tv News RT February 23, 2023 8:00am-8:30am EST
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gains of the future. a cyber contests with a physical dimension. one of the innovators, eager to study at all, is on the verge of redefining sports and gaming. he tells us what's behind this synergy and if it's the future a grades are made by the american made hi mars, rocky. it landed right in the yard of this musical college right in the center of the city of the next on the reports from the line of fire, as ukraine has done yet, residential areas with us supplied rockets along obsession with pushing ukraine towards nate. so to confront and russia, well, that's the admission coming from former years president, donald trump criticizing washington's policy. the us led invasion of iraq meet 20 year anniversary. we look at how the american architects of the war, but the neo conservative policies around the world. nigeria is tormented by doubts
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about foreign influence from former colonial powers ahead of the elections as the country continues to battle multiple crises with ally from our studio here in the russian cap. so you're watching our see international monies peter scott's here with the latest this thursday afternoon. thanks for joining us. we start with some breaking news this our 3 paramedics have been killed to after an ambulance was hit by ukrainian fi in the city of the next. that's according to local authorities. you added the shilling also for the life of a civilian woman and left the wounded. ukrainian troops hits residential areas of the next with your supply time was rockets, ortiz roman casa reports from the c. this is a crates are made by the american made. hi marse rocket. it landed right in the yard of this cit, musical college right in the center of the city of the nets. now,
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according to local authorities, there were at least still fight strikes against the city. now the air defense was working. now this is another greater made by this strike by a hi, i'm our scroggins, according to the investigators will work on the scene. now this is greater number 3 . now all around me are purely residential buildings. only civilians live here. there's not a sites always single military personnel. the reason why investigator said that hi mars ah multiple launch rocket systems made and i to states called hi mars were used is because of these remains. now, the typical yellow color is representative of the high mars rocket. now this is quite heavy. now had the moment strikes against a center of the city limits. ah, continue. we are yet to find out whether there were any casualties. but as you can see, there's quite a bit of a destruction not only here in the center of the nest,
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but on the outskirts of the city as well. we'll continue to him one. it's are the events as the day progresses. romano, catherine hearty, done. this group public will form u. s. president donald trump, who wants to return to the white house next year, a slum to washington. what he claimed was this support of the 2014 my don cru in ukraine trans, calling for shake up in the american government to get rid of the people that he says, a pushing for world war 3. for decades, we've. c had the very same people, such as victoria newland, and many others just like are obsessed with pushing ukraine toward nato. not to mention the state department support for uprisings in ukraine. these people have been seeking confrontation for a long time, much like the cation iraq and other parts of the world. and now we're teetering on the brink of world war 33 ality is it is exactly what
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a lot of americans are saying and wanting to hear. and the response to the obvious response in people's frustration here at the united states at the academy, billions to continue to go over there. meanwhile, were dealing with a real crisis here in the united states. the fact that the president of the united states would rather go to the border of another country and encourage a war rather than actually take care of his own people. i think this was an excellent moment, not only for a person running for president like donald trump, but more importantly for the people the united states to rally behind what is right and what is the right place for america. we putting their time in their effort and their resources right now, which is right here at home. trump once again start pushing everybody to make hard stances on topics that prior they've been able to wish wash apart. and trump is starting to hold their feet to the fire, which is what is trump does best, let's just see if it actually resonates with enough pressure to actually get the right thing done by those already still in office. donald jones comments on the war
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in iraq ignited by the us led invasion come just ahead of the 23 of one of the deadliest conflicts of the 21st century. at this hour, american and coalition forces are in the early stages of military operations to disarm iraq, to free its people. and to defend the world from gray with food medicine and fleet with among those held responsible for the iraq war neoconservatives whose ideology of
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supporting direct us military interventions. how much sway over the bush administration, ortiz cannibal pin dies deeper into their ideas. and the consequences. can you even imagine washington without the neocons running u. s. foreign policy, this crowd of war hawks who believe in spreading freedom by toppling governments has had the upper hand for decades. this school of foreign policy hard liners, has roots in the late cold war, the soviet ecology, academics who are obsessed with bringing down russia in the ninety's they took aim at a rock. the only acceptable strategy is one that eliminates the possibility that a rock will be able to use or threatened to use weapons of mass destruction in the near term. this means a willingness to undertake military action. as diplomacy is clearly failing in the long term, it means removing saddam hussein and his regime from power. they waited for the
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right moment after 911 george w bush was ready to play ball with them. a rock was destroyed for the sake of democracy, is the policy of the united states to seek and support the growth of democratic movements and institutions in every nation and culture, with the ultimate goal of ending tyranny in our world. ah, we can all see how well that turned out, yet some continued to defend neoconservative ideals. the problem with neoconservatism is agenda lies, not in that sense which are as american as apple pie, but rather in the over militarized means by which it has sought to accomplish them . obama picked up after bush and toppled the government of libya. the neocons screamed for blood, we shall the concerns of men in congress about dwayne, which their banner administration has conducted these operation. the problem is none that he has done too much, however, and that he has done too little to achieve the girl of removing cathy from power.
