tv News RT February 28, 2023 6:00pm-6:31pm EST
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blue ah ah, the 2 main all position parties in nigeria, coal to nullify the presidential election stating that the preliminary results are shown on the the voting process as being manipulated. uganda south africa are set to strengthen by lateral cooperation. as the ugandan president calls for stronger treating relations between this states, and i'm confident in general during a visit to the country with the u. s. secretary of state praise is washington's humanitarian health for the people up again. and despite its own going on the
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supplies to the study led coalition up ball making the war stricken country. we hear from a red cross representative about the situation. today, the d i c. m. and is that 3013000000 people are struggling not to own me with an ongoing conflict with no clear resolution in view, but also cram, getting lots of infrastructure, get access to all the basic needs with broadcasting from our international new center in the russian capital. this is our team good to have your company today. the 2 main opposition parties in nigeria are demanding the results of somebody's general election. be declared nolan void. they allege voter fraud in africa, most populated nation branding, the whole process. r t correspondent, co rabo letter takes up the story,
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both political parties, that is labor, as well as the pdp, the people as democratic party have both now simultaneously and in one joined press conference called for the cancellation of this election. this follows cause that have been made by both parties individually. since yesterday we saw the watching out of the boucher coalition center by boat political parties, labor as well as the peoples democratic party, claiming that they cannot, they cannot see the furnace or the freeness of this elections, particularly the fed transparency. now they have been protests that we have seen and heard of from, from where we are a lego city in school. ready parts of the city as well as in acadia, which is the more affluent part of the city. and that is where we went to,
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to look at the, at some of the election materials that have been said to be destroyed, which was next to the apple of the state, which is the king of the state in that, if that part of the world and that's where you really get to see how the other half lives as it were. but we, we understand that not only have have the election material being destroyed, but we understand that now that both will it to call parties are calling for the cancellation of the entire thing. and largely that is seen as more than just the gripe by some of the locals that you're finding here on the streets of legal. they say that that they are worried that the margins of victory, even if it be a pdp or i labor party victory. that those margins continue to be narrow, while the margins of victory for the incumbency of the apc continues to be wired and wired. and that suggested that there is some money violation when it comes to
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how these results have been said out. now that is only some of the issues. yes, the other issue, of course, is that which comes from the american government as it were. we've seen members of the national democratic institute as well as the international republican, is the truth, that both of the american political parties which have come to be represented here in the nigerian elections, alongside the politicians from either the house of representatives or the senate. but the interesting part is that we have seen this invisible hand of the american government here and its interest in africa most populous election. and one only one does to which extend the american influence can really expand and get involved in this new elections. we are left with more questions than answers as to
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why the country that often accuses others of meddling in the political process of other countries. why it's finding itself more and more in trace within the african democratic process as well as is peace negotiations. here on the continent that we have theme in what happened in the if the o p and piece process and just how much the american hand was involved in that. now we are left wondering, but the unity, when you watch nigeria and television, you wonder as to the high level of american commentary that is often afforded space . you wonder on which level just are they afforded this phase and just how much they want to influence the machinations of what's going on here on the ground? well, we've been getting reaction friday the day to the results coming in, including from a high self representative candidate for the opposition people's democratic party,
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who said it must be accepted that some hopefully will win on some will lose. let me said is especially i snugly. i'm not in agreement, we cannot, it is 11 o'clock. so we so when so lose this election day we said fraud battle for walking out in us 24th time. we do still need, you know, we have an issue about with the when we're, when we're less october, we don't watch it on the market before we are we the election. we act who live by to los sits under the equity without really national, where i would, the president lost the from states who really we are going to national, we had been like just the largest economy because the biggest, it was loss. we bought t good news when i got a new principal,
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but so to me my, my, this is lashawn use at least before the semester. i did, and we, we got, we got to go do go from there. well, it's been a big national a termite for nigeria. elections on our tea will make sure you don't miss any of the big developments from last turning into a fractious ending to the vote on their on line. we've got you covered with meanwhile, uganda and south africa are set to strengthen by last row, twice the ugandan president's trip to africa. the most developed economy began on tuesday with a cold for a stronger trading relations between the nations. and indeed, across the continent of a whole ortiz correspondence, no lou voyo convey,
