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tv   News  RT  March 4, 2023 8:00pm-8:31pm EST

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ah, ah, as russian forces edge, closer to capturing the key 30 of all to all the school back moot, examines the school, it's just been done by webber treason. ukrainian troops destroyed critical infrastructure to hinder the russian and thump with the head of a neo nazi group. that claimed responsibility for a deadly attack in a russian border region admit the operation roles coordinated with the ukrainian military on china say that refuses to be bullied by countries seeking to impose their own domestic laws on other nations. a
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very well welcome to you. you're watching all the international with the latest world news update is great to happy with this. and we stop with the latest developments and don't boss with the leader of the volunteer groups. a russian forces have almost completely surrounded a key stronghold of ukrainian troops and the don't yet republic. this comes off to a number of advances by russian troops in the area. the wagner groups leader claims that many professional ukrainian soldiers left in the fight, the ukrainian army, has reportedly been destroying critical infrastructure, several bridges on the dumb to hinder the russian and supplements of the city auto mall of school, so known as bach moot. the ukrainian military is also destroyed infrastructure and industrial science when withdrawing from other areas in don't boss, i'll corresponded the eco star enough, went to see a factory that ukrainian troops destroyed and the load guns region. no conventional
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weapon is capable of dealing this amount over centennial. damage for underground floors were hidden. he underneath a 9 story building. it is truly hard to tell what this structure looked like before the departure of ukrainian soldiers. but locals, who had to co exist with key of troops, se, well, they did all this to literally bury their secrets. this once used to be a cold storage plant, key of troops reaped full benefits of its facilities. absolute safety provided by the underground levels made the facility into a perfect hospital for the wounded until it was time to leave left uncle hubble allison. well, there were a lot of them here, mostly wound up to 200 people, and 160 people killed. one and then they ended up blowing it all up and there was even a soldier working by crying. well, yeah, he said 3 of my cameras were wounded and blown up there. but when he walked away,
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still crying. but what can you do? the blast wave wiped out the whole row of houses adjacent to the plant, local se it felt like an earthquake. no, it was like a huge explosion. this whole side was covered in dust. then when we went out to see what happened, we saw everything was destroyed. there's a house opposite across the street where deborah came through the roof and broke through the hole is the same here. all this site is suffered and those houses are destroyed. it is a nightmare. the ground is covered with rubble and green packaging from ukrainian and european army rations. but while soldiers enjoyed an abundance of food, ordinary citizens had to scavenge the ship though the situation with food was very bad for my daughter since supplies through some one, the car then came and shed food with us. beside that, in general, no one shed anything at all. what in a basement, not far from the plant, we discover more traces of ukrainian troops who were once stationed here,
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ama crates, potentially left or pro key of sleeper cells and outdated military maps. neighbor with propaganda literature. and here in the basement right next to children's books like this one, learning to write with darcia in russian. by the way, there's an encyclopedia on ukraine's new nazi battalions. and of course here on the front cover, they're called volunteer groups and the notorious as of battalion, well, it sits here modestly in the top right corner, which does put things into perspective. every single emblem here belongs to a separate group to a separate battalion. and as of like, new nazi battalion, there were truly glorified in ukraine since 2014. they literally had books written about them. i'm a gosh, darn of reporting from the dumbass r t y. they're mainstream media outlets are waking up to the reality on the ground following thursdays, cross border raised by
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a group of near nancy from ukraine who killed 2 people in rushes, but he answered region. as an anchor has not admitted that best truth to moscow stance on the conflicts, the russian volunteer co, allied by figure, well known to him and those who followed the transnational far right, did us christian. now the anti defamation league has dennis capuchin, as a russia near nazi who lived in germany for many years has tried young members of the far right national democratic party of germany and others. he also has ties to the as always in the as opera gauge, which is the ukrainian extremis fall right group as well. so went through and i should go to publish aid says the attack was carried up by neo nazis. there's an element of truth of that statement. on thursday morning, a group of commandos from ukraine cross the border into russia's brianne, screeching and ambushed several civilians killing 2 people and wounding a child. moscow called it a terrorist attack warning for use some of the following images you about to see our graphic. and you might find them distressing. is footage released by russian
