tv News RT March 4, 2023 12:00pm-12:31pm EST
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ah ah ah, well worshipful with his edge closed the 2 surrounding to 50 of all to him. old school, bach moved to examine the destruction caused in don't bath as retreating. ukrainian truth destroyed critical infrastructure to hinder the russian above the head of a neo nazi group. they claimed responsibility for a deadly attack, and a russian border region admits the operation was coordinated with the ukrainian, the military it wrong denies accusation that has in which to radio to near weapons grade level to wrong demands western powers, the owner,
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the countries rides on the 2015 international nuclear deal with china say that refuses to be bullied by country seeking to impose their own domestic north on the plaza nation with very, very welcome to you. you're watching off the international with the late as well. news out date is great to happy with us this out. i was start with the latest developments in dorm boss where the leader of the volcanic group say, russian forces have essentially surrounded a key stronghold of ukrainian troops and the don't yet republic. now this comes off to a number of advances by russian troops in the area. the volcanic groups leader claims that are not many professional ukrainian soldiers left in the fights. the ukrainian army has reportedly been destroying critical infrastructure, several bridges under down to hinder the russian and circle men of the city of buck
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commute. all tim, all of the ukrainian military is also destroyed. infrastructure and industrial science. when was drawings on other areas in don mass? oh, correspondent egos, donna went to see a factory that ukrainian chips destroyed in a dance. clayton. no conventional weapon is capable of dealing this amount of instantaneous damage. for underground floors were hidden here underneath a 9 story building. it is truly hard to tell what this structure looked like before the departure of ukrainian soldiers. but locals, who had to co exist with key of troops, se, well, they did all this to literally bury their secrets. this once used to be a cold storage plant. cave troops reaped full benefits of its facilities. absolute safety provided by the underground levels made the facility into a perfect hospital for the wounded until it was time to leave little hubble as well
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. there were a lot of them here, mostly wounded. after 200 people and 160 people killed one and then they ended up blowing it all up. and there was even a soldier working by crying. well yeah, he said 3 of my cameras were wounded and blown up there. he walked away, still crying, but what can you do? the blast wave wiped out the whole row of houses adjacent to the plant, local se it felt like an earthquake. no, it was like a huge explosion. this whole side was covered in dust. then when we went out to see what happened, we saw everything was destroyed. there's a house opposite across the street where deborah came through the roof and broke through the hole is the same here. all this site is suffered and those houses are destroyed. it is a nightmare. the ground is covered with rubble and green packaging from ukrainian and european army rations. but while soldiers enjoyed an abundance of food,
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ordinary citizens had to scavenge. that said, though, the situation with food was very bad. my daughter sent supplies through some one. the car then came and shed food with us. beside that, in general, no one shed anything at all in a basement, not far from the plant, we discover more traces of ukrainian troops who were once stationed here, ammo, crates potentially left pro key of sleeper cells and outdated military maps, neighbor with propaganda literature. and here in the basement right next to children's books like this one, learning to write with darcia in russian. by the way, there's an encyclopedia on ukraine's new nazi battalions. and of course here on the front cover, they're called volunteer groups. and the notorious as of battalion, well, it sits here modestly in the top right corner, which does put things into perspective. every single emblem here belongs to a separate group to a separate battalion. and as of like, new nazi battalion,
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there were truly glorified in ukraine since 2014. they literally had books written about them. i'm a gosh, darn of reporting from the dumbass r t with the mainstream media outlets are waking up to the reality on the ground following thursdays, cross border rate by a group of neo nazis from ukraine who killed 2 people in russia. but he asked region, as c n n anchor has now admitted that there's truth to moscow stance on the conflict . the rushing volunteer corps, a lead by figure, well known to him and those who follow the transnational far right. dennis coasted . now the anti defamation league has dennis compulsion as a russia neo nazi who live in germany for many years has trained young members of the far right national democratic party of germany and others. he also ties to the as all the in the as a brigades, which is that ukrainian extremist fall right group as well. so went to the next goes public aid. 50 attack was carried out by neo nazis. there's an element of truth of that statement. on thursday morning,