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has more ballasa can press the settled, i'm a poor, so has wall come cheese, ugandan counterparts? president your where in was savannah for a state visit? the last day to visit to south africa by president was the vin. it took place in 2011. this gap in summer came as a result of poor quality of product from uganda. in high visa fees also became an obstacle preventing ugandan products from coming into south africa. now this visit is directed at consolidating bi lateral ties between the 2 countries. what discussions between the 2 heads of state touching one, economy, continental and international issues? was there any, is accompanied by several cabinet ministers and a business delegation aiming to boost trades, an investment relations between the 2 nations. and as we know, uganda is the one south africa's largest trading partners on the continent. and are
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figures of struggling to improve relations that i'm opposed to save. this is the beginning of many opportunities between but now it seems like business between the 2 countries is expanding the prisons in each other's market. would you gain the exports to south africa, totaling $11000000.00, while imports were over $220000000.00 during 2020, with both countries now seeing that they can do war war. and even though you gander has had little success in penetrating the south african market, change is and away. and thus visit is an example off of that. none of we are calling g r t to hand osburg. ah, a tremendous difference. that's how the us state circuitry house describe both washington on the west impact on resolving the yemen crisis, unfamiliar blink, and praise the funding being sent to the conflict stricken country. the monitoring
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crisis in yemen remains an issue where our collective action has made and can continue to make a tremendous difference. in 2022, the united states provided nearly $1100000000.00 and humanitarian assistance to yemen. the largest us contribution to the country since the conflict began. we encourage everyone, especially those in the region to join us in giving generously the international community best to all we can to help and this war because for millions of families, our support is a matter of life or death. but money isn't the only thing. washington's been sending in connection with the yemen crisis. since the start of the conflict, almost a quarter of all us arms exports have gone to saudi arabia, which is leading a military operation against the jamini who see forces that why ties reportedly blocked legislation that would have stopped sales. last year, we discussed the issue with the executive director of the world beyond war movement
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and also a yamini journalist. it's not fair to se the united states talking about the problems that to him and he's all facing the united states is a problem itself. they have been selling the watkins, including miss hans to a saudi arabia and its allies on the region to pompey. how many people, me personally in my neighborhood, has been bombed by a saudi arabia using american missiles. you can't even compare with has been paid to the human people joining eighties of all to what has been paid to the ukrainians during the conflict. we had only the clumps of what the it was. so it's all pain to have all the countries. this is a conflict that's been created and has been exacerbated and continued by the us government, not just with the drone killings and not just with the weapons to saudi arabia, but also through u. s. participation in the war. candidate biden was going to end the war and the
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weapon supplies, and treat saudi arabia as a pariah stake. now it's no, it's almost, you know, an act of betrayal to the democratic party to remember that as so, you know, we, we have a great deal to look for in terms of, of, of humanitarianism i and the united states is not the leading supplier of humanitarian aid to the world. las bye for us praising it's a t. m, and humanitarian organizations are sounding the alarm over what they say is the under funding of charity programs in the country. the u. n. has fallen short by around 3 quarters of its $4000000000.00 target for donations this year, which humanitarian groups slamming the shortfall as disgraceful? the international community to day showed it has abandoned yemen at this crucial cross roads with a mere quarter of the amount needed to support the millions of yemenis here require urgent assistance. this is woefully inadequate and gives the signal that some
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humans a less valuable than others. the consequences of this disgraceful shortfall in 8 will undoubtedly be dire for the people of yemen. for 8 years, yemen has been suffering from a humanitarian crisis due to the ongoing conflict. over 21000000 people are in dire need of humanitarian aid. according to international aid agencies of them, more than 2000000 children are on the brink of death suffering from acute malnutrition. while almost 18000000 emily's don't have access to safe drinking water. we spoke to the regional spokesperson for the international committee of the red cross who sees the situation in the country as worsening daily. a few months ago i visited yemen for the 1st time in my humanitarian career. and let me tell you that the imagery of, of human suffering i've seen there will haunt me forever. this was not thing like a scene before in my humanitarian career. i've seen families of 6 and more
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surviving daily on a too low. so breads are dipped in water and this was their diet that including other imagery that was that the word should dirt should not ignore and look away from to day that he ality in yemen is doubts. 3030000000 people are struggling not only with an ongoing conflict with a nor clear resolution in view, but also crumbling voted infrastructure limited access to all basic needs, including food, water, health, electricity, a very intense human economy. situation that is affecting the livelihood and every corner in yemen, a fund for sure to address is not a situation that only the international red cross is flagging. this is a reality for all humanitarian actors, which makes the situation even extra dangerous. just to give you an example 2021 pledge in a number for a m, an age operation,
