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tv   News  RT  March 11, 2023 3:00am-3:31am EST

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a huge with ah, with i read your rivals, iran and saudi arabia read your resume diplomatic relations. i'm real. they're able to see them broken by china. enormous geo political implications. a job, i mean, so with the chief earth of wonderland discuss a washington can potentially inflation reduction act and its potential effects on the european union out of their struggles with water shortages due to on even distribution and dwindling. reservoir levels of the country already suffers
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from the daily electrical power outages. our correspondent reports from the same a wealth of dog, fashionable cost in life from most it's just going to be 11 am and as always, it's great to have you with. i'm rather mommy. let's take a look at the top stories of this. our iran and saudi arabia have agreed to resume diplomatic relations and reopen their embassies and a deal broken by china, senior officials from both of those middle eastern countries. how talks in beijing an effort to bridge the device during this long time, regional rivals. here are the main statements from the delegations at the talks. oh, the talks this time have fully combed through the merits of the disputes between saudi arabia and iran,
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and explored effective ways to resolve disputes. saudi arabia hopes that this will open a new chapter and bilateral ties under the architecture of a brotherly relationship of china has provided favorable conditions for which in this agreement is vivid demonstration of the basic policies and concepts of china's diplomacy. which includes the major initiative of building and community with a shared future from mankind. you're on firmly supports the relevant initiatives. drove on cash anguish. the improvement of the relationship of both sides has paved the way for peace and stability in the middle east. it has also set an example for resolving conflicts and disputes between countries through dialogue and negotiations. china supports countries in the middle east to adhere to strategical, autonomy, strength, and unity and cooperation. yet read of external influence and truly have in their hands the future and destiny of the middle east. don't do much or to lead great news for the middle east than the whole world as they want. and are saudi arabia
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finally decided to break the ice and resumed their diplomatic ties. after several years, after 7 years of frosty relations, while the agreement came on friday and it was reached, our and the chinese capital beijing. after several days of intensive negotiations between our secretary of iran's supreme national security council and he shall fall, he and his mom, saudi counterpart, and the chinese capital beijing, of course, are saudi arabia, several. his diplomatic ties with iran back in january 2016 after our angry iranian nar protesters toward the saudi embassy into iran. and following the rios execution of fox hob, shia cleric never bothered and member. and that led to the end of the diplomatic ties between saudi arabia and iran, were the 2 sides closed, their embassies and the 2 countries,
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or of course. so now this new development is very promising is a promising step towards ensuring stability and security and peace in the middle east. as the 2 sides have been always at loggerheads when it comes to many regional issues. after the rise and the emergence of dash terrorists, isis terrorists in the region, and the chaos that took place inside syria and iraq, are the 2 sides, have been at different on different fronts, of course. and when it comes to the saudi war on yemen, iran back, so he, mom, you have any, and sarah la movement and a ron bax, political resolution to the i, you have any conflict while the saudi arabia has been attacking yemen. so all of those developments will be resolved, all of those issues will be resolved, following that new agreement between our re off and to juan. so this is very great step and we heard that the 2 sides decided to reopen their embassies within the
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next 2 months. we heard from lang lang, executive dean of china's tongue. the an institute for financial says, he says the us is a major cooled of instability in the many. so increasingly more countries have been trying to distance themselves from u. s. policies. it's a very important event in not only middle east, but also in china foreign policy china hoax. they had to not only the 2 countries, but also all the countries in the middle east could develop into by themselves for washington. they should rethink and say, why now in the won't, they are more and more people never a chance to washington any, any longer usa is a main driver, all new regional instability and conflict, not only in middle east, but also in eastern europe. because in the past or 40 years,
