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tv   News  RT  March 13, 2023 2:00am-2:31am EDT

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hey, think it's time to sit down and talk with a we must further advance our modernization drive in terms of national defense and certain china smell to integrate both effectively protect our national sovereignty. trying to speak to the conclusion of the country is important to sessions. political event and have a nation was partially colonized the parts, but now is making rapid advances on the world stage. the head of russia, wagner group says the bible for you creating a strong hold is intensifying as it stands in reserve forces while you couldn't, inc. amanda admit that the russian frames are closing in why roots are being cut
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off. asian financial markets tumble and made concerns about a global domino effect as yet another us bank has collapse. but the us treasury racial client was that they will get that money back for their security deposit. and iran announces a plan to issue some $6000000000.00 worth of oil bonds. i'm proposed in holl corporation with saudi arabia to develop oil field. a welcome to our to international course in la from mazda is just go 9 am, and as always, it's great to have you with us. i'm right, i'm on. let's take a look at the top stores. this out. san is either seizing thing has asserted in us the to parliament that it was only recently in the country's history when it was
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semi colon liars and bullied by foreign powers. but now the nation has the ability to complete insurance, sovereignty and protect national interests. gym value. in modern times, china was reduced a semi colonial, semi feudal society. suffering from booing by foreign powers. it was rife with conflict. it's people were subjected to great pain. we must further advance our modernization drive in terms of national defense and cern china, smelter it into a great wolf steal. it effectively protects our national sovereignty securely and development interests. we should strive to advance the one country to systems policy and achieve national unification. which i say there was speaking of the key political event called the 2 sessions which are seen several fresh appointments. the government g himself made history as the country's 1st president to be elected
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for a 3rd consecutive term. a new defense minister was chosen as well. the shampoo, who has been on a us sanctions live since 2018 for buying military equipment from russia. the chinese president also emphasized that his country in spoke with young global multilateralism. and the main principle of this new political course. very valuable . we should hold high the banner of beast, development corporation and mutual benefit. we should always stand on the right side of history, just multilateralism and observe the common values of humanity. we should actively participate in the form and construction of a global governance system. promote an open economy and further advance a global development initiative and the global security initiative. so very lucky now to be joined by a c g t n correspondent jo justin to get some more details. joe, thanks
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a lot for join us here. ok. now let's try, is it a spoke about the country being semi colonized i bullied by foreign powers and it's more than history. could you elaborate on that 1st base? yes, some glad r t i read this past history of china because that part of history, days back to 1840 is that early june 40 and i say and breton starred the ocean with china, which mark a really significant turning point for for chinese history and then ushered in what presence she called china, semi colonial in feudal society. and then, you know, out of that war, hong kong was last to, to, to britain. and then we had it back in 1997 and 50 years later after that in 1000, in 1895, my memory says, well,
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we have the sino japanese war. then we lost taiwan. so top and then returned to republican china or before the new china, which was found in 1949. so this is all about what prison she was talking about because china was invaded or colonized before modern china. it is the only country that have never invaded any countries or conducted colonialism in the world . so that's a reason why present. she is highlighting that china now is enjoining its peaceful development. and it is not posing a threat to any countries. and i think our new prime minister of, sorry might our new, foreign minister at a press conference also refer to the colonialism because he believes that it is the western style to modernize the unconscious, not only just through the industrial period process. but of course,
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through the clothes and china is now promoting what he called modernization, by pushing globalization, as you said, multilateralism and to create a some when cooperation benefits are all humanity. so i think that is the key message that chinese prisoners sounding the china like to cooperate with any countries to, to create a better environment, which is peaceful and also opportunities for, for countries to develop. yeah, a very inspiring station date. she also spoke about china as being a developing and it's developing new chief prosperity. it's all about military power. how would you describe china today? well, every year for the 2 sessions, i think most a western meter would just focus on the chinese military spending or the budget.
