tv News RT March 6, 2023 2:00pm-2:31pm EST
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the news the russia prevents fascination of a prominent journalist in moscow, claiming it was clowns by the same ukraine based terrorist group which killed 2 civilian simulations greeted in last week. the russian artillery obliterated ukrainian military convoys that tried to flee from the city of all tim, all school moods, which is almost completely surrounded by advancing volcanic who's ankara considers dropping to deal with the us. so the buying f sixteens in favor of russian or chinese fighter jets coughing down on
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washington's ability to keep using sales depression and the serbian tennis, a new bank joke of it is denied entry to the us again the, his refusal to vaccinate. again, cultivate, we investigate how washington's on team virus measures are reportedly obsolete. according to the latest twitter fall to revelation the a very warm welcome to you, you're watching t international with the very latest world news update. it's great to have with us this, our top story on the front lines in the don't. yes, we're public. russian troops have almost completely surrounded the key city of film off school, so known as bach moves, or the entrenched ukrainian garrison house reported. he being partially cut off and he's having trouble pulling his troops out of the combat zone. some of the latest
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drones footage from the battlefield shows retreating, ukrainian armored vehicles pinned down and taking losses from russian artillery fire. according to some reports, many of kids most experienced under effective, so have been killed in action during the months long battle for mosque. however, ukraine's american life and now trying to down play the significance of the russian advance. the fall is best food won't necessarily mean that the russians have changed the tide of this fight. i think it's more of a symbolic value than it is a strategic and operational. well, i discussed the pentagon chief statement and other developments of the ukraine conflict with all corresponding to donald quarter on the panel of experts. first, the pentagon now says it's not strategic, but it doesn't really make much sense for both sides to be putting so much effort, so much man power into either holding or taking
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a city. that was never of any real strategic importance. i mean, in the recent weeks or the wagner private military company has done just that, they've essentially almost nearly encircled the ukranian troops that are still within the city were found themselves in a blood bath just to maintain the defensive at their, on direct orders from ukrainian president vladimir zalinski, who said these troops need to hold their ground and they need to fight down to the last man, but we have heard reports actually of descent within ukrainian ranks. apparently, the commander in chief of the ukrainian armed forces is saying the key up should at this point, just cut its losses and withdraw from the city. now if we go by what the mainstream media says, it might seem that these ukrainian held cities of strategic importance, all the sudden stopping strategic wants. they're just about to switch hands. this is what we saw on the mainstream media say about solid are when it was just on the brink of being liberated by the russian forces in the den. yes, people's republic. and now that's what we're seeing them say about our journals
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ration forces. try to take the strategic town of back that the city itself is not back strategically important. what all earlier in the strategic turn of back move. it is not strategically important. think could lead to the full as 12 hands can comp tools because well the 2 most important cities in the dumbass there is little strategic value. um, it's not a military hub, is not a communications hub, michael maloof, i'd like to direct this 1st question to you. what do you think about the how important the battle for the city is for both sides? and what do you make of this? you turn in, in washington's position. it can be sick of significant strategically significant given it's access to the rest of the dumbass. number 2, you got to keep in mind lloyd. austin oversaw the withdrawal of us troops out of iraq back in 2011 and what crept in isis. so i don't really care that much
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for his strategic analysis. and number 3, it would take a lot of ukraine troops out of the fight. and i think that this is what they want to do. what your take is about. this reported dissent within the ukrainian military rank. so the commander in chief of the armed forces is saying that after all, the ukrainian military should cut the losses and leave walls. lensky really wants these ukranian troops to fight down to the last man. maybe they have some kind of a strategic withdrawal issue that they want to pursue another area. possibly or are they psychologically trying to play on the, on the minds of the russians? and also try to bolster the ukrainians. however, the given the ukrainian losses. i don't think it said insignificant and just to put, i think would be a demoralizing factor for the ukrainians at this point. if they weren't just to get
