tv News RT March 15, 2023 5:00am-5:31am EDT
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[000:00:00;00] a select russian, could you with a look at this drill was a multiple bush strike drove that. could carry up to 1700 kilograms exposed to can you imagine the dimension aircraft drones suddenly new york or san francisco? moscow plant, the us crime. i'm around, it impacts the waters as a probably cation also saying. russian jets did not cause the downing b, u, a b, suffering, a flight failure. a terrorist attack is no longer receive. moreover, it was a terrorist acts committed at
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a state because no and with the north from pipeline bobby was a state sponsored terrorist attack on the western burden of events is complete nonsense. that according to vladimir who theory and president bush, charlotte thought has arrived in moscow for talk with a fresh and counterpart vladimir, the leaders will discuss strengthening bilateral cooperation despite western attempts to partner economies through. thank jen. and can you struggle with the logical fall out of math of electronic way, something by western countries like the amount of jump rising by more than 75? since 2012 with good afternoon for mark international studios in moscow,
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and welcome to the hours vital stories across the globe. i'm fiorella isabel, the russian ambassador to the u. s. anatoly. anton of says tuesdays incident involving a crushed american drone and waters off the crimean coast is a u. s. provocation. the official added that you ease, capable of carrying multiple missiles and bombs, have no business being that close to russian borders. he explained the drones stalled, after executing sharp maneuvers and that russian jets did not come into contact with it. i think this is surreal provocation. most importantly, i believe that the american aircraft and ships have nothing to do near the borders of the russian federation. vis. drone was a multiple bush, striking drone that could carry up to 1700 kilograms of explosives. can you imagine that such an aircraft, a drone suddenly boom, new new york or san francisco? however,
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i want to emphasize that the right of pilots acted very professionally. there was no cold chug. there was no use weapons. this drone, many shop uter and crush the reaper drone was flying over the black sea on tuesday when it came crashing down. it's last location was reportedly around 60 kilometer south west of the crime, me import of service stobel the reaper drone is considered a highly capable weapon, able to carry multiple missiles and bombs, as well as conduct surveillance. washington accused moscow of intentionally bringing down the military drone and allegation which rushes ministry of defense has denied. the u. s. defense department was reluctant to clarify when asked whether the drone was armed going forward, or company aircraft, or where was this aircraft aren't?
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so i'm not going to get into the specific profile of this particular aircraft. as you know, the m q 9 does have the ability to be armed. it was again conducting an ios, our mission in international airspace. something that we've been doing for some time, the pentagon has said that the drone, it, it kind of trying was carrying out surveillance, but it hasn't said whether or not the drawing was armed. and earlier, the u. s. air force issued a statement accusing the russian aircraft of acting, able to say, was a reckless environment. the young sound, an unprofessional man, accusing the russian aircraft of incompetence. one of the jet struck the propeller of the drug, so the operators ditch the into the sea. that's according to the us european command. now the russian is believe to be heading toward crimea when the incident occurred. us officials have said this, and president joe biden was informed of the incident on tuesday morning. well, this isn't the 1st incident of its kind in the area involving the western military
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involvement, right. know we do know that last october, ukraine carried a massive drone attack. i think it was 9 drones that were launched on the russian black, safely to chrome william port city of sylvester, poland, and moscow to british troops. so being involved in that incident, and of course that led to russia and spending its involvement and internationally pro could be able to allow the grain exports to lead from ukrainian ports. and last month, the ukraine said that it was relying on coordinates, provided or confirmed by the united states on its own eyes for the vast majority of it strikes using these advanced years provided rocket systems. and of course, this cost major dial tone washington's claims of non belligerent cerebral trying to sometimes known as a predator b. and they hung to kid unmanned aerial vehicles design for long endurance and high altitude surveillance. but they've also been described as the most dangerous military drone on earth, and they controlled remotely,
