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tv   The 360 View  RT  February 21, 2023 11:30am-12:01pm EST

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important is that regional grouping of countries in your part of the world and opec plus how important is that for the future over the entire world right now. which is essential. i'm a 24 percent off world energy and located there, or it is formed through the gulf region. so 24 percent of the world energy. if that disappears overnight, then we will have an international real crisis at the western hemisphere. and now how to strengthen that, how to preserve the national interest or mutual interest in these countries. it should be a national development that should not be imposed by a superpower that want to preserve its interest and preserve a way in finding a solution to the israeli are a conflict. because this is also tied to the political project on how to find a solution for the policy. the issue of finding a way to india to,
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to strengthen the jordanian economy, which is collapsed at finding a way to help egypt which is in crisis. and also to find a path and to finding a peaceful solution to the palestinian issue within the interest of these various states. some very interesting commentary there from independent politician saud al motor libby, who's joining us live here on our team to national from all of us here. thank you very much for your time. thank you. i thank you for your time as well for sharing a time with us here at moscow. the entire r t new team here, very grateful including myself as well. i'm rory, sushi to be replaced in about half an hour by unit oneal. he'll be at this desk with more of your worldwide news with
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ah, nearly 71 percent of the earth's surface is covered in water. even in modern times, we have still not been able to develop the ability to provide a clean water to those who desire. we have a 29 percent of the are, but it's not just a problem which 3rd world countries are encountering. i'm sorry, no huge on this episode. we're going to give you the 360 view of why clean water is increasingly becoming 1st of all problem. let's get started. ah, the every year, nearly 1100000000 people like access to fresh water with 2700000000 of the global population. finding clean water scarce at least one month per year. now increase in demand by a growing population, mixed with poor management, pollution, lack of infrastructure. and of course, climate change,
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or key elements which affect the availability of fresh water to various regions of the world. and while countries in the middle east, like tar, israel, lebanon, and iran are most prone to water crisis, despite technology, 1st world countries and other regions are seeing it increased in their inability to provide fresh water for all their citizens. was a far stretch to say that our world will ever run out of water. the ability to purify it and make it easily available is a continuing challenge, which has more to do with poor management and decisions by those in power than a result of nature. in fact, the blame for the 6 major examples of water crisis currently being faced. the united states fall not on mother nature rather on mankind. joining me now for more all of this is jim olson. now jim is a lawyer and public water rights advocate. welcome. and we reached out to you because in the usa we are seeing yet another water crisis and
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a predominantly african american community. this time, jackson, mississippi, were flooding from climate change, a strained and already underfunded and neglected municipal water infrastructure all to create another crisis where citizens without water relying on bottled. now i can flip michigan, a cynical attempt to save money, lead to public health crisis with a generational legacy of destruction. and part of that we had detroit where cities bankruptcy problem led to city officials cutting of water to residents who couldn't pay their water bills. what's the common issue with all 3 municipalities in terms of delivering safe drinking water to the residences? is the real question is right. i think there are several factors. one is, at least in the united states. when we began to shifter solutions in the market place. we shifted away from more for government action
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and took on, i think even in government sort of a business attitude, george government. so in that climate that evolved over the last 4 years, at least in this country, since the reagan administration in terms of very more in the ninety's and certainly we're in the last 2 decades. we've seen this hurry or what we're once public services education program dies, prisons driving ties health care privatized somewhere in the energy field. so because the public utility and regulation and i think that that shifting in coverage has affected water services. i think it affected more than large since i think it's affected the way
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we adjust are problems and right now the other thing is that i don't think there has been an understanding of what the role and delivering what are really is it is taken treat jacket for those around the world trading in the year end for you and right wire ultimately accomplished in 2010. with the work of clinic project tomorrow, warriors and a lot of white counter canadians, my my, my borrow serrano. achieving great grammar. right. the human right water at the un doesn't necessarily translate do what happens in jackson, mississippi or what happened? jackson, mississippi and continues today. or the detroit charter. austin began in 2014
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or the front leg crisis. and let me add one more dark in michigan, great lakes region. the algorithm crisis in the west. you're one 3rd of your we're, we have one of the great lakes western reserve exchanging seriously over the last 89 years. and there's no, no government action that is adequately addressed the problem. and 400000 people were shut off from the water supply years ago because the toxicity of these books. so what the government has done is they see their, their utility water service. and i'm just going to talk about water service on that, the bigger, wider issues on the planet. i should like to show and maybe talk about what's
