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tv   News  RT  February 23, 2023 1:00pm-1:30pm EST

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a sister salute, i see the student bosses don't. you. motivation says a a grades are made by the american made hi mars. rocky did landed right in the yard. all this musical college right in the center of the city of the next. i've more civilians are killed in the ukrainian shelling of russia don't. yes, we're public. we report from the scene of one of the latest with painting, sends a clear message to washington calling at the world's largest amanda, trying to say so you. where should we consider is policy of all mean frame warning that the weapons could end up on the black mark? a new us inflation reduction act reportedly threatens to you on british business is
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due to its overwhelming focus on green policy. does nigerians care up to elect the next president? the candidates faces new of challenges and the home rules we bring you special coverage. one of africans, most significant votes this year with 9 pm here in moscow. and this is the international with the very latest wells news update. it's very good to have your company now 3 paramedics have been killed off for an ambulance was hit by ukrainian fire and the city of don't. yes, that's according to local authorities. who did the shelling also took the life of a civilian woman and left another wounded. earlier ukrainian troops hit residential areas of don. yes, with us applied to hi mas rockets ortiz, were mom calls or of reports from the scene. this is
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a crates are made by the american made. hi marcy rocket. it landed right in the yard of this said musical college right in the center of the city of the nets canal . according to local authorities, there were at least still 5 strikes against the city and now the air defense was working. now this is another greater made by this strike by hall. i'm our scroggins, according to the investigators who worked on the see now this is greater number 3, now all around me are purely residential buildings. only civilians live here. there's not a sites always single military purse. now the reason why investigator said that hi mars multiple launch rocket systems made and i did. phase holheimer were used is because of these remains. now, the typical yellow color is representative of the harmless rocket. now this is quite heavy. now at the moment, strikes against the center of the city of the misc. ah, continue,
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we are yet to find out whether there were any casualties. but as you can see, there's quite a bit of for destruction, not only here in the center of the nest, but on the outskirts of the city as well. we'll continue to monitor the events as the day progresses. rahman cauthrin, harty done this group, public, the west, the intent to divide russia. that's what the country's defense minister has said. while addressing the military on the annual defender of the father lands day. he sounds like a short, gay describes the western fs era to day russia is once again in serious danger using ukraine. the collective west seeks to divide russia and to private of its independence. these attempts are doomed to fail. others we ma hungary has we estimates his coast of peace in ukraine and the ending of western arm supplies to key if speaking of the un general assembly hungary foreign minister
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of the while to we think its approach to the conflicts before it spirals out of control. we can save lives of the people by creating peace. and based on our experience, it became already pretty obvious that neither delivery of weapons, nor sanctions, those measures do not save life. to the contrary. they contribute to the prolongation and the risk of escalation of this war. and they bring more suffering . united nations have been crated to serve as a platform for dialogue, for those who even consider each other as enemies. therefore, we urge dogs between russia and the united states to be started as soon as possible in the framework of the united nations. we hung areas are living in central europe
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and we have understood very clearly the lesson of history. we all know that whenever there was a conflict between east and west, we in central europe, we have always lost. therefore, another major east to west conflict would definitely be against our national interest. complete generations in hungary have last decades from their lives because of the cold war. and we do not want to lose more. we do not want the world to be divided into blocks. again, instead of blocks, we want connectivity and cooperation. and we do not want these regional war to become a global them. hungary is not the only country warning of an escalation to the conflict in ukraine as paging is also said that the om washington signs the key of often end up in the wrong hands. weapons supplied by the u. s. to ukraine are often
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smuggled into the hands of criminal groups in europe and other regions. instead of creating new problems, washington should think about what good it can do for the world. concerns over deadly weapons ending up in the wrong hands were also previously raised by the u. nato. in july, last year, both organizations advocated for greater tracking of shipments to kiev in order to prevent black markets sales in europe, the e u. law enforcement agency. you are a poll warrants that the threats might be even higher once the conflict ends. you and officials also raise the issue quoting for more effective mom's control measures to be put in place. the u. s. policy of flooding arms into was this part of the problem is china has labeled america well, law just war monger, beijing out it that in all of us history, the nation is only enjoyed 2 decades of peace noting that washington has been responsible for 80 percent of the world's arms conflict since world war 2,