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that able to carry heavy payloads. and you know, what we do know is that cause again, dial tobar the nature of this particular operation. we still don't know what the dr . drone was doing in, in the area the, the u. s. of course, claims that it was coming out surveillance, but russia has, as we heard earlier, broken down and dismiss those claims for pentagon security policy analysts, michael maloof says the american drone was likely being used to call the shots for the ukrainian military. that drone probably was used to guide and to give assistance to ukrainians on the ground for targets. i'm a little puzzled by the damage to a propeller by a, by a russian jet without it sustaining without the russian jet sustained damage. but i haven't heard any reports of any damage to the russian aircraft. if in fact it
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rammed it. that's the only way that this could have happened. so there's still more to the story of the fact that it was. it does show, however, the extent to which the united states is providing assistance to, to, to ukraine without actually putting boots on the ground. but it is, in effect, the acting assisting as approx, seeing the ukraine as a proxy in this conflict against russia. the terrorist attack, which crippled the north stream pipelines last september, was committed at a state level. that's the message from russian president vladimir putin. i wish this wasn't the fact that this is a terrorist attack is no longer a secret. moreover, it was a terrorist act committed at a state level because no amateurs could commit an attack like this. if a shoot is miss if a quote, month ago, after the parish investigation, that was
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a media campaign with oh, to go to p. u in several newspapers allegedly stated, some ukrainian activists had organized the attack. and it was especially emphasized abuse activists had no nothing to do with the union government. good. how do you feel about these version some up with, with egan, stewart. i'm sure that this is complete nonsense, an explosion of this kind at such a depth, which could only be carried out by especially supported by going to power of the state each has the required technology. but you're so right now russia is trying to get the united nations to launch an independent inquiry into the north stream, sabotaged or as russian president vladimir putin says, terrorist attack, the only enquiries they're happening right now, or the equivalent of suspects to a crime, having their friends say that they'll look into it and then let everyone else know what happened and the west just seems to think that that's fine and that they can investigate themselves. and in the mean time float this narrative all across the mainstream. lester media,
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citing unnamed intelligence officials in each country like the u. s. and germany, for example, who are all conveniently blaming the whole thing on some quote pro ukrainian group with no identity beyond that which magically absolves absolutely all actual countries in states from any and all responsibility. we're supposed to believe that some random dude came up with the bright idea to get together 5 other random data to load massive amounts of explosives on her boat at a port in germany. sale out into nato waters and blow the steel pipes and their concrete encasement. 20 days after their excursion, remotely investigative journalist seymour hersh, who attributed the attack to a u. s. lead special operation in conjunction with norway. isn't buying it. you're trying to diverge attention from story that i wrote, which included enormous specifics. i was describing a process that began before christmas of 2021. involve the, the national security advisor, jim sullivan, of the white house of the,
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for the president. they had a series of meetings at a secret room in the white house. meanwhile, there's a total lack of outrage here in europe from the establishment. their silence is deafening. considering that the north stream network is a joint project with major european energy companies and russia gas problem to secure europe's energy needs. now, according to what's been seen recently in the russian media, sweden, denmark, and germany, 3 countries near the attack. and that should have had some information about it or not engaging with russian authorities trying to figure out what happened to me. it was very difficult for us to conduct our own investigation. they were not even allowed to access the side of the terrorist attack. only gap from receiving permission from danish authority if you're getting a lot of explosion, the gas problem did not limit itself to the study of the very place of explosion along the gas pipeline itself. and the ship rented by gas pro moved on, and at a distance of about 30 kilometers the explosion site, the column,
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the which put any similar spot to where the explosions occur. these are the most vulnerable places in the gas pipeline. the junction of pipes, experts believe that this may be an antenna for receiving a signal to activate an explosive device that can be placed beneath the pipeline. and now of course, we would like to get permission from danish authority to independently we get with them or even better by forming an international group of explosive experts to carry out the necessary research. apparently, several explosive devices were planted, some exploded in some didn't. the reasons are unclear. so obviously some neutral authority really does need to intervene here like the un and a letter has been sent from the russian ambassador to the united nations, to the security council to that effect. but the west certainly doesn't seem interested in demanding its own answers. former us marine corps intelligence officer scott writer, says, washington, committed an economic pro harbor style attack on europe. germany's economy is taking a big hit right now. in
