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tv   News  RT  March 7, 2023 10:00am-10:31am EST

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we don't want to watch it because it might just change the way you think a year with china blamed the west for escalating me, crane conflict as those washington as pursuing its own geopolitical agenda while undermining aging space plans. ukrainian crisis has come to a critical juncture when we choose either to stop hostilities, restoring peace or to feel the fire and expand the crisis. letting the situation get out of control conflicts, sanctions and pressure cannot solve the problem. a polish state run oil company wants to see russia from paulding oil deliveries all simultaneously. admitting that they wanted to break the contract with moscow itself, but was afraid of find the world bank called talks with tenicia over its
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western back presidents races, remarks about african migrants in the country global slam, the leader for his hateful speech, accusing him of abusing his power today, we are accused of being too numerous in their countries, yet they themselves knew that this would happen, that you need your residence permit is given to everyone, but there is disorder because people have no papers and there is an abuse of power . and russia has spent 20000 tons of fertilizer. tim allow it as a part of moscow's plan to get mad hunger by providing a central goods to developing nations with coming to live from the russian capital. this is our t international. i'm rachel blevins here with the top stories of the our welcome to the program. and we began with the latest from china's 2 sessions event,
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where beijing's foreign minister said he hopes the you will embrace strategic independence from the u. s. after the end of the conflict in ukraine, adding that the west is currently escalating the conflict and pursuing its own agenda by undermining china's proposed piece plan. landed ukrainian crisis come to a critical juncture when we choose either to stop hostilities, restoring peace or to fuel the fire and expand the crisis, letting the situation get out of control, conflicts, or sanctions, and pressure cannot solve the problem. regrettably efforts for peace talks have been repeated, the undermined there seems to be an invisible hand pushing the pro traction. an escalation of the conflict using the ukraine crisis to serve a certain geo political agenda showed that she auditor. while the u. s. fully supports ukraine, china's foreign ministers, as washington simultaneously disregards chinese sovereignty, friendships intensify last august. when then how speaker nancy pelosi ignored all
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warnings and paid an official visit to taiwan, sparking a sharper sponsor and beijing and prompting large scale military rolls around the island. ladies and gentlemen, and the minister made a comparison saying that on one hand, the u. s. respects the territorial integrity of ukraine, while on the other, it disregards the fact that taiwan is an undeniable part of china. to marmie your chandler, the chinese people have every right to ask, why does the us talk about respecting sovereignty and territorial integrity on ukraine, while disrespecting, china's sovereignty and territorial integrity on the taiwan? questionable, why does the u. s. asked china not to provide weapons to russia while keep selling arms to taiwan in violation of the august 17th communique. why does the u. s. keep on professing the maintenance of regional ties and stability while cowardly? formulating a plan for the destruction of taiwan? when the minister intensified his rhetoric opposing the interference by outside
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forces on activities relate to taiwan independence. and i, he reiterated that taiwan in china's 1st right line that united states must not cross. um, it's a he said that the resolution of that tie one issue is a matter for the chinese people and no other country in this play on this planet has the right to interfere. he also re eatery that china retains the option to take all necessary measures to achieve the so called gray unification with taiwan. ah, and he also blamed you as for the right intentions between washington and aging and said that if the u. s. does not change his path. there gonna be some conflict and confrontation may were that the of argent, the u. s. talks a lot about following rules. imagine to athletes competing in an olympic race. if one athlete instead of focusing on giving one's best,
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always tries to trick or even injure the other, that's not a fair competition, but malicious confrontation and a fowl. it's so called establishing guard rails and not seeking conflict, simply means that china should not respond in words or actions when slandered or attacked. that's just impossible. if the united states does not hit the breaks, but continues to go down the wrong path, no amounts of ga, rails could prevent the railing and there will surely be conflict in confrontation . shingle says that he is very much against using competition to character, characterize the relic relationship with the united states, and has attacked the so called 0 sum game narratives, or the so called a cold war attitude. a he also added that the b gene would not remain silent if the u. s. slender or attack china, and that's the prime, china will not make america great again, or stop is rejuvenation. earlier we heard from her father victor gal who says that