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up and, and leave. and you look at the territory, that's there, that's significant territory. if the russians take it back over. so we know that thousands of civilians are reported chosen to remain inside our tim of script, but others have been trying to flee. so what exactly do we know about the situation in the city at the moment? well, without a doubt that the vast majority of the civilian population of this city has been evacuated, but several 1000 civilians have still remains. and you gotta, you gotta ask yourself, why would they stay in a completely demolished city when they know that there's going to be serious military operations in the area. and according to what we've seen, actually, both in the, even the western media and the accounts of ukrainian soldiers, what we've seen is that a lot of people are stayed behind because they've awaited the arrival of russian. not often in the case of that moot. and in general, the dumbass people confidently say or are thinking that they will wait for russia to come because they are other pro ration position is the one of juror, literally,
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yesterday was so through a drone to local women with bags in a residential area approach. the russian soldier and they went with him towers russian controlled territories. despite some people say in otherwise many prefer to seek safety with the russians. those who has said embark mood are waiting for assistance to go to russian control territory. the locals here have waited and waited for russians and refused to leave through ukrainian corridors. you sonya, you've been in the dance, people's republic based on your own experience. what would you say which side you think the locals are taking and cities that are embattled across the people's republic. like our charm ups, it's very important. we're down to close to people a waiting for the russians to come in. maybe there are some people also who could not go out because lack of money or whatever, they didn't know where to go to. but i think the majority of the people who stayed there are waiting to russians to liberate
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a city. and this is when we saw before in full huh. other cities never liberated before by the russians. so you had my majority minority who will stay on this. that's i think, the whole point i was hunting for monday's revelations from the fs b, which says it is store, say the ukranian, a type targeting russian businessman and joe, to this constant tenant milofa of what all the details of that story. while, according to russia's federal security services, the russian volunteer corps, that was behind this assassination attempt on this journalist, this is a ukrainian military detachment made up of rush and neo nazis. ultra nationalists, who have were ideologically motivated to support the ukrainian military in this conflict. this is the same organization that carried out an attack on the russian border, a region of beyond sc a terrorist attack. they open fired on civilians and killed and ensure the number of people. unfortunately, this isn't the 1st time that we've seen
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a going back to this assassination attempt on the journalist is not the 1st time we've seen. ukrainian forces tried to assassinate journalists that have nothing to do with military activities. last year doria duke and i was also killed by b, ukrainian security services, and russia's foreign ministry. a spokeswoman re is harvey says that we're seeing a trend develop here. the silence of western regimes that are usually hyper active concerning any case of journals, discrimination after they attempted to nation of target channels had constant in life, if would mean their silent consent to such crimes. this would also indicate ideological coach and coming from extremist actions of kiva bandits. andre, you're an attorney and a law professor, what's your take on the legal status of these cases? and do you think that they can be prosecuted an international level? i mean, why have western countries been apparently turning a blind eye to these ukrainian attacks the target russians?
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well, the, the law that should govern warfare is actually called you many, terry and law. and it's been disrespected for, for about 30 years now. and all the conflicts that we've seen. so some of my colleagues argue that said, practice has just invalidated them. unfortunately, we do not see a willingness on the side of the, of the countries that, that run to integrate ukraine into their fear of influenced no reduction in sight of, of further weapons supplies and, and no rush, no, no rational approach to this the, the battle cry is whatever it takes and whatever it takes means by any means whatsoever, including illegal including assassinations including the, the killings or prisoners, a war the, the ill treatment of prisoners, a walk, the entire propaganda machine is,
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is continuing as so i'm pessimistic. i don't foresee less a cruelty and less bloodshed question to use sonya, obviously we've seen nato countries, basically giving a blank check for weapons deliveries to ukraine in this conflict. do you think that those actions that nato is taking, makes the military alliance a party to the conflict? and i think so recently, i think when you look at the total, it's about $60000000000.00. what they have given now in, in, in military base is how they call it. and of course, they are people thing. then we partner, partner to conflict, be another direct conflict with russia. but i think in my opinion, if you get all these weapons to ukraine, you are part of the country. they are planning it all ready? actually in 2014 as we know what it means, raymond, which you know the death about go wrong. but actually what they said is
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that they were military ukraine students bedtime already. so i think they are part of award. they are waging on russia and they use the proxies in ukraine, their mercenaries, ukrainian army. so it may complicit. it makes them as warm as this is what i think i taught us intelligence official has admitted that washington, if you think ukraine's who confront russia, so that's a mark warner said it's crucial to keep sponsoring care so that its soldiers can fight instead of americans. we spent 800000000 dollars year on defense and most of my lifetime to prevent russia from exploiting that we're having ukrainians. do that right now in a sense in for us i think we need to continue that much. want to know to that 100. $13000000000.00 has already been allocated to ukraine,