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the united states has launched, a lot of them was in, you know, walked in the middle east, or at least one bidding of people have died under the fi of the united states. so now we had the only people know the world clearly. so carter hegemony of the, at he stays due to be and as soon as possible. what else to comment on the development? yes for joe biden, seem to shift focus to other countries in the region. what are your thoughts? i'm sorry, right? yeah, around re establishing diplomatic relations sir. with so as officials rather positively to the new saying the revival of relations between iran and saudi arabia will promote a broader peace to the region. the usaa maintains close ties. will saudi arabia,
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but members of the us congress have direct me called for regime change in iran. the iranian regime must be taken out no more evil tyrants, whether it's the shot or the leader. the last, congress has been preparing a resolution to condemn the iranian government. i support the protest movement as suits, overthrow it. it is the latest excavation intention to in the countries we heard from a professor at the university of ha, ha ha ha, beer. who says, conducting regime change in other countries as of a pause of u. s. foreign policy. you see that the united states basically has a dual vision that looks at other countries. brian or as enemies, and the definition were on enemies, the country that is, you know, systematically independent of the not based on major domestic or foreign
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policy with the united states. that is the definition of any u. s. foreign policy in perspective. clients and any, any higher is it c u. s. foreign policy basically look back injury. you see that, you know, the history of united this relations with the rest of the world has been filled with these kind of this kind of mentality. the take out the government that they have problem with. i think the government will know for another time that regime change is not going to work in 21st century. us wasn't, joe barton, has requested a record high amount of a colossal $886000000000.00 for the countries national security budget. next year. the vast majority of the requested budget would go directly to the pentagon. the
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defense of follow wants to use like cash to tackle a perceived threat from china as want us to provide aid to ukraine. i'm funding for nato. depended on also some count accord, persistent threats coming from north korea and iran. over the years, the u. s. events above and i've been consistently increasing spending the last 3 years the movie, but it has increased by 15 percent myers in from $740000000000.00 to $858000000000.00. some media report say the final sum for 2024 could hit as much as 950000000000. we are from san francisco, director of the intellectual center. she says that the washington is just going to spend more and more money on military equipment. this amount of money, the largest military budget of all time, exceeding any past military appropriation is
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a disaster for working people in the us and for people around the world. it is a catastrophic amount of sheer waste into militarism, a $186000000000.00. and it will grow, it's not the end with the white house. it sends to congress always grows by tens of billions of dollars, additional add ons cost overruns, what it would take to reverse it is working people in the u. s. and globally, really standing up to u. s. imperialism, it won't come from congress, the democrats and republicans, and vine with each other to add on more and more to the military budget, to pass it almost unanimously, year after year. i mean, it really is a staggering and criminal amount and as they say, this amount is meant to continue the war on russia and to plan for war on china
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while at the same time threatening iran and countless other countries. so more economic news from the u. s, the biggest bank collapse since 2008 financial crisis has happened in the u. s. a. silicon valley bank made an unsuccessful attempt to quickly raise capital and made rising inflation rates. silicon valley bank is now under the consult the u. s. federal deposit insurance corporation by any means liquidation of assets in order to pay back clients. even though silicon valley bank is not the most well known bagget, so had over $200000000000.00 of assets. i was intensely involved with tech and health care companies. jack ross was a professor of economics and policies at st. mary's college of california told us that the bank collapse is directly tied. the current u. s. strategy of curbing inflation. the fed cannot raise
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interest rates high enough to bring down inflation because inflation is mostly supply side. we can't do anything about that. so they're trying to take inflation down by raising interest rates. low is crushing demand alone, right? but when they raise it up a certain level between 5 and 6, i been predicting you're going to start getting financial instability. and we see that already now with the silicon valley bank because the tech sector is the most exposed right now. and, and, you know, there's, there's like $250.00 companies that, that have their money in silicon valley bank. lot of them start ups. and if they, if that bank goes belly up and they lose that money, well hope to start up the gun ago. i got a crash, right? that's where the government i think, is going to really jump in and bail it out. and i already signed the deal yet. but we don't know the contagion between silicon valley bank and other
