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tv   News  RT  March 2, 2023 5:00am-5:31am EST

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says to submit, i lose you what i see. these 2 new bosses don't. ruth? you lation says diesel to bob. ah, bringing you a report to kill the child wounded in attack. why? brutally clay and some of those near the border in russia's, brianna reed and federal authorities. i'm and people who are engage in a mom to find and eliminate the logo going on had faith in his prime as a stop wanting to will powers at the g 24 minutes is meeting in you, denny. and he goes for the community to support developing nature process for them across says out on a tour of africa made a deteriorating relation and
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a rising sentiment against the former colonial power on the company with hello, welcome to international course in life for moscow. i'm a big heavy with start with the top story. this our, our breaking news from russia. we ask region near the ukranian border. the governor says a group of the cleaning services have shot at a civilian vehicle. kitting one person wounding a 10 year old child in the village over louise chaney, russian federal authority say they are conducting all necessary measures to find and eliminate those. a sentence. local officials have denied me the report about hostages being taken in a nearby village. that's after we offer them to comment on those ripples. our russian news agency class has said that multiple local rivers have been either killed all wound with fighting county ongoing against the claim to us. the governor
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has also said that a drone of tax and residential building in another part of the region cools in, blaze to erupt. recently, cleaning out to the shown shilling has also damage several homes. no rush and bridge near the border air. a warnings have been issued in 3 euclid and regions near russia's, brianna squeaking plus live now to chris the on a journalist and found out the news outlet dumbass inside the crew. so thanks for joining us on short notice now is that it is located right on the border with your car in without any misuse system. this is a little over. do you know why they've come under attack? i think we have to qualify clearly that as a terrorist attack, i thoroughly a long time that i say that ukraine is a terrorist state. and so for me,
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these kind of attack, he's not a surprise. it's just the proof that what we said before is to be a, my sink is read to terrorize the russian students. right. i mean, earlier we saw the russian president put in or did increase control over the russian boys with ukraine. how. how could these, including the services of buyers to get across the border on the border with ukraine is really, really long. i mean, it's seldom of kilometers if we come the whole the home frontline plus the. busy the usual frontier, so it's of course, really hard to verify and shake every since you mentor of this frontier. it's really hard to, to look everything i understand. but it's really, really hard, especially in these regions where the villages are really close from the front. you know, i mean, this is them,
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perhaps other russian regions only in blue could also be on the threats. of course, of course, i think that all the regions which are on the, on the border with ukraine and can send for these kinds of problems. multiple ne, i mean the deep, you're on the p r. we already had these kind of problem moving situations of the ukrainian subcultures through the through the frontline. i think we can expect these kind of action as well. the whole frontier of the russian federation with ukraine. this is going to lead to some form of escalation. when you say, i'm going to have, could russia this one further? i think that russia should definitely get tougher with ukraine. ah, because these kind of attacks for me is really a remaining cent of terrorist attack of the terrorists in their 2000 years like the baseline natar. can the other kind of terrorist attack that we're done at
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this moment? so i really think russia should really get tougher with ukraine in our really, ah, get against ukraine like against a terrorist state. and get the word out as well. because all of this sort of news isn't making its way over the world to sell and the on thanks so much for joining us on short notice here at our typical children p as hope that these services are caught quickly and hope to. thanks. a crisis. all of multilateralism bass, a key point of indian prime ministers, speech on the conference of gee 24 minutes as a new delay. miranda moody has said that global powers must take responsibility for international of people that directly affects developing countries. we must all economic dag multilateralism
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egan crisis today. the extremes of the last 2 years, financial crises, climate change. when they meet that alone and vol. clearly, sol, bag global governance had failed. this is why india g, during the presidency, has tried to do our voyage through the global south. no root can claim global other c this hour listening to those most by each. this is on this for your for the most important. see you hard from it is told or in the on or into more the talking about how was your resume in crisis. he's also said that the global warning, of course,
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has the field, especially for developing countries. so remember, india saw to be the voice of the guild, the south, and the g 20 all precedence before india also comes at a time where the neighboring television economy over india, such as pop the song, feel on golf bung be used. all of them are in a major economic crisis. they're struggling to pay back loans as well, and therefore india wants to be the war. so global south, of course, not even remotely. they're also talking about how we need to focus on the issue of that. and you, night off, you know, divide, you also are going to see that the president c all for in the meeting today. in fact, shaking please amidst the deep noble divide. and of course, we saw that last week as well during the finance minister g 20 meek and bang lou, where we saw that there was no consensus. there was no joint statement and read.