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including the us, lead nato strikes and former yugoslavia and $9909.00 on the long run in conflicts. and i'm going to storm and the rock, according to a professor at the paris school of technology on business, washington now wants to prolong the ukraine conflict. the u. s. in sell china is pouring weapons to the fun lion ukraine. the u. s. emitted it, and it was quite proud of it is that china has stressed that china's comprehensive cooperative partnership with russia is based on the basis of non alignment non computation and non targeting all 3rd parties. and is some meto window sovereignty of the 2 independent countries. i think right now is not in the us interest to make sure there will be serial smuggling of weapons to the other european countries or because they have to you know, maintain in now,
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you know, armed forces and the weapons are in the ukraine to prolong the wars against russia . so even though the u. s. my know that they will be unable to control the legal for weapons to other countries, but they are the that it has not in their interest. a new us inflation reduction act, reportedly threatens to ham pe you and british business due to his overwhelming focus on green policies. that as indonesia is taking steps to make its economy more resilient to shock, such as us inflation, according to its finance minister during a discussion regarding the bill didn't either sit facing with that inflation. they have to increase interest rate. they have to think those inflation. it has the implication in them of capital outflow, strengthening dollars. indonesia is creating more and more effort to increase. i've already said it and see the inflation reduction billings to drastically would do c
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u. s. carbon emissions by boosting green energy production support subsidies and tax credits for enterprises in order to build up green infrastructure, leaving many in the u. k. worried i for it's safe will effect on the world economy . the e. u is very worried and we're walking jointly with them on it. it is not just the you doing stuff and when not in the room, japan is worried south korea is worried. switzerland is worried. it is on shoring in a way that could actually create problems with a supply chain for everybody else. and that will not have the impact that it wants to have when it's looking at the economic challenge the china presents. so no, i don't think it's a good idea, not just because it's protectionist, but it's also creates a single point of failure in a different place. when actually what we want is di, bus vacation and strengthening of supply chains across the board. well, that's what happens when all of these friends of washington, but all their eggs in one basket. and that's also quite the list of
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u. s. allies who are quote, worried about washington's latest protection is, moves, or i mean haters of green initiatives because fines, inflation reduction act is basically protectionism. rotten, recyclable, carbon neutral, green packaging. so it's billed as having something for everyone on both the right and on the left. in america, but not so much if you're a foreign ally who figured that this globalization promoted by washington for years now was always going to be a 2 way street. so this new u. s. law incentivizes american consumers to buy american electric vehicles over those of allies. it also entices energy, starved european companies, now paying for more expensive gas coming from the u. s. than what they were paying before when it came from russia to just make the leap right across the pond and cut the middleman. and frankly, how much good from these new measures actually trickles down ultimately to the average american and their bottom line really does remain to be seen. but
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washington's ambassador to britain insist that it's a wonderful deal for absolutely everyone. one of the things i would say is there's going to be a huge amount of money for r and d. the technology is going to improve and it's going to be cheaper. the technology is going to be used by every one in the world. not just the us. oh honey, you don't need your own money in technology in independence. i'll sell you absolutely. everything you need sounds like such a great deal for washington. as for indonesia now saying that they're taking measures to offset the damage caused by washington's tinkering with inflation rates . they can't say that they were warned about the potential for washington to deregulate the global economy. and in particular, to make life difficult for developing countries. now indonesia is considered a newly developed and industrialized country, but still it's finance minister is now attributing its current economic difficulties to washington hiking interest rates and the shock waves that have resulted from that last fall,
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a un trade and development report sounded the alarm warning central banks of developed countries about raising interest rates and making life harder for the average citizen in those countries. last year, the international monetary fund also warned the u. s. federal reserve of a potential spill over impact of its actions on the rest of the world. it's a pretty strong argument for dietrie sing, dependence on washington and the whole monetary system. the value of currencies in a lot of developing countries has already plunged against the u. s. dollar, making imports more expensive wages remain the same. so that's a really bad deal for the average person. so whether we're talking about indonesia or britain or the european union, it's now pretty obvious the washington is just going to do what's best for washington, primarily, while flashing a friendly smile and giving a nice pat on the back to its pals. but that's about all they can really hope for.
