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tv   News  RT  March 2, 2023 2:00am-2:31am EST

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a route you lation says use a gun, bob, a like in terms of a republic, as the russian most, you report a feed to any trips kill on that front. the 1st day low was going on. faith. india prime is a warning to world power that the g a meeting in new delhi and the code for the global community to support developing nation process for my plan sets out
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on a tour of africa, mid theory thing, a relations and rising sentiment against the former colonial power on the continent . and the u. s. government issued to report saying russia is unlikely to have been involved in the so called a syndrome incident in which americans different math in cuba develop with good morning. i welcome to oxygen as a bus the hour. it's great to have you with us. i'm right about me. let's take a look at the top stories this out. that's not with our top so, and that's russian movie, says you quinn. incense have been coming. and in terms of salary far as moscow's forces make and boxes in the dust. and that rosier regions. here is it's kluso footage right from the combat. then in the queue town of, of nevada, i,
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in the dentist republic the most. he says that about $600.00 youth printing students have been killed in intense fighting over the past 24 hours, including ac. dennis, and that's a rosier front cleaning losses in that area. we're also sent into the tank and full armored vehicle. meanwhile, russia has been contributing to reconstruction efforts in areas that have suffered from your cleaning shilling team. takes a closer look at the recovery of the town of vol nova, and they've done us republic one year after it came under russian control. let this one with you, not a single city or town and the genetic republic has managed to avoid destruction. the consequences of the ukrainian bombardment can be seen everywhere. now the local
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authorities are trying to rebuild these areas. i think the accelerated pace, the residents here are optimistic about the reconstruction efforts. women anymore garage just a little time has best and the pace of construction is increasing and has already been done. rather have been through bad kindergartens and schools have been built has moved on. the scale of the destruction is extremely vast. construction and repair crews are working all over the city. every one is really striving to complete this task. in record time. it was a little impulse that we are building a residence for doctors will burn the construction is underway at a good base, but we have to make allowances because of the weather deal. these residential buildings are nice and warm. the most important thing right now is to provide housing to people that this building is already being completed. the final layout work is already on the wait. i think that in a month and a half or 2 months, it will be completely finished. then what would you there construction is underway at a great pace. well done. well, looking forward to the future with russia,
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in my opinion, the sassy toll. what he had to add that the, the restoration of cities destroyed by ukrainian troops would the use of western weaponry is proceeding at an even pace without any delays and hindrances. the authorities of the denial republic are continuing to implement projects for the development and restoration of infrastructure while making plans for the near future that sammy, ob, o, d, up r t val, nova the nets republic. russia. as the bible's rage on the western piles, pump the crane with weaponry to fight against russia. the no stream saw this still making headlines and emerging mostly polar world is challenging that historical western hedge. many, my colleague, roy, sushi discussed these issues with independent gym for alice and author pepe escobar . if it had all ended early in, may let say we wouldn't have seen any these revelations. all these biological
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laboratories in ukraine, neo nazi battalions, allegations of money laundering and weapons trafficking. a lot of the things perhaps would never have come out. yes. so that's one thing. but do, how do you see ukraine playing out now? the only ones who know the ins and outs and the inner workings of the special military operation are the people at the top of the russian general staff. nobody else knows anything the way they play strategic ambiguity. it's a master class. geopolitical and even joy, economic in many aspects as well. they are exhausting nato's arsenals. they are exhausted. the patience of the west and psychologically the burden on the west is debby higher every day. the man who reads teleprompters he is not, sir. in charge of any thing, as we know, there is what i called the by the combo behind,
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including the toxic 3 that sy hersh proved almost to unambiguously. they planned the bombing on nod stream one into sullivan blinking, and nolan desert, the rabbit, neil carnes, or nail liberal corns, as we call them, who are driving dis, absolutely. psychotic. russo for baker american foreign policy. you mentioned nordstrom, just now pepe. yes. you think the truth will ever officially come out and do you think the culprits will eventually say, yeah, okay, you know what we did it of, unfortunately, not rory, unfortunately not because this would involve an internal nato event, nato investigating itself. number one, number 2, the, you investigated itself. number 3, the german government investigating itself. number 4, the possibility of treason by sholtes von, that lying and many others against the interests of germany and the you at the same
