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tv   News  RT  March 16, 2023 3:00am-3:31am EDT

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a a global financial system is shaken by a plug in the stock of switzerland, 2nd largest bank renewing fears of the next world wide financial crash. brushes minister of defense called american throne flights near russia's border provocative as pentagon officials contact their russian counterparts for the 1st time in months after the american u. a. v crash in the black sea. and mullins are outraged by the italian government attempts to blame the european migration crisis on the russian private military group. wagner. i don't think it's because of russia, y'all, africans, fleet for europe, didn't start to date. russia has different ways to effectively help africa. as an
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example, we already have molly, where wagner soldiers fight against terrorists with good morning for martine or national studios at moscow, and welcome to the hours most vital stories across the globe. i'm fearless about baking stocks and asia have taken a tumble following reports that the catastrophic turmoil at mega beg, credit suisse, could possibly have global repercussions driving global markets lower. as the news broke japan's topics, banks index dropped by 6.4 during the morning session. with hong kong, standard chartered and south korea and had financial group trailing close behind, revealing and unraveling of investor confidence spreading across continents. since banking shares were hammered in both europe and new york, that comes after credit suisse bank stock plunge, rattled global markets,
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and the swift central bank stepping in with a $53000000000.00 lifeline. that's us. credit suisse is biggest shareholder, saudi national bank said it would. it boost its chair, past the current level of just under 10 percent, triggering a fall of 30 percent in credits with shares that cost jitters across financial markets, sparking a slump in major indexes. this comes hot on the heels of financial turmoil in the u . s. or the collapse of 2 major banks has sent ripples throughout the financial world. archie contributor rachel marson picks up the story. the failure of silicon valley bank in the united states is sending shock waves through europe's financial system. and it's also sending its bank stocks into free fall on wednesday with the european press, making the link between the u. s. crisis and new trouble for europe's banking sector. credit suisse had dropped on zurich,
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so stock market by mid day. it's top investor, the saudi national bank said that they won't help cushion the blow by buying any more than the 9.8 percent of the shares that they already own, since they want to avoid any new regulatory regimes. they kick in above 10 percent investment economists, new rail rubini said in an interview that they could histories crisis is a quote, lehmann moment for european and global markets referring to the lehman brothers collapse. that sparked the 2008 economic crisis in the united states, which then spread to europe. french banks were especially hit hard on wednesday with trading and francis b and b about the bass stocks temporarily halted earlier in the day as its value plunged. as did data associates asian, it i'm could, yeah, they could. and germany's chorus bank, the ceo of global investment giant black rock, larry think, suggest that silicon valley bank was just the 1st domino to fall, calling it
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a quote, slow rolling crisis with quote more seizures and shut downs coming. but just face earlier french economy and finance minister, blaine or the mer insisted that everything was just fine. and he seemed kind of annoyed with suggestions otherwise come down and just have a look at the really t do, eddie t. e that to bang such who just mentioned sunday, which had a french banking system is not exposed to the city, can bank i was seeking very bank, you snot exported silicon valley bank. so there is no links between the different situations. there is no specific concern on the full defense banks. now lamita's also told french state tv that there was not a risk of contagion in france and that french banks work solid, which is kind of a tough cell when it's pretty much the opposite of what europeans are actually witnessing in real time. it all sounds eerily like the last financial crisis back in 2008 when europe was caught flat footed. the current european central bank
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governor christine le, down that was french finance minister at the time and said back in september of 2008, that quote, the big systemic risk is behind us. but one month later, france, germany and britain were meeting about national and block wide bailouts and rescue packages. so not exactly the water under the bridge that la gown had figured at that the time looks like european leaders were about as reliable in their foresight . then as they are now, and not just when it comes to europe, but russia to last year, lou met assured that sanctions against moscow would bring down the russian economy as european union commission, president ursula vander line announced that the west was cutting russian banks off from the swift system on some suit, if you guess the financial sanctions are a formidable effectiveness and i want to leave no ambiguity on the european
