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tv   Documentary  RT  March 12, 2023 12:30am-12:59am EST

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i said it with they sell this week's already and they say they will not there with their voice is heard a problem. if you don't, most could do long through these of q machine, manassas or an aussie dog. com will be back to the top of the hour with
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a, with a, [000:00:00;00] with more than 2 years have gone by
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the negotiations in order to enter it. been long difficult. and now we're finally here to continue. okay. don't look like children. see the movie, guys like those who used to come here to mind the safety of focus. she died. she's nuclear power
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with ah mm
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. ready ready ready ready ah ah ah, ah, they say you either embrace japan or you reject it. you either adapt giving up your culture or you remained a stranger, a poor geiger. i'm a journalist. i've lived in japan for more than 30 years. i live in take this country. i know it and i ignore it, i accept it, and i oppose it as if it were my own country. i can happily sleep on to
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tommy, but i cannot give up some of my old and healthy habits, such as my coffee above all, i never get used to earthquakes. i live on the 6th floor of an old building and every time there is one, even small one. it makes me panic. a with, if i would have been at room at 2 46 pm on the 11th of march, 2011. i would pay a lot of gentlemen dog. i don't that i'm on the phone to be filled with i've been i've been when i came up with them as well,
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but about i just wanted to do a bonnie gar, kinda bend. i think you think a sin that said that i did not make it right here. oh, here we go to putting on the back end, i realized that we have survived the largest earthquake ever recorded in japan. 90 degree on the richter scale at the epicenter east of the country and felt it as a magnitude for tokyo. he then
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the salami arrives, a long 400 miles east coast of to home. in some places it exceeds 30 meters and reaches up to 67 kilometers in whole region. beautiful with its wooden plastic, illumine houses, gets invaded quickly, swallowed by water. ah reactors have shut down so they're no longer generating. it's hard to believe the 1st death tolls report, so fuel known victims. and it's hard to believe those who say that the nuclear
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power plants are a situation. he's a pushy my value to nuclear power plant. one of the 19 facilities existing in the country located 300 kilometers ne, tokyo, it's owned by tapco, one of the 10 electricity companies of its kind, with its 6 nuclear power reactors. the power plant is one of the most important nuclear facilities in the world. and considered one of the safest nuclear stations in spite of its 40 years during the endless minutes of the earthquake, the power reactors in operation. 1235 sakes automatically stop. and the operators activate the security procedures. the earthquake hit, the client hard. the high voltage mass fall and the cross station is isolated from the national electric supply. emergency diesel generator turned on automatically
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providing electricity to the cooling systems which have the task of reducing heat inside the power reactors. once they have stopped working a power plant. crossing over the dam, built the protection of the nuclear plant against waves of 6 meters maximum height . in a few minutes, the water fills all the technical rooms. damage in the emergency generators located in the underground basement to drown without any tricity or monitoring indicators out abuse. nobody knows what is happening inside the reactors. the magnitude of the emergency is not clear. to close, the top managers are abroad to promote japanese nuclear technology and the news broadcast. my television is 2 contradictory. to be true, i have to do something. i called the manager, but the phone and the internet working,
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i mean to reactivate electricity and the control panels, the plant director muscle yoshi death or does the work is to extract the batteries from their cars and sends others to buy batteries in the nearest supermarket. the workers succeed in restoring the electrical power of the panels in the control room, but the internal pressure indicators of the reactors reveal the situation in all its gravity. if they don't act immediately, 3 reactors may explode. in order to decrease pressure, you need to release the radioactive gas that has accumulated inside the react his but in order to do so, tapco must ask the prime minister for permission. no. so can who is also an engineer, gives the green light. the circuits did not have enough power to open the vows. manual opening seems to be the only option, but the related procedures are not set out in the instruction manual. ah, you know, not
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a need. he are not 5, you know, god, you know, i mean up i need in my dental is the 1st time that the japanese government has become a nuclear emergency. we all remember the accident, a nuclear facility for kyla is even rocky prefecture in 1999. why 2 was, were killed and about 200 people were contaminated. of course, i remember it came with the news of the accident 3 days later. and the death told and injured only 10 days with fewer in tokyo, there have been neither significant damages nor any victims. people aren't panicking and they stop getting ready to spend the night. public places offices at friends, houses are in the open air. this was already up to the setup was much and my thought was you'd be arriving jennifer?