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united states should bulletin, in these efforts, no child behind our allies. the next target was serious. a belief that if you want get decent syria you can leave acetone. power. prominent u. s. economists, jeffrey sachs says that ukraine is the ultimate culmination of the neocon strategy . the warren ukraine is the culmination of a 30 year project of the american neoconservative movement. the biden administration is packed with the same neocons, who championed the u. s. wars of choice. and serbia, afghanistan, iraq, syria, and libya, and who did so much to provoke russia's invasion of ukraine. endless wars, country after country destroy. and where is all it is prosperity, freedom and democracy that's been promised. not once as the neoconservative agenda lived up to its supposed ideals. but despite the hard lessons and the u. s. public
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being overwhelmingly opposed to further interventions. the war hawk world view remains alive and well as ever. ale, marvin r t, near the us led invasion of iraq traits of many security challenges for the country, including the emergence of terrorist organization. the west fights against them destroyed a countless number of civilian lives with many homes hit during the strikes. one of the victims is abdulla kalil, who is still seeking justice for the destruction brought by the u. s. military will be as good as it on your bombs up and the house collapsed on us. we didn't know because we were inside our home and we didn't hear the bombing. as a result, i lost the hearing in my ear and my back and left headboard burned and my leg was amputated. ah, i am with
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any man. my iraqi civil defense forces didn't show up because the area had not been liberated at the time and had been under ices control for 5 days. so my leg injury got infected. i've got several burns all over my body and the neighbors were terrified, but they rushed to rescue us. they managed to pull us out of the rubble, but some men, women and children were not saved got. they transferred me to the hospital near my home, but the bleeding didn't stop and i couldn't sleep because of the severe pain medication wasn't available. then i said, i couldn't tolerate the pain in my leg anymore. so they took me to the city of air belgy doctors there told me that the inflammation had reached the bone and that amputation was the only way to go with my wife was slightly injured, but the children were in critical condition with numerous broken bones. thank god, they're alive ah,
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with the investigation determined that isis and placed a large amount of explosive material in a structure containing a significant number of civilians. neither coalition nor rocky forces knew that civilians were sheltered within the structure. by the if i buy after the injury and the commander of the north american forces called militia, he said that he regretted that serious mistake. adding that this happens in war inside the commander promised he would pay me a visit, which never happened. after that, they called you 3 times asking whether the iraqi government visited me or not. us troops showed their desire to financially compensate me for this mistake. however, as you know, compensation for war crimes and military airs goes on for years, you know. but as an iraqi citizen,
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i'd applied for compensation to the iraqi government. like all those affected so far, i have not received any some, even though i got the receipt for the the some is very low and does not cover the cost of my destroyed house. and furniture you may not believe it, but the sum is around $10200.00, which was estimated based on the size of the house. when what about the furniture and other community? how can i rebuild the house with this pittance? ah, ah ah, lets out with anybody can, is you should compensate the entire country. but what compensation can we talk about after they've completely destroyed the country, plundered its resources and wiped out its abundance. they promised people filthy richness and cars, saying they'll get what they wanted. but it was just false promises what they've
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achieved in the country is murder, destruction, and torture or disarm iraq, weapons of mass destruction, combat terrorism, and free the iraqi people. well, that was the mancha us politicians used to justify the invasion of the country back in 2003 on though iraqi nuclear scientists. how made a bali, it says the reports on the absence of weapons of mass destruction existed for they never reached george w bush's desk. bill edison was near the head of the international inspection. teams declared that he rock is free of weapons of mass destruction. they had destroyed all facilities, such as the move fontose facilities, wards, 11 and 43, which were earmarked for that purpose in the 1980s in 19 nineties. accordingly, he submitted a document stating that he rock was free of weapons of mass destruction. one loss of manufacturing nuclear weapons is not an easy task. it requires massive
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capacities and time. but let's put aside that topic for now in 1095, i spoke to dr. abdulla he'd also g, an inspector at the international atomic energy agency who was conducting inspection missions in japan, korea, and china in 1982 in 1987. he told me that he had met with one of the agencies inspectors in austria, who was tasked with operations in iraq. and that man said he reported to the agencies head. albert dye that he rocked does not contain weapons of mass destruction. that report could have been forwarded to the un security council. and as a result, the embargo on iraq would have been lifted, but our borrowed died declined. that is why albert pie was responsible for the embargo not having been lifted in 1096 according to my information. the war started based on 3 reports. the 1st report was related to a master's thesis on uranium enrichment which was theoretical and impractical. the
