tv News RT March 13, 2023 2:00pm-2:31pm EDT
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well, over the west has little interest in russia's plan to restore the peace. that plan is in plain view a ah russia ivory to extend the black sea grain jill for 60 days, which was set to expire this saturday. but the west needs to prove this. ready to hold up in the agreement after to us, banks collapsed over the weekend. the new york stock exchange trading and a handful of bank stock that are crashing, coming just after president by then tries to coin home the waters sharing americans that their money is a president of bella. ruth says america has strangled their law for
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decades. kay's comments, as he held bilateral talks in tehran for the country's leaders, reaffirmed their commitment to building and multi polar world ah, coming to live from the russian capital versus r t international. i'm rachel blevins here with the top stories of be our welcome to the program. and moscow has agreed to extend the black sea grant agreement, but only for 60 days in order to assess whether the west will prove it's ready to fulfill both parts of the package. russia is deputy foreign minister, highlighted that it's commodities entering the market, are supposed to be part of the deal as well. the comprehensive and frank conversation has once again confirmed that while the commercial exported ukrainian products is carried out at a steady pace, bringing considerable profits to kiev restrictions on the russian agricultural
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exports as a stunning place. how far the stones were, we determined upon tangible progress on the normalization of our agricultural exports. not in woods, but in deeds. for more details on this last cross live now to archie, contributor rachel mars that rachel is good to see you. now, what are the russian concerns which led to the choice to only extend the deal for 60 days? so this deal is supposed to allow grain from both russia and ukraine to get out of the conflict zone and over to countries in need. notably in africa and asia, but russian for a mr. sergei love rav explain just a few days ago. and you might be shocked to learn this, that only half of that bargain has been upheld. and that's the half that covers ukraine shipments good at the 1st part of the great deal package is the safe export of ukrainian, great and from the ports of ukraine via the black sea. and the 2nd is the need to
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remove all obstacles to the export of russian grain and fertilizers. the 1st part is being executed, but the 2nd part is not executed at all was in fact sanctions prohibit russian ships carrying green and fertilizers from entering relevant ports as well as prohibiting foreign vessels from entering rushing ports to pick up these cargoes. also, sanctions prohibit our russian agricultural bank from using the swift system. if we're talking about a deal that it is a package deal. and if the packages have completed, then the issue of renewal becomes quite competent. good. smart. that the g, 20 foreign ministers meeting in new delhi pointing out that quote, russian agricultural exports are being blatantly hindered, no matter how much the europeans and americans who are used to telling lies try to convince everyone otherwise. it turns out that the western sanctions are blocking the ships carrying, rushing grains and fertilizer used to grow food from, going to russia to pick up that cargo. and also from entering the ports of delivery
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. so just how much you preening gurin is getting to the countries that actually need it most. well, collectively, they're getting about 15 percent of the total export volume, which works out to about one percent each. that's according to the latest data from the black sea green initiative joint coordination center. the top 3 destinations for the grain are china, spain and turkey, representing 46 percent of all exports, involving hundreds of shipments. china, of course, axes, the gateway to asia and turkey. the gateway to africa, but what's the deal with spain? spain domestically produces more than enough of the grain that it needs to feed its own people and europeans with people's grain. these accounting for just a quarter of all the countries domestic consumption, the rest of that grain that the country produce. this goes to feed its livestock, notably pigs. spain is routinely ranked as one of the top, if not the top port,
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producing country in the entire world. so that's great news for spain and europe. pork industry to get ukrainian grain, but it's not exactly how this whole deal was sold to the world as an absolute necessity. it's kind of like starting up a food bank and demanding donations and all this food and then going home and shoving in your fridge. it smells like a total bait and switch. russia agreed to the deal because there was so much hanging over the people's starving if they didn't. and now the data suggests that a huge chunk of ukrainian food is just being sold to europe to fatten its livestock, and also its coffers united nations secretary general antonio gutierrez, last october express quote, deep concern wendy initiative stalled. and he had earlier warned of unprecedented global hunger if it didn't get off the ground. and now they apparently can't be bothered to ensure that it's being honored by all parties. the deal set to expire on march 18th. and moscow has said that it's ready to extended, but not for more than 60 days under these conditions. remember the last october,
