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tv   The 360 View  RT  March 10, 2023 3:30am-4:01am EST

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for st. america's commitment to israel security is ironclad, and it's going to stay that way. as president president biden said on his visit to israel last year, the connection between the israeli people and the american people is bone deep. israel is a major, a strategic partner for the united states. it's rooted in the shared values of democracy and freedom. and the rule of law and those values remain essential. as president biden has said, the genius of the markers of american democracy in israeli democracy is that they are both built on strong institutions, on checks and balances. and on an independent judiciary. also visit to israel is yet another 10 by jo biden's administration to play a media role here in the region in hand to try to de escalate the situation. since
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the beginning of this year had number of high ranking american officials like national security advisers, secretary of state visited israel, expressing their concerns over mounting tension is trying to de escalate the situation. but as we can see, things are only boiling on the ground. lloyd also went on to reiterate the us, the citizen iran, to be the main threat chief security, the ban nissan. he plays support israel now as you'd expect. and you heard the minister say, much of our discussion today focused on the threats posed by iran. iran remains the primary driver of instability in the region. lloyd austin's comments came in the same week that israel thomas it earthquake stricken syria, seriously damaging the aleppo apple which holds it. you may return,
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aid supplies to the country. days before that. israel's military conducted several dead. the operations in the west bank overlooking is really set of violence tools. policy is one government official, even called for the destruction of a policy in vintage. israel also denounced previous promises to hold the expansion over settlements and outputs in the west bank, as were also threatened to bull meridian, nuclear sites. if it considers them a threat to state security, claiming that to ron as being producing highly enriched uranium, we saw to a to home base. but his last who serves iran's independence, interferes with washington plans for the region in terms of american interest. and the, let's say, imperialism that they have only been and actually operating in this region. yes, you are, is the civilizing support for considering did support that they had for isis.
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and the documents that revealed the americans and deliberately allowed the terrorist group for against iraq and syria years ago. now, yes, you are the civilized is the region by killing the terrorist and attacking and let's say are fighting against the terrorism of isis. yes, in that regard, you want as the supplies in the region, why do we consider the region self and the interest of the region? and of course, there is nothing that you want to think about that it to be a threat to death. what iran is actually following and supporting the region is that they have a leaky, the security piece in the region should be maintained by the people, nations, and the government inside the region by the outside. there's all this news out and
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do take out on t dot com for more interesting news from around the world and we'll be back on. i'm going to use it on this edition of a 360 view. we're going to examine the term masculinity and a cultural concept of a mailing. it like strength, morality, courage. and so it says in pride, assertiveness in the present day deserve to be labeled. ah, thank you for joining you. the solution of the will of men throughout history has been extraordinary. history tells us stories of leaders like achilles, king leon itis. i interest loma, and peter, the great men whose work was not always good for all mankind, but who rarely failed at their goals and usually committed the actions of thousands
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. but how would the leaders of today stack up? well, history speak the same of the great power of just inter doe, the commanding presence of a man, norma krohn, or the incredible intelligence and wisdom of jo bided. now it's so secret pop culture and media can influence our lives, interest and even personalities. but as today's culture leading to the extinction of the stereotypical male, well we're going to ask our international correspondent, roxan us a lot of debate across the globe. are we destroyed masculinity or frame it? well, china's education ministry is saying the boys are not. all right. they're calling the young male population in china a masculinity crisis. a top delegate in china made a statement saying the popularity of pretty boys in pop culture had made boys weak, inferior and timid. china's education ministry has made up plans to ramp up
