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tv   News  RT  March 17, 2023 10:00am-10:31am EDT

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liquid bloodwork sandwich a bite, b loan. all you simply want us to do our new era for russian chinese relations as it's confirmed shooting pings, 1st trip after re election will be to moscow next week. us secretary of state and same thing can promise to allocates a $150000000.00 to african states to combat security issues in the continent was during his full day visits. it follows previous failures by western nations to address the problem. and we continue our special coverage of the grim legacy left by the disastrous us led war in iraq. 20 years since then, us president george w bush's ultimatum to saddam hussein, give up power base with
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watching r t international monies peter scott and wherever you joining us from. welcome to 30 minutes of news and analysis. thanks for joining us. official charging thing is set to visit moscow next week to meet by the mer. putin will be plenty to discuss from the russian chinese strategic partnerships you pressing global issues. the signing of bilateral agreements has also been announced with more details to follow . chinese foreign ministry spokesperson wine when been, has emphasized this coalition is a win win partnership. and he's not saying any 3rd party. should you meet with you by chance? are you the president? she jan things state visit to russia will be a journey of peace practice. true multilateralism based on the principles of non ally, non confrontation and non targeting a 3rd party. so promote the democratization of international relations. let's build a multiplan world pattern, improved global governance,
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and contribute to well development and china will uphold an objective and impartial position on the ukraine crisis and play a constructive role in persuading and promoting peace talks. half of the development of strategic co operative partnership between china and russia, benefits both the people of the 2 countries in the world don't look well. this differs from the practice of some countries holding the cold war mindset. forming cliques everywhere, engaging and confrontation, building small circles and camps, and again in bullying everywhere talk also. china foreign ministry also said that this is going to be a meeting a piece. that's because beijing is ready to play a constructive role in regulating the ukraine conflict. and we also heard from that foreign ministry of china that there, that beijing is also looking to basically ground these talks and the principles of non confrontation with 3rd parties. so that's all among other topics on the agenda, including questions of international and regional importance, as well as strengthening the strategic cooperative partnership between these 2 countries. now it's also important to understand that these talks are,
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have just been announced on the backdrop of the marine security belt joint naval exercises which are between china, russia and iran. and these have been taking place in the gulf of all mon, since march 15th. so it represents another frontier of developing cooperation between these 2 countries in this situation, specifically naval and military cooperation. earlier we spoke to nelson wong, who's the vice chairman of the shanghai center for impact and international studies . and he says the visit is a clear signal to the west of china's independent foreign policy of all the topics that the 2 country leaders between mister, she and president booking. i think the topic of the ongoing conflict in ukraine is certainly going to be on top of the agenda and that's going to be discussed a peculiar but very mind is that china has recently published its position
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on supporting peace and cease fire of the conflict. so i believe this is certainly going to be discussed. i think this is also a clear message that has been sent out with regard to the, the upcoming visitor presidency to moscow. now, china's independence in its foreign policy and his handling of international relations is not going to be influence or even manipulative, but you've been deterred by an a 3rd party of march 20th 22nd will be bring you special coverage of the chinese, the this using pings visit to moscow, both on a on the on line. so do stay tuned for that. ah.