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time. and a number 5, the consortium, the not stream consortia, the companies could su heavily the perpetrators, if all of these nato countries and all these european countries, a pumping ukraine, full of weapons, wouldn't it be? i don't know, fair for an ally of russia to also help russia in the coffee, or must russia not have a single hand of help from any of his potential ally? that's the perfect answer in you provided that rory, of course, are ever seeing that russia thus is wrong, is absurd, is malign. you never see a direct definition anywhere across the space that i called natal. stan, that this is a proxy war by the collective west against rush. you will never see that in you never see that admitted to tell of viewer right now what they need to know about this changing multi poto bond. it's already happening is going to take
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a few years and at the front line, we're going to have russia, china, iran, other corns, countries across the raising truly turkey in a very big role for a countries in the portion gulf in the arab world. a cry says all multilateralism via the key point of indian prime ministers, speech of the conference of gee, 24 ministers in new delhi. and the render. modi have said that global powers must take responsibility for international uh, people that directly affects developing countries. we must all economic dark mode. the liberalism egan cries is today the experience of the last few years. financial crises, climate change, bind emmy saddles them and boss clearly
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solos bag global going nuns had fe. this is why india, gee 20 presidency, has tried to do our voyage to the global south. nor, whoop, can claim to global. let's see. our listening to those most epic data by it. this isn't all for, for your call. the most important thing you heard from and is told, or in be on or into more the talking about how was your resume is in crisis. he's also said that the global warning, of course, has the field, especially for developing countries. so remember india to be the war for the gilbert south and the g 20 president before india also comes at a time where the neighboring salvation economies over india,
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such as box san see long gall bong. not all of them are in a major economic crisis. they're struggling to pay back loans as well, and therefore india wants to be the wore some global south, of course, not even remotely. they're also talking about how we need to focus on issues that do night off north divide. he's also going to see that the president c all for in the meeting today, in fact, shaking cheese amid a deep renewable device. and of course we saw that last week as well during the finance minister g. 20 me can bank lew where we saw that there was no consensus, there was no joint statement and read that was a pre call. so what could happen today? the key agenda for honoring them or the government to sure leadership on really are multilateralism of course need for reform, global operations,
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also food and, and know if you'd cry says that several countries, including of the global south is currently facing now a for saw rochelle talk to them i love is a, he had a bilateral we, he's gone to the doctor as j shanker yesterday. even today that are theories of bilateral that are lined up j shankar into foreign minister and daughter use, he's doing good on 50 bilateral. also, there's a possibility all for a j shank ard meeting. his chinese counterpart today. very important again, because this comes in the back door, both tensions between the 2 country off of the recent skirmishes have the border. also, of course, we're going to keep a track all for all the g 20 proceedings, but the big question that remains is whether or not we will see that join a community. the joint statement from the lead of that, of course, is going to be a big, big question. and in some time from now,
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we also have the answer to that with frank for anybody mclaren is on the 2nd day of his week long or so africa. but many residents of the democratic republic of congo, which is scheduled to be his final stop and make it clear that he isn't welcome. oh, produce is gathered in a cabinet kinshasa with my corn is a murderer. i'm calling for help from a russian present moment. put in the demonstrators waved russian flies compared background, the tourist m 23 in surgery group i'm screen painted. the french embassy with a was micro on get lost. similar sentiment has been growing and course the continent with west african nations of molly and looking faster. also recently demanding immediate withdrawal french troops. we heard from protest is about why exactly they're against the prime visit. or the french leader says that there are
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many windows because of mach phone, which on one hand was support. tell army, and we oppose his visit. when we came here to say that we don't want help, we are strong enough to fight for our country. that's the reason why we are protesting. good because got french, president mc kronos funding. wanted to kill our brothers. and that's why we young people from the citizen movements in kinshasa have gathered to see no to microns visit to our country. who call on the congolese people to rise up and prevail micron from coming to our country. sound. what cannot killough brothers and come here to be welcomed like a king? that man is a criminal. i always did was on the phone and we, i, in front of the french embassy to clear this site to mac, run that he's not welcomed in the d. r c, what we're showing also the deputy with our malian burke, knobby and guinea and brothers who are all the suffering. the dreadful effects of the french near colonialism. my france has made a plea to the european union to finance the rwandan army,
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which is keen old people and been in luton. our villages. 95 sense of us are on the rise, not only in the d o c but also in the west african nations of molly and looking at versa. which you refuse to continue cooperation with the french armed forces? all the chorus orland caribella, topler as the details you have more and more countries saying no rather than saying maybe or even seeing a future with any kind of partnership with france. we saw was the end of last year. emmanuel mac crohn, re upon realization of the deteriorating relationship that his country as a former colonial power is having with the new wave of leadership here on the continent. coming out to say that he was to launch a new strategy to watch our friends world relate with africa. this quite all
