tv The 360 View RT February 21, 2023 3:30am-5:00am EST
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is very high, so many companies from different countries of the world are represented here. despite the deteriorating international situation. the current exhibition has roused great interest. the role of russian businessman and even ordinary russian citizens living in the u. e is very noticeable in all areas in which they're active, i can say, based on my extensive experience in the public security system that the russian diaspora is one of the best diasporas. it's representatives a wonderful, well manage and hard working people on their solution days phase every 2 years. and i would dubey with manufacturers showcasing their vos new weaponry, even with live demonstrations, rushes to vote in a household and 200 examples of advanced alms and other equipment, including the tornado s multiple launch rockets system, as well as a new helicopter russian devotee prime answer then is montrose is attending the event here pulled in this strengthening digit ties between the moscow and the 3
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digits on the, which is the 2 we are traditional i, dex participants. and this year is no exception. we expect that the products presented will be in demand from both traditional and new customers. we are developing strategic cooperation with the emirates in the fields of politics, economics, military technical cooperation. that is constructive relations and work are developing in all sectors are either out of that and use our however we are expecting rushes present randomly within to make his a mouse one to the top of the hour. so we hope to learn them. o i a i nearly a 71 percent of the earth, a surface is covered in water. even in modern times we have still not been able to
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develop the ability to provide a clean water to those who desire the 29 percent of the year. but it's not just a problem which 3rd world countries are encountering. i'm sorry, no huge. on this episode, we're going to give you the 360 view of why clean water is increasingly becoming 1st of all problem. let's get started. on the news every year, nearly $1100000000.00 people like access to fresh water with $2700000000.00 of the global population finding clean water scarce at least one month per year. now increase in demand by a growing population mixed with poor management. pollution, lack of infrastructure, and of course climate change are key elements which affect the availability of fresh water. the various regions of the world. now are countries in the middle east, like a tar israel, lebanon, and iran are most prone to water crisis. despite technology,
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1st world countries and other regions are seeing an increased in their inability to provide fresh water for all their citizens. was a far stretch to say that our world will ever run out of water. the ability to purify it and make it easily available is a continuing challenge, which has more to do with poor management and decisions by those in power than a result of nature. in fact, to blame for the 6 major examples of water crisis currently being faced in the united states, fall not on mother nature rather on mankind. joining me now for more all of this is jim olson. now jim is a lawyer and public water rights advocate. welcome, and we reached out to you because in the usa we are seeing yet another water crisis and a predominantly african american community. this time, jackson, mississippi, were flooding from climate change, a strained and already underfunded and neglected municipal water infrastructure all
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to create another crisis. was citizens without water relying on bottled? now i can flip michigan, a cynical attempt to save money, lead to public health crisis with a generational legacy of destruction. and part of that we had detroit where cities bankruptcy problem led to city officials cutting of water to residents who couldn't pay their water bills. what's the common issue with all 3 municipalities in terms of delivering safe drinking water to the residences in the real question is, right. i think there are several factors. one is, at least in the united states. when we began to shifter solutions in the market place, re shifted away from more for government action and took on, i think, even in government sort of a business attitude, george governance. so in that climate that evolved
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over the last 4 years, at least in this country, since during ration intelligence right, more than eighty's and certainly we're in the last 2 decades. we've seen this hurry or what we're one public services education for dies prisons. dr. dice. health care privatized somewhat in the energy field, because the public utility regulation and i think that that shifting in coverage has affected wider services. i think it affected more than mars since i think it's affected the way we adjust wider problems. right now. the other thing is that i don't think there has been an understanding of what the role and delivering right or really is it is taken
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treat jacket for those around the world. fighting in the end for you and right wire ultimately accomplished in 2010 with the work of credit project tomorrow, warriors and lighter war, i counted the canadians by my barlow who was in serrano and jeering great renmark. right. the human right water and the un doesn't necessarily translate to what happens in jackson, mississippi or what happened to jackson, mississippi and continues today. or the detroit sher austin began in 2014 or the lead crisis. and let me add one more dark
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in michigan, great lakes region. the algorithm crisis in the west. you're one 3rd of your we're, we have one of the great lakes western reserve experiencing serious our last 89 years. and there's no, no government action that is adequately addressed the problem. and 400000 people were shut off from the water supply years ago because of the, the toxicity of these. so what the government has done is they see their, their utility water service. and i'm just going to talk about water service on that, the bigger, wider issues on the plan. i should like to show and maybe talk about what's called the public just but i think what we do, we shifted in this wider delivery as a product. and people are customers,
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well, read a contractual relationship, and i suppose you have contractual rates but, but, but it doesn't mean that you have some fundamental, right? it's already as good as the contract. and you're remedies are only as good as the contract. and what we're lacking is an understanding of what the role of governance, government, and governance is when we're dealing with water on this planet. and every time we see a crisis like this, this lack of attention that you mention shows up as one of the fundamental, if not the fundamental cause of the problem, or at least the, the cause of the continuing problem after we become aware of it, like what happened in the fighting in jackson, mississippi, british all over the world, just what's going on, the package and elsewhere. if we're seeing the effects of climate change most dramatically, as we saw on pakistan and 10000000 are displaced and closer to home,
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up flooding in houston. why is the right to save drinking water being addressed as part of a discussion of climate change? and much of the focus has been on fossil fuel pollution, but little is actually discussed about floods and the impact on water. i think the problem is that we don't view climate change is water issue. if we did where we live and i just fear i if you want me to what's inside of a well. but if we don't describe it, we live in, i just hear the water of average. it moves in water in the sky and clouds and it gets cold and condenses. it comes to the earth that it runs over. the land is right, it goes into the ground water, crazy lakes and springs, rivers and streams and rivers and oceans and goes around around implants are merchant trans, reparation. it's a cycle and every arca,
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their cycle through the rear becomes crucial to every person on the planet. and away from them, but in so climate is climate is, is a high just sheer issue. it's a water issue. not or is this greenhouse gas emissions, but we're so focused on emissions. we're not focused on the fact is, is disturbing the entire high just fear and all the water on the planet in various times in various places, causing these appeals. so we need to understand that this is a public water is your planet why? the other thing we need to understand when you get to the jackson mississippi issues is that we can't sit idly by in the face of changing climate. and we know the weather is becoming more and more extremely noted for 2020 or 30 years in the last decade. it's been more well beginning with her again. katrina,
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we understand that this is, this is a, this is a very serious problem and it's getting worse and as don't things intensify in action. jackson, mississippi's or any government, any state govern, and the federal government, the in action of not beginning to understand that everything we designed in the past is obsolete. we're living in the 21st century and how we just start and i mention is a 21st century principle. yes, it's roots or 2000 years ago. but the fact is, this is a 21st century issue. in this doctrine addresses the abs, lessons of the why, the lessons of refined ability in, in the inaction of understanding that we live on river water cycle and the climate