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the east and south are coming together to create a new power shift on russia has a role to play less according to the former spokesman of the late libyan leader. mama duffy, who sat down with the host of going underground option returns a, and they discussed the future of his country and the man who according to him, can united so you can watch the whole program later on archie, every single libyan tribe. i mean it's even the tribes that where he's enemies in 2011 everything. the libyan city, all of them they have met. i'm still meeting with 7 is on a daily basis on daily basis. they have dialogue, they have negotiations, they are writing down projects and ideas in total agreement about the future of
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the, of the country. what does it mean for libya that, that the arab world and the islamic world is getting together? what is happening between your abn iran under the supervision of china is no. a small dean. this is a shift of international power. this is not the wishful thinking. i think the east and the south gonna come together and build a new system. it will take time, it's not something easy. and this is something gradually. i think there's a shift of power. russia is playing a huge role in this positive. i believe china is also important. china is working slowly and gradually trying not to antagonize the west as much as possible. i think in the next few years, we're going to see brazil, south africa, and they g, possibly egypt, and many other countries joining in,
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in this shifting power structure. i'm hoping that this will allow the global south to free itself from the shackleton of global capitalism held that develop itself and find the maneuvering space away from the west. and moving on. now, washington has announced a $150000000.00 in a to africa. saw his region to find local militants, the secretary of state and fees for the trip to ethiopia, anesha sees africa correspondence trouble. a toddler examines where the u. s. fear of losing influence in africa may actually be fueling its resurgence. u. s. secretary of state anthony blinkin is back again on the african continent, taking off his visit in africa, 2nd most populous nation. if you'll be wasting little time blinking hell talks with senior officials of the ethiopian federal government and the te,
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gray regions lead us. but blinking his next stop proved a bit peculiar. he became the 1st u. s. secretary of state to visit the j. a country in the for hell region, which has been played by muslim extremists and other tara groups. despite their best efforts, various western lead missions in the for hell have failed dismally to quell the sensations. i'm your any yoga and then on to year to reaffirm a pledge to present vibe made with your separate leader summit late last year. but me, soon as this is committed to deep responses and genuine partnerships on the continent . because we believe we can help you solve, share challenges and deliver on the fundamental aspirations, work people, if we work together. but the us may be making its african return already on the back foot of his geopolitical adversaries. china and russia. the yanks were militarily present in this
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a hell while the extremist and terror groups grew in confidence and even successes leading niche is neighbors, marley, end with unify. so to cancel all military cooperation with western countries in favor of co operation with russia. and while the united states was losing the battle against tara elsewhere in the world, it was china that led investments 20 j as part of its belt and roads in africa initiative. china has made significant investments in the day. so does the american government one to be in the j already having failed the sa hell region and security or investments? the mission is clear as mud. it even confuses senior american politicians in the senate. i didn't know there was a 1000 troops in the year. this is an endless war without boundaries and no limitation on time and geography. we don't know exactly where we're route in the
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world militarily and what we're doing. but perhaps the american resurgence is not led by what's image here, but rather what's under it. leg of neighbors that i, how country is blessed with mineral resources, and it's too significant. uranium mines provide nearly 5 percent of the worlds outward from africa's highest all of uranium. what we know for certain is that americans are led by fear of losing grounds to their adversaries. and that is fueling the resurgence and is rebranding on the continent before the month of march ends. the by it in administration, is that bring up the african agenda and if activities, there are 4 important toys in the month. and another military exercise vice president carmella harris will touch down on the continent before the month ends as
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well. and the big crescendo will be president, jo biden's visit to the continent later on this year. the question is, will it be before or after august when south africa hose? the brick summit in the port city of durban were china's and russia as president, cheesy ping and vladimir put it will also be on african routes. got a lot of he trying to say something here. and india are set to conduct trade using their own national currency, the indian groupie and the it tends to be in shillings. and they both ations optimistic that the near agreement will increase economic opportunities between the 2 sides. movers in line with india recent f as to reduces dependence on foreign currencies, especially in the us dollar indian economist, shara cody says that the world is increasingly approaching an era of non dollar