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physical education classes and hire more male teachers to give boys a masculine influence in schools. some teachers are pushing back saying this could cause problems and lead others to tease boys who do not conform to gender stereotypes. a to caters, cannot call for the prevention of bullying in schools while nurturing the soil for ruling in schools. but it is not just china. we said the arts with the role of men in society in britain, one right, we journalist, believe that a muscular later manhood of the west has fled to the rights of people seeking more conservative leaderships. we saw the rise of leaders like maurice johnson and these trusts as conservative party. either i'm prime minister celebrities are blurring the lines of masculine and feminine dresses. for example, as men are now it's showing up in gallon. so mega scene covers unknown red carpets,
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back east. so i'm not you starting to sense or television that shows male pop starts as to feminine. china also is trying to toughen up their high school boys in hopes up in firing. i'm new generation of soldiers for their fear. the boys born on there is a one. china policy had been foiled and will not protect them in an invasion. but in the united states, school sports are becoming a battle ground between boys and girls. from high school trucks, field to college, she meets biological men are playing in girl sports, breaking female records across the board. this has led to multiple lawsuit saying that we're giving an unfair advantage being born meal. the life of male and female are seeming to blur in pop culture everyday lives around the world. as hollywood and schools try to find the place for representation of all these new identities
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that walk whole turn is firing back at anything they see as a misstep. however, the hypocrisy of it all is sadly mean. what is, as we are free and idea of masculinity, we're losing our female identity and taken away the time for women to thrive and succeed. for 360 view, i'm prox on a so long to discuss, we are now joined by life coaching commentator elliot hoss. welcome to show elliot esther, off things simple plain. in your opinion, is there any legitimacy to the claim? there is a war on masculinity in our society. well, i would open my saying that there seems to be a war on gender. and so both men and women are being fed lots of awe, very erroneous ideas about what it means to be a man and a woman. it almost seems as if we're being swapped in a way. and so, ah,
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in many instances we're now seeing men being portrayed in dresses and told to be vulnerable and to basically behave and think like a woman. and the other hand, since at least 1960 is there has been this push for women to be strong and independent and more masculine. so it's more of a, a perversion of the genders in just an al, out war on men. but the wor usually begins in the head and the man is the head. and so of course the attack begins there. okay? now when i get more specific, what do you think of china? censoring is media all to avoid showing a children, music videos and movies, or men are wearing earrings or other traditionally feminine characteristics. you think that's going to far, really, it comes down to the destruction of the family. and so part of what that war looks like is confusing the genders that we don't get along very well, especially in the institution of marriage. so for example, ah, the pushing for the,
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the sexual revolution per se of the 19 sixty's where previous to, ah, contraception and sexual license, foreign occasion, pre marital sex. ah, because we remained mostly chased and had a greater respect for our bodies and sex. there was a greater respect for the institution of marriage and thus marriage lasted also the, this attack on the family as shown itself in the form of divorce prior to the so called sexual revolution, the divorce wasn't ah, as easily or highly looked upon as it is in the world today, most marriages end in divorce today, i think it's close to 60, maybe 70 percent in many cases. so those are, those are some of the ways in which you see this war being played out. ah, there's an old saying that a man's home is his castle. well,
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if you destroy the castle, i. e, the family, you destroy the home. so that's where really seeing it. that's why there's, there's men don't want to marry any more, right? um, i can go i go into a rabbit hole with regard to that, but the game has been stacked against them. and so men are saying no, now they'll say yes to your sex mot, no to marriage and is because of this destruction of the institution. how does it look different in the west versus in poor a more traditional societies? feminism is. what is the difference? you don't see too many a women working outside the home in a non traditional way. meaning i'm in poorer countries. ah, women are taking care of their babies. they're making babies. only put it that way . ah, women, men, men, families are not making babies anymore. where sterilized, we're boarding our babies were told that the planet as too many people,
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or that you need too much, you need a lot of money to have babies. all of these are allies that are once again, in fact, on the family, all the poor countries. they're making babies, they're having lots of babies. and as a result, women are doing what women do great and best, which would be mothers right? now they say that may could be mothers too, as little weird, but ah, the difference is that you will stay in these cultures. women will actually care for the whole, well, take care the food and they'll keep the house clean and take care the big that if the house is the container for the love of a family, it needs a caretaker. but in the west, a women don't stay in the homes, women are becoming and you know, it's fine. it's but the actions have consequences, ceos and entrepreneurs and sen babies off the day, care and putting them in indoctrination. camps called schools where as the opposed
