufficient duties on income in the south asian country. during the course of the survey, the department gathered several evidences which indicate that tax has not been paid on certain remittances which have not been disclosed as income in india. that's activated obligations i have come amid rising tech tensions over a controversial documentary by the british bull costa about india. why miss a neuron ramadi in the report? moody, a hindu is accused of discriminatory policies against muslims. as for the 1st of his political party has insisted the tax case is not in any way retaliation fuller's claims. the b, b. c. i've been doing a lot ation a consistent violation of time for pricing. it's been indulging in, in, in
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a sense that what we could call and leave the region taking profit and putting it on a link o financial my go about compliance with docs in this country, documentary, which is based on 2 based on one convenient no to the financial mishandling, or should, in the next thing that it is linked to some documentary centrally shows up when no one has the cast to go really denied that there's any link between the b, b, c document 3 or a 2000 to withdraw. prior to that, in fact we spoke about our prime minister, the role of the community itself, that then of course he was the chief minister of good dropped off of that documentary. and currently the surveys that are being carried out will be
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b. c. offices of both the new delhi as well as by what they're saying is that this is government north, through the, acting out revenge as it is being pointed out in several publications. even the opposition in their own expected lines, really doing that. but essentially what, what he's saying is that the government have to do that, even if they have just done it way back. you know, they didn't have to wait for all these weeks really. also what they're trying to see is the b, b, c. awards being employs and shown stacks by all frauding of them be their employees as free lancers, for example, and bdc has been a long time offend. and every time a sylvie is conducted by the docs department, it is carried out only when there are repeated violations. so the question being asked if, why did bbc nor respond to all the notices that were being sent to them?
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or remember at this stage, the tax, the baldwin, the docs officials, are calling get us. so are we not a read or a surge air in my vision, which is all for now while i was the national, spoke 1st one of the park, the agent, the body, he's catholic girl, got a categorically denied any link between the bbc document re add these surveys that are being carried out was essentially saying is that nobody. 2 know broadcaster is above the law of the land that you've a foreign company is working in india. they have to comply. * by the rules, by the tax rules, and if you're not doing that, that india have the right to conduct. so we've the so called rates as they're being called on the, the basing has slammed the u. s. government saying washington is trying to escape china in order to, to turn away from his own domestic blunders, phasing pharmacies,
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instead of unwarranted theory or about the so called chinese new incident in order to the fact public concerns about toxic smoke billing from a massive train wreck in ohio vision, when i'm kind yeah. how is it that the u. s. can see balloons flying at an altitude of 800000 meters, but it ignores a vinyl chloride mushroom cloud over ohio. less of a dallas, a high pop the balloon incident in line with washington's official narratives, rather than full who shot down the chinese balloon in u. s. s. based on army geishas that it was a recognizance device box, beijing has maintain the ad crawford simply with a blue and blue of course. then later several other unidentified flying objects assaulted in north american aerospace and they were also taken out by us to francis . meanwhile, the train derailment in ohio,
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who was the release of large amounts of toxic chemicals into the air and soil a few days later, officials set the remaining chemicals on the site on fire and what they. ready described as a controller to prevent further integration, that sense to play with the sky wall age of the states. government said it was safe for residence to return to their homes with lucas fit and not being told the whole truth about the potential risks. i was going to get it, but i feel like it was just a big run around. like i feel like a lot of the questions that were asked where people's rantings and just speaking in circles, the answers that were given were things that we've already been told we all just want answers. i think that's what everybody here wants is just answers. i honestly
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feel that the policy in the police department, the fire department, all the 1st responders, they don't have the answers to give us because i don't think they know they're not getting the street answers either the gun, the handling of the dissolves in ohio hospice of internet names with some of those posts criticizing the authorities intentionally burning the songs that chemicals are. those directly marks us present. joe barton playing off the u. f. o rhetoric suggesting that he could have been abducted by aliens. we heard from a vice chairman of the shanghai center for dental studies. nelson wong. he says, the u. s. government simply trying to distract the american people away from more pressing domestic issues. or i think it's very unfortunate that the u. s. government should have use the balloon incident to, to distract the people's attention on some disasters in the domestic market. well,
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let's face it. i mean, in a why the context of this actually shows how difficult the relationship between china and the us are at the moment. and it just takes, you know, people and the governments to think about what is more important, what is, you know, their mission, a country government which i believe is to, to look after its own people and their interest in this balloon incident l. a losing job, as i would call it, is really getting ridiculous the ohio is and also spoke math outrage online with some critics suggesting that washington should be focusing more it's the message. this is a foreign policy goals, like donating money to claim i don't want to see ukraine flags in ohio anymore.
