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tv   The 360 View  RT  February 23, 2023 11:30pm-12:01am EST

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addition of $360.00 to you, we're going to ask this a new meal option, is a hollywood fad or an attempt to push a new global agenda on the population. let's get started. oh. intimacy the a human conception of insects is nothing new as the coronary art has been around for decades now, globally, more than a 2000000000 people already eat insects primarily in asia, latin american africa. however, recently the cuisine has found new popularity. as environmentalists are encouraging the eating of insects all to lighten the environmental footprint. and those environmentally conscious diners say is more about the science as insects generate more bio mass with less input. now for example, crickets are actually 12 times more efficient at converting a feed into edible weight than cows. of the hope would be with
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a 1000000 more people choosing d protein and nutrient rich insects. c, o 2 emissions would be greatly impacted. but not only are bugs serving as a great source of protein, but also revenue as market predictors are predicting the value of the edible insect industry to be almost $9600000000.00 by 2030. so to see what all the buzz is about, we go to our international correspondent roxane: solano. many cold cures eating a variety of insects is part of their diet. in asia box are invading streets. food markets in thailand. them from cricket soup to warm, you can get fried batter or salt with peppers. edible bucks are crawling into popular nice cap snack. during the last big arrival of cicadas in america, the as the had put out a warning to tell people to stop eating cicadas if they have
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a sale piece. allergy high and restaurants were getting creative to figure out a way how to turn these rare sightings into creepy, curly culinary delights. now build gates and big names in hollywood are pushing to eat bugs as a way to prevent climate change. what is this political motivation enough to make this trend mainstream in countries who don't normally have such a high appetite for iraq? and it's, of course, if you could convince an entirely new part of the population to ingest in 6, there would be a market to make money. so is the next place. bill gates is looking to score big box with box amazon. now sales bag bugs from 0 to run to last to dark chocolate crickets. and don't forget the jungle trail mix with a delicate mix of scorpion spoon. and beetles to ca, call your fancy. the argument is bugs are high in protein and could replace the
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high intake a beef chicken and pork which critics against eating these meats, say, racing. these animals exciting to pollution, time magazine even came out with an article, pushing the blogs as a sustainable healthy alternative to meet. while many countries do have box as part of their diet, it is usually a seasonal snack, harvesting them or forming them. good, of course, lead down the same slippery slope us with fees or chickens. and of course you will have people begin to say, even eating bugs. is he humane? so, scotty, would you try eating the leases? no traces bugs on purpose, roxana. i mean, i have to say, you know, you travel to other countries, you do get to explore different foods, france as cargo. we've had the debate here within the studio. does asperger count
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as bugs kind of, but when it's dipped in butter and garlic anything tastes good. i don't know, but on purpose seeking it out, i think it's different if you're going to cases a delicatessen versus if it's something being pushed on you because there's no other options. so actually when i was writing some packets for you, i remember i have a little sit back in my closet full of not full, but let's say like 10 and as a snack. and i remember my sister in columbia, she went to a region call center and then it's a state and their date. you know, you can buy us a snack, but these are special and i never. 2 had the hard to try them and they were in my closet for 10 years and i actually called my sister yesterday. and so do you remember when you gave me those and, and just like, yeah, was there the other day and they still sell them. so this is something that is imbedded in their culture and like i said,
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is special and their coal or media school loaners which is big but they're bought are very big and that's like the juicy parts of the, of the ends. it sounds like a song i once heard and we will go into alara's and i once again, it's all about the culture on that side of it. and i think that's what's interesting about this. yes, various cultures have, but i would just like to remark, i'm going to be very careful of whatever dish you bring to the company. chris as well, like they are salted, salted and fried, so they do take their altered pride. big but aunts, correct. you heard it here 1st fact, check it is true. yes, roxana, that explains so much about the personality that sometimes that you bring this newsroom tribe in. i guarantee there delicious. thank you for that enlightening story. so is this something that you can and should take a bite of what? ask her 1st guess a just a fina crony, a broadcast journalist,
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an immediate trainer out of kenya. thank you so much for joining us. josephine. hi . how are you? so nice to be in. oh it's so good to have you on. you know this is an interesting subject. one that you know you have to have a good stomach for because in the west into moffatt veggie is the ability to eat in facts. it's actually becoming very trendy as a way to help and sustain the planet. do you actually think this is a reasonable way to help the fight against so called a climate change? well, interesting in africa bags, or insects eating a is something from the very old days and in different communities i talking about to my country where i come from bad to come on in sake so bad that i've been eaten for years by most communities in kenya, and in the neighboring countries i'm,
