tv News RT March 10, 2023 3:00am-3:31am EST
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and of course, the unique echo system which is developed over the past 25 to 35000000 years. and of course, a place like this just to check in with you to come and experience it all for yourself in my vision, coming up on our team international a decision thing. my history as a country president to the real engine for a 3rd. a says it will and it's mass protest, only the current government resides on think breaks down how these tensions have emerged. in particular, the role of the u. s. a official during the time that make says washington was funding research into corona virus
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and chinese lab contradicting previous mainstream us narrative about the disease and one civilian is killed. 2 wounded in creating an auxilary attack or a town in a domestic republic, reportedly using a u. s. i was broke, it just a lie from us. there is just go on 8 11 am and it's great to have you here with us. i'm at my home on me, just take a look at the top choice of this. our started it as using thing has made history as the country is 1st president to be reelected for a 3rd consecutive term. it was a unanimous decision by the national parliament invasion vision thing,
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who has already served in the post for a decade now set for another 5 year term. china eliminated presidential term limits a few years ago. he's using as also secured his position as the head of timers central military commission for the election. he re avowed his oath of allegiance to the country and its people. i pledge to be a legion to the constitution of the people's republic of china and safeguard the constitution's authority. fulfill my legal obligations be loyal to the country and the people be committed in honesty, my duty except the people supervision and work for a great modern socialist country that is prosperous, strong democratic, culturally advanced, harmonious and beautiful. i is using p take this oath. we heard from fidgety and correspondence, jane chung in her surgeon,
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being the policies of lifted people out of poverty, and beijing will not remain silent. about aggressive rhetoric coming from washington is champagne was up this morning. he was r u m. as li are elected president of the people's repelled of china and chairman of the central military commission and hen, joan was elected. the vice president and geology was elected. the chairman of the standing committee, 14 in p. c, and a 14 people were elected. the vice chairman of this, any committee i was at the grill, the people this morning actually and i talked to, i've spoken to some, some of the deputies hit their met, most of the or all of them that i had to talk to are so excited about to witness this moment, you know, especially those from the grassroots, are such as remote areas are remote villages in mountainous areas because they are a mom, those who can feel the changes of the chinese society further better than most
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because as we know that the poverty alleviation in the remote areas has been one of the priorities during ch channel chinese trends. she's our presidency over the past few years since to 18 national congress of the c. p. c. china has been seen very reputable men. and as it has lifted about a 100000000 people out of absolute poverty, which is a great, significant historic success of the countries poverty eradication task and become the 2nd largest economy in the world. i think china is now a more like responding to the al serra word when it feels like it was to offend it, to defend itself or even to defend international order of the foreign minister. tingles this warning that china u. s. religion is really at a very difficult situation at a very difficult time. and he also warned that if the united states it keeps going down in his pad in the u. s. as in hit the bricks,
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there would be some confrontation and conflict. and that bridging would not remain silent if the u. s. slandered or attacked china. so i think that's a very strong message sent out by for an mr. and i believe that over the past 2 years, china would definitely be strong and our response actively. the next headline of the political opposition in the republic of georgia has been demanding that the current government resign and made several days of violent protest. despite the authorities caving in the demonstrated initial requests to counsel the controversial foreign agent legislation, but ignited the unrest. the doctor station, similar to the u. s. law was seen as a come down on western news outlets and infused american officials spoke out against the major and even threatened to impose sanctions against georgia. though the government complied with protesters,
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demands by casting the bill and releasing processes who would attain the number of those gathering near the national parliament has been growing by the thousands. we heard from the locals about what and to the seats. we know that they often light and we've seen that they have made big promises before and they lie to us, so we don't trust them anymore. and we want to make sure that they actually do it. they have a history, a strong background to lie to us unless they put that in a way that a law project that they're trying to enforce on us. we're not gonna believe in those slides. just mo, also like go recommended from 0 p and union to be was throats. so, but our government again, uh we, we of its own people approved the small. so we do monday,
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we demand that all of you all just go we might do the math. you in the a resignation of government fiction could see behind me the parlor building where thousands of protesters have gathered for the 3rd night in a row. they just launched a new demand to the government demanding the resignation of the parliament. this is after both of the main demands of the protesters were actually met by the parliament. the 1st one being the release of all protesters weapon detained throughout these protests and riots. and the 2nd one being the rescinding of this law that started these protests in the 1st place. that of course, was a law dropped law that the georgia parliament passed that would see on non governmental organizations in this country that make over 20 percent of their income from foreign sources. register as foreign agencies, we've seen a lot of anti russian sentiment here. ukranian flags, american flags, european union flags alongside the georgia ones. and they've been calling this
