tv News RT February 28, 2023 4:00pm-4:31pm EST
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never wanted to exclude exclude russia from western pain from western economist, ah ah, the 2 main opposition parties in nigeria called to nullify the presidential elections saving their preliminary results star. i show that the voting process has been manipulated. also ahead on the popup, a large protest that wrapped in moldova, with dollars in taking to the streets to demand the resignation of the country. president, i'm day pro government for earlier with the u. s.
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secretary of state praises, washington humanitarian health for the people of yemen. this spike, it's all going all the supplies to the study that coalition that is bombing the war stricken countries. we hear from a red cross representative about the situation. today, video t in your mind is dad's 3030000000 people are doubling not only with an ongoing conflict with no clear resolution in view, but also crumbling, like an infrastructure. limited access to a just a few moments into a brand new day and month here in moscow, wednesday, march the 1st welcome to the our team. use our the 2 main opposition parties in nigeria are demanding the results of sunday's general election. be declared non ford. they allege voter fraud and africa,
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most populated nation branding, the whole process. a sho, r t corresponding carrasco letter takes up the story. always political parties, that is labor as well as the pdp, the peoples democratic party have both now simultaneously and in one joined press conference called for the cancellation of this election. this follows cause that have been made by both parties individually. since yesterday we saw the watching out of the boucher coalition center by boat political parties, labor as well as the peoples democratic party, claiming that they cannot, they cannot see the furnace or the freeness of this elections, particularly the fed transparency. now they have been protest that we have seen and heard of from, from where we are a lego city in school already, parts of the city as well as in acadia,
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which is the more affluent part of the city. and that is where we went to, to look at the, at some of the election materials that have been said to be destroyed, which was next to the apple of the state, which is the king of the state in that, if that part of the world and that's where you really get to see how the other half lives as it were. but we, we understand that not only have the election material being destroyed, but we understand that now that both will it to call parties are calling for the constellation of the entire thing. and largely that is seen as more than just the gripe by some of the locals that you're finding here on the streets of legal. they say that that they are worried that the margin of victory, even if it be a pdp or i labor party victory, that those margins continue to be narrow. while the margins of victory for the incumbency of the apc continues to be wired and wired and that suggested that there
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is some money violation when it comes to how these results have been said out. now that is only some of the issues. yes. the other issue, of course, is that which comes from the american government as it were. we've seen members of the national democratic institute as well as the international republican, is the truth, that both of the american political parties which have come to be represented here in the nigerian elections, alongside the politicians from either the house of representatives or the senate. but the interesting part is that we speak this invisible hand of the american government here and its interest in africa most populous election. and one only one does to which extend the american influence can really expand and get
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involved in this new elections. we are left with more questions than answers as to why the country that often accuses others of meddling in the political process of other countries. why it's finding itself more and more trace within the african democratic process as well as is peace negotiations. here on the continent that we have theme in what happened in the if the o p and piece process and just how much the american hand was involved in that. now we are left wondering, but the unity, when you watch nigerian television, you wonder as to the high level of american commentary that is often afforded space . you wonder on which level just are they afforded this phase and just how much they want to influence the machinations of what's going on here on the ground? well, on election, observe or to the weekends vote told us,
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credible results must be presented to the people. the election actually started very well before the election was a high percentage of deployment of duty edge. and everything was going on on a very when people started becoming on comfortable when most of the elections where concluded on it was time to actually import the direct coats on some of the, the videos and some of the big chose. i mean, it was very clear, it's practically clear, delaware alterations. what in my point in unit, in particular, you know, to the end, i have my results to this moment. what i can tell you, i don't have the access to what was posted on the result from my poorly unit. so i may not be able to tell you if there is not in my poll in unit was,
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or todd or not what, what it will be very, very disappointing. if i, the end of the day credit would result are not presented. well, it has been a big national turn night for nigeria is elections, and rti will make sure you don't miss any of the big developments from what is turning into as we heard a fractious ending to the vote owner on online. we've got you come through right. next to europe, where the demonstrators in moldova are out in force, protesting against the countries. probably you government formed earlier this month . oh, thousands on the streets there. monday the country's president maya. some do resign . lewis rallying also brought cardboard effigies of the leader which they ripped
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apart and stumped on to evidently express their frustration earlier. local authorities, unrestricted access to the area to try and prevent more demonstrators from entering this city center. with what it shows, the crowds marching in downtown kisha, now the nation's capital. the anti government rally brought together residents from several months, dove in cities. a local journalist briefly now takes us through what brought people out on to the streets for hours in winter. in the 150 scenario, we are in the center of chest. now we see tempers are rising as protesters demanding the government pay their utility bills. a marching on the city's main official building, the protests which began this past autumn have been gained strength since gas and electricity costs have skyrocketed over the winter. residents are angered by government policies. they say, have caused the economic problems. you believe a tremendous difference nowadays.