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determination on the subject. we're going to wage a total economic and financial warren. russia will therefore provoke the collapse of the russian economy. we commit to ensuring that a certain number of russian banks are removed from swift. this will ensure that these banks are disconnected from the international financial system and harm their ability to operate globally. right now, cutting off russian banks from their western counterparts is actually starting to look more like throwing someone overboard before the ship goes down in order to save them. when the west was working to isolate rushes, financial system from, there's little did they know that they'd actually be saving moscow from the risk of contagion, their contagion. a year later. despite all the western sanctions, russian banks have managed to adapt. and in january, the russian central bank announced that the country's current account surplus hit record high last year with the increased price of oil and gas exports,
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even as europe was cutting itself off from them. maybe if european leaders had been as focused on insulating the block from the u. s. financial system in the wake of the 2008 crisis as they bid with cutting it off from russia. then maybe they wouldn't yet be in the position of gearing up for yet another potential white knuckle roller coaster ride with uncle sam at the controls. and no one can say that it's not possible for the you to isolate itself from the united states economy. because somehow canada right on the u. s. border and its largest trading partner managers. just find to isolate itself from the u. s. banking system. 562, u. s. banks went belly up over the past 20 years, yet not a single one in canada. so here we go. yeah, with the added another example of europe over reliance and over dependence on the u . s. to its own detriment. much like the current energy crisis that
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a guy itself into egged on by washington. and you have to wonder how many times the you has to learn its lesson the hard way before coming to its senses for its own sake. political analysts and journalist schon, verola, says western governments will try to solve the current crisis the same way they did back in 2008 by simply printing more money. this is what happened in 2008. i mean, you're the government belt of the big bank by putting more money, right? we had all of this, all, we took all these measures to say the bank for printing printing, right? it was called q e quantitative easing. it was basically printing one trillion, 2 trillion dollars. sorry, i can't remember the exact figure, but they threw all this money at the bank and that money. where did it go? you know, it didn't really go into the economy. no, it's settled in the bank. and it contributed to inflation and depletion in the
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value asset, which of course is an artificial of inflation. and this is the problem. the american government always gets involved in the crisis and try to solve by printing more money. but that doesn't solve the problem, that just won't solve the temporarily. it pushes the problem on towards the future, right? so basically we're also, we're now today coming to correction. we are coming to reckon with the poor measures that were implemented after 2008 and apocalyptic conflict could be the consequence of the u. s. air force shooting down a russian aircraft in international airspace. that's according to the russian ambassador to the us responding to comments from a republican senator a deliberate attack on russian aircraft neutral as space is not just a crime in accordance with international law, but an open declaration of war on the largest nuclear power. it's not russian piles . who should be held responsible, but american politicians war inciting,
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an apocalyptic conflict. oh, it should hold them accountable and say that if you ever get near another you asset flying in international waters, your airplane would be shut down. well, what ronald reagan do right now, he would, they would start shooting russian planes down if they were threatening our assets. moscow, however, has denied that you a the was intentionally taken down by its fighter jets, according to the ministry of defense, the drone loss control. as a result of a risky maneuver that the drone operator tried to perform several top russian officials have already stated that the reaper u a v had no business in the vicinity of set the stobel. and that such recognizance operations are dangerously provocative. ortiz marina closer rather, has more the incident was caused by us actions that violated the flight restriction zone, said by the russian federation. where no did the flights of americans strategic unmanned aerial vehicle sneered. crimean shores are provoked,
