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tv   Documentary  RT  February 20, 2023 6:30am-7:01am EST

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[000:00:00;00] a a chicago wild land where no loss there, but chicago is actually the homes, many people that stand with us. and by with this issue, we have to just continue to listen each other come together because the way that they're fighting this issue is different than the way partner decision. but if we continue to come together, we can all just save lot or last time. we are gonna fix this.
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and we saw that many people who call kids i call them heroes. and they're gonna win this battle. we dollar thing with the biggest things that i've realized is how i had to look through this once. there's other communities across the country that let's do this every day. this is not a party issue. this is an issue that affects everybody, regardless of race, color, class creed, religion, it doesn't matter. bullets do not discriminate ah,
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with ah, i am representing large for our lives. we are a national non profit organization founded on my brain camera, living room floor with them a gonzalez and my friend. i am mar, finalize, and been traveling the country and speaking to other communities about what issues affect them specifically on the topic of gun violence. recently i found out that texas has the most stolen guy and that of any other state in united states or animal supporter responsible gun ownership. i haven't taken what makes you a gun control work for. i'm not an expert. i'm part of the conversation. the only
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would be an expert to be part of the conversation doesn't happen with the media, swarmed in, they put you in all your friends on tv left on the covers of magazines and it made me feel real nice and good. see a difference. but because my, because when i'm using a day, every day i wake up as nice as it seems to be in the media all the time. i wake up at my school. gotcha. and not that i'll be going on. the news is going to and shoot on my spirit. that's not a good feeling. was never good. never will be a good. when i'm doing this, look, i could be at some likely my initial plan was to be a summer camp. and then i was going to go for one session, the work at my comic book store. i'd be happy because that's what i would want to do. thing as people are dead. i got a good deal realize that there's 3 types of people with this iep. generally are good, never intentionally. i even heard your free on a sheet and then you have to sheep, sheep dog, protect it, which one of you. so you want me to say that i am
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a sheet because then you can say that i, here's another thing i want to see if there's more than 3 types of people in the world. there's a lot of different people in the world and we cannot face the world off apart. it can no longer be acceptable for a kid to get shot on the street or in school or a movie theater, or place of worship. org. anyway, he's a mandate universal comprehensive background check on a federal law who leak with a domestic abuse k with chance that that is a fatal domestic violence. if it, if a person is danger, so not to be considered a gun. why the heck are we losing just by the chance is going to go up. you're right,
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because it's there. so you wanna eliminate hand guns from side that's i wanted to know it's a red flag with roswell, to red flag walsworth as lot of people because it's what dream for law enforcement as far as getting. why are you going to disarm the domestic of you when you get a disarming them over again? okay, and then what, what about the, it's not happened to me. what about their baseball bat? what christmas? what about their swords? you have? what about, i mean, if you think that if i, if i threaten to burn your house down, if you're going to take my guns away, you still left with imagine some gas. oh it's. are you saying it's just as easy to stab somebody to death as it is? yes. when you have a problem bending. erica, if you're in a miracle relationship, it is just as easy to stab someone and there's okay because it shoots. and so if it's just as easy as harm somebody and stop them from attacking them with a life than an hour 15, then why do you guys have problem attending that? so what i, i from with anything be in band. what would i choose to defend myself with is not your business or anyone else with i'm just going by the same block. i'm trying to
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get my case. if you can kill somebody with the knife. yeah. you here the gun, but i like you shouldn't have any of those to me. i don't like. okay. yeah. so if you don't have enough proximity, don't you think it makes it harder to kill that person? if you want to kill lepers, it doesn't matter if it's harder or easier. a tool is a tool, whether you're doing it from 5 feet away, i could shoot you from here or i guess, right? you're probably over there with a lot of partners. if you are not good now, but now, where are you in the morality of killing? yeah, i mean any, no, no, no, we're enjoy your yeah. be staying with us. walk away. we're having a every right and go on their side walk, walk away. i want to walk away. i, she had to walk with anybody from,
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you'd like to inquire to say here. my business here today is dan. i got to get dial out a, but it is a pleasure is not the right, but you want to go talk over there yourself. if the state comes to me and say you are y'all to prove yourself and say, we are all screwed with. i'm sorry, i feel like we could learn a lot more though. i recommend you guys go to our website much for a live dot com. check the policy there i've been doing just yeah, just check the policy and see what you agree. oh man, i'm sure there's stuff we've really thought with, appreciate it all by following it somehow. okay. so let's how the up to the end are a headquarters right behind you. if that sounds weird, right? it does national rifle association. do you know where you valley?
