tv News RT February 23, 2023 3:00pm-3:31pm EST
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they quote with us, you will do it all good with feet long. all you simply want to computer through. are you doing ah, that's the rationale for the mission to make sure that you're a bit more senior keeps on. funneling supporting data over and keeps i'm falling arms into into what is, are clearly a proxy war against russia and an exclusive interview going on the grounds of renown to report, to see more hash breaks down the westbound charge. if the north stream pipeline, which you recently exposed in a bomb shell report that's being denied washington phone. so this, this is a grades are made by the american made hi marsh rocket. it landed right in the yard of this musical college right in the center of the city of jeanette's. most
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civilians are killed in the ukrainian shelling of russian thorn yet square public. we report from the scene of one of the latest attacks. last painting sends a clear message to washington calling at the world's largest war monger has china stays the u. s. should we consider a policy of bombing ukraine, pointing to the weapons that on the glass with 11 pm here in moscow. and this is dorothy international with the very latest world news updates good to have your company. now the us sabotaged the north stream. pipelines was aimed at cutting europe off from a full of affordable russian gas. that's according to pulitzer prize winning journalist seymour hersh, speaking exclusively, so often return and see on going on to ground. the people who did this thing were
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assigned to do it in the intelligence community, the operators, they initially thought it was a great idea. let's get a capacity and it was before we before russia was talking, but it was so late, 2021. let's go and find out if we can do it and buy within a few months. the white house clearly was sold. that was told the people doing it thought this was in a bad idea. they gave the white house some options to maybe bluff or convince a potent at the cost is going to be very high. and but then when the white house blew by talk publicly about this, within 3 weeks of the briefing, the information he got and victoria knew of both within a 3 week period in late january, early february of last year. both said publicly, well, we know we can stop it and let me be, let me, let me. so the news kind of is, if, if a we will stop the north she wanted and the president was asked after he said that by reporters, it's a fame. it's all on tape with on
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a nightly news report. so how will you do it? he said, let me tell you, we know how to do it. we can do it language like that. and at that point, the guys in the group were upset because it was supposed to be covert operation. and by the time they finally, they did their job, they made it possible they, they planted the bombs with 8 of the navy divers and. and then it just sat there. the bomb sat there for months was planted in june. but by wish, by so when, when the war look, you look like the ukrainians were doing ok by late september there was certainly evidence of a serious serious issue. there wasn't going to be a cakewalk for the ukrainians. like some people in the press route, at that point, the group that made it possible. understood that he did it for political purposes period is not going to help the war. and what it does, what he was doing it for was a prevent germany and western europe if case the winter came, prickly from opening up the pipeline, the german government had,
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they had done the sanction. they stopped the pipeline. but the german government, the right to open up the new one. and that was wanted by, that's the rational for the mission to make sure that europe and western europe keeps on. funneling supporting nato and keeps. i'm following arms into into what is clearly a proxy war against russia that's being fought right now. published on february the 8th reporter ledge. the pipeline to a mind by u. s. navy divers, back in june, last year. the journalist said washington youth nathan military drills to cover up the operation with assistance from norway. according to the report job bind, it made the decision off the 9 months of consultations with his security advisors. the report has been criticized by both washington on the e. u. with officials dismissing it a speculation and even fiction. seymour hersh phase biden's denial isn't surprising . as a mother, us presidents have been caught lying to the public for the sake of promoting a war. what happened in norway?