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how the u. s. state secretary house describe both washington on the west impact on resolving the yemen crisis. anthony blinking praise the funding being sent to the conflict stricken country. the monitoring crisis in yemen remains an issue where our collective action has made and can continue to make a tremendous difference. in 2022, the united states provided nearly $1100000000.00 and humanitarian assistance to yemen. the largest us contribution to the country since the conflict began. we encourage everyone, especially those in the region to join us in giving generously the international community, bussed to all we can to help and this war because for millions of families, our support is a matter of life or death. but money isn't the only thing. washington's been sending in connection with the human crisis. since the start of the conflict, almost a quarter of all us arms exports have gone to saudi arabia, which is leading a military operation against the any opposition forces. the why tell us reportedly
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blocked legislation that would help stop seals last year we discussed the issue with the executive director of the world beyond war movement, the yemen journalist as well. it's not fair to se the united states token upon the problems that humans are facing. the united states is a problem itself. they have been selling the weapons, including miss hahn's to, in saudi arabia and its allies in the region to pump the how many people me personally, in my neighborhood, has been bombed by a saudi arabia using american missiles. you can't even compare what has been paid to the many people during eighty's of all to what has been paid to the ukrainians during the conflict. we had only the clumps of what the westerns all pain to help other countries. this is a conflict that's been created and has been exacerbated and continued by the u. s.
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government, not just with a drone killings and not just with the weapons to saudi arabia, but also through u. s. participation in the war. candidate biden was going to end the war and the weapons supplies and treat saudi arabia as a parias 8. now it's now it's almost, you know, an act of betrayal to the democratic party to remember that as so, you know, we have a great deal to look for in terms of, of, of humanitarianism i and the united states is not the leading supplier of humanitarian aid to the world. despite the u. s. praising it's a to yemen, humanitarian organizations are sounding, be alarmed over what they say is the under funding of charity programs in the country. the u. n. has fallen short by were then half of its $4000000000.00 target for donations this year with humanitarian group slamming the shortfall as disgraceful. the international community to day showed it has abandoned yemen at
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this crucial cross roads with a mayor quarter of the amount needed to support the millions of yemenis here require urgent assistance. this is woefully inadequate and gives the signal that some humans a less valuable than others. the consequences of this disgraceful shortfall in 8 will undoubtedly be dire for the people of yemen. for 8 years, yemen has been suffering from a humanitarian crisis. true to the on going conflict. over 21000000 people are in dire need of humanitarian aid. according to international aid agencies of them. more than 2000000 children are on the brink of death suffering from acute malnutrition, while almost 18000000. emily's don't have access to safe drinking water. we spoke to the regional spokesperson for the international committee of the red cross who sees the situation in the country is worsening daily. a few months ago i visited yemen for the 1st time in my humanitarian career. and let me tell you that the
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imagery of, of human suffering i've seen there will haunt me for ever. this was not thing like i've seen before in my humanitarian career. i've seen families of 6 and more surviving daily on a too low, so breads are dipped in water and this was their diet that including other imagery that will, that the word should dirt should not ignore and look away from today. the reality in yemen is that 3030000000 people are struggling not only with an ongoing conflict with a nor clear resolution in view, but also crumbling vital infrastructure. limited access to all basic needs, including food, water, health, electricity, a very intense human economy. situation that is affecting the livelihood and every corner in yemen. a fun for sure to dress is not a situation that only the international red cross is flagging. this is
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a reality for all humanitarian actors, which makes the situation even extra dangerous. just to give you an example, 2021 pledge in a number for a m and age operation collectively reached only 50 percent to day 27 percent of it was reached. so it is a pattern that has been happening for the last few years and is impacting all humanitarian actors, pushing them to cut their programming to cut their activities. and the price is being paid by the millions of your money that really are relying today on these activities to be able to access the most basic of the, of the services, which means that more yamini swell, sleep, hungry to nights are 2 and more children will not be able to go to school. more women will not be able to deliver in, in hospitals or to access like suv in health care. this is the reality of 8 fonts
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shortages, a republican congressmen, a seeking for us military presence in syria to come to an end, not gay south introduce legislation called the war powers resolution, which if approved, would require president biden to withdraw all american forces from the middle eastern nation, that country they were never invited into congress has never authorized the use of military force in syria. the united states is not currently in the war with or against syria. so why are we conducting dangerous mills? reparations. their president biden must remove all us armed forces from syria. america 1st means actually putting the people of our country 1st, not the interests of the military. industrial complex. the u. s. entered syria in 2014, under the pretext of the feeding the law mix. they to risk with washington reportedly later switch course to a new mission country or runs expounding influence. the syrian government has also
