tv News RT February 25, 2023 6:00am-6:31am EST
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belief systems ology are removed, it was very impactful. when someone finally came along with no fear, no judgement, you heard my story did nothing to challenge it without a general elections kick off in nigeria, africa, most populous nation, and his biggest economy is set to the life of president vice president, unmanned as of parliament. also this hour the collective west must accept the fact that there are other players on the world arena. the security of the country should not be pursued at the expense of others. russia and china, slum the west for what they call, attempting to monopolize security at the expense of other nations. that's is the un security council most of the piece for ukraine the palestinian man is killed and at least 4 injured by the idea. i think clashes across the west bank,
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this tension between israel and palestine continued to escalate. that will be what the israel is doing now can only be described as a fascist occupation, which is acceptable by all standards with july from our headquarters here in moscow, you're watching r t international monies be just gotten here. the top stories this, our people are going to polls in nigeria to like the countries leader and parliament. hey, an artsy way bringing you a special coverage of one of the constance most significant political events. i don't to day, saturday africa's most populous country and his largest economist said solo to president vice president and members to its senate and house of representatives
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with cues already forming outside polling stations. are teas, corolla, toddler brings us more from nigeria is biggest city o ting. has indeed started in africa's most populous country. nigeria is finally taking to the pause to choose a new president, following the 2 successive terms of muhammad will harry and not every one is voting at the same time. some might open at different times, but indeed today is the day to choose the said presidential candidate as well as the senate. what we do know is that we have 3 candidates that are really vying for the top spot here. and they remain the most interested in now. and in this regard, we have a blessed at to know who, who is the, who is from the incumbents, party the all progressive congress does the party of miss double harry. he will be
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up against a man known as a to poo abaca. mister albert cow was a former vice president to orlando bas angel. and this was after the military rule that ended in 1999. 0, these kennedy's, of course, are up against the 3rd one. now this peter o, b is that he's the dub horse in this race. he was a nobody in terms of the presidential elections at least some 6 months ago. but now all of a sudden everybody's talking about the labor party embrace talking about tito, be particularly the youth when in today's elections, $95000000.00 votes is our expect to to make their voices heard. and the nation has prepared over 176000 police stations. across the country. now this year candidates will definitely have competition. this time 18 candidates are running for presidency alone with over 1000 candidates running 409 seats in the senate, and another 3000 dividing for 360 seats in the house of representatives. meanwhile,
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nigeria has been strengthening security measures as we closed one borders for the day of the polls. of a $400000.00 police, unload enforcement officers are on duty and showing the security of the presidential unparliamentary elections. an army of rapid response operations center has been established each of the countries 36 states for emergency military intervention, if necessary. many in the country are also concerned about foreign interference in the elections. ortiz pollute. david based on the details. more than 140000 national and international observers have been accredited by the countries electoral empire, i nic incumbents and outgoing precedents. mohammed harry and i know chapman mahmoud yackel, have issued a stern warning that one observe is a welcome to submit reports to electro permissions to highlight the strengths and weaknesses of the process. the must not interfere with the processes themselves. are ways to remind observers that that is on cornel conduct for election
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observation. you are by definition of us, do not interfere with the process or shall partisanship. in addition, international observers must be guided by the fact that the election is conducted by an in the federal republic of nigeria, whose sovereignty must be respected, mixed reactions appealed to governments one ins, i guess warren is a parent in the countries election. so panelists believe there is little to be afraid. interference is also really t dick who writes cats in view of the, of the program, depending on how they feel far beyond rights in this cuts in review, which is to dam does left to them. they can't come until the night you referenced on the candle. can i see who died? dickens removed the become the jets who has been elected by the people of nigeria,