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tech, financial funders, and other commercial banks that fund these tech bye. i, you know, the tentacles of contagion are, are very widespread and we don't really know it. because there are these tentacles, these debt clinicals are always very, you'll take, you know, we saw that back with the housing sector crash, and we're going to find out over the weekend or start to find out what are the contagion potential here for the collapse it is banked very important bank, and it'd be interesting to see what happens on monday, both in a financial market stock and bond markets, and also all next week because we'll beginning to see it will leak out of step by step i think on, on what the contagion is. and it may shut down to funding of start ups in the tech industry for a while. so, you know, it's all traceable to the fed interest rate policy and buying this policy of
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attacking tech, tech chinese technology and trying to get the businesses to come back to the u. s. which is the part of the geo political. the problem with biden is that it's, it's all g geo politics and what happens to the economy be damped really, as the u. s. tries to ring fence a, russia and china and the other countries who may align with them that the u. s. is bifurcated a slowly the global economy, the global capitalist economy. but it's all because the geopolitical objectives, i believe, and it's, it's going to be a big price to pay, i think eventually by young couple years from now. i think it's too early, much too early to say that i and unlike in 2008. 0 boy, the government is jumping on this thing, ensuring bailouts and so forth. already within 24 hours,
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see how they learn their lesson of not dragging their feet back then i, i think one of the consequences if, if there is, can agent is the feds gonna stop raising rates because they're going to take care of the financial sector 1st and that means inflation is going to stay high and 345 percent. it's not going to come down. so there between a rock and a hard place, you know, do they try to keep bringing inflation now? my raising rates are by raising rates, do they cause a further financial stress that the fed doesn't work very well? the policy doesn't work very well anymore in the 21st century, where you got a globalized financial ais world economy. washington's controversial inflation reduction. i am, howie, could impact europe was a keen focus of tools as the e. u chief of under lan met with us both and joe biden, the white house ortiz correspondent in yield k lip. moping picked up the story. one
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listens to what was said by the european leader who met with the president of the united states at a time. the countries are more or less having a subsidy trade war. one will notice that there was a superficial friendliness that went on. now the chief, she referred to partnering with the united states cooperation around l and g liquefied natural gas. and it was only in a very shy way that she referred to the elephant in the room, which is that inflation reduction act, which is going to have a very negative impact on the european union. and the economies of european countries, a patient with
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a plan. now the inflation reduction act will be taking investment away from europe. it'll be, have less innovation in europe. i'm. it will also lead to fewer jobs for europeans . and it's, it's quite a dramatic, dramatic move on and also mandates made in the usa only for certain deals. and it basically forces the european union to cooperate with united states in ways that are pretty detrimental. now when the 2 leaders were speaking, they did emphasize that they both want to make russia pay for what they're calling an atrocious war. however, as one looks beneath the surface at the european union, one can see increasing number of countries that are starting to side with russia. here's what's going on. that wasn't acknowledged in the room. over the past year, the number of countries actively condemning russia has fallen from 131 to 122. to
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some emerging economies has shifted to a neutral position. the number of neutral countries has risen from 32 to 35. now representing nearly 31 percent of the global population, some previously western allied countries, including colombia, turkey, and cattle, have moved into this category as a government to seeking to reap economic benefits from engaging with both sides. now these leaders can make nice in front of the camera, but everyone knows about the inflation reduction act. everyone knows about the tension between the countries and the united states, the economic pressure that is being placed on the you. so one has to ask how much this kind of photo op style publicity meeting will really change things? it certainly. 3 certainly try to give the impression that there was no trouble in paradise. that's not the case. everyone knows it. funny, okay, of how their 1st summer in 5 years is bruce pm richey sooner announcing of those
