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tv   News  RT  March 1, 2023 12:00pm-12:31pm EST

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thanks to talk to russia ah ah, were you really put in the moscow a new jelly or consistent opponents of such neo colonial practice? as illegitimate unilateralism threatened blackstone, russia phil diploma highlights the importance of strengthening intercultural dialogue within the g 20 group in order to find answers to the challenges that the world faces today. also ahead on the program this hour, the ruling parties candidate is declared victorious in nigeria presidential election. but questions are great. the by the integrity of knowledge done grenades or fire does protests in gulf more cities around israel coming as
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anger over the new government judicial reform with from moscow to the world. this is our teacher national pleasure to have your company today. my name's you. don't know me russia and india stand against neo colonial practices. the remarks of circle for off after meeting with counterparts in new delhi, the g 20 foreign ministers conference muscular and you're really frustrated with the moscow in new delhi, are consistent opponents of such neo colonial practices in the illegitimate unilateralism threats to blackmail and other types of pressure on sovereignty, there is no doubt that restraint when you're a little of an intercultural dialogue between the group of 20 objectively contribution to the maintenance of trust with the joint search for effective answer . some of the numerous challenges of our time. if this is
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a worthy response to those who would like to abolish their culture of countries, they do not like your goodman for russia's foreign minister, has not dropped off a bilateral meeting with his brazilian counterpart model bureau. it follows private talks with turkey as tough diplomats, and also the indian foreign minister, whose hosting the conference circle of roth highlighted why moscow and delhi stuck together, which she described darcy, aaa strategically, partnership with more, here's our tease, india correspondence for indian children crush and foreign minister la ra, reached new delhi late last night, and his visit is extremely significant in the backdrop of growing up bilateral tries between new delhi and ma school. now of course, so as far as treat between the 2 countries, this concern or other factors as well. we've seen that one all time high are but for the agenda for the foreign minister cells need this week,
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really is multilateralism food and energy security also development cooperation need for reforms for november, more these government to show leadership on. but of course, there are challenges that lie ahead for india to ensure that global borrowers, they really keep their focus on long term issues. for example, climate change, of course, food and energy crisis that al several countries are seeing right now. the continuing effects of the pandemic also, for example, rather than the transitory is, was all such as conflicts and global up and ship. something that we saw happen last week during the finance minister of me. in bank lou, there was no consensus there. something that also remember happened in our g 20 summit in bali last november. now of course, so as far as this visit is concerned, it is extremely significant to far from the g. 20 foreign ministers meet. they're
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also going to be bilaterals, that of course we're going to keep track all about as far as in the l g 20000, then you can send. it comes at a time or a global keels. global locks really, where the world paul, both all divided all the russia ukraine conflicts and therefore it becomes a little tricky for india, but like the prime minister of the country said it wants to play the role of a problem solver. also, of course, in the all of them, there's going to be a time to play magic balancing act that will be required. of course, all today is going to be an informal day no later in the evening, but tomorrow is also a follow back schedule. and of course, we're going to keep track of the race to take over the presidential reigns in. nigeria has finally been cold with the ruling parties, candidates bullet to new, the seeing off to main opposition hopefuls in africa,
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the most populous nation. hey, all the electoral commission declared mister to new boot representing the center left. all progressive congress of president elect after he secured 37 percent of the ballot. thus 8 percentage points on millions of votes more than his nearest rival. former vice president a t qu, a boob carr who claimed the election had been rigged. buelo to new, however, stresses the margin of the results shows his victory was credible on thank supporters. in his victory speech, ah advance, you have for me as a mr. ball
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argument to know who wins the most contested, and by far the most a cru, ammonia of elections here in africa's largest democracy. in recent times, people here are really over the machinations of how far we have come with regards to some of the complaints that have been loyal de, legitimizing this elections. and they're going as far as to say that they are hoping for a move post this acrimonious us elections. and they're hoping for a better economy. they're hoping for more money in their pockets. they are hoping that they will move on. that interval wins this election with a very, very fine and narrow margin of victory. having won some 8700000 votes, which have, which were caused here. mind you need this was a country that had some 92000000 voters here that were registered,