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change is a wire issue. what is the public trust doctrine and why is something that was created back in the seventy's even relevant today? you know, i'm kind of wondering how it was used in your case against nestle and what changed and what's going on. yes, i mean the cases reported in for those that are interested is reported in the michigan court of appeals. our reports are published by law states and particularly michigan. it's in vi. m 269, michigan app. it's called the the cation rouse, nestle, moving into michigan in selecting an area that they thought was robust and grow our. but they were selling spring miners. so it was connected to a spring and the company to demonstrate to do which spring or their marketing. it should spring water on the bottle and demonstrate that every every gallon out of the watershed for going in the bottle is
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a gallon out of the spring spring hard for their stream and the lake in the lakes and their buffering reduce the stream anywhere from 18 to 35 percent of the time of the year. and we were able to file a lawsuit both under common law rage and live on water bodies and also our law. but also the michigan and protection i was jo, sex had drafted creating rights and citizens to sue under this public just which they have because their beneficiaries were legal beneficiaries like trust in the ranks. and so you ever write to correct these wrongs and use those principles and demonstrated impairments of the water system and sure is harmony environment with deliberate pumping. what hasn't been addressed? and let me get back to probably just actually what hasn't been adjusted the
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privatization issue. i mean, when you think about bottle water, it either comes from a private well or municipal system. these companies get it one way or the other are the ground in nor situations. nobody pays for. they just, they just take it under the right of what they call reasonable use her country or uses. but it's basically a regional in years and really until not a water game or nobody really thought about the sailor water. there was a real water covering water services with the shower water is a reasonable use you ever use wire question. is your right to show it or if it's public water, does the chiron true it's i just say you have to consent on that. and i think the entry, yes they do. interestingly enough that would create a level range, you know, between jason's government and those privatizing and profiting off the water. again,
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water, bottle, water. but it should be under the umbrella of sovereign. it should be consented to by the sovereign and the sovereign therefore, should not be standardizing their private profit. it should be shared. those who are systems to over gatherers go back to detroit, aquafina and designing co. conversely, they get their wider from detroit on a non profit cost basis. they've really a barrel and they make the profit. and even though other users are sharing and they're non profit basis this year and the costs are using, the card number goes majors this year and across they don't here in the profit. so it all goes to the company that says over, you know, once we average ours. no, i don't think that's true. i think they're getting it from the public based on public expenditures to create that system to begin with. and they're being
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subsidized by everybody else. tax fairs in the state of michigan as to why. and we have to understand this. this has to be corrected. is privatization water to bottle water? no privatization, immediate assistance is yet another issue. whether that's a solution or not, most people have concluded that, you know, these major coverage buying at mutual waters because jackson, mississippi's or the world can no longer fix their systems. so you know, larger companies that have the money will get the money and then compound interest on these people. i'm a profit and into the future. these are a serious question to need to be addressed in the context and the governance of water, public, and public trust. thank you so much. you know, that was jim often lawyer and public water rights advocate. all rights to ground because when we come back we will be joined by a guest and expert on the water right out of india state.
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ah ah ah, need to come to russian state to tow never. i've side as on the northland scheme development. i'm not getting calls all set up for a group in the city of abilene. okay, so my niece madeline speaking with ben in the european union. the kremlin, can you get the machine? the state aunt rush up to date and our t spoke neck. even our video agency, roughly all band on youtube with
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me. ah ah, what happens with digital games with actual physical sports? something like digital. yeah, there's yes. because on is preparing to host the 1st ever gains of the future. a cyber context with a physical dimension. one of the innovators, eager to study at all, is on the verge of redefining sports and gaming. he tells us what's behind this synergy, and if it's the future. hello . welcome back. today we are discussing water crisis that are plugging western
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countries as was developing nations. and so for a look beyond the borders of the us, we want to bring in vandana shiva. she is an environmental activist and author of the book water wars and she joins us now from india. thank you so much for being with us. you know what you've written this great book, water wars, pollution of privatization and profit all back in 2000 or 2. then it actually got reprinted in 2016, but a lot of the points it was making then are still being discussed, even debated. and we're seeing more and more privatization of water and corporate control of water. what are the state of discussions and the 2 decades since you wrote that book? you know, i wrote the book and the early stages of privatization, including the privatization, by default, when you take the water as of commons, you take a river that throws for all and you use it to dump your pollution. that's one kind
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of privatization. the other kind of privatization is you take a, remind i oh cadre electricity, all whole irradiation. ok. so the water is the ultimate comments. and after i wrote that book, the pressure to privatize larger, increased intensity with help from the world bank. and i met i'm, it was giving every country that was trapped in debt was being given a restructuring loan with water privatization as a co home. and. and if we hadn't had a movement of the international program and globalization. and if we didn't build a movement against the patenting of seeds and the privatization of water, frankly, they would have been no free water. they would have be no communities to protect the water. so if you think of how bad things are, think of how much was they would have been if we would not have had movements
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standing in defense of the what, what is the state of things? and andy at the moment, now of course i would recognize it's a massive country that we're talking about. i never instance places in the eastern part of india we're getting head decade after decade with climate change effects. is that still the case? are things actually improving? well, you know, if the pollution of the land and the atmosphere keeps increasing, of course the disasters will keep increasing. the big super cycle that you mentioned was 1999 and it killed thousands of people. we've had more frequent cycle since then. and journey in 10 cycles. but after that took the cycle, the government, of course i did amazing work in cycle warnings and cycle and share to us. we have been saving seats and among the seats that are community see bank in august, i had said was seats that could tolerate sold and flooding. and that was distributed with the results of the cycle. and when the soonest hit south south
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india and the bail being also nannie. oh, that will, is a palmers gate be sold in the black toner and seats to the farmers of come in. i do . so yeah, climate extremes are increasing and all of the predictions are the south asia are subcontinent, will be the worst effect it. and i have personally worked on the research as well as movement building 1st because we are the 3rd pool. we have the maximum snow's in the himalaya. after the north and south pole, the north and south pole doesn't have a population asked nose and a water support half of humanity drinking water. now the glacier met is one impact and they've seen a disaster in 2013. when heavy rain king a glacier was melting. the develop the building of huge hydro electric project and totally devastated the river. and the combination of the 3 things, intense rain,
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racial melt and mal development created a disaster that washed away 20000 people. and 2021 in the source of the place where the beautiful movement, which is 5 me chuckle to protect the forest. and the women were saying, you destroy the forest and the catchment, you're going to get more landslides in get more plants, you wouldn't get more drought. sadly, in 2021. that village was impacted because another glacier melted. another emerald being billed and 200 people were washed away. the 2nd reason why we have huge impact is we are totally monsoon dependent economy and, and destabilization of the monsoons either by creating intense rain or lack of rain is making our agriculture supper. our people supper and then we have the long was for sign more than 7000 kilometers and cycle owns sea level rise.