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investigators showing one of the victims who was guns down at close range in find his car. moscow says the ukrainian attack is used, western supplied weapons, according to russian officials. the sabbath says of pushback across the border into ukraine, and then bombarded with artillery legal, immediate analyst line. or is it surprising to finally see the western media agreeing with moscow? this is amazing. to me, i have been hearing about this and we have been hearing of others terms of as of italian, right, sector, neo nazi since the beginning. but here in or in the west? it, it, it fell on deaf ears. nobody acknowledged it. it was a conspiracy theory. now, all of a sudden they're saying where you are. maybe there's something twitch, after everybody has been told, you're crazy. we've been gas lighted. you're making this up. you're, you're, you're a potent apologist. you're some kind of a lunatic. then all of a sudden,
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as though nothing happened, they ring the bell. everybody says, you know what, maybe there is something to that. what changed? what was the piece of evidence that changed everybody's sense of awareness? it's fascinating. the sanitary squad was led by and dennis nikita in a russian national, who turned on his own country and now fights for ukraine. he's a notorious near nancy with radical connections across europe, and he's been living in t f since 2017, and an interview following thursday's deadly attack nikita and miss it that the operation was coordinated with the ukrainian military. yes, of course, this action was agreed. otherwise, it couldn't have happened. how do you imagine that i pass through the dark of night that the remind bridges, there are cameras he seeking drones. there are hidden, open observation points. if i did not coordinate it with any one in ukraine's military, i think we would simply be destroyed by despite the admission from the kate in key
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as maintains it had nothing to do with the deadly rate. ukrainian presidential adviser has even accused russia of staging the incident as a provocation to escalate the conflicts from usaa force. lieutenant colonel told is the western powers don't seem to mind supporting extremist groups in ukraine. it is a little bit surprising, particularly as he is. he is a neo nazi and a well known neo nazi throughout the west. and he's listed on the anti defamation league as an american group that monitors hey groups. he's listed there for exactly what he is. so i was surprised that it's an organization like the financial times was even interviewing him. they used to be very sensitive about that, i guess. now they're not, it is surprising that they kept it in there, particularly since that's one of the weaknesses that zalinski has in the west. and he is supported by age of he supported by neo nazis in ukraine and elsewhere. that's an area that we don't like to explore and maybe i guess we don't care
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anymore. maybe the west is. it doesn't really matter. it's, it's kind of a sign of not just desperation in the war, but desperation also in the media. they don't. western media has very few sources, and this guy may keaton, you know, he says, hey, i'll tell you what i saw there grabbing at straws. they'll take anybody, one of the survivors of the ukrainian attack, an 11 year old russian boy has been labeled a hair as he saved 2 young girls from enemy fire despite already being wounded himself. fatal was now recovering and hospital off to doctors put a bullet from his back. i realized that i need to act at that moment the shooting started, the car stopped, we got out and we were told to run behind the houses. when we got there, i started taking off my coat and noticed the hole with blood room. i realized i'd been shot. i told the girls that we'll go through the forest. we went there and
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stumbled upon a tractor. these images show the emotional moment theodore's mother and sister visited him in hospital for the 1st time since the shows doctor say he found making a speedy recovery. the local governor has also paid him a visit on the ward, the young hero, a metal for valor, and courage. a tv tower in the area has been decorated with his name praising his actions during the tax. his how his family members have reacted was only was not good a friend called me and said, riah, i'm sorry, there's bad news. your son, fyodor was wounded, i broke down in tears. i called my daughter at once because i couldn't be there myself. they didn't let us go. it took me 24 hours to get there. i cared not for sleep. i knew i had to be there with him. and kirsten. i didn't know what to do at 1st, but then i got into the car and went to the hospital. they let me see him. he was so calm. i cried, i broke down. but he told me calm down,
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my dear everything spine. he did well. he acted not every adult could have done the same. what was the brother we felt proud for was her brother? did he act decisively? he's only a child and no one could have guessed how he would act. performance is very quiet and normal boy like any other child. he never stood out or did anything special before? miss newton, i am. i'm immensely grateful to him. i will be all my life. my daughter's under stress, as she doesn't sleep at night, she refused to go home. where now staying with friends, she categorically said i don't want to go on this road. i don't want to remember what happened. i don't know how to continue. what should i do? my child is just stresses with iran has given what it calls, sweeping assurances to the un nuclear watchdog. pledging to assist a long story investigation into uranium particles found that undeclared, science,
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and won't even reinstall removed. monitoring equipments, the i a on the wrong issue to doing statements off the meeting for talks to run, announced it will voluntarily allow the un watched to increase monitoring and investigation measures with respect to 2 wrongs. rights. iran also expressed readiness to resolve technical issues on 3 nuclear facilities where the i a, the detected traces of near weapons grade uranium. arthur contributes, a use of july only has more browser opted between your one on the west, over the agencies report that they have discovered highly enriched uranium and iran . the nuclear watchdogs inspector say they found your india met a purity level of 83.7 percent at the for do a fuel enrichment plant near gum. iran's atomic energy organization vehemently denies the accusation saying iran has never attempted to enrich uranium beyond the 60 percent threshold. but again,
