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tv   News  RT  March 13, 2023 9:00am-9:31am EDT

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can let it be in arms, race is on very dramatic development. only personally and getting to resist. i don't see how that strategy will be successful, very difficult time to sit down and talk with you. we must further advance our modernization in terms of national defense and certain china smell, changed into a great ball. gigi and paying billable closing remarks to the country is the annual 2 sessions political event saying that while the nation has been bullied by foreign powers in the past. modernization is the key to future the challenges. the president of bela bruce alexander lucas shank over america has strangled iran, but decades comments coming as he held up bilateral talks and to run by the country's leaders reaffirm that commitment to building
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a multi polar war and he's back responding to a chorus of backlash. the bbc has reinstated us around sports host, gary lenika. you were suspended by the corporation for comparing the nation's migrant policy to that of germany's in the 1930. also in the program, financial markets in asia of falling and global concerns about domino effect from the collapse of 3 us banks. a washington tries to calm the water, saying clients will get some of that money back with good to have you with us for this. our program that it's set to get very busy with your world wide news, guests and analysis. this is our see international. so the chinese leaders, eugene ping has asserted in a speech to parliament that it was only recently in the country's history when it
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was semi colonial ised and bullied by foreign powers. now the nation is ensuring its own sovereignty and protecting his national interests. gym valuable in modern times, china was reduced a semi colonial, semi feudal society, suffering from bullying by foreign powers. it was rife with contents sheree. it's people were subjected to green bay. we must further advance our modernization drive in terms of national defense and cern china. smelter until great wall of steel, it effectively protects our national sovereignty secuity and develop an interest we see. we should strive to at last the one country to systems policy and achieve national unification that the chinese leader delivered his remarks that a key political event is called the 2 sessions, which certainly did see several fresh appointments through the government. a g himself making history of the country's 1st president to be elected for
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a 3rd consecutive term, but also a new defense minister was chosen as well. lee shang food who has actually been on the us sanctions list since 2018 for allegedly buying 1000000 and military equipment from russia. sure, the chinese president also emphasized that his country is focusing on global multilateralism as a principal and his new political course. very valuable. we should hold high the banner of bees, young or development, corporation and mutual. then we should always stand on the right side of history, just multilateralism and observe the common values of humanity. we should actively participate in the form and construction of a global governance system. promote an open economy and further advance a global development initiative and the global security in it. it. so john trans, let's get a slightly broader perspective now and had this over to c g t, n correspondent, jo josh in essentially sharing details of the historical context of china's one
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country to systems policy. in 1895, i asked my memory so as well. ah, we had the sino japanese wanted all 3. then we lost taiwan. we so a tab and then returned to our republic, china or before the new china, which was founded in 1949. so this is all about what the prison she was talking about because china was on invaded or colonized your shoes or one to employee. national unification is to share desperation of the sanson, daughter. so the chinese nation is the essence of national rejuvenation. but we must implement our policy overall policy for resolving to tie one question, uphold the one china principal and stick to the 1992 consensus omen either belgians believes that any country must recognize the government of p r. c. the people's republic of china. as the sole legitimate government,
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we're presenting the whole china. if you go back to our present she's speech of this morning. he stressed that sole efforts in advancing the practice one china policy of one country to a system in the cause of the national re unification. so he also stressed the need to fully fifthly, and recently implemented this policy under which the people, hong kong administrator, hong kong and people of macau admins, mac are both with a high degree of autonomy. so what does a mean friendship for taiwan? so if china is now make him better efforts to on to achieve what it baiting cause, the national reunification, it means that beijing will also, on the, you know, maintain some talks to make sure that taiwan would also enjoy this high degree of autonomy as what hong kong michael, are now doing on the belly, russian president, alexander lucas shanker,