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a large part of that is because of high energy cost. united states has not been able to supplant russian gas, so it would go into quantities and the pricing that makes it viable for germany. and germany was stabbed in the back by the american partners or american allies carried out an economic pearl harbor on germany. sweets claim to find explosive traces at the floor of the baltic sea near the explosion device book, compare and contrast are these the same? they come from the same source but, but they're not talking. what is a sweet say? they can't talk about it because will harm their national security. what threat could possibly exist the sweden's national security, exposing russian malfeasance? no sweden will get a. did a metal for that expose in american involvement. there's the problem. the sweets have to be quiet because they want to be members of nato, and people who want to be members of nato. don't go about exposing the largest
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member of nato as perpetrator of this terrorist act of this act of war against germany and europe. we know who carried it out. we have a confession from the american president joe biden, to the back february 7th of last year, where he promised that if russian tanks entered the ukraine north street to be taken out, he guaranteed it. meanwhile, syrian president, bashar al assad, arrived in the russian capital on tuesday for talks with vladimir putin, moscow, and damascus. continue to steadily enhance their cooperation as the west try to damage your economies with harsh sanctions. political and economic ties between russia and syria will be on the agenda with the annual volume of trade between the states standing at over $600000000.00 and growing. one of the key issues to discuss will be resolutions to the humanitarian crisis in syria. last month, the country experience the most devastating earthquake in over 200 years with over
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4000 people dead and 4000 buildings damaged or destroyed syria already suffering greatly from western sanctions. was blocks from receiving support from western countries due to the restrictions while russia dispatched over 300 service men and delivered 70 tons of humanitarian aid to help relieve the crisis, will keep you updated on all the latest from the talks throughout the day. ah, meanwhile, determined to resist a western campaign of anti russian rhetoric, participants of the international movement of ruth of files met and moscow on tuesday. supporters from 40 different countries gathered in a bid to encourage more positive ties with russia. one guest valdemar heard a former german boon the stock member told us that people need to stand up for their values to resist western pressure to change their way of life. genie those
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in so this movement has been around for a long time. you money shows good neighbor behavior, your mutual respect that and the absence of double standards. i mean i was, i called it the russian code in my speaking jewels were now seen apple. i zation of dual use. and the ideology of rebelled against this russian go, was born recently and remitted. and now it's trying to tell us how we should live. i mean, we need to stand up for our values now. right now was to defend them on old fry, yellow, yellow jekyll, political, economic, and social. so this is what this organization is for one year. and electronic waste from developed western nations has become a growing threat to can years ecology as east african nations struggles with growing pollution. the amount of predominantly western
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e waste products has increased by more than 17 times since 2012, with less than 20 percent of this dangerous chunk being taken care of. this contributes to severe climate change left routes across east africa, exposing the whole region to the risks of mass starvation. a local journalist center. this report on kenya, struggle to ease it's at the logical bergen. in kenya, the largest source of u. s. is from discarded electronic equipment and a plan for these items often imported from developed countries, a 2nd on equipment and end up in that case, informal recycling sector, where some of the youth is generated by connect itself. many develop nations are using this country and its neighbors of a dumping ground. electronic work is becoming a significant environmental concern in kenya and the rest of the african continent . the amount of view is generated on your knees exponentially growing with an increased usage of electronic gadgets. when huge gusts exist in the properties possible off the ways with only 4 lines as recycling companies in
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a country over nearly 15000000 people. most of it often ends up in the landfills. our italy says mercury lead and other toxic substances. one of the kenya's u. s. companies. it is trying hard to do with the swelling tide, looking forward to the pop up, the electronic trash. he was to be sure to kenya is an government organization which was started in the year 2015 and got reduced done in 2016. ah. our core business is electronic waste management, specifically in the form of victor. ah, this is because we realized that the 02, he was being mishandled in the former circuit. i. so we, we are, is that it is a need to thought an open system about concrete awareness among the informal areas . tundra editor chris put his there's a mental health hazard to the canyon's on the environment,