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but actually accordingly, i think most of the spending budge in each country would instep with it's a g. b growth, which would be about 2 percent. so china has been reiterating that chinese budget in our militia spending would just to make sure that is defense system is well, well prepared for any aggressions from the outside world. if you wanted to say, if you want to know more about trying to is today, i think because these 2 sessions just happened just month after the parties of national congress. so in that report, they are a lot of numbers about what happened to, to the country in the past. i would like to say a little bit number, because over the past 10 years, the china has contributed about 20 percent of the world g, d, p. and this year, at the cove, it, china is going to be the economic rebound and which will make china to
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make this contribution to 30 percent of the world economy. and then in terms of the per money ra, urban residents, the china has also grew about $11.00 percentage points to account. 60 percent were put of the the population. and also we have the largest manufacturer sector in the world. we have the largest foreign exchange reserves, and china has also be words largest networks of high speed railways express weighs and make and made some major achievements including you know, this in those infrastructure, including airports and, and portraits. and so, and another thing is that in his speech this morning, prison, she has said the government would always could people 1st. so that is the past year . we have to say that the government is making policy to show people's access to childcare, education, employment, and housing,
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and social assistance. so this is the now china and with the opening we, with the reopening of china, i think we will have more opportunities to welcome more on his come to see the real china themselves. yeah, it's very, very, very inspiring the, you know, he's, you pay also sort of shed, talk to us about regarding the implementation of the one country to systems policy . what does that mean for taiwan? but mostly when, when the outside world here, beings advocating a one country to system, they would believe that this is about one china and they wanted to put 2 system together. maybe one system could being ruined by others. but mostly charter would just emphasize the one china policy more. so if you wanted to see the reason why most of the countries are now establishing the diplomatic relations we're trying to,
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i think the core issue is that they have to believe they have to admit that there is one china. so this idea, this theory is all about that agents believe that any country must recognize the government of p r c, the people's republic of china as the sole legitimate government representing the whole china. so one china policy also again a popular support back in 90 seventy's when the united nations assembly adopted the resolution which expelled the representative, the town authorities, the men restored the seat and the moral rights of the government or the p r c. so if you go back to prison, she's speech of this morning. he's stressed and sole efforts in advancing the practice. one china policy and one country to system and because of the national were unification. so he also stressed the need to fully faithfully and we solely
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implement this policy under which the people, hong kong administrator, hong kong and people of macau admins, my car, both with high degree of autonomy. so what does that mean for sure, for taiwan? so if china is now making better efforts to to achieve what it paging cause, the national widget reunification, it means that beijing will also, you know, maintain some talks to make sure that taiwan would also enjoy this high degree of autonomy as what hong kong in my call are now doing. excellent. you know, very informative, joe, thank you so much for joining us here. about the a pleasure talking to you. thanks again for your time. on the front lines of the dentist republic, russia, wagner group has been spearheading an assault against a stronghold of the crane troops in the city of r to mosque also known as bar. what's the head of the russian manager says the
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fighting has become more intense with keep sending reserve forces into the battle. the baltimore, a situation is difficult, very difficult. the enemy is cut throats fighting for every meter. and the closer we are to the city center, the harder the battles you cranes throw an endless reserves. we are moving forward and will continue to move forward. we will not to saunter the glory of our russian weaponry for, i mean the other members who says that russian forces are currently just a kilometer from the city center. the area has been a focus of intense fighting for months. with the entrenched ukraine troops now almost fully surrounded, a commander of one of the 20 units admitted that is military supply. routes are being cut off by the in circling russian forces. whereas with me a more shall motor motor, it's hard to hold every building. there is