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the russian defense mystery also pointed out that russian military and commercial ships used to secure the grain corridor were targeted and massive ukrainian drones striking the crimean port as vosta pole. the scheme seems to follow the pattern of other western truce initiatives around the ukraine conflict like the midst of boards, which as former german chancellor angela merkel and former french president hall, slow, long, have admitted were just used to by time to give ukraine a distinct advantage while the same time trying to stick it to russia, may be interesting to see if this green deal is extended for another 60 days are to contribute rachel mars then thanks so much for your time. in analysis. the following, the silicon valley bank collapse, the dominating financial headlines contagion, fear spread shares, and the number of banks crash and how they're trading halted on the new york stock exchange. those effect, it include charles swap, western alliance,
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and 1st alliance, 1st republic bank, and a number of others. the list is growing. the crash is occurring while president biden sought to reassure americans. if their money is safe, but refuse to engage with journalists, doctor, he delivered his statement. all customers who had deposited these bank can rest assured, i want to rest assured they'll be protected and they'll have access to their money . as of today, that includes small businesses across the country, the bank there, and need to make payroll pay their bills and stay open for business. no losses, and i want this is important point, no losses will be borne by the tax payers. let me repeat that no losses will be borne by tax payers. or what do you know right now about why this happened? and can you assure americans that there won't be a ripple a past? due balance of evidence should all the positives be protected at all? bank or in my colleague or a shame,
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spoke with our tea contributor, chris, and who took us through the situation and what it could mean for the global economy . silicon valley bank. i don't think anyone had really heard of it outside of the, the tech industry until friday. really been with this news break. lot of people just to explain the views at home most with no help on slick, but some people are bit on shore. so what happens is when you deposit money with your bank, your banks use your money to lend to the customers. and that could be big institutions, companies or just people like you and i that may want to buy a home and get a mortgage. and now the problem with this, but because they had over $250000000000.00 on their balance sheet. so they actually lend out $249000000000.00. so that doesn't really leave that much of a cushion, right? that say if something happens, so what happens the us hike the interest rates as we've covered a lot on the program. and that obviously makes the debt that they're holding on their balance sheet, which was a lot of it within us government bonds was less. so this is really key point to
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talk about the interest rates are the key and critical point. yeah. yeah. so interest rates rocketed that, the debt that they have, they have led to the us government becomes less. right. so that left this bank with a deficit on their balance sheet of about a $1000000000.00. now, once that happened, the bank did exactly what the guidelines say. i would say the ceo acts the same way . you said, well, i need to raise that $1000000000.00. now to make sure that my bank is in the block . now what happened when he did that, that spook a huge amount of people. he grabbed money in the bank companies mainly who then there was a what we'd call to run on the bank. so about $13000000000.00 which was withdrawn from the bank really. and at that point the bank was totally broke. right? so then the regulates and the government have to step in and take over. now what i find really interesting glory is that they portrayed the, the leadership team of the bank as irresponsible. we had all this talk just before the weekend over the weekend. they will be responsive, they will be. now i've worked for a number of regulated financial businesses. i wouldn't say my next,
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but i'm not just you know, disclaimer, i'm not a finance lawyer, but i would say i don't see anything within the guidelines that they did that was fiscal year on. so i would say the fiscal responsibility lies with the regulator and ultimately with the u. s. governor, i ha, well, okay, so you bring it to the u. s. government let, let, let's bring it further into washington d. c. here. joe biden has come out with a statement address in the public, essentially saying nothing to see here, move along, your money is safe but, but then, you know, when people wanna ask questions, i mean the guide legged it out the back door just now. i mean, is it possible the biden, in some way is trying to avoid what could be a dire truth or yeah, i mean, i think he just doesn't have a clue right. having with you and i was just laughing as he walked out of that door . it's just a, a poorly red walt. you had anything at any answers for it. i don't think anyone really knows what's going on. yeah. and really they suspended stops on a lot of small cap banks. i mean, to people, i'm 250000000000 sounds like a lot of money. and of course it is a huge amount of money. but for us institutions is actually quite a small it,