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was holding talks with his iranian counterpart into iran visit aimed at strengthening all sorts of ties. the battle rush lead us as a ron, is the cradle of civilization with a great history who's been struggling under us sanctions for decades. as america, according to lucas shanker, has tried to impose its so called democratic values. i am pleased to visit to run the capital of present day run, which has become the cradle for one of the most culturally advanced civilizations. through the territory of which trade routes passed long before america was discovered. your ancestors knew about logistics, exports in transit, much more than those who have been strangling your country with sanctions for more than 40 years, trying to instill their so called democratic values. they forgot that every nation has its own values, which stems from its culture and way of life. well, of course, alexander lucas shank over the battle. russian president arrived in iran on sunday . and today he was warmly welcomed by the he's wanting counterpart to brian bracey
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. well, the 2 sides, talking to ron extensively in wide range of m like field industries including mining energy transport, agriculture i team. both sides are turning to each other in defiance of their western sanctions. as mister like a sh ankle set to day. in his meeting with brian bracey that he said that the sanctions are not threats or the sanctions or opportunities for both sides. so he advised both sides. iran and bella rose to stick to those opportunities and should not suggest these opportunities as these. of course, the sanctions are pressures on the outside, but they are a blessing in disguise for both countries as those sanctions, the pressures by the west are bringing and are forming a unified front on the eastern block. bella rouge and other countries are also
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jumping on the wagon trying to come together and turned to each other in defiance of the western sanctions. brian bracey also said today that adela roach's a strong country and got iran eyes more cooperation with bella roost course. today the 2 side decided and find of course, a roadmap, cooperation roadmap would be to the 2 sides co operate, a different fields. and today they signed those 5 agreements on use to just get closer and boost their bilateral ties are well iran exceeded to of course, made an exception to the shanghai cooperation organization last year. and bella, luce is also willing to join and become a member, full member of the s t o. and if the 2 sides joined this important organization,
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they can easily can facilitate cooperation, economic cooperation between different starts. so it's a 2 day visit by mister the cushion cope and he will stay perhaps until tomorrow, or perhaps he will return to his country today. but the outcome and the consequences of his visit are significant. straight out to the front lines in the script public where russia's wagner group is leading an assault against the ukranian stronghold this in the city of r. tramaso, also known as buck mood leader, says that as fighting has become more intense, kia, vis, sending more forces to the front line. the baltimore, i'm family, could you just situation is difficult to very difficult. the enemy's cousins wrote the me fighting for every meter and the closer we are to the city center, the harder the battles ukraine's throw an endless reserve sancho. we're moving forward and will continue to move forward. you don't fear it. we will not dishonor
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the glory of our russian weaponry. you put, i mean, he added that russian forces and al, currently just a kilometer from the center of that city. the area's been a focus of intense fighting for months with entrenched ukrainian troops now flanked on both sides. and this comes as the ukrainian commander has admitted that its military supply routes are being cut off by the advancing russian soldiers. who me a more sure modern bear. it's hard to hold every building. there is a particular danger that the neck of the cauldron is no more than 4 kilometers. without logistics, there is neither a rotation nor a supply of ammunition. we understand there may be repeated over the balance of coldness situation, where the roads are cut off, and an intentional withdrawal of troops can endanger during tar kona. h issue, our ship, it cries, president zalinski claims that troops are being called out from the direction of apology to reinforce our child mosque. that's as key as government is demanding
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more weaponry from western partners to keep up the fight over now to while corresponding eager to stand off. who tells us how russia's weapons are, giving its troops. the edge against the ukrainian military western countries have approved trans have to tranche of their weapons and equipment to ukraine. chuck. so russia has had to raise stakes to some of russia's newest. com, but vehicle modifications are already here in the dumbass and they have already been tested. had their work has been proven on the battlefield quite a few times. ah, the vehicles tracks spew dirt on us as it storms paused towards the front line to cover infantry salt teams. it's how doesn't offer much protection, but what it lacks in armor, it makes up for in speed and fire power. ah
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ah. it's designed to blitz the enemy, released the smoke bombs and disappear. the crew tells me this. amphibious infantry fighting vehicle has already met its match in the dumbass. what the proudly american bradley's from the most recent shipment are already here. when did still show others nevada, our new airborne combat vehicle, the b m. d 4 is an excellent machine. works like a dream. of course the caliber pleases me. it is good against large clusters of opponents and strongholds against light vehicles. and it's also good against