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if you refer to mr grosses report about the issues you mentioned, you'll see that the report points to the detection of particles with 84 percent not uranium with 84 percent purity based on the inspections that were carried out. the criterion is the production volume and the storage sites where the enrichment takes place have not had more than 60 percent purity. that's why this ambiguous he is considered to be resolved. iran calls the i a's report politically motivated. however, grossly said, the nuclear watchdog will not be influenced by political decisions. the i. e, i, a at not has not been and will never be a political tool of anybody. i, as that, their general, i am independent. i am a under no countries instructions and we act in a way that he's very transparent. and member states have a board of governors. a every step we take. he scrutinized groceries. goal is to reboot
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a much needed political dialogue aimed at resurrecting the 2015 nuclear agreements between iran and the you want security councils. group of 5 plus one. the a court collapsed in 2018 after then. he was president. donald trump withdrew from it and restated sanctions on toronto. the was moved prompted retaliation from to iran was took remedial steps to scale back its commitments. so the accord those measures included enriching uranium to 60 percent purity. while beyond the 3.67 percent cap set out by the deal, the iranian atomic chief says to on will stay on this course until the western signatories, honor iran's rights under the court, and remove sanctions. vicki shadow, why even to the 3 european countries in particular, and those who cooperate with them concentrate on iraq obligations to the nuclear deal. the commitments to the nuclear deal must be mutual, and the other parties also need to keep their side of the bargain when they don't comply. they shouldn't push iran and the agency to stick to our obligations. this
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is why regarding the remedial steps we agreed with mister grosse that we regulate our relations within the safeguards of framework. this will assure the agency about our activities as long as those countries have not returned to their commitments efforts to re 5. the deal have been on hold since last august with that one in washington, each calling for the other side to comply. this, as the pentagon has claimed that the wrong needs only about 12 days to build an atomic bomb hinting that restoring the deal would be a better option. i think there is still the view that if you could resolve this issue diplomatically and put constraints back on their nuclear program, it is better than the other options. but right now the joint comprehensive plan of actions is on ice. the nuclear record, once promised, sanctions really for iran in return for the country curtailing, gets nuclear activities. now the multilateral packed isn't serious doubt iranian officials say they won't come the deals revival. but only if the countries rights as outlined by the joint comprehensive plan of action are respected. use of
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generally r t t. ron university off to ron. profess aside, ma honda mirandi say that iran same uranium enrichment levels are in line with international agreements. it is quite normal for small traces of enriched uranium to be found at above the level that is currently being enriched the technical reasons, i don't know, but iran does not enrich above 60 percent. and the reason why you run is enriching at 60 percent is basically to put pressure on the united states and europeans to come back to the nuclear deal. in other words, they're using it as leverage. but the runs have not decided to go any further. and they've allowed the i a inspectors to, to check to see that there is no enrichment above that just just traces that i've been detected, but the posed no threat or no change in policy from tap. ron and
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major annual event in chinese politics is kicking off the so called to sessions by the chinese parliament on the political advisory body are expected to introduce a raft of reforms on the government appointments. apollo mentary spokes person has praised china's efforts for development around the world, particularly to help african nations lower the debt burden to foreign powers coda. and you carrying out milton road cooperation. china never attaches any political strings nor 6. any selfish political gains, according to the world bank, china is not the largest creditor of africa, nearly 3 quarters of africa external debt is owed to multilateral financial institutions and commercial creditors. in other words, they account for the bulk of africa debt. china has been working hard to help africa ease it's that burden. china has taken an active part in the debt service
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suspension initiative under the g 20 palm and without spokesperson also slammed the western establishments. rhetoric about china supposedly being a threat to them as a quote, cold war mentality. he said that mutual cooperation is the common interest of china and western powers. but he was, the china will not allow any infringement upon its sovereign fee or territorial integrity. specific figures for china's defense budgets are expected to be announced during the current policy making event in beijing. we have some c, g, t, and correspondent junction yang, who said the focus of the events will be new economic policies. and the range of newly appointed official to session is one of the most or the most important political event in china. and what makes this year's event so special or different is that is the 1st year after trying to optimize the cobra restriction.