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of that. it's still very much a no from more and more african countries. we've seen the french military troops being expelled in countries such as what gina fossil in miley, as the new military went up to a position with regards to those countries. and the french are finding themselves more and more with their back against the walls when it comes to how they relate to individual african countries. i mean, even the relationship that france has enjoyed with rwanda, for instance. what has been called into question following rwanda's abandonment of the french language as an official language in opting to use english instead. even earlier this year we heard miley in government going as far as to say
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that they believe that the french, when not only what they did not only fail to, to quell the insurgency that we have seen from the jihad is then extremist groups that we've seen in the hell, but they believed that the french government went as well as just the, the flight in the sal, even going as far as to why some of the rebel groups that have caused this is a surgeon. meaning that they, i varying, that france saw it of interest for the jihad is to not come to an end to be here perpetually. but emanuel micron is on a 4 day tour of this continent is going to visit a boy and you will be in law. and he will end these tours in the d r. c. where was some of the strongest feelings about the french,
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emanating from having, of course, blaming the french in that area. they're blaming the french of turning a blind eye to wonder assistance. and no one does. popping up of the m 23 rebels. they, i choose the french president of being an assassin, as you said, because he has lived that no fin guys, they say, and he has turned a blind eye to one. that involvement was the d. stabilisation of the eastern part of the d. r. c. mind you, me, there was a peace agreement that was signed in that region, but they still see the french very much as being a spent force in that region. being able, or rather, i'm willing to do anything to address the insurgency that has been caused by the extension of what they say is the key. godly government,
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represented in this case by m 20 to the rebels. the french have a long way to go year if they're going to research and re kindled the relationship that they've had with the numerous african countries. but the 1st president will be meeting his counterparts here in all the countries that he's visiting. he's also expected to sign an ugly cultural agreement with the d r. c. one can only wonder how long that will hold because more and more we're hearing of countries re considering given the use of the frank, that is the currency that was introduced by franz as a former colonial power here. and they say that that has not necessarily served their interest and it's only served france in as says that it allowed them to,
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to pin these countries down and have them in it's so cold over the economy. we spoke with molly insecurity. i asked for his says the sentiment against the french president is associated with a younger generation that has rejected, unfavourable cooperation with the former colonial power. yet in janice, your young people growing up in africa to day who have not experienced colonization . this is a generation that thinks freely and intends to compete as equals with the nationals of other continents. this generation today will not tolerate any inclination of manipulation or the use of african resources for the influence of another country or economy. this pertains to france. i think that today there is a majority opinion in africa that france is a predatory country that depends on african resources and is the origin of many crises on the continent. i think this visit is part of
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a kind of charm offensive to reposition france on an african geopolitical chess board. in my opinion, the only alternative is africa itself. it is the countries of africa that must assume responsibility to latin america now makes it goes prisoner has set up defiantly against washington's criticism about new electoral reforms in the latin american country. he asserted that his country actually has a more democracy. but the u. s. m. as in organizing may go, there is more democracy in mexico than in the u. s. k. they still have not abandoned the 2 century old policy on the monroe doctrine. behaving like the governments of the world in me. mexico versa initiated the length tauriel reform, which have improved by the national parliament. he believes that funding previous the allocated for like tauriel authority, the would be better spent elsewhere,
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especially for providing more assistance to impoverished people. but the u. s. has said the measure it could potentially jeopardize demographic procedures. this is just the latest in a long list of issues that have harmed relations between the u. s. and southern neighbor, mexico, immigration policies and drug trafficking have been points of contention. and the mexican person, even boy, quoted the summit of the americas hosted by the u. s. last year. that was reported late because the us liberty did not invite the needs of tuber nicaragua, as well. we heard from latin america, professor daniel shows as it is high time for mexico to stand up against washington imperialistic approaches to the reading region. we've seen a lopez overlord, who has become increasingly anti imperialist, increasingly bold. this is
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a very welcome change in the tone of the mexican president who for how many decades when they were representatives of the p, r i of the pre they were nothing but stooges and lackeys of u. s. foreign policy in u. s. interests. so certainly, i'm those tone i think, comes as a surprise to the state department in the not quite sure what to make of it. representatives of the state department have had the usual rhetoric saying that they respect mexican sovereignty. but if we examine u. s. foreign policy all the way back to 1848. with the theft of one 3rd of what was mexico. we should remember the california nevada, arizona, utah, colorado, texas. all of this land belonged to the indigenous people. in fact, the entire divided sneaks of america. and i'm low in the mexican