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bradley's. it has excellent speed and low fuel consumption. the machine has proven itself, especially on the front lines. it has a high rate of fire, the ability to shoot from closed positions. we use the b, m, d every day, send greetings to our opponents and do not let them relax. moscow has been repeatedly calling on the west to stop military shipments. stop the escalation. all russia will have to match. it was up a job. the west is cool to inflict to military defeats and russia, they need to pump weapons in t cray, including those that can hit russian territories. president lensky has publicly requested such weapons. we have strongly warned the west against providing that it is effectively waging a proxy war against russia using hands bodies and minds of ukrainian near nazis. but long range weapons would drastically escalate the conflict. and i sincerely hope that the fi reasonable people in the west understand as of this i, if thee is only one example of russia's new weapons deployed to the,
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with the theater brand, new t 90 tanks lurk in the woodlands. drones, as sure in the skies, faster and more powerful missiles hit ukraine's infrastructure. d behind the lines . but the power of rushes biggest and most lethal weapon so far, has only been unleashed a drill site. amish done of reporting from the dumbass. r t. the prime minister of finland, sun up mara has been slammed on line for attending the funeral of the leader of the infamous right sector terrorist, an ultra nationalist movement in ukraine. history repeats itself. fins with nazis once again. not fees that the nazis funeral nor insanity. it all adds up. finland doesn't mind naziism. so i doubt she'd care. even if someone told her your friends president does the landscape and finish prime
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minister, santa marin, both to join the funeral in the country's capital. a thousands conversed on the city's main square friday last week, ultimately praising the commander as a hero. now a western media also a cup of the story, calling him a fallen hero. despite his very questionable past. nicknamed davinci, he joined the ultra nationalist movement of age 18 during the 20 asked me during the might, and qu in kiev. after that, he joined the fight against those in don bass for his extreme cruelty on the battlefield. he was initially named chicopee, lo offer an infamous serial killer and notorious interview, caught the bylaws job, but he fed his pet wolf, the bones of russian speaking children. well, let's learn more across lives now. a yano to the cone and the finish chief editor of m v. lucky to get more details on this young, it's great if they use that a story. it's such a horrible story. why? what do you make? what do you make of of the european leader? essentially paying tribute, so opposed to many people identify as
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a neo nazi oh, world leader who would oh, gold to part is great. such kind of a natural funeral. it would be a scandal. unfortunately, it came from finland and penny's journalist i deeply despise the actions of the opinions as we can see a nazi government. oh, what happen is a great shock or it shows the real scheme of the finished global leadership and or whoever whatever is explained. and what kind of more cubes are bringing up? we can overrule the fact that participate the nazi funeral makes you a nuts and doing that by social democratic leader of feeling. it makes a very big question and harsh provocation. what mean yanna said, you know, this,
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this is neo nazi militant talking about feeding his dogs, the bones of russian speaking children. i mean that the, you know, with a common light that at the very least a so called democratic leader is advocating peace by glorifying and not see. i mean, okay, you said it's finland but, but should finland, becky leaning towards something like this, how does this speak for the rest of europe? janice, the 1st of all, it opens the wounds of the 2nd world war and the finish passed alongside with the nazi government off off to germany, and to fight against the soviet union all disney these. so of course a national disgrace did go. brazil. social democrats seems to be a social own nationalists and oh, you know, history comes together and all as you understand, this is a moment of truth for all the fees. and this happens only 3 weeks before the
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general election of the parliament. this is a very, every single not only do the world but the foolish population as well. finish is sliding with the nazis and, and we are, we have a lot of things to think and discuss about what's going on. let me g g, g, think the, the finished prime minister? i mean it is this politicking, janice. i mean could it be as something as simple as paula taking or is it another way? is it that, you know, she wants to be seen with zelinski, like you know, p r optics, that kind of thing? you're, you're catching the truth here. i said the, we cannot all are on the flat but, but there are some alterations and explanations. just in the day before a song, not surprisingly went to p of. there was again, another part, the scandal from her night life life and dodging with the guys and. and the