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you know, top 50 banks where they have so many banks. so really, i think they just, they just don't really have a clue what's going on. we saw the boss forensic of money, the height of inflation rates. but anyone seemingly understand what the consequences are if doing that. but you talk about the consequences. donald trump has put out this statement here and you met it where the consequences or not. let's have a quick listen to what form a u. s. president had to say with what is happening to our economy and what to proposals being made on the largest and dumbest tax increase in the history of the usa times 5 joe boyd. and we'll go down to herbert hoover of the modern age. we will have a great depression, far bigger and more powerful than that of 1929. as proof, the banks were already starting to collapse or he's not holding back as a donor tommy, he's not know of abiding his tongue. is he? but of course it's a, it's a good political opportunity for donald trump. but you are saying janet? yeah, yeah, janet let yet. and so i think she just added flame slapped fire in that not awful speech by biting. just compounded it for him. so maybe that's just what yellen had
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to say, just, you know, before trump came out with that statement, right, america's economy relies on a safe and sound banking system that can provide for the credit needs of our households and businesses. so when they have her a bank, especially one like silicon valley bank with billions of dollars or in deposits fails, it's clearly a concern. you know, chris, some people like to say in the certainly i think i'm one of them, frankly, the, in the global banking system. it is so heavily intertwined. i mean, the tentacles reach far and wide around the world. and that does seem to be a legitimate concern about knock on effect from this. and do you see a risk of a knock on effect? and then, and then after that i'll be asking you something about this new multi polio wild order. so what, what is the risk right now for norco? yeah, i think ro, yoga tentacles is absolutely apt in this case. i mean,
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let's look at the u. s. right. the dow always opens quite light compared to other western markets. the foot see in london opened before, and we saw just really a not really i'm not a very comfortable situation for an u. k. companies. western companies that have their hops in london and, and then you saw that debt. now i think we'll, we'll see now is just before the close of that we're recover. that's an awful nightmare for a trade in london is basic at the behest of whatever the u. s. are going to do lights run in the day, right. and we see that across everything frankfurt, we can look at any other market and it just shows that, you know, our point that we're always making is that the u. s. is dictating financial policy of every other country within their sphere of interest. they don't allow them that much freedom and everyone is sort of intense. it's waiting for was this bumbling man in his eighty's is about to say we does just crazy r t spoke to south africa based executive director of 1st source money and india based managing director at mercer's advisors,
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who also say that the s b b collapse will have an effect on global markets. african banks, especially in south africa, highly exposed, highly connected to the global market to the extent that are connected, the collapse of if b, b is likely to affect african bank in quite a large way and south africa in particular. so we cannot ignore that collapse that collapses, not just going to affect the american small banks to get going to run most likely for monday, going on, going to affect the band, some asian banks and things of africa. and indeed, some of the african countries are connected to europe, asia, and indeed the us itself. so africa will certainly be affected. so, you know, especially if companies are looking to bring in better customer service and better innovation to their customers. so which the larger traditional bank
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may not be offering currently. but now people may say that look for security, we're better customer service and foster customer service and better technology comfort. a thicker maybe a flight of from them and the innovation that differently companies bring this new bank bring. we'll get to some of the take them as we article went back the tone down your complaints about human rights abuses. if you want to make a big money deals, that's the message being spelled out clearly to the u. k. by the trade minister to the united arab emirates, the u. k. and other western countries must separate politics from trade in the economy. the u. k. must tone down standard human and workers rights provisions in trade deals. if they want more market access and more business opportunities. the minute we bring politics into discussions, we are deluding from the main objective of the agreements. the same it comes as the
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u. k. has been testing the waters in the region in a search for new trade partners and its post rec, that existed british officials are seeking to strike a deal with the u. a. e and other middle eastern countries from the goal cooperation council trade box. the push, however, is to have been hindered by critical reporting on human rights records during december's world's top and could tar. so to go further in depth on this, let's cross live now to the chairman of the middle east center for strategic and political consulting. dr. for had also lay me, thank you so much for taking the time to join us on the program. thank you for having me. absolutely. now, are you surprised at this statement from the u. a. e. trade minister, that politics must be kept aside from business. and what do you believe prompted it? i think the file for you, my rights regulation is a warning file from for us in gcc. it is