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to traditional societies, the governments training our kids and the families are not. so therefore there are no family values. the mother is the one that instills the family values into the children. but if the mother not there and the kids are at daycare, well then disney world becomes the standard value structure for the culture. and we all know where that leads. now to and is it true? testosterone is plummeting in western men and men globally. why is that, and what does it mean for our cultures and our families? what does it matter if i feel it or not? i can see it and studies show it right? so just in the general demeanor of men to day, we see a bit of what would be called the feminist c softness. and um, theresa a throne is a hardening hormone, and that's why men physically are harder. but now we're literally becoming physically, mentally, emotionally softer. just poke our bodies and you can see now the studies have shown
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that this is the case. i'm a strength coach, so oh, i see it in my clients. ah, but studies d'oeuvre now shown that it, especially over the past 40 years or so 3040 years, ah, it has dropped like almost in half the question why becomes a, comes up and it probably it has to do with a lot of different things. it's multi faceted right, the lifestyle choices that we're making. we're not out in nature as we once were. for the most part, when i grew up, kids were in the streets riding bikes, playing in the sun. right. going out and doing things get fresh air. most kids today are at home inside the stair in its screens and then the technology is another thing, right? so like there's physiological damage associated with staring at screens all day long. then you have the food. ah, the food is ladened with pesticides and these are, these are pesticides that are designed to sterilize pests. right?
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well, if they're gonna sterilize the pests and we eat them, they may be not a scientist, but that may have some effect on our sex home hormones. also, women are attack also with all the chemicals in their, in their make up in their perfume. and on a lotions and stuff like that, once again, it's an attack on both sides. ah, testosterone levels are plummeting because of ah, hormone disrupters, even in the water. so, sexual revolution, thank you. we have birth control pills, right? you can have all the sexes, you want no responsibility. well, what they've discovered is that when women take birth control pills and the p in the toilet, it gets into the water system and it cannot be filtered out. so what we end up happening, having is public water, municipal water, ladened with female hormones, right? a birth control hormones, now not a scientists, right?
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when these are just things that i've read, right? so i'm an expert but if men are drinking water polluted with birth control pills, i think that might have an effect on testosterone. then finally, i would say that there's a social attack just mainly through the media, the movies and the music in the screens. ah, men are no longer portrayed in a manly fashion in, in the way that may be the john wayne's of the past. once were the heroes to day are like that at co panda most the usually just lu, lazy, lazy, fat, dummies that become the heroes. and so kids aspire like, you know, there was this new book series or is not very new as couple years ago. but like the what, the diary of the wimpy kid like, i don't know, i'm at that old,
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but when i grew up nobody would want to watch that. what boy would want to go watch the diary, wimpy kid, but now it's like, oh, the diary, wimpy kid is the greatest thing to go watch. i was watching. he man, what is the big muscle men that i could grow up to be that had an impact on my psyche and made me want to be a strength coach, right? what do we teach our kids to be went be kids are. and so maybe that has something to do with the 2. 0, after the break, we're going to continue our discussion about touching masculinity. and were females play a role? ah no one else thing wrong when oh please. just a whole new world yet to see how this thing becomes to african
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and engagement equals the trail. when so many find themselves worlds apart, we choose to look so common ground. i rick sanchez and i am here to plead with you. whatever you do, you do not watch my new show seriously. why watch something that's so different. i listen to opinion that you won't get anywhere else work of it please. if you have the state department, the c, i a weapons makers, multi $1000000000.00 corporations, choose your fax for you. go ahead. why change and whatever you do? don't want my show stay main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called direct impact, but again, you probably don't want to watch it because it might just change the way things ah,