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coastal erosion are a current dimension of the impact that comes why a climate harbor to water. i have said from the beginning, if at the end of the day, climate change impact slides, either through intense flooding or through drought, the temperature aspect is there, but it's not the most serious in terms of the impact on life and death in the immediate situation. now ok, so in situations like you were discussing where you've got these massive climate change events happening across at the united nations general assembly decisions in 2010 that recognizes water and sanitation as a human right and essential to human rights. how is that? and those decisions where people agree to them were all the countries signed onto them. and how are those being addressed in any of the climate discussions that are underway at the moment? i do think water is being given the central rule. it should be given because what's
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the climate system? the climate system is the biosphere managing the climate, and when the time it is the stabilize, the hydro, logical system is the stabilize. but the same systems that are leading to emissions of greenhouse gases and fossil fuel pollution of water intensive systems, and a anyway destroying the hydro, logical balance of the land. i did a book on the green revolution and been job open. job is the land to find rivers. it should have no water crisis. this is why the green revolution was taken to been job. and in a few decades, it has of course, destroy the saw. it's destroy the palming is created the cancer training, which was it is leading to a war to famine. when you use chemical agriculture use 10 times more water to produce the same amount of food. but worse, you create water pollution. the nitrate pollution is one of the more serious
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impacts, whether it's in local water bodies in streams, or it's the dead zones in the oceans, which absolutely killing life. and then the nitrous oxide that comes from the synthetic fertilizers is $300.00 times more damage than carbon dioxide. so whether it's the atmosphere or the dead zone or the dead size and nutritionally empty food, we should be looking much more at how fossil agriculture is to has destroyed the water bodies. if you do an analysis of how did lakes dry up like lake chad or rivers dryer. it's because this chemical agriculture, the green revolution, including in africa, the alliance of the green revolution but pushed by mr. gates and miss and roxanne, and sadly though, and the cop $27.00 rock fellow, it destroyed india spandau, is standing there with the food in agriculture organisation looking at future solutions for them. the future solution will be future streaming in water,
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which they started. it will be treating water as a financial asset which had started rockefeller and the new york stock exchange has started talking about not allowing nature to have integrity, to reduce nature, to a financial essence and to allow the black drops and the van does to decide the future of water according to how you can trade in on it financially rather than protected. ecological. thank you so much for their shiva author of a water wars. you know, it's the politics. i have to wonder how low can politicians sink and using a natural resource which life depends on, is truly the definition of hitting rock bottom. it doesn't government of an area which finds itself facing a water crisis have failed to do what of the key task of their position. and if they cannot be held accountable by a court of law, they at least to be held accountable by the ballad box. for those countries who
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face water crisis, because the physical water scarcity and the lack of water to meet all demands, others should be compelled to step in and help resolve. however, when the problem is actually poor decision making by those in power, no grace should be given. however, oftentimes those same folks make decisions which allow the problem to purposely persist while crying in front of the cameras at the injustice. you know, this display of a poxy is nothing new. hovering today's modern day society should be unacceptable. if we have the ability to put a man on the moon to find cures to diseases, then we are fools. if we continue to repeat the same issues which cause such danger tar most vulnerable communities. as more light is being shown demand action rather than just words from the politicians. and most importantly, demand accountability results and accept no excuses. i'm scared to you. thank you for watching this addition of 360 view until next time.
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ah, i i rick sanchez and i'm here to plead with you whatever you do, you do not watch my your show seriously. why watch something that's so different opinions that you won't get anywhere else. welcome, but please. if you have the state department to see a weapon makers, multi $1000000000.00 corporations, choose your fax for you. go ahead. i change and whatever you do. don't watch my show stay mainstream because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called direct impact, but again, you probably don't want to watch it because it might just change the way things with
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ah, guidelines a to give his annual speech of the country to parliament amid the anniversary of the proration in a. 2 about 300 others as the previous massive weights in the region have to part with discuss increasing their presence in africa. so i think that the continent cannot be left to strengthen his toys with
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a us marine don't do anything. he's still a suspicious us naval crews. around russian places and before it was blowing up, we hear from john, mark, people now are realizing slowly is information is trickling out. everything the painting told by the american government has been allied with international rules in life. from there still suppose the out. it's great to have you with us. i wrote to mommy is taken to the top choice this our russian president put in is about to give his annual state of the nation address to parliament. the event coincides the anniversary this week with russia's military operation in ukraine. ortiz, a set of this report from the venue in central moscow,
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where the speech is about to begin. one doesn't have to be a political scientists to be able to guess the main topic, the main theme of these years, residential address, which is of course, the russian military operation in the ukraine. both in its most direct literal sense, the situation on the front lines which remains quite intense on also it's broader facts on the russian economy, the russian society and on the world at large. now live in put in speeches are known for being both very practical. so we can expect him to give a lot of details, a lot of figures on how this state has been able to deal with this unprecedented challenge and the history of more than russia. but his speeches are also known poor, very broad philosophical or i would have been say, ontological spiritual ah underpinnings, putting this conflict within the larger historical framework. why didn't put in sad
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before and a number of occasions that he says the current conflicts in ukraine, not as a conflict between moscow in ki, if i'm not even as a conflict between russia, the west, but rather as the conflict between the west and the rest according to put in the gist of the current historical moment, that is the depletion of the western creative and developmental potentials and the efforts you sti, me to pre am, to constrain the development of all the centers of power and other countries and civilizations that offer a dies solutions to many of the world's problems. now we hear a lot from western capitals from western leaders that they are absolutely sure that the brain is going to prevail. and in fact, it's strongly believed here in russia that the west is currently placing its bath on there for a long con, like hole being the cumulative western resources and the distances of the
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west from the immediate impact of the conflict. that is, you know, transferring of the human human losses to the ukrainians and to the russians will allow it to prevail. it's, it's a bit of a war of attrition on the western part when it comes to russia. but the russians believe that this is not going to work, and they believe that in fighting their own battle in trying to defend their own strategic security interest. they are also doing a great deal of good with the west that they believe and put in fact himself that on a number of occasions that humanity is such is made up not only of western populations in western countries, but i think for our traditional societies of africa, eurasia, latin america, asia, and many of those countries that have until now taken the apparently neutral position on the ukrainian conflicts are watching from the sidelines and are also