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a political means for making pressure on the government of the gc to achieve their economy can. and to us, i think we, we are far away from human rights abuse. but the difference between them and us, that is, they want to force us to adopt new way of life. it's not suitable for us. it is forbidden for us. it is against our religion is against our edition. religion is playing a key role and important role in the middle east, especially in the gtc and, and, and many countries. we are not ready to adopt that runs gender, the gays and lesbians. this is against our ethics. we cannot adept that the
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2nd. the 2nd one is, is a political pressure has been used to get to benefit from it. because normally, and we live in dallas, we knew about that the under secretary of the waste, the minister of foreign affairs. a month ago he said, we are not. we are not obligatory obligated to to follow the state department of u. s. a for the notes on human rights and we we were able to protect our citizen. we were able to protect them from over 19 we tried to do all what we did during the covered 19 while britain is is ignoring their citizens and advice them inc. away to go to show that the organization, which is a true, has been advised you u. k embassy advice,
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their citizen who is living in co way. they have a problem to get help or from charity organization in coit totally. the opposite happening from kuwait, u. e. so the about us, we send our jets to bring our citizen to coit. that is what we call protecting the human rights. giving the free vacation is to protect human rights. but giving a hey speech and allowance hate speech among the society. it's not, it's not the human right? right? no, this is, this is insult and this is against also the personal ethics. and in addition of that we, we have a good, a just we have a 33 degrees of course. so he kind of bring the lawyer and defend itself
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we. we are sick and bored from this file that they always complaining and accuse our countries, but we are happy with what we have now. we are not ready to adopt something i guess, a fix and religion and position. you know, you make a really interesting point there because when it comes to those western values, i mean the west has a history of being able to say, hey, this is how we believe that you should live your life. is, is how we believe that your government should act? do you think this is one of those cases where the u. e, at least with the official said, but do you think that this is one of those cases where there is some pushback saying, hey, we're not going to change things to the way that things are done rather, excuse me here, just to make the west happy and at the same time, do you know that the u. k is likely to back down on that and go along with it because of course they're seeing those dollar signs and they have the fear that
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they could miss out on important deals for their country. i think we have been told, i mean, we told the the bridge a years ago that is the out harboring and of the name for the protection and political asylum. and it has been proven the years after that is those people they were creating the hate speech and they were participating in what we called out of the spring, which is destroy 3 major out of countries. i think. but it, tim knows very well that measures that you a, is doing and out even the record human rights improvement in you a reach to 80, to 82.5 from a scale of 100 last year it was 30 percent on. so you ease doing a big steps and giant steps. they have many organizations that support
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human lights that, that support equality even in the low woman, right? everything. but as i told you before, when they want to make pressure on us, they pick this file and they can all the same fight in iran. they can all of the same file and they can order the same file. what's happening in your, in 2000 to 30, they just keep their eyes blind, but we understand the game. we are ready to to play the game. but we are not accepting any kind of pretending human rights issues. we as a society, as a citizen, as a family man, i cannot accept that. and i think that gcc government and mostly this limit government is not accepting that issues. although asked is certainly no stranger to
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selective outrage. unfortunately, we have to leave the conversation right there. dr. for had also a me chairman for the middle east center for strategic and political consulting. thank you so much for your time and insight. thank you for having the. the president of bell over says the u. s. has strangled or ron for decades, seeking to impose its democratic values on the country. his comments come, as he held bilateral talks into iran, where the 2 countries leaders reaffirmed their commitment to building a multi polar world. i am pleased to visit to run the capital of present day or on which has become the cradle for one of the most culturally advanced civilizations. through the territory of which trade routes passed long before america was discovered. your ancestors knew about logistics, exports in transit, much more than those who have been strangling your country with sanctions for more than 40 years, trying to instill their so called democratic values. they forgot that every nation