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the british. i'm the u. s. us issue that i play street. that's is medley mindy that now, yes. of the country i about their own difference. usaa yuki is that they're interested in good elections credit relations. good governor, india for my poetry. so they divide, delight me, is very free between interference and concerns for whom are rights concerns for credit, where lucian's, globalization and the interdependency of nations has met global economy and power play us more interested in the niger elections. the international community has therefore been advised to adopt a positive role that reinforces the doctrine of respect for nigeria, internal affairs, which is void of preconceived notions. and but yes, as all want like it's a 1000000 people have that opposed to choose a new precedence on saturday. balloon day feed out. see
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a boy jack and can watch our coverage of the nigerian elections all day. hey, on oxy and of course we'll keep you updated on all of the latest has always here. in other news, russia accused the u. s. off fueling the crisis in ukraine fighting washington's interventions in other countries. comments came from the russian and void to the un speaking of the security council as the conflicts in ukraine drugs on into the 2nd year. to show you can for nothing. the us and it's nato allies have appropriated the right to interfere in any international issues. and the internal affairs of other states and ukraine is a clear example of this. western leaders deceived as before, and they want to keep doing that by putting the right needle talk spanned uncontrollably to an absolute level. well, since the end of the cold war,
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the u. s has conducted 251 military operations abroad, causing enormous damage to other countries. the collective west must accept the fact that there are other players on the world arena who have their own interest, and that it is necessary to coexist with them. and even cooperate on an equal basis with mutual respect. russia had the opportunity as a permanent member of the security council to come forward and talk about the truth of the matter. and we heard russian ambassador in a very thoroughly reviewed it in the selective nature of the us approach when it comes to things like human rights and concerns about deposed aggression. and that are on the bends, the, a pretty thoroughly the bomb, the claim being repeated by us leaders and their allies. and the security council meeting was essentially because of the anniversary of the case and operation. the various u. s. a line country ukraine were given
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a platform at the un security council to get speeches condemning rush using russia of atrocities, etc. however, china, also a permanent member of the security council took to the floor of the meeting. and when china spoke, they echoed much of what russia bad and in addition to that, they call for august word resolving the conflict to begin without precondition. here's what we heard from the chinese representatives, or you want to quote you out there can, i wouldn't use on some countries while stressing sovereignty and territorial integrity on the ukraine issue. are blatantly interfering in other countries internal affairs and undermining their sovereignty and territorial integrity. this reveals a double standard at full display. security is not an exclusive right enjoyed only by some countries. the security of a country should not be pursued at the expense of others, strengthening or even expanding military blocks, lonely, undermined regional security. russia, ukraine, and european countries are neighbors that cannot physically move away from each
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other to realize lasting peace in europe, the cold war mentality and block of confrontation must be abandoned shina recently put forward a scenario or a resolution of the conflict. trying to move toward an end to the conflict i. however, that scenario before it by the aging, was roundly rejected by the united states, the very same united states that is continually insisting that it's russia that is preventing negotiations from taking place. well meanwhile, the u. s. 60 of states has been ridiculed to utter saying that's big a countries shouldn't bully others versus foreign ministry spokesman replied with a sarcastic post reminding on cbe lincoln of his own truck freckled, viscerally. most americans don't like to see a big country bullying and other and they just feel it's wrong and want to do something about it. one country just can't attack its neighbor, they can try to seize its land by force, can try to erase it from the map. can't bully it,
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was it not to you asked that attack to rock or is a rock not a small enough country unless i'm mistaken. lincoln represents the usa and not some other country. so the secretary of state should at least know his own state's history. well, in iraq alone, up to 1400000 people died, you to the consequences of the u. s. invasion. according to one survey, the chinese for ministry spokespersons that on friday, the 37000000 people were displaced following us interventions in afghanistan, iraq, on syria. since the 2nd world war, washington has been militarily involved in conflicts in asia, latin america, yugoslavia, and throughout the middle east. almost all of washington's interventions were justified by defending democracy or fighting terrorism, of despite the fact that most of these conflicts lets you put your chaos on highest civilian casualties in the countries involved. medium political analysts line all photos. the current conflicts in ukraine is important to moscow because of the risk of us military involvement rights. it rushes doorstep. when you consider the fact
