tv News RT March 1, 2023 3:00am-3:31am EST
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ah, with questions or raise about the integrity of nigeria like tauriel system as a ruling policy candidate. melanie wins 3 in the process actually head on collision of 2 trains in central grizzly. that is 32 people that are more than 80 and that the vitamin administration supports a controversial last surveillance program, as it is up for renewal in the upcoming months with good morning and welcome to our see international course in the law from mazda is just policy and as always, it's great to have you with us. i'm right. hm. on,
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let's take a look at the top stories this our the latest 1st with nigeria is presidential election. the ruling party is candidate more latino booth is a clenched and narrow victory over to opposition. hopefuls in africa's largest economy, but questions have been raised about the results. a we like tauriel commission has the 3rd to from the center left. all progressives, congress bought the or a p. c. as a president elect was 36 percent of the votes by it's just 7 percentage points higher than the run are up feeling claims. the election could have been rigged to the who has a test, said that the election wills quintal. he expressed gratitude to supporters in his
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victory speech. ah, rosalie, home food that you have for me as a as was live now the odd t, africa, chorus one on category a title, a kind of a great to see again, what's all this about is controversy, and that's being flat flaring up around these election resolves those more and more at, as you said, you was want to on they, you hit it right on the head, mr. ball argument to know who wins the most contest that by far the most a cru monia of elections here in africa's law. 7 just democracy in recent times that tina who wins this elections with
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a very small margin of victory and a victory that is not widely celebrated. it may be a new day. it may be a new month with a new president, the leg. but as you can see behind me, it's still pretty much the same. old log was and same old nigeria, there is a subdue sense here of what has happened in the previous days and a sense that it is pretty much on as you go, shall we go our mary way. people here are really over the machinations of how far we have come with regards to some of the complaints that have been loyal, diligent demising, this elections. and they're going as far as to say that they're hoping for a move post this acrimonious us elections. and they're hoping for a better economy, they're hoping for more money in their they are hoping that they will move on. but
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as you insulated in your intro, miss that interval wins this election with a very, very buying and narrow margin of victory, having one some 8700000 volts. rich have, which will cost here, mind you, me. this was a country that had some 92000000 voters here that were registered, but only 24000000 votes were said to be valid. miss the interval was closely followed by article up about cop one just under 7000000 volts here. and he was representing the peoples democratic party and they were followed by the labor party which only managed some $6100000.00 of votes. here, this is what the picture is here and some people,
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as you can see in my background, they asked bill whenever they see a camera. they feel the need to voice our opinion. they claim that the election was fraudulent. they claim that the election was really indeed rigged, but very little proof of that as much as it has been intimated. the real test will be of cause that supreme court, which is nigerian highest court in the land. but this was a big tree, very much awaited by the president elect mr. tinney, who, who, when he was running for primary his slogan, wasn't, it's my turn to become president having supported mom, ado bahati in 3 previous occasions as he tried to attain the country's highest seat. and it's indeed proving to be the case with regards to miss tina.
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but one thing is for certain as much as nigerian law stipulates that a candidate must win 25 percent of $24.00 states, that's at least 2 thirds of the states. it also stimulates that the winning candidate must attain 25 percent of the f, c t, f. c t is the federal capital a territory. and that is where most attainable has fallen a short. we expect our position to go to court. we expect the opposition to decry the fact that this was not a free and fe elections to say that votes as way intimidated that they did not see transparency. and also that the results from the fed to polling units that were sent to that were meant to be transmitted electronically. because of the new bio matrix system that was to ensure that we have
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a fe electorate that they were not transmitted to the i next serve in a boucher and therefore the credibility of this particular set of results remains in question. having head only 24000000 valid votes that were counted by ionic covers very interesting times. indeed in nigeria, thanks so much for being such as the no doubt will speak to you again soon throughout the day. thanks again. as south centers loud said greece, where at least 32 people been killed and 85 others injured as 2 trains, including a faith local might have collided head on near the city of larissa. in central greece. a fire wrapped it, improved of smoke, was seen, billowing out over, out of overturned carriages, about threatening 50 passengers,
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believed have been on board when that tre slashed into the freight on the same track is unclear what clothes the incident. the local governor has said that it's about $250.00 survivors have been evacuated so far. and a rescue operation is on the way. and i went to say the trains collided at high speed goodness guide. people naturally were scared, actually very scared. they were looking around, searching didn't know where they were. there were many large pieces of steel, wasn't the trains were completely destroyed, both the passenger train and the freight train. the passenger train was going about 160 kilometers per hour. and it was a clear head on collision the weather and ministration has thrown its weight behind a controversial mass surveillance program, which will come to an end this december. if congress doesn't vote to extend it. it permits the government a spy on any non us citizen outside americas borders,
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and allows snooping on any communications between those targets and us nationals. all these came moping reports. the u. s. congress sized being urged by the, by the administration to renew this very controversial spying program. that essentially enables the united states government to gather data without the traditional warrant process. now it traces back to 911. i was instituted into law in 2008. it is section 7, o 2 of the foreign intelligence surveillance act visor. and this program a when law enforcement officials describe it, they really don't make any bones about what it's really all about. here's what they said. we ought relentlessly focused on serious threat such as the chinese government's efforts to spy on us and steal our technology around sanctions.