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those are tom. mike's tom my. it's just close out of the ground at the 2nd period, most times in the month of august and september of every year they come out of the antioch. ah, just like that. nobody knows when they come out, but when they do, they do during the season and that they request for most homes that 10 people will it, them with some of the food and they are very delicious. so they have very good protein . that white and very nice, i am and food that people really enjoy for the short period that they spring out of the big, big grounds. another insect before i've been eating for years in the past on low costs, but a low cost. so when they show up, they are very distracting,
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unlike that might start my so i have no destruction but low cost destructive and in the past he has in the alley patterns 19, but he's on. this is very significant for me. my mother was born in 1932 and the her name is from when the low cost came and ravaged the whole country that is like $90.00 as i will. she's 90 this year. i had them have 2nd them comes from that. when did they, you know, when the low cost came, when she tells you how 2nd ma'am, anybody knows when say, oh, that is leo when they look us in vending in a big way. so look us. i also eaten that delicacy ban were dried up and, and really roasted them, eaten with their, at the food. but look, us are not very common actually until recently during the year of colby does look,
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us again showed up in east africa that very destructive, when they really cut down plants like seasons, you know, on leaves. they can see any leaves standing. so those are also a delicacy. they are eaten by the common ones are that, that might sweet normally come out. and when it's lamely and sometimes event during the dry season, and this once a big delicacy for more staying right. and people will leave in the western battles . kenya, what's not, everybody's not bate, and they don't eat them in the whole of the country. but in communities that come from the west, some battles kenya was interesting that you mentioned this has happened. come in and out throughout time cove. when the locust came back. do you think that climate change is actually having an effect on the insect communion when they're coming or they see me less frequently from when even you are younger? what has happened over the years and again these, these i related even to,
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to wild mushrooms growing up when the lab was not till death. you know, when the lab was more or not so much before i started and everything, there was so many food products that came out naturally out of the ground. even mushrooms, we have traditional muscles which are kind of disappeared. this based and even the storm, my son told in the past there was a common common phenomena. but with time, as people continued telling the land and under destroying them, they will cease them. they until they have kept reducing over about a period of time. so that diminishing day by day, probably by the destruction of the environment. but this is, i believe cassie eve, it shows up under the timing bass or people really enjoyed for the short period bow
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. why am let me use that? what they're not slammed that? we don't, some insects, they just come out when they, they, they do so that it's just natural, you just wait for them. they come when they come, you roast them and eat them and wait for another time. it will. and as a thing, it is, you know, how mainstream is it, and it sounds like it's obviously been a part of the culture for generations. but is it one of the things that you can go to that you're to a restaurant and get as is something in the house is, is something in vending machines are these easily available to all different groups of, of kenyans, all the different that have availability to it or is it just for those? maybe that it's a delicatessen. if you go to a restaurant, well um you cannot determine when they will come out from. i mean, in the countryside, especially when the season for the time my, its happens, it's known. but this is the season when they're more time, it's coming out of the ground. i don't know what to wishes them to come out during
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that period, but probably it's because it's doing the plowing season. but bad the sobbed from that environment. they also show up duty really seasons in some instances. but again, like i said, they can't tell eating, that mites is not everywhere. it's in certain communities while we ship them over the years. some people cannot stand, flying insects can't stand eating insects. so it has to be something that and you've grown up with that you are community as appreciated over the years. i'm do appreciate them. i come from the west and battles kenya and i do east on mice, but i have read a friends and colleagues will come from central carrying out all from is them. kenny had become not imagine that you can meet insects. so this is all about how you are grown up, how you've seen this insights on the appreciated ben man. none, but he has the can be a good delicacy. so it's not every waste destiny,
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some parts of the country. what seems like this trend is actually being pushed specially over in the west to western countries. and do you think there is almost too much of a cultural revolution, revulsion to overcome even if certain celebrities start getting involved in pushing these bugs? do you think that will have an influence to expand people who would consider bugs as a part of their diet? oh, maybe maybe maybe it maybe don't know about probably. yeah. and that's the question. is there anything when you look at foods of the west? i think so many times people exist within their own little sphere or they think that you know, that might not seem appealing to them, but is their foods. when you look out at the rest of the world that they eat, that you're going, that's a little crazy for you to taste. it's kind of a weird that you would actually do that. is there anything from other west or visit kenyans? look out and go. why in the world would you eat that?