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a particular danger that the neck of the cauldron is no more than 4 kilometers. without logistics, there is neither a rotation nor a supply of ammunition. we understand, or maybe repeat of a de balance of called the situation where the roads are cut off and an intentional withdrawal of troops can endanger during time colon shalicia grants president. so as he claims that soups are being called out, former the direction of zappa, russia to reinforce our, tim asked us as kids government has been demanding even more weaponry from western power to keep up its fight for the city. are these egos done of tells us how russia, the advanced weapons have enabled its forces to gain significant ground against the ukrainian military? western countries have approved trans have to tranche of their weapons and equipment to ukraine. so russia has had to raise stakes to some of russia's newest
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combat vehicle modifications are already here in the dorm bass. and they have already been tested, had their worth, has been proven on the battlefield quite a few times the vehicles tracks spew dirt on us as it storms paused towards the front line to cover infantry salt teams. it's how doesn't offer much protection, but what it lacks in armor. it makes up for in speed and firepower. ah. with
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it's designed to blitz the enemy released the smoke bombs and disappear. the crew tells me this amphibious infantry fighting vehicle has already met its match in the dumbass. the proudly american bradley's from the most recent shipment are already here. when did still show up in nevada, our new airborne combat vehicle, the b m. before is an excellent machine works like a dream. of course the caliber pleases me. it is good against large clusters of opponents and strongholds against light vehicles. and it's also good against bradley's. it has excellent speed and low fuel consumption. the machine has proven itself, especially on the front lines. it has a high rate of fire, the ability to shoot from closed positions. we use the b, m, d every day, send greetings to our opponents and do not let them relax. moscow has been repeatedly calling on the west to stop military shipments. stop the escalation,
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all russia will have to match. it was up a job. the west has called to inflict, to military defeats on russia. they need to pump weapons into ukraine, including those that can hit russian territory, president se lensky has publicly requested such weapons. we have strongly warned the west against providing than it is effectively waging a proxy war against russia using hands bodies and minds of ukrainian neo nazis. but long range weapons would drastically escalate the conflict. and i sincerely hope that the fi reasonable people in the west understand that this i of v is only one example of russia's new weapons deployed to the war theater. brand new t. 90 tanks lurk in the woodlands. drones sure. in the skies, faster and more powerful missiles hit ukraine's infrastructure. d behind the lines . but the power of rushes biggest and most lethal weapon so far has only been unleashed a drill site. i'm a gosh, darn of reporting from the dumbass
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r t. mila hunter's, as he was taking the street, so the town of italian central germany to protest against 70 weaponry to crane and to them on an end, the conflict. the produce is march through the bavarian town, waving flags and shouting. i'm t! wal slogans! they held on banners, saying, i am at peace with russia. ukraine and weapons do not bring peace. germany has repeatedly provided military and humanitarian, 80 frances, the convent erupt. last year, germany announced 2 months ago that it would send a new package of murphy aid to keep in the amount of one good in euros. but still, he has been complaining about the lack of weaponry and has been demanding even more assistance or to contribute a ritual malden as more on how kids top diplomat. dmitri lever slammed the german
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government without sending enough weapons. the ukrainian foreign affairs minister is lashing out at both the german government and the country citizens. in a new interview with german media built to meet your collab bass, said that germany is still not sending ukraine enough weapons. i think germany could really help me with ammunition including artillery ammunition. we sat down with ukrainian representatives and the german arms industry. and the german industry in my presence asked the german government for one thing to sign contracts saying that they were ready to deliver. so the problem is with the government, so there's a total lack of appreciation here for the fact that already german chance are all i've shoals is going way out on a limb and risking blow back from germans by loading ukraine up with german weapons . labor also took aim at german protesters, taking to the streets to demand peace, suggesting that by advocating against more weapons deliveries and favoring