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if not properly addressed these calls for action by the government on this. they coordinate to find proper ways of dealing with the problem. i think this distance, but yes, there will be city and on walking around, you find a lot of weights and the waste in them. you get history, find that her. he was in them. so this fish on his was a neatness, bad, and big. it is innocent, the government is not doing enough in handling and he's supposed lewis. so i think about that we had but it because you'll find out you'll find a day with me. why don't you let the mountains and know a lot of i'm but then meadow, mentor humans or warn you to know archie, news nairobi a niger in economist and blogger, things to africa, has found itself at the bottom of the food chain with the west using it as an
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outside market for damping it's waste. be here in africa sort of seen as a 2nd or secondary, tertiary market. we tried to rescue some of the gadgets. we tried to reuse some of the metals, all the wires and so on by the process of dispos are least devastating on the environment. and a lot of that ends up village in the air. i'm also and some food in the water table, if not window, even something to the reverse and so on and so forth. so a is sort of evoke the picture of fuck of africa beam right on the bottom of the, of the, of the pecking order of the food chain as to where the size, the guest dumped into africa. e ways these the size of 3 other, 50 cruise sheeps. okay. it gets dumped into africa in terms of e with every year. thus the 2019 figure as a huge number, we need to tie in our law and begin to, you know, and the seats are thinking in this regard. titles, i mean,
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shorter was call me me here. so, you know, when i was pushing down here and we need to step up on and show with pushback, you know, it is this, this semester dumping toxic waste. the ukrainian military fired 3 rockets over the border into the russian city of belgrade. overnights authority say all the projectiles were intercepted by russian defences, but fragments damaged residential buildings. this isn't the 1st attack on the city with russian air defense as regularly shooting down rockets. another attack also hit russia's upper origin region on tuesday, with one person killed and 3 others injured in a car bombing in the city of melody. awful victims of last were rushed to hospital where one, a prominent local businessman was pronounced dead. other casualties including a child are still receiving treatment. local authorities are investigating the task
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which was reportedly carried out with an improvised explosive device to the front lines in the dom bass. now, where russia's wagner group has reportedly taken over part of the industrial zone of us on, in the city of our deal. most also known as back, moot and verified online footage apparently confirms russian control over the stock . mash plant where president lensky commanded ukrainian soldiers defending the city last year. the as on plant is one of the city's main strongholds with its underground tunnels used for defense. the area has seen intense fighting for months with entrench. ukrainian troops almost fully surrounded. the russian army reportedly attacked the rear of ukrainian reinforcements in the area overnight. that's after president zalinski office announced that we'll keep defending the city a major logistics hub for the ukranian army. meanwhile,
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in the could be on screech in russian forces have partly taken control of an industrial zone with multiple assault groups. capturing 3 hangers that as the russian army continues it's offensive in other areas where take battles, rage on the ground as drones clash overhead r t c or start off brings us more from the lugens to republic. the soil here in the spring time dawn bass is very close to quicksand. parts of this forest is a complete not many vehicles can cross this terrain freely and safely times. sadly,
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among those that can ah, these tanks belong to the euro separated, sold battalion, to say they know their enemy in the face is hardly an exaggeration. a 100 meters is sometimes rural that separates the sides. caves all seeing eyes focused on the battle for book moat and russian troops here in the loop. ganske republic have been trying to capitalize on the distraction. ukrainian command has drawn reinforcements, but they are often gathered out of yesterday's trainings without real combat experience. who become easy prey, such accuracy would be impossible without drones. there's such a swarm of them in the skies every day, every minute that it's not uncommon for russian and ukrainian birds to meet and duke it out like this. one is down,