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but only 24000000 vote was said to be valid. miss daniel, who was closely followed by optic, who abba, one just on the 7000000 votes here. and he was representing the people as democratic party. and they were followed by the labor party which only managed some thinks point $1000000.00 of votes here. but one thing is, certain as much as nigerian laws stipulate that a candidate must win 25 percent of $24.00 states, that's at least 2 thirds of the. it's also stimulates that the winning candidate must attain 25 percent of the f c t. the fcc is the federal capital, a territory,
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and that is where most attainable has fallen a shot. we expect the opposition to go to court. we expect the opposition to decry the fact that this was not a free and fair elections to say that voters were intimidated, that they did not see transparency. and also that the results from the polling units that were sent to me that were meant to be transmitted electronically. because of the new bio matrix system that was to ensure that we have a electron that they were not transmitted to the i next serve in a boucher and therefore the credibility of this particular set of results remains in question. a manual mccolan has embarked on a 5 day tour to africa, but many residence in one particular country, the democratic republic of congo,
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making it clear the french president seemingly is not welcome. protesters gathered in the capital, congestive wielding signs not compared mister mac onto the m 20 three's militant group in the country. while the french embassy was spray painted with a message, mccall get lost and from is a murderer. that kind of on welcoming settlement has been growing across the continent. does. molly foster recently demanded the immediate withdrawal all french truths in a size. he heard the calls before his departure must call and said he aim to improve by law for relations by making frances military quote less visible now as fighting intensifies in don't pass. the russian defense ministry sees that up to 600 ukrainian soldiers helping killed in the past 24 hours. the front line combat is happening across several areas with 15, ukrainian url, drones,
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10 combat vehicles, and several pieces of artillery destroyed by russian troops according to be able to the ministry saved the most intense fighting is in the done yet republic, where 300 ukrainian soldiers helping kills are tease, eager sit down, off is in the neighboring new ganske republic, following the russian fans wanting to find some of the following footage. disturb, we are following russian special forces in the forest outside. criminy, i am the advance in february. here was swift dead bodies. they are scattered all over the woodland, the line up, the roads like this guy. he was a middle eastern mercenary, judging by the documents that were retrieved on him, the ukrainian command, his ukrainian comrades simply didn't have time to take to extract this body concord at liberty. this particular soldier, as a foreigner, documents were found with them and they were transferred to relevant authorities. his nationality is from an arab state,
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which proves once again that we are not fighting with the people of ukraine because, but with a rabble of mercenaries who came here to die for a few extra dollars. now you only got a few weeks ago. the road were following was the exact geographic line separating the 2 armies. not anymore. when the russian airborne troops came, keep soldiers didn't even have time to think. so the very soldiers who fought over the control of these positions, they shared some interesting insight into how they managed to capture these trenches and fox holes. basically the russian positions they were maybe 50 to 80 meters away from here behind the road. and so at night, well, they took the enemy by the element of surprise, and you can see the result of the onslaught dead ukrainian soldiers and, well, the russians are now fully in control of this part of the forest. the front hasn't moved far from this place. this airborne unit is the cornerstone of russia's infantry fist here with just the whimsy. but we are now in the fronds where our
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positions are located and the enemies behind the field somewhere deserve and destroy them. we will not lose the noise of a ukrainian machine gun cases. this stale, humid air. russian soldiers respond with grenade launchers. soon we hear ukrainian soldiers unleash their assault rifles. they're trying to shoot down a survey, one's throne hovering above the pines. rushing from here have a more efficient weapon against this type of threat. so this is one very interesting trophy that i hold in my hand. this drone used to belong to the ukranian army, but the russian special forces they did shoot it down with a special anti drone gun. he concedes brains have been completely melted by the electromagnetic waves recover from a bit of overboard. i have in my hands and advanced and to draw right mobile phones with directed pulse. it burns the electronics of enemy drones. when it was,
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we can land drones to use them ourselves. if there is no way to land them, we destroyed that was not that i'm major town of crim in night is within a 10 minute drive. but soldiers around us can't afford to think on such distances. for them, a few dozen meters is all that separates the place where they sleep from the place where they fight. a mac is done of reporting from the dumbass r t. okay, something else to update. you are now the death toll from a devastating shipwreck off the southern coast of italy is rising now, reaching 67 people with children among the victims. while the ship broke up on sunday, rescue operations are still underway for at more survivors. that is the hope r t contributor rachel marston, takes up the story pot between disastrous foreign policies of the west that up and at target countries. and on the other side,