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2nd report was the testimony of a person. i cannot remember his name in the u. s. congress. i can't recall the 3rd report. the aforesaid reports were put on george w bush's desk. gala, based on those reports, bush decided that iraq had weapons of mass destruction and he waged a war. i'm not saying here that iraq was free of chemical and biological weapons. but in the 1990s, the inspection teams were tasked with eliminating them. i'm not ruling out, the likelihood of w m is being there, but that was prior to 2003. got it in 2002. the u. n's inspection teams released a report stating that he rock was free of w. m. d 's. they sealed the chemical weapons wards which became inaccessible, but there was a clear recognition by the un that those wards were safe and contained only chemical waste. with those words had raw materials capable of making chemical weapons. but they could have also been used for peaceful purposes. they pumped in
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sodium hydroxide, turning them into salts in 2002, all chemical or biological weapons were destroyed. and in 2003, almost all the nations of the world refuted the existence of weapons of mass destruction as a pretext for war. the war was a great catastrophe. it was not pertaining only to the u. s. it was a war involve in dozens of countries in 1991, a 120000 tons of bombs had a rack and almost the same amount were dropped on iraq in 2003. iraq witness. 3 wars in 199119992003. among those bonds, there were internationally prohibited weapons containing depleted uranium the which were used to penetrate fortified objects such as armoured, military vehicles and communications facilities. when the explosion occurs depleted, uranium is fragmented into precise parts, the travel through the air to adjacent places and all the residents there will be
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infected with radioactive and other toxic substances on it. and as a result, many people have developed various diseases such as cancer and suffered miscarriages. her birth defects, the intensity of the shelling was on basrah, baghdad, and other areas causing enormously significant effects. the 1st strike was in 1991 . now the effects might not appear immediately, but those who inhaled uranium dust of the time would inevitably be infected. the uranium dust might also seep into the ground. let me tell you some figures in 2002, a german or swiss company came to clear iraq of depleted uranium and their work lasted for years. eventually they released a document saying that these certain spots were not hazardous area seated. i unable as yet in 200120028 team of iraqi experts was formed in collaboration with monitoring entities to examine 80000000 square meters. we eventually,
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we found that a great amount of depleted uranium in several places led to many casualties yet and their children and grandchildren may also be affected. furthermore, the 25th golf tournament was scheduled for a few years ago, but traces of depleted uranium were one of the reasons why it was postponed if the bass row was noted by saudi t. v station in 2021. and i tell them about the team of experts that managed to clear basrah from all the objects contaminated with depleted uranium. and they were sent to safe areas as for the infected people. unfortunately, these infections will not disappear and may remain for decades and possibly generations to come. i believe that the 33 or 34 countries involved should take responsibility for all the iraqi casualties, as well as the delayed development due to these explosions that severely affected lives. especially in the agricultural sector, as uranium may have been transferred to crops and then to humans. yes,
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the u. s. and more than 30 other countries bear the responsibility for this destruction. we are exerting tremendous efforts to ready rock of the tragedies caused by those countries are real catastrophe, might have occurred. but thanks to god and the heroism of the iraqi youth who risked their lives in order to protect the rock and the rest of the nations. despite the dangers, but i also think that amid the great threat, the global warming has had on humans, plants and animals, the trend has shifted towards atomic energy nuclear power plants should be billed to replace fossil fuels. oil, gas and coal should be replaced with nuclear fuel. nuclear facilities must be protected, and i think the pertinent agreements are sufficient only if they are tiered to the 20 years after the us led invasion of iraq. washington's interference in the
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domestic issues of middle eastern countries appears to be continuing to run claims . the navy instead of bethel allegedly turning thousands of us made blades incentive for protesters in the persian gulf south. because federal because we discover the vessel with more than 5000 american made machetes and swords in bush province. and these weapons become sharp that the more blood they touch according to border officials along with machetes and swords. the vessel was also apparently carrying over $3000.00 other unspecified weapons that were supposed to end up in the hands of riots if i run provided no photographic evidence on washington is yet to comment. it has been gripped by violence. anti government protest in september when to it's to your must need died in police custody earlier around. supreme leader claimed the unrest in the country. it was orchestrated by washington. the deputy for the international affairs of surrounds municipality believes the washington is behind attempts to stabilize the country. it shows that how the
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americans are supporting formation of terrorist groups, or let's say, importing the terrorist group inside iran and bring the, the, the find that they are doing against you on inside the country to do the satellite, country and security. nothing is happening in other countries in the region without invoice, from the united states in washington, and the fact that on a sunday walk and they have established lots of military b as in different parts of the region. and the, the main opponent to that, i mean, you could probably go through on. so because of the are trying to fight against the me and government. they are a living in a union for the board. that's what they believe on what it is, not the truth. the war has changed and it was over there has totally changed