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collectively only 50 percent to day 27 percent of it was reached. so it is a pattern that has been happening for the last few years and is impacting only humanitarian actors, pushing them to cut their programming to cut their activities. and the price is being paid by the minions of your money that really are relying to day on these activities to be able to access the most basic of the of the services. which means that more yamini swells, leap hungry to night. ah, 2 and more children will not be able to go to school. more women will not be able to deliver in, in, in hospitals us to access live season health care. this is the reality of 8 fonts shortages well, sending advanced western bottle tanks. the key of has been a big topic for months now for to prospective suppliers. after pledges were made by
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the u. s. and germany, both parties now appeared to have a different interpretation of what was actually great. here's the most recent message from berlin. b b 's office. i have no intention to comment on sullivan's interpretation or remark clear that i'm going to show you the federal government on the federal chancellor received his talks as american president obama. those were good constructive talks in which both sides always made sure that it came to a joint program. it gave ukraine the best possible sort in house got on itself. it just meant to remind them for, for that statement comes out for more lengthy one. i'd of washington were a recollection of productive talks, appeared forgotten by the u. s. president. it follows a back and forth between the western allies on who would send the advanced heavy weapons 1st. it ended up taking the american pledge of what was initially a single abrams tank, which subsequently grew to $31.00 for germany to cross the line as well on promise
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. it's leopard 2 tanks. here's the u. s. national security advisors taken her offense, evolved he recently decided against sending them because his military told him that they would not be useful on the battlefield in this fight, but would be useful, would be german tanks. so in the interest of aligns unity and to ensure that ukraine got what it wanted, despite the fact that the abraham's aunt, the tool they need, the president said, ok, i'm going to be the leader of the free world. i will send a bram's down the road if you send leopards. now. while political scientist, an international security analyst mark slip, beaudet believes the tanks in question won't deliver ukraine victory. to be perfectly honest, neither of these 2 main battle tanks neither the, the modern leopards nor the us abrams are appropriate for ukrainian forces who have not trained on them for years. when the u. s. provided them to saudi arabia in iraq,
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their programs to train their militaries up to use these tanks for 5 and 7 years respectfully. so the idea that they're just going to send over a few dozen tanks and give regime forces are just going to jump into the turrets and drive off and achieve some type of victories is frankly, in the, it's pure propaganda. it's, it's, it's ludicrous in, in military terms, it is pure political symbolism. the abrams are even heavier and, and more technically complex for, for the untrained user. then the leopards, but only marginally, which is why the us doesn't want to see them sent and, and see them perform badly and destroyed on the battlefield. the pentagon's making certain information on u. s. involvement in ukraine. public. several defense officials have testified in the 1st open hearing on oversight of
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u. s. military equipment to ukraine. officials claim they're keeping a close eye on the money sent to keith, while also admitting the conflict could last another 3 years. i think we have had a lot of oversight on this effort from the very beginning right now. and i've asked this question, we are getting every single weapon system that we can to ukraine. there is not a decision being made about it that might be escal atory. can you tell us roughly how much money has been given total to the ukraine war effort since we began last year? well, it depends a little bit how you count it, but i believe it's over a 113000000000 approximately. i think the point from our matter of u. s. policy is that, that the importance of getting after corruption in ukraine or anywhere else is at the top of of our points of emphasis with ukranian leaders. a former un weapons inspector scott ritter believes the claim of having any oversight on the money being sent to ukraine is only used to play kate the american taxpayer. i had to
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laugh when he said, you know, dealing with ukrainian corruption is at the top of the list notes at the bottom of the list. because if it was at the top of the list, you would never have given you train any money because you can't account for it. but the fact of the matter is, there's little doubt that 6070 percent of the financial resources that the united states provided to ukraine has disappeared, isn't getting to the intended target has been, you know, sequestered by, of the innumerable corrupt hands that are reaching out to to be padded by american dollars in on the military side. um, you know, again, noticed the, the non answers so, you know, where we're investigating, we don't have an answer. if you've been on top of this from the very beginning, you'd have an answer. there are no answers because we're not on the top of it. and the reason why we're not on the top of it is because we wouldn't be able to do this if the truth came out to the american people. about how over
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a $115000000000.00 of us taxpayer money has been squandered in ukraine. now a large crowd of demonstrators in moldova, have been making a stand against the country's pro. you'd government formed earlier this month? o. thousands on the streets demanded the countries present, minus some do resign for storing energy prices being seen that was raleigh and also brought cardboard effigies of the leader which they ripped apart and stumped them to evidently express their frustrations earlier. local authorities had restricted access to the area to try and prevent more demonstrators from entering this city center. on this footage shows the crowds marching in downtown kitchen out the nation's capital. the anti government rally brought together residents from several,