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indirectly affected both by the conflict and even more so by the western sanctions . very harsh and penalizing western functions that affect everybody demons trade. too many of those populations to many of those people that the west only cares about itself. and that is so called leadership is ultimately extremely self serving as the same person presented speech is about thought and we will bring to you live the civil chinese english translation. right, a study right now, let's go live to russia, president of the person who's taking the station now. ah sure. nobody. good afternoon. good afternoon, man. you put that if you know, so, but i have it in the, at all assembly sanders was
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a 2 minute videos. citizens of russia in pennsylvania in today's address flores in the mix. yeah. with the pricing, you will be difficult on the or the line time as well. now you gotta do millions of drastic changes that are happening around the world. critical needs, again, historic advance that are defining the future of our account. 3 and our people. when every one of us saying, terry is huge, responsibility, that's what i do. they hear a girl to for attack steady people living in our historic lands to ensure the security of our account. trade in the need, the threat emanating from the neo nazi regime in ukraine, and that will take our offer the 2014. and we have taken a decision to launch the special military operation. step by step here is fully and consistently we are going to resolve the outs tending tasks,
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which is your issue. so since 2014 don, best buy has been fighting for its ride to ready to leave their land to speak their native language though it has spotlight and it has not been given up on the blockade. and constant shelling on the queue and hatred shown by the regime. they were waiting and expecting and hoping that russia will come to each aid. there's the gym in the meantime, when you are well aware, we did everything. we could absolutely everything we could to resolve the problem peacefully. way did he go where we could get involved in negotiations on finding peaceful resolution to this difficult conflict, but behind our backs they were preparing for different scenarios. the promises by the western leader is and there are words about aspirations for please in the don
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bass was you as we have seen now, it wasn't all lies base. we're just trying to win time. no political. they were turning a blind eye on the political assassinations on reprisals solving leave when that regime on tortures on the believers. we're encouraging more and more the ukrainian nail naps is on terrorist attacks against the bathroom, which is western academies and colleges. they were trained on a new nasa battalions personnel. they were supplying 2 options with you. and i would like to emphasize that mature, even before the special military operation was up with them. a key was negotiating with the west about area defense, about comic plains and not only have the equipment and vehicles. and we also remember about attempts by the key to good with acquire nuclear weapons. and they were stating it publicly in the united states and nato that were promptly deploying
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their troops and army bases secret vial labs. you're our reporters will this year. well, you agree we're maneuvering can learning about the future of war surely. and they were preparing can slave down a crane to the peak of war, and now they are at the meeting it publicly, the openly, i just got to get so be aware. it's as if they are proud of their french or as people who might behavior and they recalling normally for him a loft as well, performance and all this time. well don bass was on fire while that a lot was fields. my, the roger was sincerely, i would like to emphasize this sincerely was looking for a peaceful resolution. they were playing with the lives of the people because they were cheating at the invasion game of cards. and these disgusting methods was tried out before and, and they played the same double game before when they destroyed you get sloppy iraq
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li, be a syria. you got them yet and they will never watch away. shame the notions of dignity of honor is not something they understand that is not for them for long. here is still colonialism. people have had germany. they are used to the notion that they can do anything because they don't care about the world. and you know, and in the same manner leaks like masters, they treat the peoples of their own countries because they have been lying to them as well. by the story they were telling them about how they were looking for please, how they were sticking to the security council resolution. some battles on don dash, the people of the west are now used as a tool of life. and we firmly stand not only for our own entrancing, but for our position that is dillion, signifying that in the modern world, we should not divide the planet into civilization countries. civil is allies,
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countries and author, kimberly human. we will, if that should be no east exception always. and we were open for constructive dialogue with the west. we were saying we were insisting that both europe and the entire world need indivisible, equal see some security for all the countries. and for many years, we were suggesting to our partners to discounts, they tied together into work on a simplification yet. but in response, we were receiving only hypocritical reaction. it can be, it's more were it's, but there were also actions, expansion of nato, to our workers, establishment of the new and ty, rocket, defense in europe and asia. they decided to cover themselves with some rail, where they were deploying military contingents not only near at the borders of russia. and i would like to emphasize, they said, you are well aware of these media, not a single country in the world has as many military bases abroad,
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like the united states of america, they have hundreds of them. i'm emphasizing these hundreds of bases all over the world. entire planet is pampered with them. just look at the world madam, that will go on. you look at the world was witnessing how the were with throwing from get the arms agreements with mr. william like you are that way. the mobile rockets agreements that we have them are they were uni laterally with throwing from the agreements that prints or the pizza on the planet. why did they do this? it was not by chance. and finally, in december of 2021, we officially sent for the united states and nato drafts agreements on the security guarantees include q, him and learners by him. but on all the key items of these draft agreement, we were we received in the re much committee. that refusal to discuss that. and then we stood that they agreed to follow the path for ration and they did not want
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to stop. the thread was getting bigger and bigger, the information that we were getting left and i will no doubt that by february of 2022 they were preparing a punitive operation in don bascom back in 2014. becky regime was using artillery and tanks and planes against don best. we all remember those images when they were being a bomb. being don, ask from the air that when you broke up, when they were launching, airstrikes against don as canada, cds back in 2015 again. they attempted to attack done the vast directly and they continued to blockade to shell, to shoot and launch terrorist attacks against civilians. and it contradicted absolutely at the resolutions adopted by the security council of the year when absolutely completely. but everyone pretended like nothing was going on. and i would like to re, to re, basically it was them who and least the war is for. and we just use the force and
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we are using these to stop the war. when you are william, those plans and you offensive against when you're on bass dawn that glue against cassandra to clearly that the next target will be in crimea and service topple. and we understood this and we knew them about this year ago. and now in to you, they are openly talking about there's go, so now they are out in the open. something that we knew a long time ago, we are protecting the lives of the people our home. and the goal of the west is i'm bridled power. they have a radius, spend more than $150000000000.00 to supply weapons to the key phrygian just compared according to the can on the corporation and development organization to help the poorest countries and the world just 7 allocated to point to $20.21 to $160000000000.00. right now. do you see this,