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sorta restore a vehicle. is that gonna cost you the answer? is that a little bit of data? i don't know what to do. i can stay in tokyo where i would probably receive more news. no. it's better to try to get to you walkie by car to come close to the damage nuclear power plant. nothing in the roads are blocked and the nuclear power plants projection vice versa. perhaps a lot of people are trying to reach the north to obtain the news of their relatives . even the railway work is interrupted, the company to split into. i have to go back to tokyo and try to catch a plane to
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a key top. the only way to get the focusing is from the opposite side. ah, a news media was cards and that if you speak russian, keep your voice down while out and about a couple of don't put your human symbols on display a little space each night. all right, so you guys don't talk to strangers, i mean, avoid noisy gatherings and rallies, a marashi eaten your colleagues, and perhaps also your friends think you're guilty because you'll russian much,
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naya the bomb. so was my doing the, was a glad the with being a specific social with their so them, you know, i mean, there are things that like why the nature of the western approach to anything internal, personal, interpersonal, or interstate relationship is one of the black and white realities there are many, many shades of different colors, different states, and the chinese philosophy approach to the issue is, you know, if we are different,
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we can work together alarmed by tip. so as long silence can wants to understand community the gravity of the situation. he arrived, the new kid is off the site. he takes charge, sending a team of workers to manually open the valve. having evacuated the population within a radius of 3 kilometers. the controlled release of radioactive vapor seems to be the acceptable solution. people start to believe that the worst phase of the emergency is now over a year over. but in order to understand what's happening, i needed to go back to my school days to revisit some physics and the lessons on how your power plan works. fukushima de cheese reactor type,
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general electric model of 978. when an operation sin is like an enormous pressure saucepan, the nucleus contains bars of fuel made of uranium, the fission of uranium nuclear produces radioactive adams, which continued to generate residual heat for days after the reactors arrest. the heat in the reactors core is generated by nuclear fission. boiling water produces steam, which goes directly to the turbines and rotates them to produce electricity. the condensed steam then goes back into the reactor. the extraction and replacement of the fuel is usually performed by means of an overhead crane acting between the reactor pool and the adjacent one. during this operation, the 2 polls are completely flooded. the transfer of fuel rods is performed under water through a common gate that works like a valve. keeping the fuel isolated from the environment and refrigerated at every stage is therefore
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a matter of fundamental security. and this is obtained through different containment barriers. designed a bit like a metro raska. the 1st barrier is the capsule of iron, the core of the reactor. the 2nd barrier is the shell of reinforced concrete. the walls of the building of the last barrier between the reactor and the atmosphere. ah. at 3 46 pm on the 12th of march camera's document, a huge explosion that shatters the top of react to building number one and seriously injures full workers. among the operators at fukushima, dicey and the watching world panic escalades. fortunately, the 1st recognizance shows only the top of the building has exploded, not the reactor which seems to be still intact. but perhaps the line,
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the brother also there was the load off your saw because they're all over. i drive without stopping until dawn, when i find myself in case and no soon ami a spare and only a few reinforced concrete buildings. the rest has been wiped out, wrung out and regurgitated without any order or restraint. when at about a quarter to ensure the air that are 30000 or possibly the jordan, i called her side last, she thought so 90 christa, hulu, with them all for our kids cinema. m a to own a heat up at cs got better than that. i looked in because it was so naughty, master inquisitors of america with it, that are gentle disaffection, that i've been out in the summer. so by the cod inhabiting seat to solve their
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problems. rather than questioning the nuclear emergency, fukushima is still far away. in every sense the pressure in the react is increases again. they must be cooled and stabilized in order to avoid the worst possible outcome due to the lack of fresh water, the use of sea water seems to be the only solution. but it means the irreversible damage of all reactors, muscle yoshida, director of the nuclear power plant was the one to make the difficult decision in dime the expensive react is from the corrosive effects of salt. i didn't reach me, i came back here to a key tom and i'm afraid for the 1st time. ah, it right to stay. it's a family, an elite 5 children,