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we're talking about the war on masculinity and how it will impact feminism and possibly also electrons worldwide. to discuss you want to bring back in our gas life and coach commentary. eliot health elliott, you know, you speak a lot about feminism. tell us, in your opinion, what is feminism? and does it have any role to play in the discussion? we are having feminism, isn't it? back on the family. it's an attack on femininity and it's attack on masculinity. it's a perversion of gender rose. it's and it's completely a marxist fabrication because in order to subvert the west, they have to create class warfare. so in order to have class warfare, you have to make somebody feel like they're getting the end of the stick women prior to the so called sexual revolution, women's suffrage and feminism love being women. most women, most women today who are on pills and who are depressed and have little c
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psychologist and are drinking way too much wine are taking a medication because of their mental illness if they just look 2 generations ago at their great grandmothers. they great grandmothers were quote, unquote, oppressed, but they were happy people, they did what they wanted to do and what they did really well, which was bare children, you know, of the word women today or middle because not making baby. so as part of it that a thing that doesn't fulfill its purpose is a thing that is not going to be happy to put it that way. a person that doesn't fulfill a purpose, i was a thing, is, is not going to be happy. so feminism is a lie. it makes women hate being women. it makes women hate men and hates women. it makes women hate the babies in their bellies and hates and it teaches women to eschew the family. hate the family. ah, it was out. what was new angles?
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angles was when a marxist buddies who said that the family was the most oppressive, you know, social structure. how could a family be an oppressive social structure when his bond is in love? but you know, these people are nuts. do you think this war, masculinity impacts which it has political leaders and rulers over us and you think it governs? what are political classes as important issues they need to solve? i think i recently read a study about how, ah, the most college educated white women who were single and childless are leading the democratic party. like, it just tells you exactly. so by splitting the family, they were able to split the vote and they were able to then promote values that were antithesis to the unity of the family. so in other words, when women didn't vote, a family had a vote as well. i could think of it a family, had a vote because in
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a home you'd imagine that there would be unified virtue when unified values, right. what family would have a husband and a wife have different values? well, one in which they're allowed to go out into the world and promote different values . but if they knew that one family has one vote, then they would be on the same page. was it? women voting is another attack on the, the, the family. but then it has it social ah, and political ramifications because like i just said, the jo biden's of the world only get where they are because mostly middle age, white single women were strong and independent, but yet need guys like biden to give them the right to kill her babies get put in place. men don't vote for that kind of stuff. like i said, the only way men book for stuff like that is because they've become weakened by their last for women sex. and if women can kill her babies, they're going to be a bunch of do that. say, hey, that's great. that means i can have sex without repercussion. so those guys are like women to now where do you see this leaning in the future?
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could a distraction of traditional masculine values be the destruction of feminism as well? you know, we have athletes like biological mal summer lea, a thomas, who are dominating against their female contenders. no, going to far means putting boys in dresses and telling them that they could be pregnant and cutting off there so that they can feel good about them. so that's going too far, telling men to be man and turning away the perverted quiet western media is basically what they're doing means in my mind they're preparing for war. c. societies don't need men until they're ready to use us as fodder for fire. and so, i don't know if america is asleep or we're deeply subverted. but it's very evident. and it has been said that china's the next new world superpower. while how does that happen? the same way america became
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a world superpower prior to the sexual revolution than we're actually men. and you just see in the movies in the media and then they would, none of them were addresses. this wearing of dresses has been very slow and so slow in sneaky in our culture too. it started very simply where guys like, ah, robin williams play in miss doubt fire. oh, that's funny. and then you see, you know, all black comedians, chestnut like girls. oh, it's funny nixon, you know, they're telling your jew telling your kids that they need to wear dresses in school . and if a kid's wearing dress and school, you can't say nothing than your races. ah. so all i see when site, when china says that they want their boise be men, is there wanting to be natural, they're wanting to be normal. they're wanting to be dominant in the world as a result, to have a fight against it. tell us about the work you do empowering man to embrace their masculinity and what the benefits are for those individuals as well as the broader communities in which they live,