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that was a pre call fell to what could happen today. the key agenda for more the government to show leadership on really are multilateralism of calls that need for reform, global operations also food and g. cry says that several countries including of the global south east, currently facing now a for saw rochelle, talk to him. i love his yard, he had a, bilateral, he's gone to bob, dr. j shanker, yesterday. even today that our theory of bilaterals that are lined up j shankar in the foreign minister and told us he's doing good on 50 bilateral, also the possibility of a j. shank are meeting his chinese counterpart to the very important again, because this comes in the back draw tensions between the 2 countries. after all of the recent skirmishes out the board, also of course, we're going to keep track of all the g 20 proceeding. but the big question that
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remains is whether or not we will see that join a communicate a joint statement from the lead. that, of course, is going to be a big a big question. and in some time from now, we also have an answer to that. the, to the quote and advocate slapped him and he assistance agreement with france that was in place for more than half a century, hundreds of phase. so they expelled from the west african country on fi correspondent and know lucas under reports. mckenna foster has indeed terminated a 1961 military assistance deal with france. and this, of course, coming in just a few weeks off the, telling the french ambassador and troops batching. if an insurgency campaign to leave the nation, it seems like keener for, for, has had enough of any sign of colonialism that it is taking every measure possible to end these ties,
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at least at the military level. i think it's also important to note that attention with france at the political level in both nations have been accompanied by anti french demonstrations and social media criticism. so this has not to come as a surprise in was expected. he, even though the expectation was not at this level, according to reports, the move, what marks a further downward spiral in relations, since the military toppled to became as elected president last year. and you'd remember that a few weeks ago, french president emanuel mac, ron did say he was awaiting clarification from booking to fossil transitional president about this decision. so it seems like the decision came in as soon as they expected. so now we wait to see how president mccracken will deal with this since he is in the continent. currently. thinking as in the middle east report
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shows that is re, these have 900 about 270000. those policies whose homes would destroyed in the west bank town of who are the crowd funding. busy organizer a member of israel labor party, beneath the jewish people, should stand against such acts of violence. the campaign was laws also debbie crashes. the tune is really set this scene residence last week, which left to is really the one passing and dead. and more than 300 people reportedly wounded dozens of buildings over just the overnight of the fund. now says he is looking for a way to transfer the funds to the effective sound, to a i think a member of the labor palsy. yeah, thank you. now what prompted you to organize funding for policy and people and are you surprised by flesh a positive response and the work that i can do and that i and then and then
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in the rally, i think that this is a very jewish and value to fight against the rate of them and again, extreme of them and against mr. miller, them. and when people from my people go out and harm innocent people, i feel that i have jewish obligation to fight it back. you know, the most popular birth in the bible is that we need to remember that we were strangers in egypt. so if we need to remember that we also need to act like that. so that's the reason i decided to launch this crowd funding project and just to correct you, we are ready about $500000.00 in 3 days. almost 2000000 cheko from
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12000 israeli 99 percent of them jewish. this is a majority. and israel, a moderate majority is good news and that's good to hear. finally. well, that was your view about those rise in the way. i mean, why it has been such an escalation of was recently between is raise and palestinians. look for israeli of the were murdered in palestinian intact in the last month and i also i the f reserve i know that he has to fight against terror. but when you fight again, jerry, you need to remember that we are all on their gods characters and they are to fix hearing in our small land, extremists and terrorists and modern. we have
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a battle between the treatment that they are in the house, the uniformity and the experience that we have here. and we need to try and to win this battle because we want to rescue and to guarantee israel, future of the jewish and democratic country. yes, it's a tough topic to talk about ready. when we look at what's going on from a far we see the demographics, we see the energy in the region changing a lot now with these riot, with these attacks and the perpetrates is going on. some say that there's some connection to the israeli government on, on this would you agree or disagree? there is about damian. terror, an arab terror against jewish people, 130 years before the state of israel, the stablish. so no,
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i don't think that the riot or the terror because they move a government. i do think that there is no leaders on both sides that want to speak and promote peace. and again, peace is a very jewish value. so i hope it's not an easy time here now in israel, but i hope that bottom line, the peace people and the moderate people will go back to power and try to fix all the conflicts. yeah, you know, well i have the you, you set up this fun quite right now. now you said the close of $500000.00 now have been funded. have you or we'd have you received any threats for doing this for, for setting this up for you being welcome for doing such