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called the probably just dr. but i think what we do, we shifted in this wire delivery as a product. and people are customers, well, read a contractual relationship. and i suppose you have contractual rates. right? but it doesn't mean that you have some fundamental, right? it's already as good as the contract and your remedies are only as good as the contract. and what we're lacking is an understanding of what the role of govern government and governance is when we're dealing with water on the planet. and every time we see a crisis like this, this lack of attention that you mention shows up as one of the fundamental, if not the fundamental cause of the problem, or at least the, the cause of the continuing problem after we become aware of
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what happened in the fight in jackson, mississippi, we finished all over the world, me just what's going on and packaged elsewhere. if we're seeing the effects of climate change most dramatically, as we saw on pakistan and 10000000 are displaced and caused at home flooding in houston. why is the right to save drinking water being addressed as part of a discussion of climate change? and much of the focus has been on fossil fuel pollution, but little is actually discussed about floods and the impact on water. i think the problem is that we don't new conrad changes and water issue if we did right. we live and i just fear i if you want me to put some side of a well. but if we don't have time, i just describe it. we live and i just share wider of average. it moves in water in the sky and clouds and it gets cold and condenses. it comes to the earth that it runs over. the land is right. it goes into the ground water, crazy lakes and streams, and rivers and streams,
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and rivers and oceans and goes around around and plants enriched in transit reparation. it's a cycle and every arca that cycle through the rear becomes crucial to every person on the planet and away from them. but in so climate climate is, is a high just sherik issue. it's a water issue. neither is this greenhouse gas emissions, but we're so focused on emissions. we're not focused on the fact is, is disturbing the entire high just fear and all the water on the planet in various times in various places causing these appeals. so we need to understand that this is a public water is your pirate. why? the other thing we need to understand when you get to the jackson mississippi issues is that we can't sit idly by in the face of changing climate. and we
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know the weather is becoming more and more extremely noted for 2020 or 30 years in the last decade. it's been more well beginning with her again, katrina. we understand that this is a, this isn't, this is a very serious problem and it's getting larger. and as those things intensify in action, jackson, mississippi's or any government, any state, govern in the federal government. the in action of not beginning to understand that everything we designed in the past is obsolete, were living in the 21st century. and then probably just start and i mentioned is a 21st century principle. yes, it's roots or 2000 years ago. but the fact is, this is a 21st century issue. and this doctrine addresses the ad. so
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lessons of the why the actual lessons of responsibility in, in the, in actually understanding that we live on live in water cycle. and the climate change is what is the public trust doctrine and why is something that was created back in the seventy's even relevant today? you know, i'm kind of wondering how it was used in your case against nestle and what change and what's going on. yes, i mean the cases reported in for those that are interested in regard to the michigan court of appeals reports are published by most states and particularly michigan. it's in volume $269.00 michigan app that's called the the cation lounge. nothing in michigan in selecting an area that they thought was robust and ro wire, but they were showing spring miners. so it was connected to
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a spring and the company had to demonstrate to do which spring water, their marketing. it shows free water on the bottle ended demonstrate that every every gallon out of the watershed for going in the bottle is a gallon out of the spring, spring hard for their stream, and the late in the lakes and their buffering reduce the stream anywhere from 18 to 35 percent of the time of the year. and we were able to file a lawsuit both under common law rage of people who live on water bodies and also groundwater law. but also the michigan and protection i was jo, sex had drafted creating rates and citizens the sooner this probably just which they have because they're beneficiaries were legal beneficiary, just like trust in banks. and so you have a right to correct these arms river to use those principles. and demonstrated impairments have the water system in a series, harmony environment,
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re deliver the funding. what hasn't been addressed to me? and then get back to what we just action, what hasn't been adjusted the privatization issue. i mean, when you think about bottle water, it either comes from a private well or municipal system. these companies get it one way or the other are the ground in law situations, already paid for. they just, they just take it under the right of what they call regional use her country or uses. but it's basically a regional years. and really until water came, or nobody really thought about the shower water, there was a real water covering water services with shell water is a reasonable use your right to use of our region question is your right to show it or if it's public water does is sharmen through it, so i just say you're have to consent on that and i think the entry,
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yes they do you think enough that would create a level range between jason's government and those privatizing and profiting off the water again, waters by water. but it should be under the umbrella of sovereign, it should be consented to by the sharman and the sovereign therefore should not be standardizing their private profit. it should be shared. those who are systems, the over gamma is go back to the jury. aquafina and designing coke and rusty they get their wider from detroit on a non profit cost. they just they put it in a barrel and they make the profit. and even though other users are sharing and they're non profit, they just, they share in the cost or shooting. and the current product goes majors this year and across they don't share in the profit. so it goes to the company that says what