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europeans were increasingly rejecting migration from the same countries are unfortunately, the migrants themselves, including children. 15 of whom have now been recovered in this latest disaster after setting sail from turkey and in capsizing just off the coast of italy's calabria. now each of these migrants reportedly paid between $58000.00 euros for traffic. hers is smuggle them into europe and now it's getting increasingly clear that tom, the trick carries a major risk of death. paying these traffickers to bring these people to europe. it's, there's no guarantee of anything, and there's certainly a risk of death. now these migrants include afghans, pakistani iranian syrians, somalis, so there are different places impacted by western foreign regime. change policies that mostly harms the average person. and italians don't want these people reaching their shores, which is why they elected right ring prime minister,
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georgia maloney last year. now the italian parliament passed a new law on february 23rd to fine charity rescue ships up to 50000 euros or even block them if they're caught hanging out in the waters looking for migrants to rescue. instead of sailing directly to an italian port without stopping, which is what they're supposed to do now. but the italian for a minister denies that the new law contributed to this latest disaster have listened to what he had to say. these are empty exploitations by those who have so far failed to offer real alternatives to illusionary journeys of hope that put human lives at risk. there was no delay. those who relate this tragedy to the new rules, out of ignorance or bad faith or line, is a pathway, n g o z have never been. in any case the new law does not provide for any ban on the presence in recovery scenarios or interventions. we limit ourselves to subjecting them to a regulatory framework that is also of international importance. this is really not
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a very good look for the european union, which is always preaching about human rights and humanitarianism, and is now trying to distance himself from this disaster. it's a clear case of a total lack of foresight on the part of europe when it engages in foreign wars or sanctions appendix countries while failing to consider the long term consequences of the actions that it takes on these people. so in this case, that means migrants coming to europe to escape the misery, and then clashing with european citizens and who are fed up with it. and the policies that come as a result of that now a spokesperson for the e commission is talking like the you is trying to divorce itself from italy's treatment of migrates. have a listen. the e u commission has a very clear policy when it comes to asylum and the right to asylum. people who find themselves in a dangerous situation have the legitimate right to seek asylum in a safe country, including the countries that make up the you. you know,
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nation says that the new italian law result in loss lives and doctors without borders has already seen one of it's ships find and blocked for 20 days. as a result of the new law, it's director of programs in italy also commented on the humanitarian toll directing his anger specifically towards maloney and her interior minister. i say this with the respect that is due to the victims with grief for what happened and also with the firm intention as requested by premier maloney not to speculate on these tragedies. but we cannot help but say with anger that the 1st statement by prime minister maloney and minister piano dosier little more than a sad, blamed game, yet another slap in the face of the victims and survivors of this tragedy. so let's cut to the chase and quit this tragedy. and as i, in the proper context, this situation can really be attributed to italy's lack of courage in spine to stand firm against nato's bombing and coo data of libya in 2011. so
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12 years ago, they didn't want to at 1st, they didn't want to participate, but french president nicholas whose eat twisted their arm into participating in that operation. after then, secretary of state, hillary clinton, of the united states twisted sar posies arm. so a chain reaction of arm twisting results in italy bang, dragged into it, and italy was worried that the french, by going in with a military footprint. would he jacked italy from its traditional resource rich stomping ground and former colony if it didn't participate as well? so they, over through libyan leader, mom argued daffy, who warned on french television. pretty much right before that if he went down, italy and france specifically would be flooded with millions of migrants because libya played a role in securing and stabilizing the mediterranean. so 12 whole years after
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his overthrow the checks coming due, and here's the blowback. rachel marston, none the president of belarus, is in beijing, on an official state visit in the statement during a meeting there. alexander lucas shanker expressed his views on china's global rural disc kit, though she wouldn't have without china today, it is impossible to solve any issue on our planet. the recent proposal, chinese president, she's you paying a peaceful development on our plan on avoiding sanction. so on good neighborly, lou. julie's beneficial development. sure, literally coincides with the policy of melrose. we have never set ourselves with half of coming together to work against the 3rd countries. we do everything in the interest of our people who we'll see g, t, n correspondent, young sion, she can take us through the significance of the trip now on what decisions were made regarding future cooperation. britain and she said the upgrade of the 2