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a group of command days from ukraine cross the border into russia, but he owns the region and ambush, several civilians killing to people and wounding a child. moscow called it a terrorist attack, a warning for use some of the following images, all graphic and you might find them distressing. footage released by russian investigators shows one of the victims with guns down at close range right inside the car. moscow safety ukrainian attack is used, western supplied weapons, according to russian officials. this arbiters were pushed back across the border into ukraine, and then bombarded with artillery. the sabbath squad was led by dennis nikita in a russian national, who turned on his own country. enough fights for ukraine. he's a notorious now nazi with radical connections across europe and has been living in kiev since 2017. in an interview following those days, dudley a talk communicate and admitted that the operation was coordinated with the ukrainian military. yes, of course. this action was agreed, otherwise,
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it couldn't have happened. how do you imagine that? i passed through the dark of night that the remind bridges, the cameras he seeking drones. there were hidden open observation points. if i did not coordinate it with any one in ukraine's military, i think we would simply be destroyed. or despite the admission from the kate and k of maintains it had nothing to do with the deadly rate. ukrainian presidential adviser has even accused russia of using the incident as a provocation to escalate the conflicts. let's now cross a 2 line. oh, to discuss this further line. oh, good to see. just how surprising is it that a c, n n anchor has admitted that russia has a point when it say there's financing against neo nazis in ukraine. first, i cannot believe that cnn would somehow be not coordinated in terms of one aspect of cnn, saying something without the the tacit approval of the overall,
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i guess, heads of cnn. this is, this is amazing to me. i have been hearing about this and we have been hearing about it terms of as of a dire right sector, neo nazis since the beginning. but here in or in the west? it's it. it fell on deaf ears. nobody acknowledged it. it was a conspiracy theory. what i don't understand is the western media, whenever you say anything about racist, neo nazi white nationalism, any of these trigger words immediately that's almost like a dog whistle where everybody stands to attention. but for some reason, for readers, i will never understand with all of our, our, our, all of our concern about our human rights, the notion of neo nazis. let me just say something. i'm not using this term, this term almost m as in affectation or an expression weren't talking about swastika dalton,
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neo nazis. real honest to god. nazi, i can't believe i'm even we're, we've been using these terms and yet the west has been silent now. all of a sudden they're saying wait a minute, maybe there's something to what you know, i've noticed in the past couple of weeks, things change all of a sudden here everybody change their tune about cove. it may be china has something to do with. it may be masks are on in poor are unnecessary. it's like we've been saying this. and then all of a sudden, after everybody has been told, you're crazy. we've been gas lighted. you're making this up. you're either, you're, you're a potent apologist. you're some kind of an a lunatic. then all of a sudden, as though nothing happened, they rang the bell. everybody says, you know what, maybe there is something to that. what changed? what was the piece of evidence that changed everybody's sense of awareness? it's fascinating. it was like you said without a year of the western media denying that russia or even how's
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a valid point when it comes to the ukraine situation is, what do you make of the timing? why now i want people is this, that the beginning of a mass, you turn always, there's just a droplet in the ocean. i hope it is a, it is a change of maybe understanding or attempting to understand the complexity of the situation. and fact, this is a host, simple, complex story ever. the story that has been told before, everybody is thinking, it's been a one sided justice. there's frankly just this brutal attack with no provocation, no reason, no history, no nothing. there's one thing, i mean, let me explain something which is very, very critical. i don't mean to be there to sarcastic though it may appear to be the one thing you will never see on any western obtain. rush, diblasio, american news, media outlet is a map you will never see anything as far as
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a contiguous nature of ukraine in russia. and, and this idea that there is a country that is filled with versions and areas in danbury, in my done it done yet ski a little guns, gin and ukrainian, or russian and, and, and, and where this work and this notion of post soviet reconfiguration not to mention the application of nato. when did this, what i just said, right now, those, those configuration to words. you will never hear here in what in the west, it's just this one sided modal attack and that's it. maybe, maybe somebody i hope i pray is saying, let's just tell the truth or better yet. let's just tell people, the nuances of this to story the, the background. let's just tell people and let them decide. these are the facts. here they are. you know, we report you decide versus we repeat is speaking of telling the truth. we have