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given their nature and create the conditions for escalation in the black sea. moscow said that the you west was aware all along that, that area that air space. i had a flight restricted status all along, but washington of course, and has always said that it would ignore that and continue fly wherever they saw fits. and this is what happened. so naturally, moscow says, since washington was aware, this most likely seems to be an act of provocation. so they're just looking for a way to escalate their approaches. and this is one of the ways they did that since again, they knew that that area had a flight restrict the sat at 1st. they were accusing moscow right away. they said that the moscow did this intentionally. and now, just literally less than 24 hours of changed their tune. and now we have statements from the usaa state department spokesperson that price. who said that it looks like it was most likely an unintentional event. let's take a lesson, i think the best assessment right now is that it probably was unintentional. it
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probably was the result of profound and competence on the part of one of these russian pilots. at 1st we saw media in the us absolutely gone crazy. been hysterical, really accused in russia and said that russia did this on purpose purpose and now literally less than 24 hours later we have the u. s. state department saying that this looks like an unintentional incidents and we can hear from the us state department. what he had to say there in that price, that now it's an unintentional or incidents. and again, we're saying that there are now focusing on the manner in which this happens and they're making elaborate videos and simulations of how it happened. and so let's have a look at one of their versions of what they claim, how it happened. there are visualizations, ocean jet approach from the rear dumping fuel u. s. officials believe it meant to come up in front of the drone, so would fly into the fuel cloud, but pulled up too soon and clipped the drones propeller,
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which is located in the rear. the drones controllers could do nothing but let it glide into the sea. raso forrest part has always maintained from the very few hours after this happened, that russia did not come into contact, actual physical contact if you will, with the drawing. and also it did not shoot it down. they did not use any weapons against that. but again, we saw all what was happening in western media there. and again, there were, there were prepared. ah, but perhaps it was a russian as spokesperson. ah, literally the scott who said at best actually a, let's have a listened exactly about that flight, restrict the status which is the key and most important information of as they those who shouldn't have been there shouldn't have flown there. and then everything would have been environmentally friendly. and this of course was everything and to risk. as i said again, love rob mentioned earlier in the day that these actions, they know the risks that they're taken, washington i'll, when they do this and they risk escalating?
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is this something that they're looking for? that is the question. the ukrainian defense minister has been caught up in a food corruption scandal, apparently inflating prices for some items by 3 times. that's according to a ukranian member of parliament who slammed kiev for turning a blind eye to the situation. resnick of plan to buy potatoes for soldiers at 3 times the price paid by the defense ministry supplier. since this is not the 1st scandal with the unspeakable minister and his purchases, only 2 questions remain. what kind of scum do you have to be to steal from a soldier's plate? and what kind of scum do you have to be to turn a blind eye to this at the top levels of power? i don't understand why resnick, of with such managers and salaries should steal money on potatoes. but apparently a rat is a calling and a destiny. ukraine had previously been shaken by a similar food,
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corruption scandal with ties to the defense ministry. but the minister was able to say in office dismissing the allegations as false, the whistle boy ukrainian lawmaker claims the situation has improved and is demanding immediate action from the government. here western allies have also lost shadow ukraine for undermining nato funding with corruption and bureaucracy. what the problem with this government is they, they not that they don't spend enough, it's that they don't achieve enough results for the spending. they do spend too much on the back office bureaucracy and not enough on frontline military equipment . international attorney kline preston says the emergence of corruption allegations fall in line with the actions of a government that is sure of its looming demise. to an indicator that in my view that on the ukrainian government, those in, in leadership have lost confidence in the outcome in the future of their country.