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by supporting taiwan independence, the u. s. is violating chinese sovereignty is not only disrespect. it's one to violation of china sovereignty and territorial integrity. and trembling all the principal, which is secret that there is only one china and taiwan, his polish child, illogical a d and d it digital mercy. and did the galaxy of the u. s. traditional that they want to treat taiwan as a sovereign independent country. the support of the taiwan independence, anti went separatism. this is an affront against the chinese nation. it's a violation of the one child policy. it's a violation of the child sovereignty m territorial integrity. if the united states crosses the point of no return a supporting taiwan separatism and independence, for example,
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then china will use whatever means available to achieve the national relocation. i terrorism suspect from ukraine, special services and 20 of his accomplices, involved in a sabotage at about russian airfield last week. have been detained. that according to president lucas shank up who also said the russian ukrainian national was recruited by key at back in 2014 to prepare terror attacks. the group is accused of organizing a drone attack and tending the strike russian plains. but failing to do so, following that the nation's leader had some harsh words for the ukranian president . many don't put them still. there's only one conclusion. i once thought that ukraine needed peace, that zelinski was routing for his people. prisons landscape just come with just come. such operations are not carried out without the head of the country. and the commander in chief consented to what can i do to submit in some other disturbing
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developments involving ukraine? i neo nazi as of italian commander, has openly advocated for terrorism by suggesting that russians should attack their own president as suicide bombers mentality of a shiana lenient losers. russian mentality is very hard for me to understand. the same goes for the bill of russian. but as for ukrainians, we can't leave under the tyranny, but they always did. there hasn't been a single russian who has strep die in the mid to himself, and at least troy to ron towards bruton, or some general, if it man couldn't, would die. i would summon all the guys to go on the offensive and not miss the opportunity. give me a good bizarre. this comes just days after a group of ukrainian commandos carried out what's been called a terrorist attack. crossing the border into rushes, brown's korean and gunning down to civilians. his arbiter squads chief has been linked to european n ukrainian, neo nazi groups. he was also blamed by russia's f. s. b, on monday for organizing
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a failed assassination attempt on a russian media mogul. and last year journalist daria do gonna was killed in a car bombing outside moscow with authorities also pointing to ukrainian terrorist to go further in depth on those those cross live now to author and war correspondent, thomas rober thomas is great to have you on the program today, so a ukrainian military commander has called on russians to commit acts of terrorism against their president. what is your reaction? we were surprised that nothing else to expect from ukraine. you mentioned already the things that happened during the last year. we can at also the bombing of the nuclear plant and separation and, and many other things, a bomb being hospitals and 2 nets coach as well as for myself. so, um, this is not a surprise. this is absolute, not a surprise,
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and it shows you what country ukraine became. now let's say for and the length of the roles are reversed here. let's imagine that the same call for terrorist acts would have been made by your russian rather than a ukrainian. do you think that we would be getting a reaction from the west because they're certainly not saying much at all right now . of course, there will be no reaction just right now i've seen that german media reporting about some video in which may be possible. whatever highly likely is shown that russians killed prisoners of war. so it's all highly likely, even the western media say we don't know what it is and we don't know whether it's true and real, but they report about it just what we could go. we have this video where ukrainian soldiers sold russian prisoners of war and the u. n. a. now, this video was authentic and there was no reaction on the west. nobody in the west