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the reason i wrote the piece of suck subsector going back to lyndon johnson. we all know that john's his premise for going expanding the war and getting congressional pro commitment to do whatever he wanted the war to same as the, the one that george bush got after 911 that led him to go to iraq. he could do what he wanted. he got a complete bill of goods rights brought in in a speech called the, the tonkin gulf resolution in the congress passed after us after johnson lied about what happened in the war. he invented a north vietnamese attack. he, a mcnamara conspired to change the intelligence. it's not, this is not new. it's been known. but i use, i'm, i was thinking of that in the context of johnson lied about something that led us into a war that killed 50000 americans and get this anywhere between one and 3000000 vietnamese . we don't now this, that's the way we deal with the, with these people have a different race, i guess, one to 3000000. and so here we have
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a president lying about a not telling the truth about something he authorized that did happen. and what's gonna happen now germany, i think the reason for it, i think in late september last year, it was clear that whatever we thought about ukraine winning, the war, standing up to the russians was going to be very unlikely which it is going to be very unlikely to spite which arena daily newspapers is not going well at all. so potent selling west in europe and the germans. i'm particularly the germans, that, well, we value. we're so worried that you might decide that the support is all away because you're getting oil from russia. they control the pipeline. as i said, the germans, he was worried they were dropped the sanctions as are taking the gas again. so what he did is, is he said to europe in wesley, well, you can't in a crunch. you know, we're going to let you be cold. it's not cold this year, but i will tell you right now, the real worries next winter from revelations, from the man who previously exposed us war crimes in vietnam and the rock. you can
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most the full interview with symbol hush on going on the ground right here on our see this saturday. the other news now 3. paramedics had been killed off to an ambulance was hit by ukrainian fire in the city of dawn. yes, that's according to local authorities who added the shelling also to the life of a civilian woman and left another wounded earlier ukrainian trip pitch residential areas have done yet with us applied high miles. rockets, tease women, calls or reports from the c. this is a crater made by the american made. hi marcy rocket. it landed right in the yard of this said musical college, right in the center of the city of the nets canal. according to local authorities, there were at least still fight strikes against the city. and now the air defense was working. now this is another greater made by this strike by i'm our scroggins,
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according to the investigators working on the see now this is greater number 3. now all around me are purely residential buildings. only civilians live here. there's not a sites always single military purse. now the reason why investigator said that high mars multiple launch rockets system made and i did phase call high mars were used is because of these remains. now the typical yellow color is a representative of the harmless rocket. now this is quite harry. now had the moment strikes against a center of the city of the misc. ah, continue, we are yet to finds out whether there were any casualties. but as you can see, there's quite a bit of destruction not only here in the center of the nest, but on the outskirts of the city as well, will continue to monitor the events as the day progresses. rahman cos rip, harty done this group, public the west intends to divide russia. that's what the country's defense
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minister has said while addressing the military on the annual defender of the father lands day. hey, sounds like a show like a describes. the western methods you're up to day. russia is once again in serious danger using ukraine. the collective west seeks to divide russia and to private of its independence. these attempts are doomed to fail. let me, la hungary has reiterated its cause for peace in ukraine and the ending of western arm supplies to keith. speaking of the un general assembly, hungary is foreign minister of the well to rethink its approach to the conflicts before his spirals out of control. we can save lives of the people by creating peace. and based on our experience, it became already pretty obvious that the neither delivery of weapons,
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nor sanctions, those measures do not save lives. to the contrary. they contribute to the prolongation and the risk of escalation of this war. and they bring more suffering . united nations have been crated to serve as a platform for dialogue, for those who even consider each other as enemies. therefore, we urge dogs between russia and the united states to be started as soon as possible in the framework of the united nations. we hungaria are living in central europe and we have understood very clearly the lesson of history. we all know that whenever there was a conflict between east and west, we in central europe, we have always lost. therefore, another major east to west conflict would definitely be against our national interest. complete generations in hungary have last decades from their lives
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because of the cold war. and we do not want to lose more. we do not want the world to be divided into blocks. again, instead of blocks, we want connectivity and cooperation. and we do not want these regional war to become a global them. hungary is not the only country warning of an escalation to the conflict in ukraine. as paging has also said that the washington sentence, the kids often end up in the wrong hands. weapons supplied by the u. s. to ukraine are often smuggled into the hands of criminal groups in europe and other regions. instead of creating new problems, washington should think about what good it can do for the world. concerns of a deadly weapons ending up in the wrong hands were also previously raised by the e. u. nato. and july, last year, both organizations advocated for greater tracking of om shipments to kick in order