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mm. it depends. it depends on, on different people and how they look at that. because again, this is about an individual label and how you think on field about things. well, it's not really specific to anybody's just about choices. i'm how people want to, to look on this, i'm out. they want to handle me well, and we all know that regardless if you're hungry, you'll take whatever option is regardless for sure if it wasn't available to you readily before. thank you so much josephine chronic for joining us from kenya. oh, would you please stay tuned? when we come back? we're going to continue our conversation with our guest on the phenomenon of eating . but see you shortly. huh. ah,
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look forward to talking to you all. that technology should work for people. a robot must obey the orders given by human beings, except where such order that conflict with the 1st law show your identification. we should be very careful about artificial intelligence and the point obviously is to grapes trust or rather than fear i would like to take on various shabury with artificial intelligence, real summoning with a robot must protect his own existence with oh, nice canter. russian state will never, i've stayed on the north lansky the vest with 55
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when. okay, so i need to bargain speeding. when else calls with, we will van in the european union, the kremlin media machine, the state on russia for date, and c, r t spoke neck, given our video agency, roughly all band on youtube. with ah, or i think russia in the 21st century has taken several opportunities to try to see if there would be interested in the west to create new boundaries to create a new relationship. and as you mentioned,
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time and time and time again, it would get flatly rejected because we have sort of pushed russia into this corner, ideologically attitude, way to say you're the adversary. you're the, we may not be in a formal bipolar ideological cold war anymore. but we're not going to allow a new relationship to develop with with ah, welcome back. we're talking today about this and push it to eat. bugs are joining us again is josephine corranio bry, castro's and media trainer joining us from kenya. and it's been interesting to talk about obviously the different cultures and how this has been a part of their society and their, their delicatessen for
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a long time. so you mentioned that it was possibly a regional choice at certain parts of can eat at certain parts doubt. i understand that insects are used to control pest instead of insecticides in certain regions. is that true? i want to know, but while i noise that they say, so i've talked about bad at their foods, their food really. and i believe they have some value probably protein value or some maybe seasonal rod because them that be not appreciated or let me yes i'm, they have been handed down to generations. i'm bad and have been been really enjoy . know about period of time. you know, it's interesting to us and the reason why we're having this conversation right now is because it seems like, especially in the west and around the world that people are pushing insects and to be a part of a mini that hasn't traditionally been mainly because of this idea of food shortages that we're finding in countries around the world. what are you seeing in the
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grocery stores in kenya as all of your traditional food that avoids been there? are they still able to have access to? are you seeing a shortage, like many parts of the water seeing right now? oh, well, but the thing is that, um, every community of or every place people have their own kind of food or somebody even as a country we have, but i at t own foods that people in west them cannot. aud in central getting out in some kenya, or even not because their food types are different. but i appreciate the different types of food, depending on how big girl nobody. yes. what was available for them. for example, if you were leaving the coast of kenya, you're more likely to eat more rice and coconuts. you know, i live, you can maybe from the west them. but of course you are more likely to have amazed meal. and if you come from central battle and here you are more likely to have
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potentials, irish potatoes and that kind of food because that is the kind of food that walks in your region that grows in that region. and for people come from the dry lands, they do more meet the press release was the only food that they know and the food that walks in that area. so it's, it's all day last no really fixed food for some places. but depends on your background on your area. what walks, what gross, what days you are step when food is bananas, every it's potato. so it, it totally defies from one community to another, depending on what is available in your place. you know, it's interesting. this is also coming about unfortunately because of the climate and, and we talked about a little bit about man made climate change that's happening in your region based on killing of the farm lands. but it's climate change, really
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a topic that is being discussed in content in kenya and are, is this idea of eating different foods like insect different insects? part of a solution that you think is viable. i think for me every place, every, every community they adopt, what works for them coming. i happened to come from my region where we appreciate the termites, i can eat tonight, but other people from other areas may not appreciate them. it's just like the community from the lake region in kenya, they eat fish because they are, they are next to the lake of victoria, for example, that communities in central canyon cannot eat fish. they don't even know how to big fish bones. so this is really valid for one community to i'm at the, depending on your area what, what's for you, what have you grown up with?