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question the legal us presence in oil. red chair is violating the country's suffering political unless tell him, believes that proposed legislation would be a solid step towards ending us occupation of serial territory. i think the proposal that all of the guy very good thing. and if, if he was going to be, that would be very good thing for all the people that ended perplexed reflect, it kind of many understandings wasn't going to be happening because of that. and again, the patient to the magazine oil area in the meanwhile, there isn't any vote in the sense the tools
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and to pipe it's so i think what the guys doing, the very thing that he would be, texas was in his work. they said in parts of syria, and this is a work of the feeding all you guys are the sources and the even the green stuff that i set that up and that goes it very hot and need get the impact on the lives of millions of them. that matter of security and syria is very dangerous, and that can be made. i mean, why? because i'm out putting their house and there was a green area and they still part to see that a situation. and it had been very, very hard. why? because they are putting that has on the all you get everything out of the meeting
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and i don't seem that very important area for your life was that you might just just can't get on from any date. and there was, and it has a very important especially in the all the tracking knology inside united states. so why are they out here? i think my vision and this is the kind of robbie and i hope that this will be in the biden administration, throwing its weights behind a controversial mass surveillance program, which will come to an end this december if congress doesn't vote to extend it, not it permits let's just expand the government to spy on any non us citizen outside american borders, but at the same time allows the snooping and any communications between those targets and u. s. national with more and what kind of feature it's expected to have here. so our t scale up and the u. s. congress is being urged by the,
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by the ministration to renew this very controversial buying program, essentially enables the united states government to gather data without the traditional warrant brought that now it freight and back to 911. i was instituted into law in 2008. it is section 702 of the foreign intelligence surveillance act by them. and this program, when law enforcement official describe it, they really don't make any bones about what it's really all about. here's what they said. we all, religiously focused on serious threat such as the chinese government's efforts to spying us and steal our technology around the sanctions. evasions north korea's nuclear program and russia's invasion of ukraine. now the program, the essentially enables the f, b i and the national security agency to go to tech companies and acquire text
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messages, electronic data, emails, and other information. this would apply to google, microsoft meta, and other corporations, without the conditional warrant process and civil liberties. organizations have raised serious concerns about this and the right to privacy. now in 2013 after edward note reveal the nature of the program, the supreme court ultimately slapped down a lawsuit from civil liberties organization in response to concerns about the privacy of american. the court's refusal to hear this case shields one of the most far reaching government surveillance programs from meaningful judicial oversight. it has allowed, baseless claims of secrecy to prevail over the rule of law. if this law were not renewed, it would expire in the coming december. but in all likelihood, there is very little chance of it not being renewed. it appears that the buyer ministration is following the prompt administration,
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which was following the obama administration, which was following the bush administration. and continuing the pattern of encroaching on the privacy of americans and expanding the ability of the government to carry out surveillance and spying without much oversight. well as cross live nor to former ca analysts. and theo of the burg associates advisory firm, laura johnson, for more on the story. laurie, good to see you. a wide ranging surveillance program to say the least basically anywhere on the planet. what's its main goal to spy on americans? that simple. you know, the, this law that when it was passed, and this is not my opinion, i'm basing this upon my former business partner now retired, who was chief of international operations for d. e, a in the ninety's. and he told me, he said, we have all the authority, we need to actually intercept phone calls and spy on foreigners. what this law
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does is basically give the f, b i, and department of justice and the anybody else d e a, a back door despite on americans. and in fact, that's exactly what they did to donald trump. that's what they did to people on his team like george papa doubles. so it's been used against americans and it's a gross abuse. and yet they always try it out before and try to justify it. there's just a lie, a dam lie. is it surprising? all not last point florrie, but the u. s. government is openly talking about spying a non us citizens. well, yeah, i've, you know, anybody that has an intelligence organization. those intelligence organizations are supposed to, in theory, spy on foreigners, everybody does russia, does that england? does it germany, does it the united states? does it?