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negotiations, they just want more ukrainians to be killed. the, except that shipping ever more weapons to ukraine, clearly has not led to peace. instead its ratcheted up the conflict juergen tote and hoffer of former german parliamentarian and arms control policy spokesman for the christian democratic party under former chancellor helmut kohl called the ukrainian foreign affairs ministers. comments outrageous on social media, he added that germans demanding peace. want to prevent exactly the kind of violence that co labour accuses them of inciting. no country in the world has received as many gifts from germany as ukraine was. i don't approve of all the constant insults by the ukrainian leadership. the 2nd most corrupt country in europe is not our moral coach. recent does suggests why germany's politicians like tutton hoffer could be growing more confident in speaking out publicly against continued
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escalation of the conflict. public opinion seems to be headed in the same direction in germany. 43 percent of germans now figure that what's going on in ukraine is really none of their business. and that's up 11 points from the previous survey. according to a january ipsos poll and 80 percent of germans told a january 4 is a survey that they want the conflict to end with negotiations. and all of that is just so far removed and disconnected from the western establishment. rhetoric calling for doing whatever it takes for ukraine to win on the battlefield. incomplete, reckless disregard for the ongoing loss of life on all sides. the longer all of this drags on. the big question now is how long the disconnect between western leaders and the people they're supposed to represent can actually hold e caught on the other day now in a financial log as of tumbled amid concerns about
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a global domino effect, as yet another u. s. bank as collapsed neal bass, signature bank had more than a $100000000000.00 and assets at the end of last year. it has been shut down by us original asses, along with california based silicon valley bank. the us treasury is said there would be no bailout, but have rich should affected clients, they will get their money back for their secured deposits. yes, present. joe barton is expected to give a national address about government efforts to maintain the country's financial system. the talk for largest u. s. banks have lost more than $50000000000.00 in market value since the recent news of the collapse at silicon valley bank like california based lender, was tightly involved with tech companies around the world, particularly rising concerns for his clients. also in the u. k. desperate clients have been lining up to withdraw their funds from outlets of the california
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base s b, b, r. t's marine across a river explains in detail what caused the backs down for it's make it work time for everyone associated with silicon valley bank and busters, or panicking tech companies are panicking and experts here that i could snowball into a new financial crisis, including former us treasury secretary lawrence summers, it certainly is going to have very substantial consequences for silicon valley, for the economy of all they sure are sector which has been dynamic unless i the government is able to assure that this situation is work through. they do us government says it's on it with joe biden and the governor of california already discussing efforts to address the situation over the
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last 48 hours. i've been in touch with the highest levels of leadership at the white house in treasury. every one is working with federal deposit insurance corporation to stabilize the situation as quickly as possible to protect jobs, people's livelihoods, and the entire innovation ecosystem that has served as a tent pole for our economy. and if that doesn't work out, maybe in mos can save that they, since he's already sweets, it, that these open to the idea of buying the bank. so what does s v be exactly? well, it was founded in the early eighty's and provided financing for almost half of us venture back technology and health care stops. it was one of the top commercial banks in the us, with $209000000000.00 in total assets. at the end of 2022. so what happened or s b b didn't expect the federal reserve to raise interest rates last year, which resulted in a losses for the company. that coupled with venture capital drying up and high
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foreign costs, proved to be the perfect storm as to be was forced to sell the entire bond portfolio, which resulted in a huge loss. and then they announced that they wanted to raise 2000000000 fresh from investors who said no thanks. the next day they're on on the bang happens and $42000000000.00 were withdrawn, leaving them high and dry. good morning everyone. silicon valley bank is getting worse. customers trying to pull millions of dollars out. and kent online banking in mobile services, showing unavailable for some customers, stuck down 60 per cent per market. if the bank fails, it would be the 2nd largest bank failure in u. s. history. the ripple effects of the craft are being felt only at home. s a, b z u. k. subsidiary has been put into insolvency, and the u. k. government is now urgently figuring out a plan to try and minimize the damage to some of the country's most promising tech