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proposed law that started this all a russian style law. that's despite the fact that this law does exist in russia, but was 1st passed in the united states all the way back in 1938. and it actually carries much more severe consequences. criminal ones, including jail time for employees of organizations that fail to register as opposed to in russia where organizations that failed to register would simply receive a fine. now you can see behind me the protest has today been so far peaceful. but this has been the case over the past 2 days earlier in the night. around midnight is when really we started to see violence erupt. protesters throwing molotov cocktails and rocks and objects and police building barricades and they've and tried to storm the parliament building. twice the police have obviously responded with tear gas and water cannons. and i was actually in the thick of it. yesterday i
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got tear gas and saw the action 1st hands. now, the government is actually divided on this issue. the parliament is at odds with the president who was in the united states. when of this, all of these protests broke out. she released a video with the statue of liberty behind her, putting her support in for the protests and denouncing the part of the parliament support for this law. the protesters have also said that they're going to gather around 11 am to verify that the parliament is indeed going to revoke its support for this draft law. it passed earlier. so we're going to be there and we're of course going to bring you all the details as they become available really well position says it will and it's mass protest. busy only if the current government resigns, there's no guarantee that the tension would subside. once all the demands have been met. ortiz, marina, across the river, breaks down how the situation has escalated. i'm in particular,
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the role of the us. as soon as the pros has started in georgia, most people following european politics thought, here we go again, another college revolution. why? that's why american and european flags banners in english saying peaceful protests mixed in with a few molotov cocktails. as well as some words of encouragement from western officials. ah ah, this time instead of assistant secretary of state that for a newland handed out snacks to demonstrators in kiev, it was tall robinson and another us assistant secretary of state who just so
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happens to be in belize c. a day before the riots erupted, he claimed to be there for slightly different events, but he couldn't help, but all for a few words of advice. 4 georgians. this is the law based on russia's interests. not george's in truth. in we think it to george's entry to work more closely towards euro atlantic integration. this law doesn't do that. we don't think it's the right thing for georgia and more importantly, georgia. i don't think it's the right thing for georgia. so let's get this straight . washington doesn't like a law being proposed by the majority of georgia, m. p. 's from the ruling party of georgia, a law that with highlight the companies and individuals receiving substantial funding from a broad like america who could therefore be acting in the interests of said country
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. now, why would they care may come to mind a recent u. s. government report names georgia as a lead in recipients of u. s. foreign and military aid in europe and eurasia. and this isn't something new . the u. s. has been sending hundreds of millions of dollars to georgia since the mid ninety's over $445000000.00 in foreign military financing. i loan since 1997, 35000000 dollars just last year, over a $130000000.00 in bilateral state department and us aid assistance annually. and all this, of course, go and towards helping georgia develop a democratic free market with western orientations. in july state department spokesman, net price told reporters the u. s. has allocated a total of almost $6000000000.00 in assistant funds for georgia over the years. and
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as we know, nothing comes for free and this is exactly what local m. p. 's had in mind when considering the draft law on transparency of foreign influence. countries tend to use angie yos and private media organizations to sway public opinion and encourage opposition movements in countries of interest. the biggest share of the u. s. funding is directed towards antonio's, which means that this money benefits not our country, but their own agents. we see that there is absolutely no transparency in their spending. the public does not have any information in this regard. that creates risks. our country's a small state. naturally. it is vulnerable to various types of risks. so at this time, transparency is of special importance. georgia is already one foot in the u. ponds . having signed the e u association agreement and this law would jeopardize it the future with the was
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bought. not everyone seems to share these pro western views, as we've already seen from the scuffles in parliament. so the majority of them peas, voting in favor of this particular law that was didn't like that and started was saying it's support for the protesters while painting russia as the bad guy. as always, it's about the moment for george's own future democracy. and we want to be here to support the georgia people in their aspirations and georgia journey to strengthening its democracy in this region. russia is trying to absorb countries like ukraine absorb countries like belarus, threatened countries like georgia. if you look around, no one is choosing to be with russia. what we've got instead is a very strong united international support for ukraine. and for countries like georgia that are occupied by an aggressor like russia. the way supports georgia, as long as it's part of the gang when georgia had
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a president who was last euro centered, it all ended with the rose revolution in 2003 and a change of power. that's when opposition, leader and western fine. mikhail suckers really answered the picture and what followed was a war and to break away regions. and now here we go again. that's so cold, controversial bill has since been withdrawn box. protesters have bowed to continue until it's formerly denounced and protesters are released from detention. so once again, democracy brings conflict across ross and borders and another russian neighbor. it's been a time to follow a european future. a plan that has been in the making for years with george bush discussing ukraine and george's need for membership back in 2008. and thats despite warnings from russia since pretty much the soviet union collapsed or not much has changed. it seems. and now we're back to square one. ukraine is