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so you've got to ask what exactly washington's closest allies are waiting for, to ensure the protection of their own interests. first and foremost, rather than waiting around in the hope that washington might toss them a few crumbs of consideration after it does what's best for itself to africa now, where piracies, i enclosed its highs with the ivory coast of the neighboring bacchanal. faso showed french troops the door. the french defense minister visited the country's former colony olson owners hoped voir to pledge fresh military support due to continue. yeah. the army of the ivory coast is nothing like that of 10 years ago. and now it makes the ivory coast a country of stability, a country in which we can nurture and documents a common security agenda, and thus stabilizing the region foremost. basically, we will operate on 2 legs. one of those will be to provide human resources and training training the french army to bring more to its ivory and partners for yield
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. france has now officially entered his military mission and became a far so off to the country. it's government audit, paris, to withdraw its troops accusing them of failing to help fight islamists to, to hardest groups linked to al qaeda and his la mic state of been causing chaos. in the saw whole region, the violence has led to thousands of deaths on the displacements of millions of people, and marly nyja and burkina faso, while some locals, how they feel about the current situation. i'mma funny that really it pulled us a lot that the french army station next to us because whether it's the ivory coast or niger it's next door. because we are in the united states of africa. if the french army is next to us, it can never work. it bothers us a lot, but really we have no choice. we hope that diesel, socrates will become aware and will really turn that backs definitively on any imperialist dummy, be at france for any other man. we can take this decision of the ivory coast is
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a decision of treason. if the ivory coast did this, it is not an act to be price alone. it is an act to be rather band be. so if the ivory coast is for the presence of troops, there, it is as if it is trying a policy of hostility with kina fast. so some we are africans, we have to show solidarity. these are african valleys. we must be able to promote these values. so if the ivory coast is not in solidarity with an african country, there is a fundamental problem. so we need to show solidarity among africans. it could happen that the ivory and revolt since the crises began allison in his decisions with echo us, as well as the french and other authorities go against the real needs of burkina. faso. seeing that french soldiers are accosted in ivory coast does not surprise me . you see the french presence in africa days back to the colonial era of the 16 hundreds and more recent times, powers has conducted nearly 3. does the military emissions across the continent in
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2013 from saint louis to apparation, val would be stated, aim of 5. think islamist groups but felt carry out that gold operation ball k and came next is from expanded its military presence from molly to became a fall. so niger, china and mauritania, despite the presence of thousands of french troops, they were unable to suppress the terrorist threat. they'll fruitful operations box fierce criticism from africans both in paris to pull the plug in november last year . a journalist from the cane of foster told us that any further french military activity is unwelcome in africa. also got the ivory coast is this strategic ally of friends before independence. it had signed military agreements and all successive governments in ivory coast continued with this military policy except for president lauren backbone. they now have strong
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ties with friends, so it's political continuity with parents. this situation is different from other countries which do not have when you can amik wait that interests friends such as ivory coast. in any case, the african people, more precisely, the african youth are getting fed up with this french supervision, which has lasted too long. during the french presence there, the situation has continued without change. the people are still being attacked by terrorists. in fact, we believe that there is a certain complicity between this country which calls itself make friends, and those who attack us. so this is one of the factors that explains the anti french sentiments. secondly, we are at a time when other countries also need partnership with africa, government, which is a strategic continent to be more the us treasury secretary has wives in india. this is g 20 summit forum dedicated to the global economy. however,
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washington use the platform to take a bigger most good calling on world leaders to impose more sanctions in an effort to hubble rushes, military intervention in ukraine. well, through a significant headwinds, it's fair to say that the global economy isn't a better place today than many predicted just a few months ago. while by some measures, the russian economy has held up better than might initially have been expected. russia's now running its significant budget deficits. flight him the or is immoral war, his exacerbated distress or never food. just we spoke to a writer and geopolitical analysts to say, if it's an acceptable for the u. s. a pushes agenda on multilateral institutions that can be, will be recorded. thank you very