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knows about it. so how the western media i was working, we know, and of course they will not talk, talk about this. if it would be a vice versa. it would be a big scandal on all the headlines. it's nothing you we have this is tory already have. it really is nothing new. we continue to see it over and over again. but when it comes to the broader principles here, i mean, given the call that was made by this ukrainian commander, how does all of this align with ukrainian governments claims that they are a democracy? what kind of a democracy uses terrorist groups with nazi sympathies and calls for others to join in and do the same? we can talk about democracy in the country in which all opposition parties are forbidden in which right now the parliament is discussing in new law, prohibiting former members of the forbidden parties to run for, for being a member of the parliament of next elections. where opposite or even critical media
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as close to the whole media as controlled officially by the government. whatever kind of democratic standards might have been in ukraine, there's nothing left of that. and that started already one year before the escalation, last year i remind you that you started closing critical media in february at $21.00. so to talk to called ukraine and democracy some are absurd and they're in the situation right now just appear to objectively absolutely. now, at the same time, i also have to ask if we have regiment commanders sparking terrorist believes all over ukraine, and even going as far as to attack russia. what do you think should be done by moscow to preserve the safety of its people? and is there anything it can do right now? well, fighting terrorism is always quite complicated and i'm not the ones things got. i'm not the one who has to make the decisions how to react on that. because if russia
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would react in some kind of military military way, this would be again escalation, maybe even more civilian casualties or even on both sides. thanks. got an electric and i'm talking about this and i don't have to take the worst decision. so what moscow will do, how they will react. we will see now you're right, that is a good point. there are too many people are, are grateful for the fact that they are not in that position having to make those decisions. but when it comes to making decisions, we know that the united states and western allies are very, very involved in everything that the ukrainian military is doing, especially when it comes to that intelligence sharing. and it's really not a secret. that key is totally dependent on western military aid. so what does all of this say about the west role here, especially when it comes to these individual attacks? ah, let's put it simple, the german bond to serve the german parliament has a department am,
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which is so helping with understanding ever whatever legal situation is also international law. and in march 22, one year ago, already they publish a report on demand on of some, some deputy of some members of the buddhist talk. and this was clearly saying in which stage a country western company come to germany would be officially formally from a national law at war with russia. even training ukrainian soldiers on german ground on western weapons is already formally regarding the international law already being part of the a conflict against russia. so formally di, sure, the of the west is already at one with russia, but nobody wants to nuclear war. so her russia closest to the ice, but this doesn't change the fact. and they're certainly as hypocrisy to be found all around author and war, correspondent, thomas roper. thank you so much for your time and inside
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a polish state own company is planning to see russia in order to receive compensation for the halt of supplies on a major pipeline that transports oil to eastern europe, caused by the ab says 7 agreed upon export pay met to president jo biden's visit. the russians stopped pumping oil to poland. we will now take legal action and assert claims for more details on nestle's cross live now to archie, contributor rachel mars. then rachel is good to see you. now. can you tell us more on poland decision to file suit against russia here? yeah, so let me get this straight. poland is upset that russia won't take pollings money any more. pullin has been going out of its way to act as ukraine's teacher's pat within the ear, going round publicly, bullying its fellow european allies for doing business with russia. just
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a few days ago, the polish defense minister sat on state tv quote. there is no doubt it was germany's policy that help routine to get money, which he used to strengthen his army. nord stream is an example. although we were called russ phobic. we warned against it. we're talking billions that poland has sent to russia for energy as the german ambassador to the country has pointed out. now poland even promised to end all russian oil imports by the end of last year. so you think that they would welcome this development, but now the same c, e o of poland state energy firm orlan is complaining that the evil russian oil has stopped flowing into poland, which was the largest importer of russian oil to the whole of e u. in january consisting of about 10 percent of its supply. and when confronted with that fact, the same c, e o's defense was basically that he just didn't know how to shut off the top.