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this time the russian drone literally came out on top and intention, the entirety of the russian force shares with every heart in their ranks. i'm just done of reporting from the dumbass r t. and while the u. s continues to funnel arms to ukraine. most republican presidential hopefuls say they oppose the continuing policy reflecting the sentiment of many americans are teeth. caleb martin has more popular tv house, tucker carlson, decided to reach out to potential republican candidates for president of the now to those who may announce that have not yet the now and asked them about their position on continued us support for crane in opposition to russia. first question, he asked was regarding the issue of the united states and whether or not it had a strategic interest in aiding ukraine against russia. this is the responses that
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he received. while the u. s. has many vital national interests become infer entangled in the territorial dispute between ukraine and russia is not one of them . president biden's blank check. foreign policy in ukraine has drawn nothing but ridicule and disdain from our adversary's, and has diverted funding from essential needs in the united states. throwing money at ukraine with no accountability or objective is clearly failing. no, it's not vital. rather, this is a stark reminder of what is a vital american national strategic interest, national energy independence. now the vac, rama swami, who is a potential presidential candidate in the united states with indian roots had some other interesting things to say about the issue here is more of his response to tucker carlson's questions. china wants to ukraine war to last as long as possible to deplete western military capacity before invading taiwan. it's working. we think we appear stronger by helping ukraine,
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but we actually become weaker visit the china. i believe in america 1st 2 point. oh . and we should at least get the europeans to europe 1st 1.0. we actively undermine this very objective by offering a bottomless pit of aid to ukraine. now, among the candidates who spoke in favor of continuing to escalate sand weapons in the regime and kyo a might hats, was the most outspoken like hansa seems to have been a long time advocate of regime change and neo con operations. or he was certainly in favor of continuing to escalate the confrontation. here's what he said. unfortunately, the biden administration slow walked aid to ukraine. every response has been too slow from providing intelligence to ukraine, to hammering russia with sanctions to providing military equipment and fighter jets to ukraine. this is not america's war, but if putin is not stopped, he will continue to move toward our nato allies and america would then be called
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upon to send our own. the next question tucker carlson, asked was about the issue of regime change in russia. and of course it was donald trump gave the most humorous answer to that question. we don't know, we should support regime change in the united states. that's far more important. the biden administration are the ones who got us into this mess. somewhat humorous . it does point to the reality that most republicans blame the biden administration for the debacle in ukraine. now the next question that was asked was, regarding the sanctions and their impact on the russian economy. here's some of the responses. no, they have not been effective. just the opposite. the biden administration's policies have during russia into a defacto alliance with china, russia has increased its foreign revenues, while china benefits from cheaper fuel biden, as further empowered rushes energy dominated economy sanctions against china. iran
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in russia have bolstered the russian rouble and enabled china to establish trade and chinese money rather than in us dollars. among those who did respond, it was only like pants suit put forward a there a solid position in favor of continuing to send weapons to kiev and continuing to escalate the conflict with russia and the majority opinion among american republicans is that the united states should not continue to escalate the situation should not be sending more aid weapons to the government in here. so it makes sense that you would see republicans who are also critical of this as they seek the nomination of their party for the presidency. that's our off for the our, for all the latest breaking news and updates had over to r t dot com. and don't forget to follow up on all social media platforms for more content. thanks for tuning and we'll see back soon with
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riga capital city of the republic of latvia, the country gained independence on march the 16th. now thousands of people have gathered in the city center near the frida monument ever since. and how does democratic olympia celebrate? every spring? the country has now been a member of both the european union and nato for several years. the nell very few surviving legionnaires who served in latvian vanessa's divisions, march solemnly under national flags, making their way to the countries main monuments. they are accompanied by a large crowd of loyal supporters and admirers to the strains of nazi style marches, and songs and number of officials and individuals lay memorial weeks at the base of the monument. as they joined the commemoration of remembrance day.
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