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what do you appreciate? so these are who are lot of variety but to these openness to, to know what other people use us, food, i'm picking it up so it's i big i t i'm, it's open for you to choose choosing. that's an amazing thing because here in america, they're really trying to push and across the countries other countries in the west are trying to push this idea of replacing beef and for in chicken, with insects in your own homes, as it's already within your dietary, within your menu, do you see this to being a proper replacement for protein? in your family is equivalent to a b for chicken? is the infect substitution. what my new would be the difference? yes. because these insights are not formed. like i said they are, they are wild, they just pop up and disappear. really, you have no hold on them. so you can't be sure that you can substitute them with
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chicken or mate, best seasonal. they're just, i believe, cause it that pops up and leaves that will. so if these are weighed that this in say so best suck on insights that can be found. then of course they can be substitute so beef chicken in our setups. but as it was now, this time, my son look us impromptu, nobody knows when they would show up and nobody knows when they will be off again. we are not in control of them because you are not funding been. that is the difference. well, that's interesting that you mentioned that you're not farming there. do you think as this continue pushes to, to get away from me and she can, do you think is there any, is there a strong agricultural community that potentially could expand to include farm and how much is farmed? food, or even laboratory food? that credit labs? how much do kenyans except that food into their, their dinner plate? i said that might be natural. not much. not much. well,
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i think that's a part of the question is, is it going to be just as acceptable, something that's farmed, if they do have to eventually start forming these animal in farming. these insects will they be as accepted as something that came from nature. and is that something that kids are kenyans open to having processed food a on their table as much as they have over something that might have been naturally stated? well now what i attendance refi indigenous foods actually even for mega to bows apart from collab greens and kiss, which i normally deb and followed by by on the cabbage. probably the other beacon as there are vacant symbols that to communities believing by a local we child out of nutrition and we are not tom them
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noted that not to jim was let me use that. was that bell, dan? meek. so i think of for now these are little believe in regional foods in man, man, man in organic foods, in man, not shutting foods that tad don't have a lot of chemicals. and that is how we believe. but to been all population, i able to leave for that in all because they eat to indigenous forbes in beginning as vega tables. not so much and very vegetables that i've been planted in farms and i've been sprayed with the pesticides and all that. wow, well, thank you so much for doris, given our insight into how can, has already had insect within their diet. i'll be interesting to see if this continues to be a push from the west. it expand. thank you so much as having karate. thank you so much. so are you ready to ride at crickets to your casserole?
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hel, listen, i am all for trying new taste and i appreciate cultural cold air experiences. however, an animal with an agenda kind of turns my stomach. and while some say this is just the latest from conspiracy theorist who believe there is a secret to ball pushing insects onto the common mans plate, while a leaders like bill gates, george soros stockpile, more traditional foods for themselves. the fact that the un publish a study called edible insects, future prospects for food and feed security only as to the speculation. there is more to this recipe plus mainstream stores, like all the actually considering the sale of edible insects dealt with the cost of living crisis and green core members are hoping to use insect options to help cut food waste. all raise the question, why the set and push? now the fact we have our doubts to shows the lack of trust today society has in trends being exactly as they seem. maybe this is because it seems almost everything
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today has more than what has been made public and almost always has a hidden political agenda. however, with more than 2000 infect species worldwide deemed safe for consumption. and environmental as hollywood and chefs could be working together to make sure in the near future, you could have your cockroach and eat it on sky. now he is, and this is been your 36 of you. thanks for watching. ah huh. ah, ah .
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ah, what happens with digital games with actual physical sports? something like digital? yeah there's yes. because on is preparing to host the 1st ever gains of the future . a cyber contest with a physical dimension. one of the innovators, eager to study at all, is on the verge of redefining sports and gaming. he tells us what's behind this synergy and if it's the future the grain decoupling has finally occurred with russia suspending its participation in the new start arms control treaty. russia in the west have gone their own separate ways and in the process, arms control appears to be dead in the water. more troubling times i had
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november 22nd 2022 outraged orthodox christians confronted ukrainian security service offices, looking entrances and exits to keep the oldest monastery. they were looking for, alleged russian spies among the monks. we mean dealer seeming or on the reason for the brutal crackdown one church. his parishioners had song, a song about a long been recently enough to condemn any old jokes, christian attack in prison, and even kill them. russia, i show up on you to figure out how many miles or you in your store for slider. i knew your total thought. i shoot you a samuel send you a ball. i used to miss dog with
12:00 am
a ah, china has called on the west to stop abusing unilateral sanctions and do their share and v as the lading, the ukraine prices. st. dialogue and negotiation are the only viable solution to the conflict. india takes the floor at the un general assembly saying the interests of both russia and ukraine must be respected to achieve peace of rejects the possibility of speaking with moscow in an exclusive interview to going underground . renowned investigative journalist seymour hersh breaks down the u. s.


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