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supremacy. i think it's a win win situation. well, the country, in fact, yeah, at this point of time has done these arrangements with about 80 to do that. what's not, they are not israel. you feeling a lot of want to compete with? i think this is getting crazy heading to read dollar. no more would be a supreme courtesy don't or we all know is a c 9. he doesn't know why it's reading that on the word is not and you was dollars, you know, 50 to 60 percent with with the u. s. dollar a. i think this is a very good move, greater countries don't do not need to preserve dollars of because so precious. i had a moment you start running on these points with you start feeling disney bought out in the piece of focused on the thought of in the case of the country. it broke out . they're gonna be getting more problem be bullied by today. i would say a lot of dollars by stocks picking up based ah,
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once the russian are where 2 people have been injured at her vehicle, drove into a building in st. petersburg, wanting some viewers may find the following footage, disturbing. now in this video, you can see the actual moments when that's s u. v drove into a service station crushing through the wall and rides into a desk with employees and customers inside. according to authorities, the drive it suffered a stroke leading to a sudden loss of control. he was taken to hospital and reports suggest that one of the person was injured the disastrous war in iraq, which left a trail of destruction and a 1000000 people dead passes. this 20th anniversary arts, he continues its special coverage of the conflicts through the all rich country into chaos on the stabilize the entire region for years. ah,
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well 20 years ago to the day george w bush made the decisions who asked the iraqi leader saddam hussein by force. so that he had to give a power and leave the country all face attacked by thousands of us and allied troops. saddam hussein and his sons must leave iraq within 48 hours. their refusal to do so will result in military conflict commenced at a time of our choosing. should saddam hussein shoes confrontation, the american people can know that every measure has been taken to avoid war. and every measure will be taken to win or despite george bush's promise to take every measure, to avoid war, his ultimate decision to invade iraq through the country on the wide region into chaos. displacing millions and killing hundreds of thousands of civilians when the us invaded rank under the pretext of stopping the danger from its alleged weapons
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of mass destruction, saying that peaceful attempts to disarm bagdad had failed. now, despite un inspectors reporting no evidence of weapons in iraq, joe's bushes ultimatum came out of the u. s. u. k. in spain found a joint draft resolution seeking military action. but 2 days later us on it allies a time to rock without your approval or the world is better off without saddam in power. george w bush's wordsworth, bank by the former british prime minister, tony blair, driven by desire for regime change, the u. k. decided to join us forces in topping the iraqi government, unleashing chaos in the country office. maria cost of a small once a years after the us led invasion of iraq and one question remains, could it have been prevented? well, the answer seems to be no, because it was the plan all along. after $911.00, it was payback time for america. and the hans for state sponsors of terrorism was
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on after afghanistan, iraq became the next target. and the british prime minister, tony blair, became george bush's accomplice. all that was missing was an excuse to invade. well here in the declassified letter, we can see how blair tells bush that he's with him. no matter what. as in, he'll support him in removing saddam hussein from power. i will be with you will it's heather, getting rid of saddam is the right thing to do. he's a potential threat he could be contained in another secret memo were told that the pair were concocting a p r campaign on how to sell the iraq war. an entire year before the us invaded to pay him said we needed an accompanying payoff strategy that highlighted the risks of saddam's w m. d program. and his appalling human rights record, bush strongly agreed to pay him said this approach would be important in managing
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european public opinion. and in helping the president construct an international coalition, the p. m said no one could doubt the world would be a better place if there were a regime change in iraq. what's war? they had a strategy in case that saddam hussein actually gave un weapons inspectors free reign to check on everything. the piano lay to come and say to me privately that had spoken again to bush about the issue of un inspectors. bush and acknowledged that there was just a possibility that saddam would allow them in and go about their own business. if that happened, we would have to adjust our approach accordingly. so they didn't even want full transparency. that is pretended. so wanted, hoping iraq's leader would say no, and that would be enough to topple him. well, september 2002, tony blair's end for us claim. the intelligence picture they paint is one accumulated over the last 4 years. it is extensive detail and authority.