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some right to risk it. i trust this government and especially the prime minister. but the problem is can this government trust tapco nation of his people? i decide to call him directly taking advantage of our old friendship. and i can't reach him. when i come up, talk to him or i have to address a delicate matter. i get in contact with his wife. oh feel this. ah, your mama does seem like that in their hi, shakira. oh, numa got on it. had to go get to go here to mean mean like i think in this young man, i know on the menu item along a on. no, well i don't, i mean,
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the government sends the teams specialized fine. and in an attempt to kind of the most severe situation, the one in the 3rd reactor, the men have hardly arrived when a massive explosion destroys the whole upper part of the building, 3, also involving building fool. ah, some of the embassies are stoking fear irresponsibly. most and foreign press exaggerates distorts, omits often, it invents fact. americans minimized the accident. the french warn of an inevitable. the reactors that are used in fukushima and the rest of japan are made in the united states. and the american industry intends to continue with their business enterprise. on the other hand, france would like to sell it state of the art reactors, which they say are safe. the only official sources i know are the japanese national
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agency for nuclear safety that is more similar to a censorship agency and the international agency for tomic energy, for atomic energy. the only thing that can help me understand is going directly to the power plant under the final cause. it felt like that camera is reveal a 3rd powerful explosion. the building of react to, to the walls, remain intact. but a part of the react to suffer serious damage. tapco abandons all hope of saving the situation and considers the possibility of evacuating all its employees. now to look at the uncontrolled meltdown of all at risk. with
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oh, you know which you find it difficult to maintain the constant awareness that behind every broken window, every destroyed current, every upturned out. there lies the story. if a person of a family of an entire country, it was a well well appointed with all the way here you have no peace. if you know that the loved one was not accepted worthily, i have to work and still wander in the world, which he is no longer part. they watch over the bodies, wash them, dress them with care, could make them, after choosing, auspicious day for the coronation, they get ready by placing their most prized possessions next to them. finally, proceeding to the right of she called so the delicate,
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meticulous right. such an intense moment for the chicago. ah but the soon army also caused the suspension of cream nations for lack of feel like it. and it was necessary to resort to collective burials which to the japanese are considered as sad and the effects of ah,
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a soon ami swept everything away, are included in the right to feel paid to remember on the deck of i thought it was for again, sheet okay, then shallow joke, goal not your dial it. assign them on the day. adequate, all and concave. shannon ginger, when yardi didn't go to bed at lunch time on the 16th of march. the emperor akito is speaking with a live broadcast. it's the 1st time that an emperor uses television to speak directly to the people are those who remember his father
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and bro, hillary, he tossed dramatic speech on the radio announcing the end of the war. now japan is fighting for the life of its people. as it did back with tapco, pressured by the government takes its decision about 50 men are left there to deal with the situation. they operate in extreme conditions separated from the rest of the world, contaminated by radiation without any news from family members affected by the tsunami. they fight to cool reactors restore and tricity and security systems often by means of luck with it's time to decide what to do. and in a hurry, the majority of my italian and foreign colleagues have already left the country and move to the so even if i wanted to go back in tokyo, airports are now closed or performed in case the situation worse. and i would feel
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safer here in the north, protected by mountain range rather than in tokyo or, or sucka, where the wind would propel the radioactive cloud. as for a possible speedy escape from makita, you can fly directly to korea or by car you can easily reach the island of cargo and from the capital city of support, you can get to the entire world. ah ah, to a bunch i should to long
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with just a little in the on the wall. a question for you to use new was in the one you which is a new with your promotional session with a scheduled show. so, but i'm not sure if it's on yours, it'll show up with
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a boy in the new device that is on the us functions as a country easing pain. make history becoming tried as


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