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israel does. so. that's like, that's like saying, oh my goodness, the dog is barking. yeah, that's what a dog does. so that it's not so much the spine on foreigners that they're admitting . and so they're using that as the justification of school have in place to structure that they can spy on americans without really having to follow the law. they can ignore the law as they have done. i mean it's, it's, it's not a matter of opinion any more with respect to the gross abuse by the f. b. i and the department of justice. do you have any di, congress will support the prolongation of the program, and is it, is it at all in the interest of, of us citizens? that's how it's, it's mantle to be. and certainly not in the interest of us citizens as far as protecting their constitutional rights. but i think there is a chance that the house of representatives will refuse to go along with us. the
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senate, of course, the go roll over like a fat dog, whatever his belly scratched, house of representatives could create, could stall a potentially but again, because they're using the argument. busy all you gotta watch out for the dangerous chinese in the north koreans and the russians and iran, you know, we've got to have it. well, we've got that authority to spy on all those countries already. we don't need section 7 o 2 in order to do that. they're just looking to streamline it so they can circumvent the constitution. laurie many, thanks for your thoughts on your time. say, laurie johnson, former seattle is live on the program. thank you. bye bye. now the pentagon is making certain information on u. s. involvement in ukraine. public. several defense officials have testified in the 1st open hearing on oversight of u. s. military equipment to ukraine. no official claimed there keeping a close eye on the money sent to key while also admitting the conflict could last
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another 3 years. i think we have had a lot of oversight on this effort from the very beginning right now. and i've asked this question. we are getting every single weapon system that we can to ukraine. there is not a decision being made about that might be ethical. a tori, can you tell us roughly how much money has been given total to the ukraine war effort since we began last year? well, it depends a little bit how you count it, but i believe it's over a 113000000000 approximately. i think the point from our matter of us policy is that the importance of getting after corruption in ukraine or anywhere else is at the top of our point of emphasis with ukrainian leaders. we're happy to say we can cross live to former us marine corps intelligence officer, next un weapons inspector, scott ritter for his takes call. hello. the hearing essentially opened with the term and claiming washington has had
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a great deal of oversight since the very beginning of the conflict. so it begs the question really, then why would it be necessary to conduct a public hearing on the matter of full year later? well, i mean, the fact matters and there's been no oversight 0 oversight by the united states to the $11315000000000.00 worth of assistance, not just military, but a financial was assistance to you train. i had to laugh when he said, you know, dealing with ukrainian corruption is at the top of the list notes at the bottom of the list. because if it was at the top of the list, you would never have given you train any money because you can't account for it. the fact of the matter is, there's little doubt that 6070 percent of the financial resources if united states provided ukraine has disappeared, is in getting to the intended target has been you know, sequestered by the innumerable corrupt hands that are reaching out to, to be padded by american dollars in, on the military side, you know, again,
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noticed the, the non answers. so you know, where we're investigating, we don't have an answer. if you've been on top of this, from the very beginning, you'd have an answer. there are no answers because we're not on the top of it. and the reason why we're not on the top of it is because we wouldn't be able to do this if the truth came out to the american people about how over $115000000000.00 of us taxpayer money has been squandered in ukraine. several committee members inquired about f. 16 fighter jets deliveries only to be told it would take more than a year in the best case scenario. why start? he think he is still pushing the matter in not case. i think the right now the zalinski government is desperate to to find any, you know, of straw to hang on to the, the ship is sinking and they know it. but they're trying to fool themselves by,
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you know, covering their defeat up with leper tanks. abrams tanks, bradley vehicles, and now in the final act of desperation, f. 16 fighters. but you know, even if the fighter aircraft could be provided, they wouldn't have a meaningful impact on the, on the battlefield. it's, it's ludicrous. and i'm glad to see the by demonstration isn't entertaining this nonsense. just the final thought on something else. the speaker said, they mentioned the u. s. is getting every possible weapon system it can to ukraine without considering whether or not it's escalate to which your view and that level of thought being put into making decisions on legal aid. i. it's ridiculous. oh, well, you know, early on there was talk about the managing escalation to be careful not to be seen as crossing russian red lines. right now we see a given the desperation on not just the zalinski area, but frankly,
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the united states and nato a to manage the impending defeat. i think it's, you know, the secretary general, a young stoughton berg indicated ukraine runs out of 155 millimeter artillery ammunition, sometime the summer. and there's nothing nato can do to replace it. and when that happens, it's game set match. it's all over. and everybody knows they acknowledged. so what they're doing right now, frederick political harder for, for their to say we've done everything we can to assist trainings in their, in their struggle. it's someone agreeing with your viewpoint there as well. i think scott's thanks very much for your time today. always good to hear you. if you it is something i'm sure we will return to scott ritter, former us marine corps intelligence offer. sorry, live on the program. well on is our lot for ny, from the r t newsroom. but keep close because next we're delving into the, our times strained a times beneficial relationship between the world war 2 allied leader. stay with us
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for that. it's right ahead. ah ah ah ah ah, churchhouse goal was to preserve the british empire. the united states wanted an open world there which american dollar could penetrate, which american trade would have access everywhere and to markets and to labor had 2 resources around the globe. so they had very different kinds of.
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