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much for taking but you should know what should be the one for everybody. that's why she was actually you should be should be doing that. it's ricky and are either you know what i'm not going to be, you know, actually i don't think i won't have an old dorothy begun the process of withdrawing from dozens of agreements signed between the nation and the post soviet commonwealth of independent states. that modem, this prime minister, has called for the removal of russian peace keeping forth, is from the breakaway republic of trans nice with moscow. later criticizing those
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remarks. we have to achieve one fundamental goal, demilitarization. everything else comes after that. it's important to integrate our citizens. they're politically and economically, but demilitarization comes 1st. it depends on many things, but at some point it will be done. we have quite tense relations with mal dove already. at the same time, the ma dove, and government seems to be making an emphasis on everything. anti russian falling into anti russian hysteria. such lack of a constructive approach will hardly help build over itself. and of course it harms our bilateral relations. transmit is a region where the population is comprised of ethnic russians, ukrainians, and mold opens and almost equal proportions. following it to here military conflicts between the local government and separatists in 992. moscow mediators aided in brokering a page still under the agreement,
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russian forces remains that to provide security to military objects. some people from a trans denise does show their views on the call from kids now and others will do it when that should not happen. we live normally here we have a normal army and a normal government. i heard that moldova is demanding the withdrawal of russian troops and demilitarization in short to disarm us and then do whatever they want with us. look, as it is public, i mean, every republic has the right to protect itself. so i think everything should remain as it is. i would not like the russian troops to withdraw because they defend our interests. scare civil and i have a negative opinion towards demilitarization because 1st of all, these are troops, they protect us. i would not like it if russian troops left, because when they came here order and peace was established. if they leave, it's going to be the opposite. that typically don't have his former president ego dawn has that slammed his country's policy. quoting on the nation to avoid d,
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stabilizing the situation in trans nisa. as monday, the face is political. 10 wireless thousands of poor, don't the streets, protesting against the government and high energy cost. we spoke to a political analyst his days, moldova went to a con russian trips with bro. is i'm this opposing the western jean cray. it's me, bush giving you here. she knew, i believe that moldova is now raising the issue, are such a sharp withdrawal of troops in order to show loyalty to the west and above all to ukraine. at the same time, she is now does not want military action intention to accompany the withdrawal of russian troops that shall government hopes that ukraine will not take any steps. but there is no hope for that. things are going very badly for the current government in moldova, that use the theme of war to show society that they're doing something useful with solving some serious problems. but they create these problems themselves. that's
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the way i think the government wants to keep its rating from falling by whipping up fear. but it was in south africa as little makers are expected to melinda downgrading the country's embassy and israel was being called the oppressive treatment of palestinians. that's also the african union. a block of 55 nations urged all of its members days to cut ties with israel. but they get a colonial power. member states should not recognize the illegal status that israel has established in the palestinian an air of territories, including east jerusalem, which perpetuates the system of colonialism in apartheid. we further request member states stand all direct and indirect trade, scientific and cultural exchanges with the state of israel. moreover, to take all measures to stop such dealings in accordance with the resolutions of united nations. the recommendation to sever relation follows the expulsion of an israeli diplomat from an african eugene assembly held early this week. a video
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circulating on social media shows security a school in the official loss of the chamber stating that jerusalem sent the wrong envoy is well condemned than the accusing south africa and jerry, a feeling a diplomatic spot. the african union said that it has suspended, as well as observe a status due to the incident which has been a topic of control versus since it was obtained in 2021. several african nations have long argued that they were not consulted prior to jerusalem's admittance. referring to the decision is shocking. according to science sa deck, a professor of political sociology. it says you ology of the american university in cairo, the african union. i'm to fight a games colonialism and cannot accept as well as policies member organization or someone despite the fact that the relationship with the organization has a particular purpose, which is fine, can realist,