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it will need and that's why they're gonna clients again, they're going to line their pockets, like they've been doing off of the u. s. aid and money this when going to prop up this regime from the united states. so, i'm a true, honest assessment of what this means is it spells disaster, pre ukraine, because i think it shows a lack of confidence amongst those who are in charge, and who have the most information on about the true status of things in ukraine. the government, alexia, resonant, called, surely, has a real understanding of the future of this conflict, and what's gonna happen with his government. and i think that's an indicator once someone starts line in their pockets like this, that they don't have confidence that this regime is going to last that much longer
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. bad governance corruption and poor distribution of goods. those are the reasons malaysians have given for a large migration flows from african countries in response to accusations from the italian government that the russian private military group, wagner is behind italy's migrant woes. we heard from local residents were marcy was this up for me? what pushes africans to take the past of europe is the under development of different african states, and a lack of work. we can't accuse rush on all these points, but sincerely, we can say that this migratory flow of africans is due to a lack of work, lack of development, and also lack of will from african politicians to put in place of strategy to better keep their children on their territory, eliza gunky, left africans generally leave africa for several reasons. security reasons, financial reasons, and others, even out of
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a simple desire to discover new horizons. russia has different ways to effectively help africa. as an example, we already have molly, where wagner soldiers fight against terrorists. but i don't think it's because of russia, young africans fleet, for europe didn't start to date. it's true that conflicts are one of the reasons of what, what brings conflicts. it is bad governance corruption, poor distribution of goods. all of these has now turns into conflicts that are undermining the developmental. 1 to african continent numbered retina. italy has been battling a migration crisis for over 10 years since the start of the arab spring. as of 2022, there were already more than 5000000 migrants in the country. and $20000.00 more people have already arrived since the start of this year. over the weekend, at least 73 migrants died, trying to reach their posts of the southern region of calabria. however, italy has shifted responsibility for the migration problems on the russian private
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military wagner group, which is in molly at the request of the country's government. according to the russian foreign ministry, we spoke with a pan african analyst from neighboring burkina faso, who says that all western attempts to blame, wagner only indicate that western involvement in africa has failed. no one has to say, i think this statement is completely far fetched and ab, sir, if you will, they are looking for an excuse to explain their fail due to their inability to help their ally ukraine. and to blame the wagner group before instigating the influx of migrants is simply insane. only the west is capable of such fabrication cooperation with other players beat russia, china, or iran is very important. an african countries which had very tangible failures and working with the western block can reorient themselves precisely doors. it more recently, less than 5 years ago. african countries began to trust other allies not from the
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western block. as a result, there has been a lot and security in the central african republic under president toward darrow book in a fossil which turned it back on the western block only in january now has operational drones. there have been used to fight terrorists real results, reclaimed territories. that's what the alternative block is capable of. around 30 members of notorious nigeria militant group boca her rom, have been killed by forces from neighboring niger, while more than 900 of its followers, including women and children, have been detained as a result of counter terror operations that gives violence against the nigerian government has led to death of more than 40000 people according to the un, the vastly chad region shared by nigeria, niger, cameroon. and chad is a notorious base for boca her arm activity, which increased last month. the 4 countries set up
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a multi national joint task force in 2015 with the aim of defeating the arm group and promoting stability in the region. boca her arm became notorious around the world after the group abducted more than $200.00 small world. many of whom have still not yet returned home local journalists, crude, c, beatrice brings us the story. it's been mobile. it is now says to all the read on 76 cruise, danielle, speaking the edges of 1618 where? kidnapped by mcguire, i'm tourist from the of school in the state of bull. no. in nigeria, prior to the read, the school was closed for 4 weeks due to detroit in secondary to conditions. but the girls with it in order to write to the final examinations would opportunity. i would have completed my education. if they didn't abduct me in the 1st place. honestly, the life there is not an easy one compared to the freedom. now,