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to prevent black markets sales in europe. the you law enforcement agency, you are paul wolf, that the threat to might be even higher. once the conflict ens, un officials also raised the issue, calling from all effective bombs control measures to be put in place. the u. s. policy are flooding alms into was those is part of the problem as china has labeled america, the world's largest war monger paging. i did that in all of us history. the nation has only enjoyed 2 decades of peace noting that washington has been responsible for 80 percent of the world's armed conflicts since world war 2, including the us, lead nato strikes and former yugoslavia in 1999 and the long running conflicts. and i'm going to start on the rock, according to a professor, the paris school of technology and business. washington now wants to prolong the ukraine conflicts the us itself, china is pouring weapons to the fun lie in ukraine. the u. s. emitted it,
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and it was quite proud of it is that china has stressed that china's comprehensive collaborative partnership with russia. it's page on the basis of knowing alignment on computation and non targeting of 3rd parties. and it's a matter which does sovereignty of the 2 independent countries. i think right now is not in the us interest to make sure. busy there will be 0 smuggling of weapons to the other european countries or because they have to you know, maintain enough, you know, from forces and the weapons are in the ukraine. ready to prolong the wars against russia. so even though the us might know that they will be unable to control the leak of weapons to other countries, but they are not in their interest. joins
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naval exercises. the underway in south africa, together with russia and china. the drills of june, criticism from the us and in europe, ian allies, which ones or other countries to stop cooperating with moscow. but south africa has made it clear that it doesn't take orders from the west as our team could lakehoma . so me reports 350 members of the south african defense force anticipated in the tri, national naval exercise between south africa, the host, russia, and china, south africa has on countless occasions say that this particular exercise is to further strengthen the existing strong ties between itself, russia and china, it is mostly to develop relations between china and south of the russian. admiral gosh, golf is one of the participating ships in the drill and is equipped with the new mach 9 hypersonic, vertical muscles which travel its speeds of 9 times that of light and hit targets
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within 1000 kilometer range. this exercise is not new to these 3 nations. as in 2019 a joint drill between them involved a warship from each nation and as well as several surveys and feuding ships. while the south african defense ministry has emphasized that the country has the right to conduct to foreign relations in line with its national interest, many continued to criticize south africa's move to host the try nation's naval exercise. especially with moscow involved in the current conflict with a whole that the lives of government, the for thursday has expressed on how to approach told the situation. and
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in the growing relations where the political or economic between south africa, russia and china, will certainly be a continuous form for the whist. with some worrying that it could lead to a shift and the geopolitical balance of power in the region. however, the improved relations in south africa, russia and china so far have led to increased trade between the 3 countries, which has resulted in increased investment opportunities and the creation of jobs as well as improved security on some african shores that hm. so me for r t, richard space of africa. as the un security council meeting to discuss the ukraine crisis, rushes envoy has accused the west of escalating the conflict at the expense of the rest of the world. game europe is case studies we're seeing events in european capitals and institutions focused on how best to dismember and destroy our country
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. it was russia on the eve of the ukrainian crisis, which consistently proposed to the west to sign agreements on mutual security guarantees. and all of them were arrogantly rejected as a result of the world is now teetering on the brink of a suicidal conflict, which the u. together with the rest of the west is moving towards by stepping up arms supplies to the cave regime and increasing its involvement. it is claimed that nato and the you will use all political, economic and military means in the interests of their 1000000000 citizens with the rest of the world is seen as a hostile environment. that must be reformatted with these very tools here was worries to me while the us has looking to rochester, the pressure on russia as washington proposed to announce a new round of sanctions one year since the start of the ukraine conflict. the white house is also planning to target chinese businesses with economic restrictions as the u. s. accuses badging of helping moscow by pass western
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sanctions. we will also be putting other constraints on entities, chinese based on the chinese subs of entities in europe, which we think are active innovating sanctions. so we are watching very, very carefully. and this is not something that can be done under the carpet while china professes to be neutral. but it's not discussing with the radio host on political commentator, steve gail many thanks for joining us. other programs get to see tonight. what victoria newland claim. the chinese companies working with russia, putting paintings neutrality and the question, well, i think it's interesting because you've got the, by the administration bringing more and more countries into the arming and ukraine attacking russia side. they're even talking about japan and other supposedly neutral countries getting involved on the side of the lindsey in ukraine. so i don't think that the u. s. really has much to complain about if,