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the fight against this is to speak up. this is why i don't know if i was a fan of the guide as said it, but the pen is mightier than the sword. he was right. and that's why the 1st amendments must be defended. the thing is that people num one is not being defended and there because we live in literal fascism where we are run by corporations and are the ones that make the rules by who gets a se one. who gets to do what? ah, that's wrong. but it sort of was so censorship that we're experiencing where most conservatives will speak up. you got to be able, it is so crazy that the people who are most perverted are most proud in their language. they can say any crazy perverted thing. they walk, but you must be silenced. if you believe in the truth as a crazy this or you know that we're in and times was so diabolically disoriented, crazy. so they're so proud in their craziness. well, we're so weak in our willingness to speak. so that's,
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that's the way it begins. there's a great work done. drawn a blank right now, but a man who studied mass movements, i mean, that would be the name of the book, mass movements. and it always follows a pattern for things to happen. and that means you have to have men of words, you know, we, as men, we tend to think of action 1st and sometimes that's why we blow our load. but you got to think words 1st word is a war words, it's a war of words. that's why the word well words, as you know, words come from spells. i don't think there's a mistake that we spell words because they it hit the ties as you. and if you're not aware that these words are gonna put spells on, you just look at how the language has changed in the last few years. they're making up words, fake words. they're changing the definition of words. you can't say certain words without being cancelled or censored, or horton somebody's feelings. so to warm words,
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war ward gotta be willing to say what needs to be say without being afraid that somebody's gonna be upset. thank you for joining us for a fascinating conversation. you know, modern de masculinity should be defined by traits like authenticity having integrity and care for himself and those around him. these are enter girl to how a man should perceive himself and where he fits into the world today. now, prior generations prioritize the physical strength, power, and influence, but the core justification for all of these comes down to the need to protect and to provide. these are just a few of the characteristics of what modern day men should strive to be. now society might change, but the core concepts should never, it was decided he wants to continue to the challenges of time. change can be for the good. it would be comical. the think the same characteristics which were developed for survival in the wild or in a less develop society would still be needed today in a time where almost every need can be satisfied with a click of
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a button. but was there ever a problem in the 1st place? you know the same traits which allowed men to help to protect, provide and contribute to developing society in the past? are the same traits being demonized today? to have these traits could give you the label of toxic and make you the villain of your own environment. but that is only if you happen to be born a man. all the, many of the same characteristics which are being vilified and boys are being pushed to be displayed by girls. now in reverse, the same elements which were attributed to being a female, re encourage to be displayed by the boy. now i consider myself a feminist. however, i can empower young girls and fight for their future without diminishing the opposite sex. and in no way am i defending the trades which bad men possess. but it is not the trait which should be held at fault, but rather the man himself. and this is not specific to the male gender only if we
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really want to have this honest conversation about toxic masculinity. though we must also discuss toxic feminism. however publicly as, as popular to say, there are bad elements of the female sex. and we wouldn't want to offend anyone that would be cancer toxic. this is all about continuing to create environment of confusion, confusing the. busy roles which were given to civilization at birth and come with a name characteristics as proven by the thousands of years of existence will only weaken a society. one thing that history, which is constant, the week never survive. and while some say their goal is to end the toxic tract of men as defined by the president woke crowd, i say this is a continued race to weaken the family union with the help of final destruction a day which will not be good for anyone. regardless of their gender, i know he's been your 3 think the view of the news affecting you. thanks for
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watching. ah. with a make history is the country's 1st president to be real into for 3rd consecutive term. oh, the bottom of the republic of georgia, it has officially scrapped and controversial bill spot. one of my protest in the country as well as low position and said that the current government resigned a breakdown of how the sense you have in that particular the role of the you are.


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