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there were 2 contracts, one contract expired in january, the other expires in 2024. it is difficult to break a contract without sanctions. we would expose ourselves to large funds and that money would go to putin anyway. we would pay for the oil that we didn't even receive. so he said that he really, really liked to shut off that russian oil to poland. but that he couldn't do that without getting fined for breaking a business contract with russia. so it be better to just keep paying for the russian oil than to have to pay a massive fine for stopping it. well, buddy, looks like your problems are all solve because it sounds like moscow is basically now stopped and he won't have to pay the fine. so what's the problem? unless of course, he really didn't want to break poland, long term relationship with russian oil and was just telling everyone that they
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were only dating casually, you know, until something or someone better came along and offered some other supply. speaking of dating on the download german economy minister, robert havoc also said this week that berlin doesn't have a formal relationship with russian gas after someone mysteriously blew it up along with the nord stream pipelines. rushing into a moment. we are not dependent on russian gas supplies at the moment talk. so it may be that through the elegy, terminals of neighboring countries through which gas quantities come russian molecules are the gas makes it, that can neither be controlled nor excluded. but german companies did not buy elegy gas from russian companies or russia. ingleside. he makes a sound like rushing gas, his imposing itself on germany like some kind of a crazy acts like, well we try to get it off our line,
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but it just wouldn't leave us alone. so they're acting like it's not really their fault. if they're still playing some kind of. busy light foot see under the table with russian fuel, the american c. e o of chevron. mike worth recently pointed out that indeed europe is still getting russian fuel. that it's just taking the long way around from russia going through unsanctioned countries. and obviously that's going to mean that it's more expensive and also introduces more potential risks in a much larger supply chain, which conveniently makes us natural gas a lot more attractive. so it's hardly surprises. for example, that shell oils c e o is now saying that the stability of the u. s. energy market makes it more attractive for the companies investments. then, for example, the u. k. or europe and european customers and industry are absolutely the ones bearing the brunt of all these added costs to buy energy and to,
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to re route it through half the world. now, europe has been saying that it wants to ramp up. it's military industrial production, but here in france there even struggling to heat, making baguettes do the energy cost. so good luck with that guys. meanwhile, the blocks fearless leaders keep saying that they're strong and independent and don't need russian fuel, even as they keep importing on the sly. that is until, as we've just seen with poland, russian fuel dumped them an important lesson and both relationships and following the money. there are 2 contributor rachel mars then thanks so much for bringing us up to speed on that one. o. u. s. defense secretary lloyd aust, it has made an unannounced trip to iraq on tuesday just days before the 20 year anniversary of the us led invasion. austin met with
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a rocks prime minister and stated that washington wants to strengthen the partnership between the 2 countries. do i look forward to continuing to consult with our valued iraqi partners and to advance nurture and trish and to improve the lives of the iraqi people? i am optimistic about the future of our partnership and united states will continue to strengthen and broaden our partnership in support of iraqi security, stability and sovereignty. to go further and up on this list, cross live now to david swanson, executive director of world beyond war. david, it's great to have you on the program today. now, what do you make of the pentagon chief statement that the u. s. wants to help iraq? all of a sudden, isn't that a bit rich coming from the nation that destroyed the country? to begin with here. well presumably part of the reason he's there is
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to pressure the iraqi government to keep the u. s. troops there, there are still at least a couple 1000 us troops there and they want them to never leave. and the iraqi people are overwhelmingly opposed to continue as for every minute of the past 20 years to want every last us troop out. and he doesn't want that. i, the in this may backfire just as the, the iraq war back fired on the u. s. policy ames, i, you know, they of course wanted tens of thousands of troops permanently there. they wanted iraq as a base for attacking a number of neighboring countries. ok. but the, the goal in terms of u. s. propaganda at the moment which may have little to do with his visit, he's visiting his pet dictator in jordan and various other countries on this trip is to portray the war on iraq as victory as a success. 20 years later. this is what we're now being told in us media that this
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was a success because there was a surge. how however, that logic works. i and, and of course, it can't be a success without permanent u. s. troops in iraq. so they've got to stay there. right, and it really, as i mean, we talk about these and less wars that the u. s. has championed, i guess you could say and they continue to act as if there is no version of blowback whatsoever. now. and the reality is that lord austin is just one of a number of foreign dignitaries who have visited iraq recently including our ron russia and saudi who have all sent their foreign ministers. why do you think that so many countries are suddenly interested in her rock? and is there a certain reality here where lord austin is going because he's worried about a rock getting to cosy with any other major player rather than the u. s. i think they're quite open about that. worry as well as to worry about the iraqi