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so no wonder all eyes are all disadvantage. see how china is going to reboot economic vitality, how, what kind of gdp target is? the country going to set, will it be a more conservative one, or will be inhibitions one and how is trying to go into those goals? emma crucially, the n p c this year, we'll actually vote on the kinds of leadership lineup. we are expected to see the new top of shows including a premier vice premier in other economic and financial leadership roles, including market regulators and we're not totally during the rep of the 2 sessions . there will be the new, previous 1st time you know, hosting hundreds of journalists, a local and for me to a journalist. and that will be the 1st chance for me to ask questions directly to the new premier. and the appointment of all of these top officials will actually give a good,
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very good indication of where the countries policy development tragic true, will go in the coming years. some africa has responded to a us warning from last month, cautioning americans of the african country and those traveling back to stock up. but at least 3 days worth of food. water and medicine list comes amid a dia, energy crisis in south africa, leading to mass outages. nations international relations administer say is washington is simply overreacting to draw the surprising and i don't recall such a large the issues in california had similar blackouts and outages to, to south africa auditor rather than warning. but there's been many of the surprise warnings once he's warned about has come to fruition. tell the african government has responded to the alarming a late issued by the united states government to its citizens. living in the
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country, the advisory told citizens to stockpile food and medical supplies. the alert was responds to the national state of disaster, recently declared by the president to settle pause during his state of the nation address. now, the embassy took this opportunity to remind its citizens about the travel advisory label to warning it has in places for africa, which urges them to exercise, increase caution due to crime and civil and race. so now report suggests that the united states, security alert, was issued without warning or in new consolidation, would south africa that pushing analysts to say that this reveals the level of issues washington currently has with the continent, arguing that whatever fits so the africa also affects the entire region, the country we must keep the skate when it criminal leg. the united
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states begin to issue such warning because the united states is known for funding. the united states is known for finding the absolute united states on their board for quite a number of a lot of african countries. so that's the guys why not those countries that these baby in the low but in the native state, one to interfere in the politics of the belie lation ship that i have with china in the garage. many believe that this is all part of the brewing tension. between the united states and africa, let's keep in mind that to be by an administration had only a warrant for africa against helping russia evade sanctions. and the u is, has
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a range of penalties added disposal from rolling back a to find him. are trade privileges to imposing sanctions, but so far so africa has been very, i'm apologetic about it's dawn now on a lighter note, a resort to form a tall guide from uganda has turned plastic waste in lake victoria into an eco friendly flow. think piece of power isis become a bit of a hit among tourists. among may, the island is made up of a staggering 10 tons of plastic bottles and can hold about 100 people. but that's not all underneath the raft. lines, an intricate maze of shrubs and fig, tree roots which provide fish in the lake with a perfect place to mate and lay their eggs like victoria has had a long running problem with pollution. stemming from industrialization run off waste, the under decline in water levels in part due to climate change. it's created,
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james could see but has told r t y, he decided to create the floating away. what inspired me was they, they made to offer something in terms of environmental, you know, responsibility. and if i say that loves in nature, is that person who should be on this boat, anyone that wants to have fresh air to from you know, you, you don't, you, you come here to distress to is up on us trace and you know, just sitting there to look at birds, you look at the monitor leaves and sometimes in the lake among goes water, birds, plants and butterflies, you know many, many things to see as well as the fishermen, you know, playing the trade on the lake. we had the chance to talk to some of the visitors of