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firms. and all this comes after a cry for help from about 180 tech companies who sent a letter to you. kate chancellor, jeremy hans colin, him to intervene. the losses deposits has the potential to cripple the sector and set the ecosystem back 20 years when he businesses will be sent into involuntary liquidation overnight. this crisis will start on monday and so we call on you to prevent it now. and it's not us in the u. k. s. we be had branches in various countries including canada, china, germany, and israel. the concern is that the bank's failure could wipe out stops around the world. in china, clients were being urged to stay calm and told that operations there are independence and stable in brazil, founders of sod ups were the 2 hundreds of millions of dollars. as soon as word got out of the imminent collapse bots, not every one managed to get their funds in sign with
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a reported sen $1000000.00 up in the air, you know, who did managed to withdraw money and time. s lead these chief executive officer greg becker. he sold $3600000.00 of companies stock less than 2 weeks before this all went down. and other interesting fact, as that these chief administrative officer was none other than the cfo of the lehman brothers. you know, the largest bankruptcy falling in u. s. history, which has thought to have played a major role in the global financial crisis of 2008. yep. that one. so how did it get to this? well as the be didn't even have a chief risk officer for almost a year. and when they finally replaced the old one, this january, the new one seemed more preoccupied in promoting every liberal calls out there, rather than focusing on the train right ahead. should our water kura clear how
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severe the fall out? we'll beat. turns out the majority of us to be deposits weren't even insured, which takes things to a whole other level. everyone is now on guard, hoping and likely praying that governments intervene and save them and themselves for that matter. because we all know by now how one banks collapse could lead. so world wide economic rec. so let's just hope that whoever is there in the solution here is not a crash test dummy read in co c, executive director. so 1st source, money was the asked to be, be financial collapse, will affect not only the us, but also nations across the world, including africa. african bank, especially in africa, highly exposed, highly connected to the global market, to the extent that i saw connected the collapse of if b b is likely to affect african banks in quite a large way and south africa in particular. so we cannot ignore that collapse that
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collapses, not just going to affect the american small banks, we get going to run most likely from monday, going on, going to affect the band, some asian bank and things of africa. and indeed, some of the african countries are connected to europe, asia, and indeed the us itself. so africa will certainly be affected. not all economies in africa, that exposed buddies and see the 1st countries that after the highly, highly or it was the only country in 2008 to 7. that was so much more effective than the rest of the continent. we expect south africa to be on the watch in africa, and she said, i should begin to go as a consequence of this, that quite frankly, the rest of the country may have to catch the cold. some news on the middle east. now, iran has announced a plan to issue billions of dollars worth oil bonds and ones to mutually develop oil fields from former regional rival,
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saudi arabia. that's off the iran and saudi arabia recently agreed to reestablish diplomatic relations a deal broken by china. that's an hour. it's of definitely the recent development regarding the resumption of our ties with 3 odd will help develop the joint feels of their neighbors. we have proposed that the development of these fields be done by both countries that share the fields in the opec and opec plus meeting. we are very close approaches with saudi arabia, with regards to oil exports. fortunately, the decisions that have been made at opec and opec plus over the past few months, were all a result of joint deliberations between iran and saudi arabia. the petroleum industry has always been vulnerable to global developments. and now the recent rapprochement between iran and saudi arabia to opec members could fundamentally reshape the outlook for the oil market. besides bridging their political disputes, did one and re off are also expected to resolve their differences in the energy sector. a casing point is the disputed and garage gas field located in
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a disputed maritime area in the persian gulf, which has not he had been demarcated to iran is critical of kuwait on saudi arabia's exploitation of the field. st. iran also has a stake in the area, i believe, to have an estimated half a trillion cubic meters of proven gas reserves for energy hungry china, mediating between teheran and re off to improve ties between the states will help ensure its energy security as the world's 2nd largest economy, beijing is heavily reliant on foreign oil and gas. figures, show that more than 70 percent of the country's oil is imported. measuring has been a major buyer of iranian oil, even at the highest of the west's economic pressure against one. it has also been saudi arabia's largest oil in puerto. it to mean on by the raining, saudi resumption of ties would increase chinese sudden say regarding the oil market and improve its access to crude oil. the move will also increase the supply.


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