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because we aren't allowed to go out and there were rules on clothes, we shouldn't where we were forced to marry some of the fighters. i hated life. i hated that they married me to one of the fighters. his name is me. boudoir got to her. it was why myself and 2 other girls escaped from the forest one night says we were forced to convert to islam and if he refused to attend there, slam mc lessons and observe press, he'd be tied up and beaten and locked house for days. we were not allowed to go out and we're following whenever we want to ease ourselves and bathe because they feared we might run away. sometimes they rate us. i was married off to one of the fighters who's an assistant to one of the commanders. i gave birth to a child for him, but he died along the way when we escaped. there were 7 of us that escaped from the terrorists camp at 12 am in the morning. we spent days without food and water. some people saw us and took me to the security agents and newman in
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a downwash state where they publicized my abduction. as one of the missing tobac girls said that my parents could trace me. i was 14 years old when they took me. i caught up with the model of one of the girls who are still missing. rachel, daniel sees her like house changed since her daughter was abducted. having heard stories about what may have happened to some of the girls on the slavery by the g. hardest terrorist. rachel can only wonder what her daughter was going to. she has pleaded with frances, to call on the nigerian government to rescue her daughter and order girls who are still in the hands of the rabbit, who the call comes up. poor francis met with 2 gills. who escaped from the t hardest terrorist after years of violence when i known as and i suffered from high blood pressure. i couldn't eat, i couldn't do anything. i was placed under medication till i got better. the army
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have been assuring me for a long time that they'll rescue her man. no, i'm not tired of waiting. when i, when i heard that the pope met some of the freed girls. i also wanted to be like other mothers whose daughters were also rescued. i want the pope to please pray for my daughter, wherever she is, let her be released, whether she is dead or alive when it please let help begged and i jerry and government to do something called the luncheon and many choice intervention houses next to many of the kid not goes rescued, 98 scales kidnapped from the town of g bulk in 2014 still remain me since most residents are wondering why the military has failed to rescue the remaining jokes. the spirit of the hush talks us parts of the bring back. our ghost company was an attempt to put pressure on the 9th june government to help returned the gills bar. i'm pool 2 big chose out
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a teen. use international may do good. that's her up for the hour and coming up, how ukrainian embraced anti russian sentiments and quickly cultivated national sentiments and praise for the likes of stubborn mendera. next on archie dog. fast forward to patches on snake loo. ah ah ah ah
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ah ah ah, the 1st time in history, an entire country's culture has been canceled to the very modern weapon council culture. really desert wonderful. i will, sheffield my last will, and when will you get just me sitting there with the phrase now, particularly refers to counseling russian culture yet them know what secret of the orders go because you can when you're miles for cure, which will be all there is chill out of it so that all of them,
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most of the temperature random eat them, we what rushes created over the past 1500 years is now question. partially condemned, reviled and reject it to sort of knowing and use that it's a but sunny at the will of bell. there's a lot closer on a whole bunch. thank you, said a little short list. joining total condemnation grows daily and now enclosed just a ascii to cascade shostakovich that i need to you all it left. but yes, it also says that what the time will you do a bomber lee? you're not going to do that a little bit more. ah
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ah, so for the new business and then you will clean a, b e l does not assume zine jamita comes green. you wrote, it is just such not critical to the ceiling and provide you all the stuff such and for emergency hospital, additional student info with you thrown the with them. the problem with schuessler with the system medical, i'm those connected with shultz not says, joe, you live slaves in your product to nuclear, a message to nurses, k jillian, you speak to nick was always too well knew. it was printing why i took it offline, which was which thorn was put in with their nisha brother and you speak to
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including felix, a j, a c, a c device. forgot about. okay. yeah, thank you for calling that to provision utilities. i'm assuming you mean? yeah, i knew one in the pals program institute always refer to sort of me on the claims on all of nazis. cooper, student configuration, moving to points, briefly call on a session and when is it like? yep, i should we wait, you wash and you when you call and then when i see somebody now, but they didn't put em on. it should. it's a honda when they said, what does it seem? yeah. yeah. well, the thing is that the settlement with what was happening in ukraine before february, the 24th 2022. and what's happening now was
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a result of consistency. and systematic planning. blue is to presume as a blues in you're still not says creed. gyla group, are you listening, caring of to switch? i am not a whole lot in you're doing it. let's see script and let's see, 3 big, easy effects listed. you mean you bomb attempt put you in there and then we will have them gets what cover on your body comparable? now the question i just thought i was with, if you can use the graph, you discover about commercially, then you credit most worthy repeatedly where you are in that they're upset that the bill of people, you know, with machine you're going to only me with this is voted from that in that region tell by the ukrainian force.


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