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moldova, and cities. local journalist briefly takes us through now. what brought people lodge on to the streets for hours and winter? and looking for the singer. we are in the center of chess now. you see tempers are rising as protesters demanding the government pay their utility bills. a marching on the city's main official building, the protests which began this past autumn have been gained strength since gas and electricity costs have skyrocketed over the winter. residents are angered by government policies. they say have caused the economic problems. you believe. now the biden administration's thrown its weight behind a controversial mass surveillance program, which will come to an end this december if congress doesn't vote to extend it. not it permits the government to spy on any non us citizen outside americas borders. but at the same time, allows the snooping on any communications between those targets. and you asked nationals with more on what kind of future it's expected to have. here chart is
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caleb martin. the u. s. congress is being urged by the, by the ministration to renew this very controversial buying program that actually enables the united states government to gather data without the traditional warrant brought that now at freight. and back to 911, i was instituted into law in 2008. it is section 702 of the foreign intelligence surveillance act by them. and this program, when law enforcement officials describe it, they really don't make any bones about what it's really all about. here's what they said. we all, religiously focused on serious threat such as the chinese government's efforts to spying us and steal our technology around the sanctions. evasions, north korea's nuclear program and russia's invasion of ukraine. now the program essentially enables the f
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b. i and the national security agency do go to tech companies and acquired text messages, electronic data e mails and other information. this would apply to google, microsoft meta, and other corporations, without the conditional warrant process and civil liberties. organizations have raised serious concerns about this and the right to privacy. now in 2013 after edward note reveal the nature of the program, the supreme court ultimately slapped down a lawsuit from civil liberties organizations in response to concerns about the privacy of american. the court's refusal to hear this case shields one of the most far reaching government surveillance programs from meaningful judicial oversight. it has allowed, baseless claims of secrecy to prevail over the rule of law. if this law were not renewed, it would expire in the coming december. but in all likelihood, there's very little chance of it not being renew. it appears that the biden
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administration is following the prompt administration, which were following the obama administration, which was following the bush administration. and continuing this pattern of encroaching on the privacy of the american. then expanding the ability of the government to carry out surveillance and spying without much oversight. according to former ca analysts, laurie johnson, the u. s. surveillance program is actually being used against the americans themselves, despite its stated aim to combat foreign france. that this law that when it was passed, and this is not my opinion, i'm basing this upon my former business partner. now retired, who was chief of international operations for d. e a in the ninety's. and he told me, he said, we have all the authority, we need to actually intercept phone calls and spy on foreigners. what this law does is basically give the f, b i, and department of justice and the anybody else
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d e a, a back door despite on america's. and in fact, that's exactly what they did to donald trump. that's what they did to people on his team like george off adopted. so it's been used against america, and it's a gross abuse. and yet they always try out the foreign travis to justify a news, just a lie, damn lie. and finally, this news, our china is ramping up its coal power capacity with imports of the russian or more than tripling shipments. since the beginning of this year, have increased by a massive 214 percent number confirmed by russia's consulate general in china. with energy security, global concern, china's power grid is sent to see a massive expansion would double the amount of new coal fired plans starting to be
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built this year. compared to last, according to the independence center for research on energy and cleaner to meet its needs basing has given projects the green lights on accelerated basis with 4 times their permitted capacity compared to 2021. earlier we discussed the situation former stubs fission general offset. i forget dr. poly lucia. and also with banking, an economics professor at the university of winchester. richard berner, is europe, has been very dependent on reliable and cost effective energy supplies from russia . and the previous, you know, states the soviet union, russia is the sort of legal success, the state. and that's been going on for, you know, for a long time. certainly since 1945 and the soviet union should have been very reliable in delivering this to europe. and they've never used energy supplies as
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a political weapon or tool, or a way to blackmail people. that is an american idea. the americans have done this many times. there's nothing wrong with school, there's nothing wrong, sawyer. based everything wrong. the technology we are deployed and how that technology has supported the putting a lot of money to eat. it is possible in terms of cycle to the best, this is green j. guess issues by using it i took notice about mimics major yet produces even better in the system. so i think by looking into the systems it seems to be different. and that's what we should focus on on just a reminder for up to the minute developments. today, ortiz twitter page house. you covered. why not give us a follow if you're not using myself
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you do not watch my your show seriously. why watch something that's so different. my little opinion that you won't get anywhere else work of it please. or do you have the state department to see a weapons makers, multi $1000000000.00 corporations, choose your fax for you, go ahead. i change and whatever you do. don't watch my show, stay mainstream because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show was called direct impact, but again, you probably don't want to watch it because it might just changing the way you think. ah, the some say the will to, to global village where every human being is connected to a shade history and destiny. 500.
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