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countries have agreed to try and ukraine marines. the key quote, for a decisive advantage in the conflict with russia. we've agreed to train ukrainian marines helping to give ukraine a decisive advantage on the battlefield and for ukraine to win this war. we will jointly explore the development of complex weapons like air defense, combat and long range weapons will skid weekend. our goal is to help ukraine conduct a counter offensive that it wishes to conduct. i've always said, for my part that our prospect was indeed that they should be a lossing built, forge and conditions that ukraine will choose. and all duty is to place it in that situation. when french president, a mentor and mac ho hosted british prime minister re she soon knock all day on friday, here in paris at the eighty's a presidential palace. it was the 1st time since 2018 that the u. k. and france had such a meeting. there was so much friction between mac hall and both former prime minister
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morris johnson and his successor of about 5 minutes less trust that trust at one point i couldn't even say whether michael was a friend or foe. remember also, downing street said last june, that there was a lot of friction with johnson and truss who was foreign affairs secretary at the time over michael's insistence on negotiations for ukraine over prolonging armed conflict. but these 2 former investment banks, tre. bros ross childs and mccaul and rishi who worked for golden sacks got straight down to business of doing what banks turbos do best falling in line behind the establishment agenda. they tossed a huge bone to the military, industrial complex, talking about jointly developing long range weapons and air defense. they also said that they'll cooperate on training ukrainian forces. just last month, michael was promoting the idea of peace through negotiations. i don't think like some that russia should be totally defeated, attacked on a soil. these observe is want above all,
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to crush russia. this is never been francis position, and it never will be the talking. why now among western nations is that ukraine has still when on the battlefield, and that piece isn't possible until keith is sitting on the largest possible pile of weapons. only then we'll ukrainian president vladimir zalinski being a good position to get the best deal with russia. they say sounds more like it's the western weapons industry that's holding out for the very best deal on maximum sales. speaking of which washington has reportedly now delivered some patriot weapon systems to ukraine, but is openly admitting their limitations against russia's arsenal. the patriot missile system is really designed to go after ballistic missiles and it's, it's not as effective on cruise missiles and it's certainly not going to be effective against drones. france also to secured just under half of 1000000000 pounds sterling. so about $580000000.00 us dollars over 3 years from british
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taxpayers to toppa migrants literally to tackle them probably that is before they get to british shores, after which there is no word on any kind of an agreement as to whether they'll even be sent back to france or what will happen to them all those millions will also be used to build the detention center on the french side of the english channel without budget, frankly, it should rival versailles macro also got in a job about how brags it is the source of quote, all the problems we have between the u. k. france and the e u. well, yeah, because that's what happens when the people impose borders through brags it around their own country. the. busy gillis simply tried to erase. suddenly the globalist just can't have things exactly like they want them and impose them on people in an uncontrolled manner like migration, maybe stop stoking foreign wars if you don't have problems with the population displacement in your own backyard. unfortunately,
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judging by their increasing militaristic position, these 2 leaders have now taken on the conflict in your brain that really doesn't look like they've learned very much on that front. roches defense ministry has recently wrist release footage, all the destruction of me to weaponry in the dentist republic. this video shows a british made storm vehicle. such systems were 1st delivered to cuba forces last summer. the combat vehicle was effected in the domestic republic. alice subsequently destroyed with a high precision camera kazi drones, drones are, and to be used by the russian messy to monitor and removed all the vehicles from the battle fields. change continents. now one of south africa main economic hub is struggling with a we're seeing water shortage made persistent medical power cuts the international
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activist organization, greenpeace. as millions of people i've been left waiting for water, which is stored hundreds of the way in reservoirs with dwindling levels. all the correspondent normally will come there, brings us more details from the scene. now does one thing that you're all away off? it's the fact that what is life yet this, the vital natural resource is being depleted. it's been polluted and mismanaged. official says, disruptions, water reservoirs is causing more water related disasters in africa and to tackle these challenges. citizens say government needs to do more than just talking a mother our parents. now this proves that sometimes the tops run dry the whole day we will go to bat at the end of the day without any water to drink or cook. and that's up to pol accounts the whole day, making it even worse. more you'd go to, i can come back, what would still not be back? okay. if so the shaft lamazzo manual buy for me. the crisis is about because my