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countries relationship to an all weather comprehensive strategic partnership. last year we'll bring impetus to cooperation in all area. he said china push towards really high quality of development and modernization were presented great opportunities to all countries, including by the roots and said that both sides should strongly support each other stifel and power and stand against external interference in internal affairs. now prisoner look, shinkel, praise the prison, the she's leadership, and stated his people solidarity with the chinese people. now the 2 heads of states also discussed the ukrainian situation. president, she's that china position has been consistent and clear and advocating for a peaceful resolution to the conflict through political means and discarding of cold war mentality. the meeting concluded with a signing of a joint statement on the all weather, comprehensive, strategic partnership and the witnessing of the signing of cooperation documents, spanning trade industry, agriculture,
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and tourism. a former british foreign secretary has insisted that western nations need to send even more weapons to ukraine to fight against russia. he made those comments to a pair of russians. renowned for, eliciting candid remarks from politicians. marina culture of re explain to my colleague, rory su shay. they had the former diploma thinking he was speaking with ukraine's ex president petro portion. but now the judgment has to change a thing to, i wrote this week to include longer range missiles. i mentioned a specific type of missile or could be supplied. and of course tanks should this apply to from germany and elsewhere. and i think some fighter aircraft as well . the brits will not change its policy without the united states without agreement of the united states. so the, the key decision is still a washington,
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this isn't just the form or a foreign secretary, just dishing out his opinion in that clip. he actually says that he spoke to the current foreign secretary, the defense secretary, the prime minister of the u. k. and he said that they all agree that they need to arm ukraine some more. they need to supply some more weapons bought that they need to convince all the countries to follow suit bought in particular, who the united states. because as he said, they are the ones that make all the key decisions when it comes to this conflict in ukraine. and he said that that is the only reason why latter mere zalinski traveled to the united states in december. because that those are the people making those critical decisions. so again, we can see what is happening behind the scenes. and what's incredible is that in that clip, rory, he also mentioned how it would be ideal if there was a military coup in russia. but he says that is highly,
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highly unlikely. there are of course, voices of reason out there in the united states, not many rory, but there are some and some who are encouraging peace and returns to the negotiating table and no more supplies of weapons. and that america needs to back down from this. i'm completely against the war in ukraine. i want to see it come to an end. i want russia and, and crane to come to peace talks and end this war. but, you know, who's driving it, it's america. american needs to stop pushing the war in ukraine. marina, what can we say about the european politicians at this point? i mean, are they all on the same page with washington? there aren't on the same page, but at the same time we can know how many on the same page because some i would assume are afraid to speak out because what happens when countries do speak out, serbia, for example, it has refused to follow washington's our,
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our policies and now we heard from the president of serbia himself, alexander, which has said that he is being forced to follow washington's lead. basically want to so many liquid mean. every one is in a rush to go on the offensive. they're in a hurry to get results, but no one is asking why, what they told me they have a war in europe to publicly. they did not admit that. they say we will lose everything if we don't step in line. and i will do that. and then they say that they want piece, but their piece and their peaceful solution is basically russia weakens and defeated, they don't see any other way. and the way they see it happening as, let's arm kia with as many weapons as possible so that we can reach the sort of negotiated solution. so we must give ukraine what they need to prevail. some worry our support to ukraine, risks triggering escalation. but there are no risk free options. and the biggest risk of all is if president putin wins just in the past 24 hours or
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so, i was just watching a video of ukrainian president. lindsey essentially saying that soon america will have to send its sons and daughters to fight in ukraine. and so, and you said they will die. god forbid. and we already know that the tie, this change in the united states, and we're seeing more and more people speaking out against all the money that has been poured in. c crane. and we don't even know where that money is. go into because they don't have anyone checking who is getting the money where the weapons are going. well this that will start. so one year of it's complex. ukraine american has spent more than one year than they did in 20 years in afghanistan. and when you put that, can you get your head around that? and we all know how that ended. the 7 people were killed down, scores more injured after a tropical cyclone. havoc in the african nation of most them become friday.