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that there are people who still understand, i think based in some kind of good spirit that we have to protect individuals from being bullied and being traversed and being manhandled by. i don't think they really understand. number one, the history and how history has shown that very frankly, we were doing this in the past in my generation, we remember vietnam. you can take the same argument. exactly. i still don't even know what iraq had to do in 911. we know, no, we're not even sure about half ganawe's dead. one day we were out of afghanistan like that. and nobody's talked about that. we're not even talking about libya anymore. we had to go in and we had to take care of libya because this man was an evil, terrible despotic. and what about libya who runs it? is it worse or better since we were involved? we don't know. this is not about being an apology for looking the other way. this
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is about the way to handle geopolitical reality today. what would we do? what would any country do if we switch the situation and all of a sudden we had china on the border, let's say of texas or canada is out of canada was china. it will be a completely different story. i don't understand how this message, how analogy is specifically, how history is it remembered? ah, south africa, russia and china are carrying out its joints. naval drills in the indian ocean off the coast of south africa vessels from the 3 navies have kicks off the are to face of the exercises that include a firing process. that's co maneuvering. uncounted sarah operations asi correspondence, annex ish jenko. thanks a closer look at how the x sizes have unfolded. joined naval exercises between russia, south african china,
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continued the shores of the indian ocean. the drills in both worships helicopters and platoons of marines, thought almost as anybody i do. i do not like marine corpse units are considered the elite of the navy in every country. they perform missions at sea, on land and in the air. by the way, we are now watching a marine courts training exercise to free a sheep, hijacked by pirates. one of the important steps in the exercise is to simulate the exercise on a map before a ship enters the open ocean. despite language differences, it's easy for the military to find waste exchange ideas and experiences. there was also a signing ceremony of the final protocols of the maritime exercise plan at preacher's bayport, them or this is ladonna is ago about the communication. despite a language barrier was quite easy because both the self african and chinese sites are great professionals who understand everything without any necessary woods. the basic knowledge of the english was enough to explain the details of the maneuvers and wish position. every shape should be in a different boyd's in time. the chinese delegation presented the participants of
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the naval exercises with books written by the renown chinese philosopher confucius, which spoke of friendship and good neighborliness day by saying this i am. it's shows that to us, strengthened in our friendship between the 3 countries, the russian representatives are playing the role of the commander in the exercise. and they've announced plans to hell, the 3rd set of drills with the participation of the brazilian navy. ah, you as president joe biden light about north street blasts? well, that's at least is according to the pulitzer prize winning journalist seymour hersh, speaking on her too often. so i shall return thee on archie is going on the ground . and this comes as u. s. house minority leader hakim jeffries was challenged by journalists, josie vega, about the nord stream sabotage allegations seeking to gloss over direct question on u. s. involvement in the sabotage the law maker was accused of putting american lives at risk. i want you to say something about the bombing,
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we're going to continue to stay with the ukrainian or again, we believe we need part a not native american journalist on activists. jose vega claims that the us along with the media military industrial complex, are the only back to us benefits in from the north stream pipeline sabotage. the united states had to do a desperate attempt to make sure that germany would continue to support the ukrainians and continued to walk hand in hand with the united states. i mean, you have to ask who benefits in the united states? the russians aren't going to blow up their own gas pipeline, right? the media is just as complicit in this as the military industrial complex is