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if china engages as well, but this really gets back to the incompetence and the ineptitude of the bible ministration. they have taken russia and china, both of whom were competitors, and turned russia into an adversary and are trying to do the same thing with china . it's no surprise that china would lean towards russia when the u. s. is causing them to become an adversary rather than just a competitor. you know, the enemy of my enemy is my friend and unfortunately the by did ministration seems to be trying to grow more enemies around the world. just a day before noon made this statement, the musk tweeted that no one is pushing for this war harder than she is. what do you think her real motives are and to what extent is her approach shed by the rest of the us government's? i don't think her approach is shared by all of the u. s. government. unfortunately, it's the direction of the biden administration. you're getting more and more members of the us congress on the republican side, demanding accountability,
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demanding transparency of where the nearly 200000000000 dollars that has been given to ukraine so far has actually gone. and the, the democrats in the, in the congress divided ministration, had balked at basically showing any receipts of where the money's gone. you had a report earlier in the show that the question of where all these arms end up, whether they're getting into the black market. i think those are legitimate concern and there is still no significant tracking of where the arms or the money is going . i think it's also interesting that you're reporter on the ground. and the nasa reporting that missiles are striking the civilian areas in that russian held territory. i suspect that he looked around, he's not going to see any other western reporters embedded on that side. so in the west, the only story we get is when a, a missile or when a drone strike kid in or near a civilian area. but there is no recording of the ukrainian missiles hitting civilian areas, causing civilian damage on the, on the genetic guide. and so the, i think the, the one sided reporting,
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the one sided agenda of the by did ministration, is pushing us towards a world war world war that nobody other than perhaps the bite administration really wants to recognize is looming. and yeah, it's close to us is increasingly giving china besides being more and more open about calling china at the red j a political competitor. do you think that i can, asians as support within russia right now, could potentially be used as an excuse by washington to target beijing also i think they're going to be looking at more sanctions against beijing and chinese companies . the same way that they did with russia, but let's look at how those sanctions have worked. russia has made a ton of money. thanks to the oil sanctions that allowed russian oil to be sold in countries. the, the sake of actually improved the financial standing of rush. it's not a rush at all. and sadly, i think the same kind of misguided sanctions on china will do the same thing. not only pushing china and russia together,
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but also enriching china at the expense of us taxpayers. newland, interestingly enough, also planned that the previous us sanctions packages want to successful as washington hopes. like, like you say. so if sanctions on the actually working venue, why did they keep sticking with though? you know, unfortunately the, the by did ministration has a policy of, if something's not working, let's double down on it. and we've seen that in domestic policy, our energy policy, securing our border, you know, basically everything the by the ministration does seems to double down on bad policies that aren't working. so it's not surprising that they would do the same thing with respect to ukraine. the unfortunate thing is, while they're bad policies here, hurt people economically caused loss of life with their bad policing and security in our cities, policies. but when we're talking about war, we're talking about massive casualties, civilian casualties, military losses. and again,
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they seem completely oblivious to what they're actually doing. we've been speaking to radio host on political commentator, steve go many, thanks for talking to us this evening. really appreciate your time. thank you. thanks. thank you. ok. now moving to nigeria, africa is most populous nation and biggest economy, which is gearing up for presidential elections this saturday here. and i'll say we're bringing you our special coverage of one of the constants most significant votes this year. 93000000 people are registered for the upcoming vote. with 18 candidates to choose from. the 3 main contenders or the former governor from the ruling party bo lark met to new booth. the former vice president and leader of the people as democratic party at e to abby becca, and the youngest of them,
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the former governor and nominee of the labor party, peter obee, who's gaining mass popularity among young people. each of them represents a different region of the country and appeals to a different electorate. or there are many challenges ahead for the future. nigerian leader with the country is immense. a debt crisis being a major one. r t contributor chris ems takes a closer look at the issues the new president's will have to face nigeria. one of the most influential, largest african economies, goes the polish. we can't, we're let a new president. but is this president due to fail? as an asian continues to grapple with an overwhelming debt crisis, nigeria debt is out of control with many experts same as know how to fix it, even in the medium term under the current president, bihari nigeria is total debt exploited to hold a 6 fold talking 40 percent of the g d p. not the greatest legacy to leave office