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subsequently, more than 20000 people have been displaced from their homes. early warning systems alerted people in the region which gave them the chance to prepare for the devastating consequences, even without more than $80000.00 people helping affected, including residents of the island nation of madagascar. local officials say over 12000 homes were destroyed by the pointing wind and rain, and all humanitarian relief from the united arab emirates has arrived, including 800 tons of food and water, as well as temporary shelters. the west doing all it come to break up the ties that bind moscow until around. thus, the view of the iranian, i'm foster to russia who's been speaking to the local media. he hail the current state of relations between the countries are being, they're only going to strengthen going forward. rabble. the 3rd russian and iranian relations are based on 2 pillars, neighborhood, and historical ties. as well as
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a common approach to regional and global issues. russian was the west, well, has experience interacting with them and has tried to live in peace. however, the unilateral actions of western countries have led us to a situation similar to what around faces, seamless. it is ironic, the west promote democracy for its own people, while it supports dictatorships around the world and also behaves autocratic lee in its international associations. this is why we are steadily developing and strengthen the mom are relations in all directions. 2022 was a turning point for russia, which was good. our enemies are making great efforts to prevent cooperation between russia and iran. in 2016, the united states even passed to law to monitor russian iranian relations at the west. collective media has stirred up scandals. that has pretty negative news about the relationship between our countries. therefore, we need to provide the information ourselves. islam is undefeated. while the diplomats comments come after a high level talks between the head of the russian energy giant gals from,
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and the iranian officials not follows an agreement last year between them on a $40000000000.00 energy deal that will jointly develop iranian oil and gas fields . russia under run which are the 2 most sanctioned countries in the world and been tightening their strategic bilateral ties, despite their west severe deterrents with more and all that. here's our t contributor, yusef july o x. the miller, the head of the russian energy, giant gas prom, isn't on to visit iranian energy officials. the main objective of his visit is to discuss future cooperation in the energy sector with iran and also to discuss and finalize some of the previously talks. and some of the previously signed m o u is between iran and russia to science are increasingly coming together in defiance of the western sanctions which have hampered it wants access to key technologies
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needed to develop its oil and gas fields as a result of the western sanctions one has face problems in accessing those major and vital technologies to push its oil and gas output. so now russia and gas prices particular can help iran like circumvent those sanctions and build up its oil and gas industries. one can also offer important opportunities to rush to gas time you wrong can play the role of a quick short car for the russian gas to pass through iran and which ones, eastern and southern neighbors. 2 sides are trying to come together to cooperate in the energy sector, despite all of the pressures imposed by the west, against iran, and against russia. just before we go,
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all bring you to the middle east where protest, abrupt in several is really cities including tel aviv were stone grenades, have been fired demonstrators as they clashed with the countries law enforcement protesters blocks the main highway, connects television and jerusalem, waving flags and shouting at the governmental loop and the rally across the country broke out. as it's really officials proceed with a, a controversial judicial reform. it includes the rights of ruling elites to limit the power of the supreme court, which currently acts as a country balance to the executive branch. israel's prime minister has reacted thing. the protests are lawless. we will not allow violence against police officers, the blocking of highways and the gross violation of the laws of the state. the right to demonstrate is not a right to anarchy. i give my full backing to the national security minister and the officers of these railey police who are.


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