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but did they spend 150 for the war and the poor countries? allegedly, they are taking care about. they have all the key that only 60 on the drum, and they demand to follow them blindly in those countries who they pay to couples and how they can talk about sustainability about the environmental development. but what has old has a gun human shape, and they are not hopping. there's flow money to support the war, and they are spending more money on the coup in the other countries all across the world. at the recent conference in munich and each net you will be re blaming crash and all kinds of things at the jewels. one gets an impression that they didn't that only to make everyone forget what the so called wes has been doing in the last decade. but it was them who lap these jenny out of the bottle, and ty, regions were immersed into k is the by estimates of american experts as
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a result of those worries. and we are not the ones who came up with these numbers. americans are presenting this numbers as a result of the words and least by the us, up to 2001, some 900000 people died, one more than 38000000, became refugees. he just did it. and they want me to erase it from the memory of human kind. they are pretending as if it has not happened when you but no one will forget it in the world. me that i did you me, which so many casualties. and so many tragedies, but they don't care about them because what they have with stake trillions of dollars and that party to continue to deal from after one hiding behind the words about freedom and democracy by imposing potentially carrying values that they call liberal putting labels on the entire countries and peoples by publicly wasteful, insulting their leaders,
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they are suppressing for them up on their own countries. they try to distract around people from the corruptions candles. because we can all see it on the strains on television, from growing mean, or social international. and the other kind of problems could not system which call it back in the 930, is that they lab the way for napkins to take power into many. and in our time, they started building i anti rochard from ukraine. it's not nothing new people who know a little bit of history, they are perfectly aware of what's going on. it's, it can be traced back to the 19th century. it was happening in austria, hungary and poland. and in other countries with the only goal is that he just ready to take away the historic territories that are now called ukraine from our country . that was their goal. there is nothing new about it. absolutely nothing that we are just repeating all the way to the west expedited and the implementation of this
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project, li, supported the coo in 2014. it was a lot of coo, anti state coo and ty constitutional, coo and its like nothing happened like its normal way of things. they even informed everyone how much money they found and stuff and they used receive fellow beer aggressive. nancy leaves delta g. great. and recently, one of the italian selfie ukraine. it's shameful for us to hear that when they started holding one of the battalions rattled vice like the right division that was involved in executing prisoners of war and killing jews all across the europe. glad of the great and national guard of ukraine, and apparently the cream your way below. are you seeing the talk comp and other it says division, so look at who have covered their hands and blah, just do their elbows. what they used to get marking very messed and made sent
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germany on their equipment and naps, as or not even hiding who they consider themselves. who descended from russia near the beach. and it's astonishing that no one in the west is noticing basis, taking not as a place why? because people do not care. they don't care about 9 who to place a bad on when it comes to fighting russia. fighting. that's part of the main thing is that they are waging war against dots against russia, and that means they need to use everyone, the terrorists, new naps is dabble if they have to order the main thing for a damage to follow their will and to use their weapons against russia, just anyone? should they project a pen to rush as part of the prevent that they are taking against already the country. they are creating hob bats, up in stability near our border with a bag van and the night. and 3rd is an a rated. now the idea has remains the same
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to turn to the rat bag ration a chancellor, the easy to flame, the war in europe with someone else with hands by eliminating competition. when you are you, in the mac crane some that said many times the people of ukraine, hostages to the key regime and the western masters, willing to have effectively occupy the country and the political, military, and economic center for decades. they just been destroying me by the ukrainian, this industry and exploiting ukrainian and natural resources. and this led to an escalation them to an increased poverty and inequality. and of course, this is something that to feed brooklyn to come to me, but i did it over the course the feelings that fuel the war. but the majority, it is truly a sad situation where people are being sacrifice for the, for just
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a fullness to lose the responsibility for stoking this war is entirely on the shoulders of the western elite. and the key regime, who views the ukrainian people not as their own people, but as someone else. and they're not serving their national interests. but the western interests within the west is using ukraine. what we do as a tool that actually has with that testing grounds and as a launch pad against us when yet one thing should be clear, we didn't know we need the more so quite know, the more long range weapons are sent to crane. in the, after the longer we will have to push the threat away from our borders. that's natural heath is up a day. you can the west in the lead and do not conceal. then you go to go straight
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to get your scale. but as of straight to effecting a strategic defeat on russia, but when it's many that is their words. and you have means that they want you to collect grade and they can take us off to math glove by the way. they want you to turn the local conflict into a global confrontation, your opinion. and this is how we understand this. you and we will respond with them adequately. she due to her, who she is. when you mentioned that, because this is now about the very existence of our country, though it should be at your stamps, but they cannot. they cannot ignore the fact that russia cannot be defeated on the battlefield the now. so they're waiting. you recently aggressive a little bit of information attacks. first of all, targeting the young generations is what i showed lying on every step, distorting historical truth, nor shall we to attacking our culture the,
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the rational. so dr. church and other traditional religious institutions in our country for him is talk to him and look at what they're doing with their own people's totally destroying the institution of family just when they come from historical identity abuse. so normally and various perversions with regard to children feel heated, competing filia was accepted as the new norm. and priests are forced to recognize and appreciate. but i was really the same sex weddings, me good with that. and i see this, what i see people can live, however they want just, and we in russia have never intruded into people's private life. and we're not going to do that, which seems because of some of the buttons as christian. if what we want to say here is maybe they should take a look in the scripture into the holy book, doors to him. yeah, it's
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a machine of any great religion. it says that the family is a union between women and man. she'll need and these holy texas now being increasingly doubted. because in the west, when you, when you the, some of the you younger can church and the boy is now considering the idea of a gender neutral god. what can we say? your good god, forgive them. they don't know what they're doing. mean you want to do that, but you, when you merge, you millions of people in the west realize that they're being let towards a ritual. the catastrophe, people are going mad. and this does not seem to be treatable, but this is their problems. and it is our duty to protect our children to get out. it's something that we are going to do to protect them from degradation.