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a thing. ah, look, $12000.00 israeli than 48 hours and thousands of support the messages. so i feel welcome, but yet there is also a few 100 threats and even life death threats. but i'm a very, let's say, i believe in what i do, and i want to buy to bring back a more moderate and tolerance, judith. and so when you're a believer and when you're a fire, i'm not afraid from the best read. they have both both sides of the comic about the crowd fund media project. well, you keep up the good luck. there's going to be peace in the region soon. yeah, i think member of the naval party. thank you for joining me today. thanks again. thank you. thank you. by latin american. so he makes it because president has stood
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up defiantly against washington's criticism about new total reforms in the latin american continent. he asserted that his country actually has more democracy and the u. s. i muslim, crashing me going. there is more democracy in mexico than in the u. s. they still have not abandoned the 2 century old policy on the monroe doctrine. behaving like the government of the world basically as president initiated electoral reform which have been approved by the national parliament. he believes that funding for the allocated for electoral authorities would be better spent elsewhere, especially for providing more assistance to improve the people. but the u. s. has said the measures could potentially jeopardize democratic procedures. this is just the latest in a long list of issues of hom relations between the us. i'm it. so the neighbor,
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mexico immigration policies, i'm the drug for have been point of contention. and the medical person even boycotted the summit of the americas hosted by the u. s. last year. but a snob was reported lee because the us labor b not did not invite the leaders of cuba. nicaragua, as well. we heard from latin american studies professor daniel, sure. he says it's high time for makes good, i'm up against washer as imperialistic approaches. so the region we've seen a lopez overheard who has become increasingly anti imperialist. increasingly bolt. this is a very welcome change in the tone of the mexican president who for how many decades when they were representatives of the p, r i of the pre they were nothing but stooges and lackeys of u. s. foreign policy and u. s. interests. so certainly lose tone,
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i think comes as a surprise to the state department in the not quite sure what to make of it. representatives of the state department have had the usual rhetoric saying that they respect mexican sovereignty. but if we examine u. s. foreign policy all the way back to 1848. with the theft of one 3rd of what was mexico. we should remember the california nevada, arizona, utah, colorado, texas. all of this land belonged to the indigenous people. in fact, entire divided sneaks of america. and i'm low in the mexican people, do not forget this representatives of so many sovereign governments from bolivia to brazil, to venezuela, to cuba. now in mexico are saying that we will not accept this arrogant posture of monroe isn't. that defines all of south american, the caribbean,
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as the backyard of the united states. so this is very welcome news that arm lo, standing up in this way back to the breaking news for mirage has greg region near the ukranian border. the governor said the group of you creating services have shot at a civilian vehicle, getting one person and wounding a 10 year old child in the village. over little bit chinese, russian federal authorities say they are conducting all necessary measures to find and eliminate those assailants. now, ah, see, correspond, rachel close is joining me now. here the student must have rachel army. do we know all the reasons off of these recent attacks? well, there still are a lot of questions as to what those motives and reasons behind this specific attack could be. but this is the latest in a string of attacks and attempted attacks that we've seen just this week. so let's take a look back at what we know so far. we know that the f s b is saying that russian
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forces are taking measures to target those armed ukrainian nationalists as they referred to them. as of there is some sort of man hunt underway. we're still waiting for updates on that. now at the same time, we know that this occurred in the bronze region near the border between russia and ukraine. we also know that so far, at least one civilian is dead and a child is injured in a shooting by what they're calling ukrainian saboteurs. now that child was just 10 years old who was wounded and the driver of the car that was attacked was killed. now this of course comes is there have been a number of reports on social media saying that there is some sort of hosted situation. however, we are still waiting for confirmation on that and can't confirm anything at this time. not the same time. there have been a number of separate simultaneous incidents going on in the bronze region. there were reports of a drone attack on another village warehouse caught fire, but there were reportedly no casualties, according to the local governor there. and in the cursed region, there was
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a reported showing where one person was killed and one was wounded again, according to the local governor in that region. now this comes as this week, we've seen a number of attempted drone attacks, specifically targeting russian territory and russian president vladimir putin actually spoke out on that recently. here's what he had to say. but business acc, doilies, alicia, we're still faced with the pressing task of countering terrorist threats over the past year. the number of such crimes has increased. it's obvious, this is connected with the key of regimes, attempts to use terrorist methods. and we are well aware of this as they have been used by them and dumbass for a long time in the west desire to revive extremists and terror cells of it's so called old friends on our territory. and we know that they have never been squeamish about using both radicals and extremist to their advantage. despite all the loud statements about their fight against international terrorism that they always use whatever means they have at hand against us. it's always been that way and it's still that way. so again,