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evasions, north korea's nuclear program and russia's invasion of ukraine. now the program essentially enables the api i and the national security agency to go to tech companies and acquire text messages, electronic data e mails and other information. this would apply to google, microsoft meta, and other corporations, without the traditional warrant process and civil liberties. organizations have raised serious concerns about this and the right to privacy. now in 2013, after edward snowden reveal the nature of the program, the supreme court ultimately slapped down now law suits out from civil liberties organizations in response to concerns about the privacy of americans. the court's refusal to hear this case shields one of the most far reaching government surveillance programs from meaningful judicial oversight. it has allowed, baseless claims of secrecy to prevail over the rule of law. if this law were not
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renewed, it would expire in the coming december. but in all likelihood, there is very little chance of it not being renew. it appears that the binding ministration is following the prompt administration, which was following the obama administration, which was following the bush administration. and continuing this pattern of encroaching on the privacy of the american, then expanding the ability of the government to carry out surveillance and spying without much oversight form a c, i. a analysts, larry johnson says the u. s. advanced programs i see being used against americans themselves. despite it stated, aim of countering for and threats that this law that when it was passed. and this is not my opinion, i'm basing this upon my former business partner. now retired, who was chief of international operations for d. e, a in the ninety's. and he told me,
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he said we have all the authority we need to actually in. busy intercept phone calls and spy on foreigners. what this law does is basically give the f b i, ag, department of justice, and the anybody else d e a, a back door despite on americans. and in fact, that's exactly what they did to donald trump. that's what they did to people on his team like george pop, adopted us. so it's been used against americans and it's a gross abuse. and yet they always try it out. the foreign threat is to justify it . no, it's just a lie. damn lie. teasing your malware protests have erupted in moldova against the eastern europeans countries, pro western government, and made rising economic problems. oh,
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the people have taken to the fees of the national capital to demand the resignation of the country for you. for my son, do, some of the purchases carried cardboard effigies of the leader, which they rips up, halts and storms on local authorities, restricted access to the areas and try to prevent further demonstrators. this footage shows the crowds marching through the city center. the anti government radi brought together residents from all across the country. we heard from opposition leader on the shore, who explained the reasons behind the persistent protests is globally the citizens of moldova have to bear the burden of mistakes. the president sand do in her regime. have made with its foreign policies, which are unbalanced, wrong, and simply stupid. people are unable to pay their bills, they could use their savings in the 1st month of winter. then in the 2nd month they borrowed money. now they just don't have the resources to pay their bills. these
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costs are higher than the income of the majority of citizens, particularly pensioners. this is why many of us in our country want the current government to resign to enable new elections. the situation is getting worse day after day, whereas in the autumn there were protesters demanding that sanders government resigned because of the economic problems. now they are calling it an absolute catastrophe. the current administration is pulling us towards the you, but at the same time it is depriving us of our traditional values and imposing things that are completely alien to us. the west has assured us that they would bring democratic standards from all dover, like freedom of speech. but in reality, the authorities have closed 6 channels. what freedom of speech are we talking about when a significant number of opposition leaders have been imprisoned? there is not any freedom of speech. all those western values are simply fictional
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the head of russell's main natural gas supply, a gas from has held high levels of it. really officials about increasing collaboration despite the western sanctions imposed on both of those countries. this comes a rush and iran have been moving forward on strengthening strategic bilateral plays with the to holding the top of sports over the last sanction countries in the world . that may think for as a $14000000000.00 energy buildings between gas from and say, ron last year aimed at jointly developing iranian oil and gas fields are seen country. we do use of the jelly as the details. i would see miller, the head of the russian energy, giant gas prom is intact, ron, to visit iranian energy officials. the main objective of his visit is to discuss future cooperation in the energy sector with iran,
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and also to discuss and finalize some of the previous we talked. and some of the previously signed m all use between iran and russia to science are increasingly coming together in defiance of the western sanctions which have hampered it wants access to key technologies needed to develop its oil and gas fields as a result of the western sanctions. one has face problems in accessing those major and vital technologies to push its oil and gas output. so now russia and gas problem in particular can help iran like circumvent those sanctions and build up its oil and gas industries. b, one can also offer important opportunities to rush to gas brought the wrong, can play the role of a quick short car for the russian gas to pass through iran and which ones,
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eastern and southern neighbors. 2 sides are trying to come together to cooperate in the energy sector, despite all of the pressures imposed by the west, against iran, and against russia. russia is the early part of the iran is building size with it recently has the technology investment covers where the group of 8 developing countries, including egypt in the needs in nigeria, pakistan and to hear the participants presented their products and thought i did with millions of dollars and contracts signed, so the attendees said their students with us. the chair for says ha, countries of the developing aid organization for economic cooperation comprise 18th of the world's population. this meeting is a great international opportunity. euro has focused on science and technology. one of the goals is to exchange technology with countries with which we share mutual
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interests. this meeting is aimed at using investment capabilities of the d 8 countries in the tech sector. hope availing cur, despite face and sanctions. we have substantial capabilities for technological development in iran. we have many startups and innovative ideas that have not been achieved elsewhere. meetings like this one, make us more noticeable on the international arena and help attract investments, tore country check out a former british foreign secretary has insisted that western nations need to send even more weapons, few grains of fight against russia. he made those comments to the g o of russian practices, renown for eliciting candid remarks from positions as one of them was posing as ukraine's former president for a shanker. and we all understand why bracy at western governments are careful about this and have to judge the support that they give.