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occupation. they haven't been supporting the statements for a long time. and the supposed to. ready steve solution and become not accept it, which is all the time, you know, a very important pull on members of the african union, a reduction of israel as an observer, and kind of which is a full time home up on tape. and so they look at what is happening as you know, and it's talk to them then the put it in the organization one at the same time. so i think it doesn't mind and by that time and relations, but the organization, this is sort of holding and i, jerry africa, most populous nation and biggest economy is preparing for presidential elections this saturday, he went all the way continue on special coverage of one of the constants, most significant elections this year
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and a $93000000.00 people are registered for the upcoming vote. with 18 candidates to choose from. the main 3 content is all the former governor from the ruling party bo lock my to new to the former vice president. our leader of the people's democratic party at t to abby becca, and the youngest of them, the former governor. i know many of the labor party pizza o b, he's getting mass popularity among young people. each of them represents a different region of the country and appeals to a different electorate. as my gerry and prepares, the cause the vote in general election, the issues of economy, corruption, and instability dominate the campaigns of political candidates. however, those are not the only problems in focuses. religion representation remains a priority for various ethnic groups across the country. ortiz correspondent brings
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is the story. presidential candidates are carrying out last campaign rallies, and the government is working hard to dots, to i's and cross the t's for free and fair election. as promised by presidents mohammed hurry, who's it's year tenure has come to an end. as a company to take and place the issue of religion, which has always been absorbed, used by politicians to get an advantage of a via opening is a topic of concern among the electorate. christianity and islam of the major religions in the country. muslims are located more north, while christians predominantly properly to the south before the disgusted with impunity. will sooner general what unity that if my people are there, if you are people from your village, either. if the people who are good, what it does, either they're to be easy for me to do to get for what they're getting. and that is where you now see the most lucy says did mostly mostly be christine was busy. must be christine, among the 18 presidential candidate, justly for my jewess,
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highest of east 30 least the pack. the baby piece i pick up a booker is a muslim and chose a christian if i knew cola, as he's drawn inmates liberal parties, peter will be, or is a christian big to use of data, a muslim as his running mate? an 8 bit bulletin, a book for isa, mostly, still selected a fella muslim because she said to me as a run in mates, cinnapool has been criticized for his muslim muslim tickets. and sub chris or religious leaders considered it's insensitive to nigeria. religious dynamics says nigeria so tend to democracy, it might and might, to might, religion has in flesh or takes up the reins of power. however, unlike elections of the past, the political awareness ignited among the electrodes, vizier is high. menissi, the challenges facing nigeria today has gone beyond religion. quality shots themselves are the ones who are dr. descent demands to be able to polarize the vote, so that there gets blocks of crystals will go blossom muslims if the government is
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working for the benefit of every which i think that there is a model that a like as and electrodes unless somebody else that i want to vote for and up as soon the christian, the christian person is on but doesn't carry that and doesn't carry that character put the with me more or wherever, maybe whatever rejoinder you are. or is that i'll go for the best buy that increased in what a it was them it. well gord decide will rule destination god in his infinite mercy should guy dos until course on the hope is that really just need us will preach peaks and tolerance. so the vote goes without incidence and doesn't fit in the state legitimacy and unity balloon day feed out. see up on which i want our car for a job. the nigerian elections throughout the coming days here on r t will keep you updated. were the old, the very latest news
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ah, at this hour, american and coalition forces are in the early stages of military operations to disarm iraq, to free its people. and to defend the world from great danger. with we will bring to the iraqi people, food and medicine and supplies and sleep with .


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