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pictures came out from his from her party life. and though it immediately next day, when these, this condo started in, freeland, she appeared to give, do, to show herself together with the zelinski. so we can see that she was avoiding a big scandal, which again, you flew up, you know, all these, these out. the scandals have come up back years many times about her drinking about her parting using drugs and not these kind of stuff. and now she went to kia, but did he went there in the very wrong moment? i think that what happened, maybe there are us, you, beauty involved. maybe there are people who are not up to their dust but, but there's a show up with zalinski even love z funeral. that was a real real mistake and we need to be mad answers. what's going on in the finished
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government? janice proponent via finish chief editor of m vila, he joining us life aeronautics international. thanks. janice, good to see you. thank you. ah. the bbc has reinstated it's top sports presented. gary lenika giving into an outcry of support from the public. this comes off to the host was sidelined by the corporation for commenting on the nation's migration policy. he said that his a social media activity breached out so called imposter to guidelines. it'll kicked off off of the government, proposed a new policy called the illegal immigration bill. the plan is designed to stop those entering the country. however, the choice language of the legislation left many shaking their heads. it's all led to the prominent bbc host taking to twitter, comparing the government's plans on the language, it used to germany's migration policies of the 19 thirty's. there is no huge influx. we take far fewer refugees and other major european countries. this is
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just an immeasurably cruel policy directed at the most vulnerable people in language that is not dissimilar to that used by germany in the 30s. and i'm out of order. well, the decision to remove him spoke, a boy called not only by his co hosts, but almost all other sports presenters and commentators at the b, b. c. and he's far from the only one questioning the government's campaign. yawning, get me some slaves before it's legal. the government tech control for came by saying, if you get people here, there will have no protection from slavery, an unforgivable message, a sentence which shames the country, and everything that stands for this is absolutely disgraceful, complete application of humanity. let's take the further now with our international policy consultant, i called new york i cold dog who's joining us here, one or 2 international a very well welcome to you today. so thanks very much for coming on this program. i know you've been following the story is as much as we have here at odds. he or the
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b b. c has hired gary lynn. come back. do you think the bbc's to come to pressure or is it perhaps seeing its own possible mistake? i think we have to look to come to pressure didn't make a mistake in our earlier, but i think some of the backlash and some of the social media, especially comments that are going on around the visual migrate. the comment that the president responded to backlash has a lot of following and supposed to meet a lot of people don't threaten not to follow the b, c anymore, because it comes out the series of comments, backlash, years of controversy that go away or the started during a queen and it's gone on till now. do you think though, i mean, do you think because it's really quite startling and it's one thing for gary linux to find himself in the firing line. but then to see all of his sports colleagues
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and commentators showing solidarity with gary lenika. i mean, let me ask you this. how do you think the story would go forward if linda, because colleagues did not show any solidarity, did you think the pbc would have still reinstated gary lenika? i was looking for somebody very worst person, but also the nature of the issue. yes, i understand it cuz i'm a great and in europe and in america extremely, this is one of these companies like in europe with bread and they say, well, you have a bush of nationalism. the more internal, the one i was looking at a way to think. no, you might have. all right, i mean when you go as far as the united way of protection, somebody could get somebody from your, from africa, they can see europe and install slavery. and they won't have a protection, so, i mean, he says they keep it for those with no voice. and it's
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a true them and some people they speak not because they're not because they're reading because that they want to be some people have read their lives. and if somebody developed country, somebody developing countries that litigation read and they're just trying to find a new one. well, okay, but i'll get to that in just a moment about migrants who are coming as you say, to find a better life in certain parts of europe. but when it comes to gary, linda, because comments comparing the countries migration system and the language of it to germany, of the 1930, somebody could it also be argued that this is freedom of speech, but you are allowed to have your own opinion and to express that, for example, the very well known u. k. personality, moto journalist, jeremy clarkson. originally from top gear, you know, he, he said he said look, i don't necessarily agree with gary then a company has every right to say what he feels that's a good time to live in. i mean, he is a commentator, he's somebody, somebody has a way he has a right to articulate how it builds,