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in the news. but even putins laid flowers of the tomb of the unknown soldier outside the kremlin and an annual ceremony and the tomb and the eternal flame on as those who died during the 2nd world war. soviet union lost around 27000000 people in the war against germany and february 10th. it's got it in busher as a celebration of the country's military speaking in the ceremony. but him, if it's in said supporting soldiers is a state juicing. it's not in the they've got to say just a moment. i see very young guy standing here. 2 days ago i ended my address by saying that truth is on our site. but when i look at those young guys, i with them, i want to add the future is on our site, which the, the modernized, unaffected military forces are necessary to protect versus sovereignty. well, that was the message from the move to trinity congratulated ministry officers and veterans on defender of the fatherland day. the president also said that the country security is not be boosted by next gen weapon systems on day i. i wish only
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when you minute we will pay increased attention to strengthening our nuclear deterrent this year. the 1st launchers of the sar mart complex with an you have a miss out our entry in combat duty. we will continue the serial production of congest air based hypersonic complexes and begin the mass introduction of syria gone sea based hypersonic missiles, you must, you must pretend also mentioned that the countries navy will introduce a new nuclear armed soap. this year, the president added that russia's military were deploy a full compliments of modern, strategic weapons and delivery systems. and they also said that the country's army industry has ramped up production. so sure, the military has everything it needs to protect the nation from foreign threats. and finally, nigeria, which is africa's most populous nation on the biggest economy, is preparing for presidential elections this saturday. and here in our see where continued our special coverage of one of the constants, most significant political events this year. with
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over 93000000 people are registered for the upcoming votes with 18 candidates to choose from. the main 3 contenders are the former governor from the ruling party, bullet ahmed to new broo, the former vice president and leader of the people's democratic party at the cru becker on the youngest of then the former governor and nominee for the labor party pizza. obee is getting mass popularity among young people there. each of them represents a different region of the country and appeals to a different electorate. the choice of who to vote for is further complicated by concerns of a possible neo colonial, influenced by the u. k. on the elections, 3 of the candidates, as well as the electoral pyre, have visited the you, case, chats of house thing tank for consultations, and they claim to promote their candidacy to an insurance around the world. archie correspondence plume, david being small as deny, joined the policy gift he had up with citizens counting down to saturdays general
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election to shane a new precedence. the concert of where denied jurret is still being the colonized by the west has been tabled for precedence. mohammad, how he's a 1015 the sum of the present presidential candidates my jury and help with the patient. so this is just the house and cate to discuss campaign flags and promises rather than having the same conversation with the country. many have them at any to for us. they desire to be seen and heard across the globe. one to many. i was actually any to the fact that how my dress we have is iran tied to her mother. the united kingdom colonized some years ago as long as we continue to borrow money from i m s from the g 7 or the g
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20, whatever you want to call it. they will continue to have, you know, our bronze tied to them. so my job and electro law school, not me desperate ability. hence, experts have said speeches the outside shows of fine jewelry. i do not necessarily have an actual significant. however, so like you end up having to click the site because the chopping house saying it is a form of new colonialism, colonial moscow. britain has not let go of nigeria. well to have seen it that day. they have vain. 8 of brought on all manner of new colonial policies to control the political economy of gender. that of these a tough time. how's their platform been fired to us and, you know, get to the lead. does that kind of is almost compared to at pierre. dat. without quit you as soon as you know, a buddy, you know, start in all these is part of making sure that we seek val get the approval so that when you become president in, you know that they, they, they,
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they confront their approval on u. s. we've gotten the defendant since 1960 we really been truly independent. if arleada's find it more convenient to talk outside of the country. so people that begin speaking bog item, so beyond deferred that yes, it's an opportunity as of so you want to see what's really goose, what is, what are those on said pins that help one. i chatham mouse click it, so can studies that offers and well not to worry. for instance, if you didn't attend some of the beats and he went to chatham house, i need become niger as president. so yes, you don't want to go for house for 6 years. what is your cost, bruce a cheerio, what? oppose each i downstairs and shut off. i can put a stop because i'm house invitation jo in my june election year in says in the also asking, but yet be an end to the submission and supervision of my years. economy policies,
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planning and performance is by far in agencies, negative habit of politicians. harding, money overseas and soccer fields of medical tourism carried and the west by my job politicians pollute. david r c. apple chair. they can watch our coverage of the nigerian elections throughout the quinn days. hey, on asi international, and as always will keep you updated on all the latest news. ah ah ah with a
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us also william when you go to the office told to go over a closet is he will he will most likely get a one year similar award as wanted to still happen graphical for myself as a new enough with a couple moving them by full $31.00 a month for both my mom a fortune booster. as really condenser the key school for situation with me, the new school got cooper.
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