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the vessel who told us i found the raft rather relaxing. whenever i come here and see the lake and how the place is cool, i find a place to meditate in. just a nice experience of hard to say much, but all i know that it's a quiet place. usually plastic is always something small that we can touch, always see it and car parts or whatever. but we don't build buildings out of plastic. and now sitting on an i'll of plastic, actually i would have thought it feels more like sitting on a night of plastic, but i don't see any plastic around here. so it's, it's, it's confusing and great at the same time your mind has to really think of new ideas and i find that coming in this place. it really gives me that piece to think of great ideas more than a 3rd off potential us voters would approve of a quote, national divorce to divide the country between the 2 main political parties. as
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according to a recent, a nationwide poll following it unusual suggestion to that effects made by outspoken republican congresswoman marjorie taylor green. 34 percent responded and said that they could foresee such a divide in the me immediate future. however, a slight majority 57 percent. this agreed, it's largely republicans who support the idea with around half of them expressing approval while only a quarter of democrats did. miss green also said in a post on twitter last week that the u. s. government should either impeach, job, bided or enable states to split up along party lines. she noted that the american taxpayer money shouldn't be used to fund was the countries that are not even members of the us lead nato alliance. we had from the highest of the conservative and daily podcast to say neither the republican nor democratic parties adequately considered the wants and needs of regular people. the g o,
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p and the dnc are 2 wings of the same bird. they divide much like the political theatre that exist across the world is not unique to the united states. it's actually a system that's been designed for, for decades. if not centuries, the american people would, depending on republicans or democrats get in, those leaders are not guided by the needs and wants of the people. they're typically guided by special interest groups and lobbyist groups and large corporations that want those things changed. so it leads to opportunity for that more revenue, more opportunity, more power, more, more ability to have influence on the, on the, the country or the world stage. so it doesn't really matter if the g o p, or the, or the, the democrats that are in power. what matters is, is that the people will raise up and have a voice to where they're more effective and pointing the direction of either party towards a place that offers us the most opportunity as people. but as it sits right now, both political parties are broken and the government apparatus in the united states
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has no accountability and has 0 consequences for those people to do and sit down. a prominent politician has accused the military of hindering the transition to civilian rule browsing. the government, a qu regime that's refusing to create an environment for political progress. it seems clear now that the qu regime is not serious about the political process and maintaining security. in my opinion, the chances of a framework solution have become slim in the face of the military intransigence and systematic killing. well, this comes amid a wave of protest sin sit down against a preliminary deals truck between the ruling junk and the main pro democracy group . many local, so the agreements will make the military immunity from prosecution for alleged crimes. another process that was killed on tuesday becoming the latest and a long list of victims in the countries recently on breast. the latest incident happened when a man was reportedly shot in the chest by sue to need
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a hearing forces a fresh wave, a while, and split up in december. also the controversial political deal was signed. the african country has seen it to military coups interest. the past 5 years, despite criticism from the opposition, sedans, current top general claims, he's ready to transfer power. some local say, their hope both despite the countries long running strife of hold off the ongoing demonstrations are a continuation of for 2018 revolution, which still hasn't read goals and objectives. which now the establishment of a democratic civil stay either the return of the military to the bearing facilities, their normal with governance, not being part of them. the process of demonstrations is long, and i expect you to continue until people achieve their goals, deaths among young protest, this have become more widespread, and everything in the country is getting worse. innocent people are dying and there
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is no understanding of who's killing them. nevertheless, people are working together so that the country can move forward. as always, you can find all the latest news updates as well as discussion on the day on our website. dot com. thank you for choosing the news . i'm actually resent say we're going underground. broadcasting all around the world from do buy in the united arab emirates today is 5 years to the day. am i 6 is so gay. square pal, recruited from russian security services by an associate of christopher steele, was allegedly poisoned by radioactive nava chalk near england's top secret chemical weapons lab at porting down steel north of the fake dos.


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