tv Documentary RT March 16, 2023 7:30am-8:00am EDT
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customs clearance at the port on the wall. yeah, well, no problem. i'm trying, idaho, i'm voicing the word with open arms 5 are some hurdles like i and i'm price is and i'll never limitations. you to be clear in to buy other countries to both global economic and social ties. this is sheila, from faded t o r t across in little guns republic, russian forces have shelled ukrainian positions in renewed fighting. thus, as the russian army continues, it's offensive with tank jewels raging on the ground on drones even clashing the skies. ortiz e good has done of has more. the soil here in the spring time dorm bass is very close to quicksand parts of this forest. this is a complete not many vehicles can cross this terrain freely and safely times. sadly among those that can ah,
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these tanks belong to the euro separated, sold battalion to say they know their enemy in the face is hardly an exaggeration. a 100 meters is sometimes rural that separates the sides. caves all seeing eyes focused on the battle for both moat and russian troops here in the loo, ganske republic had been trying to capitalize on the distraction. ukrainian command has drawn reinforcements, but they're often gathered out of yesterday's trainees without real combat experience. who become easy prey. such accuracy would be impossible without drones
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. there's such a swarm of them in the skies every day, every minute that it's not uncommon for russian and ukrainian birds to meet and duke it out like this. one is down. this time, the russian drone literally came out on top and intention, the entirety of the russian falls shares with every heart in their ranks. i'm a guest done of reporting from the dorm bass r t she like her and russia have added 7 more flights between the 2 countries bring in the total now to $21.00 a week. that affects of the opens up both countries to more tourism. as spring arrives in moscow and peak tourism season arrives in colombo, were for more on this and the prospects of tourism. and between shall anchor and russia, where joined live in the studio by chalka jabar, who's the head of bureau for from autism, tourism. and the ambassador all shall anchor to russia. geneva abbey creamer. leon
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gay, thank you very much. both of you for joining us is a day and jenny's, i'm just going to start with you. if i don't mind, obviously these m is increasing flights between the 2 countries. comes at a very challenging time of both countries, but shall anchor at the moment. obviously that there are protest her in the wake of some of these and conditions set by the i m f m, d u d. these conditions by the i m f, a fair but firm way of helping me structure the economy and move on. but yes sir, we went to i m f for so because we had it kind of crazy. so in the past few months, so maybe one year. oh yes, there are some conditions. ah, but i am not saying that this this sir, for disc against their, your, my for oh, well conditions. i anything anywhere near the gunman pass her in force us to
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increase the tax from the seller is enter it to me and how to pay tax. mm. hm, because i'm a guy, i'm government, the 7th, and i know the goldman pest head taxes paid our salary is building the coin period when the country was last fall mod almost one year. so we got everybody got the salary, but this back soon. x is not a new thing to us. it is a little bit increased. ah, it from this year, but we bought texas or not, but this, this effect only of very few people in the countries on one sector. so not everybody else, really, se, deaf and taxes really to inevitable things in this life. now what role does tourism half in in shall anchors economy obviously very important and how would it help sterling cook develop and move on in and in the future?
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yes sir. especially as you know, the russia inside the highest, they're in a highest number of dorchester, in sri lanka now with this and then, and here more sooner with these flights here sir, we have the let flight now t r lines are flying air data, many more flight so i, yes, doris, i miss the even quicker way to influence their economy in a plus a do it. so she'll and i was going for that and you know, she, like i said, the new default country is, well, do you see the pictures here? yes, it's like us. yeah. on the one hand you must have one of these jobs in the world. i mean, if the beauty salon and the opportunities to visit most in many ways speak for themselves . yeah. but, you know, when you look at the news, you can imagine that some people might be a little bit puts off from going there at the moment. at least woolfolk change the crate for you. well actually you know, what happened last year, especially in april to june or july, 1st portrayed, you know,
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very negative way across the world. that is, that is normally when it comes to media, negative media, the insulation is easy to sell, rather than the positive. actually everything in and they beat the coalition going along with a young and energetic minister who's in charge for tourism actually moving forward in a very positive manner. if i may add to what you said, tourism is the 3rd because part of the an epa, sri lanka. so that will encourage the government also to move forward with the economy reforms. so we are very clear on how we will want to move forward. but in terms of challenges, you know, it's now it's not, you know, those protests that you saw in may, june, july, it does not happen anymore. and, you know, i would say it was a democratic revolution. you know, peaceful revolution. you know, you will console me into a presidential palace or you know, to a place in the secretariat but there, but not nor life last year. this happened all over the world. be the see if you gave it the georgia battery tease, you know, you know, the students,