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including $60000000000.00 and military aid. he says is crucial for the us to continue providing support in order to defeat america, the res, russia and china. and warner isn't the only us official who said ukraine is doing washington dirty work. as washington's former boss of the, to the un said that the u. s. is basically a wall with washer using ukrainian hands for me us marine, and geopolitical analysts told us that washington, the confrontation with russia is big business for the us military industrial complex. without an enemy, the united states has no budget for their intelligence services or their military. they have to have an enemy, and they look at china and a look at russia and the point to finger and say, that's our enemy. so they can fear monger in the united states to keep this money flowing. i mean, look, they're not standing up against russia because russia is not showing any aggression
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towards united states at all. they have not, ah, this is a war of greed. this is a war ah, where they're using the ukranian military to so weapons. ah, and they don't care who gets killed their weapons are being used for terrorist attacks on civilians in the dumbass. i've been there. i've seen it myself. ah. and there's not a lot else that can be said about that. there's nothing that can be said in defense of what the united states is doing. well, you know, they can't say that there are war with russia because the people won't stand for it . we've already seen protests in washington, d. c. we've seen protests in germany and in france and other countries around the world about the are the assistance financially and militarily that these countries have been providing to ukraine. ah, and this war itself is a making of these western policies. i mean,
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there's no question about it. took in a reverse this decision to buy f sixteens from the us and consider acquiring fighter jets from countries like russia or china instead. that's according to a member of the turkish president, security and foreign policies council. i believe, is also the earthquakes to kia. will give all pos can for f sixteens because it is a $20000000000.00 package to care should immediately changes decision for f. 16 to some other option. for instance, have 35 were on the table to care was expecting to get a 35 before now there are other options like the chinese chats, which was sold to pakistan russian jets and also european fighter jets last month. some us senator said congress would not support a $20000000000.00 deal on the 16 sales to turkey year until around for 5. for nathan memberships of sweden and finland. turkey are also considered buying. u. s.
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s. 35 jets in 2021. but washington blocks the deal because on we're just wanted to purchase russian s $400.00 ad defense systems, despite of pentagon warning to quote change course. last miles turkey were shaken by devastating earthquakes. i left over 45000 people dead and another 100000 injured that catastrophe. devastating effects from the country's economy to with reconstruction costs estimated upwards of $84000000000.00 according to an official the needed funds or contribution fact turkeys review of expenditures. turkish political analysts don't know, sit down because all times they, the jet steel has been politicized fine. washington, if 16 kitchen is more political than military or financial turkeys, a member of nato f 152. and normally we are cooperating that united states. but from 2016 to now on the u. s. pollution to turkey and turkish government is start
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to change the united states using this is 16 view as kind of a threat against okey, they are using the subject of christian and the united states is threatening to just companies which are keen to negotiate. continue to have a trade with russia date they are using this military or orphanages to the political. busy political to so i think that the, the statement from the in one of the whites of mr. president and the gun means that she could talk to negotiate with united states. if 16 dave. and i think it's a, it's a step forward. me mall in the us to ukrainian pilot. so i'm going training on f. 16 simulators despite about officials in washington remain awesome. and that it doesn't mean we'll get the long hopes for fighter jets. since we haven't
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made the decision to provide f sixteens and neither have our allies in partners, it doesn't make sense to start to train them on a system. they may never get. they are 16 jets all believe to be the cross ukraine at once. the most the training is that the target improving the technical skills of pilots and evaluate how long training on a real f 16 would take. that comes with the ukranian precedence repeated requests to send the jet. let's find out more, less costly for miss c. i on the list and the book associates, laurie johnson, many thanks for joining us on the program and evening, mr. johnson. so what are your thoughts on this? do you think that the training of ukrainian policy is assigned the u. s. is indeed planning to provide key f with those jets. now what's going on right now is just, it's a political gesture, candidly these, these 2 pilots who are getting going through simulator training. and i think part of it is, did you get an assessment? whether or not they would actually be able to fly the christine?