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the story is breaking. we will continue to follow it has, there is a reported manhunt still underway by law. rachel, we so stephanie, he believes was going on, was we again soon? thanks. i vent so change gears now. if i just go back to what's going on. the african continent, french president, man in micron, is on the 2nd day of his week long thoughts to africa, but many roads in democratic republic of congo, which is scheduled to be his final sub. i'll making it clear that he isn't welcome . o. produce is gathered in the capital kinshasa with sluggers. micron is a murderer. i'm calling for help from a russian president vladimir putin. the demonstrators waved russian flies compared macro on to the notorious m. 23 insurgent group. and spray painted the french embassy with the woods. micron get lost. similar sentiment has been growing,
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and course the content of the west african nations molly ambled through the facet also recently demanding the immediate withdrawal refreshed troops. we heard from protest about why exactly there against the plan visit by the french leader that there are many widows because of my strong, which on one hand, we supported army and we oppose his visit. when we came here to say that we don't want help, we are strong enough to fight for our country. that's the reason why we're protesting. or because got french president mc kronos fonda, and wanted to kill our brothers. and that's why we young people from the citizen movements in kinshasa have gathered to see know, to mac, crohn's, visit to our country, who call on the congo least people to rise up and prevent ma chrome from coming to our country. somewhat cannot kilo brothers and come here to be welcomed like a king. that man, he's a criminal lawyer. it was on the one we are in front of the french embassy to clear
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sight micron that he's not welcomed in the d r c. where showing also the territory with our malian, berkener, abbey, and guinea and brothers, who are also suffering the dreadful effects of the french near colonialism. france has made a plea to the repeal union to finance the rwandan army, which is keen all people, and been an enlightened our villages. i made the rise and see if my incentive is malia look, you know, if i serve, refuse to continue cooperation with the french on forces. those african nations of instead being developing closer ties with russia. successes in dealing with terrorist threats. because wonder cargo sackler has the details. emanuel milan reapply realization of the deteriorate in relationship that his country as a former colonial always having with the new wave of leadership here on the continent . and the french are finding themselves more and more with their back against the
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walls when it comes to how they relate to individual african countries. i mean, even the relationship that france has enjoyed with rwanda for instance, or has been called into question following rwanda's abandonment of the french language as an official language in opting to use english. instead. even earlier this year we heard miley in government going as far as to say that, that they believe that the french, when not only on that, did not only fail to, to quell the insurgency that we have seen from the jihad has been extreme as groups that we've seen in the hell, but they believe that the french government went as well as to sustain the fight in the south. even going as far as to some of the rebels that have caused this is the meaning that they,
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i in varying that front. so it of interest what the jihad is to not come to an end to be here perpetually. but emanuel micron is on a 4 day tour of this continent is going to visit a boy on the will be in no goal. and he will end these tall in the d odyssey, where was some of the strongest feelings about the french, emanating from there was a peace agreement that was signed in that region. but they still see the french very much this spend force in that region. being unable, or rather, i'm willing to do anything to address the insurgency that has been caused by the expansion of what they say is the key. golly, government represented in this case by m 20, for the rebels. the french have
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a long way to go here. if they're going to research and re kindled the relationship that they've had with the numerous african countries. because more and more we're hearing of countries re considering even the use of the frank. that is the currency that was introduced by france as a former colonial power here. and they say that that has not necessarily served their interest and is only served to france in as those that it allowed them to, to pin these countries down and have them in a choke cold over the economy. we spoke with a malia securing for, says a sentiment against french for is associated with the younger generation that have rejected, unfavourable cooperation with the former colonial power. yet in venice,
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there are young people growing up in africa to day who have not experienced colonization. this is a generation that thinks freely and intends to compete as equals with the nationals of other continents. this generation today will not tolerate any inclination of manipulation or the use of african resources for the influence of another country or economy. this pertains to france. i think that today there is a majority opinion in africa that france is a predatory country that depends on african resources and is the origin of many crises on the continent. i think this visit is part of a kind of charm offensive to reposition france on an african geopolitical chess board. in my opinion, the only alternative is africa itself. it is the countries of africa that must assume responsibility here who i have said the wires has cooled, the cove it and they was most likely to leaked from
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a try is the burglary value as a visual us seeking to fact i'm direct costs from bathing. i'll see cause one can of moment report. so they issue from new f b i director christopher re blames china for cove it. he says it leaked from a lab and killed millions of americans. the efi i has for a quite some time now assessed that the origins of the pandemic are most likely a potential lab incident and move on here. you're talking about a potential leak from a chinese government controlled lab that killed millions of americans. and that's precisely what that capability was designed for. re isn't the only one the u. s. ambassador to shine and nicholas burns has made similar statements and says, china is not being honest, but perhaps it isn't china that needs to be more honest and transparent about the origins of co it u. s. mainstream media is certainly having a field day.


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