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we're using a lot once we average ours. no, i don't think that's true. i think they're getting it from the public based on public expenditures to create that system to begin with. and they're being subsidized by everybody else. tax fairs in the state of michigan is true. we're right. and we have to understand this. this has to be corrected, is privatization water to bottle? why no privatization emitters assistance is yet another issue. whether that's a solution or not, most people have concluded that, you know, these major coverage buying up national waters because jackson, mississippi's, in the world can no longer fix or just so you know, larger companies that have the money will get the money and compound interest on these people on the profit and into the future. these are a serious question to need to be addressed in the context and the governance of water, public and public trust. thank you so much. you know, that was jim olson,
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lawyer and public water rights advocate. all rights to ground because when we come back we will be joined by a guest, an expert on water right out of india. stay to ah ah ah. in the 1950s the u. s. used former nazis against the soviet union in the 21st century. they engineered kuta, the fish, the former soviet republic, into our confrontation with moscow will certainly if the united states and the u. k and the rest of the western world had not engaged in conflict with the ukraine and with the soviet union and the successor of the russian federation. we would not have the horrible situation we have today. i think that if the american stopped,
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we would be at peace and the role would be a lot better place as the economy, the world or function considerably better than is doing now be what happens with digital gains with actual physical sports, something like digital. yeah, there's yes, because on is preparing to host the 1st ever gains of the future a cyber context with a physical dimension. one of the innovators, eager to start off, is on the verge of redefining sports and gaming. he tells us what's behind this synergy. and if it's the future ah, welcome back. today we were discussing water crisis that are plugging western
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countries as well as developing nations. and so far i will go beyond the borders of the us. we want to bring in vandana shiva. she is an environmental activist and author of the book water wars, and she joins us now from india. thank you so much for being with us. you know, you've written this great book, water wars, pollution of privatization and profit all back in 2000 or 2. then it actually got reprinted in 2016, but a lot of the points it was making then are still being discussed, even debated. and we're seeing more and more privatization of water and corporate control of water. what are the state of discussions in the 2 decades since you wrote that book? you know, i wrote the book and the early stages of privatization, including the privatization, by default, when you take the water as a commons, you take a river that throws for all and you use it to dump your pollution. that's one kind of privatization. the other kind of privatization is you take a remind i good. oh,
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hydro electricity, all whole irrigation. so the water is the ultimate comments. and after i wrote that book, the pressure to privatize walter, increased intensity withheld from the world bank. and i met i'm, it was given, every country that was trapped in debt was being given a restructuring loan with water privatization as a call home. and, and if we hadn't had a movement of the international program and globalization, and if we didn't build a movement against the patenting of seeds and the privatization of water. frankly, they would have been no free water. they would have be no communities to protect the water. so if you think of how bad things are, think of how much was they would have been if we would not have had movements standing in defense of the water. what is the state of things?
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and andy at the moment, now of course i would recognize it's a massive country that we're talking about. i know, for instance, places in the eastern part of india we're getting head decade after decade with climate change effects. is that still the case? are things actually improving? well, you know, if the pollution of the land and the atmosphere keeps increasing, of course the disasters will keep increasing. the big super cycle that you mentioned was 1999 and it killed houses of people. we've had more frequent cycle since then, and joe, more intense cycles. but after that took the cycle, the government to produce it amazing work in cycle warnings and cycle and share to us. we have been saving seats and among the seats that are coming to d. c. bank in august i had said, was seats that could tolerate sold and flooding, and that was distributed with the results of the cycle. and when the so nanny hit
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south south india and the bail being also nannie. oh that will this a palmers get the soul told in the black toner and seats to the farmers of come in? i do so yeah, climate extremes are increasing and all of the predictions are the south asia are subcontinent, will be the worst effect it. and i have personally worked on the research as well as movement building 1st because we are the 3rd pool. we have the ma maximum snow's in the himalaya. after the north and south pole, the north and south pole doesn't have a population asked nose and a water support half of humanity drinking water. now the glacier met is one impact and they've seen a disaster in 2013. when heavy rain king a glacier was melting, the develop the building of huge hydro electric project and totally devastated the river and the combination of the 3 things intense rain, racial melt,