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this admission from the man the keaton, who carried out the deadly cross board. right? that it was given a thumbs up from keith. but kiev continues to claim it have, has nothing to do with it, had nothing to do with it. why do you think ukraine is refusing to take responsibility? i you take this as a rhetorical question. first, here is the question. has anybody ever told the truth, by anything? do you do you the, anybody at any point in as a while these absolutely correct. yes. this whole thing is been one do pleasure. this lie 11 misrepresentation and bit of disinformation after another. well, you've got us. know that that doesn't happen, it's always a, well, we need more information and the like. but by here is the thing, maybe and nicky, i want to go with it. let's, let's hope this is at least a change. but what i want to add is that unless there is a concomitant curiosity on the part of the world,
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we're just wasting our time. this is just a parlor game. we're talking about academic people, you know, as a battalions in this and crimea, and i know nobody, nobody here. i hope somehow i can inspire weakness fire in the world. a new, a newly created interest in the truth. just to sit back and say, maybe it's time that after a year we start to understand who the players are. what the history, what is this about that saw maybe i'm, i'm an optimist. i hope this is true. and do you think more people are asking questions and day as thinking the truth about the conflicts? do you think public supports for the conflicts and western countries is waning? do you think people maybe we'll just 10 a blind eye to that governments arming neo nazi terrace. because they have better things to worry about in their lives. think about what you just said government arming, neo nazi terrorist. did you ever think you'd ever be saying this? look, here's what i hope. here in my country, we're looking at the elections are coming up. we're talking about politics,
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we're talking about people changing positions about all of a sudden, maybe maybe that might be part of the spark of this. i hope we're also talking more and more about china and russia and oil and who's involved. we weren't, we're still getting around this notion of the sy hersh story regarding, nor stream to being blown up there still, people are still now starting to say, you know, maybe there's something to this. that was incredible. i thought, for sure, how can you miss sabotage? but i figured there was a way people are now saying, oh, maybe there's something to that. so throw that into the calculus of change. maybe people are saying that we belie too, but there's not going to be any day of reckoning where people are held accountable for. you lighted this media organization lied, and this media organization kept the truth. that no, it'd be business as usual, but i don't care. the fact that this is even being disgusted cnn. thank god for
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a little favors with is making the legal on media analyst lajna. lajna always applies. i thank you very much for your time. thank you. now the head of the international atomic energy agency as hell. the 2nd day of talks in toronto following an investigation that detected traces of near weapons grade level uranium . ron's atomic energy organization chief has said that such a finding doesn't mean the country is enriching uranium past 60 percent. hey melissa, this is doug that 84 percent issue was about particles, not about enrichment. our and product shows that we have not had uranium enrichment above the 60 percent level. talks between i e, a chief rafael growth, the under rainy and president abraham race. they are also expected to take place at both sides. say that doing the best to restore relations. who else ease with it
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comes as, according to the i a e, a reports uranium pascals in which to 84 percent were detected at a rainy and new care facility which is very close to the 90 percent. never required to make a bomb. the head to other rounds, atomic energy reiterated to ron, will stay on course until western powers. remove sanctions and honor the nuclear deal freakish rat out of the 3 european countries in particular. and those who cooperate with them concentrate on iraq obligations to the nuclear deal. the commitments to the nuclear deal must be mutual, and the other parties also need to keep their side of the bargain when they don't comply. they shouldn't push iran and the agency to stick to our obligations. this is why regarding the remedial steps, we agreed with mr. grosse that we regulate our relations within their safeguards of framework. this will assure the agency about our activities as long as those countries have not returned to their commitments. we heard from 500 mirandi professor at the university of to ron,
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who said that around the radium uranium enrichment levels are the same as agreed upon with the i. e. a. it is quite normal for small traces of enriched uranium to be found at above the level that is currently being enriched the technical reasons, i don't know, but iran does not enrich above 60 percent. and the reason why you run is enriching at 60 percent is basically to put pressure on the united states and the europeans to come back to the nuclear deal. in other words, they're using it as leverage. but the russians have not decided to go any further. and they allow the i a inspectors to, to check to see that there is no enrichment above that. just just traces that i've been detected, but the posed no threat or no change in policy from tap wrong. do you think this visit by the i a will help boost relations and cooperation between iran and the