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people, do not forget this representatives of so many sovereign governments from olivia to brazil to venezuela, to cuba. now in mexico are saying that we will not accept this arrogant posture of monroe isn't. that defines all of south american, the caribbean, as the backyard of the united states. so this is very welcome news that i'm low standing up in this way. let's go back to the african continent now the west of the nation. over here i have scrapped mid fi assistant agreement with france. that was in place for more than half a century comes and made rising local sentiment against the former colonial power and hundreds of friendships expelled from the country. monte correspondent, no, no. will. reports. mckenna foster has indeed terminated a 1961 military assistance deal with france. and this, of course, coming in just
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a few weeks after telling the french ambassador and troops backing its anti insurgency campaign to leave the nation. it seems like keener for, for, has had enough of any sign of colonialism that it is taking every measure possible to end these ties, at least at the military level. i think it's also important to note that attentions with france at the political level in both nations have been accompanied by anti french demonstrations and social media criticism. so this has not to come as a surprise in was expected. he, even though the expectation was not at this level, according to reports, the move, what marks a further downward spiral in relations, since the military toppled to begin as elected president last year. and you'd remember that a few weeks ago, french president emanuel mac, ron did say he was awaiting purification from cooking fossa,
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the transitional president, about this decision. so it seems like the decision came in as soon as they expected. so now we wait to see how president mccracken will deal with this since he is in the continent. currently, us government has issued a report saying russia is unlikely the been involved in the so called have syndrome incidence, which american diplomats, inc, you will develop mysterious illnesses. russia's form, as he says that revelation is sharp as the previous us rhetoric, the russian nearer, logical weapons might have been behind the strange symptoms of those u. s. personnel. let me remind you that for several years the very same you must intelligence community and leadership as well as the u. s. media have claimed that star spangled diplomats are being tortured, having hallucinations,
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and nurture. the intelligence services of the axis of evil countries, primarily russia were allegedly behind it. the hub on a syndrome was 1st reported of the u. s. embassy in cuba, back in 2016. the term has been used by the u. s. government to destroy, but constellation of physical symptoms including ringing in the is headache, nausea, and acute discomfort. they are so the of the syndrome origin has set of wise for speculation in the u. s. with some officials characterizing it as a targeted attack on us personnel. q x was in 2017 to the so called acoustic attacks, because of it actually chirping crooked though other insects. but this why that you asked me down, that's hyped up his theory about supposed russian links that the u. s. has now admitted were largely disproven. they have bolstered the longstanding hypothesis by the intelligence community that this is likely are the russians because the
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russians have a history of studying this technology. politicians have pointed their finger at russia as possibly being behind the attacks. i directed energy weapon and potentially some involvement by russia, perhaps 1st year is to spy on us embassies, but now being used as a weapon. i one or more hostile countries current and former u. s. officials believe russia is to blame. so when the truth of the registry come out, we see that some other reasons might so cause the mysterious symptoms. former c, i officer raymond, mcgovern says that you as, as just demonizing, russia pointing fingers before anything is clear, it could be a straw in the when we'd have to wait to see if there are other honest reports that come out have a slightly more balanced view of russia right now we're having the kremlin and mister poochie pretty much considered the general and hell incarnate. and so be
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a while for us to get off that care. what really did these people in? i mean, it's a serious problem. it's just it for once russians have been exonerated. now just the last word here in new york times has this. sorry, i've seen it written it. where will they put it? well, they might put it on their front page, but i doubt it. it'll probably be buried page a 17 and again, most americans will be left with the impression that the russia is actually made a lot of our diplomats inspire sick in cuba, moscow invasion wherever it is. they did it. all right, so this is our done go way will be right back at the top of the album. ah ah
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ah ah ah ah ah ah ah with
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ah ah shayla did a floppy us food id or there's a tune with a phone that silly about that re lucky. lucky quasi devoted chivalry solve these actual good as somebody catalog ah, most of the money to carry out our programs and do our research for free meals comes from a variety of sources. ah, certainly from the u. s. government and other, a donor governments that are interested are involved in promoting of democracy, human rights for so america is financed by the u. s. government. and the voice of america is part of the federal government.


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