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population wanted the u. s. troops out as well as a little bit worried about keeping u. s. troops in neighboring syria, which are, they're justified by the same mission as protecting civilization from isis or dash . and uh, there may be a debate and a vote in the u. s. congress, at least in the house, to morrow on ending u. s. war making in syria, and so there is a need to, to prop that justification up to insist that the u. s. is there not because of some 20 years ago disastrous war, but because of a more recent successful, victorious defense of civilization against barbarians in both iraq and syria? this is, you know, this is the story they want told. now you mention there that the iraqi government, right, it is standing because of the support it has received from the u. s. and it has that requirement for continuous support. arguably, in your opinion,
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do you see that continuing in the years to come? especially when taking into consideration where the people of the country actually stand and the fact that after 20 years of us occupation, they could be getting to that point of being ready for something new and a new direction for their country. i it certainly wouldn't be surprising if the iraqi people are made a new push to get us troops out of their country. i, i think that there is a great need of for assistance and support and solidarity for non violent resistance to u. s. military bases. and everybody else's military bases occupying countries around the world and in particular in iraq was certainly the public will, is there the question is whether they have the organization and the strategy and the determination of to make some sacrifices to make it happen. i know countries of,
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of don this, the. busy philippines did it, and the u. s. troops are now back in again. and so it, it takes a constant vigilance, but it would not be surprising if there is a big a big push of violent or otherwise. unfortunately, on the 20th anniversary, there really is an endless vicious cycle and of course, the hope at the end of the day is that the world will learn from what has happened over the last 20 years. david swanson, executive director of world beyond war. thank you so much for your time and insight . thank you. the world bank says the rhetoric coming from tunisia as president towards african migrants is unacceptable. adding that it's lending facility will be immediately shut down. given the situation, management has decided to pause the country partnership framework and withdraw it from board review public commentary that stokes discrimination, aggression and racist violence is completely unacceptable. this statement comes
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amid protest in tunisia after the country's president said, african migraines poser, threat to national security, and the countries identity. thousands of residents gathered in the streets, calling for an end to discrimination and racism. our correspondence has more details on the ongoing political crisis. several sub saharan countries, including avenue coasted my lee guinea and barn, are helping their citizens returned from tunisia following controversial remarks from the country as president. that can said illegal immigration into the country. president k u say he's recently described illiterate, illegal border crossings from sub saharan africa into the country as a crime which was aimed at changing the demographic composition often easier. the undeclared goal of the successive waves of illegal immigration is to consider tunisia, a purely african country that has no affiliation to the arab. and islamic nations.
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and the influx of irregular migrants must quickly be ended, said, went on to claim that the continuous illegal immigration is intended to turn to nisha into an african country with no belonging to the arab and muslim world. adding that to the ones behind the scheme are involved in human trafficking and suggested that black africans are to blame for all of this. today, we are accused of being too numerous in their countries. yet they themselves knew that this would happen. the tunisia residents permit is given to everyone, but there is disorder because people have no papers and there is an abuse of power . now the african union has strongly condemned the statements by chinese and government, calling them racial and shocking. the union has also cancelled a conference that had planned to hold in tunisia later this month. and this is understood to be the biggest crackdown since presidency needs power. grabbing 2020
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to one way he sat to the prime minister, suspended parliament and pushed through a constitution that consolidated, he's a power seat himself. has denied all these accusations. there are so many enemies of democracy. tunisia who want to do everything they can to torpedo the countries democratic and social life from within. now it's clear that a year to is enjoying the support of the u. s. which has previously praised the democracy of tenicia, the biden administration in particular muddled through months of seeds, centralization of power and control that was following the footsteps of off previous u. s. administration. the found accommodation with a rob strong men out of perceived, a strategic necessity. ah, roches largest fertilizer producer confirmed it has provided 20000 tons of the
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a central growing minerals to malawi as moscow seeks to help african nations combat food insecurity. this is part of the company's previous promise that it would provide nearly $300000.00 tons to developing countries for free. the initiative is aimed at easing the global food crisis and is being implemented in accordance with the un plan for 0 hunger. allowing has expressed its gratitude for the russian aid . molly east privileged to be the 1st country to receive the eliza from your account. all the countries that were delayed in his late seat that my hours should be dispersed one. we have a place for that. we need to have a ritual. i say thank you. now, if be russian government and euro camp for what you owe down to commodore rescue when we needed you the most it to friend knows know whether it true friend cost or the.


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