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i just put it on the dps the work order. oh, i got a call from david han and he said, hey man, there was a big island in fairfax, virginia. and guess what? is exactly the same day that akins for the yes. so it was 4th on i wonder if you want to do something. i said, a 100 percent. that is the best place to celebrate what came sporting in front of the n r a building. i mean, it's funny because there were a few protesters from their side. and when i say a few, i will say less than 40 at the head quarter of the enter a and there was, at least like, i don't know, 1000 people on our side. maybe more, i feel free to send out the annual re
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creates this aura of this large, scary, nasty group of people who are not affected by your loss and who are going to punish you. and the majority of it is a, they're just people who die into the delusional lie. that when you say to work together, gun safety, that you are immediately going to be an anti 2nd amendment person coming to take their god. so your next step is a good. no. so why? so why? why is it the place and i do have to reward you have to understand that. don't love yourself say no, you don't want, oh, i haven't said something, not even close to that. i have gone, i tell my brother in law and around like it's no big deal
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with every day we wake up, we pray. and then we start or battle every single day. the shock a solver, we already know what happened. and now we need to deal with it. and it's terrible a, you know, i was going to be a tough day. we want to seeing how be birth so that so please. okay, okay. okay. okay. okay, good. i have divided 3. ah, the badge blue. ha, ha, ha, what he's different about natalie or none of us shut it up. they
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pushed back at us. we come back quarter. wanna make sure that we all understand or whatever i say here today, might not be the same opinion from the students that organizes or from the marshal knives, kids. i am responsible for what i'm going to say. i and as much as i aligned with them, i'm going to start being a little less polite. oh, that's good. i'm not such from hakim and his dad. to the inner egg. you ah, a star brought us. all right,
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jim. what is wrong with you guys done? are you guys ready? i know she's on board with for me, this is like an extension. 14 all or a holds our own them as being part of your hope. it's great. now you start believing yourself. i found friends, i found friends. alright. drama, about what, why was it again, love or just, you know, just see. yeah you're, it's funny,
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she's getting better and better got out of the fight. convenient. and most of it is not gonna, the youth will with young people with ah, in 1834 france invaded algeria, and straight away the french started inhabiting it to strengthen their position. the colonists known as b a. no. ours took the best land from day one, the local population was put into an unequal position and was brutally exploited. these gauze mazda is content. the people of algeria began their long term fight for
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independence. in 1954, the banner of freedom was raised by the national liberation front. a guerrilla war against the occupants broke out. the french tried to suppress to rebellion using cruel measures. full villages were wiped out packs of georgia and executions of civil people, including pregnant women children and old people took place more than 2000000 people were put into concentration camps. however, these punitive measures didn't help the algerian patriots managed to induce france to start these negotiations. in 1962 evian accords were signed, voting algeria on the past towards independence. but this was achieved at a colossal price. algeria by rights is considered to be a country of martyrs. according to the calculations of historians, the french colonists are responsible for the deaths of one and
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a half 1000000 algerians. with oh, david has chosen to take a year off and so he's still traveling all over the united states and actually the world and speaking about sensible gun legislation. but now that schools back in session, children like our daughter and jackie coran are back in high school. i think it's been incredibly hard for kids to go back to douglas after being on the road to change tour. i'm proud of them, but i'm sorry for what they're having to go through that age or you just put all that on to the cabinet. let them live there of yours at the high school. you know,
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i always wanted my kids to have and they joke about this. the john hughes high school experienced like the teen movies when i was a kid. and then the shooting happened. i don't think there is typical anything any more. oh, you know, we are the lucky ones. our children survived, but yet we have different children now. their childhood ended that day and their life of activism began yeah, hey guys on run the 50 mile march to smith in missouri right now. we're in the middle of massachusetts and basically the middle of nowhere with adult rule like the doors of do a,
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a 3 year old. i don't know if you look very far. well, all of you do gotten his sign said that the 2nd amendment is greater than kids lives. that guy doesn't understand what we're talking about in the 1st place. we support the 2nd and then we also support kids right? to live. it's not mutually exclusive. you can do both. i agree with you. make sure you vote with the activists board. very old are very important meetings and churches in the middle of western massachusetts. on the border, connecticut,
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injustice. i need to take a buck knife my face has rather road windy this, alaska, and dead of winter or to write a moose. much right, tara booth. exclusive david hog sleeps on his left side. clearly linked to that. uh i, i just can't even buy a whole new baby n o r a u. s. a.