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complicit in this. they are working hand in hand. and i think, you know, you can see that the germans have really no choice. their hands are tied behind their back, right. they have to rely on the us now. and this was only a grand geo political strategy to ensure. busy that and also as a reminder, that we have a color on the country of germany and it was the united states trying to make a state and saying, we can do whatever we want. and we will make sure this war continues to go on by any means necessary. pers broke the nod stream, subatomic story, and his reports, which was published on february the 8th. and the peace alleges that the pipelines were mind by us navy divers. the journalist claimed that washington news nato miniature drills as cover for the operation with assistance from norway. according to the report, joe, by the made the decision after 9 months of consultations with the security advisors, the claims have been denied by both washington and the you. with officials dismissing her,
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she's findings of speculation and fiction of more revelations from the man who previous exposed us war crimes in vietnam. and iraq will have the full interview with the marsh on going underground nazi this saturday and moving on. now a palestinian man died after being shot in the head by the idea of doing clashes in the west bank on friday. police use tig us on 5 shots. our protesters ah. 2 2 for palestinians were also injured as thousands marched in the west bank garza and east jerusalem blushes broke out with israeli forces after friday prayers. with the idea of saying, the van interrupted as the processor started throwing stones at police me while people in palestine called for peace and action against the atrocities they say, been committed against local murdock movies that are in now what israel is doing
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now can only be described as a fascist occupation, which is some acceptable by all standards, every one must realize that israel will be deterred only by the resistance on the ground and the imposition of sanction sonnet. heather oh well to day all palestinians have gathered to say to this occupation enough is enough. and to say to the israel settlers in hebron with you must leave and that what is happening in nablus is a heinous crime. all our people have to take to the streets to confirm this occupation. the latest protests come in response to israel's escalation of violence against palestinians, which includes a massacre in numbers. last wednesday was left 11 palestinians dead or nearly 110 others injured. sullivan said the deadly rate was carried out in order to arrest 3 fighters allegedly involved in early violence against israelis. well, according to statistics, released by the palestinian health ministry at south of $65.00 palestinians
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including 13 children have already been killed since the start of the year. the ministry has described this as the buddhist ever start of the year for the people of palestine. in decades i'll see, spoke to palestinian journalist mohammed nudge. if he says to the world, silence gives israel the green light, continued displacement and violence against palestinians that is in the past with a strike. when gaze, lighting government, let us smoke rich and vinegar via are becoming funny chart of the issue is appears they are charged with the liver. i said those bank of the, grabbing their less doing their homes in the area see a lot. some was, is that a little him? so the situation or he didn't for more, an escalation on the violence, especially with mark and i have a little from a gun month. where does it efficient would be increased more as we would this in the past year. there is no hair condemnation, a government at all. it's bob, it's a, can i get involved?
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a lot of seniors the war in ukraine is the theme of our documentary channels. very 1st film festival, which has just kates off in moscow. it features the work of independent filmmakers, as well as films from russia's main tv channels and nazi documentary ortiz. and when a call survey takes a look. this is where the 3 day event is taking place moscow's digital business hub . and up there we can see the theme for art sees very 1st documentary film festival, this special military operation at time for heroes, all about the people who have been affected by the conflict in ukraine, one way or another. well, let's go inside and have a look at what's on ultra ah, when sci fi films are being showcase and they are split into 5 categories. so we
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have the stories, for example, of medics and volunteers, poets and musicians. everyday people living in the don bask more correspondence, and of course the fighters themselves, some of whom actually shut up here. here slashed, or but given a brand new, i got all these i think in support. and such events take place sold to collect at last isn't able to rewrite history as a trying to do now. so the history books wouldn't lie and use covers by reporters like philadelphia, and other reports in the conflict zone will remain in history forever. ah, ah. volumes you looks at the brochure during the filming. we took the decision to make a film about our boys. from that vast act battalion grew up in this war. i have seen
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nothing in their lives but war when it started in 2014, they were just teens. hundreds of people have already showed up to watch these films, and most of the visitors said how important it is to show everyone what's really going on on the ground roster thrown along the touch to the bottom of our soul. smell crying round the whole sill. those emotions are just inexpressible. led them to pit we came to dispatch to build from you, returned doug. it's not a coincidence. we were determined to visit this event. we're glad to be here, and we're thankful to the festival hosts and 1st and foremost, dollars, soldiers, and where is that? that was your herschel bowers. i liked the films very much for showing the truth and telling the stories of the people there and cheering every one up. the ludicrous, a sentiment that was echoed by famous russian pranksters, lexus and von who sees a new prank call with europe's political elliots, split up a little sinner living story. soon we will release
