tv News RT February 23, 2023 11:00am-11:31am EST
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lose millions and millions or is business businesses good? and that is the reality of what we're facing, which is fashion. with this is a crate are made by the american made hi mars rocket. it landed right in the yard of this musical college right in the center of the city of the next ma, civilians are killed in the ukrainian shilling of danielle republic. we report from the scene of one of the latest attacks the us led invasion of iraq near this grim 20th anniversary. we investigate the legacy of the hawkish, neo con agenda that led to the conflict. nigeria is concerned about foreign influence from former colonial powers ahead of the upcoming elections, as the country continues to struggle with multiple crises with
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moscow to the world. this is our t international. my name is peter scott. and these, the top stories at 7 pm, moscow time for permit ex have being killed after ambulance was hit by ukrainian fi in the city of done yet. that's according to local authorities who added that the shelling also to the life of a woman and left another person wounded earlier ukrainian troops hit residential areas up the next with your supply, the high mas rockets, ortiz roman casa reports from the c. this is a crates are made by the american made. hi marcy rocket. it landed right in the yard of this musical college right in the center of the city of the nets canal. according to local authorities, there were at least still 5 strikes against the city. now the air defense was working. now this is another greater made by this strike by a hi, i'm our scroggins, according to the investigators will work on the scene. now this is greater number 3
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. now all around me are purely residential buildings. only civilians live here. there's not a sites always single military purse. now the reason why investigator said that hi mars ah multiple launch rocket systems made. and i to say it's called hi mars were used is because of these remains. now the typical yellow color is representative of the arm or socket. now this is quite heavy. now had the moment strikes against the center of the city, of the misc. ah, continue, we are yet to finds out whether there were any casualties. but as you can see, there's quite a bit of a destruction not only here in the center of the nest, but on the outskirts of the city has well, we'll continue to him one. it's our the events as the day progresses rahman cars ref, harty done escrow public the head of the 20th anniversary of one of the
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deadliest conflicts about time, the war in iraq. we continue our special coverage, bring you the stories on the voices of the man made disaster spots by the us led invasion that was built on a line. ah, while among those blamed for starting the iraq war, are us establishment neocons whose ideology of supporting direct military interventions, how much way over the bush administration of these kennimore pen investigates how the hawks in washington of influence the country's foreign policy for decades. and let's you multiple conflicts. can you even imagine washington without the neocons running u. s. foreign policy, this crowd of war hawks who believe in spreading freedom by toppling governments has had the upper hand for decades. this school of foreign policy hardliners has roots in the late cold war,
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the soviet itala g academics who were obsessed with bringing down russia in the ninety's. they took aim at iraq, the only acceptable strategies, one that eliminates the possibility that a rock will be able to use or threatened to use weapons of mass destruction in the near term. this means a willingness to undertake military action as diplomacy is clearly failing in the long term, it means removing saddam hussein and his regime from power. they waited for the right moment after 911 george w bush was ready to play ball with them. a rock was destroyed for the sake of democracy, is the policy of the united states to seek and support the growth of democratic movements and institutions in every nation and culture with the ultimate goal of ending tyranny in our world. ah, we can all see how well that turned out, yet some continued to defend neoconservative ideals. the problem with
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neoconservatism is agenda lies, not in that sense which are as american as apple pie, but rather in the over militarized means by which it has sought to accomplish them . obama picked up after bush and toppled the government of libya. the neocons screamed for blood, shall the concerns of manning congress to bow to wayne, which their pam administration has conducted these operation. the problem is none, but he has done too much, however, that he has done to little to achieve the girl of removing kodachi from power. united states should bulletin, in these efforts, not trailing behind our allies. the next target was serious. a belief that if you to get decent syria, you can leave acid and power. prominent us economists, jeffrey sachs, says that ukraine is the ultimate culmination of the neo cons strategy. the war in ukraine is the culmination of a 30 year project of the american neoconservative movement. the biden
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administration is packed with the same neocons, who championed the u. s. wars of choice. and serbia, afghanistan, iraq, syria, and libya, and who did so much to provoke russia's invasion of ukraine. endless wars, country after country destroyed. and where is all it is prosperity, freedom and democracy that's been promised? not once, as the neoconservative agenda lived up to its supposed ideals. but despite the hard lessons and the u. s. public being overwhelmingly opposed to further interventions . the war hawk world view remains alive and well as ever, ala marvin, archie, new york, the legacy of the us war in iraq is apparently still haunting the president who started it last year during the speech on russia's military intervention in ukraine . george w. bush called the invasion of iraq on, justified on brutal before realizing he meant to say, ukraine, the decision of one man to launch