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a disaster. and now in georgia, the port is definitely hot and be insert. and the only question seems to be how long before it spills over again to europe. now in germany is know the city of hamburg 7 people have been reported, kill an 8 others wounded in a mass, shooting a warning. however, the following footage might be disturbing. it happened as a jehovah witnesses, church, facility, authority say the gunman died in the instant. without elaborating several victims have been hospitalized with severe injuries. the city's mayor has expressed his sorrow for the tragedy. of all the senior us health officials has asserted that american titles funded the research that led to the creation of the corona virus and coven pandemic. so it was
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a robert redfield who headed the centers for disease control at the height of the pandemic, made those comments during the latest hearing into the origin of the disease. do you think that dr found she intentionally lied under oath to senator paul when he vehemently denied an age his funding of gain of function research? i think there's no doubt that in i was funding in a function research. is it likely that american tax dollars funded the gain of function research? i created this virus. i think it did on only from in i age, put from the state department usa idea and from doing well, red field testified that early on he believed the virus had been engineered and he was excluded from later calls because he took that position. he went on to talk about this paper that it appears was generated, and while he couldn't speak to dr. foundries, motivations for prompting this study. he said that it does appear know that
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that this study was, was intended to translate and prevents and, and circumvent the idea that cobit was originated in a lab that it was a man made virus. if you really want to be truthful, it's antithetical to science. this was a narrative that was decided that they were going to say, this came from a what market. and they were going to do everything they could, the supported to negate any discussion about the possibility of this came from alarm. now, doctor found you repeatedly denied that the national institute of health had funded gain of rock junction research in 2021. you didn't give money to the woo on lab to do again, the function research that is correct, doctor vouching knowing that is a crime to lie to congress. do you wish to retract your statement of may 11th, where you claimed that the and i age never funded, gain of function research and whoo!
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on senator paul, i have never lied before the congress. you gave them money and you said don't do gain of function research, correct? and they said, we won't correct how you can say that is not gain of fun. it is not, it's a dance and you're dancing around this because you're trying to obscure a responsibility for 4000000 people dying around the world from up and amick. and senator paul, you do not know what you are talking about quite frankly. and i want to say that officially, you do not know what you are talking about. now this all comes as revelations seem to indicate that in february of 2020 doctor found you prompted a study that was intended to show that the virus did not come from a lab. and that has raised a lot of outrage. republicans calling for dr. valgy to be put behind bars. and this comes as a way of the immunization of china from u. s. officials in u. s. media blaming china for the pandemic. now china has was back and said the
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united states should be turning serious public health issues into political weapons . new report, anatomy, origins of coven, 19 the u. s. energy department, now differing from some other government agencies that of the f. b, i in the united states has said the corona virus pandemic is most likely to have emerged from a chinese laboratory, created deliberately for research, but leaked unintentionally into the world. china predictably is furious and pushing back the lack of cooperation from china has made it difficult to pinpoint the exact cause of the pandemic seems lovely is extremely unlikely. this is an authoritative scientific conclusion that experts from china and the old health organization reach . after visiting the relevant laboratory and blue hand and holding in debt exchanges with relevant researchers, the relevant policy should stop play, not de la leak theory, stop smearing china and stop politicizing the issue of origin tracing. now at this
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point, these new revelations about the national institute of health and dr. valgy and his statements, and a studies that were commissioned all seem to indicate that us officials have something to hide. they're trying to point a finger at china, but it looks like some of their own behavior as serious questions that could be raised. ah, says, unless now where one civilian has been killed and 2 others wounded in a recent clay artillery attack on the city of vol. nova in the dentist republic, logo and infrastructure was severely damaged, including a parking facility where new miss civilian vehicles were located in cove. all of us . hi, i'm of rocket system to conduct the attack. i'll tease roman cooperative reports from the scene. ah,
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one civilian was killed and 2 more were wounded as a result of ukrainian artillery attack in the city of nevada. now, according to officials, ukraine launched 6 rockets from multiple launch rocket system, high mars made in the united states. now 4 of those were intercepted and just to landed right here at this bus terminal, i missed precious letters, no but pots, supposedly from the foreign weapon systems of the high mosque, multiple launch rocket system were found on the scene. the result one per, was killed. sergei his laying right here. he was a 63 years old and he came to work at 5 o'clock in the morning when this attack took place. now the other 2 people who were wounded are now being treated at
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a hospital. and after the trying to do everything they can in order to save their lives, laporte was little. of course, i heard a pulp. the explosion was so strong that i was thrown out of the gait. thanks to the security guard, i was not on the bus at the time of the explosion. you can see for yourself was left at this boss. i would have been dead then. when i came to my senses, i pulled out one person. his leg was badly damaged by the explosion. he was concussed, he didn't move. the ambulance took him right away. that's the civilian object. they've never been military facilities here. why shoot here targeting living people? it's just an atrocity. local bus routes have now been suspended, as there are simply absolutely no bosses to use for the people. i hear some of the employees at this boss sermon olsa are leaving their cars here overnight. you can see that they're completely destroyed at the moment. it's yet unclear when the bus services in this area will resume, but