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achieving this does that, but wouldn't it is obvious that the west will be trying to deal with stuff? no, no, no shatter our unity. you are the man to support your support, traitors in them who despise their native land and who they want to have a profit on their countries. though still not on the countries troubles those. anybody could choose the path of traitor ship. who did he carry out terrorist attacks against our country when, when you get to undermine the security and unity them covers anymore. it's the integrity of our country, the navy being supported by the key regime. but we're not going to engage in witch hunts. we're not going to exact revenge on those who
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took the wrong step to lose who made the wrong choice. you might, what's most important is that russian people who have a moral assessment and to those actions. and we are very proud. that's our multinational people. the most 1000000 lives in our multinational people and the majority of russian citizens. and they have adopted a principal position dealing with regard to the special military operation. they understood what we're doing and they supported our actions and don bass. this just was a true show of patriotism, of the feelings that are historically working with miss storage. please. characteristic of our people, it's something useful that we see in our history. and it's a way that we see that our fate is the fate of our country. they're one of the same
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that i get a couple of your friends. i would like to think all of you and the entire people of russia get himself to say thank you to the soldiers and officers are through the come spits loose. you can the army in the navy fight some the near, you know, part some units of the armed forces, but with them to the fallen t is we don't ask in lieu, danced to those issue fights as part of the parts on reserve. if nuclear under, i apologize for not being able to list all of the, of the parts of our society. when i prepare the speech, i had a long list of the heroic units, and then i decided to take it out because as i said, it's not possible to a name every one of them. so i don't want to leave anybody out to them room. so i bow down before the parents, sender spouses, the back,
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one of those who fights and especially for operation nigger. right jim, if he had showed him the doctors and nurses your sam categories by the sen instructed center newcomb detail, and the railway work is standalone truck. drivers will you to people in you carry supplies for the front lines, the objective for the builders. in junior, i'm from store that will the civilian facilities and into those working when you've got several shifts, if that's a tory night urinary i be scheduled for the fence manufacturing facilities and those who strive to make our country more secure and more prepared with the you which it illegally is getting. is that what i want to say? thank you to the teachers are struggling to take care of the younger generation with it. especially those. what would you prefer to work in the will to rec, difficult and dangerous conditions was near the front lives the rest of that and while and your of carries culture figures who come near to the front light to cheer
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up our soldiers, ronald, the volunteers and journalists good festival, the military correspondence, and who risked their lives at the frontline to tell the word or i see the truth on the religious leaders of russian. traditional religion is lula, andrew, especially military priests who certain rules, re sermons, inspire it, but in you mightily are soldiers. officers, if ponied, civil servants and the business people ski, those actually carry out that civil applebee's land, a human duty as always low as regal m. daniels, yell guns, connecticut is probably a special thank you to live with those who live in they don't exclude cancer with republic. see really 3 of these approach incur some regions. i am you decided to of the what future you want to have here at the referendums? you made a clear choice despite the terror and the threats from the neo nazis. when, when military action, it was close to your homes, you wait,
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but your decision to be with russia was strong to be with your native land. it was your naturally he body, mary. we have already began and or we will continue that you're what you're much better. yeah. cuz i want to emphasize that this response from the audience to people living and they don't ask and look, ask republics and the course on as upper roger regions. i was, i'm prompted you. thank you. it must have new programs. so we will continue to scale up program. so it would be for providing social support anxiously,
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at least over in these new regions of the russian federation, which he, mr. we will as restored area industries and bring back jobs, port movie 70 me, see of as of today you will, the modern railroads, which you keep as i didn't try me here, which now has his reliable land link with the rest of russia or she, me wish you the me resume our joint efforts will make with as possible new york, as we put him. we will buy your school grad number, your number by the constituent entities with russia federation and now directly supporting you. it is arbin and rural locality shall be donuts, can against republics at his approach incur some regions as legit like brothers. sure. he and so we've become even stronger it to match with the family and we will do everything we can. so that piece is redeemable. i to speech settles once again, van this land, and we are secure once again. the it that way
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period that more do this evening and our ancestors and the future of our children and grandchildren restoring historical truth is what our soldiers, our heroes are fighting for. to day friends though, it is, i want to pay tribute to those who gave their lives. i w, fighting for our country and to the civilians who died at the hands of the new nazi my ship. thank you miss shipping. you man. yep. when you got me when nice, now we realize and i realize now yes, the count were unbearable. that is for the families, the spouses and parents like usually of fallen soldiers with what they got. you
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know, she, you were to pick up made it possible that they grow up heroes, but only not just like the late during the 2nd world war moodle. when their ancestors fought against the nazis, if you wouldn't, and their spirit and their sacrifices something that we remember we could actually have me released and it is our duty when we're to support their families. i need you to help their children. you me to get a decent education. only way in that and a profession was only was the young and every such family needs to be in my, in the focus of our state louis good, an ugly needs to be cared for, is willing and all its needs. lego need to be met with a prompt response re lego. so that would be fairly little bit. i suggest that we establish a, he's been a state foundation and which that will support with way to families and them of
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fallen soldiers and veterans of special military operation and wood burning you. it would just only it will co ordinate ecology. the provision of a social, psychological, debbie latency and medical aid and providing all of those little resorts, vacations, and we'll try to help people get jobs and improve their professional skills even when you get new professions that it will be about him in the world and an important task for the foundation would be organizing with home based care for everyone who needs it is kemesha gross. they get up to a high level of quality only probably. so i request the governments great. all those you want to toss what social policy she see and the regions of the russian federation to wanted to make sure that this happens. i found quite a record of then the procedure should be open and transparent and the workmen, beth, and jewish in the procedure should be simple. that on
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a one stop basis without any red tape or so in every family, i give sure i want to emphasize this. every family that goes them of a fallen soldier. during every veteran, we will, some should have their own garden, personal social worker, or coordinator. that glory of would you leach new ab senior. but if you maria, nobody him he wouldn't. you should when you go sure about who will solve all the problems sort of wanted those in the but in real time. and when you read you and we must make sure that the foundation is operational during this year, in all regions, we have the frameworks to support veterans and people who took part in local conflicts because of what and i think you took this foundation may take up things issues in the future, we need to discuss that and i requested a government to do that for the museum. i had to get through to you all these does
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not believe responsibility from other state agencies. i always expect, but every region, every be part need to be closer to attention to the veterans all on our soldiers and officers and their family in this regard, they would like to thing the hands of the regents mayor of the seat is a young who we meet with people who travel to the line of contact to the front line and they support their fellow citizens. and here is what i would like to emphasize, especially that we know when the draft he's in volunteer is and officers and soldiers sold. the army are thinking about the supplies for them and about get them in the ration for their boonton interest that the received the health care and the request that the governor is receiving. and i talk to the ombudsman on the
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ride. so human rights, a good rest of we received a lot of this request and it means that a lot of problems are still not result. so we need to take care of fabri into the individual case. more critical skill, less than the meet and obviously like serving in the zone of special military operation is a heavy burden for everyone involved. and they are taking the risk for their lives on the daily basis. so i think for all the military service men, all the participants of the special military operation, including the volunteers they should receive your colleagues would be at least once a year and no less than 14 days. and the travel arrangements as well, so that every soldier could be to their families the around their loved ones. was a me, if you calling us because, you know, as you know, we have approved by dental decree. the plan to develop the armed forces good for
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up until 2025 and the work on the simpler mentation is in progress. we are introducing necessary adjustments and our next steps to strengthen our army in fleet. you will know what you were on the heel to develop the armed forces now and in the future. it should be under painted by the military experience we are gaining during the special military operation. it is of utmost importance to us and it's just ordering the ordering of machine. you're very important to us and it gives you a here. maybe you should just kill me. and the nuclear forces franchise more than 91 percent of a state of the art systems. and now i would like to reiterate, considering the experience that we are getting we should receive the same high quality level across all the components of our armed forces.