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the government gave you crate money for weapons instead of using it to fix or train tracks and trains. now we have one of the worst disasters in the history of our country. reporter on the ground in east palestine says the entire town smells like chemicals. instead of sending the next 1000000000 to ukraine, we should send it to ohio. it's been nearly 2 weeks and mayor pete has yet to go to east palestine, ohio. perhaps they should consider changing the name of their town to ukraine if they want to bite and regime to pay better attention. train derailment in ohio while another $10000000000.00 goes to military contractors for ukraine, money laundering. and then i'll see you in st. louis house in 5 chemical emergencies on thursday for ian carey houses, material derailed, images of our lawful 5 and go a foreign gulf, a plastic warehouse in florida and quickest vertical. several acres of land while chemist on full us congressional candidate tricia florida says these
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emergencies will have long term consequences. for luke who was well, what matters there is what actually is getting into the water table. what is actually draining into the soil and those are 2 different issues. gases are going to affect people differently. you're going to have no job headache. you're going to have burning of the theme of the one tissue. you're going to have short term symptoms of that nature. long term. if those chemicals rain down or the ford out in any capacity into the soil, people on the ground, they know some things up. they might not know the direct chemistry, but they know that something doesn't look right. it doesn't smell right. it doesn't feel right. i think that the, by the ministration right out of the gate, they didn't start from doing something, right. they started less than 0. so if you project that out, you start, you start wrong, you're going to finish even more wrong. and i think that everything from the
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foreign relations policy that you're talking about to the domestic issue that we have going on right now we're, they're really turning a blind item in ways. it's just part and parcel of the entire trajectory that the administration has has just been going from bad to worse. in my opinion, there is a media outlet to show the ukranian come on. we're in texas and yet a story about kids troops trained to view about what his unit needs an officer, you know, identify best could, is seen with a dash on punch. the say one use why the test was ation in the middle east. this comes off numa similar to the 20 inches, was seen where a neo nazi insignia for various and you know, it was such as the as of time game function in the country following the 2014 q. and here also i repeated to less than powers of using a claim extremist medicines,
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as prophecies in a fight against russia, ethnic russians. and you claim now it's much like back and then i have is when ocean is supported, inserted moved enough. and that 5 years, the soviet union, the main theme, western media at the fire lavish praise up on our chi, the founder, the summer. been now the latest russian intelligence statement. as said the us is tracing or training. i say, radicals this fire from days to conduct a tax in russia and other posts of the countries just and also daniel laval says that as long as it's in washington's interests, the us will continue to support extreme is forces around the world, particularly in nuclear, in the us back our k dot and syria,
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from a 2012 on claiming that the rebels who were really were led by al qaeda. we're actually democratic forces and the, the, the, the western media, you know, swallowed a whole supported them all the way down the line. so, i mean, the u. s. does this constantly and the corporate media, the lapdog pref, goes along with it, and the case ukraine allied with neo nazis, and now it appears that they are, it's aligned with, with supporters of crisis as well. the u. s. is willing to work with anybody as long as they would help help them in their struggle against the soviet union. and now it's doing the same thing with regard to the russian federation. well barbosa, this news i'll next is a documentary about the bob with
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ah, pete is a youngsters of today because there's a lot of censorship on many topics in schools that start to just a migration topic. to my impression, it went on with the climate change drawn back, it went on them and how you see it. i mean, there was no, there was no real debate. it was either or, but never as and now it's about russia and it's about, yes, we have to fight to russia. russia has to be taken off the map with a
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watching. it was a year if i give it a shot, a national z, a new lesson shylie. you get a buy mia? ah let. i was gonna just put on there. then you don't you have any mutual got that nice. i'm with denise dillard, i got the 3 will read to that share
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with movable when a few that with a boat is still my we group where does it? yep. got busy and you're good. there's anyway, i said i did it on the buddy boy. it's still playing yet when you think he got a dish, because well, it exactly because it was. now you only can neglect which moves and he's not, but i am a with co ordinate right then. yes, you just so, but i'm genie, but i fish on i was way. what do you disagree with your what you thought of that or what do you like to put it completely done? i'm used to sober on the what the, what is to me ah
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ah, a with them. ok.


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