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a sequel to our prank call and the whole story about the events of 20142015 in minsk agreement. so there will be something interesting for short. on we opened pandora's box when recalled gutter brush anchor. one of the signatories of the means congressman's who said that he needed them only to rearm the korean military . now we're trying to get a common from all the signatories of those agreements and it will in, ah, we can watch all the films from the festival on r t d dot r t dot come on one of the many social media platforms of oxy documentary or for more on any of those stories you've seen as well as all the latest updates r t dot com is your place to go. my name is peter scott, will be back at the top of the hour with all of today's top stories. thanks for watching. ah
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ah, in 1884, the german empire began its colonial invasion into namibia from the very start. berlin encouraged the white colonists to settle in south west africa and take away the best land from the local tribes. the germans were actively draining natural resources and using the local population as a cheap labor source. this was causing major protests and led to a rebellion. in 19 o 4, the hero and nama tribes rebelled against german colonial rule. kaiser wilhelm the 2nd was fully determined and ordered to suppress the rebellion with the utmost severity against the inhabitants of nam may be
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a germany through is 15000 well equipped army. all around the country. concentration camps were built in humane medical experiments over citizens were conducted within the period of 4 years. the germans killed up to 60000 people, among which there were 80 percent of the hero tribe, and 50 percent of the nama tribe. the events in south west africa are called the 1st genocide of the 20th century, and not without reason are compared to the holocaust. just 2 decades later, after the massacre in namibia hitler's assault unit put on the same brown colonial uniform which pushed the world into the chasm of the 2nd world war. ah, ah, who? watching it was a in
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a shaggy shorter went in. and i'm not trying to stay like a finance national z. m. no. let's just shy your dinner. when you buy, when you sit down with ah, need to come to the russian state will never be a coupe in the 55 with will ban in the european union. the kremlin. yup. machine. the state on to russia
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today and split the r t sport mckibbin our video agency roughly all band on youtube with . 2 o. 2 many national security whistleblowers here in the united states have had to defend ourselves against charges arising from the espionage act that punitive $917.00 law that was meant to protect the country from german saboteurs in the 1st world war. that's a bad situation. the espionage act carries a minimum sentence of 5 years in prison. most people convicted of espionage get between 10 and 20 years in prison. and in extreme cases,
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the espionage act carries with it the death penalty. but what does it look like when a country, in this case, the united kingdom tries to pass a law that's even tougher than the espionage act? i'm john kerry aku will find out in this episode of the whistleblowers. ah. 2 2 2 the united kingdom has long been known for its draconian use of espionage laws, not just to protect the country secrets, but to prevent the league of any governmental information, even if that information does not impact security. even if it's simply embarrasses the government, the you case official secrets act was passed into law in 1911. it outlawed making public any information that could in any way, quote aid or assist the enemy on quote. what that meant was open to broad interpretation. the official secrets act was updated many times over the years and
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again in 1989 not to reform it, but to make it even tougher than 989 version remove the public interest defense. thus making it impossible for a defendant to stand up in court and explain that what he or she released to the public was done in the public interest, such as reporting a crime that had been classified to keep it secret in the fall of 2022, the british parliament began consideration of yet another revision of the official secrets act. a new provision would make it illegal to be an undeclared foreign spy in the united kingdom, even if that undeclared spy was not carrying out any active espionage, was not working on behalf of a foreign state and posed no threat to the national security. in essence, the act would make illegal whatever activity the government wanted. we're going to talk about this in more with our guest mohammed. mossey mohammed is a u. k based free.
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