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my problem with counter protesters is when they com, just to kind of protest, they don't come to get anything out of it. other than to yell and scream out, a bunch of kids i in terms of them being here that as an effect to me because i know what we're doing is ray, and i know i'm on the site of history on this one, you know, and i don't think they can say to say, oh. c i want to thank all of you for being here today and showing support for these kids. while we understand that we are not fighting against the constitution or binding for common sense gun laws that allow us to practice our 2nd amendment rights and the right told it a continue to watch this unfolding story, a mass shooting at an e gaming turn of and it happened this afternoon in jacksonville, florida. what we'll almost be done time at
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a nightclub turn day. people like one with the 1st responders in bakersfield, a what appears to be a domestic related murder, an active shooter. right now we've got a one year old shylie early birthday party, 5 people and then shot hot yoga class was violently interrupted, an employee hitting the wire to avoid gunfire. off shot we ask for any routing or family tree of life synagogue in pittsburgh, pennsylvania authorities are reporting multiple casually. it's not even like you even hear the shock and our voices anymore. you know, and i mean, which is a sad statement. another a day. we've all been working so hard for the midterm elections,
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a bunch voters that make sense that sounds like we've called over 1200 numbers, trying to make sure that everyone knows what today is and making sure that they get out and use their vote. a voter today like is really the past 8 months have been training for this marathon and this is a starting point. and if the people we put in the car now don't work for us and don't represent the young people. we're not just going to both and all we're going to run again. it goes, i forget doing voting for i don't want to forget anything with everybody go today's election in november. did you vote today?
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i thank you for filling your civic duty. i presented 7 in her center. it's going to be closed. we're all. you see it? we're all good. okay. so now with don't japan, it's going to go back and forth with already. so dr. dave if you ever come out she slammed the door on me and my sister when we walked by because my sister did this campaign of all that money she was taken from me anyway. and she just got bought it. oh, really? yeah.
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with also that's like the home of the area like fairfax virginia is a, a lesson. there were some huge winds and some huge losses. wow. florida what around the country? me honestly, one young people showed up in record numbers and that's the most important thing to acknowledge. the fact that the enter a lost so much power in one election, i'm crediting to the young activists of this country that stood up over the past 8
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months. 20202020 to 2024. there's no limit as to how much of a difference young people can actually make. just not the end of this race at the beginning or both political parties are going to have to represent us more worlds still have to fear being voted out with. this is a long fight, but if i continue smaller testing, ah, when you are a new world showed a shallow car can be here. i
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can be the here. yeah. i could i say to my son, my daughter came and asked me what kind of reason could argue through the sand in the way, tell them that nobody judge them strange on the blocks from me then?
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no. oh don't. but i say whoa, whoa. it's easy to forget things that you're not involved in. not you are involved in this one. we're all on camera guys. you are. we are of course. so who said in this room? no one. we can get shot. you and meet. you keep can get shot on as you do something with
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ah, a day and a label. the camera. everyone's a credit watch with everybody watching your people up there with everybody's really a nobody trying to share with our leaders or i'm harrison. i think that need some parents tell me why they playing with kids on the percocet trip and all that. that is to call it like i see a with everybody's problem with able by the lady, people love the kids and they say the reason is to protect the freedom, but we don't believe them. ah, what happens when you make digital games with actual physical sport? something like digital. yeah, there's yes,
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because on is preparing to host the 1st ever gains of the future. a cyber context with a physical dimension. one of the innovators you go to study at all is on the verge of redefining sports and gaming. he tells us what's behind this synergy and if it's the future, when i was showing wrong, when i was just a shape out, the thing becomes the advocate. an engagement. it was the trail. when so many find themselves worlds apart, we choose to look for common ground. ah, they all need to be, i'm so glad they ship laugh that get what is the best time to go about them. this
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is a little bit of a complicated with what i to school car wasn't for backwards, but something, nothing much came important to me cut order. the steps a which it, it said to jeff, so i knew the minimum is gone, can be comma loosened up and become less, somebody and the community that the comma a lovely knob is all like. it's supposed to start up like you sort of affected door only out of them. so i did leave it with us. that's clear. but, but that was the routing. the spoken to when you're writing for you with is looking at them during the summer because i see
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that it was with chris. will it was it was the case was up there then your big us over for you will that they should i see it. yes. to notice, to pick up that we're still a, a a headline to right now. what are the international there is the u. s. president joe biden making a surprise visit to meeting with president delancy and pledging more weapons to new crime. under the protest gather and washington d. c. in a rally dubbed rage against the war machine, ultimately expressing frustration. but u. s. involvement in the conflict in new credit also ahead for ukrainians. they were planning to hold these positions for a long, long time. well this particular sector, it fell in less than


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