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a holy are justified and brutal invasion of iraq. i mean, of ukraine erect anyway. 75. ah. let's discuss this with form of virginia states. republican senate, said richard bly. good evening, sir. richard, thanks for joining us for nights with you now. the audience had a good laugh. i'm sure you heard the clip there and on many times before bushes, freud didn't slip. and so did he. do you think that reaction was appropriate given the consequences of the war? yes, you well, the reaction was not, but the statement was what he originally said. the invasion of iraq was unprovoked. it was the violation of a nation sovereign borders. it was, it was intended to establish
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a neo colonial oil empire throughout the middle east. and, and it was on believably, brutal. we used a technique called shock and all which was basically the destruction of every facet of civilization necessary for people to survive. their electrical power, their water power, their hospitals, everything was destroyed. now almost 20 years on all these duties, special coverage of, of the legacy of the war. and what's your assessment of the results of the were any of the goals states by the us back in 2003 actually achieved. now the, the iraqi government is now a puppet government. iraq is now a colonial state of the united states, occupied militarily occupied by the united states, which operates out of this green zone. and then as far as
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who are the winners, the winners of the iraq war were the global oligarchs in new york city and london and the arms dealers. ironically, the american people did not win because all we ended up with was the debt and our and certainly the people of iraq statistics show that over a 1000000 iraqis have died several years ago, probably 4 years ago. they tallied up and we had dropped a quarter of a 1000000 bombs on iraq over a period of 30 years. this is a 30 year war, so it's gone on long. and so i was quite quite the figure that richard, do you expect any wants to be held accountable for a legit war crimes? there was that certainly talk of even bush himself been prosecuted as
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a war criminal after his comments of compensation restarted again after that gap that you may expect anyone to be held accountable. no one will. the prosecution for war crimes is victor's justice. whichever country winds and it's very difficult, no one is short of a thermonuclear war. no one will conquer the united states because we're 56000 miles away from, from all of the wars that were involved in. so now no one's going to be processing . now i know you've seen this briefly before, richard, i just wanted see what to pick up on. what joe biden said earlier this month when he was speaking to the iraqi prime minister, he'd be, affirmed washington, support for iraq and it's sovereignty and independence. how would you characterize relations and do you expect us involvement in iraq to continue for years and decades to come? the, the occupation of iraq will continue indefinitely. the,
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the green zone was established as sort of a hardened, commanding control center for iraq in the middle east. we will have a military occupation and control and dominance of iraq for the next 100 years while a whole century. that's, that's quite the thought mentioned now moving on from a legit war criminals being prosecuted to the victims of this war. now, washington studies settled a so called condolence payment system for civilians effects by the war. but apparently, back in 2019, the pentagon said that the only issue $24000.00 to date seems to show the figure is now. but do you think that washington is doing enough to support the survive as the families of this was he lost the relatives and houses. no, the state department doesn't care about the victims. they sometimes they'll do
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a little something simply to for public relations purposes. but there is no real interest in the, in the people who, who have died and suffering now moving from iraq to the war in ukraine. now, and do you think there are any parallels between what happened in iraq 20 years ago, and what's happening now in ukraine? well, in the sense that the war, the war in ukraine began when the central intelligence agency, under directions from the president approval from president brock obama staged a violent bloody coup. and over through the duly elected, legitimately elected president review crane president, you on a coverage they did that, they say force the government out, they put in place a revolutionary quinta,
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which then began the us began flooding advanced weapons to build up a very formidable ukranian army. and so i guess you could say in the sense that we, we over through iraq with military force coming in from across the globe to overthrow iraq. we have gone in and we have over their own ukraine with military force from the other side of the globe. and we were the source of both of these conflicts. and it's very unfortunate because the american people are not or not like this. it's just, it's the foreign policy establishment, which really is linkedin with all of these global oligarchs. what i call the boys from dogs who, who really seem to make world decisions, was staying with ukraine,
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but bringing george bush back into the equation. now he's praised the lens can even called him the winston churchill of our time, said that the landscape committed to liberty in his fighting for a good cause. now, as we said, the churchill did appear, it is siren suits in congress. during world war 2 and zelinski and his characteristic fatigues. do you think the comparison goes any further than what they were congress? well, i won't speak to churchill, but i will say that as lansky as it is a puppet. he does what he has told one he is told, and they, you know, the people who control him decided that if they put him in a green t shirt would look like a hero. so they, they had him were a green t shirt. this is a fellow who is a comedy actor and who, who was involved in some very, very cd banks, very moral things during his career during dances that were,
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were very disgraceful with a bunch of perverted man. and so he's, he is a creation of the media out a whole lot. he really didn't exist as, as i mean, flying until the media created an image. i haven't very much like a, like a play actor. and funny, which a bit before i let you go, i just want to ask you one last question the, the 1000000 dollar question is, what's your take on how the conflicts in ukraine will be resolved? do you think that russia security concerns will be part of any future deal? i think russia security will inevitably have to be a part of any resolution the, the pattern for peace in ukraine is what happened during the cold war with austria, 959. austria was basically made