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they have the freedom so they had the freedom to speak. but in terms of tourism to reason was never affected. yes. that negative media made that impact all over the world, but now it's under control. that's why we're here in russia. that's maybe a here all over the world and don't forget, 3 langley is a neutral country. do any one do with it? and you must, of course, welcome also the use of these flights. will they create a tangible difference all the parts of some small incremental steps to continue developing the industry as a holding out? it is actually going in a degree. i must say the numbers are looking very good, not only russia, the other countries as well the, the huge drop, you know, when, like, i mean, to say that, you know, when we took office, when he took copies of the last few tories were leaving the country but now we are in a position back to back from january to march. we are getting 100100000 each and our target of 1500000 in a recovery process in terms of rebuilding processing, sri lanka, we are on target and we can even go for a higher number. and especially with countries like russia,
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russia being number one for us in terms of arrival, especially in the last 34 months, is very positive. so he's short the midterm, and definitely long term as well. and better, obviously, like many countries the, the economy should be hit, devastated by the cove it pandemic, i guess it's still reeling from that. so the moments as well with the, the travel restrictions imposed because of the cobra in the corona, virus. the past couple years must have stopped people from chopping and that most of our negative impacts on the, on not the stair. no, it's really all the, the fictions. they can move easily. they can move freely. there is no any restrictions on the, for the as the country completely moved on from that now and recovered from that. yes. countries em when the free from fluid. so
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anybody can travel asleep treaty, there's no fear of food. now. i'm talking specifically about russia and, and russian tourists all the any ponds to make trouble for russians even easier to show lanka, for example, maybe remove the v's or make even simpler to apply for a visa and maybe even accept the mir payment system. obviously after the war and ukraine starts, mastercard and visa, visa card issued in motion no longer work outside the country. are there any plans to submit or simplify the visa process for you? yes, we suppose versus now we have simplified passions can get on the visa and also if they apply 20 electronically is providing research for you know, just we didn't know day it is then they can fit into both the and the thing
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they can, they can apply online yeah, we always do that and also and that will be stuff they can get and the payment system. now we have provided them an easy way of paying the that i shall bank national investment and industrial bank. if they open an account and deposit through both of people's bank in 3 long class, but give them a cod oh visa card. and we said mastercard, which they can use in all the word well. and also they've got news they've been through and they can give that money, transfer money school bus and they keep money in felucca and they can use it for me anywhere. ok. so that is now functioning. yes, yes. so, so are some testing could go into a bank, enshrined with the possible to open accounts and at them at the,
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at the airport they can get collect the card. if eric this from russia. well, yes, they can collect the papers back off be off what they're done collecting and they can use it anybody out of the world. it is given us because i know a lot of questions have struggled with traveling at the moment because of those. anyway that we disease in. and missy has fascinated that the and with the go, she didn't. we bought bags doing this service in a brilliant and like have you noticed a huge uptake in russian forests since the start of the war in ukraine with obviously you've been a bit more difficult maybe to get visas to european american or the destinations are a bit closer, you know, just an increase. of course, that's why i said, you know, my rush has what they can 3 of the countries value to the number one position, especially in the last 34 months. and that's why you start the program between units lights are being increased as well. a lot of people thought it will end by
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march or so between 2 but no actually now the flights are getting more extended because you know, they make when they come to free lunch they want would like to explore and not only the sign in the sea and there are many amy areas that the russia taurus would love to go around from the country as well. yes, there's a huge update and we, we hope that will increase much, much more because we also need, like i said that, that'd be the products that we need, that is coming in and you know, to move forward. and that's why, in terms of, especially the pacifically for the russian market, we have starting up specially me to see campaign nashville, business to consumer not going to be here for be to be right now. social media, we are going to bring about 100 influences from russia for right for the next 12 months to talk about sri lanka, you know, the dates, adventure with a through man with a, it's a beach, it's a wildlife. so we're going to bring in specific targets, segments of influences, industry, lack of it. they can be joining in my duplex and well, because i'm not ca,
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7 influence. so unfortunately when i go in the media or whatever, you know, it can be an influence. it can be a journalist, you know, who comment expedius, the whole aspect of sri lanka, seeing is believing. that's why i always say we had an all in one caps. you would minus this? no one is no, only thing. you don't have this. no, i tell you was given the weather outside today i would hours i feel for some sun in sure line. so you're working specifically with motion partners and influences tor agencies. i assume as well, given neatly as i actually there are many companies the a few at the mighty, the stall today. it's today, tomorrow and day after we had a really successful open today in the morning. and actually i'm on here on behalf of actually our hon. meeting, should i be seated here in the c? t was to come up to russia last period. he had another engagement that he had to engage with the government. so he had to stay back. everything was book, otherwise the, you know, that's why the success of russia. you know, that's why he wants to come. i want, not that i want, it's my job to be here. facilitate all the private sector engagement along with the