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bob, they decided to put them into an actual training program that's going to take a minimum of $7080.00 days. so you figure to 3 months. so from right now, so you look in april may, june. the earliest possibility that you could get to pilots. and to f sixteens into ukraine would be, you know, 1st to july, well, where are they going to get those planes? they didn't have to worry about the, the repair maintenance training, ground crews. it's not just about training pilots, it's about having the personnel that can actually maintain these, these aircraft, and keep them and, and fighting condition. and candidly to aircraft will make 0 difference. it just be a new target for the russians to shoot down. what the us is saying is that the, the purpose of the training is to determine the length of time necessary to train pilots. but being that there are american 5 to just but suddenly already know how
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long it takes to train a pile as well. right? so the assumption is if, if these are ukranian pilots that are flying combat aircraft now so that you know how to take off the nude know how to land they to be involved becoming familiarize with a different control panel in the cockpit. but once that's done, that they have that level of training, the minimum amount of training to be able to conduct air, to air operations and air to ground operations. and then transition from air to air to air to ground is at least 70 days. more likely 80 days, so that that, that's presuming that the pilot has good flying skills already. if they don't have good flying skills, then you're looking at adding and even more time. so the minimal amount of time that you could have 2 pilots trained ready to fly f sixteens would be 1st to july. but again,
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to aircraft are not going to make any difference whatsoever. and what's going on on the battlefields and in the airspace in ukraine. so the us remains by them and it's not going to send the 16th to ukraine, let's say they can get it on hand full of f sixteens. how much of a difference would this make on the battlefield? 0. you know, we don't trust the united states and they say we'll never do x, y, or z because they've reversed course on, on all of those from neighbors tanks. they were never going to do that, because that would be an act war. call the constant search for a magic bullet that's going to somehow slay the russian werewolf is, is, is just the western fantasy of full up fighter way of f sixteens will not change the course of the route. because up to this point, a rush is not committed, it's a fighter brings to the,
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to the fray. and in addition, russia enjoys a decided advantage with air defense systems, particularly with the s 40500. so i don't care how fast these aircraft are not hyper sonic. and then the russians are certainly very capable of shooting them down . in addition to conducting, the russians have far better electronic worked or capabilities. laurie, thank you so much for your time this evening. always great to get your expertise and your insight into any must we told you about we were speaking to pharmacy, i analyst and see the says yes. larry johnson. thank you. thank you, nicky. now phoebe and tennis superstore no joke of which has been denied entry into the us once again, over his absence of a covey vaccine. he will set, compete with the indian wells tournaments which kicked off on monday in california . the americas anti cove at most hom, sparks of heated control. the debate following the latest revelations from the
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twitter files, as archie contribute to rachel marston. next thing to the 2nd year. the joke of ich, currently right 1st in the world for men's singles, has been unable to attend tournaments in the united states because he's chosen to not get the coven job. last year. he miss indian wells, the miami miami open, and the us open. grand slam. all that came in the wake of that major fiasco after he landed in melbourne last year for the australian open grand slam. he was grilled for 6 hours by border guards of one of the strict discovered regimes on the planet at the time before being banned from entry. at the time a previous coven infection was accepted by tennis australia for a medical exemption to the job requirement. and a visa to play in australia was issued on that basis. but the government said that natural immunity alone was never sufficient to enter the country and deported him. but that role has now vanished in australia, which isn't the case for visiting the united states and that seats the white house
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just fine. while coven 19 is no longer the disruptive threat, that it once was the administration of poses congressional action to reverse the vaccination requirement for non citizen non immigrants entering the united states by air. this policy has allowed loved ones across the globe to re unite while reducing the spread of coven 19 and the burdens of places on the health care system in the united states. now, last month, the republican majority in u. s. congress voted to drop those job mandates for foreigners wanting to enter the united states. the democrat minority wanted to keep the rule, arguing that if they pass allotted, drop it, then they won't be able to control entry. if the pandemic just happens to flare up again, sometime in the future, it may actually be the only time that so many democrats could be bothered to even care about the country's borders and who came in through them. but the republicans argue that it's about time that the united states catches up. busy with the rest of