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west? maybe even restoration of this, this nuclear deal that you're optimistic for this visit or not. what we have to see because during the negotiations in vienna and i was in vienna for the negotiations, we came to attacks we, the different 5 came to an attacks. at the end of the negotiations, the european union foreign policy chief gave a text which was very close to what the iranians wanted. iranians made some slight changes and the u. e. foreign policy chief dozer for el said that iran in demands are a reasonable. so at that point we thought we had to deal, but then the americans began to drag their feet and since then, nothing's happened. so the text is ready. if the americans choose to take the right step forward, then there will be a deal in. it all depends on washington and to a degree on the european south africa has responded to
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a us warning from last month caution and get citizens in the nation. and those traveling back to stuck up on at least 3 days worth of food, water, and medicine. south africa's international relations minister has said the american government is simply overreacting rather surprising. and i don't recall such a large the issues in california had similar black culture and outages to to south africa. honda to run a warning, but there's been many of the surprise warnings i was warned about has come to fruition. the said african government has responded to the alarming a late issued by the united states government to its citizens living in the country, the advisory told citizens to stockpile food and medical supplies. the alert was a response to the national state of disaster, recently declared by the president to settle and i'm
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a pause during his state of the nation address. now, the embassy took this opportunity to remind its citizens about the travel advisory label to warning it has in places with africa, which urges them to exercise increased caution due to crime and civil and race. and now report suggests that the united states security alert, was issued without warning or in the consultation with africa. that pushing analysts to say that this reveals the level of issues washington currently has with the continent of arguing that whatever fits africa also affects the entire region is the country we must do scale when a criminal like the united states begin to issue such warning. because the united states is known for find the united states known for finding the absolute united states on their board for quite
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a number of a lot of african countries. so that's the guys why not those country that these babies but h e in the low. but 42 and the native state one to interfere in the politics of south up the belie, the lation ship that i have with china in raj. many believe that this is all part of the brewing tension between the united states and africa. let's keep in mind that to be by an administration had only a warrant for africa against helping russia evade sanctions. and the u. s. has a range of penalties added disposal from rolling back a to funding or trade privileges to imposing sanctions. but so far that africa has been very apologetic about it's dawn or for something
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a little different. a resort for form, a cool guide from uganda has turned plastic waste in lake victoria into an eco friendly floating piece of power dice. this become a bit of a hit among tourists among made island is made up of a cycling 10 tons of plastic bottles and can hold up about 100 people. but that's not all underneath the raft. lines and intricate mays of shrubs and fig tree, where it's which provide fish in the lake with a perfect place to mate and lay their eggs. victoria has had a long running problem with pollution stemming from industrialization run off waste, the under decline in water levels in part due to climate change. its creator james katina has told r t y. he decided to create the following, that the floating oasis, what inspired me was they, they made to offer something in terms of
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environmental, you know, responsibility and a person that loves nature is that person who should be on this boat. anyone that wants to have fresh air the thumb, you know, you, you, you don't, you, you come here to distress to is up on us trace and you know, just sitting there to look at. birds look at the monitor leaves and sometimes in the lake among goes what a birds plant and butterflies, you know, many, many things to see as well as the fishermen, you know, playing the trade on the lake. well, we had a chance to talk to some of the visitors on the vessel who told us that they found the roster author relaxing. whenever i come here and see the lake and how the place is cool, i find a place to meditate in. it's just
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a nice experience of hard to say much, but all i know is that it's a quiet place. usually plastic is always something small that we can touch. we see it and car parts or whatever, but we don't build feelings of plastic. and now sitting on an iowa plastic, actually i would have thought it feels more like sitting on a night of plastic, but i don't see any plastic around here. so it's, it's, it's confusing and great at the same time your mind has to really think of new ideas, and i find that coming in this place. it really gives me that piece to think of great ideas to the us now where the us president joe biden has applauded germany's efforts to give up russian energy supplies in the ukraine conflict. he made those comments during a meeting with the leader of the use largest economy. germany's chunks will allow shots in washington story changes at home and, you know,