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and mal development created a disaster that washed away 20000 people. and 2021 in the source of the place where the beautiful movement, which is 5 me chuckle to protect the forest. and the women were saying, you destroy the forest and the catchment. you're going to get more landslides in get more plants. you wouldn't get more drought. sadly, in 2021. that village was impacted because another glacier melted. another m was being billed and 200 people were washed away. the 2nd reason why we have huge impact is we are totally monsoon dependent economy and, and destabilization of the monsoons either by creating intense rain or lack of rain is making our agriculture supper. our people supper. and then we have the longest foresight more than 7000 kilometers and cycle owns sea level rise. coastal erosion are a per dimension of the impact that comes why
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a climate habit through water. i have said from the beginning, if at the end of the day, climate change impact slides, either through intense flooding or through drought, the temperature aspect is there, but it's not the most serious in terms of the impact on life and death in the immediate situation. now ok, so in situations like you were discussing where you've got these massive climate change events happening across at the united nations general assembly decisions in 2010 that recognizes water and sanitation as a human right and essential to human rights. how is that and those decisions where people agree to them were all the countries signed onto them? and how are those being addressed in any of the climate discussions that are underway at the moment? i do think water is being given the central rule. it should be given because what's
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the climate system? the climate system is the biosphere managing the climate and when the time it is the stabilize the hydro, logical system is the stabilize with the same systems that are leading to emissions of greenhouse gases and also pill pollution. of water intensive systems that are anyway, destroying the hydro, logical balance on the land. i did a book on the green revolution and been job open. job is the land to find rivers. it should have no water crisis. this is why the green revolution was taken to print job and in a few decades, it is of course destroyed the saw and it's destroyed. the bombing is created the cancer training, which was, it is leading to a war to famine. when you use chemical agriculture use 10 times more water to produce the same amount of food. but worse, you create water pollution. the nitrate pollution is one of the more serious
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impacts, whether it's in local water bodies in streams or it's the dead zones in the oceans . which are absolutely killing life. and then the nitrous oxide that comes from the center. dick burton isis is $300.00 times more damage than carbon dioxide. so whether it's the atmosphere or the dead zone, or the dead saw as an nutritionally empty food, we should be looking much more at how fossil agriculture is, has destroyed the water bodies. if you do in analysis. oh, how did lakes dry up like lake chad or rivers dry out? it's because this chemical agriculture, the green revolution, including in africa, the alliance of the green revolution, but pushed by mister gates and miss and rock solid sadly though, and the cop $27.00 rock fellow, it destroyed india, spurn job is standing there with the food and agriculture organization, looking at future solutions for them, the future solution will be future streaming in water with their starting. it will
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be treating water as a financial asset which had started rockefeller and the new york stock exchange has started talking about not allowing nature to have integrity, to reduce nature, to a financial essence. and to allow the black rocks and the van does to decide the future of water according to how you can trade in on it financially rather than protected ecological. thank you so much for their she of our author of a water wars you know, it's other than politics. i have to wonder how low can politicians sink and using a natural resource which life depends on is truly the definition of hitting rock bottom. it doesn't government of an area which finds itself facing a water crisis have failed to do what are the key task of their position? and if they cannot be held accountable by a court of law, they at least be held accountable by the ballot box. for those countries who face
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the water crisis because the physical water scarcity and the lack of water to meet all demands, others should be compelled to step in and help resolve. however, when the problem is actually poor decision making by those in power, no grace should be given. however, oftentimes those same folks make decisions which allow the problem to purposely persist while crying and for the cameras at the injustice is displayed, policy is nothing new. however, today's modern day society should be unacceptable. if we have the ability to put a man on the moon, find cures to diseases, then we are fools if we continue to repeat the same issues which cause such danger to our most vulnerable communities. as more light as being shown demand action rather than just words from the politicians. and most importantly, demand accountability results and accept no excuses. i'm scared to you. thank you for watching this addition of 360 view. until next time. ah,
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the oh, there's no us strategic national security interest in you created all i would say there is no interest us interest in ukraine, whereas it very vital interest of the russian federation that ukraine be restored to a neutral buffer state separated for nato countries with
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ah, ah visa from michigan? yes ma'am. i have to say that russia is forced to suspend our involvement in the new start treaty. yeah. russia spends its participation in the start that nuclear weapons treaty with the u. s. but it's not abandoning the pack, and i've been coming from your equipment during his annual address to the russian parliament today. also had on the program. a new report from beijing liaison at 18 calls the perils of us had gemini. i take a picture of the lands, washington goes to achieve its vision of global democracy. also ad relations between russia and china. a rock solid, a senior chinese official gives a ringing endorsement to current.


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