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but now the judgement has to change or to i wrote this week to include longer range missiles. i mentioned a specific type of missile or could be supplied and of course tanks should be supplied from germany and elsewhere. and i think some fighter aircraft as well as get moral this story, we're very lucky to be joined by on see course want marina casara, marina. great. see here in the cedar, what is this frank about sort of small. so once again, galvan and alexis are letting us in on what is happening behind the scenes in europe. and this time we heard from william hague, who is calling for more weapons and is saying that basically he spoke to the current saw of foreign secretary in the u. k. he spoke to the prime minister. he spoke to the defense secretary and that his urge them to supply more weapon si,
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crane, and that they all seem to be on board box. what he says they need is to encourage other countries and the weights encourage all the countries as specifically the united states. because if the united states says ok, we're going to do with the others will follow suit less listening precisely about what he has to say about america's role and all this and how america dictates what they all do. britain would have other types of long arrangements, but i think they would only do this in coordination with the united states. britain is britain often fulfilled the role of a strengthening the courage of the united states, the resolve of the united states. but bridges will not change it. policy without the united states, without agreement of the united states. so the, the key decision is still in washington. this is incredible, of course,
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because well knew this. but when you hear william hague, say it himself is in his own words and saying that if the united states don't tell them to send more weapons, then no one will the basically key decisions when it comes to the conflict, then ukraine are being made in the u. s. and the rest of them are just following along, depending on what the us in washington want it's policy is. and again, here what we heard is that vladimir zalinski travel to washington in december precisely for that reason because the decisions are being made there. so he needed to travel to washington to talk to those who are in charge, something that we've been talking about for so long. and even though the was as, as this information, their own people are saying just that. but what's incredible in this prank is the fact that william hague is saying how it would be ideal if we saw a coo and russia. of course,
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you never know when there will be some bigger crisis on the russian side. so it would be ideal if something, ok, if they, if they all may mutilate again, this is unlikely, as we know, we can rely on that. so if russia was to say something like this, about britain or the united states, there would be accusing of incitement of a terrorist attack, for example, because he can say, would be ideal if there was an armed coup in russia. this is something that officials don't normally talk about, but this is not hardly surprising because we've seen not only ukrainian officials, but also european officials talk about how it would be lovely if there was a terrorist attack in moscow for just look back up their statements. a couple of months ago, and these are people who are saying we are not in the direct conflict with russia. europe is not in the direct contact with russia. the united states is not in
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a direct conflict with russia, whereas we can see that behind the scenes there are plotting and planning how to arm ukraine even more. and we know that arman ukraine will never lead to a peace deal. so this is just prolonging the conflict more and more and more. meanwhile, were seen more people die and this is just never ending. yeah, maria is really sad. i mean, there is a use you met with these practices over the weekend? am i right, so we are, we are going to expect more, more things coming out than it's fetus baby. yes, they actually teased the fact that they have a prank. that will become an ad not said when will it be coming out? we're eager to find out more and they said, well, the coming weeks are, here we go. now it's out. they did that warn us that it will be, was someone from a britain's political elite within or who. so today i actually found out it was with william hague, but they said that there is more to come and march promises to be interesting. it's going to be from marina. great to lucy. thanks. hello. hey, go marina cassava with us here in the cedars. okay, let's move on now to all the stories around the world. now several us defense
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officials have testified that the government is keeping a close eye on the funding to keep displacing spiraled to more than a $100000000000.00. those colors were made during the 1st opening, hearing all the oversight of u. s. military equipment to ukraine. can you tell us roughly how much money has been given total to the ukraine war effort since we began last year? well, it depends a little bit how you count it, but i believe it's over a 113000000000 approximately this policy is not without risk. i think we all know that 1st of all, it is costing an enormous amount of money in terms of tens of billions of dollars. why you still believe this is the correct policy to support ukraine in this war? what the implications are for our own national security because i think is a legitimate question, the american taxpayer, you know, why are we spending money? it seems like a long way away, you know, and not to be overly crass about it. but