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increase in defense spending and the 1st find a way from russian energy sources. i know there's not many very difficult for you to lead a said nothing publicly about the node stream pipeline blasts that cut off direct supplies of russian natural gas. the germany pulitzer prize winning american journalist seymour hersh has since revealed that nato drills were used as cover for the us and its allies to blow up the pipes in the baltic. sea. washington has dismissed the fine things as complete fiction. european countries have said they conduct the investigation into the incidents though. haven't announced any definitive findings, though a retired french general say that the west is just trying to hide the truth. katrina, just what strikes me is that there are german swedish and danish investigations in which a lot of information has already been collected. but there are no conclusions. perhaps there are conclusions that they simply do not want to make public ralph ny
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minor chairman of the opposition group for german sovereignty on constitution agrees. with the conclusion that pushes reports. while here you say, obviously to us in crime may change. so now i believe mr. charles is getting new orders from his master in washington as they definitely know the truth. i mean, we know that sarah and german member of the stock of the parliament at written to mister harvick, the energy minister's office in economic affairs, minnesota office and asked for this information, what they, what, and they both wrote back. both institutions wrote back to that that it was that secret, they could not tell her. so in other words, they know it was the americans up on mr. charles, who called them and said, i don't know what to do about the north stream to an animal. why population wants gas? i can't tell them. no, we don't get to it because they all know sanctions about gas was oil and other
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sectors. finance. ford, thanks a lot about gas. it is not illegal to demand the opening of not stream to. so this is where we have a sandy my can say ok, we come and we solve the problem. the steps the through a major annual event in chinese politics is kicking off the so called a 2 sessions by the chinese parliament. and a political advisory body are expected to introduce a raft of reforms and government appointments. a parliamentary spokesperson has praised china's efforts for development around the world, particularly to help african nations lower than that burden to foreign powers cardona and carrying out belton road cooperation. china never attaches any political strings nor 6 any selfish political gains. according to the world bank, china is not the largest creditor of africa. nearly 3 quarters of africa's external debt is owed to multilateral financial institutions and commercial creditors. in other words,
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they account for the bulk of africa debt. china has been working hard to help africa, ease it, step burden. china has taken an active part in the debt service suspension initiative under the g. 20. common law spokesperson also slammed the western establishments rhetoric about china supposedly being a threat to them as a quote cold war mentality. he said that mutual cooperation is the common interest of china and western powers. but he warns that china will not allow any infringements upon it. for warranty or territorial integrity, specific figures for china, the defense budget are expected to be announced during the current policy making event. in beijing. we heard from the dtn correspondent, gent union, who said the focus of the events. we, the new economic policies and the range of appointed officials to session is one of the most or the most important political event in china. and what makes this year's
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event so special or different is that is the 1st year after trying to optimize this covert research. and so no wonder all eyes are all disadvantage. see how china is going to reboot? it cannot tell you how, what kind of gdp targeted the country going to set. will it be a more conservative one, or will be inhibitions one and how it's trying to go into those calls m r. crucially, the n p c this year will actually bode on the kinds of leadership lineup. ringback we are expected to see the new top officials, including premier vice premieres in other economic and financial leadership roles, including market regulators and we're not audibly during the rep of the 2 sessions . there will be the new, previous 1st time you know, hosting hundreds of journalists from a local and foreign media journalist. and that will be the 1st hand for the journal was to ask questions directly to the new premier. and the appointment of all of
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these top officials will actually give a good, very good indication of where the countries of policies in de bellman tragic tray will go in the coming years. oh, plenty more news and analysis to be found on our website r t dot com, but we'll be back in 30 minutes with more. so we'll see you then. ah, i'm actually nancy, i'm going underground. brook gusting all around the world from dubai. in the united arab emirates, today is 5 years to the day, and my 6 is so gay, script hall, recruited from russian security services by an associates of christopher steele, was allegedly poisoned by radioactive nova chalk, england.
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