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embassy. so be moving forward in a very positive, maybe to russia. i'm, i'm better to have, you shouldn't have been under any, any pressure to, to condemn russia over its actions in ukraine. or is it going to stick to its neutral approach? like many countries in the area have done, children call list. no. yes, no, any pressure, although we we get the pressure. i didn't feel i'm going to go stand the stand is neutral. and that is why we are here. last week. della tourism minister was in the money everybody is equal to excellence and that's not affected. you your, your, your neutral stuff. neutral. if i may add, if you look at the top 67 countries, like i said, is russia, india, germany, france, u, k, u. s. and then we just opened doors to
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a china 2 weeks ago. now the chinese lights are coming in as well. so david is now squeezing to the quick lane to the top. i would, i would add to the high excellence. is it same? we are absolutely a neutral nation. these. there's no worries at all. and just reading the news today . john is also opened up his board as senior in the crone of ice. so yeah, i guess i'm sure lincolns will be traveling to china. well, yeah. now when it comes to promoting the country, do you promote the traditional tourist destinations activities or you trying to, to, to find a new way of marked in the country may be opening up some new less than known spots, activities, hobbies you, you can do that. yeah, of course it's not. yes, of course we have our traditional trends like, you know, the traditional market, but they're so much in terms of wellness, in terms of adventure to the i was talking to dana and the interview. i said, you know, there are 150. she breaks in sri lanka, you know, because we were ruled by the portuguese, the dutch and the british for 3400 years there. so much of history, you know, the, the 8th wonder of the seeing these old traditional one been marine adventure,
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a jungle adventure wilderness romance. you know, you can have your reading in the middle of the see if you want to. there's so much that we have to offer so all those categories and segments will be marketed 1st, created the dni mother, band for sure. and then going for those categories, we have all the categories like alias, it only thing you don't have the snow. this is, i got here and busted. what are the areas? are you looking to boost cooperation with roster and apart from tourism and trade? what do you mean? focuses of, of corporations in 2 countries? yes, i have already started the nuclear shaniqua operation natasha. anyway, you know, there are lots of, for students in russia. there's mainly their study of medicine. and russia has given scholarships. so langkow for a long, long time, i requested to increase those sponsorships. in addition to that, students are coming to
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a study in russia and they love to her study as ration and also how she and the universities are infinite. now i have connected many of us universities to silicon universities. sir, some university delegations are in trillion k, when these there's at, they opened a russian language centers into lamp and you know, as it is now, so our people, you know, our student then our be better or have the if you not just put on the do to learn russian now, and in addition to that trade and her hill in these, also the hills are in the hill edi now. so last week we had a me dinner receptors for mckinley, the health minister here in russia. and he promised to help us in our many beers in pharmaceutical manufacturing area and the health care system are
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using the new modern technologies in it health systems and those areas and also the trade. so we are planning a really big trade, a fair in russian versus silicon trade framed russia or in the summer. not been to do that for fridge. in delphi, the areas that we are looking in near future will be a wide range of areas, a corporation. there, and i guess for those students in slang learning, russian, they might need it with all those russian stories over like 5 final would you, is there anything you'd like to ask if you were to sell a trip to israel and could to me even more than you have an already, what would you say? i would say, you know, it's by always say, you know, i always use this book all over the world about where i go. i'm pretty sure you know you've heard about george lucas. steven spielberg in harrison ford. they spent $43980.00 shooting, indiana jones, and the temple or the dorm. i'm pretty sure you would know that or not. i didn't know that i didn't know that. and they and steven spielberg, it's sheila k,
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the studio that well that's i'm, that's it. well, thank you very much for your time. it's been fascinating. you've certainly sold a trip to show lanka for me. so i'll leave it that said she like a gotcha bow who the head of the the are for promoting tourism on the bus at the shrinking bus to russia. janisa i b. b kramer. leonardo thank you very much both for your time today. thank you very much. thank you. care. thank you for electronic waste from developed. western nations has become a growing threat to kenya's ecology as the east african nation struggles is growing pollution of the amount of predominately western e waste products has increased by more than 17 times since 2012 with less than 20 percent of this junk being taken care of safely, this contributes to the growing environmental problems in the country, which has led to droughts across the african expose a whole region to a risk of starvation,
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a local journalist since this reports on can you struggle to easy ecological burden? in kenya, the largest source of us is from discarded electronic equipment and plants. it. these items often imported from developed countries, a 2nd on equipment and end up in the canyon informal recycling sector. where some of the key with is generated by kinetic self. many develop nations, are using this country and its neighbors of a dumping ground. electronic worse is becoming a significant environmental concern in kenya and the rest of the african continent . the amount of view is diluted on your knees exponentially growing with an increase. you said your electronic gadgets, while huge golf exist in the proper disposal of the ways, with only 4 lines as recycling companies in a country of nearly 50000000 people. most of it often ends up in the landfills. our italy says mercury lead and other toxic substances. one of the kenya's u. s. companies elite is trying hard to reduce the swelling tide, looking forward to the pop us, the electronic trash. he was,