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it concludes that iraq has chemical and biological weapons that saddam has continued to produce them. that he has existing and active military plans for the use of chemical and biological weapons, which could be activated within 45 minutes. 45 minutes really sounds fake. well, it turned out to be, which was confirmed by british weapons expert dr. kelly to a b. b, c, journalist, it was transformed in the week before it was published to make it 6 here. the classic example was the claim that weapons of mass destruction were ready for use within 45 minutes. that information was not in the original draft. it was included in the dorsey against our wishes, because it wasn't reliable. most of the things in the dossier were double sauced, but that was single sauced and we believe that the source was wrong. this fiasco
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even made it to the parliamentary hearings, which has where dr. kelly's name was revealed as he was asked to give evidence on what he knew. 2 days later, the man who set the british government sec, stop iraq's w m. d. dosier was found dead. and 10 years after saddam hussein was hang, they rock inquiry known as a chill cut report revealed that the so called the rocky dictator posed no eminent threats at the time of the invasion. and that the war was fought on the basis of flawed intelligence. the spotlight was now put on george bush and tony blair, with some calling for the pair to be prosecuted and even take in their case to court. saddam hussein had known posed an immediate threat to the interest of the k . the intelligence regarding the weapons of mass destructions was presented with an warrenton 70. the invasion was not necessary and the invasion had been undertaken
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without the authority of the one security council. once the attempts made to prosecute, mister blair failed as the u. k. court ruled that there exists no crime under english law, which the former prime minister could be charged with. and the international criminal court said that the decision he made to go to war in 2003 is beyond their emits of investigations. and that's it. i apologize for the fact that the intelligence we received was, was wrong. the program in the form that we thought it was did not exist in the way that we thought over a 100000 civilian iraqis, killed many more displaced, british and american soldiers dead for no apparent reason. and this is what they get. oops, sorry about that. and what was the plan for the country after saddam hussein? well, they didn't care, as was revealed in a secret memo, ands of war that they care about iraq's oil reserves. and they were discussing it
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before the war even began declassified documents states that the british governments was encouraged to start preliminary work to ensure you k companies are well placed to pick up contracts in the aftermath of the war. by way of specific follow up, we should convene meeting with b, p shell and other appropriate u. k. companies, whether together or separately to explore ideas and tap into the expertise, we would need to handle this carefully and assure it was confidential to avoid charges of oil motivations. so preliminary work to ensure you k companies well place to pick up contracts. in the aftermath. this is all in the public domain, it's been swenson years and still no one has been held accountable. a country was destroyed, a president's was basically assassinated and those who did it aren't behind bars. no, but lecturing all those on war and peace. the bad guys got away,
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unbelievable lots. he will continue its coverage of the legacy to the u. s. left in iraq after that invasion later on throughout the day. so do stay tuned at this hour, american and coalition forces are in the early stages of military operations to disarm iraq, to free its people. and to defend the world from gray. with food and sleep, with
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now to the war in ukraine where drones and other technologies continued to play a role in russia's offensive arts. easy, good as done of takes a closer look. a focused guy with a controller, a silent audience, glued to the small screen of the remote. this isn't a scene you expect to observe at the front line of conflict, the claims hundreds of lives a day. but it's hard to find a stereotype of the war in the dumbass hasn't broken these or rushes front most positions in the criminal forest. there's literally nothing between us and the ukrainian soldiers, but the no man's land, the so called gray zone. they're telling us that it's a war of drones, so it's better not to stand under the open sky for too long. this is the we're, we're right of the frontline, the enemies just 200 meters away. the situation is very difficult. the enemies showering us with strikes were firing back. in other words,
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were pulling our weight. it's a war of drones. we use tons of modern equipment from line without drones. it's impossible to imagine these days. there's a plethora of variables drone spouses have to factor in the woodland narrows the radius. the signal can travel electronic warfare and jamming is a major issue too. so the have to get close to the enemy to be effective, ah, without them mortars, how would says tanks are blind as if in a game of battle ships, and they cover the advance of strike teams here when foot soldiers capture a trench. there only half way through there, a gamble with death, nor that you can just so that's the deal. our task is to hold out here for another