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right. we may do that in order to compare the current government to the government . and obviously that's sensitive because governor charges. but let's look at the merit of the argument when a government that you are not entitled to protection from slavery me that he does not re legally, we will not complain. that's a truck. that's really getting people not defending industry. that's really getting people little dignity be living when ras, human rights. and if you're an adult to be treated like he would be, and then we could do a day where you're going. so obviously you've been a little bit vulgar, but what are there, what we see trying to state is the common or the dominant policy boerger. that's a really good commentary that from international policy consultants, i called in the cold book, joining us live on international. so good to have you with us. thank you very much for your time. thank you. the asian financial
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markets have tumbled amid concerns about a global domino effect. and yet another us bank has collapsed the running total. as of right now, 3 banks gone, a new york base signature bank had more than a 100000000000 and assets at the end of last year. it's now been shut down by us regulators joining the demise of california based silicon valley bank of the us treasury has said that would be no bailout, but has reassured effective class that they will get some of that money back that was secured with you as president joe biden is expected to give a national address about government efforts to maintain the country's financial system. the top 4 largest u. s. banks have now lost more than $50000000000.00 in market value since the recent news of the collapse of silicon valley bank. and that california base lender was tightly involved with tech companies around the world is particularly raising concerns for us callous clients. also in the u. k. with desperate clients have been
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lining up to withdraw their funds from outlet solve the california based s v b. but let's get a little bit deeper into the story here. it can get mulky, but it's very enlightening. it's our correspondent marina customer. it's make it work time for everyone associated with silicon valley bank. investors are panicking . tech companies are panicking and experts here that i could snowball into a new financial crisis, including former us treasury secretary lauren summers. it certainly is going to have very substantial consequences for silicon valley, for the economy of all the insure ah sector which has been dynamic. unless i, the government is able to assure that this situation is worked through. they do us government says it's on it with joe biden and the governor of california, already discussing efforts to address the situation over the last 48 hours. i've
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been in touch with the highest levels of leadership at the white house in treasury . every one is working with federal deposit insurance corporation to stabilize the situation as quickly as possible to protect jobs, people's livelihoods, and the entire innovation ecosystem that has served as a tent pole for our economy. and if that doesn't work out, maybe in mos can save that they, since he's already sweets, it that these open to the idea of buying the bank. so what does eslie be exactly? well, it was founded in the early eighty's and provided financing for almost half of us venture back technology and health care stops. it was one of the top commercial banks in the us, with $209000000000.00 in total assets. at the end of 2022. so what happened or s c, b didn't expect the federal reserve to raise interest rates last year, which resulted in a losses for the company. that coupled with venture capital drying up and high
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foreign costs, proved to be the perfect storm s v b was forced to sell the entire bond portfolio, which resulted in a huge loss. and then they announced that they wanted to raise 2000000000 fresh from investors who said no thanks. the next day they're on on the bang happens and $42000000000.00 were withdrawn, leaving them high and dry. good morning everyone. silicon valley bank is getting worse. customers trying to pull millions of dollars out. and kent online banking in mobile services, showing unavailable for some customers, stuck down 60 per cent per market. if the bank fails, it would be the 2nd largest bank failure in u. s. history. the ripple effects of the crass are being felt only at home, s a, b z u. k. subsidiary has been put into insolvency and the u. k. government is now urgently figuring out
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a plan to try and minimize the damage to some of the country's most promising tech firms. and all this comes after a cry for help from about 180 tech companies who sent a letter to you. kate chancellor, jeremy hans colin, him to intervene. the loss of deposits has the potential to cripple the sector and set the ecosystem back 20 years when he businesses will be sent into involuntary liquidation overnight. this crisis will start on monday and so we call on you to prevent it now. and it's not us in the u. k. s. we be had branches in various countries including canada, china, germany, and israel. the concern is that the bank failure could wipe out stops around the world. in china, clients were being urged to stay calm and told that operations there are independence and stable in brazil, founders of sod ups were the 2 hundreds of millions of dollars. as soon as word got out of the imminent collapse.


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