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business needs water, we can't cook, we can wash, we can clean. as you can see for yourself, we're not operating. we can do anything that you've been given along on, but it's not the water crisis is hurting as badly as i'm speaking to you. i haven't eaten because of situation. even based kids go to school without eating a bad thing because we have no water. it's clear that infrastructure is lacking, whether or not it is an old pipes or ignorance, that african war to prices. it's. yeah, it's getting worse than it's affecting millions of people. i think it's her well known fact that god, government at the moment is struggling with a lot of service delivery issues to round out factor, imogene platforms are unstable and it's also well known fact that our water and wastewater and regulation systems all dilapidated failing. and the severe pressure had been under capitalized and then in many ways all dysfunctional. so all
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things being equal, i do not see the scrutiny around. in fact, i see an accelerated right of collapse coming. and i see ultimately this is very likely to trigger unrest there, some restaurant this guy to ripple across the country. and i'm afraid this is where we're hidden white. interesting to know that in the case of load shedding, alternative sources of energy can be made accessible. but wood water, alternative sources may not be as accessible all available. this means that the situation of water is shedding or shorted and have more dire consequences than what we, as africans have already experienced. for our see, i'm normal, we couldn't get into hattiesburg in noon and chinese company, i've been importing red quote, amounts of russian crude oil as emitter shaw the increase in the consumption of petroleum products in both asian countries. ortiz correspondent,
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in new day room to the shore. miles will details on india's appetites for rushes. black gold. he was remanded to india. how hit on the all time high, highest and $24.00 yells, all of this and the bad job, or even the out by discounted russian or for the last one year or so. remember, india has been despised with factions scooping up on a discounted oil. now that has led to industry to reduce that india being boosted when we're talking about arise and consumption. it has risen by almost 5 percent in the last month. that is nearly $4820000.00 barrels per day. when you talk about the entire month. collectively, and that is 18500000. so that's a tragic tree in conjunction, grow thought as far as fuel is concerned. also this is data really been compiled by
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the indian oil ministry. and even though we follow, the mit is out of us that they think that the conduction of fuel in india will rise . it has in fact, relies to eat estimates and we talking about fuel. what would be the cooking gas as well as the vs and fuel? we got to give you an example of the fuel estimate was for $22029.00 be done. that has been revised $233800000.00. the every ation fuel of a jet fuel husband relies from 7400000, still 8600000. all exports favor this highlights a combination of fact tell them profitable refining russian crude enforce from last month being an important one. now, the trade between the oil tree between the 2 countries, russia and india, have seen yet another record last month in february delhi to the 1600000 barrels of
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russian crude or date. and that is more than what it is or to combine from saudi arabia and her rock. remember those 2 war india is dominant. traditional boys suppliers. now as far as russian crude is concerned, in india imports bosky from may 1 percent in february last year before the conflict before the subsequent western sanctions. to now it occupies a share of almost 35 percent an oil. this is also led to another aspect. remember, which is now, india is cleaning in oil in other carbons. these other than dose and explicit that releases start, do indeed other ice world, despite western pressures to distance himself from moscow. today he has continued to move as bilateral ties, as well as that continues to buy oil from moscow. define the sanctions. define the
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price cabinet generally being very walker the by how in dallas, going to choose to do what suits india. the best we heard from a russian finance i as well as serves or india and china, and wanted to rush and crude supplies. as mazda is rebuilding his approach to energy expos, lots of you know, when you are a much 2021, india didn't actually receive russian oil imports. yet in 2022. the country was the largest them quarter by sea of russian crude oil. second only to china, bookkeeper, china has laid in russian oil imports for many years. masses of oil are transferred there through the siberia pacific ocean oil pipeline. there is a branch of it that transfers 13000000 tons quite a significant number. this another route for russian oil exports mark has ext on that can deliver 10000000 tons more lion's share of oil that goes through the siberia. pacific ocean pipeline is loaded on tank.


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