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a lot of constituents ask the question, what's all this got to do with me is the responsibility of congress to ensure that every single penny of american taxpayer money is being effectively used as intended? well, we did provide hundreds of millions of dollars in assistance in the months leading up to the war. and then of course can actually, if we really were rewind the clock, i mean, starting in 2014, we provided only non lethal 8 until 2017. we have a hill, stood by the official white house policy that the massive med feasible the ukraine is justified. they claim that there has been government oversight of the u. s. assistance since the beginning of the conflict. there have been numerous plains of the money, an weaponry, and not thoroughly tracks once they reach ukraine, which before the comp, it was reputed to be one of the most corrupt countries in europe. a u. s. republican congressman called into question with a controversial you quain, on group such of the as of but have you have received access,
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the us weapons come to the a's off battalion getting access to us weapons. not that i'm aware of, but she has information, i'd say piano says to enter into the record the global times investigative report, the indicate that talks about training itself from the atlantic councils. digital forensics, research lab, citing these are the chart was even get stuff is for backs 2018 without objection. so order. any reason to disagree that assessment. block assistant, i'm sorry. is this the global times from china? no, this is well, that's what you read. yeah, it might be, yeah. would that be a reason why i think i'd as a general matter, i don't take beijing's problem. no, not yet to tell me if the allegation is true or false. i mean, i don't have any evidence one way or the other as a general matter. i don't take beijing's propaganda at face value, republican congress, and my guess also by send a report by the name through by the bank council. it said that i've gotten it had been testing us weapons,
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years before the coven interrupted. but the u. s. undersecretary of defense has shrugged off those concerns as propaganda. by russia's close diplomatic partner, china, former un weapons inspector, scott ritter, says the claims of having oversight over the money being spent $20.00. when are only soup for kate's american taxpayers. i had to laugh when he said, you know, dealing with ukrainian corruption is at the top of the list notes at the bottom of the list. because if it was at the top of the list, you would never have given you create any money because you can't account for it. or the fact of the matter is, there's little doubt that 6070 percent of the financial resources that the united states provided to ukraine has disappeared, isn't getting to the intended target has been, you know, sequestered by the innumerable corrupt hands that are reaching out to, to be padded by american dollars in on the military side. you know, again,
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noticed the, the non answers, you know, we were investigating, we don't have an answer. if you've been on top of this, from the very beginning, you'd have an answer. there are no answers because we're not on the top of it. and the reason why we're not on the top of it is because we wouldn't be able to do this if the truth came out to the american people about how over a $115000000000.00 of us taxpayer money has been squandered in ukraine signing, involved western battle times the q has been a big topic for months now for 2 perspectives, supplies us off to play digital made by the you. if i meet with both parties, now i'm paying to have a different interpretation of what was agreed to is the most recent message from bullet fees of dish. i have no intention to comment on sullivan's interpretation or remark here, but i'm going to show you how the federal government held the federal chancellor
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received his talks with the american president. and those were good constructive talks in which both sides always made sure that we came to a joint approach that we gave ukraine the best possible support and how to defend itself. to mines on by 7 comes also more lengthy, one out of washington were a regulation of productive folks. a bid for gossip by the u. s. president follows a black and a back and forth between the western allies on who sent the advanced heavy weapons . first, it ended up taking the american pledge of what was initially a single abrams tank was subsequently grew to $31.00 for jaron to cross the line as well as promise is leopard to tax. here's the u. s. a national security advisers take on how the events evolve. he recently decided against sending them because his military told them that they would not be useful on the battlefield in this fight, but would be useful,
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would be german tanks. so in the interest of aligns unity and to ensure that ukraine got what it wanted, despite the fact that the abraham's aunt, the tool they need, the president said, ok, i'm going to be the leader of the free world. i will send abrams down the road. if you send leopards now, political science, his island to us is security. ours. mark sla boda says thanks in question. well, deliver victory to you. great. to be perfectly honest. neither of these 2 main battle tanks, neither the, the modern leopards nor the us abrams are appropriate for ukrainian forces who have not trained on them for years. when the u. s. provided them to saudi arabia in iraq, their programs to train their militaries up to use these tanks for 5 and 7 years respectfully. so the idea that they're just going to send over a few dozen tanks and get resume forces are just going to jump into.
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