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2 hours until the loo, ganske republic forces come in the ukrainians know their trenches. we don't care because there is a whole army of us volunteers, regular soldiers, special forces, men here are from different divisions, each with their own chain of command. but the strike as one. they've learned the hard way that it doesn't matter how much you are of marks, man, if you don't operate as a single organism with others, if you want to win, no matter what. i'm a guess done of reporting from the don't bass r t will. meanwhile, in the dns republic, russian troops are now fighting in a key facility embark moods according to the regions head. now the battle of attrition, there has been raging for over 7 months. and west and officials are reportedly
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concerned that ukraine's burning through ammunition faster than it can be replaced . now says ukraine is preparing for possible spring counter offensive reports reviewed by one u. s. defense official as a last chance to turn the tide with so much riding on a ukrainian country offensive, the united states and britain are preparing to ship thousands of nato and soviet type artillery rounds and rockets to help shore up supplies for a coming ukrainian offensive. but a senior american defense official described that as a last ditch effort, because ukraine's allies do not have enough ammunition to keep up with ukraine space. and there are stocks are critically low or concerns over dwindling stockpiles of ammunition come as the current use of ammunition exceeds production by cubes. allies. for instance, every month ukraine is using more than 4 times more $155.00 millimeter shells that's produced in the entire of the us. let's cross live now to start with a form us marine corps intelligence officer. scott,
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thanks for joining us. now. one pentagon officials cited by the door, the new york times, excuse me, said that the shortage of ammunition could humper a possible spring offensive by ukraine. what she'll take on that could could hamper will hamper this is a war of attrition. where artillery factors in, predominantly, and the side that i mean you had the, you know, the, the clip drawn warfare, the side they can locate the enemy and put fire power on the enemy more effectively than the other side will prevail. so if you crane is running out of ammunition, they're not going to be able to put steel on target even if they locate the target . and this makes not only offensive operations untenable, but defensive operations untenable. it leads to the inevitably of a russian military victory. some us officials are reported concerned ukraine is
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also expanding to many resources, both in terms of munition on personal, on defending backwards from russia. do you think that those could also hamper a possible counter offensive by ukraine? absolutely. look at the number that was put up by the u. s. a. sources in new york times was 100000. but there's a credible sources that say the general solution is passed on to his american military counterparts. that the actual numbers closer to a quarter of a 1000000, that's 250000. if you add in the 83000 missing assumed say 60000, those are dead. were were over 300000 ukranian dead in a similar, similar number of ukrainian forces wounded. this is horrific losses and they can't be replaced. there's other information coming from the ukranian officers themselves who have reported to ukrainian media that the troops they're receiving are poorly
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trained and therefore poorly motivated. so even if they get the numbers back up, the quality of the troops is not sufficient for offensive operations, which requires a extensive level of training coordination in combined arms operations. and it's not even good enough for defense where you simply put a soldier in the trench and ask him to stay put until he can either kill the enemy or be killed by the enemy. ukrainians have run out of train demand power. so even if the needle in united states is able to ride this new modern equipment, there won't be people qualified to employ this equipment on the battlefield. i'm talking about mach backwards in general. how strategically important is it? or is it become more symbolic and a bit of a some can cost fallacy for both sides. given the fact that this war of attrition is ground on now for almost 8 months. well, you know, it doesn't matter if it's symbolic a battle or, you know, people have and it's become strategic battle, whatever it was when it began today,
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there is no doubt that back move will go down as the decisive battle of this war. this will be the battle if the trend continues. were russia broke the back of the ukrainian army? ukraine are we bled to death, embark mood, ukrainian reserves were squandered in buck mood. ukraine used up its artillery ammunition in buck mood. and when the russians break through me back, look, there won't be too much left in the training armed forces to prevent russia for achieve from achieving its military objectives. and i think this will become the curse of, of the ukraine. russian conflict will have to wait and see how the bus was plays out. scott, risk for me? yes, marine co intelligence officer. thanks for your time today. bedroom says me. well, it's all for now to be sure to check out our t dot com for the latest breaking news and updates, and we'll see you right back here at the top of the hour. thanks for watching.


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