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a neutral demilitarised country by both the warsaw pact and nato. and it was glorious for the people of austria. i was there during the cold war. it was a nice thing everywhere else was bristling with factions and jets. and here was a place of peace and prosperity enjoy. we need to, we need guarantees that nato will get out of ukraine and stay out of there or reach a black form of virginia state republican sentences. thanks very much for your time and for sharing your thoughts today on those complex topics. this is just part of our ongoing coverage of the war in iraq on the mistake, the through the oil rich country into tails, while increasing instability across the middle east. so do stay tuned as we continue looking back at the us led invasion of the next couple of months for even more exclusive content do head over. it's all web sites oxy dot com
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the my g area, which is africa's most populous nation on biggest economies preparing for presidential elections this saturday until nazi we continue in our special coverage, one of the constants, most significant political events this year over 93000000 people are registered for the upcoming votes with 18 candidates to choose from the 3 main consent as are the former governor from the ruling party buller ahmed, to new boot, the former vice president and leader of the peoples democratic party article above becca, and the youngest of them the former governor nominee of the labor party pizza obi who is gaining must popularity among young people there. each of them represents
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a different region of the country and appeals to a different electorate. now there are many challenges ahead for the future. nigerian leader with the countries immense debt crisis, been a major one of them. i'll see, contributor chris evans takes a closer look at the issues that the new president will have to face. nigeria, one of the most influential, largest african economies goes the paul is we came to a let a new president, but his this president, due to fail as an asian continues to grapple with an overwhelming debt crisis. nigeria debt is out of control with many experts and is know how to fix it even in the medium term under the current president, bihari. now g u is total debt. exploit is holden, 6 fold. talking 40 percent of the g, d p. not the greatest legacy to leave office with the highest met mass criticism in a failure to fulfill his promise is an economic policy says, assuming his office in 2050 ali, his tenure, nigeria is now spend
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a 100 percent of his economic outlet or servicing its debts, it's credit card is so fully loaded. it has no choice but to borrow law to pay the what the interest on it. he has not been great with economic principles and policies. we want people who have the ability to implement what they say, but how did nigeria end up here? one of the main reason is the obsession that bihari had with net 0 pushed by western had sustained by the powers tootie and other such initiative. nigeria, an oil rich nation, has committed. we're both the ambitious renewable energy strategy, right cost. in spite the currently nigeria can only service enough renewable energy to power dismal $3500.00 homes. that's all the only reason. nigeria isn't the toys for his lack of st. services without education, institutions, health care, or even adequate housing for its people. this is called the stagnation, even the decline in nigeria is that able to entered skill profession and thus
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generate real to have his tax revenues for the government coffers. the final reason is corruption. with government officials living in san oculus, but even the babylonians, with blush, it's hard to believe that they can afford to live in such a manner, giving their dwindling government salaries. we are deeply concerned with the lack of vigorous scrutiny and attention by the lawmakers in granting requests for loans without reflecting the provisions of the fiscal responsibility act and the greater implication of the nation's economic state. nigeria should not continue to look westwards, but to look east, russia and china have a vastly different investment strategy, investing in the real resources that nigeria desperately needs be that new routes, new hospitals, or well cross universities. a highly skilled nigeria will have a huge impact on africa is not the whole world the last spring in so far. so ceo of the global and the analytics consulting limited, and economist,
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thanks very much for joining us this evening. now nigeria is facing a no actually it's great. so you know that the countries facing quite a few crises at the moment, the, the, the cast crisis, the fuel crisis and security concerns as well in parts of the country. the next leader will certainly have. it's quite a few challenges. do you reckon they'll be able to tackle them? absolutely, i mean i'm going to come seen as well cut out actually. well, i think that i sometimes believe that we're on the corner. all right. we've seen the worst, and most people believe that whoever comes in nations going to do better than the incumbent for now. what we've seen in the last a p as the combination of the beat of incompetence. and of course, some, some tough luck, especially with the coming of colvin 19, which basically grounded the economy for about
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a year. we're just trying to plant out of that now. so under getting them because we still have very basic problems, education, water, electricity, basic stuff that i, whenever i think that the real solution is in my hands, knowing that they need to fix this problem themselves. today what do we have in is trying to punch solutions, bring in people from abroad, come and solve our problems. we never want it all metal. what is political engagement like among nigerians in general? your expect to see a high volts at an out in this election. perhaps a little bit better than what we had in 2019 when i also contested idea it's going to be a little bit better because of the angst in the land right now. however, we're still in that stage where i've described by my plot to and so critique when they, when they, when they argued about the preceding, the believe,