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a hasn't been here right now. shelling of this residential area continues at this point. and as the day progresses, we might hear about more victims, roman culture of archie than nets republic us defense. secretary lloyd often has helped horses do any countable, reaffirming washington's langkow commitment to israel security. however, when faster in used car for the other reasons, suggestion wine is ready, official to wipe out of palestinian village, often invaded the question secretary and the current is really government is the most far a. it's been in its history, one of its ministers calling for a published in palestinian village to be wiped out. and that was during the about meetings. do you feel comfortable working with and trusting a government that has individuals who have these beliefs? thanks, leaders i at the top,
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your religious let me say that i refer to my colleague here to comment on the readiness of, of the israeli forces. but in terms of our ability to work together, and you've heard me say a number of times in various places said our commitment to the security of israel is iron quiet. but they have been great partners throughout and they will continue to be great partners going forward. and our commitment to the security of israel, i will not wait. it will not change. it is not negotiable. as i said earlier, the u. s. defense secretary arrived serious row to frankly discuss the circle of balancing the ok wide west bank and consult on what steps these rarely leadership can take. the restore calm before the upcoming holidays, both the jewish and muslim. but as you've just heard, some of his answers were very vague. these really palestinian conference has recently end to the very dramatic violence stage with casualties from both sides
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deadly terror attacks were followed by intensified idea of raids to which palestinians responded to with even more violence. both sides blamed each other for these dramatic and dangerous escalation. speaking to the media after his meetings with these rail leadership, pentagon chief said that america respect sudden recognizes israel's right to defend itself and to counter terrorism. but it condemns any step that would push 2 state solution away. i was very clear about israel's right to defend itself against terrorism. i extend my deepest condolences to the families of israelis who were killed and wounded during recent terrorist attacks. and i am here as a friend who was deeply committed to the security of the state of israel. but the united states also remains firmly opposed to any acts that could trigger more
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insecurity. including settlement expansion and inflammatory rhetoric. and were especially disturbed by violence by settlers against palestinians. so will continue to oppose actions that could push a 2 state solution further out of reach. this rarely defense minister who is known as one of the most modern right officials in these rarely, right. when government said that israel is very much interested in palestinian peoples prosperity and stability in the west bank and gaza met israelis will always come 1st. as for the palestinian arina, the state of fees well seeks stability and security. we are interested in the economy prosperity and the well being of the palestinian people in judah in somalia and in gaza. this should never comes at the expense of the life of a single citizen of either we have the pensions in the west bank escalated again on
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tuesday when these rarely military killed 6 palestinians during the military, arrayed in the city of jeanine. in the north of the wide west bank including those these real claimed, responsible for how was shooting but took the lives of to his rarely brothers back attack. provoked, unprecedented. massive and violent po, grown told how y right other palestinian towns and villages by israeli settlers in which one palestinian men died. dozens of cars and homes were burned. there's really what is the northern aus arrest? the prosecution of the settler was responsible for these attacks added to the international community was very much concerned about the u. s. u n. e. you all called for israel to punish those responsible amnesty international was among those warring under israel support the system impunity rains despite the intensity and scale of sunday's attacks, which resulted in the killing of one palestinian and the wounding of nearly 400.
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and despite a rare show of international condemnation of settler violence, israeli police yesterday relief 6 suspects who were arrested in connection with these attacks. the panther volunteers came to e 0, the time of huge internal division, massive and to government protest have been shaking the country in the last 10 weeks. the miss prater is taken to the streets in thousands having protested against these railey governments. planned judicial reforms that they claimed would bury the countries democracy. if the bills become laws, the israeli politicians will have more power in appointing judges. and in cancelling decisions by the countries high court, while the prime minister will be more legally protected than adver says, a has been announced ad de or resistance with protests held every way throughout a rail. speaking to the media, miss austin did not mention these protests, but he talked about democracy. america's commitment to israel security is
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ironclad, and it's going to stay that way. as president president biden said on his visit to israel last year. the connection between the israeli people and the american people is bone deep. israel is a major strategic partner for the united states. it's rooted in the shared values of democracy and freedom. and the rule of law and those values remain essential as president biden has said, the genius of democracy, of american democracy and israeli democracy is that they are both built on strong institutions, on checks and balances. and on an independent judiciary. also visit to israel is yet another time by till biden's administration to pull.
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