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he jumped the category of officers and sergeants who proved themselves as anemic. and when do you mean that you decide the common versus who think in the modern way and there are many of them got them. they should be promoted to higher ranks that they should be sent to the military colleges and academies, and they should serve as the cater reserved for the armed forces. and obviously they should also receive all kinds of positions in the body of power at all levels . i would like to draw your attention to these because people they need hundreds shades, they're alfred or attacked their homeland. that may be that we will introduce state of the art technology that will help us to improve the quality and potential of our army and sleep. and we have such innovations in every direction in abilene area. a lot of them are vastly better than just
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similar equipment away from abroad. and now we need to start to mass produce them and we are doing base. we are sort of keeping up with the mountain that i see now and we are using our own dealing with industrial base, the scientific base model, what you see it was and we were using small side, medium sized enterprises to duties and industries. in italy, we have experienced melody specialists and more and more younger people in bolton based, who are talented, well qualified, and they want to to break through zillow, and they stayed true to the tradition of russian armors. and they want to do everything so that we could achieve victory bit and we will strengthen the guarantees for if, like i said, the worker is up and goes, or salaries and allowances and social security. i suggest to start special program on the subsidized rent housing and the for the she defense industries
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and the rate should be lower than across the market because the larger share of the rent will be paid by the state or a such employees. look it up. so then we talked about this with the governments, so i instructed that to work on all the details of this program and not to delay the construction of such housing as soon as possible. first of all, in the cities that are important for our defense alfredston, for our research efforts, your colleagues. because like i said, most the west has and least not only military information and what also it cannot make war, but never get in to when you that you e w. it did not achieve anything anywhere and it will not succeed in it. for temps, any work warrior needs that has been cord,
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they're more of the same issue. those who are imposing those sanctions, they are punishing themselves. they provoke the prize. credit would be job losses shut down if enterprises energy cried to send their countries and they are telling 30 citizens and we hear that they are saying that russians are to blame for all of this was really for giving us why tools they were using against us. in the sanction with ration and they were trying to disrupt the times with the russian companies to switch out the financial system from the communication channels to destroy our economy memory. and to stop us from accessing the import markets to stop us from receiving income. they were robbing us of our currency, raised areas where they were attempting to destroy ruble into provoke, destructive inflation. but again, those into russian, the sanction are jassy means and the gold, as the western leaders are saying themselves. and i'm quoting them,
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to make them suffer to make our people suffer when you. so here are just a dominant humanistic. they want to make people suffer to disturb allies, our society from the inside. but you can all, these was in vain. russian economy in the system of governance were much more durable than the west. juliet thing to our join africa of our cobrin and the parliament on the bank of russia, regions, and business circles of employees. bluetooth, we managed to achieve sustainability of our economic situation. we have for a tech that are seated and we have preserved that jobs are no shortages on the market, including the most important items. we have supported financial system and entrepreneurs for investing in their businesses. and they are investing in the development of the country. last year. we have started a package of measures to support business and economy for
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a total sum of some one trillion rebels emission. and we have not printed anything to achieve this. everything is based on initially, but a durable market bases market foundation that this is what's going on for 2022. the g d p has decreased good job as well because because and sold was i heard that when i should say this, i think yesterday it was published in due time. everything is according to the plan but the company, but they said that we were going to decrease by 2025 percent. recently they are giving a number of 2.9. well, 2.5 bought the domestic product on 2022, decrease byte and 2 point one percent faces delayed as a whole new data early market proof of the political in on post up in the last february, march, they were saying that they counted the crotch russian businesses,
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they changed the logistic ties, they have strengthened ties with immediate reliable partners. and there is majority of such partners across the world and they share with russian robles in our international settlements. if we compare it with december 2021 has doubled, and now it's one 3rd of all the settlement. and together with the currency is a friendly state. triple 8 is more than half. we didn't hold a settlement and we will continue to work with our partner on creating sustainable and safe system of international settlements. that would be in dependent from dollar and other western reserve card and say that. but up with that, because we these policies by the western, the leads and western leaders, it will lose its universal role with their own hands. they are doing this. then you may not ask the question, but i showed them or decreasing the settlements in dollars and other years. and so cold universe soul currency should do. they are doing base with their own hands.