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we should have king is and, and government organization which was started in the year 2015 and got reduced that in 2016. ah. our core business is electronic waste management, specifically in the form of our business. because we realized that the 0 to be with being mishandled in infomatica i. so we, we are is that is a, is a need to thought an organization that can create or we enlist among the informal devious contrasts. electronic waste was as detrimental had to hover to the canyons on the environment, if not properly addressed these calls for action by the government on this. they called us to find proper ways of dealing with the problem. i think decisions, but yet they will be seated. and on working around you find a lot of weights and the waste in them you at least you'd find ah, he was in them. so this fish on his wasn't neatness, bad,
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and big citizens and the government is not doing enough in and he's both lewis. so i think about that. we had a bad thing because you'll find out you'll find a day with the mountains, with a lot of a metal mentor for humans or mortgage. you know our to new. maybe. well that's are up for now. my name is peter scott. i'll be back again at the top of the hour with the ship, which is in about 7 minutes time with another rundown of all the latest news on hughes hell. nazi thanks for watching. ah ah.
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in the year of 1954, the united states of america engaged in warfare against the people of vietnam. the white house supported the corrupt puppet government of southern vietnam. in 1965 americans began their invasion following the aim to defeat the forces of vietnamese patriots. the pentagon was confident that the victory would be on the american side due to its military superiority. however, the vietnamese turn this war into a total hell for the occupants. unable to cope with the guerrillas, the american army started blanket bombing alongside using chemical weapons and napalm which burnt all alive. the village of my lay wearing 969 american soldiers killed 504 civilians. including 210 children, became a tragic symbol of this war. all in all,
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during the whole period of this conflict, the usa dropped on vietnam more than $6000000.00 tons of bombs, which is 2 and a half times as much as on germany during the 2nd world war. in 1973, the american army under the pressure of the rebels, withdrew from vietnam. and only 2 years later did the puppet regime in saigon fall . however, the vietnamese paid a high price for their freedom. more than 1000000 vietnamese people became the victims of american aggressors. ah, louis center god is throwing in the old hon and the snow falls about scheduling. this comes with the last dance here. but it would idealist when sprung from ours,
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from the end to lower the do it in bt machine. you could keep the way in the pals teacher skills on the edge on the brown asia, or was to limit him by midday up against him because a little bulk them in the crucial chest middle school. i was meaning this wookey bone is not good p t d still not off with the leukemia. well they need to work with actually to individual case the with no gross issue. he missed that he did and that'll set them off and you can give us the opportunity as opposed to list on this material. but let's talk about even though, so clay unit should update those slide l b be still opening it doesn't help with them yet than me. she go, she returns with, but he's, in your opinion, this maritza to handle most of his emotional speech, which was with lisa,
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there's up to anything. it took a little of doing piecemeal. mm. ah, for the 1st time in history and entire countries, culture has been canceled to the very modern weapon cancelled culture. really desert. wonderful. i was just a little william here just me sitting there with the phrase now particularly refers to counseling russian culture. yet them know what secret of the orders go because you have to when your mouth for cure, which will be your child mozilla. that all the most of the temperature random eat them, we what rushes created over the past 1500 years. there's no question actually condemned, reviled and rejected to sort of like
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ah ah the only be i'm so glad i shook laugh that get what is the best time with them. this is a little bit of a lady named couldn't really believe what i say. school car wasn't report backwards but some same. yeah. it's not that much gimme a port. a said to jeff, i knew the minimum is gone. can be comma listed on
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a couple of somebody and the community that the comma a lovely knob is all like. it's supposed to start out. affected door only out of them. so i need it with us. that's clear but, but that was the routing the spoken to when you're writing for you to pull for soaking at them during the summer because of my seat, not it was with chris. will you will be those are there then your big us over for you will that they sure i see a couple that were still a when of of 11. i think it was a
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a global financial system is shaken by a plunge in the stock of switzerland, 2nd largest bank, renewing face of another financial crush. pushes minister defense calls american drone flights there. his border provocative as pentagon and russian officials communicate for the 1st time in months. falling an american u, a v crush in the black sea on tuesday. and molly ins, outraged by the italian government the tend to play in the european migration crisis on the russian privates military group. wagner, i don't think it's because of russia, young african spleen for europe didn't start to date. russia has different ways to effectively help africa as an example. we already have molly where.
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