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the world, this policy is out of touch with the rest of the world. ending the vaccine requirement will align the united states with the rest of north america's coven, 19 vaccine policy for people coming into the country. we know the western governments, when i was there way to manipulate their own citizens over cove. it the former british hall secretary matt hancock, wanted to scare brits into complying with locked down rules that were constantly changing. that's according to bomb shell revelations on newly liter. what's out messages? and last december, twitter c e o e lawn, muss worked with a journalist to reveal the collusion between the social media platform that he had just purchased and government authorities to manipulate and censor public debate in the united states. over coven, the united states government pressured twitter, and other social media platforms, to elevate certain content and suppress all the content about coven 19. is what
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we're seeing here as a very cozy, if not collusive relationship between the u. s. government and the so called free press, that it's constantly lecturing other countries about upholding. so there's an awful lot of politics lurking behind the so called science as we've seen here. and much like countries facing us sanctions these made in america, coven restrictions blocking the world's best tennis player from competing on us soil. pretty much just means that he'll have to focus on the rest of the world. independent journalists, charlie boyle, says washington's anti cove. it measures on completely outdated and people like joke of it should not be paying the price america as a pretty also record. so most of the candidate, not just when trump was in office, a book, guidance model, marginally, better than from but that's not difficult. on the list,
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racist centered measures which had been going on for what was a 2 years now. make absolutely no sense because if you're already in america, has to be a citizen. you don't have to be resident. but if you happen to be there for whatever reason, you're free to go around and trace as much anti fax, non propaganda as you want and nothing i can see. but then dr. rich, who has an exemption in australia, by the way, and already have it. and no one else seems to care about her being the entire planet right now is not so he's not allowed in despite the fact that i've said this a 1000000 times before, he is not an answer back. so it's just a completely is completely ridiculous. ah, a prominent in is the and political politicians daughter is urging britain to think the release of fired for johnny has been imprisoned by the tennessee and government in an effort to silence critics of the countries authoritarian president denise is
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heading down a very worrying path of authoritarianism and it is important that the u. k. speaks out strongly against us as a democratically elected politician and leading figure into nice in politics. my dad has played in an instrumental role in promoting democracy in human rights into nicea, cynthia, spring, his imprisonment along with at least 16 other political prisoners this month, including politicians, journalists, and judges, is a blatant attempt to suppress opposition voice if 5 for johnny was arrested and soon as the last 2 months on charges related to immediate company accused the financing tales of conspiring against state security. for johnny had previously lived in exile in the u. k. before returning to tune of the 2011 revolution and serving as an m p from the another party, tennessee is a post the arab spring. government has often been accused of political for jealousy and deadlock, corruption, and widespread in effectiveness. following the 2011 revolution. as soon as it can
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make growth has virtually sold for most economic monopolies that remain in time for the public sector has been fine work and strikes the attempts of a democratic transition, seemingly persistent to several years before the country's government became increasingly more intolerant and oppressive. according to its critics, his, his current president was elected in $29019.00 and made a record low voter turnout as being struggling to secure more public support. soon as he ends up being rallying and supported the country's political prisoners, we gazed opinions on the streets of the country's capital. i've been lim us today. we consider security forces as non republican. they are affiliated to k. he said, who was illegitimate because he bridge the constitution abuse the trust and his mental, the state. he's an illegitimate who perpetrated a crime against the country. and those security forces have prevented us from rallying, even though we had notified them about at 72 hours in advance as per law. and then
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another his will. these president has no ears. he does not listen to anyone. he is a dictator who does not have the capacity to dictate and he puts people in prison because he fears it and does not know that active is do not fear any prison either . and here i am here to day to support the detainees. or rather, they are kidnapped by the state because there is no legal action against them. there is a detainee brush, it inquiry in critical condition, and he's suffering from a disease, and he's on the brink of death. likewise, there is another guy whose health condition is critical, said they are not detainees, spect kid matt and about to die. there are numerous humanitarian cases like them. white star radio editor and political analyst, alexander my case is, is not enough to hold elections for a nation to become a democracy. the issues that created the arab spring in tunisia which were fundamentally econd.
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