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with the highest met mass criticism in the failure to fulfill his promise is an economic policy. since assuming his office in 2050 ali, his tenure, nigeria is now spending a 100 percent of his economic outlet on servicing. its debts is critical, is so fully loaded, it has no choice but to borrow off to paying the whopping interest on it. who has not been great with economic principles and policies. we want people who have the ability to implement what they say, but how did nigeria and not here? one of the main reason is the obsession that bihari had with net 0 pushed by western had sustained by the powers toothy and other such initiative nigeria an oil rich nation as committed to a bossy, ambitious renewable energy strategy at right cost. in spite the currently nigeria can only service enough renewable energy to power dismal $3500.00 homes. that's not the only reason. nigeria is natoya for his lack of st services without educational
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institutions, health care, or even adequate housing for its people. this is called the stagnation, even the decline in nigeria that are able to entered skill profession and thus generate wheels have tax revenues for the government coffers. the final reason is corruption. with government officials living in such opulence that even the babylonians, with blush, it's hard to believe that they can afford to live in such a manner, giving their dwindling government salaries. we are deeply concerned with the lack of vigorous scrutiny and attention by the lawmakers in granting requests for loans without reflecting the provisions of the fiscal responsibility act and the greater implication of the nation's economic state. nigeria should not continue to look westward, but to the east, russia and china have a bossy, different investment strategy, investing in the real resources that nigeria desperately needs be that new routes, new hospitals, or well cross universities. a highly skilled nigeria will have
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a huge impact on africa. if not the whole world. we are debt right now is about 35 percent of our g, d p. m. not such a free law when you look at our country that to the repeat levels. however, we're not generating enough revenue, so i think um, yes, that's where the corruption comes in. well, not only corruption, i think is the structural problem with the economy. the fragment, a lot of the money that should be due to government. what are you talking about? taxes, duties, rates, fees, fines or what have you end up in people's pocket. so in the pocket of dance able to generate the income that we can do bigger budgets and then if wave and borrowing any hospital, it's a specific developmental areas. i think a fundamental problem about conception of neil where the economy supposed to be heading, what we need is better heads to run the economy. we can get more of a neil in which and do the larger, but they took a wrong, bigger expend, be shot with and korea, which on which i'm to run the infrastructure and the economy will take off. so we
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haven't actually started now many factors the determine how nigerians choose their political candidates. religion is known to be among the nazi corresponded police, david dells, deeper into the topic. presidential candidates, are we now to law campaign rallies, and the government is working hard to dot the i's and cross the t's play a free and fair election. as promised by president mohammed able harry was. it's year tenure has come to an end. as a company that they can place the. ringback issue from egypt, which has always been approved by politician to get an advantage of a via opening is a topic of concern among the electorate. christianity and islam of the major religions in the country. muslims are located more in north, while kristen's predominantly properly to the south people just soon with impunity . wilson loads and opportunities that even might be boy there. if you're people from your village, either you'll do people where good attempt was either there to be easy for me to do
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to get for a what they're getting. and that is where you now see the most looms. the assistant did or the mostly be krista, more busy, must be kristin among the 18 presidential candidate. justly for my jewess, highest of his 3 leech, the pack, the beauty piece i took up a booker is a muslim and chose a christian. if i knew poor as he's drawn inmates liberal party, peter will be for is a question picked use of data, a muslim as his running mate? an 8 bit his bulletin about what is the mostly seal selected a felon was membership share to matt as a run in mates syllable has been criticized for his muslim muslim tickets. a sub chris or religious need is considered it insensitive to nigeria. religious dynamics says nigeria, who tend to democracy, enlighten might, to 9 religion has in flesh holds up the reins of power. however, unlike elections of the past, the political awareness ignited among the electro with these here is high menissi. the challenges facing nigeria today has gone beyond religion. politicians
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themselves are the ones we're dr. descent demands to be able to polarize the vote, so that there gets blocks of crystals will go blossom muslims if the government is working for the benefit of every would. i think that there's a model that a like as and electrodes unless somebody that out but i want to vote for and the past in the christian. but the christian person doesn't matter. doesn't carry that and doesn't carry that character. but the muslim or wherever may be, whatever rejoinder you are, carries that, i'll go for the best buy that increased him. what a muslim, who about god decide will rule destination god in his infinite mercy should go dos unto course. aright. the hope is that really just need us will preach peace and tolerance, so the vote goes off without incidence. and doesn't fit in the state legitimacy and unity. balloon day feed out the aperture white, our coverage of an idea and elections throughout the coming days. here in our t.
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