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has its own values, which stems from its culture and way of life. well, of course, alexander lucas shank over the double russian president, arrived in iran on sunday. and today he was warmly welcomed by the he's wanting counterpart to brian race. the well, the 2 sides talking to ron extensively in wide range of m like field industries including mining energy transport, agriculture i t. both sides are turning to each other in defiance of the western sanctions. as mister, like a sh ankle set to day in his meeting with brian bracey that he said that the sanctions are not threats or the sanctions or opportunities for both sides. so he advised both sides. iran and i better rose to stick to those opportunities and should not suggest these opportunities as these. of course,
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the sanctions are pressures on the outside, but they are a blessing in disguise. for both countries as those sanctions, the pressures by the west are bringing and are forming a unified front on the eastern lot. bella roost and other countries are also jumping on the wagon trying to come together and turn to each other in defiance of the western sanctions. brian bracey also said today that adela roach's a strong country and iran eyes more cooperation with bella roost. courses are to site the site and find of course, a roadmap, cooperation roadmap. that would be to the 2 sides. cooperate a different fields and today they signed those 5 agreements and use to just get closer and boost their bilateral ties. well, iran exceeded to of course, made an exception to the shanghai cooperation organization last year. and bella,
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luce is also willing to join and become a member, full member of the s t o. and if the 2 sides joined this important organization, they can easily can facilitate cooperation, economic cooperation between the 2 sites. so it's a 2 day visit by mister the cushion cope and he will stay perhaps until tomorrow or perhaps you will return to his country today. but the outcome and the consequences of his visit are significant. ah, 2 civilians have been killed and a child's injured and a ukrainian attack and they don't ask republic. and a warning you may find the following images disturbing that your women killed were customers. several local supermarkets struck in the shelling which wound it to others, including a teenage girl. the ukrainian rockets also severely damaged neighboring buildings and less cars burnt out air defense it were said to have prevented the stripe being
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even more destructive according to an investigative committee working on the ground . he has, may have used us applied highmark rockets in the shelling or that of that is to come over to, according to the characteristics of the crate it, it could be concluded that the strike was carried out by using the high mas rockets as a result of which civilian infrastructure receive significant destruction, but there are no military facilities or equipment nearby. as a result of the shelling, 2 civilians were killed and one child was injured. with meanwhile rushes wagner gert escalating an assault against the ukrainian stronghold in the city of r to mosque, also known as back mode. as a leader says that his fighting has become more intense. he added as sending more forces into the battle. the battle advantages situation is difficult to very difficult. the enemy is covers roads been fighting for every meter, and the closer we are to the city center,
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the harder the battles ukraine's throw an endless reserves and go. we're moving forward and will continue to move forward to doing better if we will not to saunter the glory of our russian weaponry. you put, i mean, he added that russian forces are now currently just a kilometer from the center of the city. the area has been a focus of intense fighting for months with ukrainian troops now flanked on both sides biscuits as ukrainian commander has admitted that its military supply routes are being cut off by the advancing russian forces. but as a mere moisture motor motor, it's hard to hold every building. there is a particular danger that the neck of the cauldron is no more than 4 kilometers. without logistics, there is neither irritation nor a supply of domination. we understand, or maybe repeat of a de bells of cold the situation, whether olds are cut off and an intentional withdrawal of troops can endanger
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during to our cold grains. president zalinski claims that he is call that church from his upper or she reagan to reinforce our to mosque. that's as key at has demanded more weapons from its western partners for the conflict parties. eager it are not tells us how russian arms are giving its troops. the edge against the ukrainian military western countries have approved trans have to tranche of their weapons and equipment to ukraine. so russia has had to raise stakes to some of russia's newest combat vehicle modifications are already here in the dumbass and they have already been tested. had their work has been proven on the battlefield quite a few times. ah, the vehicles tracks spew dirt on us as it storms. pause towards the front line to cover infantry salt teams. it's how doesn't offer much protection, but what it lacks in armor, it makes up for in speed and fire power. ah
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it's designed to blitz the enemy, released the smoke bombs and disappeared. the crew tells me this amphibious infantry fighting vehicle has already met its match in the dumbass court. apparently american bradley's from the most recent shipment are already here. when did steve of show others in about our new airborne.
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