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the democracy walk in a society where people are constable. and because the, the idea of thinking about who to avoid choice, a very complex process wherever, when you have a huge poverty in the line and illiteracy, people are concerned with the basics about survival, better games. they're going to be voting on the basis of primitive concentration, like, like who's from my tribes from my religion. so i think the majority of the people who will vote will still vote along the lines of those basic considerations as against a very thorough analysis of goes good for us is going to take us to people, people for poor. sometimes they don't even know where they need to be, didn't and therefore we, you know, sometimes when do we do others democratic process? i just hoping that we can wing it and get someone into office who will take the country to where needs to get to what,
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what other people understand it or not. so what extent is security a problem that we do know that have been some attacks. some, some polling stations in nigeria, do you think this is going to deter people? right, and i think it's real in some regions. the security problem and i guess shifts from one place to the other. so like now i must tell you the issues and most of my dressing to come down to used to be a major issue 4 years ago of 670, if he has a goal in the last 6 months or so. we've a very less of around, a little bit less of what it called the time. did you know those ones are in the month of my career? but that's the important. anyway, so you gotta keep an eye on them. but where the real issues right now is in the southeast of the country where we've seen a few killings in the last few days. and i think that the people would really, really have to be brave, especially in the interest in the villages,
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whether he isn't as much police president and so on. i see that a very vulnerable just yet the big, big people, including the senatorial candidates, what killed a bond in their car, which is very resign. it must ask me, you know? so i think that somehow into effect the tunnel in those places. certainly great, very britain story indeed. now how do you think the result of this election will affect nigeria standing on the continent as a whole? do you think it's directional or stay. busy similar to what it is now, obviously been the africans, most populous nation on his biggest economy. i'm so the eyes of other african nations would also be waiting to see the outcome of these elections. i've seen that term. if you look at the that, i mean we talk about a 3 all race here. basically not really to us raise. i think the 2 old big parties been entrenched over time and i think one of them is going to produce the leader. and i think that no matter how that plays out nigeria time,
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then in the committee of africa, these are going to be better. the 2 gentlemen who are running on those 2 seem to be a bit more grounded politically. and i'd love to have a mind of their own, even the one link to the right kind of left of center who's also employee who's getting the attention of the field. the use of my area is not particularly very grounded politically and may not be able to plead your politics. are much more concerned about issues of cutting costs, reducing corruption, which are valid issues truly what leadership at that level is a little bit more complex than just looking at issues of corruption, putting constant. so on what the question you've asked is about your quality exam, how do we regain the we are, again, position as a country didn't go to control,
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you know, and then i'll do, we will play in the global community as well. who do we go away? for example, i just started out as a non line nation in the sixty's. when we bought, i dependence in china, we were moved to the right 10986. we took some economy positions, we actually created a whole lot more for people, but long and short, we've left too many people in the lunch named lots of poverty and so on. so we need, i think, getting the rightful position on the committee of mission will have a lot to do with also 691 internet problems. and sure we have leslie trades, people less poor people's. what we have is a real shift like they've had in china in india wasn't a real shoot. huh. you know, of the, of the come up to, to, to, to be more prosperous to increase our g, the fee to perhaps a trillion dollars barrel and so on. and so for then also the copy about income of our people and to can media also people out of poverty. autopay at fossil
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a ceo of global anal it takes consulting limited on economist. thank you very much . feel very comprehensive breakdown of those elections in nigeria. and i won't be surprised if we have you again on the channel as the results of those elections become clear. and sheets. yes. we can watch our coverage of the nigerian elections so the queen dazed her on our scenes national. and as always, that will keep you updated on old. the latest thanks very much for watching. ah ah ah,
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i am rick sanchez and i am here to plead with you whatever you do, you do not watch my new show. certainly why watch something that's so different. my little opinion that you won't get anywhere else. welcome at please. did you have the state department? the c i a weapons makers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations, to your fax for you. go ahead. i change and whatever you do, don't watch my show stay mainstream because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called direct impact, but again, you probably don't want to watch it because it might just changing the wing thing. the hello, i'm manila chan you are tuned into modus operandi. this week we'll head to central america where one country is resisting us pressure and going their own way in foreign policy. after a history of meddling from the american president,
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daniel ortega nicaragua stands his ground as the united states takes aim at their gold industry. we'll get you all the details straight ahead. all right, let's get into the lo, the me . the former us national security adviser, under donald trump, john bolton, called at the troika of tyranny, referring to cuba, venezuela and nicaragua. now for most of the 20th century, the u. s. has had frosty relations with cuba to say the least in the 21st century. the u. s. and a few of its allies anointed one, why doe, as their chosen president for venezuela, a move some 80 percent of the world rejected. and now the u. s. has its sites.
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