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you know, there is this saying yes that last canons about instead of bought or that was an issue or is that depends how the counter is the priority of that it. and when we are trying to resolve this issues, we should not repeat or illness previous mistakes, we should not describe our own economy. we have everything we need to preserve our security and to can, to develop our country. and we will continue to follow this logically. that many of you, but do what you mean and meanings basie because the teachers don't the feeling areas. so russian economy has not been the that i see the appraisal would increase more, whether they're out to leave housing for the 1st time in the modern history. if our country, the construction of housing exceeded more than 100000000 square meters asked for our farming class here the nation was doubled its growth. thank you very
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much. i would like to bel downtown reformers that i see a godaddy so brilliant russian former isn't going to stay as a record to harvest more than $150.00 tops of drain. more than 100000 tons of wait till the end of the 30th june of 2023, we will be able to reach a total expert volume of drain $255.00 or $2.60 tons of 10. 15 years it seemed impossible. absolute. the milan, it seemed like something that is impossible to achieve. maybe you remember and some of you probably might not that long ago to premier it ministers. you have deputy prime minister and minister back recall. true. we had $60000000.00 in total and now
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$55.00 or 60 we are going to expert. that would be our expert potential. i am convinced that we have average opportunity to achieve the same breakthroughs in other areas and up or would you believe they were no decreases, seen the job market fuel and we have decreased unemployment or even against all the difficulties our employment market has become more come to the boat has become better than it was before before the pandemic. but we had 4.7 percent. the unemployment rate. sure. $31.00, and now it's $3.00, i think is it $3.00? is that the minimum? that's the record low number economy. good. i see if the economy of roger has overcome that risks, it has more. yes. a lot of them will. a lot of those risks were impossible to calculate in advance. we have to react on the fly. and whenever we face it,
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even though it's at the same level and at the same level, we were trying to make prompt decisions. and i would like to mention the private initiatives of the medium size and small size businesses. we should not forget about this. we have evaded too much red tape and regulating the economy to make it more dependent on the state was also important quarterly. the decrease in the economy was only in the 2nd quarter, and then the 3rd and the 4th quarter. we have seen the growth. we have reached the new cycle of the economy, grow the per estimates of the experts of the pond. it's in its structure is now changing with reaching a new quality level. we are looking at the new global markets, including our own inner and market, scientific and technology. city as employee is not only selling our resources abroad but,
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but i'm going to choosing additional value. it allow us to tap into the great potential that russia has an old area is already this year. we can forecast the growth inner demand. i'm sure that our companies will use this opportunity to increase the output, the production of the most in demand category commodities, to people in the niches that were elaborated oper, the western companies have withdrawn. now we can see the full picture, we stand on the but that the structural problems that we need to resolve in logistics and technology in finance, in personnel, mortgage, the young lady that credit and we kept talking about the need to change the structure of our economy over the last year, and now these changes, it's something that we must do and it changes the situation for the better particular case, we understand what needs to be done for the civilian develop to russia,
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sovereign developmental bratia. despite any pressure from the outside and any threads from the outside with the saved counties of security and interests of the country, and i would like to draw your attention, i would like to emphasize these. the gist of our work is not to adjust to the current conditions. that's your strategic goal, is to bring our economy to the new level, new horizons. everything is changing now and everything is changing fast. this time is not only time of challenges, but it is also a time of over into unity. isn't it is true today. we've got we have our future depends on how we will implement. we should get them to you. but at 3, all the differences, we all, you kind of personal problems that we might have. and now we're at the state bodies . everything should be aimed at reaching
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a gold success school launch of russian companies. small family enterprises will be a trade through us killing me at the state of the art factories and you roads will be a victory to your schools. new camera gardens will be victory, provides new scientific breakthroughs the globe. innovations and inventions will be a big 3. it's something that everyone can contribute to achieve our own common goal . because you know, but i will, you know, we should but news good. what was going to, you know, now what areas do we need to focus on the medium terms of the cooperation between sunday businesses when to expand promising economic ties and build new logistics corridors. the decisions has already been made to extend the moscow cousin highway to turn in berg shall evans can do men and then to cook. and to let boss talk to connecting with a castaneda, china, which will expand our ties,
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a wither asian countries we will develop, develop the ports, the black seen the see of as of the under this as a already when would you let the focus of a some parts of our governments and we will strengthen the north south corridor. this here you are, we will let that go. i did get a hold of expand out your channels for new types of vessels. we connecting to iran at pakistan and we will continue to develop pant size and we're still in the developed a corridors. the easton managed a direction of our railways, the trans siberian railway, into lead by column or main line, as well as the northern sea route. i knew that this will be beneficial not only for the cargo of floes but also for the development of the siberia and other regions. infrastructure will be developed including communications and at transport. and
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in that 2024, i believe at least 85 percent of roads in urban localities. and also our municipal roads will be brought up to the national standard. and i am confident that we will achieve this target something with blood. maybe we're putting a digital gas, if a cation, free of charge for households will now be expanded too. we have social facilities such as kindergartens and a health care facilities was. and this will be with a program that will be constantly available for people will always be able to apply with the back user to put you to have a gas connection suitable to have your house connected to the grid. with his gems, you give her a large program when you are thinking of construction and repairs for housing and
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utilities. infrastructure will be are carried out. i'm not 4.5 trillion roubles will be invested in that over a period of 10 years, but i get, i'm a threat. it's important for this program. just stick to start. that will not be a, with a strong thing that momentum like you just, you were so i asked the government to provide the necessary financing right away. we need to strengthen our industry. and so we have the industrial mortgage instrument. we're gonna subsidized loans will be available for buying unit with will create our sites set to construct manufacturing facilities and also to modernize existing facilities. and this will be a great contribution with me. these loans will be up to 500000000 roubles he bit, but i didn't have enough room with him and herbs with which the rates will be 325
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percent. and there will be provided for a term up to 7 years. i think that is a truly a great start. mm hm. but i wouldn't, but i was starting this year will be a little and she's getting the administer reducing a fiscal and administrative burdens for a resident. companies and industrial clusters usually should land exact cd. they will receive a subsidies from the state and the long term state procurement contracts are by 2030. we will, if you really want to insure humors, if you wish 10 trillions worth of projects to be implemented. and we expect that bouts to trillion will be invested in the, in the, at our nearest period. and those maxime, are we targets that we have and i request the government to accelerate the launch
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of these projects obviously. and to provide systemic support measures including tax benefits to the companies that need it. i knew that sir, our financial criminal ago blustering a ministry in the agencies love of various are benefits and various rules. and i know that they like to invent the rules, but i think this is the case where these new rules might be beneficial. the starting this year, russian companies will be able to reduce their income tax if they buy food that we're doing in modern russian id, solutions and artificial intelligence products. and this will be considered with a multiply of $1.00 when you quit, but but if we did the relative to the actual costs and i think we would do the tax benefits will be expanded so that people
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who buy rush and high tech products. but that can benefit from additional tax reduction mechanisms and use simplified procedures next at the federal trade center. that is truly great. we will live great solution that will help our economy, which is going to be an important issue on our economic agenda is finding you sort of investments, look at it. and we've talked about that. then russia has a strong payment balance and does not need to go get a, lend any money from other countries. and so we don't have to worry about how to repay our debt. russian banks are stable. lemme sustainable. they have a good reserve given them last year with loans to corporate entities.
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local actually grew. there were many, there were many concerns about potential troubles, but we have seen a growth and a grew by 14th cent, which is more than in 2021. when there was no military operational in the 2021, it grew by 11.7 percent. and now we see a growth of 14, but really boil the with the total sum of mortgages grew by 24.4 percent. and the bank sector as a whole. the guy by shake, she would, nobody ended the year with the profits. of course, it was not so much as it was before, but it was $203000000000.00 rouble, which is another indicator of the sustainability of our system. and the 2nd quarter of 2023 should be inflation level will reach the target of the 4 percent able to
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fail the family or at least come close to that not what can some countries we're seeing 17 or 18 or even 20 percent. and we have a 430 and one. well, maybe 5 central bank of the finance ministry have differing assessments, but we're still getting close to the target. and they were considering this sandra, they'll be the positive dynamics of our, the macroeconomic indicators. we are shaping our strategy with regard to long term our credit traits and i think that loans must be more accessible across the country . you will not. those are a lot of the long term savings of people need to be more sustainable and ready to be senior. i request the governments of to accelerate at the introduction of trust laws. i get them to launch really a state program where in h.
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